Grand Theft Auto IV: (ps3)FAQ/Walkthrough
Getting Started
1. Hello! [HI]
2. Legal Junk [LJ]
3. Niko Bellic [NB]
4. Meelee Combat [MC]
5. Guns! Guns! Guns! [GN]
Liberty City - Useful Information
1. Getting Around [GA]
2. Liberty City's Finest - The Law [TC]
3. Staying Alive [SA]
Broker Story Missions
The Cousins Bellic [TCB] Uncle Vlad [UV]
It's Your Call [IYC] Crime and Punishment [CP]
Three's A Crowd [TAC] Do You have Protection [DYP]
First Date [FD] Logging On [LO]
Bleed Out [BO] No Love Lost [NLL]
Easy Fare [EF] Rigged to Blow [RB]
Jamaican Heat [JH] Master and the Molotov [MAM]
Bull in a China Shop [BCS] Russian Revolution [RR]
Hung out to Dry [HTD] Search and Delete [SD]
Clean Getaway [CG] Easy as Can Be [ECB]
Ivan [INT] Roman's Sorrow [RS]
Concrete Jungle [CJ]
Shadow [SH]
Bohan Story Missions
Escuela of the Streets [ETS] Puerto Rican Connection[PRC]
Street Sweeper [SS] Snow Storm [SS]
Luck of the Irish [LI] Have a Heart [HAH]
Blow Your Cover [BYC]
Algonquin Story Missions
Out of the Closet [OOC] Harbouring a Grudge [HAG]
No. 1 [N1] Waste Knot want Knots [WKW]
Deconstruction [DFB] Three Leaf Clover [TLC]
Photo Shoot [PS] A Long Way to Fall [AWF]
Ruff Rider [RR] Dust Off [DO]
Undress to Kill [UTK] Paper Trail [PT]
Call and Collect [CAC] Taking in the Trash [TIT]
Final Interview 1 [FI1] Meltdown [MD]
Final Interview 2 [FI2] Museum Piece [MP]
Holland Nights [HN] No Way on the Subway [NWS]
Lure [LRE] Weekend at Florians [WAF]
Wrong is Right [WR] I Need Your...... [INY]
Portrait of a Killer [PAK] Smackdown [SD]
Hostile Negotiation [HN]
The Holland Play [THP]
Alderney Story Missions
Babysitting [BS] Truck Hustle [TH]
Tunnel of Death [TOD] Pegorino's Pride [PP]
Hating the Haters [HTH] Payback [PB]
Union Drive [UD] Catch the Wave [CTW]
Late Checkout [LC] Trespass [TP]
Buoys Ahoy [BA] To Live and Die.... [TLA]
Bryce's Infernus [BI] Flat Line [FL]
Blood Brothers [BB] Pest Control [PC]
Undertaker [UT] Entourage [ENT]
I'll Take Her 1 [IH1] Dining Out [DO]
I'll Take Her 2 [IH2] She's A Keeper [SAK]
Ransom [RNS] Liquidize the Assets[LTA]
Diamonds Are...... [DGB]
That Special Someone[TSS]
Finale - Deal
If the Price is Right [IPR]
Mr & Mrs Bellic [MMB]
A Revenger's Tragedy [ART]
Finale - No Deal
A Dish Served Cold [DSC]
Mr & Mrs Bellic [MMB]
Out of Commission [OOC]
Side Job's/Miscellaneous [MSC]
Friends [FRN] Girlfriends [GFR]
Roman Bellic [RB] Michelle [MCL]
Little Jacob [LJ] Carmen [CRM]
Brucie [BRC] Kik [KIK]
Packie McReary[PMC] Alex [ALX]
Decisions! [DDD]
Decision 1
Decision 2
Decision 3
Decision 4
Decision 5
Getting Started
Hello and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Grand Theft Auto IV. Having
used gamefaqs for many a gaming problem over the years I finally decided to
contribute an FAQ myself. The type of FAQ I like best is the ones which are
accessible and can be skipped through to a particular part or mission.
Amongst other things, my FAQ will contain just that. Both of which are
essential for an easy life in GTA: IV. I will also not be including any major
When it comes to choosing a character's fate (as does happen occcasionally)
I will offer hints about which to choose but I will not include
spoilers as to what happens if you choose one over the other. I
believe that everyone should experience everything in GTA IV unspoiled and it
should be an entirely unique experience for each player. I have added a
seperate section for decisions which can be read at the readers risk!
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
The Grand Theft Auto series is copyright 1998-2008 Rockstar Games with whom
I am in no way affiliated.
Niko Bellic
Niko Bellic is the latest playable character in the Grand Theft Auto series
and, with the possible exception of Tommy Vercetti (who, in my opinion is
unbeatable) is the most promising character yet. He is an eastern-european
(I ain't getting into the whole russian or not debate) imigrant who was drawn
to Liberty City largely because of his cousin Roman. According to Roman, life
in Liberty City was one long big dream with mansions, girls and a thriving
business empire. This, combined with some other issues (which we later find
out about) persuaded Niko to move to Liberty City in pursuit of a new life.
Upon arrival however, Niko discovered things were not all as Roman said and
a whole new set of problems unfold. Welcome to Grand Theft Auto IV.
Niko is highly skilled in hand to hand combat and is able to execute a number
of moves in order to escape a tricky situation. I thought a brief tutorial
on these would be useful as they do come in handy when firearms are not an
Pressing L2 with cause a circle to appear around your target. The inside of
this circle is red which is your target's health. The more damage they take,
the smaller this red circle will become until it becomes empty and they fall.
When a gun is equipped this is very handy as it means you lock on to your
target and thus the risk of missing them is reduced. When in hand to hand
combat though it is even more useful as, by using the L3 stick you can switch
to different parts of your target's body. Depending on which bit of them you
hit, you can do varying amounts of damage. For instance, a good right hook
to their head will do a lot of damage and can knock them out. Whereas a blow
to their chest area will do some damage but not quite as much.
Pressing square will cause Niko to deal an ordinary blow to his opponent
whilst locked on. This, depending on where you hit, will do varying damage.
Pressing circle however deals a more powerful punch to your opponent and is
very useful in a combat situation for flooring an opponent quickly. Also,
by pressing them as a combination (i.e. circle, square or square, circle)
makes Niko do a small routine of punches which will cause even more damage.
Pushing triangle will cause Niko to kick his opponent. One kick on its own
will do a little damage but, combine it with a punch and it will often knock
them down, thus allowing you to deal more damage. Also, if you are up
against a particularly nasty opponent who is kicking the hell out of you,
a simply kick will knock him backwards which will allow you to give him a
few right hooks and kick his ass instead.
Pushing and holding X will allow Niko to block an opponents attack. This is
very useful as it means you can keep blocking your opponent's attacks until
he stops at which point you can go in with a few right and left hooks of
your own. Also, if an opponent has a knife/pistol, pressing x to block
folowed swiftly by circle will cause Niko to disarm the opponent and turn
the tables. Very handy.
Naturally, hand to hand combat isn't the only means of self defence at Niko's
disposal. Sometimes in Liberty City there will be times when civilised
discussion goes to hell and a more direct approach is necessary. For just
such an occasion Rockstar has provided a whole array of weapons. These cam
be bought from any gun retailer in Liberty and also, at a certain point, from
a local jamaican arms dealer. Also they can be found at certain locations
throughout the city. Each weapon has been given a power rating by me. 1 being
all right for one or two people and ten being let's start a world war!
Not a bad little weapon for taking on three or four unarmed opponents. One
powerful swing can knock three or four people to the floor at once allowing
a pounding to ensue. If they are armed however, even if it's just a pistol,
a more reliable source of protection is needed.
Carrying an illegal 17 rounds of ammo this is a gun you can trust. Using L2
you can target specific people and then, using L3 move the target to a
different part of their body. One shot to the head will kill instantly. Very
useful for taking out similarly armed enemies.
Like the pistol, this is very useful when facing similarly armed enemies. By
holding L2 you can target and then fire by pressing R2. Holding R2 will
increase the blast radius and thus hit more enemies. However, this does mean
that the gun becomes less accurate so often it is best to just focus on one
foe to conserve ammo.
The micro-SMG's bigger brother and your best friend in a drive-by situation.
More powerful than the Micro SMG and carrying more ammo, the SMG can be very
useful during drive bys as it can deal alot of damage to a vehicle in a
short space of time. Additionally, using the aiming feature you can aim at
any part of the car you like. Consider aiming at the tires in order to slow
down your opponent.
Assault Rifle 5
When taking out large amounts of cops or alot of enemies at once, this is the
only gun you'll need. Holding down L2 to focus on a target, this baby can
take down an enemy before they've even reached for their guns. Very nice.
Carbine Rifle 5
A similar model of fire-arm to the Assault Rifle. This is better when used at
a distance as its bullets have a longer firing range.
Pump Shotgun 4
If you're low on ammo and need to take out foes quickly at close range, this
weapon is ideal. Carrying a maximum of 8 shells (after which Niko will
automatically reload) this can blow an enemy off his feet very quickly. Also,
fire this into a group of enemies and watch all of them hit the deck! Fun!
The only thing that lets this one down is the lack of zoom function.
Combat Shotgun 5
Exactly the same as the pump shotgun expect you get 10 shells instead of 8.
Also has a little more power.
Sniper Rifle 5
This can only be used at a distance and cannot be used when walking or
running. Press L2 to enter scope mode and scan your terrain. Use L3 to zoom
in or out and push L3 left or right to aim the crosshair and then R2 to fire.
Headshots will kill in 1 and a shot on any other body section will kill in 2.
Combat Sniper 5
If you can get it, preferable to the Sniper Rifle. It can fire more bullets
without having to reload and will usually kill in one shot regardless of
where you hit your opponent.
Woah baby! This thing is the business! Firing rockets around the place is the
quickest way to take out multiple targets in one go and the only way to take
out the NOOSE guys when you get a six star wanted level. You can even
bounce them off buildings and whatnot to increase their power. Woohoo!
Molotov 7
Burn bay burn disco inferno! Throw one of these into a crowd and watch them
run! When launched they will explode upon impact and set fire to whatever
they hit as well as the surrounding area and anyone in it. Great for taking
out groups of people at once. Holding R2 for a bit and then releasing will
make Niko throw it further. This is always reccomended as it can back fire
and burn you if you're not careful.
Grenade 7
Aim with L2, throw with R2 and watch the targets limbs go flying. This is
extremely effective for taking out large groups of enemies in one go. As with
molotovs, the longer yu hold R2, the further Niko will throw it and decrease
the risk of it backfiring and hitting you instead.
Liberty City - Useful Information
Liberty City provides gamers with a virtual environment that emulates all the
sights and sounds of a real life city and with that comes a variety of ways
to get from A to B.
As with previous GTAs cars are a good way of getting around. Simply press
triangle to jack a car and then L2 to drive off. Be warned though stealing
a car isn't as simple as it used to be. If a car is stationary you need to
hotwire it before you can use it. Niko does this automatically but pushing
L2 and R2 simultaneously can speed this up. Also, in order to get into the
car, Niko will smash the window which will attract police attention when out
on the main roads. A much better method of transportation is ......
The best addition to GTA IV is the taxi. Simply stand on the sidewalk and
when one comes passt press L1 and Niko will whistle and hail the taxi. Now
simply press and old triangle to enter the taxi as a passenger and select
your destination. You must hold triangle however as if you don't Niko will
jack the car which will attract attention from the law. You can also jack
a passenegr from a taxi and use it yourself without getting a wanted level.
By far the best method of getting around town.
At the start of the game, you probably won't use boats much as only a certain
part of the city is open to you. Later on however, boats are a fantastic way
to get from one borough to the next. Simply press triangle to enter one and
then L2 to set off. Like cars, they require hotwiring before use.
Like taxis, trains provide an excellent and quick way to get around Liberty
City. Simply go to one of the many train stations and wait for a train to
arrive. When it does, press triangle to board it and travel to your
These don't come into play right away but once they do they are a very
quick method of getting around. To enter one simply press triangle and Niko
will hotwire the helicopter (as with cars and boats this process can be sped
up by pressing L2 and R2 simultaneously). Then hold L2 to ascend and R2 to
slow down and descend slightly. L3, like any other vehicle, is used for
Liberty City comes complete with its own system of law enforcement which
ranges from your average cop roaming the streets with his baton and pistol
to whole squads of NOOSE helicopters that will take you down. The following
is a low down of what police attention comes from getting a certain number
of stars:
* and ** A couple of police cruisers will pursue you. Each
cruiser will have around two to three cops in it
who each have a baton and pistol. At one star,
they will only try and arrest you but at two stars
they will pursue and kill you.
*** and **** Roadblocks will appear and more cruisers as the cops
try and corner you. Helicopters now come into play
complete with a shooter who is a crack shot from the
air and a spotlight that tracks you at night. Four
stars also brings the Annihilator which is a gun
ship designed to take you down pretty damn quickly
***** and ****** Now things really turn nasty! The FBI now join in and
bar all bridges off the island in order to fence you
in. At six stars NOOSE gets involved. Those who have
played GTA before will know these have replaced the
army. They have their own helicopters and enforcers
which are pretty nasty. Also their AKS do some serious
Losing the cops is a little different than before. Previously, a visit to a
pay n' spray was all that was needed. However, though Pay N' Sprays are still
available, they will only work if the cops don't see you enter it. If they do
then nothing will happen. Naturally, it becomes harder to avoid them seeing
you the more stars you have.
When you get a wanted level a red circle appears on your radar. In order to
reduce your wanted level, you must successfully escape this red circle
without the cops seeing you doing it. At one star it is a piece of cake but
it gradually gets harder as you progress and at six stars it is damn near
impossible. To make things easier dots also appear on your radar. Blue dots
are cops who are pursuing on foot and red dots are the vehicles that are
chasing you. One of the best ways to escape is to go off road. Through parks,
down alleyways are good routes to take where the cops won't necessarily know
where you are. Main roads are a bad idea.
Your health bar has also changed. In the left corner of the screen is a
large circle. The interior is your radar but around the edge is your health
and armour. The left side is red which is your health and the right side, if
you have armour, will be blue and this is your armour. The more damage you
take, the more these two will decrease until they reach nothing and you are
wasted and admitted to hospital.
As you progress through the game you will find health packs dotted around the
place. These are green packs with a cross on them and can be walked into to
use them. Also, armour can be found either dotted around the city (it is a
grey object with a red circle around it) or bought from gun retailers. Also,
at many street corners are venders who sell hot dogs and other fast foods
which can also replenish your health. Also, there are restaurants such as
Cluckin' Bells which sell food.
Also, when you meet a prostitute they will regenerate your health in their
own special way (ahem).
The Walkthrough Begins
Roman Bellic
Tasks to do: Drive Roman back to his apartment
Upon arrival in Liberty City, Niko is met by Roman, his cousin who it would
seem, has exxagerated slightly about his wealth and prosperity. He is a
little too "happy" to drive back home so Niko has to take the wheel. Enter
Roman's car by pressing triangle and hold down L2 to accelerate. You will
notice the yellow line on your radar. This is your GPS navigation device
which almost every car has in GTA 4. This is extremely if you're going
somewhere new so use it well. Follow the yellow GPS line to Roman's
apartment and park up in the yellow "Reserved" space out the front. This
space is your "garage". If you park any vehicle in this space it will stay
there for future use. Now enter the apartment to trigger the cutscene.
Mission Complete!
After the cutscene, your are free to explore Liberty City and in doing so,
you will see this game was well worth the wait. For now though, head over to
the bed and follow the on screen prompts to save your game. Note that this
isn't necessary as the game has an auto-save feature but it's a useful thing
to learn. Now, head through the door and downstairs onto the street.
The "R" on your radar is where Roman's taxi depot is and it is presently
your only source for missions so head on over there to trigger this mission.
Tasks to do: Drive Roman to the store
Hang around outside and warn him when the loan sharks arrive
Lose the loan sharks and get Roman safely back to the taxi depot
Grab the highlighted and follow your yellow GPS tracker to the Hardware Store
just off Shottler Avenue. It seems that Roman is playing with some money he
owes to some Albanian Loan Sharks and you need to be on the look out in case
they arrive. Park up in the yellow marker and Roman will enter the store and
begin playing. Remain in the designated spot and use R3 to look around the
surrounding area. Pretty soon a beige car will pull up and two guys get out.
It's them! Push up on the d-pad and select CONTACTS. Highlight Roman and push
X to call him and warn him of the Albanian's presence. Roman will come out
of the store and get in. Quickly, accelerate off as the loan sharks will fire
at you. Ignore this and cocnentrate on getting back to the taxi depot. Once
there, park up in the yellow marker.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to do: Go meet Mallorie and Michelle at the station
Drive them both back to Michelle's apartment
Visit the clothes shop in Mohawk and buy some new threads
As a favour, Roman asks Niko to go pick up Mallorie and Michelle from the
subway station and take them home. Hop into the taxi and drive on over to the
subway station. Press L3 to sound the horn and attract the girl's attention.
Once both are in the car, follow the yellow GPS route to Michelle's apartment
and listen to the two girls talking about you and Mallorie trying to set you
up with Michelle. Once you've dropped them both off Mallorie suggests you get
some new threads. A new clothes icon will appear on your radar so follow the
GPS route to it. Enter the shop and buy some new threads. It doesn't really
matter what you buy but check out Michelle's section in the Girlfriend's
section to see what she likes. Once you're done, exit the shop.
Mission Complete!
After buying some new clothes call Michelle on your cell phone and arrange a
date with her. Grab a car and head on over to her place. When you get close
to it, Roman will call and asks you to come and help him out of a bit of
trouble he's in. You can either date Michelle now or go save Roman. If you
choose Roman the skip ahead to "Bleed Out" and come back here. If you choose
Michelle then proceed to the following mission.
Tasks to do: Drive Michelle to the Carnival
Do some bowling at Memory Lanes Bowling Alley
Drive Michelle back to her apartment
Is it me or does Niko not have a clue what he's doing around women? Anyways,
get into Michelle's car and enjoy the conversation as you drive to the
carnival. When you get there, you discover it is closed so Michelle suggests
a spot of bowling. Head on over to the bowling alley and press L1 to talk to
the clerk and begin a game. Head left to the vacant bowling lane to begin
play. The on screen tutorial will tell you how to bowl but basically, move
Niko into position with L3 and then pull L3 back and release it to bowl the
ball. It doesn't really matter whether you win or lose to be honest but it's
still good fun. After the game is over, Michelle will ask you if you would
mind taking her home. Being a gentleman, Niko agrees so head back to the car
and follow the yellow GPS route home.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: If you chose to date Michelle when Roman called he will now call again
and is a little pissed off that you let him down and ends up in hospital.
Roman Bellic
If you didn't choose Michelle then simply proceed to the Basketball Courts
to trigger this mission. If you dated Michelle first then you will get a text
message, after an angry call from Roman, inviting you to try this mission
again. Push X to do so and then proceed to the Basketball Courts in the
Firefly Projects.
Tasks to Do: Rescue Roman
Pound the hell out of Bledar and Kalem
Chase and dispose of Dardan
At the basketball courts, Roman is being menaced by two loan sharks from the
"It's Your Call" mission and needs your help. When you get there you will
see them giving Roman a pounding. Approach them and one will break off and
start on you. Using L2 to target him land a few punches on him and he will
go down. Then his mate will turn on you so do the same to him, and this time
add a few headbutts in (pressing circle and triangle will do this) to knock
him down quickly. Once they're both out cold go over to Roman to check he's
all right and you'll see a third dealer making a run for it. Quickly run
back to Roman's car and give chase. Be careful on corners as it is quite easy
to spin out of control so use your brake (R2) to avoid this. After a little
chase through the city he will stop at a set of stairs so get out and follow
him up them. At the top he will finally confront you with a knife which can
do some surprising damage. Target him and then press X to block and circle to
disarm him. Now commence hacking with your new found weapon until he goes
down. Then return to Roman and drive him back to the taxi depot.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Pick up Jermaine
Drive to Jermaine's garage on Masterson Street
Evade the Cops
Drive over to the pay n' spray on Gibson Street
Grab the taxi inside the depot's garage and head on over to Jermaine's house
on Rotterdam Hill. He explains that his stash is located in Masterson Street
in his lockup. When you get there things all go to pot as the police come
squealing into the lot. As Jermaine suggests, lose the heat! As its only a
couple of stars it's not too difficult to shake off. Simply take a detour
through some back streets and alleys. Avoid the main roads though as the cops
will be swarming all over them. You'll know when you're beginning to lose
them since the red circle will begin flashing. After you've lost them,
Jermaine wants to be taken to Native Engines which is a pay n' spray shop.
