
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: (pc)FAQ/Walkthrough

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: (pc)FAQ/Walkthrough

Version 6

1. Intro
2. The 3E link
3. Maps
4. Quests
5. Allies
6. Character Creation
7. Character Classes
8. Skills/Feats/Force
9. Items
10. Light Side, Dark Side

1. Intro

This guide is not going to be a traditional "Go here, do this" type of
guide and I thought it best to let you know that up front. The game is good
at letting you know what you need to do next to advance the plot, so rather
than wasting a lot of space giving you directions you probably don't need, I
will instead give maps of each planet/place you visit, and list all the
quests for that area and what needs to be done to solve them. (Ok, so
technically that's a "Go here, do this" way of doing things, but rather than
give you directions on how to get everywhere, I'm giving you maps instead.)
Another thing you should be aware of is that this game is based on the
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game, using the 3rd Edition rules. While it is
not required that you know how to play AD&D in order to play this game, it
will definitely help you out through the game as many of the skills, feats,
etc. are taken directly from that.

2. The 3E link

This section is here to provide a small background on the Dungeons and
Dragons ruleset that Knights of the Old Republic (kotor) is based on. The
basic way to describe it is this: All actions that require skill to perform
are determined by a roll of the dice. Basically, whenever you try to do
anything in the game, like persuade someone to do something, or disarm a mine
or whatever, there is an internal "roll of the dice" going on. This happens
in every RPG game as well, although most of the time those games have less
interaction between the player choices and the engine. In D&D you can choose
skills and Feats that will affect those rolls, giving you bonuses or lowering
the enemy rolls, which is what sets D&D apart from other games in terms of
Every time there is a chance for something to happen, it's accompanied by a
roll of 1d20, which is a 20 sided die. This roll of 1d20 is then added to by
your skill/feat bonuses and then set against a difficulty check (DC) that
varies with the task (ranging from 10 for simple things all the way to 40 for
near impossible ones).

Example persuasion:
You want to persuade someone to give you a discount on merchandise. If the
person is somewhat easy going and likes you, this shouldn't be too difficult,
so you've got a DC of 15 that you have to beat. Once you decide to try and
persuade them, you roll (in this case the game engine rolls) a 1d20 check,
and you wind up with a 10. Now, under normal circumstances you would fail
and have to pay full price, but you have 6 points in your persuade skill,
which are added to your roll, giving you a total of 16 for the check. Since
16 is higher than 15, you pass the DC and get your discount.


This same principle applies to combat with a slight variation. Instead of
investing skill points into an attack skill or whatever, you instead have an
attack bonus based on your attributes and character level. The level of your
character class determines your Base Attack Bonus (BAB). This bonus will
always be added to your 1d20 roll during an attack (unless there are reasons
for it not to be, such as a status ailment). Classes that focus more on
fighting will have a higher one of these than classes that focus on other
things (such as stealth, using the force, etc.). In addition to your BAB,
you are also given a bonus based on strength for melee, or dexterity for
ranged attacks and lightsabers. The bonus is determined by the Modifier
(mod) for that attribute.
You get the mod for an attribute by looking at it's score. Any attribute
higher than 10 gains a modifier of +1 for every 2 steps above 10 (ie a mod of
+1 at level 12/13, +2 at 14/15, etc.) and -1 for every 2 steps below 10 (ie
-1 at level 8/9, -2 at 6/7, etc.). There is a full listing of modifiers
below if you're still confused about them (or are just too lazy to figure it
out for yourself). This mod is also added to your 1d20 roll for attack. You
can see what your overall bonus for each attack will be in the equip screen,
under where damage is listed (which is under the equipment screen).
Those bonuses for attack have to be set against a DC of some kind, right?
Yes, they do. The DC is the defenders Armor Class (AC). AC is determined by
the armor equipped, dexterity, and any natural armor that a person has. Some
attacks can go through armor to skip it, such as touch attacks. These will
discount the persons armor bonuses from their AC, or simply, if they have a
battle armor equipped with an armor rating of 5, they won't get that 5 added
to their AC to defend against the touch attack.
Once all the various conditions are taken into play, if the attack succeeds
then you roll damage. Damage is a bit easier to figure out than chance to
hit. You simply take the weapon damage which you can figure out by looking
at the chart below (labelled Dice translations) and comparing it to the
weapon damage displayed in the game. You then add your strength mod to the
damage if it is a melee attack (sorry, but ranged doesn't add the dex mod),
as well as any modifiers from feats/character feats you may have and that
determines how much damage you deal.

Example Combat:
You have 20 str and are a level 6 Soldier, giving you a Str mod of +5 and a
BAB of +6. Your opponent has a total of 17 AC. You roll your 1d20 for
attack and wind up with a 12. With your BAB and str mod added in, you've got
a score of 23 (also, if you have any feats that would change this score, such
as the -3 from Power Attack, you would apply them here. This example is only
for a normal attack), meaning you hit the opponent. Now, since this was a
melee attack, you take the damage of your weapon, which we'll say is 1-8, or
1d8, and roll that. You get a score of 7. Now, you add in the str mod,
which is +5, and you have a total of 12 damage dealt for that attack. If you
had any feats that would change the amount of damage, this is where you'd
apply them.


During combat, if a natural 20 is rolled (meaning the 1d20 roll is a 20
without any modifiers applied to it), you gain an automatic critical hit,
which will double, and in some cases triple, the amount of damage you deal.
This effect is applied after your mods have been taken into account, meaning
that the above listed 12 damage would become 24. Some weapons have a wider
threat range (the score needed to roll a critical), such as 19-20, meaning
you can roll either a 19 or a 20 to get the critical. There is also a feat
that will increase the critical threat range of your weapon. Critical hits
and natural 20s apply only to combat. If you roll a 20 on a skill check but
don't have enough of a mod to pass the check (ie a DC=25 and you only have +2
from skills) you will still fail the check.

D&D Vocab
AC Armor Class
BAB Base Attack Bonus
d20 20 sided die (or dice if there is a number higher than 1 before the d)
DC Difficulty Class
Mod Modifier

Fort Fortitude
Ref Reflex
Will Willpower

Str Strength
Dex Dexterity
Con Constitution
Int Intelligence
Wis Wisdom
Cha Charisma

Mods chart

Score Modifier
0 N/A (characters cannot exist with a 0 score, except undead who have
a Constitution of 0, but they aren't in this game).
1 -5
2, 3 -4
4, 5 -3
6, 7 -2
8, 9 -1
10, 11 0
12, 13 +1
14, 15 +2
16, 17 +3
18, 19 +4
20, 21 +5
22, 23 +6
24, 25 +7
26, 27 +8
28, 29 +9
30, 31 +10

Dice translations
1-4 1d4
1-6 1d6
1-8 1d8
1-10 1d10
1-12 1d12
1-20 1d20
2-8 2d4
2-12 2d6
2-16 2d8
2-20 2d10
2-11 1d10+1

3. Maps

Section TOC
3-A. The Endar Spire
3-B. Taris
3-C. Dantooine
3-D. Tatooine
3-E. Manaan
3-F. Kashyyyk
3-G. Korriban
3-H. Leviathan
3-I. Unknown World
3-J. Star Forge

Before you check any of the maps, please take notice that they are drawn in
ASCII art, meaning they will not be 100% accurate. In order to view them
correctly, you must use a monowidth font such as Lucida Console or Courier

Universal Key:

Walls - / \ | _
Doors =
Locked Doors +
Location (A-W)

3-A. The Endar Spire

Command Module
A Quarters
B Bridge
C Escape Pod Access

----- ----- ---
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Starboard Section
A Command Module Access
B Escape Pods

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3-B. Taris

Upper City - South Apartments
A Hideout B Dia's Apartment C Larim's Shop
D To Upper City South

/\ ----- /\
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\= /---\ +/
/ / \ \
---| | | |_
|B + | | _|
---| | | |
\C\ / /
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Upper City - South
A To South Apartments B Equipment Shop C To Upper City Cantina
D To Upper City North E Medical Clinic

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Upper City - North
A To Upper City South B To North Apartments C Droid Shop
D To Lower City E To Sith Military Base

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Upper City - North Apartments
A To Upper City North B Largo's Apartment C Sith (for Uniforms)

/\ ----- /\
\C\/ \/ /
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/ / \ \
---| | | |
| + | | |
---| | | |
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Lower City
A To Black Vulkar Base B To Upper City
C Lower City Apartments East D Cantina
E To Hidden Bek Base F Lower City Apartments West
G To Undercity

+G \
|--------------------------|=|-\ \
|F| \ \--
|-| | =E|
--| |--
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Lower City - East Apartments
A To Lower City B Matrik's Apartment C Twisted Rancor Trio Strongbox

/\ ----- /\
\ \/ \/C/
\+ /---\ +/
/ / \ \
---| | | |
| + | | |
---| | | |
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Lower City - West Apartments
A To Lower City B Selvan's Apartment C Elam Mattic's Strongbox

/\ ----- /\
\C\/ \/B/
\+ /---\ +/
/ / \ \
---| | | |
| + | | |
---| | | |
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Hidden Bek Base
A To Lower City B Main Hall C Control Room D Bar
E Barracks F Elevator (Gadon's Room)

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Black Vulkar Base
A To Upper Sewers B Elevator Security C To Black Vulkar Garage
D Rec Room E Armory F To Lower City
G Control Room H Barracks I Pool Room

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Black Vulkar Garage
A To Black Vulkar Base B Garage Head Office C Garage
D Loading Bay E Engine Lab

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A To Lower City B Medical Quarantine C Rukil
D Gendar E Igear's Shop F To Sewers (west entry)
G Crashed Escape Pod H To Sewers (east entry) I Rackghoul Serum
J Promised Land Journal

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Lower Sewers
A To Undercity (west entry) B To Undercity (east entry)
C To Upper Sewers D Promised Land Journal
E Gamorrean Compound F Zaalbar

-------------| |---| ___|---|
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---------| | | / ---| |-|
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Upper Sewers
A To Lower Sewers B Severed Arm C Bone Pile D Rancor
E To Black Vulkar Base F Promised Land Journal

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Sith Military Base
A To Upper City B Reception C Medical D Security
E Duros Prisoner F Barracks G Armory H Control Center
I Barracks J Elevator

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Davik's Estate
A Starting Area B Slave Quarters C Throne Room
D Barracks (Security Terminal) E Barracks
F Torture Room G Barracks (Guard Room) H Spice Lab
I Security Terminal J Ebon Hawk

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Note: There is more to the Hanger but you can't get to it so it's pointless
to show.

