Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: Walkthrough
Table of Contents
I. Legal Info
II. Introduction
III. Walkthrough
Chapter 01 "Ambushed"
Chapter 02 "The Search for El Dorado"
Chapter 03 "A Surprising Find"
Chapter 04 "Plane Wrecked"
Chapter 05 "The Fortress"
Chapter 06 "Unlocking The Past"
Chapter 07 "Out of the Frying Pan"
Chapter 08 "The Drowned City"
Chapter 09 "To the Tower"
Chapter 10 "The Customs House"
Chapter 11 "Trapped"
Chapter 12 "Heading Upriver"
Chapter 13 "Sanctuary?"
Chapter 14 "Going Underground"
Chapter 15 "On the Trail of the Treasure"
Chapter 16 "The Treasure Vault"
Chapter 17 "The Heart of the Vault"
Chapter 18 "The Bunker"
Chapter 19 "Unwelcome Guests"
Chapter 20 "Race to the Rescue"
Chapter 21 "Gold and Bones"
Chapter 22 "Showdown"
IV. Medal List
============================I. Legal info=================================
This document may not be altered, copied, published, sold nor reproduced for
profit in any way shape or form without advance permission from me. Use of
this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited.
II. Introduction
We hope this will help some of you out there that may get stuck with the
enviromental puzzles of not knowing where to go. If you see any direction
errors let one of us know and we will fix it when we can. The walkthrough
directions are NOT connected with the Treasure Locations which means after
finding the treasure the next step doesn't start from where the treasure is
at but from the step before the treasure location directions. Just be sure
to read at least two or three steps ahead and you should be fine with
finding all the treasures plus staying on track with the walkthrough.
III. Walkthrough
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[ Chapter 01 "Ambushed" ]
(Note: I should point out since the game has no compass we will just have to
guide you by telling you left or right as you enter an area or room usually
depending on which way you are facing if it's after a Scene.
1. For this first chapter all you need to do is get use to the controls and
follow all the prompts the game shows at the bottom of the screen to get rid
of all the pirates that show up (to take care of some of the pirates on the
boats be sure to shoot the explosive barrels on the boats if there is any on
them that is).
2. You will especially want to get use to taking cover as you will be doing
that plenty during this game (for those that have played Kill*switch you
should be quite use to this).
3. Once the boat with the grenade launcher shows up just take cover to avoid
being hit until help arrives.
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[ Chapter 02 "The Search for El Dorado" ]
1. Start making your way along the jungle path you see here (the only way
you can go) and you will come to a stream.
2. Follow the path upstream and you will eventually come to a waterfall.
* Treasure #01: Silver Mosaic Inca Earring *
* *
* As you go upstream you will find this treasure *
* among a large group of rocks along the left *
* side of the stream before you reach the waterfall.*
3. Continue to follow the path to the right of this waterfall.
4. Continue along the path to the left and you will eventually come to some
5. As you reach the ruins go to the far left area of these ruins to find some
large rock ledges you can climb up.
6. After you climb up onto the higher ledge jump over to the ledge you see to
Nate's left.
7. Jump over the next gap up ahead to reach the ledge with a fallen pillar on
it and climb up onto the pillar to make your way across it.
8. Jump to the ledge you see up ahead at the other end of this pillar and
then jump to the ledge to Nate's right.
* Treasure #02: Jeweled Silver Monkey *
* *
* After you jump to the ledge from the fallen *
* pillar jump to the ledge with the tree to Nate's *
* left to find this treasure on the ground behind *
* the tree. *
9. Jump to the next ledge up ahead and then push circle near the edge of this
ledge to hang off the edge.
10. Shimmy to Nate's left as far as you can and then jump to the narrow ledge
you see to Nate's left.
11. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way again and jump to the next narrow ledge
to Nate's left.
12. Shimmy to Nate's left as far as you can and then jump to the ledge you
see behind Nate.
13. Climb up the ledges in front of Nate and go over to the green boulder you
see near the edge of the cliff here to push (Triangle) it off the edge.
14. Now drop down to where the boulder dropped and you will find it has
revealed a doorway just below the cliff you were just on.
15. Enter the doorway and make your way down the staircase inside.
16. Head down the tunnel in front of Nate and continue down more stairs.
17. Continue to follow the path in front of you and you will come to a pit.
18. You should see on the other side a pillar and a explosive barrel near it.
* Treasure #03: Decorated Gold Ring *
* *
* Before you shoot the explosive barrel look to *
* Nate's left and you will see this treasure on *
* the floor the corner of the wall at the edge of *
* the pit here. *
19. Shoot the explsove barrel and make your way across the fallen pillar.
20. On the other side of the pillar you should see up ahead a large closed
21. Go just to the left of that doorway and you will find a chain that you
can pull (Triangle repeatedly) on.
22. Enter the doorway when it is opened for you and you should see a small
cart to Nate's right as you enter the doorway.
23. Go to the back of the cart and push it under the large doorway.
24. You will now need to look in your journal when prompted to see what the
large device near the middle of the room is.
25. Now make your way to the far side of this room where the pile of debri is
that is blocking the path.
26. You should see the hanging torch just above the debri.
27. Aim for that torch and shoot it to set the debri on fire.
28. Go towards the large pit that was behind the debri and jump up to grab
the stone block on the wall to Nate's left.
29. Jump to the next stone block to Nate's right and then jump to the next
stone block to Nate's right.
30. Quickly jump to the next stone block to Nate's right and then drop down
(Circle) to the lower stone block to Nate's right.
31. Jump to the next stone block to Nate's right and then jump to the next
stone block to Nate's right.
32. Jump to the higher stone block to Nate's right and then jump to the next
higher stone block to Nate's right.
33. Just keep jumping from stone block to stone block to Nate's right and you
will eventually jump to a vine along this wall.
34. Slide down the vine and then face away from the wall after you drop down
at the bottom of the vine.
35. You should see a large fallen pillar in front of you.
36. Make your way around to the left side of this pillar and you should find
some explosive barrels.
37. Shoot any of the barrels to uncover the ladder the pillar was blocking.
38. Now make your way through the large doorway at the other side of this
circular room.
39. Make your way through the doorway that is opened from lighting up the
large torch and follow this tunnel until you reach a large room with some
square symbols on the floor around a large circular hole.
40. Use your journal again and you will see each symbol has a number next to
41. You will need to push in four wall panels in the order that the journal
42. You can either find them on your own or we will guide you to each one.
43. First thing you need to do is face towards the small staircase from the
circle that is at the center of the four symbols on the floor.
44. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge to Nate's left and shimmy around to
Nate's left as far as he can.
45. Jump up to grab the next narrow ledge above Nate and then jump up to grab
the ledge above Nate to climb up onto it.
46. Face towards the edge of the ledge you just climbed up and jump to the
broken pillar you see in front of Nate.
47. Jump to the next ledge on the other side of this pillar and you will see
a gear symbol on the wall panel here.
48. Push (triangle) in this wall panel.
49. Jump back to the broken pillar and then jump back to the larger ledge you
were on earlier.
50. Go out onto the extended portion of ledge to Nate's right and jump across
the gap to the other large ledge.
51. Push in the wall panel you see in front of you on the wall.
52. Jump to the broken pillar to Nate's right and shimmy to Nate's right all
the way around the pillar.
53. Jump to the ledge behind Nate and then push the wall panel on this ledge.
54. Jump back to the broken pillar and shimmy to Nate's left all the way.
55. Jump back to the larger ledge and go out to the extended ledge to Nate's
left to jump back to the other large ledge.
56. Push the wall panel on this ledge to unlock the symbol secret.
57. Drop down to the pit and climb down the ladder at the side of the pit.
58. After you drop off the bottom of the ladder shimmy to Nate's left all the
way and then jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left.
59. Quickly shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the next ledge
to Nate's left.
60. Shimmy to Nate's left and then climb up onto this ledge.
61. Enter the doorway here and go around to the back of the spiked block you
see up ahead.
62. Push (HOld Triangle) this block towards the doorway you came in from.
63. Go back out of the doorway and jump into the water below.
64. Swim over to the opening you see at the far side of this pool and climb
out of the water.
* Treasure #04: Silver Llama *
* *
* Before climbing onto the small ledge in the next *
* step go to the darker area to Nate's right *
* after climbing out of the water to find the *
* treasure on the ground here. *
65. Climb up onto the small ledge you see up ahead to Nate's left and jump
to the larger ledge to the right.
66. Climb up onto it and then climb up onto the small square ledge here near
the wall.
67. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge on the wall here and then shimmy to
Nate's left.
68. Jump up to grab the next narrow ledge above Nate and then jump up again
to grab another narrow ledge above Nate.
69. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way if you need to and then jump to the
ledge to Nate's right.
70. Climb up onto this ledge and go to the other side of this ledge to jump
to another narrow ledge on the wall you see in front of Nate.
71. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the vine you see to
Nate's right.
72. When you reach the top of the vine jump to the ledge to Nate's left and
then shoot the explosive barrels you see near the doorway behind Nate.
73. Now continue down the tunnel here to Nate's right and you will eventually
come to a door with two chains at the sides of the doorway.
74. Pull (Triangle repeatedly) on one of the chains to open up the door.
75. Now walk out onto the not so safe looking wooden planked walkway you see
through the doorway.
76. Quickly run along the walkway and jump across the first gap you come to.
77. Quickly run along the walkway until you reach the end of it and then
quickly jump to the ledge in front of Nate.
78. Make your way up the stairs you see near Nate.
* Treasure #05: Golden Inca Cup *
* *
* After the Scene face away from the doorway the *
* tracks go into and look to Nate's left towards *
* the far corner of this room to see a large jar *
* here with this treasure with a skeleton near *
* the wall just pass that jar. *
79. Follow the tracks through the corridor they go through until you are
back outside.