Head on over there and park up inside it to get a free re-spraying.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Go pick up Little Jacob
Drive to the meeting point and watch over Little Jacob
When it all turns nasty, pop some heads
Drive Little Jacob back home when you're done
This mission will be the first time (story-wise) you use a gun. Follow your
GPS tracker to Little Jacob and wait for him to get in. He says he has some
business that needs taking care of (God know what he actually says but that's
the jist of it) and that he wants you to take him over to Schottler. On the
way, he gives you a pistol and asks you to watch his back. Drive into the
alleyway and go up the stairs to your vantage point. After a few moments, the
dealers will turn up and start talking with Jacob. Using L2, aim at the back
of one dealer's head and wait for it all to turn nasty. When it does, take
him and his companions down. Once they're all down the scene will cut to the
door just behind you where one other gangster bursts through and start firing
so quickly cap him and then head down to Little Jacob. Jacob thanks you for
helping him and says he wants to go home so hop back into your car and drive
the friendly rasta home.
Mission Complete!
Once you're done with "Jamaican Heat", we are done with Roman's mission for
the time being so on over to Comrades Bar (the V on your radar) and we'll
take care of Vlad's missions.
It seems that Roman owes Vlad alot of money and, as a way of keeping Vlad
sweet and making some quick cash, Niko has agreed to do some work for Vlad.
Step into the yellow arrow marker to trigger the first mission for the
Russian hardman.
Tasks to Do: Drive over to the china shop
"Persuade" the owner to cough up
Report the successful deal with Vlad then give him the cash
Head on over to the china shop highlighted on your map. I would reccomend a
taxi for a swift ride (just stand on the pavement and press L1 to flag one
down as it passes) or just jack a car and drive there. Either way, when you
get there the chinese man is a little reluctant to pay up and requires a
little reminder. In the yard opposite is a few bricks. Go there and grab one
then, lob one at his window so that it breaks. When it breaks he will cough
up and Niko phones Vlad to tell him. After this, grab a car or taxi and head
back to Comrades Bar and stand in the yellow marker to return the protection
money to Vlad.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Drive over to the launderette
Chase the owner and ram him till he pays up
A similar kind of thing to the last mission except this time it's a laundry
who won't pay up. Head on over there and go inside. A cutscene ensues where
the owner runs off so high tail it after him and grab the car in the lot.
Contually press L2 and R2 to hotwire the car quicker and chase the van.
Continually ram him and he will eventually stop and surrender the money.
Niko will then call Vlad to report a successful transaction.
Tasks to Do: Take the train over to South Bohan
Jack the Silver Blista and get it cleaned up
Take the car and park it in Vlad's lockup
Someone else isn't paying up and Vlad wants you to go take his car as a
payment method. But, because he's an ass he refuses to give you a lift and
tells you to take the train. Head down the road and up the stairs in the
nearby station and stand on the platform waiting for the train. When it
arrives press triangle to get on board and travel to your destination. Upon
arrival, exit the station and follow your radar over to where the Blista is
parked and, ignoring the guy polishing it, jack it and drive off. The guy
will offer a small amount of resistance but there's no need to waste him as
he doesn't follow you and it just attracts unnecessary legal heat. Niko calls
Vlad who refuses to accept the car as it is too dirty so follow the new
target on your radar to the car wash and drive inside. Once the car has been
cleaned up Vlad tells you to take the car to his lockup. Follow the GPS there
and park it inside to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Drive over to Roman's Taxi Depot
Chase Ivan to the top of the construction site
Choose: Kill or Save?
This mission is the first mission where you get to choose what happens. Drive
over to Roman's taxi depot and you will see Ivan come haring out of the exit.
Follow him. Be warned if you're not used to driving at high speeds this can
be a bit tricky bt not overly so. Just tap L2 to break around corners and you
will be fine. After a bit, Ivan runs into a construction site so abandon your
car and pursue on foot. Climb the many ladders in the construction site by
using triangle and X to speed up. After a while of chasing Ivan he has
no where else to run and Niko confront him atop the highest roof. You now get
a choice to either kill Ivan or save him. This will happen more as the story
progresses and some have more consequences than others. In this case the
consequences aren't that serious so either save him or throw him off the roof
(the latter provides a better cinematic) to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
This concludes the missions for Vlad. Remember that friendly rasta we helped
out back in "Jamaican Heat"? Well Little Jacob now admires Niko and has some
more work for him. He can be found at his place just off Schottler Avenue so
head on over there (the LJ icon on your radar) and step into the yellow icon
to trigger his first mission.
Little Jacob
Tasks to Do: Drive Jacob to the first meeting
Waste the thugs who try to escape on foot
Drive on over to the second meeting
Waste the gang members inside the house
Lose your wanted level (if you have one)
Drive Little Jacob back home
It seems Little Jacob has some business to attend to in town and he wants
Niko to help him out as he has proven he can handle himself when things get
rough. His first meeting is in an alleyway on Saratoga Avenue so drive over
there and park in the marker. A cut scene will ensue during which the deal
goes bad and the thugs attempt to escape on foot.You now need to waste them.
The quickest way is to simple accelerate and mow them down, or you can blast
them with your pistol. Squashing them is a better method because gun fire is
liable to attract some legal attention. Either way, once they're dead, return
to Little Jacob who has another errand to run in Meadows Park. Drive on over
there and Jacob ushers you towards the front door as the thugs are inside.
Press R1 to take cover behind the door and shoot the door open. You'll
immediatley see one thug on the stairs so shoot him and Jacob will then
indicate a second thug just inside the kitchen to the left which he can't
get a shot at. Press L3 and crawl along the house to the window of the
kitchen. The thug should now be in plain view so blow him away and then
quickly follow Little Jacob inside the house. There are now a couple more
thugs to be disposed of. Using R1, take cover behind the sofa and blast the
two in front of you. Note that the pillars behind which one will hide can be
brought down with gun fire if they won't come out so feel free to try this
technique if necessary. Once both are down, grab the green first aid kit
on the table in the kitchen and then exit the house with Little Jacob. All
this gun fire may have attracted some police attention. If it has then it
won't be more than one or two stars at most so just speed around up some
back alleys to lose them. Then drive Little Jacob back to the Homebrew Cafe.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Locate the dealer in South Bohan
Follow him back to the gang's hideout
Wipe them all out
A local gang on drug dealers is mustling in on Jacob's business and he wants
them removed from circulation. He knows of one dealer who is currently doing
business in an alleyway in South Bohan and he wants you to follow him back
to the gang's hideout and then take them all out.
As Jacob said the dealer in question is doing some business in South Bohan
so follow the GPS signal to him. Wait across the road from the alleyway and
wait for him to finish dealing. When he does he will walk off so, making sure
to stay as far away from him as possible without actually losing him follow
him. Keep on following him through the back alleys and be sure to stay a bit
behind him. The reason being that a) you don't want to spook him and b)
at a certain point Roman will call and if you're too close he will hear the
phone go off and start running. If he does see you following him it's not
immediatley a mission failure but it does make the end gun fight a little
harder as they will know you're coming. Anyway, he will eventually enter an
apartment complex so continue following him up the many stairs until he
enters the gang;s apartment. Now, equip your gun and push R1 to take cover
on the wall. Shoot the door out (the dealer locks it) and immediatley shoot
the dealer hiding in the alcove to the right. Now push R1 and the left stick
left to swap to the other side of the wall. You will see two more dealers
in the back room so cap them and then enter the room. You should now be able
to take out the remaining dealers without much hassle, use the walls for
cover and be sure to pick up the ammo and guns that they drop once they're
When they've all been wasted Niko will call Little Jacob to report that he
has nothing to worry about as the gang have been disposed of.
Mission Complete!
After completing this mission, Little Jacob will call you to offer you some
more work. This work is the drug delivery side missions so check out the
appropriate section for more details if you wish to do them now. Right now
though, we need to go attend to Roman who has just re-opened as a contact on
your radar. So head to his taxi depot in Broker when you're ready.
Roman Bellic
Tasks to Do: Get some armour and weapons from the local gun shop
Kill Vlad
Niko arrives at the taxt depot to find his cousin a broken man. Mallorie, it
seems, has been seeing alot more of Vlad than is acceptable and Vlad has been
taking a few more liberties with Mallorie than Niko is prepared to tolerate.
So, ignoring his cousin's repeated requests not to do anything stupid Niko
sets off to kill Vlad.
Comrades Bar where Vlad is currently hanging out will appear on your radar
but ignore that for a moment as having plenty of ammo and full armour is
highly reccomended for the mission. Pause the game and look on your map for
the nearest gun shop (marked by a gun icon) and highlight it and press X to
set a way point. Now follow the new green line on your radar to the gun shop
and buy some pistol ammo and armour (some shotgun shell would also help but
funds may not allow and is not essential). Now follow the yellow GPS marker
to Comrades Bar and enter to trigger a cut scene during which Niko confronts
Vlad and his cronies appear to defend him. Vlad is at the bar so keep blowing
heads off until you reach him and he runs out the front door. Follow him.
Don't waste time killing the others inside the bar. It's Vlad we're after.
Grab a car and high tail it after Vlad. Vlad takes quite a random route
through the town so be alert and be sure to brake before turning a corner to
avoid spinning out of control. After a while Vlad will abandon his car and
run off on foot so follow him until he eventually gives up and you can waste
the bugger. Simply aim at Vlad and shoot him in the head to get rid of him
once and for all.
Mission Complete!
After completing "Uncle Vlad", Roman calls you and tells you to come and meet
him. Follow the marker and you'll arrive at the Perestroika club. Step into
the marker to trigger a lengthy cutscne in which both you and Roman wind up
in the basement of Faustin's mansion. It seems that the Russian mob are quite
annoyed that Vlad is dead and, in exchange for not killing you they require
your services. For most of the missions involving these guys your contact
will be Fuastin (indicated by an "F" on your radar). Occasionally however, it
will be Dimitri, Faustin's associate, who will be indicated by a "DR" on your
Tasks to Do: Acquire a Police Car
Start pulling vans over until you get the right one
Drive the correct van to Faustin's lockup
For your first assignment, Faustin wants you to hijack a shipment of TVs that
is coming in by van and take them to his lockup. There are three vans and you
will need to be in a police car so that you can pull them over. There are
several ways to get a police car in GTA 4 but, fortunatley, on this occasion
you'll need none of them. Simply proceed down the street and a police cruiser
will come down the street and stop outside a house. Wait for the two officers
to get out and then grab the police car. Zoom down the street and around the
corner to get rid of the one star wanted level you may have acquired. Now
three red dots will have appeared on your radar which indicate the three vans
that are driving around.
Only one has the TVs in them but there is no way of telling which one
it is so you're going to have to pull them all over. Head towards one of
the red dots and turn on your police sirens once you get near it.
Keep following it to pull it over. Now get out and talk to the van driver
and he will open the van. The first one more than likely won't be the one you
want so get back in the cruiser and head on towards another van and repeat
the procedure. Occasionally this second van maybe the one you want but more
than likely it won't be so, once the driver has opened the back get back in
the police cruiser and proceed to the final van. Pull this one over and the
driver will get out and start shooting at you so cap him and then get into
the van. Now simply drive the van to Faustin's lockup and park it inside.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to do: Head over to the porn shop
Intimidate the owner
Shoot Brett in the leg
Take Dimitri to the gun store
Buy a Micro-SMG
Take Dimitri back home
It seems that a local porn shop owner has expanded his business and "forgot"
to tell Faustin about it so Dimitri wants you to help him get the money he's
In the nearby driveway is a sleek red sports car. Grab it and follow the
yellow GPS route to the porn shop in Hove Beach. Enter the shop and a cut
scene will ensue during which Dimitri tells the owner of his debt. When the
action recommences aim your pistol at the owner and he offers you a film
deal if you forget the whole thing. It seems a little persuasion is required
so switch to Brett (the guy standing to the right) and aim at his leg. Fire
at it and the owner quickly comes around to your way of thinking. Having
got the money owed Dimitri wants you to take him to the gun shop so exit the
porn shop and drive on over to the gun shop higlighted. Enter it and buy a
Micro-SMG. Now return to the car and drive Dimitri home to complete the
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Drive over to the Train Station
Kill Lenny when he gets off the train
Faustin tells Niko that there is a rat within their operations who is leaking
information to the authorities who needs to be eliminated. Faustin has located
the rat in question and his name is Lenny and he's due in at the nearby train
station shortly. When he gets off, Niko is to assasinate him.
Grab a car or a taxi and drive over to the train station in South Bohan. If you
choose to drive then be sure to pay the toll on the freeway to avoid getting a
wanted level. When you get there, draw your gun and head on up the stairs onto
the main platform and wait for the train to arrive. When it does Lenny and his
friend see you and quickly run off. To make things easier, cap his friend. You
can't kill Lenny since a train always blocks your line of fire before you can
get a shot at him. When the train passes quickly race after him and take him
down before he reaches his car. If you don't then he zooms off and you must
chase him in a car and take him down. Either way, once he's dead, Niko will
phone Faustin to report the successful hit.
Mission Complete!
After completing "Final Destination" the "F" icon reappears on your radar and
you can go on with Faustin's missions. However, Roman also phones you and asks
you to come and meet him at his taxi depot. This won't take long so it's time
to take a quick detour from Faustin and sort Roman out.
Roman Bellic
Tasks to do: Drive to the Tw@ internet cafe
Log onto a computer
Register your email account
This isn't really a mission, more a tutorial on using the in game internet
services. Grab the taxi inside Roman's depot and drive on over to the
highlighted tw@ internet cafe. Enter it and approach a vacant terminal and
press L1 in order to log onto it. Using the L3 stick highlight the internet
icon and press x to log onto the net. On the right of the screen is an envelope
icon which is your email account so select that and open your email from
"EYE FINDER". Select the "reply" button to send them a positive reply. Now
exit the cafe.
Mission Complete!
You can now go online any time you wish by simply visitting one of the tw@
internet cafes dotted around Liberty City. Now, let's return to Faustin as we
only have a couple more missions for him now.
Tasks to Do: Locate the Biker
Chase him on the bike
Chase him and his friends to the park and take them all out
Niko walks in on a little domestic between Faustin and his wife. It seems their
daughter is dating a biker whom Faustin does not approve of and wants Niko to
take out. Before you start this mission be sure to have some armour and full
health as many new players find chasing on a bike a little tricky as it is very
easy to fall off and take some damage. Drive on over to the spot indicated on
the radar and the biker will drive off to gather his friends so grab the nearby
bike and give chase. The trick to this is to not bother trying to shoot him but
concentrate on following him. Go easy on the corners and be sure to release the
R2 button to avoid spinning out of control. After a bit of chasing he will meet
up with his friends and you now have 6 targets to follow. Again, don't bother
trying to wipe them out just follow them until they dismount at the park. Now,
quickly take cover behind a nearby tree and pick them off one by one. They
aren't that heavily armed except for one who has a shotgun so watch out for him
and be sure to pick up any ammo and weapons they leave behind once they're
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Go pick up the van filled with explosives
Drive to the Auto garage
Blow the garage up by activating the explosives
This mission is a piece of cake provided you're a careful driver and don't piss
the cops off. An auto parts garage in Chase Point owes Faustin some money so
he wants you to go teach them a lesson. Either drive or take a taxi to the old
factory marked on your radar and get in the truck. Now drive carefully and I
mean carefully over to the Auto Parts garage. The explosives in the truck are
extremely sensitive so drive sanely and make sure to stop at the toll booth on
the freeway as even a one star wanted level can be a lethal thing in this
situation. Along the way you will get a couple of phone calls which demonstrate
just how on edge Niko is but apart from that it's a fairly simple drive over.
Once you're at the Auto Parts garage park up inside and arm the explosives.
A rather cool cinema will now begin where Niko runs like hell as the garage is
blown sky high.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Grab some weapons from the local gun shop
Head on over to Perestroika where Faustin is hanging out
Kill him!
This mission is technically for Dimitri as he is your contact. However he is
part of Faustin's clan so I figured it wouldn't make much difference either
way. This mission is similar to "Uncle Vlad" except that the goons are heavily
armed this time. Before making your way to the Club as the on screen prompts
suggest, set a way point on the nearest gun shop and head on over there. Get
as many pistol/Micro SMG rounds as you can afford. Don't worry about armour
as Dimitri gives you that in a minute. Now head on over to the club. When you
get there, Dimitri informs you he has left you some protection around the back
so head to the green dumpsters behind the club and grab the armour he has left
for you. Now enter the club to trigger the confrontation with Faustin. You
gain control as Faustin calls for backup and alot of russians come shooting
at you. Faustin is behind the bar and is your primary target. It is not
necessary to wipe them all out but you will need to wipe out a few in order to
clear you're passage to the bar. Using the tables and booths as cover, make
your way over to the bar where Faustin is. When you get near him he legs it
out of the back door so follow him but be wary of some more goons who are
waiting inside the passage way. Follow Faustin up some more stairs, watching
out for the goon lurking just near the top of the stairs and on to the roof
where he finally gives up running. Now kill him using your pistol to get an
execution style killing.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: After this mission is completed call Dimitri and he will tell you to
come to the warehouse in Downtown to collect your money. Before doing this,
pay another visit to the gun shop and get some more armour (as the previous
gun fight may have depleted it somewhat) and make sure to have a decent amount
of ammo for both the pistol and Micro-SMG. Some shotgun shells are also handy
but not essential. Once you are fully tooled up head over to the warehouse.
On the way there, Little Jacob will phone you and tell you that "dem russians
is seriously vexed with you" and offers his support which is handy.
Tasks to Do: Rendezvous with Little Jacob at the Warehouse
Battle the Russians and escape the warehouse with Jacob
Lose your wanted level and get Little Jacob safely home
When you arrive at the warehouse you will find Little Jacob all ready waiting
for you around the side. Meet up with him and then enter the warehouse to
trigger a long cut scene where some more is revealed about Niko's past and a
figure emerges whom Niko presumed had long since vanished. Then the battle
It would appear that Dimitri is not a man of his word. You now have twenty odd
heavily armed russians mobsters to take care of with only Little Jacob to
back you up. Your first objective is to annihilate the mobsters and get to the
front entrance of the warehouse which is your only means of escape. During the
ensuing battle, bear in mind the following things:
i Little Jacob ain't bullet proof - You have to be on your toes as Little
Jacob takes damage quicker than you do and
if he dies it's mission failed.
ii Blind Fire is useful - Whilst behind cover simply aim the cross
hair at an enemy and press R2 to fire.
This makes Niko fire without having to
emerge from cover. It is less accurate
but better for conserving health.
iii Avoiding long bursts of firing - The longer you fire a weapon, the bigger
the recoil becomes and the less accurate
your aim is. Keep tapping R2 rather than
holding it on to maximise accuracy.
iv Finders Keepers! Dead Russians will drop items such as gun
ammo. If it is safe to do so then nab it
as you will probably use a hell of alot of
ammo during this mission.
The above tips will make the gun battle much easier. When you finally get to
the front of the warehouse the cops make an appearance and Little Jacob tells
you to take him back home. Before proceeding, look up at the beam over the door
and take out the russian there. Now leg it outside and grab the nearest car
(this will probably be one of the cruisers) and drive drive drive! Avoid main
roads at all costs and focus instead for back alleys and side roads to make
losing the heat that much easier. Pay N' Sprays are no use as they won't touch
a cop car so focus on driving through back streets to lose your wanted level.
Once the cops are gone it is a simple matter of driving Little Jacob back home
so follow your GPS navigator back to his house.
Mission Complete!
This concludes dealings with the Russian Mob, for now. Next on the list is that
steroid dependant body builder named Brucie that Roman introduce you to.
He is indicated by the "B" icon on your radar so head on over there when you're
NOTE: After this mission, assuming all the other Faustin missions have been
completed, Roman will call you and ask you to meet him in an alleway off Hopper
Street. Ignore it for now and proceed to Brucie.
Tasks to Do: Obtain a Police Cruiser
Locate Lyle Rivas
Chase him down and kill him
Your first mission for Brucie is actually quite an enjoyable as it allows you
to try out a number of new features in the game. Rivas is a witness to a crime
Brucie committed and Niko is sent to silence him. First we need to find out
where Rivas is as Brucie's directions aren't much good. Whip out your cell
phone and dial 911 and then select police when the woman asks you which service
you want. Shortly a police cruiser will appear so wait till the officers exit
the vehicle before getting inside yourself. Now simply drive up the road and
keep going until you lose your one star wanted level. Pull up somewhere and
press L1 to access the police computer. Select "SEARCH POLICE RECORDS" and then
"SEARCH BY NAME". Type in Lyle Rivas and his profile will come up. Select
"LOCATE CRIMINAL" to add his hideout to your radar and then follow your GPS
navigator to his apartment. Enter the building to trigger a cutscene during
which Rivas legs it and drives off in his car. Grab your police cruiser and
chase after him and proceed to ram him off the road. Continue chasing and
ramming until he gets out of his car at which point simply accelerate and
squash him under your wheels.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Before activating the next mission, be sure to stock up on both Micro-SMG
rounds and armour
Tasks to Do: Head on over to Yorktown Avenue and grab the car
Eliminate the enemies
Lose your wanted level
Get the car back to Brucie's garage
Head on over to Yorktown avenue and pick up the highlighted blue oracle. When
you do, a cutscene shows some rival gang members appearing in their cars who
are hell bent on you not getting that car. You can try and outrun them but it
is close to impossible as you have three cars each with four members in them
firing at you and the car will probably be destroyed before you get to the
garage. So, best take them out first. Using L3, swivel the cross hair around
behind you and blast the car there. Aim at the windsreen to take out the two
front enemies quickly. Now swivel it to your left and take out the car there.