3-C. Dantooine

Jedi Enclave
A Ebon Hawk B Aratech Mercantile C Jedi Council Chamber
D To Outer Courtyard E Training Area

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A Jedi Enclave B Jon C Elise D Adum Larp
E Path South (Matale Grounds) F Path South (Matale Grounds)
G Strange Ruins

\ \
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| | / \ / \---/ \\
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/\-| \----/ C \ \ |
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\ / \\\ / \ / \ \
\ / \\/ / | | //
/E | /F / \ G//
--/ \-/ \//

Matale Grounds
A Matale Estate Main Entrance B Matale Estate Side Entrance
C Path North (Courtyard) D Path North (Courtyard)
E Path South (Grove) F Path South (Grove)

\C\ /-\
\ \/-/ \--\
// \-\
// \--/\
// \
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| / | \- //----\\ ---
\\ // \ \ // \\ |D|
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-----\ +A | //-- | |
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\\------// \----- -----/

A Ancient Grove B Path North (Matale Grounds)
C Path North (Matale Grounds) D Path South (Sandral Grounds)
E Path South (Sandral Grounds) F Mandalorian Raiders/Chief (after you
trigger them)

|-| /----\\ /-|
|C \----\\ //--\\ | \\ / B| /-\\
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\ F /-\ \\ //
\--/ \ \ \\-//

Sandral Grounds
A Sandral Estate Main Entrance B Sandral Estate Side Entrance
C Path to Grove D Path to Grove
E Cave Entrance (Lightsaber Crystal Cave)

// \\
// \\
// \
// \\
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-------| | / / / | --/
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\--/ / --//
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Sandral Estate
A Shen Matale B Rahashia Sandral
C Exit to Matale Grounds D Exit to Matale Grounds
E Security Center

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Strange Ruins
A Ancient Droid B Life Trial C Death Trial
D Star Map E Exit to Courtyard

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3-D. Tatooine

Docking Bay
A Ebon Hawk B Shop C To Anchorhead
D Bastilas Mother's friend

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Anchorhead Base
A To Docking Bay B Hunter Lodge C Czerka Office
D Swoop Registration E Cantina F Sith Ambush
G Droid Shop H Gate to Dune Sea

//| G ----|
/A |-\ /-=\ / |
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--| ------ | | |
| | -| ----| |-
| | | | |------| /\ |
------- --=--| | -/ / |--=----|
D | | ---- E

Dune Sea
A To Anchorhead B Sand People Ambush C Tanis
D Sand People Ambush E Sandcrawler F Crash Site
G To Sand People Territory H To Eastern Dune Sea

/// \\
/// \\
//A \-----
/// \\
/// \\
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Sand People Territory
A To Dune Sea B To Eastern Dune Sea C To Sand People Enclave

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Sand People Enclave
A Sand People Chieftan B To Sand People Territory
C Captured Jawas D Griff

//// \\\\
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/// /--|-=-||-=-|-\ \\\
// /// | || | \\\ \\
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Eastern Dune Sea
A To The Dune Sea B To Sand People Territory C Komad Fortuna
D Krayt Dragon Cave E Star Map

// E //
// //
//\\\ // D //
/// \\ // //
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3-E. Manaan

Docking Bay
A Ebon Hawk B Sith Hanger C Private Hanger
D Manaan - West Central

| | -----------
| C | | |
| | | A |
| | | |
----|+|---- ------- | |
/-----\ | | / B \ ----|=|----
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--------\ ---|=|------------/ |
---------\ = ------------/
| |

West Central
A To Docking Port B Port Official C Kolto Distribution
D Ahto West D Ahto City East Central

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Ahto West
A To Ahto City Central B Mercenary Enclave
C Holding Cell D Ahto High Court

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// // / /
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East Central
A To West Central B Tyvark's Shop C To Ahto East
D Visitor's Hotel E Republic Enclave F Computer Room
G Sith Spy Prisoner H Submarine I Hulas

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Ahto East
A To East Central B Swoop Registration C Droid Shop
D Sith Embassy

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Sith Base
A To Ahto West B Protocol Officer C Secondary Entrance
D Flow Control Room E Training Annex F Shasa
G Medical Room H Dark Jedi Master I Droid Repair
J North Computer Room

-------------/ \\/-\
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Hrakert Station
A Submerssible B Security Control C East Hallway B
D Airlock E Central Storage Room F South Hallway
G Airlock H Security Room I Envirosuit Storage
J West Storage Room K Airlock

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Sea Floor
A Hrakert Station B Hrakert Station C Hrakert Station
D Airlock (Kolto Control)

-=- -=- ---
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Kolto Control
A Airlock (Hrakert Rift) B Airlock (Sea Floor)
C Airlock (Sea Floor) D Scientists

| A |
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Hrakert Rift
A Kolto Control B Hrakert Station C Kolto Control Panel
D Giant Firaxan E Star Map

\=\ / \
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\ \/ C D E |
\\ /-----\ /---\ ---/--------\ /
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3-F. Kashyyyk

Czerka Landing Post
A Ebon Hawk B Eli Gand C Janos' Office D To Great Walkway

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The Great Walkway
A To Czerka Landing Post B Supply Station C Sith Ambush
D To Rwookrrorro Village E Wookie Guard F Chorrawl
G To Upper Shadowlands

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Village of Rwookrrorro
A To Great Walkway B Chieftain's Hut C Home of Woorwill
D Holder of the Laws

=A \
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Upper Shadowlands
A To Great Walkway B Rorworr's Corpse C Czerka Hunting Grounds
D Forcefield (to Lower Shadowlands) E Jolee's Hut
F Rulan G Broken Droid

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Lower Shadowlands
A To Upper Shadowlands B Freyyr C Ritual Site
D Viper Kranth (for corpses) E Computer/Star Map F Grrrwahrr
G Mandalorian Ambush H Mandalorian Ambush I Swoop Bikes

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3-G. Korriban

A Ebon Hawk B Helpless Sith Recruits C Czerka Office
D Cantina/Mika E Yuthura Ban F To Sith Academy Entrance
G Lurze Kesh H Sith Recruits I Lashowe
J Sith Recruit K Slaver/Jolee's Friend

// \\
// \\
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// A \\ // \\
// /| |-\ \\ // //\\H \\
| ||-| | | // // \\ \\
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Sith Academy
A To Sith Academy Entrance B Uthar Wynn
C Bedroom D Yuthura Ban
E Uthar's Quarters F Lashowe
G Dustil Onasi H To Valley of the Dark Lords
I Interrogation Room J Dueling Room

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Valley of the Dark Lords
A To Sith Academy B To Shyrack Caves C Tomb of Ajunta Pall
D Tomb of Tulak Hord E Tomb of Marka Ragnos F Tomb of Naga Sadow
G Dak Vesser H Meeting Place

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Shyrack Caves
A To Valley of the Dark Lords B Sith Rebels C Terentatek

/-------/ |
/ |-------\\\
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/-----/ / \ |------\\ \\\ /| |--|
/---/ ---/ \--| \\ ---------/ | | /
---/ /---\ \ \\ |-\ \ | |
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\\ // \------------\ | | |
\ B/--\/ | | | |
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Tomb of Ajunta Pall
A To Valley of the Dark Lords B Obelisk C Sarcophagus
D Statue E Rune Covered Obelisk

| |
--- |---| /- -\
/ | | | / \
/--- |----------------------| |---------/ \---
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--------------------| |----------------------| |---------\ /---
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--------------------| |---------- | | \- -/
\ E | | | | |
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Tomb of Tulak Hord
A To Valley of the Dark Lords B Ancient Console
C Trap D Sith Sarcophagus/Jorak Uln/Mekel

/ \
----------------------------------------------- ---
| B + C = + D + |
| |-------------------------------------------- ---
| | \ /
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Tomb of Marka Ragnos
A To Valley of Dark Lords B Sith Sarcophagus/Rogue Droid

/ \
--------------------------------------------------------------/ \---
| =A + B + |
--------------------------------------------------------------\ /---
\ /

Tomb of Naga Sadow
A To Valley of Dark Lords B Lever C Ice/Fire Pillars & Grenades
D Monument to Naga Sadow E Puzzle F Acid Pool
G Star Map/Sith Lightsaber

| |
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3-H. Leviathan

Prison Block
A Elevator B Cell Block C Barracks D Computer Room
E Droid Maintenance F Medical G Detention

| |
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| + | | = A|
-------| | | ----=--------------------|=|----------------------\ /
|+| | | | | -----------| | -
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| | | | | | | |
| | ------| |--+---+--
--- | B |
| | | | | |
| C | | | | |
| | --- ---

Command Deck
A Elevator B Elevator Corridor C Barracks D Barracks
E Droid Bay F Central Corridor G Bridge Corridor H Armory
I Computer Room J Bridge Storage K Barracks L Bridge

| |
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| |----------------- | | | | |---------------=-|
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A Elevator B Hangar Control C To Ebon Hawk

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- | | | | | | | |
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3-I. Unknown World

Central Beach
A Ebon Hawk B Rakatan Ambush C Rakatan Ambush
D To North Beach E To Temple Entrance

|D \
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\\\ --\ |
\\\/ \-----|

Rakatan Settlement
A To North Beach B Luo C Historian D The One
E Elder Captive

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Temple Exterior
A To Central Beach B To South Beach C Temple Entrance
D Mandalorian Ambush E Ceremony Site

//// \\\
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// \
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//// //
//// //
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/// //
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South Beach
A To Temple Exterior B Ship Parts C Elder Settlement Entrance

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Elder Settlement
A To South Beach B Elder Rakata Leaders C Reasercher Ll'awa
D Historian E Data Archives

/ A \
/--- ---\
/--- ---\
/-- /\ /\ --\
// /--/ \ B / \--\ \\
// /-/ \---/ \-\ \\
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Temple Main Floor
A To Temple Exterior B North Corridor C South Corridor
D Armory E To Temple Catacombs F Prototype Droid Area
G Large Door H To Temple Summit I Obelisk Corridor
J Security K Computer Room

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Temple Catacombs
A To Temple Main Floor B Rune Covered Obelisk C Puzzle
D Ancient Computer Console

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3-J. Star Forge

Deck 1
A Ebon Hawk B To Elevator C West Exit D East Exit

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Deck 2
A West Exit B East Exit C To Elevator D Replicator

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Command Center
A To Deck 2 B Malak's Apprentice
C Droid Replication Area D To Observation deck

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Viewing Platform
A To Command Center B Darth Malak C Trapped Jedi

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4. Quests

Section TOC
4-A. Endar Spire
4-B. Taris
4-C. Dantooine
4-D. Tatooine
4-E. Manaan
4-F. Kashyyyk
4-G. Korriban
4-H. Leviathan
4-I. Unkown World
4-J. Star Forge
4-K. A Quest for the Star Forge
4-L. Yavin

4-A. Endar Spire

Primary Quests

Get to the bridge
- This is more of an introduction to the game, just follow along the path you
are led on.

Get to the escape pods
- When you're told to do the sneaking practice, unless you're a scoundrel,
don't bother.
- When you can either spike the security system or repair a droid, it doesn't
matter which you choose, you'll get the same amount of exp both ways.

4-B. Taris

NOTE: This section was done entirely from memory and as such may be missing a
few details. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes and will fix
any errors as soon as I play through the game again.

Primary Quests

The Search for Bastila
- At the lower city entrance ask about going down until the guard mentions
needing paperwork or being a guard.
- Go to the apartments and rescue the person being attacked by Sith guards.
Take the uniform from the Sith.
- Wear the uniform to get into the Lower City.
- Go to the Cantina and watch the scene with Mission and Zaalbar, then talk
to them so they leave for the Bek base.
- Go to the Hidden Bek base and talk to Gadon until you wind up going after
the prototype accelerator.
- Trade the Sith Uniform for the Undercity Papers when you ask about how to
get into the Vulkar base.
- Go down to Undercity.
- At the Undercity gate, offer to help save the person to get outside.
- Head to the sewers to find Mission. Agree to help her find Zaalbar.
- Down in the sewers, find and rescue Zaalbar.
- Go back to the force field generator and Mission will open it.
- Follow the upper level through to the rancor.
- Pick up the stuff on the skeletal arm.
- Go to the pile of bones and switch to give item. Put a frag grenade in it
and then one of the rancor prey odor sticks.
- Go through to the base.
- Disarm the elevator security system and go down the elevator.
- Get the garage head key from the office and go to the engine lab.
Light Side Dark Side
- Kill the Vulkar's in there and - Agree to kill Gadon for them.
take the Prototype Accelerator - Go back to the Bek base and through
back to the Hidden Beks. to the elevator. Go down and Gadon
- Agree to race the bike. will be there.
- Kill Gadon and the other Beks around
the base.
- Go back to the Vulkar Base and agree
to race the bike.
- When you're swoop racing, make sure you hit the acceleration pads and try
not to hit too many obstacles and you'll be fine.
- After the race you'll fight Brejik with Bastila's help. She joins after
you win.