* Treasure #06: Silver Turtle *
* *
* As you exit the ruins you should see a short *
* pillar with a slanted top you need to climb up *
* and after you climb up onto it make your way *
* across the slightly taller pillars you are near *
* to find this treasure on the farthest partially *
* covered pillar. *
80. As you go outside make your way to the far left side of this area and
follow the path you find here until you reach a cliff.
81. Continue to follow the path towards the U-boat and climb up the ledges
you come to.
82. Make your way over to the U-Boat.
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[ Chapter 03 "A Surprising Find" ]
1. Jump into the water and swim towards the waterfall at the back of the
2. Just before you reach the waterfall you should see an area you can climb
out of the water to Nate's right.
3. Head over to the large rock near the wall you see up ahead and climb up
onto it.
4. Climb up onto the narrow ledge near the wall and then jump to the vine.
5. Wall run using this vine and jump to the ledge to the right.
6. Climb up onto the ledge and go to the far side of this ledge to jump to
the next ledge.
7. Climb up onto this ledge and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge on the
wall you see here.
8. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the vine to Nate's
9. Wall run using this vine and jump to the narrow ledge you see to the left.
10. Shimmy to Nate's left and jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left.
11. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump up to grab the narrow
ledge above Nate.
12. Jump up to grab the ledge above and climb up onto it.
13. Follow this ledge as it narrows and jump up to grab the narrow ledge you
see on the wall at the end of this ledge.
14. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the vine to Nate's
* Treasure #07: Gold Tairona Pendant *
* *
* Climb up to the top of this vine and climb up *
* onto the ledge at the top of it to find this *
* treasure on this ledge to Nate's left. *
15. Wall run using this vine and jump to the narrow ledge you see to the
16. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump up to grab the narrow
ledge above Nate.
17. Jump up to grab the next narrow ledge above Nate and then shimmy to
Nate's left all the way (if you go to the right on this narrow ledge you can
find a treasure).
18. Jump to the ledge behind Nate and climb up onto it.
19. Walk to the larger ledge in front of Nate and go to the edge of this
large ledge to Nate's left to jump to the next large ledge.
20. Follow this ledge as it narrows to Nate's left and then drop (Circle)
off the edge of this ledge.
21. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then climb up onto the ledge you
come to.
22. Follow this narrow ledge until you drop down onto a smaller ledge.
23. Drop (Circle) off the edge of this small ledge and drop down to the
small ledge below.
24. Climb up onto this small ledge and then jump to the next small ledge to
Nate's right.
25. Jump from this small ledge to the next small ledge that is near the
U-Boat and then climb up onto the smaller ledge in front of you.
26. Drop off the edge of this ledge and shimmy to Nate's right all the way.
27. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's right and then shimmy to Nate's
right before dropping down the narrow ledges below Nate to get onto the
* Treasure #08: Gold and Turquoise Inca Earring *
* *
* Go to the front of the U-boat that is hanging *
* off the edge of the waterfall and you will find *
* this treasure at the front tip of the U-boat. *
28. Make your way up onto the front of the U-Boat and climb down into the
hatch of this U-Boat.
27. Make your way through the corridors of the U-Boat and open the hatch you
come to.
28. Continue to make your way through the corridors here.
29. Continue through the corridors ahead and then open the hatch you come
30. Continue through the next corridor and then swim towards the ladder at
the far end of the next corridor.
31. Climb up the ladder and continue on through the next doorway.
32. Now make your out of the doorway up ahead and through the hatch at the
end of this corridor.
33. Quickly drop down off the ledge to the right and follow the path around
the corner to Nate's left.
34. Beat up the enemy you run into and then quickly continue along the path
35. Make your way around to the other side of the large stone block you are
near and you should see a red glowing Ruins back entrance up ahead.
36. Deal with the enemies that are guarding the back entrance and then enter
the Ruins.
37. Follow the tracks back to the Statue room killing any enemies you come
across and then backtrack through these ruins killing any enemies you come
across until you reach the front entrance of the Ruins (or just follow the
trail of red flares to find your way back out of the ruins if you forgot the
way back).
38. As you exit through the front entrance of the Ruins kill the enemies that
are here and then go over to the red truck at the far right corner of these
ruins (or just follow the reporter over to it).
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[ Chapter 04 "Plane Wrecked" ]
* Treasure #09: Silver Inca Figurine *
* *
* Before doing anything at the start of this *
* chapter face Nate away from the statue towards *
* the large tree behind him and go over to the *
* shady area just to the right of this large tree *
* to find this treasure. *
1. Make your way over to the gate that is at the far side of this area and
kick it open after shooting the lock on it.
2. Follow the path ahead until you reach the pool of water at the end of a
* Treasure #10: Silver Fish Charm *
* *
* After you drop down to the pool of water look to *
* Nate's left as you face the pool to find this *
* treasure near a small tree here. *
3. Go along the right side of this pool of water to climb up some ledges you
find here.
4. Make your way through the foliage covered path until you reach the highest
ledge and then once you reach the stream up ahead make your way upstream
towards another waterfall.
5. As you reach the waterfall jump up to grab the ledge you see to Nate's
left and then shimmy to Nate's right some before climbing up onto the ledge.
* Treasure #11: Gold Frog *
* *
* Face towards the log to Nate's left and drop off *
* the edge of the ledge to Nate's right to find *
* this treasure on a small ledge here. *
6. Make your way across the log you see here to Nate's left and then quickly
take cover behind one of the walls to Nate's left.
7. Deal with the enemies and then make your way across the log here.
8. When you reach the other side of this log climb up the root you see on the
wall up ahead and at the top quickly take cover again to deal with another
enemy here.
9. Continue along the path you see up ahead while dealing with any enemies
that appear and you will eventually come to some ledges you need to climb up.
10. Once you reach the highest ledge start making your way down hill to the
white ledge you see at the edge of the cliff.
11. Jump to the narrow ledge up ahead and then drop down the narrow ledges
to the ground below.
12. Clear all the enemies you come across at this large area and then go to
the far left side of this area to find a small pillar you can climb up onto.
13. Jump to the higher broken archway it is near and then climb up onto the
archway in front of Nate.
* Treasure #12: Intricate Gold Ring *
* *
* Walk along this walkway until you reach the end *
* of it that you see to Nate's left and then jump *
* to the ledge it ends near to find this treasure *
* to Nate's left near the edge of this ledge under *
* a tree here. *
14. Jump to the ledge you see to Nate's right and the next area you can
either enter by kicking open the gate or climb up through that hole you see
in the wall to the left of the gate.
15. Make your way through the doorway of the ruins at the far right corner of
this area killing any enemies that appear and as you go through that doorway
go to the far left side of this area to climb up onto the wall you find here.
* Treasure #13: Patterned Silver Ring *
* *
* Look to Nate's left once you climb up onto this *
* wall and you will find this treasure at the end *
* of the walkway here. *
16. Jump over to the ledge under the broken archway you see near this ledge
you are on and then jump across the gap to grab the top of the broken portion
of wall.
17. Make your way along the top of this wall and jump across the gap to the
next part of this wall.
18. Jump to the pillar you see up ahead and then jump to the ledge you see to
Nate's left.
19. Drop down into the next area and follow the path behind Nate until you
come to more ruins.
* Treasure #14: Golden Jaguar *
* *
* At the left side of these ruins you should see *
* a large tree and near the back left side of this *
* tree you will find this treasure among the grass *
* here. *
20. Kill the enemies at these ruins and then make your way through the large
cave at the far right side of these ruins.
21. As you reach the other side of the cave you will come to a large pool of
22. Jump to the ledge to Nate's right and then jump to the narrow ledge you
see on the wall in front of Nate.
23. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the next narrow ledge.
24. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the next narrow ledge.
25. Quickly shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the ledge to Nate's left.
26. Climb up the ledge here and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge on the
small wall here.
27. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge at the top of this wall and then shimmy
to Nate's left all the way to jump to the ledge you see behind Nate.
28. Jump to the next ledge in front of Nate and then Jump to the broken
portion of bridge you see to Nate's right.
29. Quickly take cover and deal with the enemies at the top of the waterfall.
30. Go to the far side of this broken portion of bridge and jump to the ledge
you see to Nate's left.
31. Jump to the square ledge you see in front of Nate and then jump to the
narrow ledge on the wall of the waterfall you see in front of Nate.
32. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the next narrow ledge.
33. Quickly shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the next narrow ledge to
Nate's right.
34. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the next narrow ledge.
35. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the ledge you see to Nate's
36. Climb up onto the higher ledge in front of Nate and then jump to the next
ledge in front of Nate.
37. Jump over to the broken portion of bridge in front of Nate and then go to
the edge of this broken portion of bridge to Nate's left.
38. Drop down onto the rock ledge/pillar you see off the right side of this
broken portion of bridge and then quickly drop down to the next shorter rock
ledge/pillar to the right.
39. Jump to the narrow ledge you see on the next rock pillar and shimmy to
Nate's right all the way.
40. Jump to the narrow ledge behind Nate and then shimmy to Nate's right all
the way again.
41. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge above Nate and then jump up again to
grab the ledge above Nate.
42. While hanging on this ledge quickly shoot the barrel on the truck just to
the right of the enemy that should be shooting at you now.
43. Quickly climb up onto this ledge and quickly make your way over the
truck to jump to the next ledge that is near the back of the truck.
44. Climb up onto this ledge and then from ledge to ledge here until you
make it to the area just to the right of the waterfall up ahead.
45. Climb up the rock ledges in front of you and then walk out onto the
diving board shaped rock you see to Nate's left as you reach the highest
* Treasure #15: Silver Inca Vessel *
* *
* As you stand on this diving board shaped rock *
* look down to Nate's right and you should find *
* this treasure on the floor of this small pit *
* here. *
46. Jump to the log you see in front of Nate and then climb up onto it to
walk across it.
47. Once you reach the other side of this log climb up onto the small ledge
you see here near the wall and then jump to the root on the wall you see
to the right.
48. Climb up this root and then jump to the next root to Nate's left.
49. Climb all the way up this root to the crash site of the plane.
50. Clear the crash site of enemies and then you will see the front of the
plane is in a tree at the far side of this crash site.