Finally, drive forward and follow the alley around, drive out of it and then
quickly reverse as the third car makes itself known to you. Continue blasting
and take them out as well. There is a possibility that all this shooting will
have earned you a one or two star wanted level. If so then drive through the
nearby alleyways to lose it. Once all the heat is gone it is a simple drive
over to Brucie's garage and drive it inside.
Mission Complete!
We will be coming back to Brucie in a little while but Roman is still waiting
in that alleyway off Hopper Street and requires some attention so head on over
there to trigger the final story mission of Broker.
Roman Bellic
Tasks to Do: Rendevous with Roman in the alley
Drive to Roman's Apartment
Drive to Roman's Taxi Rank
Escape Broker to Bohan
When you get to the alleyway, Niko explains the new developments to Roman and
both cousins decide that they should get out of Broker for a bit. Roman says
that Mallorie has a place that they could use and he gives her a call. She
agrees but Roman needs to pick something up from his apartment first. Hop into
the car and drive over to Roman's apartment. Upon arrival it has been set on
fire and Roman urges Niko to get to the cab firm to see if that's ok. Drive
over there and you'll see that it too has been burned to cinders. Now Roman is
really pissed off as is Niko and the two cousins need to get off Broker now and
go to Mallorie's place in Bohan to start a new life. I would reccomend taking a
taxi as it is a long haul over to Bohan but driving allows you some good sight
seeing. Either way, simply drive on over to Mallorie's place in South Bohan and
step into the yellow marker.
Mission Complete and welcome to Bohan!
NOTE: Before starting mission one be sure to have full health and armour as
well as plenty of ammo for your pistol and Micro-SMG.
After a lengthy cut scene, you materialise outside of your new safe house in
Bohan. Having lost both his business and home in one go, Roman suggests that
they set up home here now and forget about returning to Broker till the heat is
off them. Feel free to do a spot of sight seeing as Bohan is a little bigger
than Broker and has another gun shop with better weapons, as well as numerous
club, bars and restaurants to check out. Once you're done sight seeing, head
on over to the M icon on your radar and enter the yellow marker to trigger the
first story mission of Bohan.
The M icon leads you to the community centre in South Bohan which is Manny's
base of operations. He is a former gangster/drug dealer who is out to clean up
the streets and boost his TV career. It should be noted that although Manny's
intentions are noble, it is seldom him who actually does the cleaning up. Guess
who does?
Tasks to Do: Head on over to Grand Boulevard
Follow the dealer to the warehouse
Wipe them all out.
Manny has heard of some local drug dealers doing some business and wants them
off the streets. Grab a car and follow the GPS guide over to the dealers place
on Grand Boulevard. Park up in the yellow marker and wait for the dealer to
set off in his car. Now follow him, making sure to stay a good distance behind
him, two car lengths is sufficient as Niko tells Manny. After a bit of driving
around the dealer will stop outside a warehouse and go inside to meet his
friends. Manny tells you to go in there after him and put them out of
business for good. There are two ways you can do this. First simply blow the
lock off the door and enter the warehouse blowing heads off left and right.
However, doing this makes the missions harder than necessary as they are
waiting just inside the door and will likely kill you before you can do much
A much better way of doing it is this. Head right around the back of
the building and climb up onto the roof. Go along the roof and you will find,
along with another gun to add to your arsenal, an open skylight. Crouch down
next to it and you will see the back of one dealer. Nail him with one quick
headshot and then get a good look at the warehouse below and see if there are
any more you can pick off while you're up here. There should be a couple but
you will eventually have to jump down into the warehouse to finish off the
majority of them. Just remember the tricks from "Russian Revolution" and use
anything you can see for cover. Also, if you get low on health there is a
drinks machine at the back of the warehouse which will replenish your health as
often as necessary. When all the dealers are dead, head to the front and go
through the front door (you may need to shoot the lock off if you followed the
roof top strategy) and meet Manny.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Head over to the Windmill Street Garage
Waste the gang members
Chase down the escaping gang member in a car and kill them
A bunch of gang members currently residing at a garage in Windmill Street need
to be smoked out and cleaned up. Niko seems to be the man for the job. Grab a
car and head on over to the garage. Don't grab a tai as you can use the car as
cover during the next fire fight. When you arrive two of the gang members are
chatting outside so mow them down quickly. If you don't manage to kill them you
will at least weaken them somewhat. Now quickly take cover, either behind the
car or the pillars of the garage and quickly waste the three gang members.
Now grab a car and chase after the other two in the car. Once you catch up with
them commence firing at their car and particularly at the back windscreen to do
maximum damage. Once they're down, Niko phones Manny to report a successfull
clean up operation.
Mission Complete!
After this, Mallorie will call and say that she has another friend who needs
some work doing. Always happy to help, Niko says he'll pay her a visit and an E
icon appears on your radar. Follow it to meet Elizabeta.
Niko arrives at Elizabeta's apartment where she is having a chat with Packie
McReary who is planning a little deal and wants some protection. Elizabeta
knows just the man. You.
Tasks to Do: Drive over to the apartment block in South Bohan
Get the sniper rifle from the roof
Watch over the deal
Kill all the dealers
Help Packie out when he gets into trouble
Packie says the deal is going on in South Bohan and that Niko should watch over
the deal from the roof of the apartment block opposite. Grab a car or taxi and
head on over there. Enter and go up the stairs to the roof. Grab the sniper
rifle and head right to the spot overlooking the deal. Press L3 and crouch down
(it makes your aim more accurate) and press L2 to look through the scope. To
zoom in press L3 forward and to zoom out press it back. Zoom in just enough to
get all the dealers in the scope so you can switch from one to the next when it
kicks off. After a while, the deal goes bad so quickly shoot all the men and
you will get a notice saying that Packie is in trouble. Zoom out and you'll see
him in the left corner of the screen near the front of the area grappling with
one guy. Shoot him in the head to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Be sure to stock up on health and armour before activating the next
mission. A few grenades would also be quite useful if money allows.
Tasks to Do: Drive you and Playboy X to the apartment block
Get up to the third floor where the deal is going on
Blast your way through the cops to the roof
Fight the cops on the roof and get back down to street level
Lose the heat and take Playboy X back to his crib
Another deal is going down and this time Playboy X needs your help. Grab a car
and head on over to the marked apartment block on your radar. Step into the
yellow marker and follow Playboy inside. Instead of following him directly go
forwards and nab the shotgun from under the stairs to add to your arsenal and
then follow him upto the third floor. During the cutscene it becomes apparent
that this deal is in fact a set up and you now have to fight your way through
the cops in order to escape. If you have some grenades then lob a couple
through the hole in the wall and blow the two cops there to smithereens. If not
then simply use R1 to take cover behind the wall and use the auto-aim feature
to shoot them through the hole in the wall. Now follow Playboy over to the door
but don't go through it yet. Take cover on the left side of the door and look
around the door using R3. There are two cops waiting for you. One at the end by
the window and one is taking cover just next to the railings on the stairs.
The one by the window is easy to nail with a couple of shots with your gun so
get rid of him and this should draw his colleague out. If it doesn't then
simply go out into the hall and he will jump out and start firing so take cover
again before he deals you too much damage. Once both have been dispatched, Niko
will tell Playboy it is sage to come out so proceed out of the first room and
go to the foot of the stairs. Proceed up the stairs slowly and a NOOSE guy will
roll out and block your path. Dispose of him and continue up the stairs to find
a couple more NOOSE guys waiting for you. Shoot them and continue on up the
next set of stairs to the roof where yet more cops are waiting for you. Head
onto the roof and take cover behind the nearby block (also grab the first aid
kit if you need it) and shoot the two cops waiting for you here. Making sure to
remain covered as often as possible, head across the roof to find three more
NOOSE guys waiting for you. Kill them and then proceed carefully down the
stairs. Be wary of the two NOOSE guys that are waiting for you on the stairs.
The best way to do it is to use R3 to look around corners when you reach the
bottom of each set of stairs. This way you will see them first so take cover
behind the wall and use auto aim to shoot them before they can get a shot in.
Once you reach street level you have a two star wanted level and Playboy asks
you to take him back to his crib. Grab the nearby vehicle and floor it. Take a
few turns through alleys and back passages and you should be able to lose two
stars with minimum difficulty. Once the heat is off simply follow the yellow
GPS route back to Playboy's place to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Following this mission, Playboy X will call you and now opens up as a contact
for business. First though, we have one more mission for Manny to attend to so
head back to his place in Bohan and step into the yellow marker.
Boy this mission is a pain in the ass as you have to follow a train to the
El Burro train station. Sounds easy? Wrong? The train has the tracks to follow
whereas we only have the roads and the roads don't always go where the track
does. Once the cutscene ends, grab a car and head on over to the highlighted
location on your radar to see the train begin to pull away. Follow it and note
that you can use circle to zoom in on it if you get a little bit behind. The
trick to this mission is not to worry too much about following the train
directly. Just going in the same direction will suffice and as long as you
don't either lose it completely or going in the opposite direction then you
will be fine. Once you get there, you learn that the targets (he has friends)
have just disembarked. Quickly run up the stairs and wait for them on this
level of the station. When they appear simply blast them all to complete the
mission. If you don't nail them at the station then a car chase ensues. In this
instance, grab a car and follow them whilst firing as many bullets into their
car as you can. A Mirco SMG is good for this sort of thing.
Mission Complete!
After this mission, Elizabeta calls and she sounds a bit uptight so we'd better
go see whats up with her. Before you activate her next mission though be sure
to have full health, full armour and a shed load of ammo for either your pistol
or Micro SMG, preferably both and a few grenades to make things easier.
NOTE: Around this time you will get a call from somebody asking you to go meet
them at Castle Gardens Pier and a ? will appear on your radar. Ignore it for
now though and go sort out Elizabeta.
Tasks to Do: Head on over to the old hospital
Fight your way through the gang members and the coke
Escape the hospital and lose the heat
Rendevous with Little Jacob in an alleway
Alot of people say this mission is hard but it really isn't provided you know
how to deal with cops at the end. Essentially, Elizabeta has lost her coke in
an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of Algonquin and wants Niko to go
retrieve it. The problem is a local gang have got the stuff guarded pretty well
so getting it back is going to involve quite a heavy gun fight. Grab a taxi or
car (I prefer a taxi since it's a long trek over to the hospital and a
getaway car really isn't necessary for this one) and head on over to the
hospital and stop in the yellow marker. After the cutscene showing you exactly
how many gang members are guarding the coke proceed to the edge of the car park
and look across at the wire fence. Behind here are two gang members have a chat
so lob a couple of grenades at them and blow them away. Now take out your
Micro-SMG and look right and use auto aim to aim at another guy on the window
ledge to the right. Blast him and the proceed over the wire fence. Follow the
path round to the front door of the hospital and immediatley take cover behind
the window to the right as you will be met with alot of fire from the members
Lob a couple of grenades through the window which should take care of
some of the members on the floor and then look up at the top left of the area
and take care of the member up there. Now head inside and finish off any
remaining gang members in this area. Now proceed to the far right of the area
and hide behind the block here. Look across and you will see a number of gang
members positioned in the opposite hallway. Two of them you can take care of
from your current hiding place so wait till they come out to fire and then
shoot them. Now run to the door leading to the hallway and take cover on the
left side. Lob a couple of grenades down the hallway which should take out
some of the guys here. Now proceed down the hallway and take out the remainder
of the guys being careful to look up as you enter a new section as there are
two who are hiding on the top levels. Now follow the hallway around until you
come to the back room with two more guys in it. Take cover behind the right
wall and blast the one directly in front of the entrance. Now switch to the
left side and take care of the one hiding behind the table (careful though he
can do so damage with his weapon) and then enter the room. Before collecting
the coke grab the first aid kit just in case your health is a bit low and then
walk to the table to collect Elizabeta's coke.
Now this is where it gets fun and a little tricky. NOOSE guys storm the place
and will endeavour to stop you escaping with the coke. Contrary to popular
belief it is not a good idea to wait till the wave of NOOSE guys dies down as
it won't and the longer you wait, the harder it is to escape as there are more
NOOSE guys to fight. Exit the room and follow the hallway back to the front
door of the hospital. Don't stop to fight the cops as it will only increase
your wanted level and be sure to sprint to minimise the damage you take. Now,
many walkthroughs tell you to go left and grab a car. This does work but trying
to lose a three star wanted level is very hard particularly as there are alot
of dead ends which can mislead you and get you busted/wasted. Instead, from
the front door of the hospital don't go left to the car park but go right and
head for the wall. Jump over it. Hopefully you will land on a jetty with a
speed boat parked there. If you miss it and land in the water simply swim over
to it (don't worry about the cops as the boats they use won't be there yet).
Start up the boat and speed forwards into the open water. You will encounter
some police boats now but don't worry as you're too fast for them so keep
driving until you lose the wanted level. Once the heat is off, Niko calls
Little Jacob who tells Niko where to meet him. Head on over to the indicated
alley and step into the yellow marker to trigger a rather revealing cut scene.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Shortly after completing this mission, Michelle will call and a ? will
appear on your radar. Ignore it for now as we will come to it in good time.
We now have one more mission to do for Elizabeta before proceeding to Algonquin
so head back over to her place and step into the yellow marker.
Tasks to Do: Drive the bodies over to The Doctore
After the hellish nature of the last mission this mission is a cinch provided
you're a careful driver. Grab the car with the two bodies inside the trunk and
follow the yellow GPS route over to "The Doctor" in Algonquin. Be careful as
the trunk can pop open if you drive too recklessly so be as careful as you can
and be sure to pay the toll to avoid any unwanted legal attention. Once you get
there simply park inside the blue marker to complete the mission. Easy eh?
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Story-wise we are now done in Bohan. However there is still a ton of
things to do which you can checkout the other sections for. Right now though
we have bigger and better things to do in Algonquin.
Our first set of missions in a new city actually comes from an old friend.
Brucie has some more work for you and tells him to come see him so follow the
yellow GPS route to his place and begin the first half of a two part mission.
Tasks to Do: Arrange a date with French Tom
Attend the Date and waste French Tom
Remember Rivas from "Search and Delete"? Well it seems his cousin is causing
Brucie a bit of trouble and Brucie wants Niko to go take him out. Grab a car/
taxi and head for any one of the tw@ internet cafes marked on your radar. Once
there, head inside and press L1 to log onto a computer and then press "WEB".
Click on the Love-Meet ad (it should be on the right of your screen) and then
select "MALE". Search for French Tom and then select his profile. Scroll down
to the bottom of his profile and then select "DATE". You have now completed
the first part of this mission and you have to wait till Tom emails you back
confirming a date and time. The quickest way to pass the time is to return to
a safehouse and save your game to advance time. Save a couple of times just to
be on the safe side and then return to a tw@ internet cafe and check your email
by which time he should have replied. Respond positively to his email and a
reminder will now be set in your organiser in your phone telling you when the
date is. When it gets to an hour before the date your phone will remind you so
kill time until then. I would advise against doing another mission simply
because you don't want to be late for this appointment.
When the agreed time comes around, nab a car and head on over to the restaurant
marked on your radar. Upon entering, head right to the back to meet up with
French Tom. After a little talking, you will be told you can whack him so press
L1 to stand up and then aim your weapon at him. Be quick because he runs so put
a couple of bullets in him to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: You may gain a one star wanted level if any cops happen to be passing so
just run outside and down the nearby alley to lose it.
NOTE: Brucie calls about Roman and then Dimitri calls to remind you that you
are a dead man. Nice!
Tasks to Do: Drive you and Brucie over to the racing car
Compete in and win the race
After successfully icing French Tom, return to Brucie's place for his next
mission. It seems that Brucie is getting into some illegal street racing and
wants Niko to drive for him. Grab a car (or a taxi as it is quite a trek to
where the racing car is) and Brucie will call his friend Stevie on the way to
tell him they need to borrow his car for a bit. Once you get to the yellow
infernus, get into it and drive on over to the race starting point. Drive
carefully though because this car needs to remain driveable. There isn't an
awful lot a walkthrough can help you with on missions like this because it
relies solely on your skill as a driver. However I can give you a couple of
useful pointers which will help you. First off, take it steady. There are no
bonuses for wrecking the other cars or any other tomfoolery. When the other
cars try and ram each other off the road ignore them and carry on as anything
other than first place means you fail the mission and must start it over again.
Secondly, take it easy on the corners. Sports cars such as the infernus are
very easy to flip or to lose control of so just tap R2 when accelerating around
corners in order to maintain control of the vehicle.
Once you win the race, Brucie congratulates you and even gives you the car as a
present! Drive the car back to a safe house and park it in the reserved spot.
You may also need a quick visit to a pay n' spray as the car may possibly have
taken a battering during the race.
Now let us turn our attention to the "PX" icon on your radar. Before going
there though, be sure to have full armour and health. Weapons will be provided
Playboy X
In his head he rules Liberty City and is large and in charge. In reality he is
a small time gangster with very little going for him. Still, he pays well so
that's a plus.
Tasks to Do: Collect the weapons from the car
Take care of the three sniper lookouts
Take out the four union workers located inside the site
This is a fun mission but it does involve a little bit of prep before we
actually get to the meat of it. Grab a car (or taxi as it is a long(ish)
trip and get over to the van parked in Cadtle Gardens. Once there, clamber
into it and collect all the weapons Playboy has left for you. He now fills you
in on what he wants you to do which is to get rid of the Mafia goons currently
terrorising the opposite construction site. He also points out the three look
outs who are posted up high that you need to get rid of before proceeding into
the site. So, from the car, exit the car and go to the window cleaning lift on
the left. Press L1 to board it and then use the L3 stick to get up onto the
roof top.
From here, you have a perfect birds eye view of the construction site and can
clear a few enemies on ground level from here but concentrate on the three
lookouts for a moment. Equip your newly acquired sniper rifle and look to the
far right of the construction site at the crane. Target number one is posted
here so shoot him (once is sufficient) to dispose of him. The second one is
located a little to the left of the previous target near the middle of the
construction site also on a crane platform. The the third is on the far left
of the construction site on a third crane platform. Once all three are gone you
are done with the rooftop and Playboy will tell you to get down and clear out
the construction. From here however you may be able to see some enemies
patrolling the site so pick them off if you can as you are too high to be
damaged. You can only pick off a few foes at this point though as most are
inside the construction site which you can't get at from this vantage point.
Leave Playboy on the roof and use the cleaning lift to get back down to street
level. Instead of going into the construction site as he suggests put a way
point on the nearest gun retailer and go get some armour as it will make things
ten times easier if you have both full health and armour. Now, fully armed,
return to the construction site's entrance. Don't go in fully yet though and
take out your sniper rifle again. As Playboy indicates the first Union Leader
is located in the scaffolding east of the yeard you're currently in. Position
yourself to the left of the main entrance and snipe him from a safe position.
This will likely attract the attention of some mafia goons (or if that doesn't
then you entering the site fully will) so run for cover and start picking them
off as they come. Be warned, they come from all directions and particularly
watch out for a couple in the scaffolding who are particularly heavily armed.
Once a lull appears in the fighting head for the scaffolding and check behind
the pillar near the ramp on ground level for a first aid kit if you need it.
Now proceed carefully up the ramps to the top storey picking off goons as you
go. You will no doubt spot a wooden ramp leading up to the roof but be careful
as there is a shed load of goons on the roof (assuming you didn't get them from
the roof top earlier) so lob a couple of grenades up there to clear a few and
then emerge onto the rooftop and start blasting heads off with your Assault
Rifle making sure to take advantage of the cover available in this area. A cut-
scene will now occur and Niko will take cover and get out a grenade. Lob it at
the nearby goons and blow them away now take out your assault rifle and dispose
of any survivors. Now proceed to the far left corner and eliminate Union Leader
number 2.
Playboy will now indicate the third Union Leader in the south west corner by
the water ducts. He is surrounded by yet more mafia goons however so proceed to
the ramp but instead of crossing it, head over to the stack of beams and use
your sniper rifle to pick off not only the Union Leader but his goons as well.
Three down! One to go!