Escape Taris
- When you're in control again, go to the Upper City Cantina and talk to
Canderous. Agree to his plan.
- Get T3-M4 from the droid shop. You can either:
- Pay the full 2000 credits for it.
- Use the first persuade option (offer 1000) to haggle her down to 1500.
- Use the other persuade option to threaten her and get it for free. You
will get Dark Side points if you use this option.
- Bring T3-M4 with you to the military base and have it open it for you.
- Access a security panel and view the elevator security camer. Spike the
door open. You can also disable the droid's shields if you want (it will
help a lot). Or go to the barracks on the east side and get the Sith
Passcard from the footlocker to unlock it.
- Make your way down to the lower level and fight the dark Jedi (well, almost
a dark Jedi, that has to count for something).
- Get the Codes and go to the Lower City Cantina. Talk to Canderous and tell
him you're ready if you are. Otherwise, finish up everything (you won't
ever be coming back after this point in the game) and come back later.
- Once in Davik's estate, go to the torture chamber and rescue the pilot for
the codes.
- Go to the Ebon Hawk. Don't worry about the fight, it will end on it's own
after a little while.
- Board the Ebon Hawk (don't forget to get the stuff from Davik's corpse) and
you'll be off the planet.
- Use the guns to shoot down the fighters coming at you and you're clear.

Side Quests

Dia's Bounty
- Talk to her in the South Apartments and either kill her for the bounty (and
Dark Side points) or agree to help her (for Light Side points).
- If you help, go down to where Zax is and talk to Holdan. Persuade him to
drop the bounty and go back and tell Dia.

Bullied Merchant
- Not an official quest, but it is there none-the-less.
- He's near the entrance to the North Apartments in Upper City.
- Kill the bounty hunters and then either give the man 100 credits for Light
Side points or threaten/kill him for Dark Side points.

Largo's Bounty
- He's in the North Apartments in Upper City.
- Talk to him and either kill him for Dark Side points (and his bounty) or
give him 200 credits for Light Side points.

Matrik's Bounty
- He's in the Lower City east apartments. Talk to him and persuade him to
tell you what's going on.
- Kill him for Dark Side points or agree to help him fake his own death for
Light Side points.
- If you decide to help him, go to the upper city equipment emporium and buy
the Permacrete Detonator, then bring it back to him.
- Either way you get the bounty for killing him.

Selven's Bounty
- She's in the Lower City east apartments. Find and kill her for the bounty.
- You won't gain Dark Side points for this on if you're curious.

Bendak's Bounty
- In the Upper City Cantina, talk to Ajuur to engage in duels.
- You have to fight 5 times and win all of them. The order is:
Deadeye, Two Fingers, Ice, Marl, Twitch.
- After you beat Twitch, go to the entrance of the cantina and Bendak will be
there. He will challenge you to a duel.
- For Dark Side points later on, say "You're on!".
- Go back to Ajuur and talk to him, then leave the cantina and come back.
- Talk to Ajuur again and you will fight Bendak. His attacks all do roughly
15 damage, so stay healed.
- When you win, Ajuur will give you Bendak's Blaster and the prize money for
the fight. You can then go claim your bounty with Zax.

Locked Strongbox - Elam Mattic
- Not an actual quest, but it is a puzzle.
- In the lower city west apartments is a secure strongbox that requires you
to answer questions about a person in order to unlock.
- You can read the letter on the desk to figure it out, otherwise, here's the
Q What is your pet's name?
A Hyperdrive
Q Who taught you to fire a blaster?
A My Uncle
Q Where did your family come from originally?
A Alderaan
- You will get some credits and a blaster inside as well as the Republic Mod

Locked Strongbox - Twisted Rancor Trio
- Not an actual quest, but it is a puzzle.
- In the lower city east apartments is a secure strongbox that requires you
to activate holograms of band members in order to open it.
- There is a datapad on the desk you can read to figure out the solution, or
you can keep reading.
- The solution is: Elinda, Ujaa, Ujii, Loopa, Fodo, Ashana.
- There is an Echani Fiber Armor inside.

Lyn's Audition
- Not an actual quest, but it's something you can do.
- Talk to Lyn in the bounty area of the Lower City cantina. Persuade her to
let you be her partner (I'm pretty sure you need to be/have a female for
- When you dance with her, you have to choose where you dance in relation to
her. To get Lyn the job:
- First, dance very close to her.
- Second, dance very close behind her.
- Third, dance very close to her and face to face.
- So long as you don't screw her up, she'll get the job.

Rackghoul Serum
- In the Undercity, go to where the southern sewer entrance is and there will
be a Sith Corpse surrounded by rackghouls.
- Beat them and check the corpse for the serum.
- If you want to heal some people with it, you can do that now:
- There is a republic soldier near the escape pod to save.
- In the Undercity village is a medical quarantine with people inside. The
first group just inside the door cannot be saved, but you can save the
second further in.
- Take the serum back up to the Upper City clinic and give it to the doc.
- He'll offer you a reward. Take it if you want, or you can refuse the
reward and he'll lower his prices for you.

Bullied Ithorian
- Not a quest, but it's there.
- Near the North Apartments, after you get back from the Undercity, 2 kids
will be bullying an Ithorian. Walk up to him and he'll ask for your help.
- Tell the kids to beat it (you'll have to do so twice) and the Ithorian will
thank you. If you give him a medpack as well, you'll get some Light Side

Wounded Republic Soldiers
- Not exactly a quest but it's there for Light/Dark Side points.
- Go to the Upper City clinic and bash/pick your way into the employee's only
- When you're asked to keep it a secret, agree and you'll get Light Side
points, demand compensation and you'll get 200 credits and Dark Side

The Promised Land
- Talk to Rukil in the Undercity. Agree to help him find his apprentice.
- Near the southeast entrance to the sewers is the apprentice's corpse with
her journal. Take that back to Rukil.
- Agree to help him find the other 2 journals about the promised land.
- Go through the sewers to find them.
- If you talk to Igear, he'll offer you a reward if you bring him all 3
journals instead of giving them to Rukil. He'll give you 100 credits for
them (can be persuaded up to 200). You'll get Dark Side points for doing
- Make sure you do all of the other quests in the Undercity that you are
going to do before you bring them back to Rukil.
- When you bring them to Rukil, he will show them to Gendar and afterwards
everyone in the Undercity will leave. You'll get Light Side points for
doing this.

Rescue Duros Prisoner
- In the Sith Base prison is the Duros who cleaned up the bodies for you.
- To get him out of his prison you have to set all the switches on the wall
oppossite the cage to red. To do this:
- There are 5 switches. For the sake of simplicity, they will be numbered
1-5 from east to west (meaning left to right if you're facing them with
the Duros behind you).
- 2 and 4 will be green.
- Hit the switches in the order 1, 3, 5 and the shield will go down.
- If you save him you'll get light side points.
- If you kill him by setting them all to green you'll get dark side points.

4-C. Dantooine

Primary Quests

Jedi Trials
- Speak to the guy and tell him the code with peace, knowledge, serenity,
harmony, Force.
- Speak to the council and then answer the questions the way they should be
depending on which Jedi type you want to be.
- Answering with the action answers will lead to Jedi Guardian.
- Answering with the "talk it out" answers will lead to Jedi Consular.
- Using the others will lead to Jedi Sentinel.

Investigate Disturbance
- Go all the way down to the grove.
- Fight Juhani and then talk her into going back to the Enclave.

Investigate Ruins
- Bastila joins again. Go through the courtyard to the strange ruins.
- Talk to the droid and then do the life and death tests on either side of
it. To interface with the computers, talk to them, insert the datapad,
then talk to them again.
- Life Solution: Oceanic, Arboreal, Grassland.
- Death Solution: Desert, Volcanic, Barren.
- Once you've done both go through to the Star Map.
- When you go back to the council and take on the quest to find the rest of
the Star Map Juhani will join.

NOTE: From here on, you can choose the order that you get the Star Maps in.

Side Quests

Mandalorian Raiders
- There are several Mandalorian Raiders throughout the land. Fight them all.
- Their boss will show up in the grove near the southeast entrance to Sandral
- Kill the chief (no Dark Side Points) and go back to Jon with the news.

Sandral-Matale Feud
- Go to the Sandral Estate and tell the droid you're from the council.
- Talk to Rahaisha and agree to get Shen back.
- Go through the outside to the side entrance. Sneak/fight your way past all
the guards and talk to Shen.
- Go talk to Rahaisha, then go talk to Shen again.
- For the best results, tell the fathers they should listen to their kids to
open up the option to persuade and then persuade both of them to let the
kids marry.

Missing Companion
- Talk to Elise in the Courtyard.
- Her droid is wandering around out in Matale land (?). Rescue it.
- Talk to it and then either destroy it or bring it back.
- Go back to Elise.

Murdered Settler
- On the Sandral grounds, just past the bridge, talk to the Twi'lek Jedi.
- Keep questioning everyone as he tells you then report back.
- The guy who talks about being blinded by the sun is lying.
- The guy who says he didn't know the victim is lying.
- They both have motive.
- The weapon belongs to the person holding his side. He lied about it being
- The blood on the weapon belongs to the guy holding his side.
- They are both guilty.

4-D. Tatooine

Primary Quests

Find the Star Map
- Go to the Czerka Office and the Protocol Officer you'll see about the Sand
Raiders in exchange for a Hunter Liscense.
- As you go around the bend past the swoop registration towards the gate/
droid shop, you'll run into some Dark Jedi to add to your lightsaber
collection (take note of the short-bladed one if you've got a 2 weapon
- Get up 2500 credits and go to the droid shop. Talk to HK-47 and agree to
buy him as an interpreter.
- Haggle with the shopkeeper, you can threaten, persuade, force persuade your
way down to around 2500 credits.
- Take the droid out with you into the Dune Sea. When ambushed by the Sand
People, be sure to get their clothing. Walk through the Sand People
barriers to get to their enclave. There are now 2 ways to do this:
Light Side Dark Side
- Talk to the chief and agree to - When you're brought to the chief
get the moisture vaporators. choose to just fight your way through
- Go back to anchorhead and everything.
haggle with the clerk in the - Take the Chief's Gaffi from his body.
Czerka Office for a better - Go rescue the Jawas.
price. Bring them back to the - Leave.
chief and he'll give you his - When you get back to Anchorhead, Iziz
stick. will give you the Eastern Dune Sea
- Keep talking to him and ask Map.
about the history, then ask
how to become such a warrior.
He'll give you the Eastern
Dune Sea map.
- Leave.
- Go out to the Eastern Dune Sea and talk to Komad Fortuna. Agree to help
him with the Banthas. Some will appear in the Eastern Sea for you. If you
still have the Bantha Fodder (you should have gotten it from the Sand
People when you went after their clothes) talk to them (if not, you can buy
it from the shop in the Anchorhead dock).
- You'll be attacked by a group of Sand People. Kill them and talk to the
Banthas again to trigger a scene where you and Komad kill the Dragon.
- Go into it's cave and examine the Star Map and you're done here. Don't
forget all the other goodies in the cave.

Side Quests

Strange Stowaway
- Talk with the Twi'lek in the Dantooine landing area to initiate this.
- Once you get to Tatooine, Zaalbar will tell you some supplies are missing.
- Walk around the ship so you get the messages that you hear footsteps begind
- Go to the Cargo Bay. Talk to the girl there and keep trying to learn her
language. Eventually you will and will be able to talk to her.
- Ask her about her family and where she's from.
- Go back to Dantooine and talk to the Twi'lek again. Say you have her and
he'll take her back to her family.

The Trouble With Gizka
- Yes they're cute, but they are annoying after a while.
- When you first leave for Anchorhead, there will be a shipping person who
lets you know you have a shipment of Gizka. Back on the Ebon Hawk they
will be everywhere.
- Go to the shopkeeper in the docking area and buy the Gizka poison (you
should by 2-3 if you have the money).
- Go back to the Ebon Hawk and feed it to one of the Gizka. That will end
the Gizka Plight.
- No, you don't gain any Dark Side points for doing this.

