
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: (wii)FAQ/Walkthrough

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games:(wii) FAQ/Walkthrough:


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1).................Revision History [RVHI]
2).....................Legal Notice [LGNO]
3).....................Introduction [INDN]
4).......................Characters [CTRS]
5)......................Game Basics [GMBC]

6)........Single Match - The Events [SNMT]
6a)...........................Track [SMTR]
6b)...........................Field [SMFD]
6c)......................Gymnastics [SMGM]
6d)........................Shooting [SMSH]
6e)..........................Rowing [SMRW]
6f).........................Archery [SMAH]
6g)........................Aquatics [SMAQ]
6h).........................Fencing [SMFN]
6i)....................Table Tennis [SMTT]
6j)....................Dream Events [SMDE]

7).........................Circuits [CRCT]

8).....................Mission Mode [MSMO]
8a)........................Knuckles [MSKN]
8b)..........................Bowser [MSBW]
8c)..........................Vector [MSVT]
8d)...........................Wario [MSWR]
8e)...........................Mario [MSMA]
8f).............................Amy [MSAY]
8g)...........................Luigi [MSLI]
8h)...........................Blaze [MSBZ]
8i)...........................Sonic [MSSN]

9).....................Gallery Mode [GLLY]

10).....................Unlockables [UNLK]
11)............Wi-Fi World Rankings [WFWR]

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V e r s i o n 0 . 8 ( 10 / 06 / 08 )
This is the first pubished version! All the events are complete other than
Skeet. The Mission Mode is complete up to Daisy's Missions. The Gallery Mode
section requires some work too. The file size is around 157KB.

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This guide can only be viewed on the following sites-

GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com
GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com
IGN - http://www.ign.com
NEOSEEKER - http://www.neoseeker.com
SUPERCHEATS - http://www.supercheats.com

These are the only sites that I trust and that keep my guide updated. For
this reason I won't allow my guides on other sites. Please don't email to


This guide is the and everything included herein is the sole property of
D Makey. It may not be used for profitable purposes (whether money is
involved or not) or for promotional purposes. It may not be used for any
reason other than to provide help on a free to view website. Printing of
this document is allowed, but only for personal use. It may not be displayed
or offered publicly.

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Hello peeps and welcome to my FAQ for Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games.
This is my first experience of writing for a current game. Check my CRP at
GameFAQs. All my guides are for games that are at least 5 years old. This is
also my first attempt at writing for my first 'popular' title. All these
firsts, but this is far from my first guide. This will be my 15th I believe.

Why am I writing this FAQ I can hear you ask. Well actually I can't, but I am
imagining you asking. For a few reasons. First of all, at the time of writing,
this game doesn't have a 100% complete, comprehensive FAQ yet. I hope to fill
this apparent void with my FAQ. Basically I just want to help all you poor
souls. I know, I'm too kind for my own good. The Olympics is just around the
corner (at the time of writing) and I should imagine people are going to need
some help.

Secondly, I want to see what it is like to write for a popular game. Sure,
authoring Hogs of War and Simpsons Wrestling was fun, but I doubt they are
going to feature in the Top 10 FAQ Pages. Or in fact the Top 100,000 FAQ pages.
Not that I expect this to reach that heady height, but at least people will
read this right? I just want some love people, is that too much to ask?

Let us move onto the game itself. If like me, you grew up on a staple diet of
Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive to all mt EU friends) and Super Nintendo in the
early 90s, you wouldn't expect this game to squirm into existance in a thousand
years. Well, since Sega's fortunes took a turn for the worse with the death of
the Saturn and then the Dreamcast, they have concentrated solely on game
releases. With mixed results. There have been highs (e.g. Sonic Rush
Adventure) and lows (I'm looking at you Sonic Riders).

Anyway, since throwing in the towel in the console market, Sega have been
shamelessly selling the Sonic brand to the highest bidder. This is where
somebody came up with a seemingly genius idea. Why not let the one-time rivals
face-off in a game or some kind. But what? Oh, the Olympics are happening
soon. Oh, we could create an Offical Olympic game that people will have a real
interest in. Oh, we never need destroy our finger tips with International
Track and Field ever again. Probably after that somebody did a few sketches
and made them walk around. Then some computer-person did a little bit of
programming. Ta-da! Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is here!

I'm not one for shameless self-promotion, but if you want to see any more of
my works, follow this link-


Finally, if you found this guide helpful, please take a second to rate it.
GameFAQs users can do this at the top of the page. Thank you.

Well, after a somewhat larger than usual introduction, that appears to be all.
I truly hope you find this FAQ useful. If you have any questions, refer to the
Contact Info chapter at the bottom of the page.

Thanks peeps.

- TrulyDexterous

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In this chapter you will find out EVERYTHING to do with the characters. Well,
everything relevant to the game. I mean do you really want a full-length bio
of Sonic? Probably not, but if you do use Wikipedia or something. All ratings
are out of 10. I should also say that I borrowed part of the descriptions
from the Mario and Sonic website. Sue me. Well, don't sue me I'm poor and I
have nothing you want.

| P o w e r T y p e |

Power-types are strong in throwing contests and generally have good stamina,
which is good for distance running and swimming. Speed and skill are at a
minimum though so don't go entering any sprint or gymnastics events.

K n u c k l e s t h e E c h i d n a

SWIM STROKE: Butterfly

Knuckles is an echidna that shows exceptional versatility despite his overall
strength in Power events. He’ll perform best at events like throwing and
rowing, but can also provide solid competition in many other competitions
that aren’t as power-based.

What the hell is an echidna anyway? Knuckles is a sort of all-rounder, who
has stronger Power, Speed and Stamina stats at the expense of skill. Whilst
he has an advantage in the throwing and rowing events, he can smash the world
records in sprinting events easily. A real contender for the best character.

B o w s e r
POWER : 10

SWIM STROKE: Breaststroke

A Koopa with big spikes, Bowser is an extremely strong competitor and will
dominate the Power events with his big muscles. His nasty disposition makes
him an intimidating competitor in any event that he enters, especially the
hammer throw and javelin throw.

Pretty much what you would expect. Outrageously good in the throwing events
but poor in the sprints. Not one for the trampoline or vault either.
Being the most powerful of the power-types, he causes the most damage at Dream
Fencing out of all the characters. Use him in the Hammer Throw to best effect.

V e c t o r

SWIM STROKE: Crocodile Paddle

Rough-and-tumble Vector is a crocodile that loves money, which means he wants
that Gold Medal more than anything. With incredible Power skills, he’ll
perform well in the throwing events and, given his unique swimming stroke,
can excel in the pool as well.

Very similar to Bowser. You will find him ever so slightly better in running
events, but ever so slightly worse in throwing and rowing. He is the only one
to use the Crocodile Paddle swim stroke, a very easy-to-use stroke.

W a r i o

SWIM STROKE: Breaststroke

The burly opposite of Mario, Wario is a Power-based athlete, able to hurl
objects incredible distances, and his awesome stamina gives him a boost in
any long-distance event. He is driven by greed and will undoubtedly love to
get his hands on a Gold Medal!

Wario is rather hard to place. He isn't the best at any event. However, you
can easily score high in the running events and his stamina is a great help
in the pool. If you choose to use him in a distance run, beware. Okay, so
his stamina is good, but you don't want to be relying on his speed in the
final 100m.

| A l l - A r o u n d |

All around characters are...well they're all around. Take these jacks of all
trades into any event and you will have a chance of winning. Unfortunately
all-arounders don't excel in any event especially, so you will have to work
extra hard.

M a r i o


This persistent little plumber developed his skills chasing down a big ape.
Now he’s taking his All-Around skills to the Olympic Games, where his running
and jumping experience should come in more than handy in events like the high
jump and hurdles.

Look at the ratings, they say it all. You will get average performances from
Mario in just about everthing. He is capable of winning but also capable of
finishing horribly last. This said, he is the master of the long jump.

A m y R o s e

SWIM STROKE: Breaststroke

Sonic’s wanna-be girlfriend presents an All-Around set of skills that allow
her to achieve success in many different events. She’s not the most
powerful athlete out there, but she can still surprise most of the competition
in a variety of ways.

Amy is a more focused all-rounder than Mario. I would say that she is also
more effective. With a good skill rating she can compete in skill-based
events. Her cross of stamina mixed with speed definately helps her in the
distance running.

L u i g i


Luigi is Mario’s brother and the family resemblance is obvious. Like Mario,
Luigi is an All-Around type of guy, not excelling in any one area but showing
solid ability in many events in the Olympic Games.

Luigi is very average, though he does have a couple of decent events. Use him
in the distance running and you will always be in with a shot of winning. The
triple jump is really where Luigi excels though.

B l a z e

SWIM STROKE: Butterfly

Blaze the cat, another one of Sonic’s friends, is an All-Around competitor.
As her name indicates, she also possesses no small amount of speed and will
be a formidable contender in events like the vault.

See every other all-arounder. Digest. Repeat. I wouldn't like to pin down a
specific event that Blaze excels in, so I'm going to play it safe and say
what I've said for the others. Lesson to learn- if you want to win events,
don't pick all-arounders.

| S p e e d T y p e |

Speed type characters own the sprint events. Not only that, but there is a
fair bit of running involved in a lot of events, so a good top speed can only

S o n i c t h e H e d g e h o g
SPEED : 10

SWIM STROKE: Underwater Running.

The fastest hedgehog in the world, this little blue speed demon often gets
going so fast, he appears to be just a whirling blur. He’ll usually be found
out in front of any of the Speed-based events in these Olympic Games, and
will be very difficult to catch in any of the short-distance sprints.

Oh yes, I can finally write about a character that isn't rubbish (only joking
Mario fans). As you would expect Sonic owns the sprint events. Well, him and
Shadow at least. Though he has a fantasic top speed, getting there can be
hard work. Though there is no 'official' acceleration stat in this game, it
does exist and it is apparent here. You will have to work hard to reach that
astonishing top speed. Don't expect much in non-track events though.

An interesting thing to note here. As traditionally, Sonic can't swim, you
will see him equipped with a life jacket to keep him afloat. Check out his
swimming style too. Doesn't sound like any stroke I've ever heard.

P r i n c e s s D a i s y


Like Peach, Daisy is a princess, although she comes from Sarasaland. Daisy is
exceptionally fast and will perform well in all the Speed-based events, but
her solid technique also will help her excel in some aquatics and gymnastics

A long-time spin-off character is given another outing here. As you would
expect, Daisy is put to great use on the track. However, use her in the
Single Skulls and you won't be sorry.

S h a d o w t h e H e d g e h o g
SPEED : 10


Like Sonic, Shadow is an extremely fast hedgehog that can give his more famous
blue rival a run for his money in most Speed events. Additionally, his
accuracy will help give him a leg up in events like archery and fencing.

Pretty much the same as Sonic, but with slightly worse stamina but better
skill stats. Obviously use him in all sprint events. He is also a strong
swimmer, so use him in the aquatics events.

Y o s h i


Yoshi is a green dinosaur with a big nose and a sticky tongue. He’s got
serious wheels, and his awesome Speed will keep him near the front of the
pack in all the racing events, while his quick reflexes will make him a strong
table tennis competitor.

You should be getting the picture by now. Use Yoshi in sprint events. His
skill stat is pretty handy too. Table tennis and trampoline watch out.

| S k i l l T y p e |

Use skill-types in gymnastics and shooting events. They will have a marked
advantage over other types.

P r i n c e s s P e a c h


The Princess of Mushroom Kingdom, Peach has been kidnapped several times
over by the wicked Bowser, but has always escaped with the help of Mario and
Luigi. Her excellence in the means that she’ll perform well in events like
archery and skeet.

Whilst skill-based events are what Peach excels at, have no hesitation to
use her in the sprint events. Avoid the Javelin and Hammer throws like the

T a i l s


Sonic’s buddy Tails the fox can fly thanks to his bushy tails, and he
possesses a wide range of Skill-based abilities that will make him formidable
in a wide range of events. He can jump and accelerate well, so he will be tough
to beat in many races.

Use Tails soley in the skill-based events. True he has good acceleration, but
this invaribly isn't enough to win him the sprint events. If you really want
to use him try the swimming or 400m events. His good stamina can be put to
good use here.

W a l u i g i
SKILL : 10

SWIM STROKE: Butterfly

A stringy foil to Luigi, Waluigi is known to be a bit of a cheat and rarely
displays any sense of sportsmanship. His Skill-based abilities will translate
well to events like archery and the vault.

Use Walugi above other characters in the Archery and Skeet. His fantastic
skill stat will give him a better shot than most others. Also try the
Trampoline with Waluigi. He is on a par, if not better than Eggman.