The last one is to the right of where you are now and yet more mafia goons
appear as well as a helicopter to help him escape. Ignore the chopper though
and thin out the ranks with a couple of well placed grenades and assault rifle
fire. Now continue firing and ducking until you reach the final Union Leader.
Blow him away to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NG: You will likely have many of the weapons left which means you get a pretty
heavy arsenal for free to save your game so that, should you get busted, you
don't lose all the weapons again.
Tasks to Do: Locate the two gangs at the basketball courts down in Exeter
Photograph them both and send both photos to Playboy
Once he points out Marlon, whack him.
Provided you have a bit of patience and good firing skills this mission is
pretty straight forward compared with the last one. Grab a car and head on
over to the basketball courts down in Exeter. Park across the street from the
courts and you will see two gangs, one of which contains your target. The one
you want is the gang stood in the centre of the courts chatting. One of the
members has a yellow coat on with a dark red stripe on it. Stand in the middle
of the road (getting much closer gives the game away) and get a good, clear
photograph of them. Then send it to Playboy X who will then contact you and
point out who Marlon is. If he texts you it usually means the photo is either
of the wrong gang or not clear enough so in that case simply redo it. Normally,
he will ring you if it's good enough and tell you which is Marlon. Once he does
either blast Marlon from the edge of the courts or go inside the courts and
whack him. Either way, mission passed!
Mission Complete!
This concludes our business with Playboy X for the moment so now go get some
armour and ammo (if you need it) and head on over to the "D" icon on your
radar to begin dealings with Dwayne whom we met a short while ago.
Dwayne Forbes
Fresh out of prison after a long stretch, Dwayne is finding adjusting to life
on the outside a little difficult and is losing the will to carry on. As he
feels a little sorry for him and because any money is good money, Niko agrees
to help him out a little.
Tasks to Do: Go find Cherise and Jayvon downtown
Deal with Cherise
Waste Jayvon
Dwayne wants you to go pay Cherise, his ex girlfriend, a little visit as she's
been carrying on with a local biker while he's been inside. Grab a car and
head on down to the restaurant marked on your radar where Cherise is talking
with Jayvon the biker. After the cutscene you have a choice. Kill Cherise, or
let her live. See the appropriate section for more details but choose fast as
Jayvon is swiftly getting away. Once you've dealt with her grab a fast vehicle
(preferably a bike if one is going) and give chase. Jayvon will weave in and
out of traffic and generally take a somewhat unorthodox route through town but
do your best to nail him and keep on his tail. The best place to do it is on
the straight stretch of road that he turns onto soon after the chase begins
but anywhere will do really. Once he's down, you're done!
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Get suitably equipped
Drive on over to the Triangle Club
Kill the three managers
It seems that gangsters have taken over the Triangle Club and Dwayned wants it
back now he's free. Before proceeding to the club as the mission instructions
suggest,flag down a cab and get to the nearest gun shop. Here, stock up on ammo
if you need it but get some armour and a baseball bat. Now head back outside
and go to the club as directed. Before you enter the club make sure to disarm
yourself as weapons are not permitted inside and the merest sight of a gun in
there will cause all hell to break loose which you don't want to happen yet.
Once inside the club go over to the balcony where the two guys are talking and
you will hear one mention that Jose (the first manager) is counting his takings
in the back office and doesn't want to be disturbed. Turn round and head
through the door on the right to the back office. You'll notice that Jose's
back is to you so get out your baseball bat and whack him quickly before he has
a chance to fire back. Don't use a gun because that will alert the bodyguards
which you don't need right now so kill him quietly and then exit the office.
Having not used a weapon, nobody in the club is any the wiser which means you
can proceed with ease. Head onto the dance floor and around to the other side
by the stairs and you will hear "Javiar" (manager two) trying to teach a dancer
how to pronounce his name. Ignore him for the moment and proceed up the stairs
into the back corridor. Walk to the bodyguard and he will tell you that Jesus
(manager 3) is currently test driving a new dancer and you'll have to wait if
you want a private showing. It now doesn't matter which you take out first as
both will result in the place erupting so kill both and kill them swiftly.
The easiest way is to stand at the entrance to the corridor you're in now
and position the camera so that you can clearly see Javiar. Now waste him and
quickly about turn and take out the bodyguard and Jesus. Once both are dead,
run like hell back to the entrance of the club and into the car park to
complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Francis McReary
Francis McReary is the Deputy Police Commissioner who wants Niko to help him
take care of some business in exchange for him not revealing Niko's past to
the whole world. His first mission can be found at the end of the pier in
Castle Gardens so proceed there when you're ready.
Tasks to Do: Locate the Blackmailer
Rub him out
Lose the cops
Give the USB stick to Francis
It seems somebody is blackmailing Francis and he wants Niko to put a stop to it
by getting rid of him. Head over to the spot marked on your radar to get a call
from Francis who tells you the Blackmailers number. The idea is to call him and
then see who answers their phone on the water front below. Before you do this
however, nip down the stairs and stand by the hot dog stand so that you're
facing the benches. Now call the blackmailer and you'll see one person stood by
one of the benches answer their phone. This is your man. Quickly chase him down
and cap him before he gets away. When he's down, grab the USB pen he dropped
containing the photographs.
Unfortunatley this attracts a two star wanted level so proceed back up to
street level, grab a car and drive like hell out of the surrounding area. Nip
down the nearby alleyways to shake the heat quickly. Now simply go to the way
point marked on your radar and give the USB pen to Francis to complete the
Mission Complete!
Shortly after completing this mission Francis calls and invites you down to the
police station. He says it might be nice for Niko to enter it as an honest
citizen for once. Head on over to the F icon when you're ready to activate the
first part of another two part mission.
Tasks to Do: Go to a tw@ internet cafe
Log onto a computer and visit "Ligner and Schyster" website
Send in your CV to them via the "careers" section
Exit the cafe
This isn't a mission per se but is more preparation for the next mission. Tom
Goldberg, a lawyer at the "Ligner and Schyster" law firm has some files on
McReary that Francis wants disposed of. The plan is for Niko to kill him and
then take the files to Francis.
From where the cut scene ends, grab a vehicle and get over to a tw@ internet
cafe. The nearest is in North Holland but it doesn't matter which one and log
onto a computer. Scroll the home page for the advert for "Ligner and Schyster"
and click it to go to their homepage. Click on careers and then upload your CV
to them. Once that's done their number will automatically be added to your
phone book so log off and exit the cafe.
Mission Complete!
Well wasn't that hard? Now you need to wait for the firm to call you back to
arrange an interview time. You will need to look the part so head to Perseus
and buy a nice suit and black shoes (no loafers) to kill time.
NOTE: Around this time Mallorie will call you. Ignore her call as it triggers
a mission which you don't have time to do yet. We will get to it in due course
however. Exactly when she calls appears to be random but whenever she does,
ignore her for the time being.
Once you have a suit and smart shoes there is nothing to do but wait for a
call from the lawyers. When they have arranged an interview time you will have
some time to kill. I would reccomend taking some friends out and raising your
status with them while you wait. When the time comes, grab a cab and head on
over to the law firm marked on your radar to trigger part 2 of this mission.
Tasks to Do: Enter the lawyer's building
Follow the lady on reception to Goldberg's office
Kill Goldberg and grab the files
Lose the heat and get the files to McReary
NOTE: Before commencing this mission be sure to have full health, armour and
some weapons including a knife.
The interview and Niko's best shot at Goldberg has arrived. Walk up the front
steps and to the intercom. If you're correctly attired the lady on reception
will buzz you through. If it won't let you in and you can't see why it won't
it is usually your shoes that are unsuitable.In this case, nip back to Perseus
and be sure to buy a pair of plan black shoes. Nothing fancy. Now return to
the lawyer's firm to continue with the mission.
Once inside, don't draw a gun and follow the lady to Goldberg's office. Once
inside the interview will start. After a brief dialogue you get control again
so equip your knife and whack Goldberg then collect the files. The first
time I did this nobody came into the office. If this happens then simply walk
out with the files. However, the second time I did it the lady from reception
came in and saw Goldberg dead. Should this happen, shoot the glass out of the
window and jump out of it to the street below. You will now have a two star
wanted level so grab the nearest car and drive away and lose the heat. Once
they're gone, follow the yellow GPS route to McReary and give him the files to
complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Head on over to the Projects in East Holland
Fight your way through Clarence's men and eliminate Clarence
Lose the Heat
Seems like Mcreary has another "bad guy" for you to wipe out. This one is
located in the apartment block at East Holland. Before going to deal with him
though make sure you have plenty of assault rifle/heavy weapon ammo and full
health and armour. Now follow the yellow GPS marker over to the projects in
East Holland where Francis will give you a brief tutorial of the projects. The
layout isn't that complicated but it is useful as it shows you where the gang
members are based. NOTE: At this point you can bypass the following gun fight
and kill Clarence from outside the projects. Follow the wire fence past the
low wall and then the playground equipment. Quickly equip your snifer rifle
and shoot Clarence in the window facing you. This method has only worked once
for me and I find the proper way easier as not only do you need to be lightning
fast on the trigger but also a cracking good shot. You only get one chance at
it before he sees you and runs off.
Assuming you didn't bother with this harder method and want to see Clarence beg
for his life, here is how to do it the other way. Enter the yard
and put your weapons away. You won't need them before you get to the higher
floors and the gang members outside will attack you if they see them. When you
get to the door leading inside the block a gang member will block your path.
Quickly blow him away and take cover on the inside of the door as this will
trigger some reprisal from surrounding gang members. Once the opposition has
been eliminated outside proceed to the stairs leading upstairs. Proceed
cautiously up the first flight and blow away the gang members there. Now
proceed up the stairs, blowing away gang members and making sure to get the
first aid kits dotted next to the staircases on two of the floors until you
come to the outside area and you see Clarence leg it to the roof. Follow him,
blasting the goons and you will come to the roof where Clarence finally has
nowhere else to run.
Time to make another decision. Kill or spare Clarence. Check out the
appropriate section for more details. Regardless of whether you kill him or not
you now have a two star wanted level so it's time to go. Leg it back down the
stairs to ground level and grab a car. Drive around the block and down some
alleys to lose the heat and complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Grab the sniper rifle from the car in Hatton Gardens
Proceed to the roof of the building opposite the dealers pad
Shoot the dealer
It seems Clarence lived long enough to cause one more headache for Francis. One
of his goons is about to rat on Francis to the feds and must be dealt with. For
once, having full health and armour is not essential as this isn't much of a
fight. Grab a car and ehad on over to Hatton Gardens where Francis has left a
sniper rifle in the trunk of a Feltzer for you. Grab it and then drive over to
the building marked on your radar which is opposite the dealer's apartment.
Ascend the stairs to the roof and assume a position whereby you have the guy's
front window clearly in your sights. Now you are supposed to zoom in at the
phone to find out his number. This is tricky however as the type isn't too big
or clear. So, whip out your phone and dial 545-555-0122 to get the dealer to
his window. Now simply take out your sniper rifle again and put a bullet in his
head. Now exit the apartment block and return to street level.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: This completes our business with Francis for a bit. We can now turn our
attention to the other ? icon on your radar.
UL Paper
As Niko adequatley puts it "the feds have got me by the balls!" which means he
must do a couple of favours for his ex girlfriend and her boss in order to
keep his ass out of jail. The first of these missions can be found in mid-town
Algonquin so head there and step into the yellow marker.
Tasks to Do: Go to Minhov's house and find out where his meeting is
Go to where the meeting is
Chase and kill Minhov
This mission contains one of the coolest car chase yet, in my opinion and also
provides great practice for driving like a maniac through oncoming traffic
without screwing your car up too much.
When the mission begins, grab a car and head on over to Minhov's house marked
on your radar. Upon entering, the place is empty and your contact suggests you
read his emails. Enter the living room and press L1 to use his laptop. Click
web and then emails to bring up his email inbox. Click on the one with the
subject "Meet Me" to find out where the meeting is going to be. Now exit the
house. Be warned that Minhov's car is fast so be sure to jack a sports car or
other vehicle that can go very fast. There is usually a sports car nearby or
driving past so you should be fine. Don't for the love of god get a taxi! When
you are driving some suitably hot wheels, drive on over to the meeting place at
which point Minhov, seeing Niko pull up, speeds off. Let's Go! Speed off after
Minhov. Focus on keeping up with him, a time for shooting him will come in a
minute. He takes a very winding route down alleys and across junctions and so
on but it's not too difficult to keep up, provided you take it easy around the
corners and don't spin too much. After a while he will go down an alley and
knock over some beams that block your path. Do a u-turn and commence chasing
again. Now begin bombarding him with Micro-SMG fire and be sure to keep on his
tail. After a little firing he will either blow up (in which case you're done)
or get out and run off as his car catches fire. If this happens, simply floor
it and squish him. Either way:
Mission Passed!
NOTE: Now stock up on armour, health, grenades and sniper rifle rounds.
Tasks to Do: Nab a cop car
Upload the photo to the police database to find your man
Proceed to his location and eliminate both him and his men
After the cutscene, wait fora few seconds and you will recieve a text which
contains a photograph of the guy you need to take out. Now nab yourself a cop
car by either jacking one as it passes by or dialling 911 and waiting for one
to come to you. Either way, speed down the street to lose the heat (!) and then
pull over. Press L1 to access the police computer and select search databse and
then search by photo. Upload the photo you just got into the database to bring
up the profile of Adam Dimayev so press X to plot a course on your radar. Drive
over to his hidout and park on the other side of the street, next to the low
wall. Get out and jump over the wall to use it as cover. Look at the building
opposite and you will see the goons are on three levels with Dimayev on the
third level. From your safe perch, pick off as many as you can with your
sniper rifle and then lob a couple of grenades into the compound to get rid of
a few more that you can't quite see from here. Once you have eliminated all you
can, draw another weapon and proceed into the compund and climb upto the first
level and then upto the third. Be wary of foes who are hidden behind containers
and such like because these won't have been accessible from your earlier
position. Hopefully though the sniper rifle and grenades did the trick and
wiped out the majority of them. Once at the third level, approach Dimayev and
put a bullet in him to complete this mission.
Mission Complete!
We have now done with UL Paper for a little while. Remember that phone call
from Mallorie I told you to ignore back in "Final Interview?" Well now is the
time to answer it so when she calls again (which she will) answer it to learn
that Roman has got himself kidnapped by the Russians and needs his hide saving
yet again.
It could be argued that this mission is for Roman since thats who it is about.
But, Mallorie is the one that phones you and its her call that activates the
mission so I figured it'd be better to put it under her rather than Roman.
Tasks to Do: Fight your way through the warehouse to Roman
Kill the Russian holding him hostage
Drive Roman Home
This mission is triggered automatically when you answer Mallorie's phonecall.
The reason I reccomend leaving it till now is that you have got more experience
with massive gunfights having completed missions such as "Deconstruction for
Beginners" and "Portrait of a Killer" and thus are better equipped for the
mammoth gun fight that will shortly ensue.
Before going to the destination indicated on your map, visit the local gun shop
and stock up on armour, assault rifle ammo, grenades and SMG ammo. Also ensure
you have full health. Now proceed to the warehouse where Roman is being held
and enter it to trigger a cutscene. During the cutscene it appears that Roman
is being held upon the top floor and the other floors are crawling with
russians. One against 80. Bring it on!
You start undercover of a low wall with the russians entirely unaware of your
presence. Keep it that way for a moment. Crawl slowly to the other end of the
wall (not the very end but near it so the russians on the stairs don't see you)
and look at the stairs which have two cannister by them. These will explode if
hit so take out your Micro-SMG and fire a bullet or two into them. The
explosion will take out the two by the stairs and a couple of others but, there
are still many more to deal with and they now all know you're here. The best
way to do this is to clean out each floor systematically so that's what we're
gonna do. Look right and you'll see two russians there so blow them away and
now look up and take out the two firing at you from floor 2 just to make it a
little easier.
Now look left and take out the two by the stairs (some times the
explosion kills them, others it just knocks them flying so finish them off now
if they aren't dead yet). When you're sure the ground area is clear,
sprint up the stairs and jump over the small ledge and use it as cover. Take
out the guy in front of you and then wheel around and shoot the two guys just
around the corner. Now, kill the guy to the left of your covering position and
look forward. The are in front of you has alot of Russians hiding behind the
pillars. Some will reveal themselves often as they start blasting away so shoot
them when they appear but others are more intelligent than that and won't
actually come out until you get close enough. Lob a couple of grenades (it's
a little far to throw but it is possible) to draw them out. If they aren't
dead just blast them away as you proceed along the floor. Your sniper rifle is
also pretty useful here but not essential.
Proceed cautiously along this floor using the pillars and boxes as cover (there
maybe a couple of Russians you didn't quite get) and proceed up the stairs.
On this floor it's a similar situation whereby the Russians won't show
themselves directly so proceed with caution and work your way from pillar to
pillar till you reach the stairs leading to floor 4. Tilt the camera up and
slowly walk up the stairs till you see 4 men ontop of the wooden beam near the
roof. Take them out first as they can do you mega damage if you're not careful
and then go up onto the fourth floor. Sprint right and blast those who get in
your way. Fight your way to the back room where Roman is being held.
When you finally get there, there is one more Russian to deal with. The problem
is he has Roman with a gun to his head and is going to kill him unless you
quickly take him out. You have three shots to do it in or Roman dies. Aim the
cross hair at the Russians head and fire to trigger a cutscene where Roman gets
free and the two of you exit the back room. Roman says he wants to go home so
grab the truck parked in the yard outside and drive Roman back to his apartment
in Bohan to complete the missions. Phew!
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Shortly after this epic battle is over you will get a call from Roman who
tells you that he's bought a new apartment (how the hell did he afford that? I
thought he was skint!) and you will have acquired a new safehouse.
Having completed "Undress to Kill" and "Photo Shoot" you will now get a call
from Playboy. He reminds you not to clean the streets when it involves screwing
him over. Secondly he insists Niko comes to his apartment immediatley.
Playboy X
[The Holland Play] [THP]
Tasks to Do: Go see Playboy
Talk to Dwayne
Choose: Playboy X or Dwayne
After a lengthy cutscene you emerge back on the street outside Playboy's
apartment having been told to take out Dwayne. Soon Dwayne will call and Niko
is forced to choose between killing Playboy X or Dwayne. Check out the
appropriate section for more details on the consequences of choosing either.
Whoever you choose, proceed to their marker to take them out.
If you choose Dwayne then head on over to his place and step into the yellow
marker to enter his apartment and trigger a cutscene. After the confrontation,
Dwayne flees to the kitchen and his goon blocks your path. He offers little
resistance so pop a couple of bullets in him and then go into the kitchen and
cap Dwayne.
Mission Passed!
If you choose to kill Playboy X then make sure to have full health, armour and
some grenades and Assault Rifle rounds. Then head on over to his apartment and
enter it. When the confrontation scene ends you are outside the apartment with
Playboy's goons firing at you. Keep using the door as cover and lob a few
grenades into the room to get rid of most of them. Now enter and finish the
goons off being careful of the one hiding behind the snooker table. Now run out
onto the roof and chase Playboy. Keep chasing him from roof to roof and then
down the stairs to street level. Keep chasing him (ignore the patriot full of
goons just fire at it and it will zoom off) until you corner Playboy in an
alley where he finds he is out of ammo. Now simply shoot him to end the mission
or go one step further and use a pistol for a cinematic killing.
Mission Passed!
Your decision here does have some consequences later on and there is definetly
a preferred option. Check out the appropriate section for more details however.
We now have a "P" on the radar which represents a very exciting strand of
missions for Packie Mcreary whose brother Francis we all ready know. Let's
go see him shall we....
Packie McReary
Packie's missions are without question some of the most fun missions in the
entire game. I would highly reccomend having full health and armour before
beginning any of his missions as you will take a hammering on one occasion or
Tasks to Do: Get to the Docks in Algonquin
Climb with Packie upto the roof of the factory
Clear the area of Triads
Steal the van and take it to Ray's lockup
Packie has learned of a shipment coming into the Algonquin docks which the
Triads have loaded onto a van and are planning to make a handsome profit out
of it. Naturally Packie feels this handsom profit should go to a worthier cause
and he wants Niko's help. Grab a car and drive on over to the Algonquin Docks
whilst enjoying the amusing conversation along the way. Once you're there
follow Packie as he climbs over the gates and onto the roof of the factory.
From here you get a good look at the shipment coming in and Packie changes his
mind and decides to steal the truck instead. The thing is the area is crawling
with Triads so a little clean up operation is needed first. When you gain
control equip a weapon and look down at where the ship came in. Take out the
three triads there (one is on the far left and a little tricky to spot) and
then the one on the far right. Now you can concentrate on the guys on the main
floor. Go right a little so you can get a good shot at the main area and lob
about three grenades down there to thin the ranks a bit. Now take out a rifle
and take out any triad you see making sure not to forget the two around the
entrance to the warehouse at the back.