51. Go over to that tree and you will see a rope hanging from the plane.
52. Climb up the rope to enter the front of the plane.
53. Clear the enemies that appear after you climb back down the rope and then
go through the doorway that the enemies clear with some explosives for you.
* Treasure #16: Golden Toothpick *
* *
* As you go through this doorway look to Nate's *
* right and you will find this treasure on the *
* ground near the trees next to this doorway. *
54. Make your way up the grassy hill that you come to through the doorway and
make your way down the grassy hill just pass the trap that was sprung.
55. You will eventually get to a narrow part of this cliff and when you do
drop off the edge to hang from the edge.
56. Jump to the ledge behind Nate and then climb up onto it.
57. Go around the corner of this ledge to Nate's left and climb up onto the
higher ledge.
58. Go to the other side of this ledge and jump to the rock ledge you see up
59. Quickly jump to the narrow ledge you see on the wall in front of Nate and
then jump up to grab the ledge above Nate.
60. Climb up onto this ledge and then jump to the narrow ledge you see in the
rock to the right.
61. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then drop down to the ledge below
* Treasure #17: Silver Bird Vessel *
* *
* Make your way along the edge of the cliff to *
* the large rock you see hanging over the edge of *
* the cliff to Nate's right and you will find the *
* treasure on the grass under the far side of that *
* rock. *
62. Deal with the enemies you see up ahead (you can probably sneak up on a
few of them) and then make your way pass the traps at the far side of these
ruins (if you are afraid of setting off the traps shoot the trip wires to
set them off before you get near them).
* Treasure #18: Silver Inca Earring *
* *
* After you get pass the traps follow the path *
* that goes around the large rocks to Nate's left *
* and you will find this treasure near some trees *
* to Nate's right on the small ledge this path *
* takes you to. *
63. After you get pass the traps continue to go up the grassy hill towards
the fortress wall you see up ahead.
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[ Chapter 05 "The Fortress" ]
1. When you reach the wall jump up to grab the lowest narrow ledge Shimmy to
Nate's left and then jump up the other narrow ledges above Nate.
2. Shimmy to Nate's right on the higher narrow ledge and then drop down to
the bottom of the staircase below Nate.
3. Go up the stairs and grab onto the vine you see on the wall at the top
of the stairs.
4. Use this vine to wall run and jump to the narrow ledge you see to the
5. JUmp up the next two narrow ledges then jump up to the small narrow ledge
you see above Nate.
6. After you grab onto it quickly jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left.
7. Shimmy to Nate's left and jump up to the next small narrow ledge.
8. Quickly jump to the higher narrow ledge to Nate's right and then jump to
the next narrow ledge.
9. Jump to the next lower narrow ledge and then jump to the vine you see to
the right.
10. Wall run with the vine to jump to the next narrow ledge you see to the
right and then jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's right.
11. Jump to the small narrow ledge to Nate's right and then after you shimmy
to Nate's right quickly jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's right.
12. Jump up to the next narrow ledge above Nate and then Jump up to grab the
window above Nate.
13. Climb up into the window and go through the doorway to Nate's right.
14. As you go down this corridor you will eventually get to a room with
another open window to Nate's right.
15. Go out of this window when you see it and drop (Circle) off the edge of
the window.
16. Drop down to the narrow ledge below Nate and then drop down to the next
narrow ledge below Nate.
17. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the vine you see to
the right.
18. Wall run using this vine and jump to grab the next vine you see to the
19. Wall run using this vine and then jump to the small narrow ledge you see
to the right.
20. Quickly jump to the next lower narrow ledge to Nate's right and then jump
to the next narrow ledge to Nate's right.
21. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then drop down to the narrow ledge
you see below Nate.
22. Drop down to the next narrow ledge and then shimmy to Nate's right all
the way.
23. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's right and then shimmy to Nate's
right all the way again.
24. Jump to the vine you see to Nate's right and then wall run with it to
jump to the narrow ledge to the right.
25. Jump up to the next narrow ledge andx then jump to the narrow ledge to
Nate's left.
26. Jump up to the next narrow ledge and then shimmy to Nate's right all the
27. Jump to the small narrow ledge to Nate's right and then quickly jump to
the small narrow ledge above Nate.
28. Quickly jump to the narrow ledge above Nate and then jump to the next
narrow ledge above Nate.
29. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge you
see to Nate's left.
30. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the vine you see near the window
to Nate's left.
31. Smash (Triangle) through the window and follow the corridor to Nate's
32. Go out of the open doorway you see to Nate's left and quickly take cover
to deal with some enemies here.
33. After you have cleared the enemies go up the ramp/slope at the left side
of this area and follow the walkway at the top of the ramp/slope to Nate's
* Treasure #19: Strange Relic *
* *
* To get this treasure you will need to follow the *
* walkway to Nate's left instead and jump to the *
* roof of the building you see to Nate's left to *
* find this treasure on the corner of this roof to *
* Nate's left. *
* Treasure #20: Silver Jaguar *
* *
* As you follow the walkway to Nate's right at the *
* ramp/slope you will see a pile of debri to *
* Nate's left at the end of this walkway and if *
* you enter the small tower structure just pass *
* this pile of debri to Nate's left you will find *
* this treasure inside of it. *
34. Make your way down the rock ledges you see to Nate's right at the end of
the walkway (near the pile of debri) and make your way up the ramp/stairs
you see at this area.
* Treasure #21: Gold Mosaic Inca Earring *
* *
* Before going up the ramp/stairs at this area *
* face towards the rock ledges you just dropped *
* down from and you will find this treasure next *
* to the metal gate you see partially hidden by *
* the debri here. *
35. As you enter the archway at the top deal with the enemies you find here
and as you get to the other side of this archway you should see a turret.
36. After dealing with the enemies here including the one on the turret climb
over the boxes/crates to the left of the turret and then go up the staircase
you find to Nate's right.
37. At the top of the stairs follow the walkway to the right and make your
way up the staircase of the tower you see to Nate's right.
38. Make your way around the tower at the top of the stairs to where the
parachute is at.
39. Climb up the stairs inside this tower and jump up to grab the narrow
40. Climb up into the open window you see above Nate and use (Triangle) the
zipline here.
41. Shoot the lock off the gate to Nate's right and then kick the gate open.
42. Deal with the enemies that are shooting at you (obviously) and then make
your way down to that gate they opened to enter it.
43. As you enter head towards the large door up ahead and then drop down off
the edge of the ledge into the water canal to Nate's left (if you want to
skip the next two steps (44 and 45) just turn to the right as you approach
the large door and jump to the narrow ledge on the pillar near the wall to
Nate's right).
44. Go through the Archway near Nate and climb up onto the small rock ledge
near the pillar you see up ahead when the turret isn't shooting.
45. Quickly jump up and grab the narrow ledge on the pillar.
46. Jump to the narrow ledge on the pillar behind Nate when the turret isn't
firing and then jump to the small stone block to Nate's left.
47. Jump to the next stone block to Nate's left and then jump to the narrow
ledge on the pillar to Nate's left.
48. Shimmy to Nate's left and then climb up onto the side of the archway
49. Quickly hop over the wall when the turret stops shooting and quickly go
into the doorway to Nate's right.
50. Go down the stairs to Nate's left picking up the ammo and grenades in the
room at the bottom of the stairs and then wall hug at the side of the archway
to Nate's left.
* Treasure #22: Golden Spoon *
* *
* Face towards the stairs you just went down and *
* you will find this treasure near the wall just *
* to the left of the bottom of that staircase. *
51. Throw a grenade at the enemy on the turret to take care of him (or use
the grenade launcher you should have found in the room a moment ago) and
then drop down into the water canal again.
52. Climb up onto the ledge the turret was on and then drop down into the
large room you will enjoy plenty that you see to Nate's left (you will see
why we say this).
53. After you have had your fun in this room Make your way to the far left
side of this room and you will find a short wall under a small wooden
54. Climb up onto the wall and jump up to grab the wooden platform.
55. Go to Nate's right and you should see a narrow wooden ledge on the pillar
to Nate's left.
56. Shimmy around to the other side of this pillar and jump to the ledge you
see behind Nate.
57. Climb up onto this ledge and use (Triangle) the chain wheel here to open
up the gate here.
58. Go through the gate and before dropping down you should see a small
broken staircase up ahead.
59. Drop down into the water in this room and swim over to the wall just to
the left of that broken staircase.
60. Grab the narrow ledge you find at this wall and jump up to grab the
narrow ledge above Nate.
61. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's
62. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the next narrow ledge
to Nate's left.
63. Shimmy to Nate's left to jump to the next narrow ledge and then jump to
the ledge you see to Nate's left.
64. Climb up onto this ledge and use the chain wheel to release more water.
65. Drop down into the water again and go to the far left side of this room
to grab the block you can now reach on this wall here.
66. Jump to the next block to Nate's right and then jump to the narrow ledge
to Nate's right.
67. Jump to the ledge to Nate's right and then climb up onto it to use the
chain wheel here to release more water.
68. Jump back into the water and climb up onto that small broken staircase.
69. Go up the stairs and up the staircase to Nate's right.
/ \
[ Chapter 06 "Unlocking The Past" ]
1. Follow the corridor to Nate's right at the top of the stairs and go
out of the doorway you see to Nate's right at the end of this corridor to
go outside.
2. Clear the area of enemies and then go into that doorway the enemies
came out of on the far side of this area to find some ammo/weapons.
3. Now go back outside and go up the staircase you see near the truck
4. Follow the path at the top of the stairs around to the left and take
cover to deal with more enemies along this walkway.
* Treasure #23: Silver Inca Mask *
* *
* As you follow the path at the top of the stairs *
* you will see a large tree to Nate's right and *
* and if you go around to the ledge at the back of *
* this tree you will find this treasure on this *
* ledge. *
5. After you have cleared the walkway of enemies go to the chain wheel that
is just to the left of the tower and use the chain wheel to raise a gate.