D r . I v o E g g m a n R o b o t n i k

SWIM STROKE: Breaststroke

Although the devious Dr. Eggman has great Skill-based abilities, he also is
quite powerful. His huge, lumbering frame doesn’t give the impression that he
would be good at gymnastics, but believe it or not, he can handle the
trampoline and vault quite well.

Enough of this Eggman business, this is Dr. Robotnik and don't you forget it.
Robotnik excels on the trampoline and in the 400m. He is also pretty handy in
the sprints too.

| O t h e r |

M i i
Yes, you can use your Mii in this game. Go on, click on it and try. The first
thing you will notice is that there are no stats up for your Mii. Does that
mean he/she is a stupid talentless loser? I hope not. Your Miis have stats
sort of. But they are hidden. Sort of.

You can sort your character into a 'type'. To do this you need to exit the
game and enter the Mii Channel in the Wii Menu. You need to edit your Mii.
Depending on the size that you make them, your Mii will gain different stats.
I am not 100% on all of this, I am just listing commonly held theory. If
anybody has some concrete perfect Mii stats please feel free to contribute

Tall/Short and Fat: Power Type
Short and Thin : Speed Type
Tall and Thin : Skill Type
Average Sized : All Around

Save your Mii and go back into the game. Your Mii will have stats that
reflect which type they are. For more on this see above for more on character
types, or below for the specific event you want to use your Mii for.

If you can devise the perfect Mii for each event, you can achieve the best
results with a Mii in a few events. 100m, 400m, 400m Hurdles, Javelin and

Though this seems impressive, you will have to create a different Mii for
each event.

That's all I've got for now. Like I said, if you have some info, contribute
it and help some people out.

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| C o n t r o l s |

There are a number of different controls for each event. For details on this
see the basic techniques section below or go to the event in question's
section. Here is will list the basic controls. This game requires the use of
the Nunchuck in some events, but in others you can use the Wiimote alone.

A B u t t o n
This is generally used as an action button. Use it to select stuff in menus
or continue through screens. In some events you need to press A to perform a
trick or certain action. You can press A after throwing the hammer in the
Hammer Throw Event to let out a shout.

B B u t t o n
This is a bit more commonly used than the A button. Use this to jump over
hurdles or as a trigger in shooting events. Like the A button in certain
events you need to press B to perform a required trick or action.

W i i m o t e D - P a d
Use this instead of the Nunchuck. Can be used to move your character around
in events such as Fencing.

N u n c h u c k C - S t i c k
Like the D-Pad use this to move your character around.

Z B u t t o n
This is hardly used in the game. Use to to perform a stroke in the Single

P l u s B u t t o n
Pause the game.

W i i m o t e M o v e m e n t
Move the Wiimote to perform certain moves. See the below section for more
detailed info on this.

N u n c h u c k M o v e m e n t
See Wiimote Movement, above.

| B a s i c T e c h n i q u e s |

R u n n i n g
Running is a staple of a lot of events so you had better learn to do it right.
To speed your character up, swing the Wiimote forwards and when you come to
bring it back, swing the Nunchuck forwards. Like you are actually running.
Your charater will react to the frequency of these swings, rather than how
hard or long you make them. To run more effectively, make small swings as
fast as you can manage.

You can also run without the use of the Nunchuck. You need to shake the
Wiimote back and forth to make your character run. Again, it is the speed and
frequency of these shakes, rather than how long or hard you make them. If you
can I would use the Wiimote and Nunchuk over this method. Using the Wiimote
alone doesn't seem to generate enough speed.

R o c k e t S t a r t
At the start of all running events you will get the chance to perform a rocket
start. Wait until your character gets on their blocks. When ready appears on
the screen, hold the B button down. If you look at the speed bar, you will
notice that this is charging your speed. The earlier you press B, the longer
you will have to charge your speed. Keep the Wiimote pointed at the ceiling.
As soon as 'Go!' appears on screen release the B button and thrust the Wiimote
forwards. If you have done this right, you will have a rocket start! The
earlier than you release B and thrust after 'Go!' appears, the better the
start you will get. If you hit it right on go you will get a super starting
dash, which will give you a little extra speed.

You can also get a rocket start of sorts in the swimming events. It is a
similar concept. Hold B and point the Wiimote up when 'Ready' appears. As soon
as go appears, release B and thrust the Wiimote forwards. You will dive into
the water and get a boost as you land. You will have less time after 'Go!'
appears to get this boost than in the running events. Make sure you are quick
so you don't miss out. If you get this wrong, (e.g. you thrust too early) you
will be stuck at the start after the race starts, thus slowing your start to
the race.

S w i m m i n g
In the swimming events, there are a number of different strokes. Different
characters have different strokes. After you have dived into the water, you
will need to perform your character's stoke to advance. This is similar to
running, but often with different movements. Like the running, the frequency
of these moves relate to how fast your character moves, rather than how long
or hard your swings are.


Crawl - Hold Wiimote flat and thrust it and the Nunchuck forwards

Breaststroke - Swing Wiimote left and Nunchuck right at same time. Bring
them both back to middle and repeat.

Butterfly - Swing Wiimote and Nunchuck up and down at the same time.

Dog Paddle - Swing Wiimote forwards and whilst bringing it back, swing
the Nunchuck. The same as running.

Underwater - See Dog Paddle.

Crocodile Paddle - Move both Wiimote and Nunchuck left, then right.

As you swim along, the stamina bar above your head will drain. Just as the
bar is almost empty, press B to replenish it. If you time this right you will
get a 'boost'. If you time it wrong you will be slowed down until you top the
bar up again. Repeat this throughout the entire race.

As you reach the 50m mark (i.e. the wall) the controllers nest to you will
disappear. Stop your controller waggling and flick the Wiimote. You will get
a boost off of the wall. If you are taking part in the 4x100 Freestyle, you
can also do this to give the next member of your team a boost as they dive
into the water.

J u m p i n g
There are a few jumping events so you need to get your technique right. I know
that people can really struggle with these. All of the jumping events start
off with a little bit of running. You need to get to your top speed as soon
as possible, before your speed is locked. Check the speed bar in the top left
to help you out.

Once you are up to speed and locked in, in comes the important bit. Usually,
you will have to begin your jump before you cross a foul line (e.g. Long
Jump) or on a certain spot (e.g. High Jump). At the right time you are told
that you need to raise the Wiimote. Doing too hard or too soft will result in
a bad jump.

This can be very hard to judge. The best advise I can give is to get
practicing! Once you have found the sweet spot, you can hit it again and
again. A bit like riding a bike. But without the bike. What I will say is
that you need to make your move very deliberate. Often the sensor won't pick
up your movement if it is too small.

| G e n e r a l T i p s |

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In Single Match mode you will compete in a single event for the chance of a
medal. You know how this goes, 1st= Gold Medal, 2nd= Silver Medal, 3rd=
Bronze Medal. You can only compete in events that have been unlocked in
circuit mode, or ones that are initially available. If you win a Gold medal in
all events with a single character, you will be awarded that characters Crown.

This is a basic template that you will see in each event's section:

TYPE : The type of race (e.g. race, measurement, performance).
PARTICIPANTS: How many characters take part in this event.
OBJECTIVE : What is the point of this event?
CONTROLS : What controllers can be used in this event?
TO UNLOCK : What you need to do to unlock this event in Single Match mode.

After the template I will go into detailed strategies of how best to approach
each event. This includes a brief description of the event, the best
characters to use and what you need to do to win.

TOO EASY?: This is the final part of a section. This is a task that I have
included for all those people who want an extra challenge.

| 6a) A t h l e t i c s - T r a c k [SMTR] |

1 0 0 m
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cover 100m and cross the finish line.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only

This is pretty self-explanitory, but the best characters to use here are
Speed-type. Sonic and Shadow have amazing top speeds, but you will have to
work hard to get them there as their acceleration is somewhat lacking. Daisy
and Yoshi also perform well. A couple of other surprise contenders are Peach
and Knuckles. However, if you create a perfect Mii character, it will out-
perform all of the original characters.

To start with, you need to get a rocket start. Hold B when 'Ready' appears
on screen. Keep it held down and it will charge your speed bar. As soon as
'Go!' appears on screen, let go of B and swing the Wiimote forwards. Hopefully
you will time this right and get the rocket start. The quicker you do this
after 'Go!' appears, the better the start you will have.

With a rocket start you should be near the front, or at least there abouts. If
you aren't, don't worry as there is plenty of time to catch up. Well, about 8
seconds, but it can be done. Use the usual running technique of alternately
swining the Wiimote and Nunchuck (see the Game Basics section if you are
unsure). The more frequently you do this, the faster your character will
move. Shake the Wiimote back and forth if you are doing this without the
Nunchuck. I would reccomend using the Nunchuck for this event though, as
shaking the Wiimote doesn't seem to be as effective.

To keep a check on your speed, look at the speed bar in the top left hand
corner. For this event, I would advise looking at the bar for the entire race,
rather than looking at your character. You can get a better idea of your
speed this way. You can get a more basic idea of your speed by looking at
your character. You will see different coloured sparks fly from your
character's heels. Different colours relate to different speeds.

None - Very Slow
Grey - Slow
Orange - Medium
Blue - Fast
White - Top Speed

Using a Speed Character you should easily attain a time below 10 seconds. In
fact you can do this with most characters with at least an average speed stat.
You should be looking at closer to 9.5 secs if you perform well with Sonic or

TOO EASY?: Finish first without using the rocket start.

4 0 0 m
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cover 400m and cross the line in first.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Planet Circuit.

You might think you need to rely on your speed characters here. But you
would be wrong. Good stamina is needed in this event, it is more important
than a good turn of speed.

This is where you can make use of a couple of all-rounders. Knuckles has
great stamina and a decent top speed. Other strong contenders are Amy, Luigi
and Blaze. These aside, there are two top characters for this event. Eggman is
perfectly stated-up for the 400m. Alternatively, you can use a perfect Mii.

At the start of the race, get a rocket start. Check the Game Basics section if
you are unsure how to do this. Now, you need to alternately swing the Wiimote
and Nunchuk as in the 100m. This time though, there is a stamina bar above your
head. You need to keep this topped up. If you completely drain it (usually done
by sprinting) you will slow down until it replenishes itself. To keep the bar
at an acceptable level, you need to swing the controllers less often than in
the sprints, giving the bar a chance to refill.

In the top left is your speed bar. The bar is now split. If you manage to keep
your speed in the blue lower half, your stamina will not drain. However, if it
goes into the red, your stamina bar will begin to drain. The key here is to
keep this bar as close as you can to the red line, without moving into it. It
can be difficult, but with a little practice it can be achieved.

Keeping as much stamina as possible is vital to winning this race. You need as
much stamina coming into the final 100m as possiible. Once you do reach the
final 100m, an on-screen message will tell you to sprint. It doesn't really
matter about your position here, but you need to at least be in touching
distance of the other competitors. When the message appears, treat this like
the 100m. Sprint and keep sprinting. If you are still behind as you come upon
the line, keep going as characters easily tire out. Take this as a hint
yourself. You still need to keep your stamina bar above empty, otherwise you
will dramatically slow down. Make sure this doesn't happen before the finish

This is a Wiimote Only compatible event, but I would recommend using the

A time around 43 seconds should be enough to win this in Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Coming into the final 100m, make sure you are in 8th. Finish in
1st from this position.

4 x 1 0 0 m R e l a y
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cover 400m with 4 team members and cross the finish line.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn

This is similar to the 100m. Maybe. You will essentially run 4 100m races,
but it is a little more complicated than that. For this event you really need
speed, so theoretically your best team should be Sonic, Shadow, Yoshi and
Daisy/Peach. I would suggest using Sonic and Shadow first and last, as this
is where you are going to need the most speed. However, you can assemble an
even better team. If you create 4 perfect Miis, they will easily out-perform
all the speed characters.

Get a rocket start to begin the race. Treat this part like a normal 100m
race, getting up to top speed as fast as possible. As you approach the next
member of your team, your speed will be locked. It is highly important that
you reach your top speed before your speed gets locked. If you don't you will
lose valuable ground on your rivals.

As you approach your second team member, you need to make them set off running
before you get there. Do this by pressing the B button. If you press this too
early, your character will reach a line that they cannot cross without the
baton in their hand. They will have to stop dead. This will give you a bad
handover and slow you down immensely. If you set them off running to late, you
won't lose any speed, but you won't be as quick as you could. I find them best
time to do this is a couple of seconds after they come into clear view.