Once all seems clear proceed down to the ground level with caution as there may
be a couple left that you couldn't reach before. Take those out and head to the
left side of the warehouse door and take cover here. Look into the right of the
warehouse and you'll see two gunmen here. Cap them and then change to the other
side of the door to see two more so cap them and then head into the warehouse.
Ignore the truck for a second and head left to the office. Take out the triad
here and grab the health if you need it from the wall near the desk. Now get
into the van and drive out of the warehouse a bit and wait for Packie to come
join you. Follow the yellow GPS route and proceed to Ray's lockup. It is a
fairly straight forward drive over there but one Triad car will follow you so
either let Packie shoot them or lob a couple of grenades out the window at
them. If you do this though, make sure to get far enough away not to blow your
truck up. Also, it is possible to simply lose them in the traffic so by all
means do this. Whichever way you do it, when you get to Ray's lockup drive in
to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Drive Packie and co. to Coney Island's waste depot
Fight through the mafia goons and get the cash
Escape with Packie by boat
Another fun mission involving lots of action. This time, Packie and his boys
are going to hit a waste disposal plant on Coney Island and steal the money
being processed there by the Mafia. As with "Harbouring a Grudge" full health
and armour is highly reccomended. From Packie's house get a 4 door car (there
are plenty running up and down the street so simply jack one) and drive on
over to the waste depot on Coney Island. It is quite a trek so nab a taxi if
you happen to see one to half the travelling time. Once you get there Packie
wishes the team good luck as they head into the plant so follow them in and
take cover behind the nearest object as the mafia offer some resistance to
being robbed. Commence firing and ducking behind cover and clear the area.
Grenades work well here just be sure not to hit Packie or his team as if one
dies it mission over. Proceed through the yard until you reach the warehouse
door making sure to nab the first aid kit to the left if you need it. Once you
get inside the warehouse duck down as more mafia goons start firing at you and
Niko tells Packie he'll go get the money. Before proceeding upstairs however,
look above you and nail the two goons up on the stairs while you're covered as
the stairs off little cover and then proceed to the stairs, killing mafia
goons as you go. On the stairs be careful of the goon just at the office door
as he has a shotgun so blow him away and then enter the office. Nab the bag
containing the money and then head out the office. Sprint down the stairs and
down to the back of the warehouse (the oppposite side to where you came in) and
out the back doors to join Packie. Jump into the water and swim over to the
nearby boat. Once Packie is in the boat start her up and speed along the ocean
and under the bridge to the safe point in Steinway. Once you arrive there, park
up in the yellow arrow to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Soon after this Packie will call you and tell you get a nice suit and
shoes for his next job.
NOTE: Be sure to replenish all health, armour and weapons before going to start
the mission.
NOTE: This mission can only be done between 8 and 6.
Packie says that they are headed for the Bank of Liberty so grab a four door
car (there is usually a taxi or similar vehicle coming down the road by
Packie's house. But do NOT, I repeat do NOT nick a cop car. You get enough
legal heat in this mission without adding to it.
Upon arrival at the Bamk of Liberty, Packie runs through the plan one more time
before all of you burst into the bank. The following cutscene shows the robbery
not going quite to plan and Packie tells you to go get the money from the vault
below. Proceed down the stairs and nab the money from inside the vault and
return to Packie. This is where the fun begins. For some reason NOOSE objects
to the Bank being robbed and have surrounded the place meaning you gotta fight
your way out. Take cover behind the main doors and lob about three or four
grenades at the police cars to the right which should clear a good enough path
for you to run through and follow Packie into the next alley with the guys.
In the alley some more cops come from behind so cap them and then concentrate
on clearing the alley as Packie won't move till you do. Lob a grenade at the
police cruiser at the end of the alley which should hopefully knock down the
cops waiting for you there. Now take out your Assault Rifle and blast the cops
on the right of the alley (watch out for the one hiding in the alcove near
Packie) and then proceed when Packie moves out.
That grenade you threw should have taken out a couple of the cops here but
there are still enough here to cause you some problems. A couple of grenades
will attend to them so once they're gone follow Packie and co. out of the alley
and down the road. NOTE: It is not necessary to take out the cops on the road
here just keep up with Packie and don't worry about them. After a little
while a police helicopter joins the fray and Packie legs it down to the
underground. Follow him keeping your assault rifle out as there are a good many
cops waiting for you down here. Watch out for the ones hiding just around the
corner on the stairs and use free aim to take them out quickly. In the main
area of the subway (with the ticket barriers) about 8 cops wait for you. I
don't reccomend using grenades here as the likelihood of you hitting Packie or
one of the others in the confusion is high so stick to either your assault
rifle or shotgun and use the ticket barriers as useful cover. Follow Packie
and co. down onto the tracks and stick to the middle as a train may come
down the tracks side shortly. I reccomend taking a moment to blast the three
cops following you down the tracks but you can out run them. Climb off the
tracks when indicated and watch out for yet more NOOSE guys on the stairs.
No doubt you're health will need replenishing so instead of heading straight to
street level, head right and nab the first aid kit by the lockers. Now follow
the stairs and you will come back upto street level. Sprint to the nearby car,
get in and drive drive drive! You got a three star wanted level which is tricky
but not impossible to lose. I highly reccomend a Pay N' Spray so set a way
point and drive down some back alleys to get to it without the cops seeing you
and preventing it from working. When you finally shake the heat Packie laments
the loss of Michael and asks you to take them all back to the McReary house so
return to Packie's house to successfuly complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
We are now done with Packie's missions but we can now work for Ray who is based
at the Italian Restaurant down in the centre of Algonquin. I reccomend getting
full health and armour before you do however.
Ray Boccino
Ray is a slightly volatile boss to work for and, as you'll quickly see, is
very easy to rattle. But he pays well and that's what counts eh?
Tasks to Do: Head over to the apartment block
Find out from Alonzo where Teddy is
Silence Alonzo
Fight your way up to Teddy
Chase him onto the roof
Whack Teddy
Some guy based in the apartment complex in Algonquin is giving Ray a hard time
and needs to be dealt with. Grab a car/taxi and drive on over to the apartment
complex. Our first target is a chap named Alonzo who Ray says knows where Teddy
is. He can be found directly ahead of the yellow marker you just parked in. To
be sure, consult the picture Ray just sent you but that's where he is usually.
Talk to him and he says he has no idea who you mean so get your trusty bat and
clarify who you're talking about. Suddenly Alonzo knows exactly who you mean
and says that he is probably in his apartment on the fourth floor of the
apartment block. Before he gets away plant a couple of bullets in him. This may
seem random but by doing this you make sure he can't warn Teddy of your
approach which does make things slightly easier for you. Once inside the block,
take out your assault rifle and enter the lifts. Unfortunatley they will only
go up so far and you need to take the stairs the rest of the way. When the
doors open two of Teddy's goons are there so hammer them before they get a
chance to draw their guns and then proceed down the corridor carefully as one
more goon comes bursting out of the door on your left and another is waiting
just around the corner. Take cover behind the wall and look down the corridor
this guy was waiting on. There are at least three guys waiting for you at the
other end so lob a few grenades down there to clear them out and then proceed
with your assault rifle ready in case they didn't all go down as planned.
Proceed carefully and go up the stairs backwards with your gun drawn. This will
enable you to see the guy standing on the stairs before he sees you so cap him
and the continue up the stairs making sure to blow the guy who leaps out at you
away. When you reach the next doorway, take cover on the right and lob a couple
of grenades down the hallway to dispose of the two goons waiting for you and
then proceed down this hallway. If you're a little low on health at this point
nip into the door on the right and grab the first aid kit there. At the far end
of this corridor will be yet another goon so blast him and enter the next block
of stairs (there's another first aid kit here too) and cap the guy near the
bottom of the stairs. Now duck down and look up at the stairs. You'll see
another goon but this guy has a shotgun and will do some damage so blow him
away before proceeding up the stairs. Don't enter the red door yet and go right
to find another goon blast him and then return to the red door.
Shoot the door to open it and then lob about three grenades inside the room
before the door closes again as there are four guys waiting for you inside.
Now enter the room and waste anyone still standing (there shouldn't be too many
after three grenade blasts). Now proceed through this room and down the next
hallway to the kitchen where there is another first-aid kit. Head out the
kitchen to trigger a cinema where Teddy appears and runs off to the roof.
Follow him back to the stairs and cap the goon waiting for you on the second
level. Proceed to the door to the roof and waste the guy waiting for you. Go
through the door and along the roof to where Teddy finally has nowhere left to
run to. Blast him to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: At this point Packie calls and asks you to go see his brother Derrick who
has fallen on hard times. Gerry McReary will also call and offer you work but
we'll stick with Ray for the time being.
Tasks to Do: Get to the garbage truck and meet up with Ray's boys
Get the first lot of diamonds
Get the second lots of diamomnds
Lose the attackers and get the stuff to the drop off point
Time for a little diamond collection. Head down the street and around the
corner to meet up with two of Ray's guys who have a garbage truck for the
occasion. Follow your yellow GPS marker to the first collection point and use
X to open the truck. Now proceed to the second pick up point and wait for the
diamonds to be loaded onto the truck. Time to head to the drop off point but
we now got company. It seems the diamonds are sought after property so floor it
and get to the drop off point as fast as you can. I know the truck isn't that
fast but it can take a surprising amount of fire from the guns so just focus on
getting to the drop off point. Once you're there, park the truck in the yellow
marker to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Head on over to Castle Gardens when Luca is
Chase Luca til he crashes
Gun down his backup
Find the stall he's in and blast Luca
Meet Ray on the bridge in the park and give him the diamonds
It seems that Luca has decided to take the ice for himself. Naturally Ray wants
Niko to go point out to Luca that this is not acceptable and to teach him a
lesson. Having full health and armour does help for this mission also some
Assault Rifle or Micro-SMG ammo. When you're ready proceed to the meeting in
Castle Gardens where Niko confronts Luca. Rather than make it easy for you and
hand over the ice now Luca hares off up the road making a chase necessary.
Fortunatley for Niko there just happens to be a banshee parked nearby which he
has no hesitation in borrowing. The chase is on. Luca will drive like a crazy
son of a bitch to try and lose you but keep on his tail. Remember he has the
diamonds so don't try and blow his car up. He will also zip through oncoming
traffic and the banshee is very easy to either flip or spin so take it easy
round the corners.
After a shortwhile he will turn into the park and promptly crash.
Now it's time to get him so equip a suitable weapon and note the red
dots that just appeared which are a combination of Lucas' guys and other gangs
wanting their piece of the action. Gun them all down using the trees for cover
and then follow Lucas into the mens toilets where he hides in one of the stalls
and locks the door. Look at each of the doors and shoot all of them who have a
red bar on them. In one of these is Luca who makes one last plea for his life
which Niko is deaf to. Blast him then collect the diamonds. Niko then calls Ray
and tells him to come meet on the bridge in the park if he wants the diamonds
back so proceed through the park and on to the bridge to wrap up the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Before beginning the next mission head on over to the local gun shop and
get full armour, the maximum amount of assault rifle ammo, some grenades and
also some Micro-SMG ammo.
Tasks to Do: Fight your way to the stairs
Clear out the ground floor
Exit the museum
Dispose of the pursuing black cars
Lose the Heat
Having obtained the diamonds Ray wants you to take them to the museum where a
deal will be taking place. You will be working with Johnny again (remember the
last deal with him?) so chances are all won't be going to plan. Before heading
to the museum pop over to the local gun shop and stock up on armour, grenades
and any heavy weapons you can afford (preferably an assault rifle but any will
do). Now head on over to the museum marked on your radar and step into the
yellow marker to begin the mission. After the cutscene (during which everything
does indeed go to pot) you are thrust into the middle of a fire fight. Equip
your assault rifle and swivel left. Take out the guy across the balcony and if
you can get the one a little further along the same balcony do but its not an
easy shot. Now swivel back to your starting position and toss a few grenades
down the corridor. These may not kill the guys here but it will blow them out
of their hiding places which leaves you free to clean up with your assault
When all seems clear along the first section, proceed carefully along
to near the end of the corridor. By this I mean so you can clearly see the end
but not actually be there as a couple more guys are waiting for you there. Take
cover and then lob a couple of grenades to clear them out. Now proceed along to
the stairs and take cover behind the left side. Toss a couple of grenades down
at the desk on the ground floor to eliminate a couple of guys there then get to
the desk and grab the armour there if you need it. Take cover behind the desk
and proceed to blast any further enemies you see (note that it is not necessary
to kill all of them but it does make things easier). Once you have got rid of
most of the enemies here run across the hallway (make sure to kill the guy
hiding in the alcove to the left of the door) and through the door. Quickly
take out the guy hiding behindd the boxes here and continue through to the
front of the museum. Instead of going outside directly, hide behind the door on
its left side, shoot it to make it spring open and toss a couple of grenades at
the row of parked cars. This should set them all off and blow at least 3 of
them up.
Take out your assault rifle and proceed outside where you will be
greeted by yet more goons so take them out and take cover behind one of the car
wrecks. Take out your sniper rifle and look left at the alley right across the
street and you will see a black car with a couple of goons in it. Aim at the
driver and take him out. The passenger will then get out so quickly pop him to
trigger the police arrival and another black car with goons. Get out your
assault rifle and unload some bullets into it and it will explode. Next, grab a
car and get the hell out of there. You now have a two star wanted level so
start zooming down some back roads and alleys to lose it. Once the heat is off
you're done!
Mission Complete!
After the mission, Niko will call Ray and tell him that Johnny made off with
the ice. He is less than impressed. Before going to see him again, make sure
you have full health, armour and alot of ammo for weapons you can do drive-bys
with (I used a Micro-SMG but any will do). Now head on back to his place and
step into the yellow marker.
Tasks to Do: Find the Lost Biker Gang
Follow them through the city and down onto the subway tracks
Eliminate them!
Ray is less than happy with the Lost Biker Gang and wants you to go teach them
a lesson. Grab a car and head on over to their hide out. Upon arrival they all
grab their bikes and take off so quickly grab the spare bike and give chase.
Concentrate on following them and they will shortly enter the subway. Follow
them and do a u-turn and follow them down the tracks. Now take out your weapon
and start blasting the one nearest to you and he will go down relatively
quickly. Unfortuantley, you can't kill the other one yet so keep following him
down the tracks. Watch out for two subway trains along the way. One on the
right and then a second a little further on. Keep on his tail and he will
eventually head left so follow him onto the walkway and keep the speed up to
clear the ramp. Once you land commence blasting and, after a couple of hits he
will fall off his bike so simply run him over to successfully complete the
Mission Complete!
After the next mission you get a call from Ray who reports he has some good
news. He has found who you're looking for which triggers the next mission.
Tasks to Do: Go pick up Roman
Go find Talbot
Follow Talbot's directions to Florian's place
Niko will call Roman who insists on accompanying his cousin so grab a four door
car (you'll need one in a minute anyway) and go pick up Roman. Now follow the
GPS signal over to where Talbot is located. Stop in the marker and watch the
scene during which Niko will "persuade" Talbot to come with them. Wait for him
to get into the car and follow Talbot's directions. At first he doesn't seem
too certain but, after a bit he will get you there. When you arrive, park in
the marker to activate the cutscene.
After the mission, Ray has one last job for you but we'll leave that one for a
moment and turn our attention to the "G" icon on your radar. This represents
Gerry McReary, Packie's brother who you will have met during the course of
Packie's missions.
Gerry McReary
He can be found around the back of the McReary's house in Meadows Park. Like
Packie, Gerry offers work which pays well but can be challenging on occasions.
Having shown a certain mistrust of Niko to begin with, Gerry slowly becomes
more impressed with Niko's work and offers him more.
Tasks to Do: Grab the bomb from an alley off Anchon Avenue
Plant it on Ancelloti's car
Follow him to the meeting in the Northwood factory
Detonate the bomb
Clean up!
Gerry has someone he needs taking care of and Niko seems to be the man for the
job. He wants him to go plant a bomb underneath the guy's car, follow him to
his hideout and activate it. As I said before, make sure to have enough ammo/
health/armour for this mission.
The first part is pretty straight forward. Follow the yellow GPS route over to
the alley and pick up the bomb. After the phone conversation during which Gerry
tells you to "make sure no-one walks away" follow the blue GPS route to Tony's
car and plant the bomb using L1. Now grab a car and park it in the nearby
yellow marker and watch the cutscene. After it's over, let Tony get a safe
distance away from you and begin following him. It's easier to spook him than
you'd think so be sure to stay about two car lengths behind him. Keep on his
tail and he will lead you to the factory in Northwood where the meeting is
going on. Follow your GPS to the activation point and then get out. Get a safe
distance away and then phone Gerry who will activate the bomb and cause some
fireworks. Now take out your sniper rifle and take care of any survivors from a
nice, safe vantage point. Alternatively, just hop down and start blasting
anything that moves with an assault rifle. Either works!
Mission Complete!
Having completed "Actions Speak Louder than Words" you unlock a number of
random characters (including Ivan if you spared him) so check out the
appropriate section for those. Packie will also call you and ask you to pop in
on Derek, his brother, who has fallen on some hard times. For now though, let's
return to Gerry as he has some more work for us.
NOTE: Be sure to stock up on Mirco-SMG ammo and armour for this mission.
Tasks to Do: Find Frankie using the motorcycle
Chase down and kill Frankie
Gerry is keen to stir up some more bad blood between the Ancellotis and
Albanians but is under too much surveillance to do this himself. He wants Niko
to pose as an Albanian and take out Frankie who is a long time member of the
From the McReary house, head down the road and grab the motorbike (the blue dot
on your radar) and follow the GPS route to the meeting on Star Junciton. Park
in the yellow marker and watch the cut scene during which Frankie takes off.
Get after him and make sure to stay on his tail. Whenever you get a chance to
shoot at him take it as they are few and far between so pepper him with bullets
when you can. After a short time, he will head straight up Frankfort which is a
perfect time so commence blasting. After a good few shots like this he will go
down so simply run him over with your motorcycle to finish the mission.
Mission Completed!
This concludes business for Gerry McReary (for now). It is now time to go check
on Dereck McReary. He can be found in Acter Park in Alderney so, after stocking
up on grenades and shotgun ammo as well as armour, head on over there and step
into the yellow marker.
Dereck McReary
As Packie all ready mention, Dereck has fallen on some tough times and is hold
up in Alder Park. Like Niko, it seems he is haunted by his past mistakes and
needs help removing them.
Tasks to Do: Get a police cruiser
Locate Bucky's whereabouts on the police computer
Drive on over to him
Chase him back to his hideout and wipe out him and his gang
One of his past associates, Bucky Slingo, is causing Dereck some problems and,
like most people in Liberty City, the ideal way to rectify this is to remove
When the mission starts your first objective is to obtain a police cruiser. If
one happens to be driving past then jack it. An easier thing to do is to simply
call 911 and ask for the police and a cruiser will come right to you. Jack it
then drive a couple of hundred metres round the block to lose the one star
wanted level.
Now pull over and press L1 to activate the police computer. Click
"SEARCH DATABASE" and then "SEARCH BY NAME" and type in Bucky's name. Once you
have his location marked on your radar, drive on over there. On the way, Dereck
suggests a new course of action. Turn up in your police cruiser and Bucky will
run back to his gang so that you can take them all out. Pull up outside the
Burger Shot and reverse into the marker so that you're in the right position
for the chase that's about to ensue. After the short cinema, hare after Bucky
and be sure to keep on his tail as he takes a somewhat random route through
back alleys and through fences. Don't shoot him yet as he needs to lead you to
his gang first. After a short, yet wild, chase he will stop outside his hideout
in Caribo Avenue. Do not pull into the driveway, instead park by the wall
opposite the house and use it as cover. Bucky's gang now appear as red dots on
your radar. Some are inside but most are inside so pick off those that you can
with a few shotgun rounds and then proceed over the road and take cover on the
left side of the door. Shoot the door to open it and then toss a few grenades
into the house to clear the room of gangsters. Be sure to toss them far into
the room to avoid getting hit by the blast yourself. After three have been
tossed in, proceed inside and take out any survivors (use the nearby furniture
as cover). Bucky is now upstairs but be warned, he does have a shotgun which
can do alot of damage. So, equip your shotgun and hide behind the wall of the
stair case. Toss a grenade up there to blast Bucky off his feet then quickly
run up and blast him with your shotgun before he has a chance to get up and
fire back.
Now you have got rid of Bucky and his gang but it isn't over yet as all this
shooting has attracted some legal attention. Two stars to be exact. Run out
the house (don't shoot any cops, it just makes it worse) and grab the nearest
vehicle (probably a police cruiser) and drive like a bat out of hell out of
there. There is a pay n' spray nearby but if you're in a police cruiser they
won't spray it so drive down a few alleys and side roads to lose the heat.
Mission Complete!
