
Need for Speed Most Wanted:(ps2) FAQ/Walkthrough

Need for Speed Most Wanted: (ps2)FAQ/Walkthrough

| Table of Contents |

I. Introduction...........................[ MWI ]
II. Controls...............................[ MWII ]
III. Basics of Most Wanted..................[ MWIII ]
IV. Cars of Most Wanted....................[ MWIV ]
A. Stock...........................[ MWIVA ]
B. Bonus...........................[ MWIVB ]
C. Black Edition...................[ MWIVC ]
D. Parts...........................[ MWIVD ]
V. Career.................................[ MWV ]
A. Start of Career.................[ MWVA ]
B. Blacklist.......................[ MWVB ]
C. RAP Sheet.......................[ MWVC ]
VI. Challenge Series.......................[ MWVI ]
VII. Cheat Codes/Secrets....................[ MWVII ]

| I. Introduction {MWI} |

Welcome to Warhawk's guide for Need for Speed Most Wanted for Sony's
PlayStation2. I will try my best to cover every aspect of this game even
if some features are only included in the Black Edition of the game which was
a limited edition that was released at the time of the normal edition of the
game. I am hoping that working on a guide for this game will help me get
back into FAQing and trying to do what I can to help out fellow gamers who
are having problems with games whether if it's a racing game like NASCAR,
Need for Speed or a game of another genre like Silent Hill. If you need
to contact me feel free to e-mail me at the following e-mail addresses:

| [ E-Mail ] : [ Contact ] |
| [ Yahoo ] : rattrap19842003 [at] yahoo.com |
| [ Hotmail ] : big_steve2003 [at] hotmail.com |

Be sure to include Need for Speed Most Wanted, NFSMW, or just Most Wanted
so I do not delete the e-mail by mistake cause mistakes do happen. I'll
try my best to get back to you as soon as I possibly can with any
questions that you may have about this game. You can contact me through
any of the following instant messanging systems:

| [ Instant Message ] : [ Screen Name ] |
| [ Yahoo ] : rattrap19842003 |
| [ MSN ] : big_steve2003 [at] hotmail [dot] com |
| [ AIM ] : Silent Hill Nut |

| II. Controls {MWII} |

[ -Menu Controls- ]

Accept - X
Game Stats/Default - Circle
Back - Triangle
View Tutorial - Square
D-Pad - Make Choice
Left, Right, Left Analog - Make Choice

[ -Driving/Racing Controls- ]

| Configuration 1 |

Steer - Left Analog Stick
Throttle - X or Up on Right Analog
Brake/Reverse - Square or Down on Right Analog
Look Back - Triangle
Speedbreaker - Circle or R3
E-Brake - R1
Nitros - L1
Shift Up - R2
Shift Down - L2
Enter Shop - Up (Career Only)
Blacklist - Down (Career Only)
World Map - Left (Career Only)
SMS - Right (Career Only)
Reset Car - Select
Pause - Start

| III. Basics of Most Wanted {MWIII} |

| Braking |

While playing through Need for Speed Most Wanted braking can play into
effect with racing while and mastering this skill can make you a good
racer if not the best. Anyone who follows any kind of racing whether if
it's NASCAR, IRL, Formula-One or any other kinds that are circuit, or
rally based that the turns are divded into segments: entry of the turn,
apex of the turn, and the exit of the turn. These are three aspects that
you need to keep in mind while racing circuits/sprints. There are a few
kinds of braking that need to master while playing through Most Wanted,
so you can try to master then to be one of the best if not the best at
this game.

First off is Straight Line Braking and always brake the hardest when
traveling in a straight line before the entry of the turn. With
"sufficient" speed can cause the wheels of the car make the car oversteer
or understeer making the car drift away of intended course of the turn.
The purpose of proper braking is to learn when to brake and harness total
control over the chosen vehicle. When getting to a turn apply the brakes to
almost maximum straight line as soon as possible in the entery of the turn,
as you enter the turn apex the center of the corner once on the exit get
off the brakes and accerlate out of the turn as quickly as possible.

There is another technique of braking which is a difficult technique to
learn known as "trail braking". Trail braking you have to delay the
timing of braking before the point of entry of the corner then braking
just prior to the entery of the turn, then apex through the turn, and
accerlate out of the turn. A trick is not to oversteer through the turn
causing the car into a wall.

The third technique of braking is known as "engine braking". If you're
using manual transmission, if you gear down once it will slow down the
engine resulting in reduced speeds. If you go about downshifting at an
excessive rate you'll over-rev the engine while reducing speed but in
costly to your time. This type of braking can give you that extra torque
while exiting the turn.

| Oversteer & Understeer |

In any racing game you'll be hearing about oversteer and understeer. These
can occur while using any kind of high-performance vehicle such as that of
the Ford GT, on a race track. When you oversteer the rear of the car wants
tend to slide away from the car's direction of steer. The front tires will
track in the right direction while the back tires want to steer away in the
opposite direction of the front tires. You can control oversteer and can
be helpful by finding the tighest line that you can use on the course.
When the rear does lose traction and starts to slide out of control sending
the car for a spin. The only way to fix this problem is by throttling up
allowing weight to be added and to the direction of the skid.