After you have set your team mate off running, you will need to hand over the
baton. As you catch up with them you need to thrust the Wiimote forwards. Time
this right for the best hand over. How well you do this, as well as your
position on the track will determine how well you complete the handover. The
best hand over will give you a 'Great!' which will give you small speed boost.
A 'Good' rating will keep you at a good speed. A 'Bad' rating will slow you

After your second team member has the baton, run to the third team member and
repeat the hand over process. Repeat all this a final time and hand over to
the fourth team member. Really go for it here, there is no hand over. It is
just a race to reach the finish line first.

A time around 38 seconds should be enough for the win in Single Match mode.

You can also use the Wiimote Only option in this event.

TOO EASY?: Finish first using Bowser, Vector, Wario and Waluigi.

1 1 0 m H u r d l e s
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Negotiate the hurdles over 110m and cross the finish line.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only

As you would expect, speed in the major factor in this event. This means that
you really need to use Sonic or Shadow for best performance.

Perform a rocket start at the beginning of this race. Treat this like the 100m
until you reach the first hurdle. Press the B button to jump over the hurdle.
You need good timing to get this right. Make sure you are travelling at top
speed, or as close as you can get. This makes jumping easier. Just before you
reach the hurdle, press B and jump over it. If you get this right, you will
clear the hurdle completely and avoid any hold-ups.

If you get the timing of the jump wrong, a couple of things can happen. First
of all, if you are waaaay early, you will risk running right into the hurdle.
This will stop you dead in your tracks. Avoid this at all costs. The second
scenario is that you just catch the hurdle as you jump over it. The hurdle
will fall. You will get a minimal speed loss, if any at all.

After you have jumped the first hurdle, hammer the Wiimote and Nunchuk as fast
as you possibly can. Jump the next hurdle. Repeat this until you have crossed
the line.

A time below 13.5 seconds should be enough for a win in Single Match mode.

This is a Wiimote Only compatible event. Just shake the Wiimote and use B to

TOO EASY?: Finish first without knocking over a single hurdle.

4 0 0 m H u r d l e s
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Negotiate the hurdles over 400m cross the finish line.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Sunlight Circuit.

A cunning cross of the 400m and the 110m hurdles. Really you need to treat
this like the 400m. Just don't forget to jump over the hurdles. Stamina and
speed play their part here. Use Knuckles for the best mix of the two. Amy,
Luigi and Blaze are handy too.

Beware that taking hurdles at a slower speed is different from taking them in
the 110m hurdles. You need to jump a little later, to account for your lack of
speed. After a couple of tries you should get used to the difference. As you
reach the final straight, as long as you have enough stamina, you can treat
it like a 110m Hurdles race.

If you need more detailed help on this, see the 400m and 110 Hurdles sections

A time sub-49 seconds should give you the win in Single Match mode.

This is a Wiimote Only compatible event. Just shake the Wiimote and use B to
jump. As in all the running events, I would suggest using the Nunchuck. It is
abundantly easier to get to top speed and stay there.

TOO EASY?: Finish 1st without knocking down a single hurdle AND start the
final 100m from 8th place.

| 6b) A t h l e t i c s - F i e l d [SMFD] |

L o n g J u m p
TYPE : Measurement
OBJECTIVE : Jump as far as you can from behind the foul line.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only

Speed is important here, as you might expect. Jumping is the main part of
this event though. I believe power is also an issue here. Probably something
to do with the takeoff for your jump. If this is the case Knuckles would be
ideal for this event, with his great power and passable speed stats. Having
said this Mario is by far the best character for this event. I mean he's had
enough practice right? Check the Wi-Fi Top 30 and you will see why I mention
Mario's name here.

At your athlete's introduction you can encourage the crowd to give you
applause. I have serious doubts over how effective this is. See the Game
Basics section for more on this.

There is no rocket start here, so pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck as fast as
you can to reach your top speed. After a short while, your speed will be
locked, so make sure you are at top speed before this locks. Othwerwise your
jump is going to be rubbish. Maybe rubbish is a bit harsh. Technically-
challenged at the very least.

Anyway, you should be hurtling down the track now, with your speed locked in.
You will now be approaching the foul line where Cream is sat. Before the line
(but not waaaaay before) you need to execute your jump.

Raise the Wiimote to initiate the jump. The power of your jump will be
regulated by how hard and fast you move the Wiimote. It can be hard to judge
this correctly. The best thing I can say is that you need to practice.
Eventually you will find the best way to flick the Wiimote for you.

If you fail to jump before the foul line you will be given a foul and any
distance that you jump will be void. You have 3 jumps to try and perform
the best jump that you can. Your best jump will be taken into account.

Jump close to 8.00m to win in Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Fill your jump-bar perfectly, without over-spill.

T r i p l e J u m p
TYPE : Measurement
OBJECTIVE : Jump as far as you can by performing a hop, step and jump.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only

This is very similar to the Long Jump. Speed and power are important here.
Knuckles or Mario can get you results, but the best character for this
event is Luigi. Something to do with those long, slow jumps he does in
previous Mario games?

Again, you can get the crowd to applaude you if you think it will do any
good. After this pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to get up to top speed. Your
speed will be locked in after a short while. Hold the Wiimote as described
in the Long Jump (see above). Now perform the flick before the foul line.
This will give you the 'hop'. Just as you begin to land raise the Nunchuck.
This will perform the 'step'. As you come down a final time either raise or
flick (which ever you find easier) the Wiimote a second time. This will give
you the 'jump'.

Perfecting this can be even harder than the Long Jump. If you need some more
detailed advise on this see the Long Jump above. Like the Long Jump, there
are jump-bars. These basically show how well you flicked the Wiimote. Fill
the bars without over-spill to gain the best jumps. Under-filling these can
be as bad as over-filling.

Even if you mess up, you will get 3 tries at this event. You furthest jump
will be taken into account. You will foul in this event if you fail to
jump before the foul line, or you do not successfully perform all 3 stages
of the jump.

A score of 17.50m should be enough to win in Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Fill all 3 jump-bars perfectly, without over-spilling on any.

H a m m e r T h r o w
TYPE : Measurement (distance)
OBJECTIVE : Throw the hammer as far as you can.
CONTROLS : Wiimote Only

Power is essential in this event. Any power-type will perform well, but I
would guess Bowser is the strongest. All you need to do is throw the
hammer further than anyone else. Simple?

First of all, you are going to have to work very hard not to foul in this
event. If you leave the throwing circle (i.e. take too long with your throw)
you will foul. If you throw the hammer into the nets you will foul. If you
throw the hammer too far to the left or right (i.e. out of bounds) you will

Press A to begin your throw. Hold the Wiimote so that it is pointing at the
ceiling. You need to rotate it as fast as you possibly can. Just make small
circles with the end of the Wiimote. This will cause your character to spin.
The faster you turn, the faster they spin. As the the hammer is twirled around
it will make 'speed-lines'. These will start off orange but as the hammer
gains speed they will turn to blue. Work your way up to blue/white for your
best shot.

After a few spins, a count will appear above your characters head. This is the
number of spins that you have left before you foul. When the count reaches 1
spin for the final time before releasing the hammer. Do this by pressing B.
You need the release the hammer dead centre for the best throw. It can go off
to the sides a little but if it moves too far you will foul. After you have
released the hammer, press A to make your character shout. I'm pretty sure
this is useless but it's there if you want to use it.

Like the jumping events, you will have 3 tries at this, with your longest
throw being taken into account.

A throw of around 75 metres should earn you victory is Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Beat the World Record with anyone other than a power-type.

J a v e l i n T h r o w
TYPE : Measurement (distance)
OBJECTIVE : Throw the javelin as far as you can.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk
Wiimote Only

Power is important here, but speed also has a part to play. Any power-type
will be effective here. I prefer Knuckles because of his extra speed, but
a perfect Mii can out-perform him.

You can use the applause function here if you wish. At the start of the event
pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to get to your top speed as fast as possible.
After a moment your speed will be locked. Make sure you have the top speed
locked in for best performance.

You need to throw the javelin by holding A and B and holding the Wiimote
horizonal. Then flick the Wiimote upwards and release A and B. The best time
to initiate this throw is next to the second-to-last cone. The cones can be
seen at intevals on the left hand side. Throwing at this cone will have you
stop before the foul line, but not too far back either.

As you throw you will have a bar appear, similar to the jump events. Flicking
the Wiimote too hard will over-fill the bar and you will have a bad throw.
Under-filling can also lead to poor throws. I would suggest flicking the
Wiimote relatively hard, as it rarely seems to over-spill. Hopefully you will
perfectly fill the bar.

Should you get all of this right you can easily surpass 100m and throw the
javelin right off of the field. Throws of 115m+ are not unheard of. Like
the Hammer Throw, you will get 3 tries at this. Whilst these huge throws can
be achieved, throwing over 80m will likely be enough to win in Single Match

Watch out, as crossing foul line or failing to throw will result in a foul.

TOO EASY?: Throw over 100m with all 3 of your throws.

H i g h J u m p
TYPE : Measurement (height)
OBJECTIVE : Jump over the bar as high as possible, without knocking it down.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Stardust Circuit.

Speed and power are the stats to look out for here. Mario, Luigi or Knuckles
would be my suggestion.

Before you begin you will need to set the height of the bar. Set it at an
easily attained 2.20m. The more successful jumps that you have, the more your
character will be warmed up. The more warmed up they are, the better they will
jump. You can see how warmed up your character is by the musical notes that
appear above their head:

1 Blue - Cool
2 Green - Warm
3 Red - Hot
4 Red - Very Hot

If you start at 2.20m and go up in tens (i.e. 2.30m, 2.40m etc.) you will
warm your character up enough to be successful. Eventually the maximum 2.60m
can be reached. By the time you are at this point your character should be
built up to 4 red notes.

Before you worry about all this though, you need to know how to jump. You can
use the applause feature in your character's intro if you wish. Now, pump the
Wiimote and Nunchuck. There is a large speed bar on the left hand side of the
screen. Top this out before your speed is locked.

Once your speed is locked you need to get ready to perform the jump. Wait
until your character runs over the highlighted blue area. Quickly flick the
Wiimote upwards. You don't need to press anything, just do the movement. This
will begin your jump. The higher the height you are attempting, the smaller
this blue area will be. The camera angle will now change so that you can see
right along the bar. Flick the Nunchuck upwards now to help your character
move their body out of the way of the bar.

There are 4 possible results.

1) You clear the bar completely.
2) You hit the bar on the way over. It wobbles but stays up.
3) You hit the bar on the way over. It wobbles then drops off.
4) You don't jump high enough and take the bar out completely.

If either of the first two happen, well done, you passed. If either of the
second two happen you have failed. For shame. Fortunately, you will get 3
attempts at this, so if you mess up you still have another chance. Unless it
was your last turn. Then your pretty much f***ed. However, if you pass a
certain height, you can have more than 3 attempts. In fact you can keep going
until you fail at a height 3 times.

Like I said before, if you get this all right, you easily get the maximum
World Record of 2.60m. I find 2.40 should be enough in Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Beat the maximum 2.60m World Record with a 'heat rating' of less
than 4 musical notes.

P o l e V a u l t
TYPE : Measurement (height)
OBJECTIVE : Use the pole to clear the bar at the largest height you can.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit.

Speed is good here, as is power. Knuckles it is then :) Seriously though
anyone with a bit of speed should suffice.

First of all you need to set your bar height. The minimum height is 5.00m.
Like the high jump, the more successful jumps you have, the more you
character will warm up. The more warmed up they are, the better they will
jump. Your warm-o-meter is shwon above your characters head, in the form of
musical notes.

1 Blue - Cool
2 Green - Warm
3 Red - Hot
4 Red - Very Hot

You can also use the applause feature in this event. When you are ready, pump
the Wiimote and Nunchuck to fill the bar as much as you can. Your speed will
then lock. You need to flick the Wiimote to plant the pole. This must be done
as your character passes of the blue area. Like the high jump, the bigger the
height you are trying the clear, the smaller this blue area will be.

Even if you miss this blue area and get a bad rating you can make up for it.
Your character will be holding onto the end of the pole as it begins to
recoil. Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to fill the bar on the left. The more
you fill this bar, the better your jump. Once the recoil releases, you will
be thrown upwards towards the bar. As you go over the bar, flick the Nunchuck
upwards to help your character move their body out of the way.

Like the High Jump, there are 4 possible results:

1) You clear the bar completely.
2) You hit the bar on the way over. It wobbles but stays up.
3) You hit the bar on the way over. It wobbles then drops off.
4) You don't jump high enough and take the bar out completely.

If either of the first two occur, you have passed. w00t. If either of the
last two happen you have failed. You will have 3 attempts at each height. If
you pass a height you can move onto the next. The maximum height is 6.30m.
As long as you build up to 4 red notes you can achieve this with a few tries.