Shortly after completing this mission, you get a call from Brucie who says his
friend Stevie will be in touch with some cars he wants collecting. More
importantly, Ray gets in touch and says he's got a new apartment for you and
Roman in Alderney!
Welcome to Alderney! The most prosperous town in the whole of Liberty City and
flooded with good business opportunities. As Dereck is still open for business,
we'll carry on with him for a bit.
NOTE: Be sure to stock up on Mirco-SMG or other suitable drive-by weapon ammo
and armour before starting this mission.
Tasks to Do: Get to Kim's boat and follow it
Get rid of the attackers
Blow the enemy helicopter away
Get Kim to his destination safely
Players of Vice City will remember a mission for Diaz where you had to get the
drugs back to him before the enemy wiped you out. This mission is kind of
similar to that. From your starting point, drive out to open waters where Kim
is waiting in his boat. When he sets off, follow him and make sure to stay
close by him. After a short while, some enemy boats will appear so, whilst
making sure not to lose Kim, start blasting them (automatic targetting makes
this easier) and make sure they don't take out Kim or his boat. Shortly, an
enemy helicopter appears but fortunatley, Dereck has a rocket launcher on the
boat and tells you to blow the chopper away. Stand on the deck and aim the
rocket launcher at the chopper and fire at it. If you're having trouble hitting
it, aim a little way off the chopper so that it flies into the path of the
rocket. Either way, once it blows up finish off the remaining enemy boats and
then simply drive with Kim to his destination to successfully complete the
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Before activating the next mission be sure to get full health, armour and
some heavy weaponry (something like an assault rifle will do the trick).
Tasks to Do: Collect the truck from Applewhite Street
Get to the Booth Tunnel and block it using the truck
Take out the police escort
Lose the Heat
Collect the escape car and drive to the cliffs
Take out Aiden
This mission is fun! Make sure you have all the above items and then enter the
yellow marker. After cutscene, follow the yellow GPS route over to the truck in
Applewhite Street and drive it to the Booth Tunnel. Park the truck across both
yellow markers to trigger a cutscene during which the police blockade is
stopped by your van and a gunfight ensues. There are a couple of points to bear
in mind during this gun fight:
i Don't use rockets - Though it would be easier to blow the police to hell and
back, don't. Not only is Packie among the police but
also there is a high risk of blowing Aiden up as well
which triggers a mission failure.
ii Use wrecks - There are a lot of cops to face in this mission (not as
many as in "Three LeaF Clover" but alot nevertheless. A
tunnel provides few opportunities for cover but the
wrecks of destroyed vehicles are very useful for this
Once all the police have been taken care of, get into the secuity van with
Aiden in the back and wait for Packie to join you. You now have a wanted level
(somewhat unsurprising after all that shooting) so floor it and barge through
the blockade and out the other side of the tunnel. If you're quick this will be
sufficient to lose the cops, if not just do a few corners and floor it down a
side road or two. Once the heat has been lost you need to get all three of you
to the escape car. Follow the yellow GPS signal to the parking lot in Port
Tudor and drive you, Packie and Aiden to the cliff edge. Upon arrival, a cut
scene ensues and you finally get to kill Aiden. Put a bullet in his head to
successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
This concludes business with Dereck McReary. Remember Florian from "Weekend at
Florians" well he now has some work for you so head over to the "BC" icon to
begin his first mission.
Bernie Crane aka Florian
Since meeting Florian during "Weekend at Florians", Niko acquires him as a
business contact. The campest thing since tents and one of the least enjoyable
bosses of the game has some work for you so head over to his place and step
into the yellow marker to begin his first mission.
Tasks to Do: Follow Bernie as he jogs through Middle Park
Rub out the homophobe who attacks him
Drive Bernie back home
Fairly straight forward this one. Grab a car and drive Bernie over to Middle
Park where he wants to go for a jog. Follow him as he jogs through the park but
not too close (he will tell you if you're too close in which case just let him
get a little way ahead of you and then start jogging after him again) until he
reaches a bridge where he is attacked by a homophobe. Quickly, sprint after
Bernie's attacker and hop on the second moped to begin the chase. When you can,
pelt him with gun fire and he will eventually drop. There is a chance that this
will attract a one star wanted level. If this happens then simply zoom off
quickly to lose the heat. Now return to Bernie and drive him back home.
Mission Passed!
NOTE: Be sure to get some armour and full health before starting this mission.
I imagine you'll have plenty of ammo by now but if not get some of that as well
for any weapon apart from a pistol.
Tasks to Do: Drive Bernie to the Russian messengers
Chase and kill the messengers
This mission is quite a simple one in terms of what you have to do but a pain
in the ass in terms of doing it. Grab a fast car (there is a sports car parked
just down the road) and drive on over to the meeting point. Pretty soon all
does not go to plan and a car chase ensues. Get back to your car and floor it
after them. The idea is to shoot them whilst driving but that is hard as they
break every road safety reg in the manual and even send other cars careering
into you so the first priority is staying on their tail. The trick is to stay
far enough away so that you can see what is coming but not so far away that you
lose them. After a period of wild chasing they will crash which present the
perfect opportunity for you to go in there and clean up with whatever heavy
weaponry you have. Do so. After all are dead, Bernie wants to go home so take
him back to his apartment to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Dimitri now rings and offers Niko a cut of some profits of some business
he has going down. Naturally, Niko being Niko, he tells him exactly what he
can do with it.
Brucie has no more work for the moment so let us now turn our attention to Ray
and his last mission. Be sure to have full health/armour, some grenades and
assault rifle ammo before you start.
Ray Boccino
Tasks to Do: Get to the penthouse of the Majestic Hotel
Kill Isaac, his bodyguards and anyone else who gets in the
Escape the Hotel
Lose the Heat
There are two ways to do this particular mission. The fun way or the easy way.
Let's assume you are a daring individual and love a good gun fight.
| |
| The Fun Way |
From Ray's hideout, follow your GPS to the Majestic hotel and enter the hotel
to trigger a cutscene. Aftet that's done, get in the elevator and be ready for
a gunfight when the doors open. When you arrive on the 30th floor, immediatley
get out of the elevator and take cover behind the wall to the right. Equip some
grenades and lob them around the corner to knock down most of the guards and
kill a few. Now take out your assault rifle and use free aim to eliminate those
closest to you and then auto-aim to dispose of the others posted along the
corridor. Proceed with caution in case any are left and get to the stairs.
Climb up the stairs to the next floor where two of the three required targets
are holed up. Lob some grenades into the room and then enter blasting anything
that moves. The target in question is located in the kitchen located in the
back of the room so carefully approach the door, take cover and lob two
grenades in. One down, two to go! Turn around and go up the stairs to the
bedroom where Isaac is with his girl. Gun them both down and then proceed up
the stairs to the roof. Don't go right to the top however, just far enough so
that you can see the roof. At the back is a red gas cannister. Get out either a
sniper rifle or assault rifle and blast it. The explosion will send the guards
on the roof flying and also eliminate the final target. If, as occasionaly
happens the target only gets knocked over then simply pump a few rifle rounds
into him.
Now all the targets are eliminated you need to escape the hotel and lose the
heat. The easiest way of escaping is the cleaning lift. On the roof near the
water cannisters is a cleaning lift. Press L1 to get onto it and then use L3
to ride it down to the ground. Now grab a car and zoom out of there to lose
your two star wanted level.
Mission Complete!
However, some people prefer to do things the easy way with minimum hassle. If
this is the way you like to do things then here is the easy way:
| |
| Easy Way |
Grab a car and head for the Majestic Hotel and inside to trigger the cutscene.
Instead of going up in the lift, exit the hotel and go round the back to find
the cleaning lift. Ride this upto the roof and blow the guards waiting for
you to hell using the red gas cannisters. Now go into the penthouse and lob a
couple of grenades down the stairs to get rid of any waiting guards. Proceed
into the kitchen and kill both guards and diamond dealer number 1. Now go up
the stairs into the bedroom and waste Isaac. Now use the cleaning lift to go
down to street level and speed out of there to lose the heat.
Mission Complete!
Whichever way you choose to do it, the mission concludes business dealings with
Ray. After completing this mission you will get a text message from Ray asking
you to meet him and Phil Bell down at Phil's truck depot in Normandy. Shortly
following this you will get a call from Bernie asking you to go meet him at
Pier 45. As Bernie is the easiest to do we'll attend to him first so grab some
Assault Rifle ammo and armour before heading to the "BC" icon on your radar
that has appeared once more.
Bernie wants to have some "fun" and suggest a picnic. Given that a) this is
GTA and b) Niko Bellic you can safely assume that it will be anything but fun.
Bernie has a boat for the occasion so get into it and drive out to Bernie's
chosen spot. When you get there, a cutscene will start during which Dimitri's
men show up. When you regain control, speed after them. Be warned, this boat
handles like crap and is very easy to either tip or crash both of which result
in mission failure. As is common in chases, concentrate on keeping up with your
targets and a chance to wipe them out will present itself. Besides which it is
hard to get close enough to shoot them because their boat can go considerably
faster than yours. After a little while, they will abandon their boat and
proceed on foot. Follow them and use the trees for cover whilst annihiliating
them. Once they're all down, return to Bernie to successfully complete the
Mission Complete!
Shortly after completing "Buoys Ahoy", Bernie will get in touch again and say
that him and Bryce have a present for you to collect as a thankyou for your
help. This triggers the following mission:
Grab a car and head on over to the parking lot behind Bernie's apartment
(marked as a "BC" icon on your radar) and get in the Infernus parked here. Now
simply drive this shiny new car over to any of your safehouses and park it in
the yellow "RESERVED" parking space to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
We are now done with Bernie. You will now have recieved a phone call from
Francis who asks to see you urgently (assuming you have successfully completed
"Lure", "Tunnel of Death" and "I need your clothes, your boots and your
motorcycle" that is. Once all these have been complete, head on over to the
"FM" icon on your radar to trigger this dramatic mission.
After the cutscene, Francis tells you to go to the roof of a building over
looking Meadows Park by using the cleaning lift. Head on over there and use
the nearby cleaning lift to get to the roof. Get out your sniper rifle and
look down at the park to see Francis and Derek chatting. You must now choose
one McReary brother to wipe out. See the appropriate section for more details
on this choice.
Once one has been wiped out, take the lift back down to street level and zoom
out of the area. Once you are clear, the mission is successfully completed and
Niko phones the surviving McReary brother.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: A new random character has been unlocked, if he is still alive that is.
Check the "random characters" section for more details.
A short while after (for me it was around 3 game hours which is roughly 3
minutes) you complete "Blood Brothers", Packie will call and ask you to attend
the funeral of the McReary brother who has just died. So go grab a suit (you
should have one from the "Final Interview" missions so go back to your safe
house and put it on along with some black shoes which you should also have.
Having done this, be sure to have some weapons as well as full health and
armour. Then proceed to the church over in Middle Park.
Tasks to Do: Drive to the funeral at the church in Algonquin
Wipe out the waves of attacking Albanians
Drive Packie and the hearse to the cemetry
When you arrive, park in the yellow marker and watch the service unfold.
Afterwards, the friends and family all congregate outside for a chat. All seems
to be going swimmingly (given it's a funeral) when the Albanians drop by and
start shooting in a bid to disrupt the funeral. Understandably, Packie is very
annoyed at this and Niko is right behind him.
By now you should have had alot of practice on gun fights so this one shouldn't
be too tricky. Just keep using the cars as cover and keep knocking down the
attacking Albanians. A neat trick is to nail the cars as they approach with
an RPG which can be obtained from any of the gun shops. However, you may not
have one yet in which case plain old firing with an Assault Rifle is just as
effective. Once they're all down, Packie jumps into the hearse and urges Niko
to follow him. So get in an proceed to the cemetry highlighted on your radar.
At the beginning some more Albanians will attack and you will lose the back
doors. When this happens, concentrate on taking it steady round the corners and
not losing the hearse as this is a guaranteed mission failure. After a short
while the Albanians give up and this gives you a steady drive to the cemetry.
Mission Complete!
After completing this mission, Gerry McReary opens for business once more. He
is now on the inside however in the Penetentiary in Alderney.
Gerry McReary
Tasks to Do: Head to any tw@ internet cafe
Obtain the info regarding the car
Arrange a test drive with Gracie
As with the "Final Interview" mission, this one comes in two parts. After
visitting Gerry in the pen, Niko will automatically call Packie who explains
what Gerry was talking about. Grab a car and head on over to any tw@ internet
cafe. Approach any vacant computer and press L1 to log on then click "WEB".
Now scan this page and there should be an ad for "AUTO-EROTICA" so click on it
and then click on "VIEW CARS". Scroll down a touch and you will see the car you
want. It's a pink sports car so click on it for more information and Gracie's
number will be added to your phonebook. Now log off the computer and exit the
tw@ internet cafe.
If it is between 8am and 9pm then call Gracie to arrange a time with her. If it
is not then wait till it is and then do it (duh!). If you don't then Packie
will call and remind you to do so.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Attend the meeting at Gracie's house
Take the Feltzer for a spin
Kidnap Gracie and deliver her to the designated safe house
Grab a car/taxi and head on over to Gracie's house at the agreed time. She will
be there waiting for you so get into the car and begin the test drive. Don't go
apeshit with the driving, this has to look like a legitimate test drive. After
a short while of following the designated GPS route, another one will appear
which takes you to the kidnap location so do a u-turn and proceed to drive over
there instead. After a short while, Niko will tell Gracie that this is actually
a kidnap and she will start to freak out. This wouldn't be a problem but she
will start to grab the steering wheel and cause the car to jerk all over the
road. As it's a sports car it is very easy to flip so be sure to ease off on
the gas when she does this to avoid destroying the car. It is also possible
that her screaming will attract some police attention. If this happens then
ignore them (it won't be more than two stars) and zoom on to your kidnap
location. Eventually Niko will knock her out so that makes things a tad easier.
When you do get to the kidnap location, park inside the yellow marker to
successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
The next mission won't start right away. It takes a couple of game hours for
Packie to phone you. When he does, proceed to the kidnap location highlighted
on the radar to begin the next mission.
Tasks to Do: Go back to where Gracie is being held
Take a photo of her
Exit the building
Once you're back at the apartment block, enter it and climb the stairs then go
into the room to your right to find Gracie tied to a chair. Get Gracie to look
up at you and then use the camera on your phone to take a picture of her. Now
go back down the stairs and outside again.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Collect Gracie
Drive Gracie to the new safehouse
Head back to the apartment block once again and collect Gracie. Remembering
what a pleasure she was to have in the car last time, Niko locks her in the
trunk. This would be a good idea except this means that you need to avoid
driving insanely which is easier said than done. When you begin, the GPS will
plot a route for you. Ignore it for a moment however and head past the garages
and down the dirt path leading off to the left. Go down the hill and then onto
another path. Follow this path on to the freeway and then continue with the GPS
route as normal. Doing this means that you avoid three enemy cars that would
have been waiting for you and ensures you have only two cars to deal with.
NOTE: It is very easy to kill Gracie without knowing it in this mission. The
trunk has no seat belts and any high speed turns/collisions will kill her and
you won't know until the end. One way to tell is to listen out for her protests
because, if she's still shouting then she's still ok.
Once you get her to the new safehouse, park in the yellow marker. If you drove
too wildly then Gracie will be dead but if you were easy enough on the gas then
she will be her usual charming self.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Before activating the next mission for Gerry, be sure to have full health
full armour and plenty of grenades/other heavy weapons.
Tasks to Do: Drive on over to the exchange on Charge Island
Fight your way through Bulgarin's men
Find the diamonds
Drive Packie back home
Grab a car and drive Packie and Gracie on over to the exhange at the plant on
Charge Island. It is a fairly long journey so get some sight seeing in while
you got the chance. When you arrive, park in the yellow marker to trigger a
cutscene where the exchange appears to be going swimmingly. All of a sudden, a
face from Niko's past turns up and all hell breaks loose. Time for another gun
From where you start off, lob a couple of grenades to dispose of the first lot
of gunmen. Now look up at the upper walkway and take out as many of the gun men
located up here as you can and then focus your fire on those on the ground.
Once the coast is clear, follow Packie up the ramp and onto the upper walkway
(be sure to nab the armour on the ramp if you need it) where yet more russians
await your arrival. Blast a couple of them and then look down to see more
arriving in cars. Lob a few grenades down at them to take them out and then
continue along the walkway with Packie, blowing Russian heads off as you go.
Continue along the walkway and be prepared for a fresh wave of russians as you
and Packie round the corner. I reccomend not using grenades to clear them as
there is a chance you or Packie will get caught in the blast which might not
kill you but it will kill Packie so best stick to assault rifles and such like.
Once the area is clear, continue on to trigger a cutscene during which the
diamonds make an unexpected escape from the plant. Chase down the last of
Bulgarin's thugs and then return to your car. Packie, thoroughly pissed off,
asks you to take him home so follow the yellow GPS route back to Packie's house
to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
This concludes business for Gerry. We can now turn our attention to Phil Bell
who Ray asked you to meet some time ago. Get some sniper rifle/assault rifle
ammo and head on over to the truck depot in Normandy marked by the "PB" on your
Phil Bell
Phil Bell owns the truck depot down in Normandy and provides some very fun and
very rewarding missions. His first one is not too challenging so, after getting
the above items, go and start it.
Tasks to Do: Locate the truck and dispose of the guards
Jump onto the truck as it leaves
Climb to the front cab and knock out the driver
Deliver the truck to the house at Westdyke
Grab a car and head over to where the truck is located. Upon arrival, you will
notice that the truck is very heavily guarded. From where you begin, take out
some grenades and lob a few over the wall at the guards there. This should take
care of some of them then take out your sniper rifle and clean up the rest from
your safe position. Now take out your Assault Rifle and be sure to wipe out any
more survivors. Proceed with caution along the pathway and watch out for more
guards from the alley on the right. As you approach the truck, it seems that
one last driver is trying to salvage the drugs shipment and Niko makes a
spectacular attempt to prevent this. Once you regain control you will be
hanging off the back of the truck so repeatedly tap the button indicated to
climb up onto the trucks roof. You must now climb along the roof and get to the
cab at the front. This can be somewhat precarious since the driver is doing
everything he can to get rid of you so proceed with caution. When he turns
sharply, make sure you turn the opposite way so that you don't fall off. When
you reach the front of the cab, Niko offers a polite suggestion regarding the
shipment before disposing of the last guard. The only thing that remains to be
done now is driving the truck back to a safehouse in Beaverhead so follow your
GPS route to the old mansion and park in the yellow marker.
Mission Complete!
Shortly after completing this mission, Phill will call and invite you to meet
Jimmy Pegorino who is the head of the Pegorino Family. He has a mansion up in
Alderney so make sure to have full health/armour and some assault rifle rounds.
Now proceed to the "J" icon on your radar.
Jimmy Pegorino
The Pegorino family is yet another family who is trying to be recognised as a
major crime family but, despite Jummy's best efforts, is still seen as
something of a joke. Nevertheless, Jimmy still maintains the persona of someone
not to be messed with.
Tasks to Do: Drive Jimmy and his men to the deal
Watch over the deal
Fight your way to Jimmy
Pursue the Parvanos and retrieve the money
Pegorino has a deal going down with the Parvanos and he wants you to provide
some protection in case it kicks off.
When the mission starts, enter Jimmy;s car and wait for him and his boys to
join you. Follow the yellow GPS route to the abandoned warehouse where the deal
is going down whilst listening to the amusing banter between the family. "Would
you do me a favour, just shoot yourself right now save me the trouble of doing
it!". Anyways, when you get there Jimmy gives you a piece then tells you to go
get a good vantage point over the deal. Enter the building behind you and grab
the shotgun from under the stairs (you may not need it now but every little bit
helps right?) and then go up the stairs to the vantage point. Equip your sniper
rifle and observe what is going on through its scope. Eventually, as deals
involving Niko usually do, the deal goes bad so start blasting Parvano heads
off left right and centre. There will be three more car loads arriving so snipe
all you can and then exit the building and start knocking them down with your
assault rifle. Your goal is the blue dot on your radar which represents a
wounded Jimmy who is slowly dying so make getting to him your priority. It is
not necessary to wipe out all the Parvanos but kill just enough to get to Jimmy
When you get to Jimmy, Niko helps him back to his car just in time to see a car
of Parvanos making off with Jimmy's cash. Naturally, Jimmy gets even more angry
at this and demands you get the money back. Floor it after them, peppering them
with gun fire whenever you get the chance. After a short chase they will enter
a parking lot and get out. Now simply zoom right at them and run them all over
or get out and blast heads off if you're feeling particularly violent. Either
way, once the last Parvano goes down grab the money and get back to Jimmy's car
where he is still seething about the deal. Now all that remains is to take
Jimmy back home so follow the yellow GPS route back to his mansion to
successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Shortly after completing this mission, Jimmy will phone you and ask to see you
again for some more work. Stock up on armour, grenades and shotgun rounds
before going back to his place.