6. Drop down off the edge of the ledge near this chain wheel and enter the
gate you just opened.
7. Climb up onto the small broken pillar you see to Nate's right as you enter
the gate and then jump over to climb up onto the slightly taller pillar you
see near Nate.
8. Jump to the ledge you see to Nate's right and then make your way to the
far edge of this ledge to Nate's left.
9. Jump to the narrow ledge on the pillar to Nate's left and then shimmy to
Nate's right all the way.
10. Jump to the pillar behind Nate and then climb up onto it.
11. Jump to the ledge you see over the doorway to Nate's left and then
interact (Triangle) with the rope you see on this ledge.
12. Quickly push the button that appears at the bottom left of the screen to
avoid a crushing end to the game and then climb up onto the broken portion
of pillar you just kicked over.
13. Climb up onto the pillar it is leaning against and then jump to the ledge
you see in front of Nate.
14. Climb up onto it and then walk out onto the white ledge you see in front
of Nate.
15. Walk to the edge of this white ledge to Nate's left and then jump to the
small square ledge you see in front of Nate.
16. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge above Nate and then jump to the next
slightly higher narrow ledge to Nate's right.
17. Quickly jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's right and then jump up the
next few ledges above Nate.
18. Once you reach the highest narrow ledge shimmy to Nate's left and then
climb up onto the ledge here.
19. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge on the wall to Nate's right and then
jump up to the highest narrow ledge above Nate.
20. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way on this highest narrow ledge and then
drop down to the ledge below Nate.
21. Quickly jump to the narrow ledge on the tower as the ledge starts leaning
towards the tower and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above Nate.
22. Jump up to grab the next narrow ledge and then jump up to grab the narrow
ledge just to the left of the window above Nate.
23. Shimmy to Nate's left around the side of this tower until you get to an
open doorway below Nate and then drop down to that doorway to enter it.
24. Jump to the ledge near the other doorway to the right and then hang off
the edge just outside of this doorway.
25. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump up the next few narrow
ledges above Nate until you get to an open window.
26. Climb up into this window and walk over to the bones on the ground to
interact (Triangle) with it.
27. Now climb down the rope that is hanging off the edge of the ledge here
to get to the bottom of this tower.
28. Now leave the tower and go over to where the destroyed chain wheel was.
29. Drop off the edge of the ledge near it and go through the gate you opened
with that chain wheel.
30. Enter one of the archways to the left and you will see to Nate's right
at the end of the corridor here a closed door.
31. Go to that door and interact with it.
32. Enter and go through the doorway to Nate's right.
33. Make your way through the doorways in front of Nate and go outside
through the doorway you see to Nate's right near some ammo/weapons.
* Treasure #24: Spanish Silver Coin *
* *
* Before using the chain wheel in the next step *
* make your way over to the large gate at the far *
* side of this large area just under the turret *
* and climb up onto the cement railing for a *
* destroyed ramp just to the left of the gate to *
* find this treasure just on the other side of *
* this cement railing. *
34. Take cover (near the nearest bunch of wooden crates to grab the grenade
launcher) to deal with the enemies you come across at this large area
and then use the chain wheel at the left side of this large area to open a
gate near it.
35. Enter that gate quickly and then go up the staircase up ahead.
36. Once you reach the top of the staircases deal with the enemies that
show up in the corridor here as you make your way down this corridor.
37. Make your way down this corridor until you reach the turret and quickly
use the turret to deal with the enemies that appear at the large area you
were at a moment ago.
38. Once you have cleared the area continue your way down this corridor and
go down the staircase you come to.
39. Drop down off the broken portion of stairs and continue down the stairs.
* Treasure #25: Silver Tairona Pendant *
* *
* Go to the small area to Nate's right at the *
* bottom of the small staircase you go down and *
* you will find this treasure here at the side of *
* this small staircase. *
40. Enter the doorway to Nate's left at the bottom of the stairs and then
through the doorway to Nate's left.
41. Go through the next doorway and then into the doorway to Nate's left.
42. Go to the center of this room and interact with the helmet you see on the
table here.
43. Deal with the enemy that shows up and then go up the staircase he came
down from.
44. Go out of the doorway at the top of the stairs and then follow the path
around to Nate's right.
45. Quickly take cover and deal with the enemies here.
46. Go through the large archway you see to the left after you have cleared
the enemies and then go towards the broken staircase you see to Nate's right.
47. Just before you reach the staircase climb up the backside of the pillar
you see to Nate's right before the staircase.
48. Jump to the ledge to Nate's right and then jump up to grab the narrow
ledge on the wall in front of Nate.
* Treasure #26: Gold Llama *
* *
* Before jumping to the narrow ledge mentioned *
* above make your way pass the debri you see to *
* Nate's left and you will find this treasure at *
* a small open area on the other side of the debri *
* here. *
49. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the lower narrow ledge to Nate's
50. Shimmy to Nate's right again and jump to the next narrow ledge.
51. Shimmy to Nate's right again and then jump to the ledge to Nate's right.
52. Jump to the staircase you see to the right and enter the large archway
at the top of these stairs.
53. Go out of the large archway to Nate's right and then jump to the pillar
to Nate's right.
54. Jump to the narrow ledge on the pillar to Nate's right and then jump to
the narrow ledge behind Nate.
55. Shimmy to Nate's left and jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left.
56. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then jump to the narrow
ledge behind Nate.
57. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's right and then shimmy to Nate's right
and jump up to grab the ledge above Nate.
58. Climb up onto this ledge and then hang off the other side of this ledge.
59. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge to
Nate's left.
60. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the next narrow ledge
to Nate's left.
61. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's
62. Quickly shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the next narrow ledge to
Nate's left.
63. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left.
64. Jump up to grab the Narrow ledge above Nate and then climb up into the
archway/window here.
65. Go through the doorway up ahead and up the stairs you see to Nate's
66. Enter the large room at the top of the staircases and then go out onto
the large balcony you see up ahead.
67. Quickly shoot the enemy on the ledge below this balcony.
/ \
[ Chapter 07 "Out of the Frying Pan" ]
1. Shoot any enemies that are advancing towards the jeep and remember to use
grenades (L1) if you have any large vehicles charging towards you (or rock
walls blocking your way).
2. Just keep it up until you have lost your pursuers.
/ \
[ Chapter 08 "The Drowned City" ]
1. Quickly swim to shore and enter the archway to Nate's left.
* Treasure #27: Decorated Silver Ring *
* *
* As you enter this area go around the corner of *
* the wall to Nate's right and you will find this *
* treasure on the ground near the center of the *
* wall to Nate's right. *
2. Quickly take cover and deal with the enemies here.
3. After you have cleared the area make your way to the chain wheel at the
far side of this area and enter the gate it opens after you use it.
4. Get on the Jetski and slowly make your way along this waterway shooting
any enemies that you see along the way or barrels that get in your way.
5. You will eventually need to make a jump on a ramp and after you have done
the jump head for the little dock at the far left side of this area to
interact (Triangle) with it.
6. Follow the walkway at the top of the small staircase here and you will
eventually get to a small bridge.
7. Take cover and deal with the enemies that appear here.
8. Once the area is clear go across the bridge and clear more enemies at the
area up ahead.
9. Continue to clear enemies and you will eventually come to a staircase with
a large hole on the side of it.
* Treasure #28: Silver Frog *
* *
* Stand facing away from the bottom of this *
* staircase before hopping over the short wall you *
* see in front of Nate and then hop oaver the next *
* short wall you see up ahead to find this *
* treasure at the dark corner of the wall to *
* Nate's just beyond this short wall. *
10. Make your way up this staircase and go out to the edge of the ledge at
the top of the stairs.
11. Jump to the ledge to Nate's right and then go to the other side of this
12. Jump to the white ledge you see in front of Nate and then quickly shoot
the enemy on the wooden ledge to Nate's right.
13. Jump to that wooden ledge the enemy was on and use the chain wheel you
see here (or you can take the longer way by hanging off the other edge of
this small ledge and jumping to the vine to Nate's left before making your
way along the window to the left to reach that chain wheel platform whichever
you prefer).
/ \
[ Chapter 09 "To the Tower" ]
1. Enter the gate you just opened with the Jetski and slowly continue along
this waterway dealing with any enemies or barrels you come across.
2. You will eventually come to another large closed gate blocking your way.
3. Shoot the two rock weights on each upper side of the gate to open up this
gate and then go over to the small dock you see just pass the gate to
interact (Triangle) with it.
4. Take cover and clear the enemies that appear here.
5. Go to the alleyway at the right side of this area and jump into the water
after clearing the enemies that are near this pool of water.
6. Swim over to the next area and clear this area of enemies.
7. Go up the staircase you see at the left side of this area and go to the
wall directly in front of Nate at the top of these stairs.
8. Jump to the ledge you see to Nate's right and then jump to the next ledge
you see up ahead.
9. Jump to the ledge you see to Nate's right and then jump to the pillar
nearest to the ledge you are on.
10. Jump to the ledge to Nate's left and then go towards the wall in front
of Nate.
11. Jump to the ledge to Nate's left and then walk out onto the white ledge.
12. Drop down into the next area and clear this area of enemies.
* Treasure #29: Golden Fish Charm *
* *
* Before entering the doorway in the next step *
* below face away from the doorway and go around *
* the corner of the short wall you see to Nate's *
* right to find this treasure on the ground near *
* the corner of the wall here. *
13. Enter the doorway the enemies are coming out of at the far side of
this area and then use the handle to move the chain that is hanging over to
the window.
14. Climb up the chain and then jump to the ledge to Nate's left at the
top of the chain.
15. Climb up onto this ledge and go to the far side of this ledge to jump to
the narrow ledge you see on the wall near the window here (or you could just
jump to the other narrow ledge to avoid the next step up to you).
16. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then shimmy to Nate's
left to jump to the next narrow ledge above Nate.