A score of 6.10m should be enough for the win in Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Clear 6.30m after getting a 'bad' rating when you plant the pole.

| 6c) G y m n a s t i c s [SMGM] |

T r a m p o l i n e
TYPE : Peformance (score-based)
OBJECTIVE : Score the best score you can by performing tricks.
CONTROLS : Wiimote Only

Skill-type characters are the best to use here. Dr. Eggman and Waluigi are
particularly effective. There are less tricks to perform with skill-types,
but you will still get a great score. Perfect scores are easily achieveable.

To begin this event, flick the Wiimote upwards to begin bouncing. As you come
back down to touch the trampoline, flick it upwards again to get more height.
Repeat this until you surpass 7m. At this point you will begin to perform
tricks. Press the corresponding buttons, that will appear to the right. Start
at the top and work your way down. Their are 2 buttons to press; either A or
B. There is one action to perform which has you twist the Wiimote onto its
side. You will have to perform these tricks before your character touches the
trampoline again. In your first jump there will be few buttons, 4 or 5.

Before you land, flick the Wiimote again to give you even more height. More
height gives you more time to push the buttons. As you continue through the
routine successfully there will be increasing numbers of tricks to perform.
Hopefully you will have gained enough height to perform them all.

If you press the incorrect button continue the routine and try and push all
the buttons. The better more tricks you perform succesfully, the better your
score will be. Your score will drop if you miss any tricks or you press the
wrong button. To get a perfect 10 do not miss or press any incorrect buttons.

A score close to 9.0 should secure the win in Single Match mode.

TOO EASY?: Score a perfect 10 with any character other than a skill-type.

V a u l t
TYPE : Performance (score-based)
OBJECTIVE : Jump from the spring board and perform the best combo you can.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk
Wiimote Only
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit.

It's kind of hard to gather, but I think skill-types fair best here, along
with speed-types. Therefore the best character to use MUST be Dr. Eggman. He
has a good blend of the two.

Do the running thing (yawn) to start the event. Get up to top speed before
you reach the spring board. As your character steps onto the board flick the
Wiimote upwards. The better you do this, the higher your character will go.
Whilst you are in the air you need to perform tricks. Do this by flicking
the Wiimote (flex spin), Nunchuck (stretch spin) or both together (Twist

You need to create combos to attain the best scores. You need to perform these
moves without pausing. As soon as you perform one trick, make sure you do
another one right after it. Good combos will cause your character to emit
sparks. I find the best way to perform combos is to wildly throw my arms
around. This ensures there is no pause between your tricks giving you time
to get more in. This is an unfortunate flaw. If you are looking for a little
more skill, try a combo of your own design. A combo of Wiimote, Nunchuck,
Wiimote, Nunchuck, Wiimote, Nunchuck scored me well into the 9s.

After performing your medal-winning combo, you need to land. Otherwise your
perfect 10 is going to be reduced into the 7s. The trick is to leave plenty
of time for your landing. Stop performing tricks a short while after you
begin to lose height and fall. You will get a feel for this. As you come down,
make sure the Wiimote is held straight. The best landing will result in you
standing straight. Press the A button. You should be for a decent score if
you combo'd well.

If you leave your landing too late (i.e. you did too many tricks) you are in
for a harder time. As you land your character is in danger of over-balancing.
You need to pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to keep them upright. You will
be penalised for this and your score will reflect it. However, it is much
better than falling over. This will happen if you fail to pump the controllers
after landing badly. Your score will be shameful if you fall over.

Perfect 10s are attainable with the right combo and a good landing. In Single
Match mode, you will only need to get close to a 9.

TOO EASY?: Score a perfect 10.

| 6d) S h o o t i n g [SMSH] |

S k e e t
TYPE : Performance
OBJECTIVE : Shoot as many targets as you can at each station.
CONTROLS : Wiimote Only

| 6e) R o w i n g [SMRW] |

S i n g l e S k u l l s
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cross the finish line first.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only
TO UNLOCK : Unlock the Moonlight Circuit.

Welcome to the Single Skulls. OMFG Daisy is liek da bomb on dis event!!!1!!
etc. etc. For some unknown reason Daisy owns this event. I'm not exactly
sure why but use her. Knuckles is good too.

When 'Go!' appears immediately press the highlighted buttons. This will no
doubt be Z and B. As soon as you press the button drag the Wiimote and
Nunchuck towards you making a 'rowing' motion. This will cause your
character to move forwards. Repeat this as soon as your next instructions
appear. During the early parts of the race this is usually Z and B. The
quicker you perform this, the better you will make the stroke. Musical notes
are used in this event to denote how well you made the stroke.

Red X - Mistake
1 Blue - Poor
2 Green - Okay
3 Red - Good

I haven't actually seen a 4 note stroke, so I'm not going to put this down. If
anybody could confirm this I would be grateful.

Anyway, keep moving forwards and eventually your instructions will change.
Most likely to Z and A. Keep an eye out for this as inputting the wrong button
combo will slow you down. Keep progressing like this and a third button combo
will appear- A and B. Continue putting these combos in and making the rowing
motion. Towards the end of the race, your instructions will go out of the
window and you will just have to keep doing the rowing motion. Cross the line
first. You had better be in first. Especially if you read this.

If you are struggling with this event here is a tip. Take out the Nunchuck and
use the Wiimote alone. This means you don't have to use the Z button. All the
combos are set to A and B. If your kind of slow this means you don't make any
mistakes by putting in incorrect combos. Idiot-proof.

TOO EASY?: Occupy last place at any point in the race. Come back to finish in

| 6f) A r c h e r y [SMAH] |

A r c h e r y
TYPE : Performance (score based)
OBJECTIVE : Score as many points as you can with 12 arrows.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuck

Skill-type characters fair better than others in this event. You will find it
easier to position the Nunchuck with skill-type than other types. Waluigi
will perform well here, as will a perfect Mii.

I presume you know the absolute basics of archery? Shoot an arrow at the big
round target. The closer you get the arrow to the centre, the better you will
score. If you get the arrow in the very centre circle, you will score a 10.
If you hit the next circle out, you will score a 9. And then an 8. All the way
out to 1. Or zero if you miss the big round target entirely.

Next thing, controls. To begin your shot, hold A and B and pull the Wiimote
back. You will now get a view of the target. If there is no wind, point the
Wiimote at the very centre circle. You need to line the Nunchuck cursor up
with Wiimote cursor. You need to line these up perfectly to make sure your
shot is accurate. Try and line up the two dots in the centre of the cursors,
rather than the outer borders. The Nunchuck will be very hard to move. It is
a little fuzzy and won't always respond to your movements. When you do finally
get them line up, try and hold on for a couple of seconds. The cursors should
shine and that way you know they are lined up properly. Once you are ready,
let go of A and to fire the arrow. If the cursors aren't lined up right, you
will likely miss the target entirely.

If there is wind whilst you are taking your shot, you need to take it into
consideration. The wind can be hard to judge. You need to fire further down
the target if the wind is blowing upwards. That way when the wind takes the
arrow, it will land close to the centre. If the wind is 0 then obviously there
will be no effect. If it is 1-3, there may be very slight movement. 4-6 will
move it quite a way and 7-9 will cause massive movement. I would guesstimate
that 1mph is the equivalent of 1 ring. So, if the wind is blowing 4 to the
right, aim the cursors 4 to the left.

The event is broken up into 4 sections. You will have to fire 3 arrows in
each. In the first section, the winds will be non-existant to light. In the
second and third the winds will be mid-ranging. Whilst in the final section
the winds are very strong.

The faster you fire your arrows the better your time will be. If you look on
the Wi-Fi World Rankings, the scores are all 120 with, the best times at the
top. Keep practicing!

TOO EASY?: Score 120 and place in the Wi-Fi World Rankings top 30.

| 6g) A q u a t i c s [SMAQ] |

1 0 0 m F r e e s t y l e
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cover 100m and finish the race.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only

First of all, select your character. At the introduction screen, your
character's swim stroke will be shown. You can also see this in the Game
Basics section above.

It appears as though speed is an issue here. I'm not exactly sure why, but it
is. Shadow is the best character to use.

Charge your rocket start and use it as soon as the gun goes off. You will need
to be quick when performing your rocket start in swimming events. It will only
work for a split second after the gun. If you perform it too late, you won't
get the start. Even worse if you get in completely wrong, you will be
prevented from starting for a couple of seconds.

Once you are actually in the pool, you need to start swimming. Your
character's stroke will appear above their head. Forgot the nice slow motion
that it is undertaking, you need to perform your strokes as fast as possible.
As you do this, your stamina bar will be emptied. Just before it is completely
drained, press the B button to replenish it. If you time this right, you will
get a 'boost' (in reality it means you won't lose any speed) and the bar will
be re-filled. If you time it wrong, you will be slowed down and your bar will
refill slowly.

As you come up to the halfway point, stop swimming and flick the Wiimote. If
you time this correctly, you will get a speed boost as you kick off of the
wall. As soon as you can start swimming again. Keep swinging the Wiimote and
Nunchuck and replenishing your health as you need to. You can tell how well
you are making the strokes by the musical notes that appear above your
character's head.

1 Blue - Poor
2 Green- Okay
3 Red - Good

Once you reach the wall, you will end the race.

You may find this a little easier if you use the Wiimote on it's own. It is
after all, on less arm to use. I can't say there is a marked speed advantage
but it is undoubtedly easier.

TOO EASY?: Win the race without getting a rocket start.

4 x 1 0 0 m F r e e s t y l e
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cover 400m with 4 characters.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuck
Wiimote Only

This is very similar to the 100 Freestyle. I guess you should use speed-types
to make up your best team. At least make sure Shadow is involved.

At the beginning, get a rocket start. Perform the first 100m as you normally
would. As you close in on the 100m wall, flick the Wiimote, the same as you
would at 50m. This will give your next team member a boost as they dive into
the water. Do their 100m and repeat this another twice with your final 2
characters. Touch the wall first to win!

TOO EASY? As you come your second character dives into the water, make sure
you are in last. Win from this position.

| 6h) F e n c i n g [SMFN] |

I n d i v i d u a l E p e e
TYPE : Versus (head to head)
OBJECTIVE : Gain 15 points before your opponent.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuk.
Wiimote Only

It's hard to tell who is the best character to use here. There seem to be
subtle differences, but this does not necessarily go by type. For example,
you will find that Dr. Eggman has a longer reach than some. Whilst the speed
characters seem to get their attacks in first.

Move left and right using the Nunchuck or the D-Pad. Double press them
quickly to move with more pace. To 'thrust' attack your opponent, jab the
Wiimote forwards. Every time you hit your opponent like this you will earn a
point. Reach 15 points before your opponent does.

You can parry attacks, which gives you a good defence option, as well as
opening an attacking opportunity. Hold the A button and then thrust forwards
to parry. If your opponent is attacking at that moment, their sword will be
knocked aside and they will be put off balance. This is the perfect chance to#
go on the attack. Should this happen to you, pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to
regain your balance. You can tell when your opponent is about to attack, as
their eyes glint beforehand.

Your third move in Fencing, is the feint. Hold the B button and thrust to
perform this. You will move slightly and this will cause your opponent to
think you are on the attack. More often than not, they will use a parry. Once
they have performed their parry, they will be open to attack. Admittedly this
isn't a move that I favour, but it can be used if necessary.

Okay, let's imagine a live match scenario. Start of with an attack or two and
whilst your are on this, keep moving to the right. This will force your
opponent back, as they will want to keep a gap between you and them. Parry
when you think you need to parry but keep forcing them to the right. Once your
opponent can't move back any more, you are in pole position. Their movement is
very limited. Stand a little way back from them, so they can't reach you. Then
double move forwards and attack. Then, quickly move back to your starting
position and repeat. I find this to be a very effective tactic.

After you have beaten your opponent, you will progress to the final. If you
lose you will take part in the 3rd-place playoff.

TOO EASY?: Win both games 15-0.

| 6i) T a b l e T e n n i s [SMTT] |

S i n g l e s
TYPE : Versus (head to head)
OBJECTIVE : Reach 11 points before your opponent.
CONTROLS : Wiimote Only

All characters seem to be pretty well balanced in this event. I can't seem to
pick any major differences in how they play. However, there is one thing that
I noticed. If you play power characters such as Bowser, they can return
smashes more often than say skill-types.

This plays more or less like a normal game of table tennis. If the ball is to
the right of your character, use a forehand, if it is to their left use a
backhand. Whilst you are swinging, make your actions deliberate, as shots can
easily been fluffed if you swing too softly. To serve flick the Wiimote
upwards and then perform a forehand as the ball reaches the bat. There is an
on-screen prompt to help you with this.