- Talk with the woman outside the Hunter's Lodge. She'll tell you about her
- You can either buy it from her if you have 500 credits, or persuade her to
give it to you to sell. Either way you'll wind up with the thing.
- Once you get your Hunter's Liscence, go into the Hunter's Lodge and sell it
to Fazza for 500 credits.
- If you took it from her to sell, go back out and give the money to her.

Tanis Trapped
- Talk to Tanis in the Hunter Lodge.
- Leave the City and talk to his wife.
- Go out to him in the Dune Sea (you can see him from the gates). Agree to
save him.
- Disarm the droids:
Droid A: Node 2 is correct.
Droid B: The missing number is 7 (they're all prime).
Droid C: The answer is 120.
Droid D: The sequence is #3: 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14.

Signing Nico
- Talk to the Hutt about Nico. You can persuade him to give Nico a better
deal than what he is offering.
- Talk to Nico. He doesn't want to talk to you until you've won some swoop
- Win swoop events here on Tatooine.
- Talk to Nico again and tell him about the better deal you've gotten him.

Fair Trade
- Talk to Iziz near the Anchorhead exit to the Dune Sea.
- When you're in the Sand People Enclave, the Jawas will be there. Either
ask about them and they'll be released or break them out.

Worthy of History
- Negotiate with the Sandpeople (don't kill them) to stop their attacks on
- Ask about their history. You'll be told you need to prove yourself worthy
of hearing it by getting the Krayt Dragon Pearl.
- After you kill the Krayt Dragon and get it's pearl, return to the Sand
People Enclave and show it to the chieftan.
- You will get to hear the history of the Sand People, but you will lose the
dragon pearl permanently.

- If you've been keeping up with Mission and talking about her brother (and
ran into Lena back on Dantooine) then he'll be in the Sand People Enclave
as well. Ask about him or break him out.

Griff's Proposition
- After you rescue Griff he'll be in the Czerka Office. Talk to him there
and he'll tell you about a deal he's made. Agree to it and you'll need to
go to Kashyyyk to finish it.
- On Kashyyyk, go down to the Upper Shadowlands and to the Czerka Hunting
Grounds. One of the locked metal containers has some tach glands in it.
Or, you can agree to hunt tachs for Czerka and get them that way, but you
only need the ones in the container.
- With your tach glands, go back to Tatooine and talk to Griff.

Bastila's Mother
- If you've been talking to Bastila about her family, this will open up.
- With Bastila in your party, you'll run into her friend near the Ebon Hawk.
- Go to the Cantina and talk to her mother to find out about Bastila's
- After you run into her, go out to the Dune Sea and search the corpse out
there for a Holocron. Bring it back to Bastila's mother.

Genoharadan: Vorn
- You can only do this quest after you've triggered it on Manaan.
- Go to the Sand People Territory and you should find Vorn's Assault droid
somewhere near the path to the Eastern Dune Sea.
- Reprogram the droid to return to Vorn and you'll be taken to him.
- Kill him and you're done.
- You get a Genoharadan Stealth Unit as bounty.

4-E. Manaan

Primary Quests

Star Map
- Go to the Republic Enclave in East Central.
- Tell Wann you'll get the droid back.
- There are 3 ways to do the next part:
- Passcode: Go into the Enclave and talk to the person standing outside the
holding cell. Tell him you want to interrogate the prisoner. You'll be
given 3 menus, one of which is about Tela. Threaten to hurt her and he
will give you the passcode.
- Passcard: Go into the Enclave and to the Computer Room. Use the large
computer to solve several puzzles. You'll get the passcard after.
1st: 22
2nd: 18
3rd: 64
4th: 2
5th: 6
6th: 7
- Direct: Go back to the Docking Port and in the Private Hanger. You'll
start the Sith base inside the Secondary Entrance.
- Once you go into the Sith Base you'll be attacked no matter what you answer
unless you took the Secondary Entrance. It does not matter if you stealth
your way through this area or not.
- Go to the flow room and solve that puzzle there. To solve it:
- There are 2 sides, North and South. Each has a series of rooms with door
controls on the wall next to the door and a flow control on the inside
wall adjacent to the other side. You need to manipulate those pass.
- Hit the door control on the North door.
- Go through that and activate the door control on the next door.
- Go back out and activate the door control on the first south door.
- Go in that area and activate the flood control in there.
- Go back around the the north side and activate the door control on the
second door again.
- If you did everything right, the flood control in the next area should
show empty and the door guage (there is no door control for this one)
will show full. Activate the flow control and you will be able to get
through to the other side.
- From here, go to the training room medical area and get the token from
- Go over to the oppossite corner and talk to Shasa. When asked for proof,
show the token to him.
- Go to the droid shop. Loot the broken droid in there to get the datapad.
- Leave the Sith Base. You will be arrested, there's nothing you can do
about that.
- During your trial, always tell the truth. When the judges say you're
guilty interrupt your defensive counsel and say that you were investigating
the selkath disappearances.
- When asked for proof, show them the token and you'll be let off.
- Return to the Republic Enclave and talk to Wann.
- Agree to help and go to the Submarine, take it down.
- Go to the Envirosuit Storage and get an Envirosuit. Also go to one of the
Storage areas (West or Central) and get a Sonic Emitter from a footlocker.
- Go to an Airlock to get to the underground area of the station (one of the
ones in the southwest).
- Make your way over to Kolto Control.
- When you are being killed by the scientists, attack the forcefield to lower
- When you are asked to deal with the large Firaxan, keep asking for another
way and you'll be told about destroying the power plants.
- Go out the airlock past the scientists.
- There are 2 ways to get the giant firaxan out of your way, either poison it
or destroy the base. If you poison it, you'll wind up banned from Manaan,
you'll get Dark Side points, and you won't get as much exp, so it's better
to destroy the machinery.
- To overload the machinery, you have to solve a small puzzle:
- There are 2 pods, injector and container. Make sure both are empty
before you begin.
- Fill the injector. Transfer that to the container.
- Fill the injector again and transfer that to the container.
- The container should now be full and the injector should have 1 left in
- Dump the container.
- Transfer from the injector to the container.
- Fill the injector and transfer that to the container to overload it.
- Get the Star Map from the other side of the bridge.
- Return to the Surface and talk to Wann.
- When you leave the Enclave you'll be arrested.
- At the court tell them about the giant Firaxan and you'll be let go. If
you chose to poison the firaxan you will now be permanently banned from
leaving the Ebon Hawk Hanger on Manaan.

Side Quests

Disappearing Selkath Youth
- This can be done as a part of the main quest, but is optional so it's here.
- Talk to Shaelas in the Mercenary Enclave in Ahto West.
- In the Sith Base, go to the Medical Room and get the token from Galas.
- Talk to Shasa and keep telling her the Sith are out to ruin/enslave Manaan.
When she asks for proof, show her the token.
- Go back to Shaelas and tell him about what's happened.

Mercenaries Hired by the Republic
- Talk to Volto in the Mercenary Enclave.
- After you've done the Sith Base part of the main quest and have agreed to
go down to the secret base, go back to Volto and tell him what's happening.

Sunry Murder Trial
- With Jolee in your party, go to Ahto West and towards the Prison. A woman
named Elora will be there and will tell you about her husband, Sunry, being
on trial for killing a Sith named Elassa.
- Go to Judge Shelkath in the court area and ask to be Sunry's arbiter. You
will be apointed.
- You need to talk to several people to build a case and mount evidence in
the trial, however, there are a few twists further down.
- Go to the inn and talk to the innkeeper. Ask him about when Sunry left and
you'll be prompted to try and persuade him to tell the courts Sunry left
before the trial. Using Force Persuade will get your Dark Side points, so
unless you're trying to go the Dark Side route, it's better to pay the guy
a few credits.
- Talk to Firith Me next. Persuade him to tell you about Elassa and how she
really was a Dark Jedi, again Force Persuade leading to Dark Side points.
- Now talk to Gluubar the Rodian and persuade him to tell you about how the
Sith payed him to plant evidence. Same Dark Side points rule as before.
- When you leave the hotel you'll be met by someone who tells you things are
not what they seem.
- Go to the Republic Embassy computer room and splice the computer to see a
camera feed of Sunry killing Elassa.
- Go back to Sunry and ask him about the video feed. If you want Dark Side
points, agree to help him cover it up, otherwise try to get him to confess.
- Go talk to his wife, Elora, again. Ask her about the affair Sunry was
having with Elassa.
- You're now ready to go to trial, so talk to the Warden in the prison and
say you are.
- At the trial, you can either now try to get Sunry off, or you can say you
have a recording of the events that occured. If you show the recording,
Sunry will be killed. If you go to trial, you can get him off.
- To get him off:
- First and foremost, just about everything said will influence the judges'
decision. If you want to get him off, DO NOT ask/say anything that would
be damaging (ie asking Sunry about his feelings for the Sith, expressing
personal opinions, etc.).
- If you paid the first witness off, he'll say Sunry left before the shots.
- When the Sith asks Firith if his word can be trusted, object. Don't use
the other option.
- Ask Firith about who Elassa was, then ask him if he saw the murder.
- When you question Gluubar, ask him about the planted evidence and then
whether he saw the murder or not.
- When Elora is questioned, ask her about the affair Sunry was having.
- When you question Sunry, ask him about whether the Sith would be upset
that he was ending his affair with Elassa, do not ask questions that
would show his motive.
- In your closing statements, say that no one actually saw the crime, that
is was a Sith coverup.
- If all goes well, he should be found innocent.

NOTE: All the steps in this side quest will get you Dark Side Points. If you
are trying to play on the Light Side, you will have to either skip this or
do a lot of good to counter the Dark Side Points you will be earning.
- This can only be started after you kill Calo Nord. After you do so, there
will be a scene as you walk back to the Ebon Hawk (don't use the map insta-
transport). You will be given a datapad telling you to go see Hulas on
- Remove everyone from your party so it's just the main character and go to
East Central.
- Talk to Hulas (near the Ocean) and keep agreeing with him until he gives
you 2 targets.
- You now have to kill either Zuulan back on Dantooine or Lorgal on Manaan.
- Zuulan: Back on Dantooine, go to the Matale Estate. Zuulan's speeder
will be outside. Examine it and either set bombs in it or activate the
alarm. If you activated the alarm you'll have to fight him and kill him
to succeed (don't let him go). You get a Genoharadan Blaster for killing
- Lorgal: In the Republic Enclave one of the holding cells will have Lorgal
in it. Access the control panel next to the cell and set the computer to
kill the occupant of the cell. You get a Poison Vibroblade as bounty.
- He will now give you 3 targets to go after. Ithorak can be found on
Manaan, Rulan is on Kashyyyk, and Vorn is on Tatooine. Refer to the side
quests on those planets for the exact locations.
- After you kill all 3 and return to Hulas, he'll tell you about what's been
going on. You can either let him go and never see him again, or you can
get upset and say stuff like "you tricked me" etc. If you get mad at him,
he'll tell you to meet him on Tatooine in the Dune Sea to finish things.
- Go to Tatooine and leave anchorhead alone. Hulas is right there, talk to
him and you'll fight. By the time you get to this point in the game you
should be level 16 and have some of the good Force powers at your disposal,
namely Force Wave and/or Stasis Field. Just use those as needed and attack
the people not affected (out of range or a lucky (on their part anyway)
save roll) and you shouldn't have a problem.
- Once they're all dead, the quest is over, get all the items from the
corpses. Unlike all your other Genoharadan killings, this will not give
you Dark Side points.