17. Jump up to the next narrow ledge above Nate and then shimmy to Nate's
right all the way.
18. Jump to the small narrow ledge to Nate's right and then jump to the next
narrow ledge to Nate's right.
19. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the chain to Nate's right.
20. Climb about halfway up the chain and then jump to the ledge to Nate's
21. Use the handle here to move chain and then Jump to the narrow ledge you
were just on before you climbed up the chain.
22. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the small narrow ledge.
23. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then shimmy to Nate's
left to jump to another small narrow ledge to Nate's left.
24. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left and then shimmy to Nate's left
all the way.
25. Jump to the next small narrow ledge and then jump to the ledge to Nate's
26. Climb up onto this ledge and then jump to the ledge you see to the left.
27. Climb up onto this ledge and again jump to the next ledge you see to the
28. Walk up the stairs here and then jump to the chain.
29. Climb all the way up the chain and then jump to the small narrow ledge to
Nate's left (the small brick at the side of the window incase you are
30. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge above Nate and then shimmy to Nate's
left to climb up onto this ledge.
31. Quickly go to the left and take cover behind the wall here to deal with
the enemy here.
32. Continue to follow the walkway up a staircase you come to and then out of
the doorway you see behind Nate at the top of the staircase.
33. Interact (Triangle) with the zipline here to cross the waterway below.
34. Go down the stairs behind Nate and shoot the padlock on the door you see
to Nate's right before kicking (Triangle) the door open.
* Treasure #30: Jeweled Golden Brooch *
* *
* Face towards the bottom of the stairs you go *
* down in the step above and you will find this *
* treasure in the corner of the wall to Nate's *
* left. *
/ \
[ Chapter 10 "The Customs House" ]
1. Go back up the stairs and through the doorway you see to Nate's left at
the top of the stairs.
2. Drop down off the ledge just outside the doorway and enter the doorway
with the double doors at the far side of this area.
3. Head up the staircase you see in front of Nate and take cover at the
doorway at the top of the stairs to deal with an enemy here.
4. Go through this doorway and through the doorway to Nate's right after
dealing with the enemies on the staircase.
* Treasure #31: Silver Belt Buckle *
* *
* Go up the staircase that the enemies were on *
* and you will find this treasure on the wooden *
* walkway near the corner of the wall at the top *
* of these stairs. *
5. Enter the room and quickly take cover clear the remaining enemies in this
6. Go up the stairs the grenade launching enemy is protecting and use the
chain wheel here to open up the gate at the top of the stairs.
7. Go through that now opened gate.
8. Shoot the padlock on the door in front of Nate and then kick it open.
9. Jump to the balcony up ahead and then climb up onto it.
10. Quickly jump before you slide off the balcony and then quickly pull
yourself up onto the next portion of balcony.
11. Now jump to the next portion of balcony you see in front of Nate and then
take cover to deal with the enemies inside the building.
12. Jump to the next portion of balcony and then jump to the next portion of
balcony up ahead.
13. Shoot the pad lock off the door up ahead and then jump to that doorway
to climb up into it.
14. Use the Chain wheel you see here to open the gate near it and then enter
another fun room.
/ \
[ Chapter 11 "Trapped" ]
1. Go down the stairs to Nate's right (to make this room easier use your
final grenade launcher round if you still have one on the turret guy in this
room and be sure to take the sniper rifle leaning against the staircase at
the bottom of the staircase to the right to make this room easier) and then
take cover to clear the many enemies that appear in this room.
2. Make your way over to the turret to use it on any enemies that are coming
from the side of the room you entered from and then continue up the stairs to
use the chain wheel at the top of the staircase.
3. Enter the doorway you just opened and make your way down the staircases
in this room to exit out of the large archway at the bottom of them.
4. Make your way up the stairs in front of Nate dealing with any enemies
that come your way and then continue on dealing with more enemies that are
protecting a larger staircase.
5. Make your way up this larger staircase and up the staircase to the left
at the top of it.
* Treasure #32: Spanish Gold Coin *
* *
* At the top of the larger staircase go up the *
* staircase to the right and you will find this *
* treasure near the corner of the wall to Nate's *
* right at the top of this staircase. *
6. Follow the wooden walkway to Nate's left through the doorway at the top
of the stairs and make your way across the very safe looking bridge you see
up ahead.
7. Continue across the bridge and through the doorway to Nate's left at the
other side of this bridge.
8. Go down the stairs here and up the staircase up ahead.
* Treasure #33: Silver Spanish Chalice *
* *
* Instead of going up the staircase up ahead go *
* down the stairs to Nate's left and you will *
* find this treasure along the side of this *
* staircase to Nate's left near the wall at the *
* bottom of this staircase. *
9. Go out of the doorway at the top of these stairs and drop off the ledge
just outside this doorway.
10. Go around the corner of the building to Nate's right and enter the tunnel
you find to Nate's left.
* Treasure #34: Gold Coatimundi *
* *
* As you enter this tunnel you will come to a *
* staircase you need to go up and you will find *
* this treasure behind the small boxes you see *
* up ahead in front of a gate at the top of *
* these stairs *
11. Deal with the enemies you find at the end of this tunnel and then go up
the staircase you also find at the end of the tunnel.
12. Clear the enemies you find at the area at the top of the stairs.
/ \
[ Chapter 12 "Heading Upriver" ]
1. Hop onto the jetski you see at the far side of this area and start making
your way upriver along the fast moving rapids.
2. Shoot any enemies or barrels in your way that you come across like you did
earlier when you were on the jetski the only difference here is you will also
be battling the fast moving rapids at the same time.
3. Continue upriver until you finally reach a small dock area you can
interact (Triangle) with.
/ \
[ Chapter 13 "Sanctuary?" ]
1. Make your way into the opening to Nate's right and up the stairs you
find here.
2. Go through the doorway at the top of the stairs to Nate's right and
then kick open the large wooden door to Nate's left.
3. Deal with the enemies here and then make your way across the bridge
* Treasure #35: Golden Turtle *
* *
* As you start to cross this bridge hop over the *
* railing of the bridge to Nate's left to land *
* on a small ledge near a pillar and you will *
* find this treasure on this ledge you are on. *
4. Kick the gate down that you see up ahead and enter the next area.
5. Go up the staircase in front of Nate.
* Treasure #36: Silver Inca Cup *
* *
* Jump into the water just to the right of the *
* staircase in front of Nate and you will find *
* this treasure under this staircase on a rock. *
6. Continue up the staircase in front of Nate and clear the enemies at
the top of the stairs.
7. Continue up the next staircase at the far side of this area and up the
stairs to Nate's right.
8. Continue up more steps to Nate's left at the top of these stairs.
9. Drop down to the next area after dealing with the enemies below and
then enter the doorway up ahead after dealing with more enemies that
come out of that doorway.
10. Head towards the fountain you see up ahead and then quickly take cover
behind the wall just to the right of the fountain to clear the enemies of
this area.
11. After you have cleared the area face towards the front of the statue
on the fountain and look to the left to see the staircase some of those
enemies came down from.
12. Make your way up that staircase and through the doorway at the top
of the stairs to Nate's right.
13. Go up the stairs to Nate's right and then jump to the narrow wooden
ledge you see on the wall here.
14. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge
on the pillar to Nate's left.
15. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the Narrow ledge behind Nate.
16. Shimmy to Nate's left and then jump to the next narrow ledge on the
pillar you see behind Nate.
17. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the wooden ledge behind Nate.
18. Climb up onto this wooden ledge and then kick open the gate you see
to Nate's right.
19. Follow the walkway in front of Nate and enter the doorway to nate's
left at the end of it.
20. Drop down to the area below in front of Nate and then shoot the barrels
at the doorway in front of Nate.
* Treasure #37: Jeweled Silver Cross *
* *
* Before shooting the barrels in the step above *
* go towards the barrels and go into the room *
* you see to Nate's right to find this treasure *
* on the ground at the back left corner of this *
* small room. *
21. Go to the chain wheel at the far left side of this area to use it.
22. Go down the stairs in front of Nate and quickly take cover to clear
another fun area of enemies.
* Treasure #38: Silver Toothpick *
* *
* After you clear the area go back up the ramp *
* you came down when you first entered this area *
* to hop over the railing to Nate's left and *
* then go around the corner of this building to *
* find this treasure on this balcony. *
* Treasure #39: Gold Spanish Chalice *
* *
* After you clear the area face towards the *
* bottom of the ramp you came down when you *
* first entered this area and you will find *
* this treasure on the right side of the *
* large building to the right of that ramp *
* near a pile of debri here. *
* Treasure: Silver Coatimundi *
* *
* This treasure you can get now but since *
* you pass it in a later chapter anyways I *
* will list it in that chapter instead. You *
* can locate it on your own now if you *
* want. I'll point you in the direction of *
* where to find it. If you face away from *
* the ramp you entered this area from *
* search the small area through the tunnel *
* at the far left corner of this area. *
23. After you have cleared all of them make your way up the front stairs of
the library (the very large building you saw to your right as you entered
this area) and make your way along the walkway around to the left side of
this building.
24. Make your way up the stairs you find here and enter the large hole at the
side of this building to Nate's right at the top of the stairs.
25. Clear all the enemies in this Library.
26. Head to the center of this room with the picture of the compass on the
floor and use the journal.
27. You will notice in the journal each statue has a name scribbled under it
and each scribbled name is on the points of a compass on the other page of
the journal.
28. Climb up each shelf that each point of the compass on the floor is
pointing at and point the statue on the shelf in the direction the journal
specifies (Angel should face North, Goat Angel should face South, Lion Angel
should face West or O as the compass on the floor says and the Bird Angel
should face East).
29. Enter the secret passage that opened up and then enter the doorway at the
bottom of the stairs here.
30. Go over to the art at the middle of the wall to Nate's right and use the
31. You will notice to Nate's left and right there are two torches on the
extended portion of wall here.