If you swing without pressing any buttons, you will perform a normal shot.
This will basically clear the net and land somewhere in the middle your
opponent's side of the table. These are fairly easy to return, but if you
swing at the wrong time, they are missable. You might find that your opponent
will fail to return one of these for no apparent reason.

The second shot that you can use is a chop. This is a very lightly hit shot
that will bounce close to the net. This can result in the ball bouncing twice,
or the ball dropping too short for your opponent to return it. You may find
that if your opponent actually does manage to return the ball, they will over
hit it and miss your side of the table. Whilst this is effective, if you
accidently return the ball when it was not going to hit the table, you will
lose the point. I'm not entirely sure why but that's the case. Hold A and
swing to perform a chop.

The final shot that you can play is a smash shot. These are a full-on slog of
the ball. Hold the B button and swing to perform a smash. Be wary though, it
takes a while long to implement your smash shot, so you need to swing earlier.
IT may take a little practice to get the timing right. Smash shots are easier
to perform if the ball is travelling slower, so try slowing the tempo of the
rally down with some chop shots. This should give you the perfect chance to
use your smash. Though smashes can be hard to return, it is possible. If you
return it with a normal shot, the ball will still carry some pace. A chop shot
is the play-it-safe way of returning the ball. It will take out all of the
power generated from the smash. Finally, you can try a difficult move. Try
returning the smash with a smash of your own. This is extremely difficult to
time correctly, but if you get it right you are almost guarenteed the point.

Even if you are under going a relatively routine rally, you will still have
every opportunity of winning the point, as the computer has an inexplicable
tendency to miss the ball for no reason.

Once you have won your first match, you will proceed to the final. If you lose
your first match, you will take place in the 3rd-place playoff.

TOO EASY?: Win both your matches 11-0.

| 6j) D r e a m E v e n t s [SMDE] |

D r e a m R a c e
TYPE : Race
OBJECTIVE : Cover 4 laps and cross the finish line.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuck
TO UNLOCK : Unlock Moonlight Circuit.

This is a distance race (kind of), but stamina doesn't come into it. There is
a speed bar however, so pick a speed character. Sonic or Shadow.

Okay, let's start with some basics of this event. There are 4 laps that you
need to complete. There is a twist though, each laps will have different
obstacles. Obstacles include:

Sand : Run over this and you will be slowed.

Hurdles: Jump over these (B) to avoid being slowed.

Bombers: These are red robot-like things. If you run into these they will
explode. This will stop you dead. So don't run into them got it?

As well as obstacles, there are item boxes scattered around the track. Run
into these to pick up an item:

High Speed : AKA the Speedy Shoe. This will give you a speed boost for 5
seconds. This will erase the effects the Boo has on you.

Starman : This is just a star. Not a star/man hybrid. Use this to get
invicibility against everything except Boos. You will not be
affected by obstacles whilst you use this. It will last for 5

Explosion : A bomb. Drop this on the track 2 try and slow your opponents. If
you run into this, you will be stopped dead by the explosion.

Boo : This will slow down the leader, reducing their top speed for a
short while.

Green Shell: Fire this forwards or backwards. It can knock over hurdles or
slow down enemies. This only moves in a straight line.

Red Shell : This will home in on opponents. Well in a sort of in a not-
really-working kind of a way.

Emerald : Use this for a major comeback.

Lightning : Zap all the athletes in front of you.

If you are hit by a weapon or slowed by an obstacle, pump the Wiimote and
Nunchuck to get back to top speed.

As well as obstacles and Item Boxes, you will find boosts on the track. They
are orange and flashy. Run over them for a significant speed boost.

Right finally, let's move onto the race. I'm going to give you a guide through
all 4 laps. This is like the best-case scenario. Most likely you will be hit
100 times by random weapons. This guide will be applicable if you are actually
placed in the race. If you are miles back in 4th you might find that some of
the obstacles disappear, giving you chance to catch up. In which case the
walkthrough won't make sense to you. Got it?


LAP 1: Get a rocket start and pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to get to top
speed as quick as you can. As soon as you reach top speed, your speed will be
locked and you won't be slowed unless you are high by a weapon, slowed by an
obstacle or press down on the D-Pad.

As the track bends to the left, jump over the first hurdle. Quickly move over
to the right and use the boost here. Grab an item box after this. Jump over
both sets of hurdles as you go through the tunnel. Follow the track as it
turns to the left. Now stay either on the left or over to the right to pick up
an item box. Shift over to the right of the track and use the boost here. Head
down the straight and cross the line.

LAP 2: As the track turns to the left, there are 3 things all in a row. There
is a boost, a patch of sand and an item box. Stay to the left and use the
boost. Quickly shift into the middle of the track, between the two sand
patches. As you come into the tunnel there are 4 hurdles in quick succession.
Stay to the left as you jump over them and use the boost. Jump over the
hurdles in the centre of the track and grab an item box. As the track bends to
the left, you can jump another hurdle to pick up another item box. Now shift
over to the right for a chance at more item boxes. Quickly move back over to
the left of the track. There are 2 sand patches here. Stay to the left as you
pass the first one, but move over to the right to avoid the second. Cross the

LAP 3: The track will turn to the left. Jump over the sand patch here and
collect the item box. Jump over the sand patch after this. Stay over to the
left to collect an item box. Go to the centre of the track and use 1 of the
2 boosts. After this there are 2 Walking Bombers in the tunnel. There is a
possiblity that you can get a boost in the tunnel, but you need to make sure
you avoid the Walking Bombers. Quickly get over to the right after this and
use the booster here to get over the large sand patch. Now stay on either the
left or right to grab an item box. You can jump over the stand patch here and
grab a item box or you can ignore it and grab a item box from the row of 4
behind. Watch out for the bombers and get over to the right and negotiate the

LAP 4: Get over to the right and use the booster here. Get between the sand
patches and bombers. If you are still boosting, you can avoid them by running
over the sand. Collect an item box after this. Jump over the sand in the
middle of the track and grab another item box. Stay over to the left or right
and collect the next item box. There is a line of item boxes after this. Avoid
the bombers here and then jump over the sand. Cross the line.

TOO EASY?: Win without using any weapons.

D r e a m P l a t f o r m
TYPE : Performance (score based)
OBJECTIVE : Score the highest number of points.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuck
Wiimote Only
TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Cosmos Circuit.

This event opens with all competitors jumping from a flying ship. There is a
10,000m drop to the sea, during which you need to pick up as many points as
possible. Points are earned for your falling speed and for performing tricks
along the way.

Tilt the Wiimote forwards so that it is almost horizontal. This will speed up
your character's descent. Pulling back on the Wiimote will slow down your
speed. Move around with the D-Pad (Wiimote only) or with the Nunchuck. Fire
weapons using the A or B button.

Earn points by going through checkpoints:

1st - 1000 points
2nd - 800 points
3rd - 500 points
4th - 300 points

There are different coloured rings scattered around the area. If you pass
through a ring you will get the opportunity to perform a series of tricks.
Input the sequence of buttons next to your character before the guage is
emptied. This is similar to the tricks in the trampoline event. There are
3 types of ring:

Yellow - Small
Green - Medium
Red - Large

The smaller the ring, the harder the sequence and the more points you will
earn. You will gain more points for a perfect sequence (i.e. don't press any
wrong buttons). The quicker you complete the sequence, the more points you
will earn also. If you perform a sequence successfully, you will get a speed
boost. Go through smaller rings for bigger boosts.

If you fall into a block or a bomber you will lose points.
500 points are
lost for a block, 800 for a bomber.

As you fall, you can pick up item boxes. These contain weapons. Use these
against your opponents or upon yourself to gain an advantage.

Dash Mushroom - Boost for 5 seconds.
Barrier - Invulnerable for 5 seconds (but cancelled if you are hit).
Explosion - Destroy blocks.
Red Shell - Hit opponents and blocks.

Once you reach the water, the event will end. The final checkpoint is
activated when you hit the water and it is worth more points (triple, I
think). Whoever has earned the most points from checkpoints and performaces
will be the winner.

TOO EASY?: Win after entering the water last.

D r e a m F e n c i n g
TYPE : Versus (head-to-head)
OBJECTIVE : Drain all your opponent's health before they drain yours.
CONTROLS : Wiimote and Nunchuck.
Wiimote Only

See Single Match- Fencing for the basics of fencing. Though this is
essentially a fencing event, there are a few differences from the Individual

First of all, the points counters have been replaced by health bars. Each time
you hit your opponent, they will lose a little health. This is pretty similar
to the normal fencing. Each time that you give or take a hit, the Special
Moves bar at the bottom of the sceen will fill. It will fill up quicker if you
take a hit than if you give a hit. Each time this fills, you will receive one
Special Move to use. You can store a maximum of three.

The Special Moves are the second new addition. Press A and B, then thrust
attack to use a Special Move. Use these to deal your opponent some extra
damage. You will also get the chance to knock your opponent clean out of the
battle area and into the sea. If you keep moving your opponent over to the
right, they will eventually reach the edge of the battle area. If you use a
Special Move now, they will be knocked out of bounds, into the sea. They will
lose a little extra health for this.

Depending on your character's type, you will have a different type of Special
Move. Power-types have a strong Special Move with lots of knockback. This
means that your opponent will be hit further. Handy if you want to hit your
opponent out of bounds from closer to the centre of the battle area. Skill-
types have a projectile attack (e.g. Waluigi will throw a bomb at you). Speed
types and all-arounders have a similar quick hit move, similar to power-type
moves, but without as much knockback.

Though they are strong, you can actually parry Special Moves. Wait until you
see your opponent release their attack then press B and swing. If you time
this right you should parry the attack. Skill-type attacks are easiest to
parry as you can see their projectile coming from a way off.

The best way to win Dream Fencing is to use your Special Moves to knock your
opponent out of bounds as much as possible.

TOO EASY?: Win and get a perfect score (no hits) without using any Special

D r e a m T a b l e T e n n i s
TYPE : Versus (head to head)
OBJECTIVE : Reach 50 points before your opponent.
CONTROLS : Wiimote Only

This is similar to the Singles (Table Tennis) event, so checked out that
chapter above for the basics of Table Tennis. Like Dream Fencing, this has a
few little differences to the original event.

First of all, the scoring system is different. In the Singles event, if you
won a rally, you won a point. In this event, if you win a rally that lasted
15 shots, you will win 15 points. If you win a rally that last 7 shots, you
win 7 points. Can you see where I'm going with this? You need to reach 50
points before your opponent does.

In addition to the difference scoring, Special Moves are brought into play
too. The bar at the bottom of the screen will fill up each time your return a
shot. Once the bar is full you will earn a Special Move. You can store up to
3 at once, at which point the bar will remain full.

To use a Special Move, wait until the ball comes near you, press A and B
together and swing as you normally would. Different character types have
different Special Moves. Power-types will smash the ball and upon bouncing on
your opponent side of the table, it will sit on the table. After a couple of
seconds it will release, dis-orientating your opponent and more often than not
winning the point. If you judge when the ball is released well, it is possible
to return this. Speed and all-around types have a similar Special Move.
Basically, the ball will come down from high up, at great speed and then
bounce deceptively low. This is tricky to hit but again, it can be returned if
you judge it properly. Finally, skill-types have the hardest-to-return move.
When they hit the ball, it will become invisible. This is very difficult to
return for obvious reasons. This CAN be returned though. You need to follow
the path where the ball was headed and swing at the right moment. A lot of
this is down to how well you judge the movement. If you get it right though
you will return the ball.

I find that if a Special Move is used against you, the best thing to do is to
use a Special Move of your own, especially if it is a big-point rally. You
will always return the ball if you use a Special Move, whereas if you try to
return the ball normally, you risk losing the rally. For this reason, try and
keep 1 more Special Move than your opponent, just in case it descends into
some kind of war.

TOO EASY?: Win 50-0.

______________ ______________
\ /| |\ /
\ / | | \ /
) |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [CRCT] (
/ | | \
/ | 7) C i r c u i t s | \
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

In Circuit mode you will compete against other athletes over a series of
events. You will be awarded points based on your overall finishing position
in each event.

As you unlock new circuits in this mode, you will unlock new events that are
playable in Single Match mode.

| B e g i n n e r s C l a s s |

The Beginner's Class is exactly what it says: for beginners. Events are fairly
easy to win, pretty much on a par with Single Match events. Each circuit has
3 events. These events are usually the easier ones to master. It is in this
class that you begin to unlock new circuits and events. Play through the first
4 circuits before unlocking the Moonlight Circuit. Win this to progress into
the Advanced Class, where the challengers are a little stronger.

Finishing on the podium on each circuit is enough to progress to the next
circuit. But you will need to finish first after all events to earn the
trophy for that circuit.