Genoharadan: Ithorak
- This quest is only available after you trigger it from the other missions
for the Genoharadan.
- Go over to the Swoop Registration and talk to Gek. Persuade him that you
are a buyer and he will set up a meeting for you.
- Go to the Sith Hangar (it's quicker to use the map option to return to the
Ebon Hawk and walk from there, rather than walk the whole way back).
- There are 4 ways to do kill Ithorak:
- Tell Gek you want to go see Ithorak and he'll take you in. After some
questioning, you'll have to fight them and their assualt droid.
- Persuade Gek to leave and go in to see Ithorak. You'll still have to
fight him, but you'll only fight him.
- Persuade Gek to leave and then reprogram the droid to attack Ithorak.
- Persuade Gek to leave and then rig the droid with explosives and send it
to Ithorak.
- However you kill him, you'll get a pair of Genoharadan Gloves as bounty.

4-F. Kashyyyk

Primary Quests

Find the Star Map
- Make sure you have Zaalbar in your party when you head out to Kashyyyk.
- Go to the Czerka office to talk to Janos about the Wookie situation.
- Head over to Rwookrrorro Village. You'll be ambushed along the way when
you get near the village.
- Agree to look into the crazed Wookie problem down in the Shadowlands.
- Head down to the Shadowlands via the basket.
- Meet with Jolee and agree to do his favor.
- There are several ways to do this, one leads to Light Side Points, several
lead to Dark Side Points.
- Light Side: Talk to the commander and then talk to the guards and ask
them why they're there. Persuade them to tell you what the code is for
their emitter. Do this with 2-3 of them, which will be enough to make
the guards run away.
- Dark Side 1: When you're talking to the commander, keep insulting them
(call them a worthless Czerka slaver or whatever the option is) and you
will have to fight them.
- Dark Side 2: Talk to the guards and use Force Persuade to make them run
away. The commander will kill them as they leave and you'll get Dark
Side points. Do this with several of them and he'll leave.
- Note that if you listen to what the commander has to say and agree to work
for him you'll open up a quest where you can hunt Tachs for money. He'll
spray you with a substance that makes them attack you, and from now on they
will no longer be friendly. Jolee will *not* like this.
- One of the locked metal cylanders in this area will have Tach glands in it,
take them for your quest with Griff (if you've started that).
- After you've taken care of Czerka, go back to Jolee and he'll join you.
- You have to have him in your party for now, so choose your other member and
go past where the Czerka Hunting expedition was and to the force field.'
- Jolie will get you through to the Lower Shadowlands.
- Go to the Computer which is where the Star Map is. Talk to the computer
and you'll go through a trial. Again, there are 2 ways to do this.
- Light Side: When asked the questions, say you trust Zaalbar and stick to
that decision. At the next one, choose to save the planet instead of
mounting an attack. You'll then be attacked by 2 defense droids, if any
of your Jedi have the Destroy Droid Force Power, this will be a cinch.
Once those are dead, talk to the computer again and you'll be given the
Star Map.
- Dark Side: When asked the questions, say you'd turn in Zaalbar to save
yourself. When asked about the planet, say you'd mount an assault rather
than save the people. The droid will then give you access to the Star

Chieftain in Need
- Before you leave Kashyyyk, you have to get Zaalbar back by finishing the
quest Chuundar gave you. As always, there is a Light and Dark way of doing
- Dark:
- Go to Freyyr and after you defeat him the first time, choose to kill him.
- Go back to Chuundar and tell him what happened, Zaalbar will come
around to his way of thinking and you'll be on your way again.
- Light: Before doing things this way, it's recommended that you complete all
other quests on Kashyyyk first.
- Defeat Freyyr the first time and then keep talking to him until he asks
you to get the blade of Bracca back.
- Go to an area northwest of the Ritual site, kill the Viper Kranths and
loot their corpses for their... corpses.
- Go to the ritual site and examine one of the hanging vines, string up the
corpse and you'll be attacked. Kill the monster and take the blade back
to Freyyr.
- Go back to the basket in Upper Shadowlands. When you get their, the
wookies will attack you. Beat them and go up.
- Once you get to a certain point, one of the wookies will tell you what's
been going on and take you to the village.
- Now, Zaalbar has been lured to Chuundar's perspective, so you can still
choose to have him side with Chuundar and do things the Dark way, but
really, you didn't go through all that just to be evil now (unless you
- Encourage Zaalbar and when asked to choose sides, have him ask if there
is a way to do this without fighting. You'll end up fighting Chuundar.
Beat him and a Wookie rebellion will have started. The next time you go
to the landing dock, all non-wookies will be killed (except you and your
team. Freyyr will also give Zaalbar Bracca's sword (really good weapon).
- You can now leave Kashyyyk.

Side Quests

Finding Dustil
- If you've already completed the "Carth" quest and have learned about his
wife and son, you can trigger this quest.
- When you're walking around Eli's stand on the docking port, make sure Carth
is in your party and a scene will trigger.
- You'll meet one of Carth's old friends and he will tell Carth about his son
being on Korriban.
- Go to the Sith Academy on Korriban.

Honest Debt
- Talk to Eli and Matton on the docking port and ask why Matton is an
endentured servant.
- Go down to the Upper Shadowlands and talk to the broken droid just past
Jolee's Hut.
- Listen to what it says and then choose to scrap it. You'll take the head.
- Return to Eli and tell them about the droid's head.
- To get Light side points, let Eli go. For Dark side points, have Matton
kill him.

A Wookie Lost
- Go to Woorwill's house and he'll tell you about Rorworr.
- Go down to the Upper Shadowlands and one of the first wookie corpses you
see will be his. Take the items from his corpse (make sure to grab the
blaster casing).
- Return to Woorwill's and tell him about the casing. You'll be interrupted
and told to go to the Holder of the Laws.
- Inside the Holder of the Laws, you'll be allowed to choose what happens.
- Light Side way: Tell the court about how the wookie was dealing with
slavers and don't let the one on trial take the blame for it. He'll be
let off.
- Dark Side way: When you're prompted to put in your input, let the wookie
on trial die.

Genoharadan: Rulan
- This quest is only available after it's been triggered on Manaan (see that
section for details on how to trigger it).
- Down near Jolee's Hut in the Upper Shadowlands, there will be a wookie
corpse with a datapad that talks of an enemy that looks like an ally. Go
talk to the wookie near the campfire and tell him you know the wookie by
that name is dead.
- He'll transform into Jolee. Say you still see through his tricks and you
will have to fight him. He's rather easy, although he does have several
lives. After you take him down to critical life he'll transfer into a
beast. Beat him in that form as well and he'll transform into a Tach.
- Follow him (it helps if you have force speed turned on) to the Tach area
and attack the tach you think is him. Don't worry about making a mistake
once or twice.
- Once you get him, go back to Hulas for your reward.

Hidden Hunters
- When you're down in the Lower Shadowlands, one of the first things you'll
come across is a wookie being attacked. Help him and then heal him when he
asks for it.
- He'll ask you to avenge his comrades. Do this by unequipping your weapons
and walking to the 2 different ambush sites (there are dead wookies lying
on the ground so they're hard to miss).
- You'll be attacked by mandalorians, pause the game and re-equip weapons,
then kill both sets of Mandalorians.
- After the second one you'll get a speeder datapad, load it into a swoop
bike and the commander will show up. Kill him and loot his corpse for the
- Go back to the wookie and tell him you killed the mandalorians and he'll
give you an Echani Vibroblade as thanks.

4-G. Korriban

Primary Quests

Star Forge
- Go to the Sith Academy and talk to the guard to find out what you need to
get in.
- You now either go back to the Cantina and talk to Yuthura and try to
persuade her to let you into the academy or walk around the area picking
fights with the Sith students and taking the medallions off their corpses,
then bringing one of those to Yuthura.
- Inside the Academy you have to earn a bunch of prestige to gain access to
the final test.
- To earn prestige, see the Side Quests section. Since you don't need to
do all of them, they won't all be listed here.
- Once you earn enough prestige you'll be told you passed the test. When you
are ready, talk to him again and you'll go to the Tomb of Naga Sadow. You
will not have any of your other party members around for this next part.
- Inside the tomb, there will be a 4 way intersection.
- To the east is a room where you need to fight 2 terentateks and pull a
lever. You get a flame grenade and an ice grenade from the pillars inside
that room.
- To the west is a puzzle. It's complicated, though easy enough to solve.
To start, there are 4 rings of growing size from top to bottom. You can
only put one on either an empty space or another ring larger than that one.
You cannot move a ring to a tower that already has a ring smaller than the
one you have.
- The solution is:
- Move the top one on the left pole to the middle pole.
- Move the upper middle one on the left pole to the right pole.
- Move the top one on the middle pole to the right pole.
- Move the lower middle one on the left pole to the middle pole.
- Move the top one on the right pole to the left pole.
- Move the upper middle one on the right pole to the middle pole.
- Move the top one on the left pole to the middle pole.
- Move the bottom one on the left pole to the right pole.
- Move the top one on the middle pole to the right pole.
- Move the upper middle one on the middle pole to the left pole.
- Move the top one on the right pole to the left pole.
- Move the lower middle one on the middle pole to the right pole.
- Move the top one on the left pole to the middle pole.
- Move the upper middle one on the left pole to the right pole.
- Move the top one on the middle pole to the right pole.
- Once you've done that you'll be able to get in and get Naga Sadow's Poison
Blade from the Monument to Naga Sadow.
- Go back to the intersection and take the north path. At the acid pool,
throw the ice grenade into the pit and you'll be able to cross (if you use
the fire one you will die).
- Keep going and get the Star Map. Also take the Sith Lightsaber from the
statue behind it.
- When you go back to where the acid pool was, Uthar and Yuthura will be
there waiting. Now you have a choice. You can either:
- Help Uthar kill Yuthura.
- Help Yuthura kill Uthar.
- Kill both of them.
- If you help Uthar kill Yuthura you get dark side points and the academy
stays the same.
- If you help Yuthura kill Uthar, one of two things can happen.
- You can persuade her back to the Light Side and then go back to the
Academy where you'll be attacked by the entire academy.
- You can accept her as the new master of the academy and the same general
thing will happen as if you had helped Uthar.
- If you kill both of, when you get back to the Sith Academy you'll be
confronted. No matter what you say the entire academy and the sith in the
valley will turn hostile to you.

Side Quests

Code of the Sith
- When asked to answer the code, here it is:
Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain strength.
Strength Gives me power.
Through power I achieve victory.
Through victory my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.
- He'll then ask you questions based on your knowledge of the force.
Q There is nothing worse than love.
A False
Q Victory by any means neccessary is desirable.
A False
Q It is our passion that fuels the Force
A True

Double-Double Cross
- When you start out at the Academy, Yuthura will prospect you with helping
her kill Uthar. Agree to it and the whole thing will begin.
- If you want to leave it there, you can, but there's more to this than just
- Talk to Uthar and tell him about Yuthura's plot. You'll get prestige for
it, along with a datapad telling someone to poison her bathwater.
- If you want to leave it there and choose his side, go ahead and give the
pad to the person you're asked to. Otherwise, read on.
- Go back to Yuthura and tell her about the plot. When she asks if you told
Uthar, it doesn't matter if you confess or not. If you agree that you're
still in it with her, she'll give you something to put into his bed, along
with the key to his room.
- If you want to do that, go ahead. If not, that's ok too. Either way, you
are done with this for now. Depending on how far you go with this, it
makes for an interesting conversation later on.