* Treasure #40: Golden Cup and Cover *
* *
* Face away from the art on the wall and *
* you will find this treasure at a corner *
* of bookshelves on the other side of this *
* room to Nate's right. *
32. Go to each of those torches and turn them so they are both upside down.
/ \
[ Chapter 14 "Going Underground" ]
* Treasure #41: Golden Inca Vessel *
* *
* As you come out of the doorway at the *
* bottom of the stairs you are going down *
* at the start of this chapter go onto the *
* small ledge you see to Nate's right and *
* you will find this treasure at the corner *
* of the wall here. *
1. Make your way down the stairs and climb up onto the ledge to the right
of the large coffin.
2. Head towards the sound of running water and you will come to a very
large pit.
3.Hang off the edge of the pit to Nate's right (near the wall) and shimmy
to Nate's left all the way.
4. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left and quickly jump to the next
narrow ledge to Nate's left.
5. Quickly jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then jump to
the narrow ledge to Nate's left (or if you want to speed this up a little
and skip step 6 and 7 you could just jump to the narrow ledge in step 8
directly behind Nate).
6. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left and shimmy to Nate's left all
the way.
7. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left and then jump to the next
narrow ledge to Nate's left.
8. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the ledge to Nate's
9. Climb up onto this ledge and then go up the stairs you see here.
* Treasure #42: Golden Skull *
* *
* Before going up the stairs go to the *
* waterfall to the left of this staircase *
* and you will find this treasure behind *
* the right side of the waterfall here. *
10. Quickly take cover behind the crates you see to Nate's right at the
top of the stairs and clear the enemies that show up.
11. Once you are done with them go to the chain wheel that the light is
shining on at the far side of this area and use it.
12. Go up the stairs the gate you just opened was on and quickly take
cover behind the pew to clear the enemies that appear here.
* Treasure #43: Silver Snuff Box *
* *
* As you reach the top of the stairs in the *
* above step face towards the trap door *
* that closed and you will find this *
* treasure at the corner of the wall near *
* the back of the trap door to Nate's *
* right. *
13. After you have cleared the enemies make your way to the far right or
left side of this building to find a bell on each side of this building.
14. Use your Journal near one of the bells and you will get a clue on what
you need to do.
15. If you still don't know what to do shoot both bells so that they are
both sounding at the same time.
16. Enter the doorway that opened up and climb down the ladder inside.
17. Once you drop down into the catacombs quickly take cover at the nearby
doorway and deal with the enemies you see in the room ahead.
18. Enter the next room and go through the doorway that is behind the
pillar to Nate's right.
* Treasure #44: Silver Spanish Goblet *
* *
* As you go through the doorway here you *
* should see a large coffin to Nate's left *
* and just on the other side of it you will *
* find this treasure on the floor at this *
* side of it. *
19. Clear the next room of enemies and then go through the large hole in
the wall to Nate's right at the far side of this room.
20. Climb up onto the ledge to Nate's left and climb up onto the next
ledge in front of Nate.
21. Go out of the doorway to Nate's left and jump to the ledge to Nate's
22. Jump to the next slightly higher ledge to Nate's left and then climb
up onto it.
23. Jump up to grab the narrow ledge you see in front of Nate and then
jump up to climb up onto the ledge above Nate.
24. Jump to the large steps near the doorway in front of Nate and enter
that doorway at the top of those steps.
25. Go through the doorway in front of Nate and then jump to the ledge in
front of Nate at the bottom of the small staircase.
26. Go down the small staircase to Nate's left and through the doorway to
Nate's right.
* Treasure #45: Silver Ingot *
* *
* Before going through the doorway in the *
* step above go around to the side of this *
* small staircase and you will find this *
* treasure at the corner of the wall near *
* this staircase here. *
27. Follow this corridor into a small room and follow the corridor you see
to Nate's left in this small room to reach a chain wheel.
* Treasure #46: Gold and Ruby Inca Mask *
* *
* Before using the chain wheel face away *
* from the wooden doorway it is near and *
* you will find this treasure at the small *
* corner of this room nearest to the chain *
* wheel to Nate's right. *
28. Use it to open the gate near it and then go through the now open
/ \
[ Chapter 15 "On the Trail of the Treasure" ]
* Treasure #47: Gold Inca Figurine *
* *
* Before going up the stairs in the step *
* below go to the high grassy area just to *
* the right of those stairs to find this *
* treasure. *
1. Go up the staircase in front of Nate and then up the staircase to Nate's
2. Climb up the pile of rubble you see in the corner to Nate's left up
ahead and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge on the wall just above
the rubble.
3. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the next narrow
ledge to Nate's left.
4. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge
behind Nate.
5. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the vine on the
wall to Nate's right.
6. Wall run using this vine and jump to the next narrow ledge to the left.
7. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge
behind Nate.
8. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the next narrow
ledge to Nate's left.
9. Jump to the vine to Nate's left and then wall run using this vine to
jump to the next narrow ledge to the left.
10. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge
behind Nate.
11. Jump up the next few narrow ledges above Nate and then climb up into
the broken window you come to.
12. Hang off the inside ledge of the window and drop down to the ledge below
13. Drop down to the floor below and quickly take cover at the doorway of
the balcony with the enemies that are here shooting at you.
14. After you have cleared the balcony area of enemies go through this
doorway and jump across the gap to the ledge up ahead.
15. Jump across the next gap to the ledge up ahead and then go through the
large doorway up ahead.
* Treasure #48: Golden Bird Vessel *
* *
* Before going through the doorway go along *
* the balcony walkway to Nate's left and *
* you will find this treasure at the edge *
* of the gap up ahead to Nate's right. *
16. Jump to the wooden platform you see to Nate's right and then jump to the
next wooden platform to Nate's left.
17. Walk along this platform to the side of the pillar here and jump to the
next wooden platform near the wall.
18. Jump to the top of the staircase to Nate's right and then go down the
stairs to enter that doorway to Nate's left at the bottom of these stairs.
19. Go up the staircase in front of Nate and out of the doorway to Nate's
left at the top of the staircase.
20. Enter the next doorway to Nate's right and walk to the edge of the large
hole in the wall to Nate's right.
21. You will notice the camera angle is aiming towards the wall and this
means you need to jump to grab the small narrow ledge you see on that wall
just outisde of this large hole.
22. Jump up to grab the larger narrow ledge above Nate and then shimmy to
Nate's left.
23. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then quickly jump to the
next narrow ledge.
24. Quickly jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then jump to the
green vine to Nate's left.
25. Climb up this vine and climb up into the window at the top of this vine.
26. Drop down into the room in front of Nate and then quickly take cover to
clear the enemies that show up.
27. After you are done with them walk over to the small wooden ledge at the
far left side of this balcony.
* Treasure #49: Golden Spanish Goblet *
* *
* Before going over to the small wooden *
* ledge go through the doorway to Nate's *
* right at the far side of this balcony and *
* you will find this treasure near the back *
* right corner of this small room. *
28. Check your journal and then jump to the small wooden ledge you see up
29. Jump to the small narrow ledge you see on the pillar along the wall to
Nate's right and then jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left.
30. Quickly jump from narrow ledge to narrow ledge to Nate's left until you
reach another small narrow ledge on another pillar.
31. Jump to the wooden ledge behind Nate and then climb up onto it.
32. Walk around the corner of this wooden ledge and jump to the chandelier
you are near.
33. Jump to thw wooden ledge you see to Nate's right and then jump to the
next wooden ledge to Nate's right.
34. Jump to the narrow ledge on the small pillar you see to Nate's right and
then shimmy to Nate's left.
35. Jump to the wooden ledge behind Nate and then climb up onto it.
36. Jump to the next wooden ledge in front of Nate and then jump to the
narrow ledge on the column to Nate's left.
37. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the narrow ledge to
Nate's right.
38. Shimmy to Nate's right and jump to the small narrow ledge to Nate's
39. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's right and then shimmy to Nate's
right before jumping to the wooden ledge behind Nate.
40. Climb up onto this ledge and follow it around the corner of the wall.
41. Jump over the gap to the next wooden ledge and then jump up to grab the
large key on the wall to Nate's left.
42. Drop down off the key and you will now need to backtrack starting by
going back to the edge of the wooden ledge behind Nate.
43. Jump back to the wooden ledge to Nate's right and follow this ledge back
around the corner to Nate's left to jump to the narrow ledge on the wall.
44. Shimmy to Nate's left if you need to and jump to the small narrow ledge
to Nate's left.
45. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then shimmy to Nate's
46. Jump to the narrow ledge on the column and then shimmy to Nate's left all
the way.
47. Jump back to the wooden ledge you were on earlier behind Nate and climb
up onto it.
48. Jump to the chandelier you see to Nate's left and climb up onto it.
49. Jump to the small wooden ledge you see to Nate's right and then jump
over the gap to the wooden ledge in front of Nate.
50. Jump to the wooden ledge to Nate's left (or follow this wooden ledge
around and then jump to the ledge whichever you prefer) and then climb up
onto it.
51. Go around the corner and jump up to grab the other large key you see on
the wall here.
52. Shimmy to Nate's left on the key and jump to the narrow ledge on the
column to Nate's left.
53. Shimmy to Nate's left all the way and then jump to the chain to Nate's
54. Wall run using this chain and jump to the small narrow ledge to the left.
55. Jump to the Heart pictured ledge behind Nate and then enter the doorway
* Treasure #50: Jeweled Golden Cross *
* *
* Before doing the next step go to Nate's *
* right and you will find this treasure *
* near the wall you come to at the end of *
* this corridor. *
56. Go over to the window to Nate's left with the heart/key picture on it.
57. Drop down off the edge of the window and shimmy to Nate's left.
58. Drop down to the narrow ledge below Nate and then jump to the narrow
ledge on the pillar to Nate's left.
59. Jump to the next narrow ledge to Nate's left and then to the next narrow
ledge to Nate's left.
60. Jump to the narrow ledge on the pillar to Nate's left and then jump to
the higher narrow ledge to Nate's left.