M e r c u r y C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 100m
Long Jump
Hammer Throw


V e n u s C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 110m Hurdles
Javelin Throw


J u p i t e r C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 100m Freestyle
Triple Jump


S a t u r n C i r c u i t
EVENTS : Singles (Table Tennis)
4x100m Freestyle
Individual Epee


M o o n l i g h t C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 4x100m Relay
Single Skulls
Dream Race


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn

| A d v a n c e d C l a s s |

In the Advanced Class the difficulty is raised a few notches. The times and
distances attained by your opponents will be better. This means you need to
get stronger to beat them. There are 4 events per circuit in this class.
Finish on the podium in all events here to unlock the Master's Class.

S t a r d u s t C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 100m
Long Jump
Hammer Throw


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Moonlight Circuit.

P l a n e t C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 110m Hurdles
Javelin Throw
High Jump


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Stardust Circuit.

C o m e t C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 100m Freestyle
Triple Jump


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Planet Circuit.

S a t e l l i t e C i r c u i t
EVENTS : Singles (Table Tennis)
4x100m Freestyle
Dream Race
Dream Fencing


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Comet Circuit.

S u n l i g h t C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 4x100m Relay
Single Skulls
Individual Epee
Dream Table Tennis


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Satellite Circuit.

| M a s t e r ' s C l a s s |

The Master's Class is hardest class. Often you will need to break world
records to win certain events. That should give you an idea of the difficulty
of these circuits. There are 5 events is each circuit this time.

M e t e o r i t e C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 100m
Long Jump
Hammer Throw
400m Hurdles


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit.

S u p e r n o v a C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 110m Hurdles
Javelin Throw
High Jump
Pole Vault


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit.

C o s m o s C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 100m Freestyle
Triple Jump


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Supernova Circuit.

G a l a x y C i r c u i t
EVENTS : Singles (Table Tennis)
4x100m Freestyle
Individual Epee
Dream Race
Dream Platform


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Cosmos Circuit.

U n i v e r s a l C i r c u i t
EVENTS : 4x100m Relay
Single Skulls
Dream Table Tennis
Dream Fencing
Dream Race


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Galaxy Circuit.

B i g B a n g C i r c u i t
EVENTS : Dream Race
Dream Fencing
Dream Platform
Singles (Table Tennis)
4x100m Relay


TO UNLOCK : Finish on the podium in the Universal Circuit.

| F r e e C i r c u i t |

______________ ______________
\ /| |\ /
\ / | | \ /
) |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [MSMO] (
/ | | \
/ | 8) M i s s i o n M o d e | \
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

| 8a) K n u c k l e s [MSKN] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : Javelin Throw
OBJECTIVE: Throw between 40m and 50m within 3 tries.

Clearly, you don't want to be going into this at top speed, otherwise you are
going to over throw by a considerable distance. Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck
until you fill the bar a little. Let it drop down until the bar is about a
fifth full. If you look at the bar, this is where it stops being narrow and
starts to widen out. Try and keep it at this level until your speed is

Perform the best throw that you can. A good or great throw should get you
somewhere close. Sometimes this can even be achieved with a bad throw.
Should you miss this target, adjust your speed accordingly. If you over
throw, take a bit off of your speed. If you under throw put a bit on.

You will fail this mission if you fail to get the javelin in the target zone
within 3 tries.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : Individual Epee
OBJECTIVE: Win after parrying your opponent's attacks 5 times.

Treat this like any fencing match. However, if you don't use the parry in
your fencing technique, you need to do a little work. The first thing you
should note is that yur opponent's eyes will flash right before they attack.
As soon as you see this, perform the parry. If you are quick enough you
should catch them.

The easiest way to do this is like so. Move back from your opponent, so they
cannot reach you. Now, move forwards, double pressing right. Quickly thrust
at your opponent and get your attack in. The games AI is (I think) programmed
to attack you straight after it has been hit. So, right after you hit your
opponent, use the parry technique and you (should) get a successful parry.

The final way that you can perform this is more crude. Stand right next to
your opponent and constantly parry. Eventually, you will get some success
from this but it may take a while.

Don't forget that after you have got all 5 parrys in, you still need to win
the match. You will fail this mission if:

1) You gain 15 points without parrying 5 times.
2) Your opponent gains 15 points.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : Skeet
OBJECTIVE: Shoot down 2 or more targets that are flying at high speed.

It is vital that you gain a decent sized crosshair at the beginning of this
mission. As in all other Skeet events you will need to shoot the target when
the white dot is inside the heart (see Single Match- Shooting for more
detailed info). At the very least you will need an OK!, but a Good! would be
much better. If you get the small crosshair you are really going to struggle.

8 targets will be shot onto the screen, 4 from each side. These are travelling
much faster than the usual Skeet targets. You need to shoot at least 2 of
them. With the bigger crosshair this shouldn't pose too much of a problem.
The targets will be shot out 2 at a time. You need to focus on one of these,
there is no point going for both. Don't be afraid to use a few bullets either,
you have 8 bullets and only 2 targets to hit. Potentially this means you can
use 4 bullets on each target. The trick is to pick the right targets to aim

You will fail this mission if you do not hit at least 2 targets.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : 400m
OBJECTIVE: Finish before Vector (your overall place doesn't matter).

This is pretty much a standard 400m. Whilst Vector has a good stamina stat,
his speed isn't up to much. Knuckles has a comparible stamina stat, but has
greater speed. Basically treat this the same as any 400m. See Single Match-
Track chapter if you need help.

Vector will finish in around 41-42 seconds.

You will fail this mission if you fail to finish in front of Vector.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Singles (Table Tennis)
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Blaze

Self-explanitory. See Single Match- Table Tennis if you need any help.

You will fail this mission if you are beaten to 11 points by Blaze.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : Dream Fencing
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Dr. Eggman.

See the Single Match mode- Dream Events if you need help with this.

You will fail this mission if Dr. Eggman drains all of your health.

| 8b) B o w s e r [MSBW] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : Pole Vault
OBJECTIVE: Clear the bar twice by shaking the Wiimote and Nunchuck for recoil.

The bar is set at 5.70m. You will automatically have 4 red notes to warm you
up. You speed is automated here, as is the initiation of the vault. You will
run at top speed but get a 'bad' for the placing of the pole. You now need to
build enough recoil to get over the bar. Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to
raise the recoil bar on the left. You need to raise the level enough to get
over the bar. Use the Nunchuck to help move Bowser's body out of the way.

See the Single Match- Field for a more detailed description of the Pole Vault

You will fail this mission if you fail in either of your attempts.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : Javelin Throw
OBJECTIVE: Throw the javelin between 50m and 55m within 3 tries.

This is similar to the Knuckles mission. But harder. Look at the speed bar in
the top left. Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck so that it is halfway between
empty and the 'P1' sign. Try and keep it at this level until your speed is
locked. Throw a good or great throw and you should be close.

You will fail this mission if you do not land the javelin in the target area
within 3 attempts.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : 400m Hurdles
OBJECTIVE: Don't knock over any hurdles and finish with a time between 45 and
53 seconds.

Treat this like any other 400m Hurdles race. But make sure you don't knock
over any hurdles. Hopefully you don't do this in a normal race anyway. Set
off and get around the track as fast as possible. Make sure you time your
jumps right. You can touch the hurdles, but they can't fall over. You will
find it easier to jump the hurdles if you are carrying a bit of speed into

If you look like finishing too early, slow your pace a little to make sure
you finish between the two times. If you need any help with the basicis of
the 400m Hurdles, see Single Match- Track chapter. You will fail this if

1) Finish outside the given times.
2) You knock over a hurdle.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Hammer Throw
OBJECTIVE: Throw the hammer between 50m and 55m within 3 tries.

See Single Match-Field for the basics of the Hammer Throw. Basically you
need to spins a lot slower than normal here. Keep your speed-lines orange
and don't let them get anywhere near blue. Release after the 1 has appeared
above Bowser's head. Make sure you release this in a straight line. Hopefully
this should get you somewhere close to your target.

You will fail this mission if you do not hit your target zone within 3

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Singles (Table Tennis)
OBJECTIVE: Score 7 points with smashes.

See the Single Match- Table Tennis chapter for the basics of this event.
Smash shots are best performed when the ball is moving slowly. You can slow
the tempo of the rally down by using chop shots. When the ball is in a
smash-able place hit that mother f***er. You opponent is often taken by
surprise with the sudden injection of speed and cannot return the ball.

Your other option is to smash the ball with every shot you get. You will be
successful with this but it can take some time and you risk loosing points

Note that you will not be given a point if you win a rally with any shot
other than a smash.

You will fail this mission if your opponent reaches 11 points. Remember that
you only need to reach 7.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : Dream Fencing
OBJECTIVE: Win after forcing your opponent out of bounds twice.

For the basics of this event see Single Match- Dream Events. Start the bout as
normal. As you attack your opponent, keep moving towards them. They will want
to keep a gap between them and yourself, so they will move backwards. Make
sure you have a Special Move available. Once your opponent cannot move back
anymore, use the Special Move to knock them out of bounds. You can do this a
little before the end of the battle area, as Bowser's Special Move has a lot
of knockback. Repeat this again. If you haven't beaten them already, then
finish off your opponent's health.

You will fail this mission if you either win before knocking your opponent out
of bounds twice or if all your health is drained.

| 8c) V e c t o r [MSVT] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : 100m Freestyle
OBJECTIVE: Finish with a time between 48 and 51 seconds.

Go through the first 50m of this race as normal. Don't bother getting a rocket
start, as there is little need to rush unless you are useless in the swimming
events. After you take the 50m turn you need to make an estimate of how long
it will take you to finish. Most likely you will finish well before the 48
second limit. Slow down by either failing to performyour stroke or
purposefully pressing B to refill your stamina bar at the wrong time. Time
this right and touch the wall in the 3 second target time.

You will fail this mission if you finish before or after the time target.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : Single Skulls
OBJECTIVE: Finish before Bowser.

See Single Match- Rowing for help on this.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : 4x100m Freestyle
OBJECTIVE: Finish in 2nd place.

See the Single Match-Aquatics section for the basics. Take the race as normal.
Presumabely you will be out in front, or at least close to it. As you come into
the final 50m with your 4th character, slow down a little so that you drop back
into 2nd place. Try and keep your speed roughly the same as the leader, so that
you don't catch them, but so that you won't get caught by 3rd place either.
This can be very tricky to judge, as often placings are very close.

You will fail this mission if you finish in any position other than 2nd.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Dream Table Tennis
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Yoshi.

See Single Match- Dream Events for help with this.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Skeet
OBJECTIVE: Shoot down 3 or more targets that are flying at high speed.

See the Knuckles mission 3. This is pretty much the same, though you need to
hit 3 targets instead of 2.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : Dream Race
OBJECTIVE: Finish in 2nd place.

See Single Match Dream Events for the basics. Do as well as you can. Try and
get into 1st place as you come down the final straight on the final lap. As
you come to the line, press down on the Wiimote D-Pad to slow Vector right
down. Let a runner go over the line. Now pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to get
up to speed and cross the line in second. This can be difficult to achieve
given this event's unpredictibility.

You will fail this mission if you finish in any position other than 2nd.

| 8d) W a r i o [MSWR] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : Singles (Table Tennis)
OBJECTIVE: Continue a 12 shot rally with your opponent.

You will fail this mission if the rally ends before it reaches 12 shots. That
means if either you or your opponent miss, you will fail. Thus getting your
opponent to co-operate is the hard part. You need to make it as easy as you
can for your opponent to return the ball. That means smashes are completely
out of the question. Don't use chops either, unless you opponent uses a
smash. If they do, use a chop to take the power out of the ball. Normal swing
shots are pretty much your only option. Keep at this and pray you get an
opponent who is capable of swinging a bat 6 times.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : Long Jump
OBJECTIVE: Run at maximum speed and perform the best jump before the foul
line twice.

Make sure your speed is maxed and perform a legal jump from behind the foul
line. Repeat this.

Jumping below maximum speed or jumping after the foul line will result in a

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : Dream Table Tennis
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Mario.

See Single Match- Dream Events for help on this.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Javelin Throw
OBJECTIVE: Run at maximum speed and throw the javelin from as close to the
foul line as possible twice.

Get up to maximum speed and wait for it to lock in. Flick to Wiimote to throw
the javelin. You need to do this just as you run by the second to last red
cone. The cones are lined up on the left. You should throw the javelin but
stop a short way before the foul line. Do this twice.

You will fail if you don't reach maximum speed or if you cross the foul line
in either of your throws.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Individual Epee
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Mario.

See Single Match- Fencing chapter for help with this.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : 110m Hurdles
OBJECTIVE: Clear all hurdles perfectly and cross the finish line 1st.