Blade of Ajunta Pall
- At the end of the tomb of Ajunta Pall, where his sarcophogas is, you will
meet the man himself. He'll prompt you to put his sword on a statue, only
he won't remember which sword is his.
- Save your game at this point, because I'm not sure if this next part is
random or not. Go back to the statue and put the double bladed sword on
it, which is also the silver notched sword.
- If you have a good persuasion skill, you can now convince him to turn back
to the light side and earn some light side points.
- Bring the sword back to Uthar and you'll get some prestige, but lose the

Rogue Droid
- In the tomb of Marka Ragnos, the area is one large running of the guantlet
(basically). Destroy everything (unless you go alone or have everyone go
stealth, you shouldn't worry about disarming the mines) and make your way
to the top.
- Once you're through the door at the top will unlock and you'll meet a
prototype combat droid.
- For Light side points, agree to disarm it when it asks you to.
- The correct order to disarm it is:
1. Combat Matrix
2. Motor Function Matrix
3. Sensory Systems Matrix
4. Memory Matrix
5. Cognitive System
6. Emotional Construct Matrix
7. Creative Simulation Matrix
- The core will automatically shut down. Once it does, you'll have the
option to either plant a bomb or disable it's killer routines. Choose
the killer routines and it will thank you and give you it's redundant
systems as thanks (droid armor/weaponry).
- For Dark Side points, do the same as above, only plant a bomb in it. You
can also say you don't want to help it and just kill it right then and
- Whichever you choose, go back to the Sith Master and report on it, if you
did things the light way, you can still get prestige by lying and saying
you planted a bomb on it.

The Hermit in the Hills
- In the Tomb of Tulak Hord, activate the ancient console to unlock the door.
- You'll be gassed and knocked out.
- When you're questioned by Jorak Uln, answer correctly to hurt Mekel, answer
wrong or don't answer to hurt yourself.
- He'll shoot force lightning for 11-17 damage at you/Mekel for each
- Mekel only has about 30 HP, so if you want him to live you'll have to take
it yourself.
- To do this the Light Side way, take all the heat for yourself so you both
live. Mekel will then free you and you'll all gang up on Jorak. Once he's
dead you can use the opportunity to turn Mekel to the light side via
- To get the Dark Side points, answer the questions correctly to kill Mekel
(the questions aren't that hard if you think the way a sith would). Or you
can help him so you fight Jorak, then kill him (choose "I just saved you
for last).
- Whichever you choose, you'll still get the datapad from the old guy. Bring
it to Uthar for some prestige.

Aiding Lashowe
- Talk to Lashowe and keep asking her what she's planning for prestige.
Eventually, she'll tell you what it is.
- Persuade her to let you in on it and she'll tell you to meet her by the
pillars out in the Valley of the Sith Lords.
- Go meet her and she'll summon the Tuk'ata mother for you to fight. Kill it
and you'll get the item.
- Lashowe will then tell you she'll take the item herself. You won't get any
Dark Side points for killing her (she is evil after all), and you will gain
additional prestige, so do that if you want.
- When you go back to Uthar, if you let Lashowe take the holocron back, you
won't get any prestige. If you killed her and took it back you'll get
the prestige for the holocron plus additional prestige for killing her.

Renegade Sith
- Go to the valley of the dark lords and enter the Shyrack Caves before you
reach the tombs.
- Make your way to the runaway Sith.
- For Light side points, tell them you'll help them escape and go kill the
Teratek up near the back exit. Go back to them and tell them it's all
clear. You can go back and tell the Sith master you've killed them (lie,
you need a decent persuade skill for this) and you'll still get the
prestige for killing them.
- For Dark side points, tell them you're there to kill them and do so. Go
back and tell the master of your success and you'll get the prestige. If
you want, you can still kill the Teratek and get the items behind him.

Mandalorian Weapons Stash
- Go to the interrogation room in the Sith Academy and talk to the guard
there. Agree to question the Mandalorian.
- Activate the torture console.
- To get him to crack, administer 3 doses of the Medium truth serum.
- After you find out where the stash is, the officer will tell you he wants
to take the information himself. Don't let him and you'll gain added
- Alternately, if you want light side points and have a high computer use
skill, you can set the chamber to put him in a catatonic state.

Premium Merchandise
- This can only be triggered after you finish the Leviathan.
- When you leave the docking area of whatever planet you happen to be on, you
will be approached by a man who knows who you are. He'll tell you about a
weapon shop on Korriban run by his partner, the bartender in the cantina.
- Go to the Cantina on Korriban and talk to the bartender, he'll show you all
the (overpriced) goodies.

Finding Dustil (continued from Kashyyyk)
- Talk to Dustil in the Sith Academy. Eventually a choice will come up for
you to make a dialog choice. Make sure you say "Carth is only trying to
protect you..." otherwise you'll wind up fighting him.
- Dustil will ask for proof of the sith being evil. You need to get a
datapad from Uthar's room to show him as proof.
- If you have the secutiry skill (ie lockpicking) you can get in easily.
Even if you didn't take that, you can use Mission or T3-M4 to get in. The
only other way to get in is to do the "Double-Double Cross" quest to get

Unfinished Business
- Talk to the Rodian outside the Cantina and he'll tell you of the business
he had with Davik. Agree to work with him and he'll give you the code to
get in the Ebon Hawk's smuggling compartment.
- Go back to the Ebon Hawk and get the spice from the not-so-hidden
- Return to the merchant in front of the Cantina and you can sell it to him.
If you want, you can get more credits from him than what he was offering.
- He'll ask you to deliver something to Motta the Hut on Tatooine. Say you
will and the cargo will be loaded into the Ebon Hawk's cargo bay.
- Go to Tatooine and deliver it to Motta the Hut in the Swoop Bike
Registration building.

Eternal Prison
- You can only do this quest when you have the cargo from the rodian on
Korriban and are transporting it to Tatooine.
- You're told not to open it, but go ahead and do it anyways.
- Inside is an alien prisoner. Talk to him and eventually you'll wind up on
the subject of how to get out of there.
- You'll wind up playing a riddle game. To win it you have to ask him a
riddle that deals with numbers. Unfortunately, that one doesn't come up
until around the 5th round.
- Riddle Solutions:
R: Until I am measured, I am not known, yet how you miss me when I have
S: Time
R: I never was, yet always will be. I am never seen, yet always come. I
can carry nothing, yet hold much for some.
S: Tomorrow
R: Who makes it has no need of it. Who buys it has no use for it. Who
uses it has no knowledge of it.
S: A grave
R: I am always hungry, I must be fed. The finger I lick will soon turn
S: A flame
- Those aren't all of the riddles, but they are the ones you will need to
answer before you can ask him one that will stump him.

4-H. Leviathan

Primary Quests

Free Captive Teammates
- As soon as you land you'll be prompted to choose the person who will stay
behind and hide to rescue you later.
- Mission starts from one of the prison cells and hacks her way through
- T3-M4 starts in the Droid Maintenance area and has to complete a few
patterns to get to his quest.
- Pattern 1: 34 21 13 8 5 The solution is 3.
- Pattern 2: 00 11 01 The solution is 10.
- Pattern 3: 2 3 5 7 The solution is 11.
- Jolee will start from one of the Cells just like Mission. Use the Force
to get through things with him (Whirlwind, Stasis, etc).
- Canderous starts in the Medical bay and just blasts his way through
everything. His gear is in the container near the beds.
- HK-47 starts in the Droid Maintenance area and does things the Canderous
way (blasting his way through everything).
- Juhani starts from the elevator and uses stealth.
- Zaalbar... isn't an actual choice to be used.
- Answer Saul's questions as you see fit.
- Once you're playing as the rescue person, head to the computer room to get
the cell block key from the guard just outside it.
- In the Cell Block, free the rodian who's not insane. He'll give you an
Ice breaker, for use as a hacking device.
- Go back to the computer room and use the ice breaker to hack through the
system, doing everything you can (you might as well).
- Alternately, you can just go to the barracks and get the key from the
footlocker, then go up to the detention area and use the key to get in.
- Use the computer there to release your other party members.

Free and get back to the Ebon Hawk
- Your party is now your main character, Bastila and Carth.
- Go to the elevator and take it up to the bridge level.
- Make your way through the barracks to get a space suit.
- Go to bridge control and through the airlock to the exterior of the ship.
- Follow the path to the bridge.
- You will fight Saul Karath. He's not that tough, just make sure to have
Bastila and your character use Heal when you need to and you should be fine
as long as you go after the Jedi around him first.
- Once that's over, use the access panel to release the Ebon Hawk and leave
the bridge.
- Head back to the elevator and take it down to the Hangar. Now would be a
good time to take any equipment you have on Bastila off her.
- Go through all the corridors until you run into Darth Malak.
- After the conversations, you will have to fight him. If you have Force
Immunity this will be a cinch. If you don't... Good luck.
- Once you defeat him the first time there will be more scenes and you have
to go around to fight him again.
- After you fight him again Bastila will interrupt and take him on solo, so
you can escape.
- Continue to the Ebon Hawk.
- After the space battle where you control the turret, you'll continue to the
destination you were going to before you were captured by the Leviathan.
- Also, Dantooine will no longer be an option for a place to go to.

4-I. Unkown World

Primary Quests

Trapped on a Nameless World (pt. 1)
- The repair parts you need for the Ebon Hawk are in South Beach. There will
be a Gizka that walks into a plasma vent as you approach the ship, navigate
through the mine field and get the ship parts at the rear.
- Take the parts back to the Ebon Hawk and examine the hyperdrive to fix it.

A Quest for the Star Forge & Trapped on a Nameless World (pt. 2)
- This can be done several different ways, but all lead to the same outcome.
- When you leave Central Beach, go either North or South. North leads to the
Rakatan Settlement, South leads to the Elder Settlement. Either way, you
will have to get past the first 2 Rakatan ambushes. Also, the first one
will have a few Rodians that appeal to you for help. If you want some
Dark Side points, you can kill them when they thank you for saving them.
- If you go South first, you will - If you go North first, you will
have to go past the temple be greeted when you step out into
exterior, then through South Beach the clearing in North Beach. You
to get to the elder settlement. will be brought before The One,
When greeted by the guard, ask who, after several discussions on
"Who are you?" first or you'll be amnesia, will ask you to get a
instantly killed. After, tell them book from the elder rakatans.
you are Revan and you will be let - If you agree, leave and go to the
in. Elder Settlement past South Beach
- After conversations on Amnesia you and greet the guard with "Who are
will be asked to rescue a prisoner you?" and then answer that you are
from The One. Revan to be let in.
- Go to North Beach and you will be - You now have a choice to switch
accused of being a servant of the sides and do things the elder way
Elders and attacked. Make your way (see other column) if you want.
through the settlement to the - If you want to continue working
chamber of The One and you will with The One, tell the elders you
fight him. were sent by The One and they will
- After you've fought everyone, and attack you.
the Rancors, talk to the captive - Kill them and make your way to the
elder and give him a medpack when computer room/historian and check
he asks for one. his remains for the book that The
- Return to the Elder Settlement and One wants.
they will agree to let you in the - Bring the book to The One and he
temple. will help you get into the temple.
- When you're ready to enter the temple, take everyone out of your party and
go to where the rakatans are gathered at the temple exterior.
- Jolee and Juhani will show up and demand to be put into your party, use
Persuade to get the Rakatan's to let them come with you. This will happen
no matter which side you chose to support.
- Inside the temple, make your way down to the temple catacombs. In the area
with orange tiles on it is a puzzle, which you can solve easily. There are
10 tiles, 9 of which form a square. The object is to turn them all blue.
The tile that is away from the others will reset them back to orange in
case you mess up for some reason. You do not need to stay on the grid, you
can step off and the tiles will not reset.
- The solution is to walk along one edge of the tiles, then along the
oppossite edge, and then through the center, going perpendicular to the
direction you went for the edges. Graphically, that translates to:
### #@# ### @@@
### #@@ Last>@#@ @@@
### #@# ### @@@
- Through the door, ask the computer how to access the upper levels and it
will unlock them for you.
- If you agreed to help researcher Ll'awa, you can now get the genetic data
he wants from the computer.
- Leave and go up to the Temple Summit.
- You will encounter Bastila, no matter what you say you will have to fight

***NOTICE: The decision you make at this point in the game will determine
how the rest of the game proceeds.***

Light Side Dark Side
- Keep asking Bastila to turn back - Agree with Bastila that you should
to the light side and tell her reclaim the title of Dark Lord of
you're not Revan anymore. the Sith.
- Bastila will leave and you'll - You will then join with her to kill
continue with Jolee and Juhani. Jolee and Juhani.
- Use the console to deactivate the energy shield and the planetary disruptor
- When you get back to the Ebon Hawk - When you get back to the Ebon Hawk
tell your party members Bastila Carth will leave after Bastila tells
has turned to the Dark Side and him about what's going on. Mission
then leave the planet and go to will then be alone and you have to
the Star Forge. kill her, or you can use Force
Persuade to make Zaalbar kill her.
Either way, leave the planet and
head to the Star Forge.