Tasks to Do: Get to the diner where the Parvanos are
Follow them to the meeting place
Wipe them out
Lose the Heat
Jimmy wants you to take revenge on the Pavanos for screwing him over in the
Grab a car (there's two conveniently parked in the driveway most times) and
head on over to the diner where the Pavanos are. When they pull away, follow
them and don't worry about being stealthy since they know you're there. There's
also no need to start firing at them since you need them to lead you to the
rest of the gang first. After a somewhat random route down alleys, across roads
and even through fences they will arrive at the Auto Erotica car dealership.
Now is your chance. Take cover behind your car and proceed to lob grenades at
the cars parked in the forecourt. The blasts caused will wipe out a large
number of them. Once all the cars have been blown up go in there with your
assault rifle and clean up the rest.
Unsurprisingly, all this gunfire has attracted the attention of the law so you
now need to lose the heat. Grab a car and zoom out of there down a few side
roads and back streets to lose the heat and successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Shortly following this mission, UL Paper will get in touch and ask you to go
meet John Gravelli who runs the Gambetti family down at the Medical Centre in
Schottler. Now though, let's go back to Phil and continue his missions. Be
sure to stock up on assault rifle ammo and health/armour before doing so though
and some other weapons wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Phil Bell
Tasks to Do: Drive the truck to the boatyard
Fight the Russians and drive off with the boats
Head to the drop off point and wipe out any pursuing Russians
Grab a car and follow the yellow GPS route to the Ancellotis truck. Once you're
there, enter it and drive it to the boatyard on Charge Island. Upon arrival,
Phil has a chat with one of the guards who gets suspicious and so Phil calms
his suspicions by planting a bullet in his head. Show time! Floor the truck
into the warehouse and squash as many Russians as you can. Be warned, they are
packing heat and the truck isn't that tough so don't be long doing this. Now
get out and hide behind some boxes and lob a couple of grenades at the ones
nearest to you. Once they're down, take out your assault rifle and join Phil in
shooting anything that moves. There are alot but it shouldn't be too difficult
as long as you take cover when they start hammering you with bullets. Once the
warehouse floor is clear, head to the left side and grab the armour as chances
are you'll need it. Now head out of the warehouse and blast the russians there
to gain access to the two boats. Phil takes the one on the right so grab the
one on the left and follow Phil out into open waters. Your target safe point is
a bridge just off Northwood Heights so keep on his tail. Before long, the
russians (who appear to dislike being ripped off) are back on your tail so send
a few rounds their way, being sure not to lose Phil. Once all the attackers are
down, escrot Phil to the drop off point and pull up at the dock side. Park up,
disembark and then walk into the yellow marker to complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Break into the Sprunk Factory
Fight your way to the top roof
Take down Charlie's helicopter and Charlie
Grab a car and follow the yelow GPS route to the Sprunk Factory near Port Tudor
where "Chubby Charlie" is currently hanging out. When you arrive, you have two
options. Either enter the front door or sneak in the back way (I love the way
Phil describes this method!) and either way will work. I would highly reccomend
using the latter method as you can be the russians won't be laying out the
welcome mat for you. Enter the dark tunnel on the right and hug the left wall.
Near the entrance will be a hole just big enough to get through so go through
and then take cover behind the wall on the left side. Look into the room and
you will see some russians talking on the upper balcony. Lob some grenades at
them to trigger the gun fight and blow three of them to kingdom come. Now
change to the right and, if you can, take out some more. If not then simply
enter the room and blast them from there. Go slowly up the ramp and lob a
grenade onto the floor above to wipe out the goon who is hiding just behind the
ramp, then get onto the next floor and gun down the russians as they come at
you. As you approach Charlie he will run so chase him up the collapsed ceiling
and onto the next floor where more cronies lie in wait for you. Take them down
using an assault rifle and grenades and proceed into the back room. Charlie
boasts that the chopper will still take the message to the Commissioner and
runs off.
Before following him, take out the goons in this room and then take cover
behind one of the window frames and look down onto the roof tops below. You
will notice that several more goons are waiting for you. Most you have to get
down there to take out but there are a few that can be wiped out from up here.
Take out some grenades and throw them at the roof tops below to wipe out some
of the goons. Now jump down and take out the goons hiding behind the boxes. Now
head to the right and climb upto the look out post and equip either a sniper
rifle or assault rifle. From here, you have a good overview of the goons below
so take out as many as you can from this relatively safe post. Once you've
thinned their ranks a bit, head back down and past the boxes the goons were
hiding behind and across to the next section of roof tops. Take out the men
waiting for you here and then (watch it as there are some above you on the
smoke stacks) and then follow the walkway around to a ladder. Climb up the
ladder and blast the russians along here. A good tactic is to throw grenades up
onto the roof before you climb the ladder which will reduce the number of men
waiting for you. Once they're gone, equip your assault rifle or rocket launcher
if you have one and climb up the second ladder to see Charlie taking off. Fire
a rocket at the chopper or nail it with assault rifle rounds and it will go
down. Ignore the men firing at you and just focus on the chopper. Once that is
down you are done!
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Before beginning the next mission grab some health, armour, alot of
Assault Rifle rounds and some rockets if you can afford them.
Tasks to Do: Drive you and Phil over to the old mansion
Follow Phil as he speeds away from the Feds
Fight the Feds and get to the getaway truck
Lose the heat and get Phil home
NOTE: Frankie is expendable, Phil and the stuff ain't!
During the following shoot out with the Feds, Frankie can die but neither Phil
or the stuff can be lost so be sure to keep an eye on both.
From your starting point, grab a vehicle and follow the yellow GPS route back
to the old mansion where the stuff is being kept. Upon arrival, everything goes
pear shaped as the Feds arrive and all hell breaks loose. When the scene ends,
zoom out of the garage, through the Feds and after Phil. At this stage, your
main priority is staying on Phil's tale as neither you or Frankie knows where
he's going so ignore the Feds for now and follow your colleague. After a while,
he will lead you through a warehouse (watch out for the forklift!) at which
point he will phone you and tell you that he is ditching the car as the Feds
are all over the three of you. Follow him into the alley and equip your Assault
Rifle. Blast your way through the police blocking the alleyway and watch out
for the NOOSE boys who show up in their armoured van. Once these are down you
are told to get to the escape van. Before doing that however, get out your
rocket launcher and take down the police helicopter that is tracking you. This
make losing your wanted level a little easier. Get in the escape van and drive
like a bat out of hell out of the car park and lose that wanted level! Once the
heat if off you, it is a simple matter of driving Phill (and Frankie if he's
still alive) back to Phil's safehouse on Mill Street. Once you arrive there,
park inside the yellow marker to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: After completing "To Live and Die in Alderney", we have done with Phil.
The "J" icon has once again appeared on the radar however so grab a car and
head on over to Jimmy Pegorino's mansion to continue business with him.
Tasks to Do: Get to the Medical Centre
Grab the surgeon's outfit
Take out Antony
Escape the hospital and lose the heat
Grab a car and head over to the Medical Centre where Antony is currently in
intensive care. Make sure you are completely disarmed before entering the
hospital or you will attract attention. Follow the signs to the ER department
and enter the locker room opposite the desk where the Dr. and Nurse are
chatting to change into some surgeon's clothes. Now head down the corridor and
follow it round to where Antony is currently being kept under observation.
Enter his room and wait till the guard leaves. When the coast is clear,
approach his life support machine and turn it off to end his miserable life.
Now leg it out of the room, back down the hall and out of the hospital. Don't
hang around as the police can and will do you some serious damage if give the
chance. Once you're out of the hospital, grab a car and get the hell out of
there to lose the heat and successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Following "Flatline", you get another call from Jimmy Pegorino telling you to
get back to his place for a "war council".
NOTE: Before beginning this mission I highly reccomend some armour, assault
rifle ammo and rockets.
Tasks to Do: Await Jimmy's phone call
Get to where Ray and his convoy are parked
Follow them and take them all out
After the cutscene, grab a car and drive around for a moment or two. After a
short while, Jimmy will call and tell you he wants Ray rubbed out. Follow the
yellow GPS route to where Ray and his convoy are parked and wait for them to
move off. Follow them but don't fire, Ray's boys are packing alot of heat and
can wipe you out very quickly. After a short time they will pull into a gas
station. Quickly, get out and fire about three rockets into the gas pumps. The
resulting explosion will wipe out Ray and his boys in one fell swoop.
Mission Complete!
Completing "Pest Control" concludes business with Pegorino for a little while.
Remember that guy UL Paper told you to go see? Well now is the time for it so,
after stocking up on armour and weapons, head over to the "G" icon on your
radar to begin Gravelli's first mission.
The aging mafia boss and head of the Gambetti family is having treatment at the
Medical Centre in Schottler. Despite his frail condition, he still commands a
huge amount of respect from his friends and family.
Tasks to Do: Pick up Bobby Jefferson from Grand Easton Terminal
Drive in the entourage
Kill all the ambushers
Lose or kill the pursuing ambushers
Get Jefferson to City Hall
Grab a car and follow the yellow GPS route over to Grand Easton Terminal where
Jefferson is waiting. Upon arrival, approach the guard and he will tell you to
stay with the convoy as they escort Jefferson to City Hall. Enter the
highlighted car and follow the convoy. Pretty soon the convoy finds itself
ambushed and it is up to you to teach the ambushers a lesson or two. Get out of
your car and start taking out the ambushers. Watch out for the ones posted on
the roof on the left (I find a couple of well placed grenades take care of them
nicely) and be sure to use cover whenever you can as there are quite alot of
them. Once they have been eliminated, grab a car and wait for Jefferson to get
in before setting off for City Hall once more. Within seconds however the
ambushers are back on your tail. Now, you could just shoot them all but is much
easier to lose them. From your starting point, head south and do a hard right
onto Emerald. Now accelerate full speed down Emerald and you should lose them.
If not then simply carry on at full speed, doing a few more sharp turns until
you lose them. Having got rid of the attackers, it is now a simple case of
driving Jefferson to City Hall so follow the yellow GPS signal and park in the
yellow marker.
Mission Complete!
Tasks to Do: Head on over to Mr. Fuk's Rice Box
Destroy all the cars around the back
Enter the restaurant and fight your way upstairs
Make the manager tell you where Kim is
Kill Kim!
Gravelli has heard of some counterfeit cash arriving in Liberty City and he
wants Niko to take out the cause of this outrage. It seems that Kim (remember
him?) is the mastermind of this operation and is currently at Mr Fuk's rice
Grab a car and follow the yellow GPS route over to Mr. Fuks. Before entering,
head around the back and destroy all the cars/bikes in the car park. The reason
for this will become apparent shortly. Now enter the restaurant and Niko will
ask the waiter where Kim is with all his usual tact and diplomacy. Head right
and climb the stairs where a number of Kim's associates are standing guard.
Wipe them out, using the walls and alcoves for cover and enter the door to the
manager's office at the top of the stairs. Aim your gun at the manager who will
tell you that Kim has ran out through the kitchens. Grab the armour from his
desk and pursue Kim through the kitchens and out the back door. As you blew up
all the cars, Kim has no choice but to pursue on foot so chase him down and
shoot him to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
NOTE: Before beginning the next mission, be sure to have plenty of rockets,
assault rifle ammo, grenades, armour and full health.
Tasks to Do: Get to the Grocery Depot in Alderney City
Climb on to the roof and wipe out all the guards
Destroy all five vans
Upon arrival at the Medical Centre, Niko finds Gravelli talking to his UL Paper
contact. Both men are concerned that the Ancellotis new alliance with the
Russians is giving them too much influence within the city. Gravelli wants Niko
to get rid of their means of shipping which are a series of vans parked at
their depot in Alderney City.
Grab a car and follow the yellow GPS route to the Grocery Depot in Alderney
City. The warehouse is very heavily guarded so a little stealth is is order
here. From the wire fence, head right and climb over the wooden fence. Head
around the path and climb on to the green dumpster and then on to the roof of
the shed. From here, you can climb on to the lowest air duct and then up the
remaining air ducts to the roof of a building overlooking the compound. When
you're at the top, take out the guard at the top to trigger the gun fight as
the whole compound turns its attention to you. Take out the guards on the roof
top first and then position yourself so that you have a good view of the ground
below. Using your sniper rifle, take out all the guards you can being wary of
those coming up through the door behind you. Once all the ones you can see have
been taken out, go around all for edges of the roof and make sure that none are
still around hiding among the boxes/crates. If they are then take them out and
then climb back down the ducts and into the compound (don't jump off the roof,
it hurts!) and proceed to blow up all the vans with your rocket launcher.
It is a good idea to do one final sweep of the compound before starting this as
enemies you miss may try to drive the vans out of the compound which is a
mission failure. Once all the vans have been destroyed, Niko will call Gravelli
to report another job well done.
Mission Complete!
Following the successful completion of "Liquidize the Assets", Gravelli calls
Niko to report that Darko Brevic has just flow into Liberty City. This phone
call triggers the mission where Niko finally finds that special someone he has
been seeking since arriving in Liberty City.
Tasks to Do: Pick up Roman from Firefly Island
Drive to Francis International Airport
Deal with Darko Brevic
Niko calls Roman to report the news of Brevic's arrival and Roman refuses to
let Niko go there alone so Niko agrees to come pick him up. Grab a car and head
on over to Roman's place on Firefly Island. Once he's in, follow the yellow
GPS route over to the cargo area of Francis International Airport where Brevic
has just arrived.
Once you arrive, a long cut scene follows during which Niko confronts Darko
about what he did and he finally has him at his mercy. The choice is now yours.
Either shoot Darko and kill him or simply walk away. See the appropriate
section for more details on this choice. Once you have chosen simply get back
into your car and drive Roman back home to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Completing "That Special Someone" means that the storyline now splits. Niko
will now get a call from Pegorino who asks to see him. Go see him and he gives
you orders to do a deal with Dimitri from which Niko will profit greatly. It is
now your choice whether you take the deal with your arch enemy or stick to your
principals and do not take the deal. To take the deal, head for the $ icon. To
refuse the deal, head to the cross shaped icon. The endings will differ
depending on which ending you choose. I will cover both endings however,
starting with the "Deal" option.
Finale - Deal
If you choose to take the deal then head on over to the $ icon on your radar to
trigger the first mission of the Deal finale. Before doing so however, be sure
to be packing lots of heat.
Tasks to Do: Pick up Phil and attend the meeting at Port Tudor
Go with Phil to the sky lights
Fight your way through the warehouse to the main office
Chase and kill the buyer and retrieve the money
Get back to Phil and return to Tudor
Follow the $ icon to meet up with Phil Bell. Grab a car and follow the yellow
GPS route over to Port Tudor where Dimitri is waiting with the stuff. Upon
arrival, Dimitri will hand over the heroine and the guard sends Niko and Phil
into the compound to await word of the heroine's delivery. Follow the path
round a short way to the marker at which time Dimitri informs Niko that he has
killed the buyer and intends to keep the heroine. Did you honestly think
anything else was going to happen? Phil takes the view that, as they're going
to have to fight their way out anyway they might as well do it with the money.
Follow Phil around the back of the warehouse and up onto the roof of the
warehouse where he stops by a skylight and shoots the glass through. Equip
your assault rifle, follow Phil through the hole and proceed to blast anything
that moves. The first set of guys are up on the walkway so shoot them first and
then drop some grenades down below and follow that up with some rifle fire to
clear the floor below where several more are waiting. Proceed around all
corners of the walkway and make sure to kill all you can from up here. Now head
down the stairs and clean up the middle walkway. Then descend to the main floor
where yet more goons wait for you. Blast them and then descend to the lower
level where Phil leads the way to the main office where the money is.
Keep close to Phil and nail any goons who attempt to block your way. Follow
Phil and he will run upto the office door and shouts for some help getting in.
Simply run upto him and he will smash down the office door. After the cutscene
during which another goon runs off with the money, nab the first aid kit from
the wall near the notice board and follow the thieving git downstairs. Gun down
the final new goons and follow the money-grabber outside. Get into the van (the
Sanchex makes things harder as its easy to fall off it in the approaching
chase) and take off after the van that the thief is getting away in. Chase
the buyer, opening fire whenever you can and making sure not to get caught in
the many obstacles that fall in your way as they will slow you down alot. Once
the truck is on fire, the buyer will run off on foot so run him over and grab
the money.
All this firing and action has probably attracted some legal attention so drive
as quick as you can out of the nearby area and down some alleys and side roads
to lose the heat. Now simply follow your yellow GPS route back to Tudor where
you began the mission.
Mission Complete!
Following this, Niko calls Roman who is ecstatic about their new found riches.
Niko also phones Kate who says she is disappointed with him and refuses to
attend the wedding with him.
Now head back to your safehouse and put on a nice suit and black shoes. When
it gets to a couple of hours before the wedding, Roman will text you which
triggers the penultimate story mission of GTA IV.
Tasks to Do: Get to the Church on Time
This is a simple mission in terms of what you need to do but a highly dramatic
one. Get a nice suit and shoes and then drive on over to the wedding at the
church in Algonquin. Watch the cutscene and the chilling aftermath of the
Before proceeding with the final story mission you will need to be packing
every kind of heat imaginable. Funds shouldn't be a problem now so spend spend
spend and buy every weapon the gun shops posess. Taking down Dimitri and
Pegorino is going to need some serious fire power so don't be stingy!
Tasks to Do: Meet up with Little Jacob
Follow Pegorino's goons
Fight your way through the casino
Chase Dimitri's helicopter
Kill Dimitri on Happiness Island
After arming yourself with every weapon you can lay your hands on, grab a car
and follow the GPS route to Little Jacob who is watching Pegorino's men. Enter
his car and watch Pegorino's men speed off in an attempt to lose you and Jacob.
Speed off after them and keep on their tail until they reach the old casino
where Niko and Jacob are met with a barrage of gun fire from Pegorino's men.
While Jacob goes off to find a means of escape, Niko goes after Pegorino and
Dimitri. Move out from behind the car wreck and take cover behind the rubble
pile to the right where you have a better shot at the men firing at you. Launch
some rockets into the cars which will take out most of then men and then use
your assault rifle to mop up the remaining survivors. Be wary of two hiding in
the ditch on the left just past the area and two who are posted up on the roof
who can do some serious damage if you're not careful.
Once the exterior is clear, it's time to clean up inside. Approach the front
door and shoot it once to get it to open. Toss a few grenades inside then go
in yourself. Immediatley look left and take out the guy on the stairs. Now take
out your sniper rifle and shoot the guy on the far end at the other staircase.
Work your way through the warehouse systematically gunning down Russians until
you get to the back room where Dimitri shows the utmost loyalty to Pegorino
before taking off onto the back patio. Follow him up the stairs and toss a
couple of grenades through the door then gun down the remaining foes on the
first section. Fight your way along the roof to the end and trigger a cutscene
where Dimitri takes off in a helicopter. Swim over to the boat and floor it
after Dimitri's helicopter. After a while chasing him by boat, Jacob turns up
again in a helicopter. Quickly speed into the green marker to trigger a
cutscene and quickly press the button indicated to climb into the chopper.
Ignore the on screen tip to stay low and keep above Dimitri to avoid the
skyscrapers. There's no need to try and hit Dimitri as you can't kill him yet
so continue chasing him until you reach Happiness Island where Jacob will nail
him a couple of times with some rockets and Dimitri responds in kind. Both
Helicopters crash on Happiness Island and Dimitri runs off on foot. Pursue
the treacherous swine and nail him with Assault Rifle rounds until he drops.
Congratulations! You have just completed GTA IV! Sit back, relax and watch the
ending cinemas. You may have completed the story but there is a whole other
bunch of side quests to do and there is also that great 100% to achieve.
Finale - No Deal
If you choose to go with your principals and take the moral high ground head on
over to the cross shaped icon on your radar. This will activate the first
mission of the Revenge finale.