61. Jump to the small narrow ledge to Nate's left and then jump to the
vine to Nate's left.
62. Slide down to the bottom of the vine.
63. Grab the sniper rifle leaning against the crates you are near and then
take cover near any of the broken portions of wall here to clear this
cemetary of enemies.
* Treasure #51: Silver Skull *
* *
* Before doing the next step face away from *
* the back of the statue that is near the *
* large pit at the center of this area and *
* you will find this treasure behind the *
* small mausoleum/building you see in front *
* of Nate. *
* Treasure #52: Golden Inca Mask *
* *
* Before entering the building with the *
* heart/key picture on the roof face away *
* from the stairs in front of that building *
* (with the heart/key picture) and you will *
* find this treasure behind the tombstone *
* to the left of the small building you see *
* to Nate's left. *
64. Once you have cleared the area of enemies go to the door of the building
with the heart/key picture on the roof of it that you saw in the scene and
interact with it's doors.
65. Walk to the center of this room and use your Journal.
66. Look around the room and you will notice there are emblems under the
remains of the inhabitants of this room.
67. All you need to do is move the emblems until they are facing the same
way they are pictured in the Journal (the only ones that should need to be
changed is arrows tips need to point up, Snake needs to face to the left and
the Shell needs to be upside down).
/ \
[ Chapter 16 "The Treasure Vault" ]
1. Make your way down the tunnel in front of Nate and down the staircases you
come to.
2. Continue to follow the tunnel until you come to a very large room.
3. Head down the large staircase in front of you and you will see the path
splits one with a broken walkway.
4. You will notice at the start of the both paths has a gold plate with a
Roman numerial and arrow on it one with the Number I (1) and one with Number
V (5).
5. Go to the plate with the Number V (5) on it and use the journal here.
6. You will notice on the map there is a Roman Numerial II (2), V (5) and
VII (7) at the corner of the map.
7. This means you will need to look out for these specific numbers to show
you the path through this large room.
8. Since we are already guiding you we will help you on what path to go.
9. Start making your way along this walkway that the V Gold Plate you are at
is near and you will see a Number II on the floor here.
10. Jump across the gap the arrow is pointing at on this plate and go up the
stairs in front of Nate to find a gold plate with V on it.
11. Go down the stairs the arrow is pointing at and go down the stairs to
Nate's right up ahead.
12. Go pass the gold plate IV on the floor and go down the stairs you see to
Nate's left to find another gold plate V on the pillar here at the bottom of
the stairs.
13. Climb up the narrow ledges on this pillar the arrow is pointing at above
the gold plate and go up the staircase in front of Nate after you have
climbed up onto the ledge with the gold plate IV on the floor.
14. You should find a gold plate II at the top of the stairs and when you do
interact with the large handle just above the plate.
15. Go back down the stairs you came up and follow the walkway around the
corner to Nate's right at the bottom of the stairs.
16. Jump to the chain that you saw move in the Scene at the side of the
pillar here and climb all the way up it.
17. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's right at the top of the chain and then
climb up onto the walkway above Nate.
18. Look to Nate's right and you should see a gold plate V on the floor here.
19. Go through the doorway that the arrow points at while avoding the
swinging torch and you should see a gold plate II on the floor up ahead.
20. Jump to the staircase the arrow is pointing at and go up the staircase.
* Treasure #53: Jeweled Silver Brooch *
* *
* When you reach the top of the staircase *
* in the step below face towards the *
* stairs you just came up and you will need *
* to jump to the wooden drawbridge/ledge *
* you see to Nate's right to find this *
* treasure at the left edge of this wooden *
* ledge/drawbridge. *
21. Make your way up the next staircase up ahead at the top of these stairs
and then jump to the edge of the walkway to Nate's left at the top of these
stairs when the swinging torch is swinging away from you.
22. Shimmy along the edge of this walkway to Nate's right and then climb up
onto the walkway once you are clear of the swinging torches.
23. Follow the walkway to Nate's right and around the corner onto the wooden
walkway to Nate's right.
24. Walk up the staircase you see to Nate's right at the end of this wooden
walkway and then walk down the staircase in front of Nate at the top of
these stairs.
25. Stand on the gold plate II at the bottom of the stairs and jump to the
staircase the arrow is pointing to on it.
26. Stand on the gold plate V you see here and jump across the gap in the
wooden platform the arrow is pointing at.
27. Make your way up the staircase in front of Nate and make your way pass
the swinging torches at the top of the stairs to the wooden ledge near the
just to the left of the gold plates.
28. Jump to the wooden walkway to Nate's right and make your way pass the
swinging torches up ahead to drop down onto the slightly lower wooden ledge
to Nate's left just pass the swinging torches.
29. Jump across the gap to the wooden ledge you see to Nate's right and walk
onto the elevator/lift you see here.
* Treasure #54: Silver Cup and Cover *
* *
* Before doing the next step go up the stairs *
* behind Nate and go up the staircase to *
* Nate's left at the top of this staircase to *
* find this treasure near a VI Gold Plate at *
* the very top of the staircases along this *
* path. *
30. Go up the stairs you see to Nate's right and jump up to grab the narrow
ledge on the wall to Nate's left at the top of these stairs.
31. Jump to the narrow ledge on the window to Nate's left and then shimmy to
Nate's left all the way.
32. Jump to the narrow ledge to Nate's left and shimmy to Nate's left.
33. Jump to the edge of the open window/doorway and climb up into it.
34. Drop down onto the walkway just on the other side of this window/doorway
and climb up the chain near the gold plate III you see to Nate's right.
35. Follow the wooden walkway to Nate's left at the top of the chain and
stand on the elevator/lift you see at the end of the wooden walkway.
36. Walk up the drawbridge ramp that just fell and you should see a gold
plate II on the wall near the gate up ahead.
37. Follow the wooden walkway the arrow on the plate points to.
38. If you were getting bored from no gunplay worry not because now you get
plenty of it.
39. Clear the enemies that have shown up and go around the corner of the
wooden walkway.
40. Go up the small staircase here and you will find a gold plate V at the
top of the stairs.
41. Go in the direction of the arrow on the plate and then go to Nate's left
towards another gold plate you see in the distance on the wall.
42. Once you reach the gold plate II jump to the ledge the arrow points to
and enter the doorway here that the gold plate VII next to the doorway tells
you to go into.
43. Go to the gold plate V on the other side of this small room and go out
of the doorway it points at.
44. Go up the stairs to Nate's right and use the chain wheel you see to
Nate's left at the top of the stairs.
45. Climb up the ladder behind Nate and then take cover to deal with more
enemies here.
46. Follow the wooden walkway to Nate's left and down the ramp to Nate's
right once you reach the top of this spiral walkway.
47. Deal with the enemies when you reach the bottom of this ramp and then
stand near the gold plate VII you see on the ground here.
* Treasure #55: Gold Snuff Box *
* *
* As you go down these stairs climb up onto *
* one of those short flat topped pillars of *
* the railing on Nate's right (sorry we are *
* not sure of what to call them but we figure *
* you will know them when you see them and if *
* you don't stand on it but instead hop over *
* the railing then try again until you are *
* standing on it) and jump to the ledge near *
* this railing to find this treasure near the *
* center of this ledge. *
* *
* Now the tricky part of getting back without *
* dying and all you need to do this is jump *
* towards the railing at the bottom of the *
* stairs you just jumped from to grab an *
* invisible narrow ledge just below the *
* railing before climbing back over the *
* railing to continue on. *
48. Go down the stairs the arrow is pointing at and go up the spiral wooden
walkway you see to Nate's right at the bottom of this staircase.
49. Go up the stairs to Nate's right at the top of this spiral wooden walkway
and you will enter a large room at the top of the stairs.
/ \
[ Chapter 17 "The Heart of the Vault" ]
1. Go to the center of this room and take a look (L2) at what gets Nate's
2. Go under the ladder you see behind Nate and then interact to lift Elena
3. Just start killing the horde of creatures that have you surrounded and
keep doing this until you have finished off the first wave of them.
4. Start killing off the second wave of the horde of creatures until Elena
finally lowers the rope at the center of the room.
5. Once the rope is down quickly grab onto it and climb all the way up the
6. Quickly run down the tunnel in front of Nate while shooting at the
creatures that are chasing you.
/ \
[ Chapter 18 "The Bunker" ]
1. Jump to the small pipe you see at the side of the large pipe in front
of Nate and then jump to the small pipe to Nate's right.
2. Climb all the way up this pipe and then jump to the next small pipe to
Nate's right.
3. Climb all the way up this pipe and then jump to the small pipe to Nate's
4. Jump up to the next small pipe above Nate and then shimmy to Nate's right
all the way.
5. Jump to the small pipe you see to Nate's right and slide all the way down
this pipe.
6. Jump to the small pipe to Nate's right and shimmy to Nate's right all the
7. Jump to the chain to Nate's right and then wall run with it to jump to the
small pipe you see to the right.
8. Climb all the way up this pipe and then jump to the small pipe to Nate's
9. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the small pipe you
see to Nate's right.
10. Slide down this pipe and then jump to the walkway behind Nate.
11. Go to the other side of this walkway and jump to the small pipe you see
in front of Nate.
12. Shimmy to Nate's right all the way and then jump to the next small pipe
to Nate's right.
13. Shimmy to Nate's right again and then jump to the next small pipe to
Nate's right.
14. Shimmy to Nate's right yet again and then jump to the next small pipe to
Nate's right.
15. Shimmy to Nate's right again and then jump to the next small pipe to
Nate's right.
16. Shimmy to Nate's right and then jump to the walkway you see to Nate's
17. Follow the walkway through the doorway in front of Nate and then jump the
gap in the walkway to the next walkway.
18. Enter the doorway up ahead and then go through the doorway at the end of
the corridor to Nate's right.
19. Go down the corridor to Nate's left and go into the open doorway you see
down the corridor coming up on Nate's right.
20. Pick up some ammo in this room if you need it and then go out of the
doorway to Nate's left.