Optional Quests

Invisible Mandalorians
- In the northeast corner of the Temple Exterior is an obelisk. When you get
close to that you will be ambushed by Mandalorians.
- They like using Cyroban Grenades so keep your party spaced out. They are
vulnerable to Stasis/Insanity, so make use of that.
- Once they're dead, you can check the body of the captain for his head,
although I'm unsure if this is related to another quest or not.

Rakatan Research
- Talk to Ll'awa in the Elder Settlement and agree to help him get genetic
data about the Rakata.
- When you're in the Temple Catacombs talking to the computer, be sure to ask
about the Rakata genetics and it will download the data onto a datapad.
- When you leave the temple, go back to the Settlement and give the datapad
to Ll'awa.

4-J. Star Forge

You're done with Quests now. All that's left is to finish the game.

- No matter which side you choose, you will be greeted by Jedi when you
arrive on the Star Forge, and they will engage the Sith (who are loyal to
Malak, so you can fight them as well).
- You do not have to stay and fight the Sith, as the Jedi are capable of
defeating them on their own.
- If you did choose the Dark Side, you will have to take Bastila with you.
Otherwise you can choose whoever you want to accompany you. Also, if you
chose the Dark Side and bring Zaalbar along, he will turn against you when
you get close to the door leading to the next part of the Star Forge.
- There's only one way to go from now on so I'll just point out key events.
- As you continue along Deck 1 of the Star Forge, when you get to the split
in the path, there will be a scene with Malak and you'll then have to fight
several battle droids. If you chose Destroy Droid as one of your force
powers, this will be a cinch.
- Also, depending on which path you take (East or West), the oppossite one
will lock one of the doors disallowing you to take that path later.
- When the 2 paths join again you will see a scene with more Dark Jedi and
Jedi fighting each other. The Dark will win and you'll have to fight them.
- Take either exit to Deck 2 as they both lead to the same place.
- When the 2 paths join together, there will be another scene with Malak and
from then on you will be fighting constant waves of Dark Jedi and Sith
Heavy Troopers.
- Tread your way through the constant battles. If you want, go to the
replicator and slice into the computer there. For 35 computer slices you
can make a customized Jedi Robe. If you're on the Light Side, you will get
the Star Forge Robes. If you're on the Dark Side you'll get Darth Revan's
- Take the elevator to the Command Center.
- When you get to Malak's Apprentice, there will be a scene.
Light Side Dark Side
- You will have to fight Bastila. - You will fight 3 candidates who want
- Once you defeat her she will to be Malak's new apprentice.
start spouting Sith propoganda
at you. Keep trying to convince
her to turn back to the light.
You will have to fight her several
times, so having Force Immunity
will be a big help. Eventually
she will turn back to the light.
- No matter which side you're on, Bastila will be a member of your team now
and will want to stay behind to use her Battle Meditation to either aid or
destroy the Republic fleet. Either way, from here on you're alone.
- In the next area will be several droid replicators that are offline for the
moment. At the end of the hall you'll run into Malak.
- After a conversation he will activate the droids and have them attack you.
- If you want (and have enough computer spikes), you can go to each terminal
and deactivate them and/or make a robot to assist you.
- If you don't want to fight them at all, you can just take the elevator to
the Viewing Platform instead.
- When you're ready, head out into the main area. There will be a scene with
Malak and then you're fighting him.
- After you bring him down to ~1/2 of his HP, there will be another scene.
- You're fighting him again, only now he will use the captive Jedi to heal
himself when his life bar gets low. The only way to counteract this is to
free them before he can use them. To do this you need to use an offensive
Force power on them. Force powers you can use are:
- Force Breech, Lightsaber Throw, Shock, Drain Life, Force Push.
- You can use the other Force powers that are on the same path (ie you can
use Shock, Lightning, or Storm, etc.).
- It's also a good idea to have the game set to pause after each combat round
so you can use a Med Pack, etc. or activate one of your shields (Verpine
Prototype Shield comes in handy quite a bit against Malak).
- Alternately, if you didn't get any of the Force powers to free the Jedi,
you can still beat him, but it will take a lot longer and you will need
Force Cure/Heal. If you didn't get that either, well, you'd better have a
ton of medpacks (at least 50 of each) or you're basically screwed.
- Fight Malak until either you or he are low on HP. If it's him, he'll run
off to heal from a Jedi. If it's you, just run away from him until there
is enough distance between the two of you so he doesn't attack you and
use heal.
- Keep running around the area to regain your Force points.
- When your health and force are back up to max, go fight him again until
either you or he needs healing again.
- Keep repeating this process until he goes down.
- After you defeat him, you can choose whatever conversation choices that you
- There are 2 different endings, one for the Light Side, and One for the Dark

Congratulations, you have beaten Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic!

4-K. A Quest for the Star Forge

There are 5 Star Maps located around the galaxy that you have to find in
order to advance the plot of the game and (ultimately) win. You can get them
in any order that you choose to do so, however, there will be certain events
that happen after you find a certain amount of them.
Once you find the second one (the first one is on Dantooine), you will have
to fight Calo Nord again. He may seem tough but he's not really. Just have
someone (Bastila works great) move in on him and do a lot of hitting with a
lightsaber. He'll go down in no time (at least he did for me). Just make
sure to use your force powers and energy shields.
On your way to the fourth Star Map, you will be confronted with Darth
Bandon. He and his lackeys like to cast Drain Life on you, so if you've got
the protective force powers, now is a good time to use them. One way to deal
with them is to have everyone lob a grenade into the fray at the start of the
battle, this will take them down enough so that they're not as much of a
After you get your fourth Star Map and leave for another planet, your ship
will be captured by the Leviathan, Saul Karath's ship. At the start of that
you will be prompted to choose someone to infiltrate the ship and rescue your
team members. They all have to basically do the same thing, but they go
about different ways of doing things.
Once your party is saved and you confront Saul, you will be confronted by
Malak on your way back to the Ebon Hawk. More will be explained about your
past and who you and Bastila are, and then Bastila will be captured by Malak
after a brief skirmish with him. To take down Malak, make sure you have
Force immunity or he will constantly use abilities like Choke/Drain on you.
Other than that, there isn't much to the fight, just keep hacking away and
you'll eventually beat him. When you leave, you'll continue to where you
were going, and Dantooine will no longer be available to travel to.
After you obtain the last Star Map, a new location will become available on
the map called the "Star Forge System". This is the point of no return, as
once you select to go there, you will no longer be able to go to any other
planet again.
Once the Unknown World is complete, you will go to the Star Forge itself to
finish the game.

4-L. Yavin

Optional Quests

Save Suvam from the Transdoshians
- This isn't an actual quest, but still works like one.
- After you get 3 Star Maps, if you go to Yavin, Suvam Tan will be under
pressure from Transdoshians to give them more than what he usually does.
- No matter what you say, they will end up leaving.
- Suvam's inventory will now have increased.
- If you come back after you get all of the Star Maps but before you go to
the Star Forge System, there will be a scene when you enter the area with
Suvam and the Transdoshians will appear.
- They will attack you, so kill them. They like to use Thermal Detonators
against you so watch out for those. If you have Stasis/Insanity, it's
a good idea to use that against them so you won't have some lobbing
grenades while you try to fight the others.
- Once they're gone Suvam will be greatful and show you his secret stash of
high quality items, including 2 new Lightsaber Crystals, Heart of the
Guardian and Mantle of the Force. These are both color crystals that will
alter the effects of your support crystals.

5. Allies

You gain 9 allies throughout the game and each has a bit of a back story to
them which you can either listen to or ignore them entirely. If you choose
to listen to them, they will usually open up added side quests for you to do
that relate to those characters. Basically, the game lets you choose how
much character development goes on.

Alignment: Light
Class: Jedi Sentinel
Joining Reqs: She joins you after you "rescue" her on Taris temporarily and
becomes permanent on Dantooine.
Bastila is a very headstrong Jedi, almost to the point where people might
think of her as a snob. She blaims most of her bad childhood memories on her
mother, of whom she believes is the cause of her father's downfall and many
of her problems. Like most Jedi, she was taken into the order as a child,
and grew up to become a very powerful Jedi. She is one of the only Jedi
there are that can use the Battle Meditation ability, causing enemies to lose
heart and allies to gain courage, tipping any battle in favor of her allies.
She seems to have a mysterious bond to the hero of the game that allows them
both to share visions from the force.


Canderous Ordo
Alignment: Dark
Class: Soldier
Joining Reqs: He joins you when you accept his proposal to go to Davik's
Estate on Taris.
Canderous is a Mandalorian soldier who has fought in many battles, usually
against the odds. He lives for battle and has many stories to tell of the
various wars he's been in.


Carth Onasi
Alignment: Light
Class: Soldier
Carth is a soldier in the Republic Army and has fought in many battles,
becoming one of the most decorated soldiers in the army. He has a hard time
trusting people, and constantly expects to be betrayed, even by his closest
allies. This is because at the start of the Sith Wars 2 1/2 years ago, his
commanding officer and mentor turned against the republic and joined the Sith
army. Because of this, he has become somewhat of a loner, and will often
question the actions of people for no reason other than he wants to make sure
they aren't leading him into a trap. He does, however, posess a strong sense
of loyalty to the few people he does trust, although that trust only goes so


Alignment: Dark
Class: Combat Droid
Joining Reqs: Buy him from the Droid shop on Tatooine.
Hk-47 is an illegal (although only slightly illegal) droid. He is one of
the only protocol droids able to speak the Sand People dialect. Think of him
as an evil C-3P0. He always prefers to fight his way out of a situation, but
will take the diplomatic route if told to by his "meatbag" master.


Alignment: Neutral
Class: Jedi Consular
Joining Reqs: He will join you on Kashyyyk in the Upper Shadowlands after you
get rid of the Czerka poachers there.
Jolee is an old Jedi who likes to evade talking about himself and his past.
He's got a lot of stories to tell that relate to what's going on in the story
and will usually tell them in lue of telling about himself.


Alignment: Light
Class: Jedi Guardian
Joining Reqs: She joins when you're ready to leave Dantooine.
A Jedi that was lured by the Dark side, Juhani grew up on a planet where
the Jedi intervened in a conflict, which enthralled her with the Jedi and
made her determined to become one. Shortly after, she made her way to
Corusant and was accepted at the Academy. Since then she had been training
until her master decided to test her, and Juhani attacked her master,
succombing to the Dark side. She has since realized the error of her ways
and seeks redemption.


Alignment: Light
Class: Scoundrel
Joining Reqs: Agree to help her save Zaalbar and she joins.
Mission grew up on Taris with her brother Griff and quickly learned the way
to survive on the streets. Once Griff left her alone she quickly met Zaalbar
and the two have become good friends since. Her street smars and his brute
strength make for a good combination. She has agreed to join with you partly
out of her not wanting to leave Zaalbar, but also so she can find her brother
wherever he is. She blames his girlfriend of the time, Lena, for making
Griff leave without her.


Alignment: Neutral
Class: Expert Droid
Joining Reqs: Get him in the droid shop on Taris when Canderous tells you to
go get him.
A custom built droid for Davik, it's the perfect droid for splicing
computer systems and bypassing security. Doesn't talk much, at least not in
anything you can understand, though he does communicate with Hk-47.