Tasks to Do: Fight your way to the bridge
Open the cargo hold
Enter the cargo hold and kill Dimitri
Dimitri is in the cargo hold which is currently locked and the controls are in
the control room on the bridge. The Platypus is currently very heavily guarded
however so thinning the russian ranks is advisable before proceeding. From
where you begin, nail the two men standing talking by the gang plank as they
will shoot you when you do eventually board the ship. Head right and climb the
ladder by the "CAUTION: HARD HAT AREA" sign to get to a platform that gives you
a good view of the ship below. Take out your sniper rifle and blast off any
Russian's head you can see and fire down a few rockets for good measure. Make
sure you cover every area of the ship in order to kill as many as you can from
this safe perch. Once all the russians you can see area dead, proceed up the
gang plank of the Platypus. Head right and climb up the crates to find some
spare body armour and grenades. Now head back to the gang plank and head left
towards the big structure with the "NO SMOKING" notice on it. Approach the door
and lob a few grenades through before entering and gunning down the goons in
Head up the stairs and throw a couple of grenades down the corridor to clear
the Russians from here (gun down any survivors). Head into the bunk rooms
for some rather useful items such as body armour, health and some spare ammo
before proceeding through the other door in the corridor. Gun down the Russians
and climb up two more sets of stairs to the control room. A couple more Russian
mobsters are waiting in here for you so gun them down and then press the switch
to open up the cargo holds. Exit this room and head back down to the main level
beware of the next set of russians that have appeared on the ship. When you
reach the hole, throw about four grenades down the hole and then jump down and
take cover behind some crates. Look around the crates and you'll see some red
cannisters. Shoot them. They will not only take out some enemies but save you
the annoyance of having to redo the whole mission again because an enemy shot
them and blew you up (like I had to do!). Fight your way through the cargo
hold until you reach Dimitri and a confrontation sequence. After the scene is
over, unload Assault Rifle rounds into Dimitri until he dies.
Once the rat is dead, exit the cargo hold and get off the ship to successfully
complete the mission.
Mission Complete!
Niko will now call Roman who is slightly disappointed but is too preoccupied
with the wedding right now. He reminds you to get to the church on time next
day wearing a nice suit and tie. Niko also calls Kate who is pleased with your
decision and says she will go to Roman's wedding with you. Phil also gets in
touch and says he udnerstands why you did what you did because he never trusted
Dimitri either.
Now head back to your safehouse and put on a nice suit and black shoes. When
it gets to a couple of hours before the wedding, Roman will text you which
triggers the penultimate story mission of GTA IV.
Tasks to Do: Pick up Kate from the McReary house in Meadows Park
Drive both of you to the Church in Alderney
Grab a car (why not take Bryce's Infernus and go there in style?) and follow
your yellow GPS marker to the McReary household to pick up Kate. Now follow
the GPS marker to the church in Alderney and park in the yellow marker to view
Roman's wedding and the dramatic consequences.
Tasks to Do: Meet up with Jacob and Roman
Follow Pegorino's goons to Pegorino
Fight your way through the casino to Pegorino
Chase him through the roof
Grab the bike and follow him along the shore line
Follow Pegorino to Happiness Island in Jacob's chopper
Kill Dimitri
Seething about the unjust killing of Kate, Niko goes after Pegorino. Roman and
Jacob insist on helping him and so the two of them go to stake out some of
Pegorino's goons who they hope will lead them to Pegorino.
When you gain control, go to the gun shop and buy every single gun you can lay
your hands on. The ending battle is one hell of a fight and you will need to be
packing every kind of heat imaginable. Once you are seriously tooled up, head
on over to the alley marked on your radar where Roman is waiting with Little
Jacob ready to help you take down "dis bumbaclot". Get into the car and wait
for Pegorino's goons to drive off having noticed your tailing them. Follow them
and don't fire at them as they need to be alive to lead you to Pegorino. After
a wild chase along roads, through alleys and even down the wrong side of the
freeway, the goons veer of on to a dirt track to the left which comes out at
an old casino. Unsurprisingly, Pegorino's goons aren't too happy to see you
and greet you with a barrage og gun fire which destroys your car. Niko says he
is going after Pegorino while Roman and Jacob find an escape route. When you
gain control, head right and take cover behind the mound of rubble. From here,
fire a couple of rockets into the parked cars which should take down at least
some of the goons. Step out from your cover and quickly take down the two men
posted on the roof. Now use your assault rifle to clean up the remaining goons
being careful to pick off the two hiding in the ditch to the left. Once the
outside is clear, it's time to go in.
Approach the door and Little Jacob will send you a text telling you to "watch
the skies" for the escape plan. Take cover behind the door and shoot it to get
it to open. Throw a couple of grenades inside then switch to the other side of
the door and throw a couple more in. Now take out your assault rifle and start
blasting heads off left and right. Look left and take out the guy on the stairs
as he can do some damage if you're not careful. Also use your sniper rifle to
take down the guy posted on the stairs at the far end of the warehouse. If you
need it there is a first aid kit on the stairs to the left of the entrance
where that goon was. Work your way to the back of the warehouse and climb the
stairs to trigger a cutscene with Pegorino where he runs off out the back door.
Run after him and throw some grenades through the door to take down the goons
waiting on the immediate patio. Now exit the casino and fight your way to
Pegorino. Be carful as there are few opportunities for cover out here and watch
out for the car that comes zooming at you filled with yet more goons. Once you
approach Pegorino at the docks he jumps into a boat with one more goon and
speeds off. Quickly, grab the bike and follow him along the coastline being
careful not to fall off as that will cost you time. After a short while of
chasing Little Jacob and Roman show up again in a helicopter. Zoom at the ramp
and watch the spectacular jump Niko makes to grab onto the chopper. Quickly
press the button indicated to climb up and take the wheel. Pegorino has a
rocket launcher so I highly reccomend that you stay far enough away so that you
can see the rockets before they hit you but not so far that you lose him.
Keeping high is also a good idea, that way you remain harder for him to hit.
After a dramatic chase, both helicopters crash on Happiness Island. Take out
your Assault Rifle and chase after Pegorino who runs off on foot. When you get
the chance, empty some more rounds into him to finish him off.
Congratulations, you have just completed Grand Theft Auto IV. Watch the ending
cutscene and make sure to listen after the credits. It is not over yet though,
there is a whole city out there waiting to be explored.
Side Jobs/Miscellaneous [MSC]
Completion of the story missions is only the tip of the iceberg in GTA IV.
Long time players of GTA will know that there are typically lots of other side
jobs/missions to do that all contribute to that sought after 100% completion
Friends [FRM]
A new feature in GTA IV is the friends aspect. After completing a certain
mission for a character, that character will become your friend. This means
that when you are not on a mission, you can call them and hang out with them.
There are a whole range of activities ranging from drinking to bowling which
differ depending on the friend. On the pause menu, you can view your
"friendship status" with each of your friends which is an indication of how
much they like you. Once this status reaches a certain point there are special
services that that friend will do for you when you need their help. If a
friend's status gets low enough though it will "drop off" and they will be
increasingly harder to get hold of.
Biography: Roman is the first friend you acquire and is something of a
party animal.
Available: Any time
Activities: Bowling, Darts, Drinking, Eat, Pool, Show and Strip Club
Special Ability: When your friendship status with Roman reaches 60 he will call
you up and tell that, if you ever need a cab to call him and
will send one out to you to save you paying a taxi fare every
time. NOTE: This feature is not available after completing
"Roman's Sorrow".
Dining Out: Roman's favourite diner is any burger shot although, when you
get further on in the game (around the time you unlock
Alderney, he prefers higher class restaurants.
Night Spots: As I said, Roman is something of a party animal and so he will
happily go to any bar or nightspot with you.
Hanging out with Roman does not count towards 100% completion of the game. At
15% he will "drop off".
Biography: This friendly rasta becomes your friend after the completion
of "Shadow".
Available: 1pm-4am
Activities: Darts, Drinking, Eating, Pool, Show & Strip Club
Special Ability: When your friendship status with Jacob reaches 75% you can
call him and he will drive out to you and offer weapons from
his boot at knock down prices. Cheaper than the gun retailers.
Dining Out: Any fast food restaurant but particularly Cluckin' Bell
Night Spots: Club Liberty at Northwood
Hanging out with Little Jacob does count towards 100% completion and at 40% he
will "drop off".
Biography: The steroid pumping body builder becomes your friend after
completing "NO.1".
Available: 7am - 1am
Activities: Boating, Bowling, Drinking, Eating, Show, Strip Club and
Special Ability: When your friendship status with Brucie reaches 75% you can
call him up and he will pick you up in his helicopter and fly
you to certain locations around the city.
Dining Out: Any high class restaurant but certainly no fast food
Night Spots: Any high class night clubs
Hanging out with Brucie does count towards 100% completion and at 40% he will
"drop off".
Biography: The Irish tough guy becomes your friend after the completion
of "Three Leaf Clover".
Available: 3pm to 6am
Activities: Bowling, Darts, Drinking, Pool, Show & Strip Club
Special Ability: Once your friendship status with Packie reaches 75%, you can
phone him up and ask him to rig a car bomb up which you can
then use for destroying specific targets. Very useful during
chase missions.
Dining Out: Burger Shot, Pizza Stack or Pang
Night Spots: Donnie's Bar is his favourite bar
Hanging out with Packie does count towards 100% completion and at 30% he will
drop off.
Girlfriends [GFR]
Players of San Andreas will remember the dating mini game that popped up every
so often. Well, it's back but much improved. Before I get to the five
girls available for dating, here are a few handy tips on dating in general.
1. Making Contact - To get a date with a girl you first need to meet her. Two
of the girls (Michelle and Kate) you will meet during the
course of the story but the other three (Carmen, Alex and
Kiki) can be located on after "Logging On".
Once Niko has met a girl, their number will appear in the
phone book. If it is within a girl's available hours (see
below) then you can call her and arrange a date. If she is
not available then you will get her answer phone in which
case try again later.
2. Look Good - Each girl has specific likes or dislikes with regard to how
Niko is dressed, what car he his driving and where he takes
them. For specifics, see each girl's bio but, as a rule,
they don't like a smashed up car, dirty clothes or strip
clubs. Wearing clean clothes and driving a nice motor is
half the battle when dating.
3. Be Punctual! - No girl likes being stood up so make sure to arrive on time
for a date. Once you have arranged a date, the girl will
appear on your radar as a blue dot. You now have 60 game
minutes to get over to her place to pick her up. If you're
late then she will cancel the date and your Like meter will
go down. After this you will need to wait 10 real minutes
before she'll try again.
4. Initiative - If Niko doesn't take the initiative and phone the girl
after meeting her, she will phone him and ask him out so
make sure to get in there first.
Of course, these tips are just general advice for all the girlfriends. If you
want to really get somewhere with the girls you need to know what they like and
dislike. For that purpose, here are five profiles for the girls detailing what
to wear, what car to drive and even where to take them.
Biography: Michelle is the first girl you meet during the "Three's A Crowd"
story mission. Your first date with her is also part of the story
mission but after that it's upto you to arrange individual dates
with her.
Available: 6:00am to 11.00pm
Cars : Michelle is pretty easy to please when it comes to cars. She likes
Roman's cab (available from Roman's taxi depot until
"Roman's Sorrow" as well as the Banshee, Blista, Merit and Voodoo.
Never turn up in a Furto, Primo, Uranus, Solair or a Futo as these
are her least favourite cars.
Clothes : Michelle is also pretty easy to please with clothes. She likes
Russian clothes (the store you visit during "Three's A Crowd") and
any hats or glasses. She's not the sort that likes high class
clothes so don't buy anything from Perseus. Clothes from the Mod
store are also not a good choice.
Food : For eating there is pretty much no going wrong. She likes the diners
and even doesn't mind a fast food outlet such as Cluckin'Bells. Be
warned though that the more often you visit a particular place, the
less she will like it in the future.
Drink : The Steinway Beer Garden is a definite favourite for Michelle, as is
the Lucky Winkles bar. Places like Comrades Bar (where Vlad hung
out) or Club Liberty are also wise choices.
Activity : Darts and Pool are her favourites so take her there whenever you can
(just remember to vary the locations) and Bowling is also a good one
to pick. Never ever take her to a strip club though. If you're near
either the Split Sides Comedy Club or Perestovika Cabaret Club then
these are also good choices. Don't go to the same activity over and
over again otherwise she will come to dislike the venue and refuse
to go there.
Carmen [CRM]
After being introduced to the internet in "Logging On" you can access the
website where you can arrange to date three girls. To do
this, simply click on their picture on love-meet and then click "ARRANGE A
DATE". Wait a bit (save at a safehouse) then check your email where there
will be an email from the girl. Reply positively to arrange a date and time
for your date which will be added to your phone's organiser.
Biography: Registered as "SoBoHoe" on, Carmen is open for dating
following the "Out of the Closet" mission for Brucie. The advantage
with Carmen is that she will give you more health when injured. Only
if you keep her happy that is.
Available: 1.00pm to G.00am
Cars : Carmen is a bit more particular than Michelle. A good car to arrive
in is a Stallion or Dukes. An FXT is also a great choice if you can
find one as they are quite rare. Avoid cars like Merits or Minivans
though as she doesn't like them.
Clothes : Clothes from Modo clothes shop or Perseus are her favourites.
Russian stores are not reccomended neither are hats or glasses.
As a general rule, if it's expensive it's good.
Food : Diner's or Pizza's This are among her favourites as are Cluckin'
Bells. I wouldn't reccomend taking her to Mr. Fuk's Rice Box or
a burger shot.
Drinking : Drinking is Carmen's favourite activity so you can't go wrong here.
Pick a bar and she'll like it.
Activity : Again, there is not much that you can go wrong with here. Darts and
Pool are particular favourites as is bowling. She is also the only
girlfriend who likes the strip clubs.
Shows : Either the Perestroika Cabaret Club or Split Sides comedy club will
do but she does prefer comedy to cabaret so bear that in mind.
After your progress with Alex reaches 60, her special ability is unlocked where
she will regenerate your health when you're injured.
Kiki [KKI]
Biography: Registered as "LawChick" on, Kiki is open for dating
following the "Out of the Closet" mission for Brucie. The advantage
with Kiki is that she will get rid of three stars for you. Only
if you keep her happy that is and do as this is a very useful thing
to have.
Available: 6.00am to 2.00am
Cars : Her favourite car is a Washington and this is a very good way to get
the date off to a good start. On the other hand never show up in a
Sabre GT or Turismo as she dislikes those.
Clothes : Wearing anything from Russian is a good thing as she likes those but
never wear anything from Modo or Perseus. She does like glasses and
hats though.
Food : As with Michelle there is really nothing much you can do wrong when
taking Kiki out for dinner. Just keep it varied and don't go to one
place too frequently.
Drinking : Jerkov's or Club Liberty are the best venues for going drinking with
Kiki as is Steinways. Don't go to Comrades alot though since she
isn't too keen on that although once or twice is perfectly
Activity : Kiki is pretty easy to please on the activities front as well. Any
available activity will do fine as long as it's not a strip club.
Just remember to keep it varied.
Shows : Her favourite venue for a show is the Perestroika Cabaret Club in
Broker. Split Sides is also all right but she seems to tire of that
place quicker than the Cabaret Club.
Alex [ALX]
Biography: Registered as "Liberated Woman" on, Alex is open for
dating following the "Out of the Closet" mission for Brucie. The
advantage with Alex is that she will give you a 50% discount in all
clothes stores for 24 hours after a successful date.
Available: 6.00am to 2.00am
Cars : Alex's favourite car is the Huntley or Infernus. She is also quite
keen on the Stretch Limo (quite rare) but never show up in a
Dukes or Bobcat.
Clothes : Alex is extremely picky when it comes to clothes and will only like
stuff from Perseus. Any other store is not good enough for her.
Food : The Superstar Cafe is one of her favourites along with the Pizza
This diner. She will go to a Cluckin' Bells or Burger Shot but only
for a limitted number of times.
Drinking : The two best places to take her drinking are the Steinway Beer
Garden or Lucky Winkles. Comrades Bar is fairly good but I wouldn't
go there too often. There is actually no bar that you should avoid
so take your pick!
Activity : You can't go wrong with any activity with Alex (she even likes going
to the strip clubs!) so any activity is fine as long as you keep it
Shows : Again, either the Cabaret Club or Splitting Sides is good as long as
you keep it varied.
Before I start I would just like to say this "THIS SECTION WILL CONTAIN
SPOILERS!". I just thought I'd make that one clear before beginning as alot of
people may not want to know certain spoilers.
Also new to GTA 4 is the ability to choose what happens at a particular time in
the story. Depending on the choice, there may be big consequences later on in
the game. There is no right or wrong choice but the following section will give
details of all the choices to help you make up your mind.
[Choice 1 - Roman or Michelle]
After you make your first date with Michelle, Roman will call you when you're
near Michelle's apartment and ask you to come down to the basketball courts to
help him deal with three loan sharks who have cornered him.
Decision to be Made : Choose to either help Roman or Date Michelle
Consequences : As it's fairly on in the game this choice has no serious
consequences. If you choose Michelle then, after "First Date"
Roman calls you from the hospital and is mighty cheesed off. You
then get to do the mission "Bleed Out" again. If you choose
Roman then Michelle will text you and the date is re-arranged.
She will also ask why you didn't show up the first time on the
My Thoughts : As I said, this decision has no serious consequences so it makes
little difference which one you pick. Simply out of loyalty I
picked Roman but it really doesn't matter who you choose.
[Choice 2 - Kill or Spare Ivan]
Decision to Be Made: Kill or Spare Ivan in "Ivan the Not So Terrible"
Consequences : With Ivan hanging on by his fingertips you are presented with
the first real choice of the game. Either one successfully
completes the mission but letting Ivan live has a financial
advantage later on. Following the completion of Gerry McReary's
"Actions Speak Louder than Words", Ivan will reappear as a
random character and will reward you for your kindess.
My Thoughts : Although he rewards you later, his encounter is not part of
100% completion and funds won't be running low at that point
in the game so I killed him. However, if you want to take the
moral high ground and spare him then the money may also come in
[Choice 3 - Kill or Spare Cherise]
Decision to Be Made: Kill or spare Dwayne's ex-girlfriend Cherise
Consequences : During Dwayne's "Ruff Rider" mission, you encounter Dwayne's
ex girlfriend Cherise who is hanging out with some biker dude.
Although it's the biker dude you want you do get a chance to
kill Cherise before hunting him down. In this case, if you spare
her she will appear as a random character later on and is
grateful for your mercy. If you kill her then it's not a huge
deal as she isn't part of 100% completion.
My thoughts: If you kill her then it's not a huge deal as she isn't part of
100% completion. Whichever you choose though be quick as all the
time you're dealing with Cherise, that biker dude is getting
away and it's him you're really after!
[Choice 4 - Kill or Spare Clarence]
Decision to Be Made: Kill or spare Clarence during "Holland Nights"
Consequences : During "Holland Nights" for Playboy X you get to choose to kill
or spare Clarence whom Playboy wants wiped out. If you spare him
then he comes back as a Random Character later on in the game
and he ain't too please to see you.
My Thoughts : Clarence's Random Character isn't part of 100% completion and if
I tell you that you finish up killing him when you meet him
again anyway this should be a help in deciding his fate.
[Choice 5 - Kill Dwayne or Playboy X]
Decision to Be Made : Kill Dwayne Forbes or Playboy X
Consequences : If you kill Playboy X then Dwayne will let you have his
apartment as a thank you for not wiping him out. Also you will
get 100 grand. If you kill Dwayne then Playboy will refuse to
have anything more to do with you for whacking Dwayne (despite
the fact that he told you to!)
My Thoughts : As I said in the walkthrough for this mission, there is
definitley a preferred choice here. Killing Playboy. Not only do
you get his apartment (which is very swanky) but also 100 grand,
the GTA 3 outfit in the wardrobe of that safehouse and also some
backup. If you're ever in need of backup in a firefight just
call Dwayne up and he will send over three of his boys to help
you. Very useful! But, it's your choice so stick to what you
wanna do.
[Choice 6 - Kill Francis or Derek McReary]
Decision to Be Made : Assasinate either Francis or Derek McReary from the roof
Consequences : Killing Derek earns you Francis' thanks and also means you get
some dirt on him. Whenever you're trying to shake some heat,
give him a buzz to remind him of this fact and he will take any
heat you may have off you. Killing Francis gains you Derek's
respect and 50 grand.
My Thoughts : If you kill Francis then it does make the subsequent mission
easier as it is a shorter drive to Francis' grave than it is to
Dereks. Francis' grave than it is to Dereks. Furthermore, the
McRearys seem to be less bothered about losing Francis than they
do Derek.
[Choice 7 - Kill or Spare Bulgarin]
Decision to be Made : Kill or Spare Bulgarin
Consequences : The subsequent cutscene is different on the way home
My Thoughts : That "special someone" whom Niko has gone through hell to find
is finally at his mercy in the cargo area of Francis
International Airport. To me this choice seems like a no brainer
because I can't see Niko going to so much trouble to find this
man and then spare him. The choice is yours however.
[Choice 8 - Deal or No Deal]
Decision to be Made : Take the Deal or Get your Revenge
Consequences : This is the most important decision in the game which is
understandable given that it is the finale. Following Bulgarin's
fate, Pegorino tells Niko to go do a deal with Dimitri from
which he will earn and earn well if only he can puts his
principals and beliefs on the back burner. If you take the deal
then Roman will die on his wedding day and you and Little Jacob
will go after Dimitri together. If you take the revenge option
then Kate will die and you, Roman and Little Jacob will go hunt
down Pegorino.
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