When it says perfectly, it means perfectly. You aren't even allowed to brush
the hurdle with the very end of you littlest toe. If you do you will be shot.
Well, not shot but you wish you will have been if you get stuck on this
infuriating mission. The game seems to have a mind of itself own when deciding
to pass or fail a jump.

Rant over. At the start of the race get a rocket start. Pump the Wiimote and
Nunchuck to get up to speed. When you reach the first hurdle press B to jump
the hurdle as normal. Hopefully you will clear it right. Make sure you are
carrying as much speed as you can into the hurdle as it will be easier to
jump that way. If you jump just before the hurdle, you should take it well
enough. You should learn how to take the hurdles perfectly after a few
(hundred) tries. Make sure you finish first once you actually manage to clear
all of the hurdles.

You will fail this mission if you so much as look at a hurdle the wrong way
or if you fail to win the race.

| 8e) M a r i o [SMMA] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : Long Jump
OBJECTIVE: Jump perfectly from the foul line.

Make sure your speed is maxed and perform a legal jump from behind the foul

Jumping below maximum speed or jumping after the foul line will result in a

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : 100m Freestyle
OBJECTIVE: Finish in 1st.

Win the race. See Single Match- Aquatics if you need detailed help.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : Skeet
OBJECTIVE: Shoot 1 or more targets with the small crosshairs.

You will be given the small crosshairs at the beginning here. There are 5
targets that are released here. This means you have 5 bullets to hit a single
target. Wait until a target appears. You can use all 5 bullets if you need
to so line it up and take aim.

You will fail this if you don't hit a single target.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Trampoline
OBJECTIVE: Perform difficult moves 5 times in a row.

Basically you need to perform all of the routines without missing any tricks.
Make sure you flick the Wiimote before you touch the trampoline to gain more
height. See Single Match- Gymnastics for more detailed info on Trampoline

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Dream Fencing
OBJECTIVE: Finish the match with a special move to win.

Treat this as a normal Dream Fencing match. Until your opponent is within one
hit of defeat. Use a special move on them (Hold A and B, thrust Wiimote and
release). See the Single Match- Dream Events section for more info on basic
Dream Fencing techniques.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : 100m
OBJECTIVE: Finish before Sonic.

I know that people really struggle with this one. First of all, make sure you
are using the Wiimote and Nunchuck and not the Wiimote alone. The absolute
key to winning this race is to get a good start. Make sure your rocket start
is fully charged. You need to release it as soon as 'Go!' appears. The quicker
you can do this, the better start you will have.

After your start you need to pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck. And I mean pump.
Don't bother looking at what Mario is doing, look at your speed bar in the top
left hand corner. This will help you keep your speed up. This is HARD. See
the Single Match- Track chapter if you need help with the basics of the 100m.

You will need to finish in 9.5 seconds or below to beat Sonic. Keep practicing
those rocket starts!

| 8f) A m y [MSAY] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : 100m Freestyle
OBJECTIVE: Get a perfect start and finish in 1st.

See the Single Match- Aquatics section for the basics of this event. You need
to dive in right when 'Go!' appears to get the best possible start. You need
to win the race from this position.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : Dream Platform
OBJECTIVE: Past through 5 rings, pull off your performances and enter the
water 1st.

From the start keep the Wiimote pointed forwards (horizontal). This will speed
up you descent. Avoid the blocks and go through the red rings if possible. Red
rings have shorter performances to pull off. When ever you can tilt the Wiimote
forwards to maximise your speed. Keep going through the rings and completing
performances until you have done 5. Once you have done this you can concenrate
on reaching the water before anyone else.

If the basics of this mission, see the Single Match- Dream Events chapter.

You will fail this mission if you:

1) Do not successfully complete 5 performances.
2) You complete the 5 performances, but don't reach the water first.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : 100m
OBJECTIVE: Get a rocket start and finish 1st.

This is pretty obvious. See the Single Match- Track section for help with

You will fail this event if you finish in any position other than 1st.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Dream Table Tennis
OBJECTIVE: Win your last point with a Special Move.

Play this game as normal, but make sure you perform a special move to win your
final points. Make sure the final rally will earn you enough points to win.
Keep a couple of Special Moves in reserve. Try and keep 1 more than your
opponent, just in case it turns into a Special Move-war. If you get the
opportunity to win, then take it. Use a Special Move and don't rely on your
opponent returning a normal shot.

Try and get as far in front as possible. This will give you more options
towards the end of the game.

You will fail this mission if you either lose to your opponent, or you win
without using a Special Move on your last shot.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Individual Epee
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Peach

See Single Match- Fencing for help with this.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : 110m Hurdles
OBJECTIVE: Clear all hurdles perfectly and finish 1st.

See Wario mission 6.

| 8g) L u i g i [MSLI] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : Triple Jump
OBJECTIVE: Run at maximum speed and perform the best jump right before the
foul line once.

Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to get up to speed. You then need to perform a
legal triple jump. That's it. See the Single Match- Track chapter if you need
help with this.

You will fail the mission if:

1) You do not reach maximum speed.
2) You cross the foul line before jumping.
3) You do not complete all 3 jumps successfully.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : 4x100m Freestyle
OBJECTIVE Finish between 3 minutes 21 seconds and 3 minutes 25 seconds.

Treat this as a normal race. When you reach the last 50m with your last
character, you need to judge how long it needs to take you to finish. In
all likelyhood, you will have to slow down to hit the time limit. Stop
swimming or replenish your stamina bar at the wrong time to slow you up.
See Vector mission 1 for more on this.

You will fail the mission if you finish before or after the specified time.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : Dream Platform
OBJECTIVE: Destroy 6 blocks by ramming them and then enter the water first.

First of all let me clear something up. You don't need to be the one with the
most points when you enter the water, you need to be the one who enters the
water before anyone else.

From the start, hold the Wiimote flat out, horizonal. This will speed Luigi
up. The key to winning this event is item boxes. If you get a Barrier weapon
from an item box, use it as you hit a block. You will go through it without
slowing down! Collect as many item boxes as you can, to try and get as many
Barriers as you can. If you pick up other weapons, use them against your
opponents. If you get a chance to go through a ring, use it as you will get
a speed boost from inputting the correct sequence. The smaller the ring, the
bigger the boost.

You will fail this mission if you do not ram 6 blocks, or you are not the
first competitor to enter the water.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : 400m
OBJECTIVE: Stagger to the finish line with your stamina used up and come in 1st

This is much harder than you think. Start the race and run it as you normally
would. Make sure your stamina bar is at full as you come into the final 100m.
When you are prompted to sprint, keep jogging. Wait a couple of seconds until
you are about 90m from the finish. Begin sprinting now. You should easily
pass the other athletes. Save a little bit of stamina and right before the
line, use it up. You will now stagger across the line.

You will fail this mission if you do not finish first, or you do not stagger
across the line.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : Dream Table Tennis
OBJECTIVE: Win and score 10 points or more in a single rally.

This is another difficult mission. Not because of your ability, but because
you opponent will probably be incapable of whacking a small white ball back
at you 5 or 6 times. So you need to help them out as much as you can. Only
use normal shots. Smashes will probably win or lose you the rally. Chops also
make life hard for your opponent. Stick to east-to-return normal shots.
Hopefully you will get a rally of 10 going. Use a Special Move to make sure
the rally ends in your favour.

You will fail this mission if:

1) You lose the match (i.e. your opponent reaches 50 points).
2) You win the match, but perform a rally of 10 or more.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : Dream Fencing
OBJECTIVE: Defeat Waluigi.

See the Single Match- Dream Fencing chapter for help with this.

| 8h) B l a z e [MSBZ] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : 4x100m Freestyle
OBJECTIVE: Finish in 1st place.

See Single Match- Aquatics.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : Triple Jump
OBJECTIVE: Run at maximum speed and perform the best jump from before the
foul line once.

Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck and get up to maximum speed. Perform your
first jump from before the foul line. Complete the next 2 jumps.

You will fail this mission if you:

1) Cross the foul line.
2) Do not perform all 3 jumps.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : 400m
OBJECTIVE: Start after Amy and finish before her.

This is HARD! As soon as you are on your mark, charge up your rocket start.
However, when the gun goes off, you won't be able to set off. You have a 2
second handicap compared everyone else. Wait until the count moves to 1 second
get ready and when it disappears, perform your rocket start.

Go about your normal race after this. See the Single Match- Track section if
you need help with this. Make sure you have a full stamina bar as you come
into the final 100m. When you are prompted to sprint wait a couple of seconds.
When you are about 90m out, begin your sprint. You should catch the other
atheletes pretty quick. Don't worry if you seem like you are too far behind,
Amy will slow down and stagger near the end. The key to completing this
mission is to make sure you can sprint down the entire final straight without
slowing down.

You will fail this mission if you finish behind Amy.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Vault
OBJECTIVE: Recover from a stagger on landing twice.

Your speed, your vault and your perfomance is all automated here. All you
need to focus on is the landing. Once Blaze has landed, pump the Wiimote and
Nunchuck to keep Blaze upright. Do this again on your second attempt.

You will fail this mission if you fall over in either performance.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : 110m Hurdles
OBJECTIVE: Finish before Peach (your overall position doesn't matter).

Peach is a very fast character, despite her standing as a skill-type. Having
said this see is beatable without too much trouble. See the Single Match-
Track chapter for help on this. Make sure you don't hit any hurdles to
maximise your speed.

You will fail this mission if Peach finished ahead of you.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : Dream Race
OBJECTIVE: Finish in 1st place withour colliding into any other runners.

See the Single Match- Dream Events for basics on this event. You can't touch
any other of the runners, but you are allowed to be hit by weapons. Obviously
you can see where the other runners are whilst they are in front of you.
However, it when they are behind it can be harder to judge. If they are a
way back, their face will appear in a bubble at the bottom of the screen.
Where abouts along the bottom of the screen their bubble is, is relative to
where they are on the track. If a bubble is directly behind you, move over to
one side. When a runner moves close up behind you, they will actually appear
at the bottom of the screen, so you can see where they are.

The laps are differently set out to those in Single Match mode, so don't use
the walkthrough from that section.

You will fail this mission if you do not finish first.

| 8i) S o n i c [MSSN] |

M i s s i o n O n e
EVENT : Long Jump
OBJECTIVE: Run at maximum speed and perform the best jump right before the
foul line once.

See Wario mission 2.

M i s s i o n T w o
EVENT : High Jump
OBJECTIVE: Clear the bar without raising your body (without moving the
Nunchuck) once.

At the very start you should notice that Sonic is warmed up to 4 red notes.
This is a good thing. Pump the Wiimote and Nunchuck to get up to maximum
speed. Once you are at the blue marked area, flick the Wiimote upwards. You
can't affect things with your Nunchuck, so just hope for the best.

M i s s i o n T h r e e
EVENT : Dream Race
OBJECTIVE: Finish in 2nd place.

See Vector mission 6.

M i s s i o n F o u r
EVENT : Dream Platform
OBJECTIVE: Reach a speed of 170m per second and enter the water first.

Start the mission. As you fall, hold the Wiimote horizontal. You can reach a
maximum of 100 m/s this way. You might think the way to gain speed would be
use Dash Mushrooms. But you would be wrong. Instead, go through rings.
Perferably yellow rings as they will speed you up the most. A successful
combo should push your over 170m/s. Keep using rings to gain speed so that
you enter the water first. Make use of weapons as you see fit.

You will fail this mission if you do not reach 170m/s or you do not hit the
water first.

M i s s i o n F i v e
EVENT : 400m Hurdles
OBJECTIVE: Stagger to the finish line with your stamina used up and come in 1st

Start the race and run it as you normally would. Make sure your stamina bar
is at full as you come into the final 100m. When you are prompted to sprint,
keep jogging. Wait a couple of seconds until you are about 80m from the
finish. Begin sprinting now. You should easily pass the other athletes. Save
a little bit of stamina and right before the line, use it up. You will now
stagger across the line.

You will fail this mission if you do not finish first, or you do not stagger
across the line.

M i s s i o n S i x
EVENT : 100m
OBJECTIVE: Perform a super starting dash by building up meter power and
running right when "GO!" appears, and then place 1st!

This is pretty much like a rocket start, but you get an extra boost if you
perform it right when "GO!" appears. Do this and then win the race.

You will fail if you do not perform the start correctly or if you do not win.

______________ ______________
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) |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [GLLY] (
/ | | \
/ | 9) G a l l e r y M o d e | \
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

Gallery Mode is a not-so fun look at Olympic Games history. Expressed with a
variety of mini-games. There are 5 different categories to choose from and
5 books to read witin that category. Each book contains a question. Play and
clear the mini-game for that book to progress to the next book. After you
clear a mini-game, you will be given the answer to the question. Once you
clear all the mini-games within a category, you will unlock 2 pieces of
background music; a Sonic-related piece and a Mario-related piece.