Alignment: Light
Class: Scout
Joining Reqs: Joins after you rescue him in the Taris Sewers.
A wookie that found himself alone on Taris, he soon found himself being
picked on despite the reputation wookies have for ferocity. He was rescued
by Mission and the two have been inseprable since. He was led into a trap
and captured on Taris and taken to the Lower Sewers where he was held captive
until you rescued him. He has now sworn a life debt to you, which is the
highest honor any wookie can bestow upon a person. He will stay with you and
guard you, even if it means his life, until either you or he dies.

6. Character Creation

When you first start the game, you'll be prompted to choose a character
gender and class (sorry, no alien races). Gender will have a slight impact
on the plot (people will react differently to a woman than to a man). Class,
on the other hand, will probably greatly affect how you play the game.
Depending on how you like to play games, you should choose your class based
on each.

If you like sneaking around unnoticed past guards rather than fighting and
hacking through everything, this is the class for you. It's similar to the
Rogue class from Dungeons and Dragons and also similar to what you'd expect
from a Ninja, valuing stealth and persuasion above fighting.

This is the class for people who like fighting. You get the most amount of
feats this way and will have more HP, although it also means you won't be
able to sneak your way past enemies and will have a harder time persuading
people, which can be very important at times. Similar to the Barbarian and
Fighter classes from D&D.

Scouts are more or less the half-way point with characters. You'll have
some of the niche skills like computer use and repair, but still won't be as
good at persuasion or sneaking. However, one definite advantage to using the
Scout is that all of his saves (Fort, Ref, Will) will all be higher than the
other classes, which will really help out. They are also the only class that
gains the ability to use implants without having to take the feats on their
own. Not sure exacly what that would be similar to in D&D...

Once you choose your class you'll be able to either use predetermined
attributes, skills and feats, or choose your own. If you're new to D&D and
games like this, you may want to use the predetermined ones. Otherwise, you
are given attributes of all 8s and a total of 30 points to raise them as you
choose. Soldiers should value Strength and Constitution (remember, your str
mod goes to your chance to hit for melee, not dex), while Scoundrels should
value Dexterity and Charisma and Scouts can go for whatever.
Once you've chosen everything, you choose your name and then it's time to
start the game.

When you choose your class, you should think ahead to what type of Jedi you
want to be.
Guardians who are heavy on fighting should go with a Soldier for the Melee
bonuses and Feats.
Consulars should go with a Scoundrel to have the persuasion skill (which is
somewhat crucial to negotiating).
Sentinels should take the Scout. Their "in-between" methods both tend to mix
with each other.

You do not need to follow those guidelines, but I get the impression that
those are the ways the game developers were trying to send you in. If you
want to make a Scoundrel that becomes a Guardian, go for it.

7. Character Classes

/ Saves \
Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special Feats Def Bonus
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak Attack (+1d6) 1 2
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 1 2
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Sneak Attack (+2d6) 0 2
4 +3 +1 +4 +1 0 2
5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Sneak Attack (+3d6) 1 2
6 +4 +2 +5 +2 0 4
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Sneak Attack (+4d6) 0 4
8 +6 +2 +6 +2 1 4
9 +6 +3 +6 +3 Sneak Attack (+5d6) 0 4
10 +7 +3 +7 +3 0 4
11 +8 +3 +7 +3 Sneak Attack (+6d6) 1 4
12 +9 +4 +8 +4 0 6
13 +9 +4 +8 +4 Sneak Attack (+7d6) 0 6
14 +10 +4 +9 +4 1 6
15 +11 +5 +9 +5 Sneak Attack (+8d6) 0 6
16 +12 +5 +10 +5 0 6
17 +12 +5 +10 +5 Sneak Attack (+9d6) 1 6
18 +13 +6 +11 +6 0 6
19 +14 +6 +11 +6 Sneak Attack (+10d6) 0 6
20 +15 +6 +12 +6 1 6

Skill Points per level: (8+Int Mod)/2
Class Skills: Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Secirity
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency: Light, Critical Strike, Sniper Shot,
Weapon Proficiency: Blastor Pistol, Weapon Proficiency: Blastor Rifle,
Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

/ Saves \
Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special Feats Def Bonus
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 1 0
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 1 0
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 1 0
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 1 0
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 1 0
6 +6 +5 +2 +2 1 0
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 1 0
8 +8 +6 +2 +2 1 0
9 +9 +6 +3 +3 1 0
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 1 0
11 +11 +7 +3 +3 1 0
12 +12 +8 +4 +4 1 0
13 +13 +8 +4 +4 1 0
14 +14 +9 +4 +4 1 0
15 +15 +9 +5 +5 1 0
16 +16 +10 +5 +5 1 0
17 +17 +10 +5 +5 0 0
18 +18 +11 +6 +6 1 0
19 +19 +11 +6 +6 0 0
20 +20 +12 +6 +6 1 0

Skill Points per level: (2+Int Mod)/2
Class Skills: Demolitions, Awareness, Treat Injury
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Armor
Proficiency: Heavy, Power Attack, Power Blast, Weapon Proficiency: Blastor
Pistol, Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle, Weapon Proficiency: Heavy
Weapons, Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons

/ Saves \
Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special Feats Def Bonus
1 +0 +2 +2 +2 Starting Feats 1 0
Implant Level 1
2 +1 +3 +3 +3 1 0
3 +2 +3 +3 +3 Uncanny Dodge 1 1 0
Implant Level 2
4 +3 +4 +4 +4 0 0
5 +3 +4 +4 +4 1 0
6 +4 +5 +5 +5 0 0
7 +5 +5 +5 +5 Uncanny Dodge 2 1 0
8 +6 +6 +6 +6 Implant Level 3 0 0
9 +6 +6 +6 +6 1 0
10 +7 +7 +7 +7 0 0
11 +8 +7 +7 +7 1 0
12 +9 +8 +8 +8 0 0
13 +9 +8 +8 +8 1 0
14 +10 +9 +9 +9 0 0
15 +11 +9 +9 +9 1 0
16 +12 +10 +10 +10 0 0
17 +12 +10 +10 +10 1 0
18 +13 +11 +11 +11 0 0
19 +14 +11 +11 +11 1 0
20 +15 +12 +12 +12 0 0

Skill Points per level: (4+Int Mod)/2
Class Skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Repair, Treat Injury
Starting Feats: Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Flurry,
Rapid Shot, Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol, Weapon Proficiency: Blaster
Rifle, Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons.

8. Skills/Feats/Force

Probably not going to get to this for a while, it's just here so I don't
forget about it.

9. Items

Same as above. Only this one is starting to take shape.

Sub Section Contents
9-A. Upgradable Weapons
9-B. Upgradable Armor
9-C. Special Weapons
9-D. Special Armor
9-E. Lightsaber Crystals

9-A. Upgradable Weapons


Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
When you get it: On Kashyyyk, beat the ritual beast and get the hilt from it,
then when you complete the Chieftain in Need quest, Zaalbar will get it.
Damage: 4-14 (2d6 +2)
Special Mods: Damage +4 Energy, Attack +2
Vibration Cell - Attack +2 Damage +2
Durasteel Bonding Alloy - Massive Criticals 2d6
Energy Projector - Damage vs. Racial Group: Droid, 2d6, Bludgeoning

Baragwin Assault Blade
When you get it: Buy it on Yavin after you get the 3rd Star Map.
Damage: 2-12
Special Mods: +2-12 Energy
Vibration Cell -
Durasteel Bonding Alloy -
Energy Projector -

Mission's Vibroblade
When you get it: Mission starts with it.
Damage: 1-10
Special Mods: +2/0 off-hand, Damage +1 Physical
Vibration Cell - Attack +1
Durasteel Bonding Alloy - Attack +1
Energy Projector - Damage, Energy +1

Prototype Vibroblade
When you get it: Endar Spire, near the escape pods.
Damage: 1-10
Mods: +2/0 off-hand, Damage +1 Physical
Vibration Cell - Damage Physical +1
Durasteel Bonding Alloy - Attack +1, Damage +1 Physical
Energy Projector - Attack +2, Damage +1 Physical

Rakatan Stun Stick
When you get it: You get them from the Rakata you kill on Unknown World.
Damage: 3-3
Special Mods:
Vibration Cell -
Durasteel Bonding Alloy -
Energy Projector -


Bendack's Blaster
When you get it: After you kill him in a death match.
Special Mods:

Carth's Blaster
When you get it: Carth starts with it.
Damage: 2-7
Special Mods:

Cassus Fett's Heavy Blaster
When you get it: Buy it on Tatooine in the Hunting Lodge.
Damage: 6-13
Special Mods:

Ordo's Repeating Blaster
When you get it: Canderous starts with it.
Special Mods:

Zaalbar's Bowcaster
When you get it: It's in a footlocker in the Gamorrean Compound on Taris.
Special Mods:

9-B. Upgradable Armor

Calo Nord's Armor
When you get it: Get it from Calo Nord's body after you beat him.
Armor Class:
Special Mods:

Cassus' Fett's Armor
When you get it: Buy it on Dantooine.
Armor Class: 10
Special Mods:

Echani Fiber Armor
When you get it: Find it on Taris in the Lower City Apartments in the secure
strongbox of the Twisted Rancor Trio.
Armor Class:
Special Mods:

Environmental Bastion Suit
When you get it: Buy it on Yavin station after you get all the Star Maps.
Armor Class: 7
Special Mods:

Republic Mod Armor
When you get it: Find it on Taris in the Lower City Apartments in the secure
strongbox of Elam Mattic.
Armor Class:
Special Mods:

9-C. Special Weapons

9-D. Special Armor

9-E. Lightsaber Crystals

Heart of the Guardian
Location: Buy it on Yavin for 20,000 credits once you get all 5 Star Maps.

Mantle of the Force
Location: Buy it on Yavin for 22,000 credits once you get all 5 Star Maps.

Location: Get it from Mekel's corpse on Korriban in the tomb of Tulak Hord.

Location: Get it from a corpse in the room with a lever and 2 terentatek's in
the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban.

10. Light Side, Dark Side

On the character screen one of the things you're sure to notice of is a
little bar next to the character model that's red and blue. It's also
labelled Light on top and Dark on bottom. In case you haven't guessed for
some reason, that's the force-o-meter. It tells you which side of the force
your character is currently leaning towards, which will effect many parts of
the game, some subtle (different dialogue choices), some not so subtle (the
ending). Just about every single thing you do in the game will effect that
alignment. It's very easy (and fun at times) to take options/paths that will
lead to the Dark Side, and very hard at times to choose options leading to
the Light Side. At the beginning of the game, you will start neutral, and
from then on you're constantly being tested to see which side you're going to
wind up on.

Ways to gain Light Side points:
- Help other people in need when they ask for it.
- Don't take rewards for saving people or helping out poor people.
- Stand up for people who are being bullied around.
- Listen to people, choose the dialogue options that are the least offensive.
- Try to talk your way out of a fight instead of actually fighting.
- Use Persuasion to get people to do the right thing.
- Use Light Side force powers.

Ways to gain Dark Side points:
- Tell people in need they're not worth your effort/kill them.
- If someone is in trouble or has an unjust bounty on their head, kill them
so you can collect the reward/bounty.
- Always choose the options to fight/kill.
- Take innocent life (ie destroy eggs, kill helpless creatures, etc.).
- Use Dark Side force powers.
- Use Force Persuasion to make people do things that would be harmful to
themselves or others (ie making guards run away only to have their
commander kill them for disertion).

A side note that I feel needs mentioning is that once you decide upon your
Jedi class and choose your lightsaber color, it does not matter what color
crystals you use in your lightsaber(s). So, even if you want to stay on the
light side, you can still use a Red crystal in your saber.