21. Kill any creatures you come across in this corridor and then make your
way down to the end of this corridor.
* Treasure #56: Gold Monkey Figurine *
* *
* Once you reach the end of the corridor in *
* the step above go to Nate's right until you *
* reach the end of this corridor and you will *
* find this treasure to Nate's left among the *
* debri you see here. *
22. Go down the corridor to Nate's left and just before you reach the end of
this corridor go down the corridor to Nate's left.
23. Follow this corridor and enter the open doorway at the end of this
24. Make your way to the back of this generator room and locate the generator
with a handle on it to interact (Triangle) with the Handle.
/ \
[ Chapter 19 "Unwelcome Guests" ]
1. You will notice in the scene it showed you a fuse box that you will need
to turn on but first you will need to deal with the unwelcomed horde of
creatures coming from all over.
2. Quickly cut a path through the horde and enter the doorway the flashing
red light is over.
3. Follow the corridor around the corner killing any creatures in your way
and then climb up onto the ledge you see up ahead.
4. Interact (Triangle) with the white fuse box you see to Nate's right after
you pick up the ammo and grenades on this ledge.
5. Now make your way back down the corridor you got here with to re-enter the
generator room and cut a path through the creatures again to enter the other
door with the red light over it that is directly in front of Nate.
6. Follow the corridor just like you did the previous time and then climb up
onto the ledge at the end of this corridor.
7. Take the ammo/grenades you find here and then use the white fuse box you
see on the wall to Nate's left.
8. Now make your way back out to the generator room and go through the door
that was opened up to Nate's right.
9. Go down the corridor behind Nate until it ends and then go down the
corridor to Nate's right.
10. Go through the open doorway at the end of the corrdor coming up on Nate's
11. Deal with the horde of creatures that have appeared and then face away
from the back of the film projector.
12. Go to the door with the wheel on it in front of Nate and interact
(Triangle) with it.
13. Head down the corridor behind this door and go through the open doorway
you see to Nate's left at the end of this corridor.
14. Pick up ammo/grenades in this room and then go to the window at the far
side of this room.
15. Take cover and deal with the enemies that show up and then go out of the
doorway they came in from.
16. Go down the stairs you find here and deal with the enemies at the bottom
of the stairs.
17. Go out of the large doorway at the bottom of the stairs to Nate's left.
18. Make your way pass the large crates you see to Nate's left while dealing
with any enemies/creatures you come across.
19. Enter the large hole you find to Nate's left just pass the crates and go
down the corridor to Nate's right.
20. Go up the staircase to Nate's left at the end of this corridor or you may
want to stay at the bottom of the stairs until the enemies/creatures are done
battling so that you can kill off the winner of their fight.
21. At the top of the stairs take cover behind the crates here and clear the
enemies at the area up ahead before going over there (use the sniper rifle
if you want that is leaning against these crates).
22. Go out of the large doorway to Nate's right and deal with more
enemies/creatures out here among the crates.
* Treasure #57: Golden Seadragon Pendant *
* *
* As you go out of the large doorway you *
* should see two lone large crates one on top *
* of the other to Nate's left and climb up on *
* the other side of those crates to get on *
* top of the top large crate to find this *
* treasure on this crate. *
23. Go to Nate's right as you get pass all the crates here and deal with the
creatures that appear up ahead.
24. Climb up the crates you see near the ledge up ahead and then climb up
onto the ledge in front of Nate.
25. Drop down off the other side of this ledge and go into the doorway to
Nate's left.
26. Climb up the ladder you see in front of Nate.
/ \
[ Chapter 20 "Race to the Rescue" ]
* Treasure #58: Gold Ingot *
* *
* When this chapter starts face towards the *
* pit you just climbed out of and you will *
* find this treasure near the rock at the far *
* left corner of this pit. *
* Treasure #59: Silver Coatimundi *
* *
* If you found this earlier in chapter 13 *
* then ignore this but like we said earlier *
* we would mention this one when we pass by *
* it which is right now. *
* *
* As you follow the path in the step below *
* you will come to a high ledge you will need *
* to drop down from and you will find this *
* treasure next to the wall of the high ledge *
* you dropped down from. *
1. Follow the path in front of Nate to get back to the church and clear all
the enemies that are at the fun church area.
2. After dealing with them enter the church by interacting with the door of
it (incase you don't know which one the church is it's the large building
with the stain glassed windows the building closest to Sully).
3. Quickly take cover and deal with the enemies inside this fun church area.
4. Once you are done with them head for the platform with the stone Altar on
it at the far side of the church.
5. Drop down into the the hole you revealed under the Altar.
/ \
[ Chapter 21 "Gold and Bones" ]
1. Head down the stairs in front of Nate and then down the stairs to Nate's
2. Head through the doorway to Nate's right at the bottom of the stairs and
then through the next doorway to Nate's right.
* Treasure #60: Golden Skull Rosary *
* *
* As you come out of the doorway in the step *
* above go to Nate's right and you will find *
* this treasure to Nate's left at the corner *
* of the wall here. *
* Treasure #61: Sapphire and Silver Mask *
* *
* As you go down the stairs in the step below *
* you will see a pillar at the center of the *
* room at the bottom of the stairs and you *
* will find this treasure at the back of that *
* pillar among the debri. *
3. Go down the stairs through the doorway up ahead and then go around the
corner of the wall at the bottom of the stairs to Nate's right to continue
down more stairs.
4. Make your way down the steps to Nate's left while shooting any creatures
that get in your way and make your way up the steps that Navarro took Elena
5. Deal with any enemies that you come across as you make your way up this
winding staircase quickly until you reach a ledge overlooking the idol.
6. Jump from this ledge to the net wrapped around the idol before it gets
out of reach.
/ \
[ Chapter 22 "Showdown" ]
1. Now starts the real fun starts (if you haven't guessed by now fun = expect
to die a few times).
2. Quickly take cover and deal with the enemies that appear here and just
ignore Navarro (the one with the Laser Sighted weapon) for now just take care
of all the other enemies (just be sure to avoid being shot by Navarro).
3. Once you have cleared the enemies Navarro will run off and that means of
course you need to hop over the crates at the far side of this area after
4. Quickly take cover again and again only aim for all other enemies besides
Navarro (if you are having a hard time at this area you may want to hop back
over the crates to take cover behind while your health recovers).
5. Once you have finished off the other enemies follow after Navarro again
and quickly push the button specified (Circle) to avoid being squished.
6. Quickly take cover and once again take care of all other enemies except
for Navarro.
7. Once you have cleared all other enemies follow Navarro up the ramps at
far right side of this area up to the helipad.
8. Quickly take cover and after Navarro fires two shots quickly roll to the
next set of crates to the right.
9. Once Navarro takes another two shots at these crates quickly hop over the
crates and take cover behind the crates you see in front of these crates.
10. Finally once Navarro takes two more shots at the crates you are behind
to destroy them and then quickly run over to Navarro to punch (Square) him.
11. Quickly push the buttons specified at the bottom left corner of the
screen (Triangle and then Square) if done correctly you should knock the gun
out of Navarro's hands.
12. Quickly run over to Navarro before he gets up and again push the
specified buttons at the bottom left of the screen (Triangle and then Square
again) if done correctly you should knock him to the ground to finish the
Enjoy the Ending Scene
Congratulations you have now completed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
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IV. Medal List
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
(_) (_) (_) (_) (_)
First Treasure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find one treasure
Beginner Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~ Find five treasures
Novice Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~~~ Find 10 treasures
Enthusiast Fortune Hunter ~~~~ Find 15 treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter ~~ Find 20 treasures
Skilled Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~~ Find 25 treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter ~~~~ Find 30 treasures
Advanced Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~ Find 35 treasures
Professional Fortune Hunter ~~ Find 40 treasures
Senior Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~~~ Find 45 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~~~ Find 50 treasures
Crack Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~~~~ Find 55 treasures
Master Fortune Hunter ~~~~~~~~ Find all 60 treasures
Relic Finder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the Strange Relic
Brutal Brawler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill five enemies with a brutal combo
(Square, Triangle, Square)
Brutal Slugger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 20 enemies with a brutal combo
(Square, Triangle, Square)
Brutal Expert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill five enemies in a row with a brutal combo
(Square, Triangle, Square)
Stealth Attacker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 20 enemies melee-attacking from behind
Steel Fist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill five enemies with a single punch, after
softening them up with gunfire
Steel Fist Expert ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill five enemies in a row with a single
punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Headshot Expert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill five enemies in a row with headshots
10 Headshots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 10 enemies with headshots
30 Headshots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 30 enemies with headshots
100 Headshots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 100 enemies with headshots
Dyno-Might! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill three enemies with ONE explosion
Expert Dyno-Might ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill three enemies with ONE explosion 5 times
Run-and-Gunner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 20 enemies while shooting from the hip
(without aiming with L1)
Hangman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 10 enemies by aming while hanging from a
Gernade Hangman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 10 enemies with a gernade by aming while
hanging from a ledge
Survivor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies in a row without dying
50 Kills: PM-9mm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the PM-9mm
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm ~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the 92FS-9mm
50 Kills: Micro-9mm ~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the Micro-9mm
20 Kills: Wess-44 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the Wess-44
20 Kills: Desert-5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the Desert-5
30 Kills: MP40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the MP40
50 Kills: AK-47 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the AK-47
50 Kills: M4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the M4
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper ~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: Moss-12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the Moss-12
50 Kills: SAS-12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the SAS-12
30 Kills: M79 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the M79
20 Kills: Mk-NDI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kill 50 enemies with the Mk-NDI
Charted! Easy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finish the game in Easy Mode
Charted! Normal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finish the game in Normal Mode
Charted! Hard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finish the game in Hard Mode
Charted! Crushing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finish the game in Crushing Mode
Copyright 2007 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: Walkthrough by YuGiOhFm2002 / YuGiOhAngel
Version 2.0, Last Updated 2007-12-10 View/Download Original File
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