This section is partially complete. Stand by for an update!

| O l y m p i c T r i v i a |

B o o k 1
Q) When does the Olympic flag fly in the Olympic stadium?


Memorise the order in which the characters speak, then answer when it's your
turn. In Level 1 there are two characters. Listen to the order in which then
speak. For now, they will only use one expression. This is a happy expression
that can be initiated using the A button. You need to score 5 or more on this
level to clear it. You have 3 lives, but each time you guess a sequence
incorrect, you will lose a life. If you do not answer within a time limit,
you will lose a life. The level is ended once you have lost all 3 lives.

At the beginning of the level that characters will speak 3 times. You just
need to make them repeat that order, by pointing at them and press A and B
where applicable. As you score more points, the characters will speak more.
Once you have reached 5 points, you havew cleared the level and you can
progress to the next book when you lose all of your lives.

A) The Olmpic flag is raised during the opening ceremony and is flown for the
duration of the Olympic Games. It is not lowered until the closing

B o o k 2
Q) What is the missing word in the Olympic Games motto "Faster, ???,

VOICE MEMORY LEVEL 2- This is basically the same game as Level 1, but there
are 3 characters this time.

A) "Faster, Higher, Stonger". The original words are "Citius, Attius, Fortius"
in Latin.

B o o k 3
Q) What is this symbol? (A picture of the Olmpic Rings with a bird above it).

VOICE MEMORY LEVEL 3- There are only two characters this time. However, they
can each make 2 expressions, rather than just one. They will make a
dispairing sound. This is initiated with the B button. This means you need to
listen to the sounds, not just the character who was speaking.

A) This is the symbol for Olympic Truce, which calls for peace whilst the
Games are being held. Traditional Olympic flames are portrayed behind a
dove, the symbol for peace.

B o o k 4
Q) The Olympic Games at high altitude!

VOICE MEMORY LEVEL 4- This is similar to Level 3, except there are 3

A) The Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games were held at 2240m above sea level.

B o o k 5
Q) How many athletes get a diploma for placing in an event in today's Olympic

VOICE MEMORY LEVEL 5- This is similar to Levels 3 and 4, but this time there
are 4 characters.

A) The top 8 athletes or teams are awarded diplomas.

U n l o c k a b l e
For completing all mini-games in the category, you will unlock Super Mario-
Underground background music and Sonic the Hedgehog- Green Hill Zone BGM.

| M o d e r n O l y m p i c G a m e s |

B o o k 1
Q) What unusual event was included in earlier modern Olympic Games?

COUNTER MASTER LEVEL 1- Counter characters using the A button. Every time you
press A, the count will go up one. Press B will take the count down 1. This
is all shown on the 'count master' at the bottom of the screen. You need to
score 5 points to progress onto the next book. You will have 3 lifes and you
will lose one of these each time you count the characters wrong. The game will
end when you lose all of your lives.

On this first task, you will have to count Goombas and Monkeys. Input the
number of Goombas or Monkeys that you see on screen into the 'count master'.
This will start off easy, but as you move on, you will see Goombas and Monkeys
on the screen together but you will only have to count 1 of these. After this
you will move on to high volumes of each character. This game is set on in
a field area.

A) Tug of war was included as an athletics (track and field) event in the
Olympic Games in 1900, 1904, 1912 and 1920.

B o o k 2
Q) Where does the Olympic torch relay start?

COUNTER MASTER LEVEL 2- This is set in a Green Hill Zone-type area. This time
you have to count Bullet Bills and some red robot flying thing that I have no
idea what it is. The Bullet Bills will move directly across screen, whilst the
robot birds move vertically. Similar to Level 1, the characters will appear
on their own at first. After that both the robots and the Bullet Bills will
appear on screen at the same time. This is followed by large numbers of a
character appearing at the same time.

A) The flame is lit in Olympia, Greece, months before the opening of the

B o o k 3
Q) There are 5 Olympic sports that have been included in all of the Olympic
Games. Which are they?

COUNTER MASTER LEVEL 3- This is similar to Level 1. However, this time the
majority of the screen is blacked out. There is a small circle of light that
will move around the screen. You need to count the characters that appear in
this circle of light.

A) Athletics (track and field), fencing, cycling, swimming and gymnastics.

B o o k 4
Q) How many nations participated at the first modern Olympic Games in Athens
and which were they?

COUNTER MASTER LEVEL 4- This is set back in the Green Hill Zone. The screen
has also been partially covered in this game too. There are clouds covering
the screen, which the characters will pass behind. The clouds will be different
each time you need to count new characters.

A) 14: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, France, Great Britain,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, USA.

B o o k 5
Q) How many National Olympic Committees participated in the 2004 Athens
Olympic Games?

This is a cross of the two areas. Sometimes it will be the field, other times
it will be the Green Hill Zone. Sometimes the screen will be hidden, sometimes
it won't.

A) 201. This was the largest number of National Olympic Committees ever to

U n l o c k a b l e
Once you have cleared all the mini-games in the Modern Olymic Games category
you will unlock the Starlight Zone BGM and

| B e i j i n g 2 0 0 8 |

B o o k 1
Q) Who is "Beibel", one of the official mascots of the Beijing Olympic Games?

SHUFFLE LEVEL 1- Watch the cards as they are shuffled. Point at the the one
card out of the four that has a different picture. You have to earn 5 points
and you have 3 lives. Every time you guess incorrect, you will lose a life.
The game ends once you have lost all your lives. This is very similar to the
"cups and pea" game. The cards all are revealed, then are turned face down.
They are then moved around the screen in a variety of different ways. You need
to chose the correct card after they have stopped moving.

A) Beibel is a gentle and pure girl who is good at water sports. Her design
is based on fish and water.

B o o k 2
Q) Who is "Jingjing" one of the official mascots of the Beijing Olympic Games?

CONCENTRATE LEVEL 1- Find pairs of cards. Press A to turn over a card.

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) |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [UNLK] (
/ | | \
/ | 10) U n l o c k a b l e s | \
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

| T r o p h i e s |

Mercury Trophy.............Win Mercury Circuit
Venus Trophy.................Win Venus Circuit
Jupiter Trophy.............Win Jupiter Circuit
Saturn Trophy...............Win Saturn Circuit
Moonlight Trophy.........Win Moonlight Circuit

Stardust Trophy...........Win Stardust Circuit
Planet Trophy...............Win Planet Circuit
Comet Trophy.................Win Comet Circuit
Satellite Trophy.........Win Satellite Circuit
Sunlight Trophy...........Win Sunlight Circuit

Meteorite Trophy.........Win Meteorite Circuit
Supernova Trophy.........Win Supernova Circuit
Cosmos Trophy...............Win Cosmos Circuit
Galaxy Trophy...............Win Galaxy Circuit
Universal Trophy.........Win Universal Circuit
Big Bang Trophy...........Win Big Bang Circuit

| C i r c u i t s |

M o o n l i g h t C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn Circuits.

S t a r d u s t C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Moonlight Circuit.

P l a n e t C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Stardust Circuit.

C o m e t C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Planet Circuit.

S a t e l l i t e C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Comet Circuit.

S u n l i g h t C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Satellite Circuit.

M e t e o r i t e C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Sunlight Circuit.

S u p e r n o v a C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit.

C o s m o s C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Supernova Circuit.

G a l a x y C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Cosmos Circuit.

U n i v e r s a l C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Galaxy Circuit.

B i g B a n g C i r c u i t
Finish on the podium in the Universal Circuit.

| E v e n t s |

400m..................Finish on the podium in the Planet Circuit
400m Hurdles........Finish on the podium in the Sunlight Circuit
4x100m Relay.......................Unlock the Moonlight Circuit*
Archery............Finish on the podium in the Moonlight Circuit
Dream Fencing .........Finish on the podium in the Comet Circuit
Dream Platform........Finish on the podium in the Cosmos Circuit
Dream Race.............................Unlock Moonlight Circuit*
Dream T. Tennis....Finish on the podium in the Satellite Circuit
High Jump...........Finish on the podium in the Stardust Circuit
Pole Vault.........Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit
Single Skulls......................Unlock the Moonlight Circuit*
Vault..............Finish on the podium in the Meteorite Circuit

* Finish on the podium in the Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn Circuits.

| E m b l e m s |

C h a r a c t e r E m b l e m s
Amy Emblem........................Complete Mission mode with Amy
Blaze Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Blaze
Bowser Emblem..................Complete Mission mode with Bowser
Daisy Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Daisy
Dr. Eggman Emblem..........Complete Mission mode with Dr. Eggman
Knuckles Emblem..............Complete Mission mode with Knuckles
Luigi Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Luigi
Mario Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Mario
Peach Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Peach
Shadow Emblem..................Complete Mission mode with Shadow
Sonic Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Sonic
Tails Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Tails
Vector Emblem..................Complete Mission mode with Vector
Waluigi Emblem................Complete Mission mode with Waluigi
Wario Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Wario
Yoshi Emblem....................Complete Mission mode with Yoshi

E v e n t E m b l e m s
Aquatic Champ Emblem......Win a Gold Medal in all Aquatic events
Dream Champ Emblem..........Win a Gold Medal in all Dream events
Field Champ Emblem..........Win a Gold Medal in all Field events
Gymnastic Champ Emblem..Win a Gold Medal in all Gymnastic events
Track Champ Emblem..........Win a Gold Medal in all Track events

Bouncing Emblem.......Score a perfect 10 in the Trampoline event
Knight's Emblem......................Win 15-0 in a Fencing match
Ping Pong Emblem...................Win a Table Tennis match 11-0
Shooting Emblem......................Score 40 on the Skeet event
Somersault Emblem..........Score a perfect 10 in the Vault event

R e c o r d E m b l e m s
Olympic Record Emblem...................Break any Olympic Record
World Record Emblem.......................Break any World Record

M i s c e l l a n e o u s E m b l e m s
Collaborative Emblem.......Play as every character at least once
Complete Game Emblem..........................Unlock every event
Friendly Emblem...................Play multiplayer at least once
Full Play Emblem..................Play every event at least once
Gallery Owner Emblem...........Unlock everything in Gallery mode
Network Emblem...............Connect to the Wi-Fi World Rankings
Penalty Emblem...........................False start in the 100m
Rocket Emblem.................Perform a rocket start in the 100m
Thanks for Playing Emblem................Start the game 50 times

| C r o w n s |

Amy Crown.................Win Gold Medals in all events with Amy
Blaze Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Blaze
Bowser Crown...........Win Gold Medals in all events with Bowser
Daisy Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Daisy
Dr. Eggman Crown...Win Gold Medals in all events with Dr. Eggman
Knuckles Crown.......Win Gold Medals in all events with Knuckles
Luigi Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Luigi
Mario Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Mario
Peach Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Peach
Shadow Crown...........Win Gold Medals in all events with Shadow
Sonic Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Sonic
Tails Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Tails
Vector Crown...........Win Gold Medals in all events with Vector
Waluigi Crown.........Win Gold Medals in all events with Waluigi
Wario Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Wario
Yoshi Crown.............Win Gold Medals in all events with Yoshi

Gold Medals can only be earned in Single Match mode.

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) |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| [WFWR] (
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/ | 11) W i - F i W o r l d R a n k i n g s | \
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

As you were no doubt disappointed to discover, there is no online multiplayer
in this game. The Nintendo Wi-Fi label on the game packaging is somewhat
misleading. Of course, there is some online capabilities, otherwise Nintendo
would be up on some kind of false advertising charge. Hoping that you could
pummel some 14 year old kid in Mexico at Dream Fencing? No such luck. You're
going to have to settle for beating your kid sister instead. Unless you live
in Mexico. Then maybe you could still do it.

So what CAN I do with my Wi-Fi connection? Well nothing fun that's for sure.
You can check the Top 30 scores for each event, out of everybody in the world
who has connected to the world rankings. This will show their time/score/
distance, as well as their name and the character that they used.
Additionally, you can see the 30 rankings that are closest to your best
ranking. You can also see the total number of participants.

The events that are available on Wi-Fi are: 100m, 400m, 4x100m, 110m Hurdles,
400m Hurdles, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Hammer Throw, Javelin Throw, Skeet,
100m Freestyle, 4x100m Freestyle, Single Skulls, Archery.

If you are acessing the Wi-Fi world rankings for the first time, you will
need to update the rankings for each event. Press "Update" at the bottom of
the screen to do this.

T h a n k Y o u s

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: FAQ/Walkthrough by TrulyDexterous
Version 0.8, Last Updated 2008-06-10 View/Download Original File
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