As for understeering goes, understeer happens when the front tires don't
steer the car efficently. The front tires aren't losing traction that you
need to ge through the turn and the car goes straight into a wall, off-road
making no difference what direction the front wheels are turned. This
condition can be fixed by slowing down and put some weight to the front
of the car but be careful due from recovering due to the car having a
tendacy to grab the road. Thus can lead to oversteer also known as fish-
tailing and is why understeer is quite dangerous.

| Racing Lines |

In any form of racing there are imaginary lines known as racing lines. What
is meant by this is that there are lines that you have to pretend to see
while racing at any track in any kind of racing. In other words it is the
fastest or safest way of getting around the track and can be altered on
the condtions of the track as well as the speed that you are currently
running. When you go through the turn using the imaginary racing lines as
said earlier you want to apex the turns then you want to straighten out on
the exit of the turn. Timing is the key to getting through the turn as
best as possible at each track that you race at. Below are diagrams to
help you get an understanding what I'm talking about with racing lines.

Diagram I [ 90 Degree (aka Right Angle Turn) ]

/ *** - C
| **
| ** _____________
| B - ** |
| ** |
| ** |
| ** |
| ** |
| ** |
| ** - A |
| |

While trying to get through a 90 degree or Right Angle turn you'll need to
set yourself up to get through the turn as fast as you can. If you're
familar with the term "Slow in - Fast Out" then you have a general idea on
what I'm trying to get at with this. These turns are not that difficult to
master all it takes is some practice and you should be able to get through
these 90 degree turns with no problem but remember one thing apexing the turn
is the best way to get through them.

Diagram II [ 180 Degree (aka Hairpin)

/ \
| \
| ************* \
| B - ** _______ ** - C \
| ** | | ** |
| ** | | ** |
| ** | | ** |
| ** | | |
| ** | | |
| ** | | |
| ** - A | | |
| | | |

Now here's a type of turn that you'll want to keep your eye out for cause
these turns can make or break you at times during a race. When you encounter
a 180 [or Hairpin] turn you have to keep in mind that there are a possibility
of two best lines around one but which one you take is up to you. One of the
best advice I can give you is when you approach one of these turns when you
go about making them you want to hug the inside turn while staying wide then
exit the turn. While that is the better way there's a faster way of getting
through the hairpin but requires a little more skill to be able to pull of
that kind of getting through a hairpin. The other technique of getting
through the hairpin turn is to be in the center than gradually move to the
outside edge [or groove]; the moment that you get through the middle of the
turn this is when you want to start picking up your speed.

Diagram III [ Chicanes ]

\ \
\ D - ** \
| ** \
/ ** /
/ ** /
___________/ ** - C /
/ ** /
/ ** /
| ** /
| B - ** __________/
| ** |
| ** |
| ** |
| ** - A |
| |

Oh no, what do I do with these kinds of turns and what are they? These kinds
of turns are known as Chicanes [or S-Turns] which are different from normal
turns and you can't floor it through the turns cause these turns are not set
up to floor it through them. When you go through Chicanes you want to get
through them as straight as possible while keeping the apexing in mind while
going through them.

Diagram IV [ Double Apexes ]

/ \
| \
| ************* \
| B - ** _______ ** - C \
| ** | | ** |
| ** | | ** |
| ** | | ** |
| ** | | |
| ** | | |
| ** | | |
| ** - A | | |
| | | |

I realize this is the same diagram for the hairpin but these turns are about
the same as a hairpin turn except different and should be treated as a
hairpin turn. One thing about these kinds of turns is that you have a tad
of a straightaway in it not enough to get some speed up there before making
another turn; be sure to know how to slow down and prepare to get through
the turn as best as possible.

| Pursuit |

Making it's return to the Need for Speed series is the famous pursuit chases
which hasn't been in a Need for Speed game since 2002's release of Need for
Speed Hot Pursuit 2. You may wonder what's the difference between the
pursuits of Hot Pursuit 2 and Most Wanted, the first notable is being able to
take on the cops in the free roam like that of Underground 2. While the cops
can still be in the races chasing you but they can't do what they do in Hot
Pursuit 2 lay down spikes or set up roadblocks those are set up after you
finish the race then return to free roam.

The pursuits are almost the same since Hot Pursuit 2 but different cause
not only you have cops chasing you but you have a heat level which means the
higher the heat level the difficult the cops are going to be. Best bet is to
be on your guard while in pursuit cause the cops this time around have a few
new tricks that they would like to show off such as the "Rhino Ram". The
"Rhino Ram" is 2 SUVs coming right straight towards you in hopes of slowing
you down to arrest your rear.

| Heat Level : Units : Wave Count : Wave Trigger : Backup : Cooldown |
| Level I | 4 | 5 | 2 | 180 s | 20 s |
| Level II | 5 | 10 | 2 | 120 s | 45 s |
| Level III | 7 | 15 | 2 | 120 s | 75 s |
| Level IV | 8 | 20 | 2 | 120 s | 90 s |
| Level V | 6-10 | 25 | 2 | 90 s | 120 s |
| Level VI* | 8-10 | 30 | 2 | 90 s | 120 s |
| Level VII+ | SUVs | 15 | 2 | 90 s | 120 s |

| Heat Level : Tactics Used |
| Level I | Follow, Rolling Roadblocks |
| Level II | Box, Stationary Roadblocks |
| Level III | Box, herd, P.I.T., Rolling & Stationary Roablocks, |
| | (5% chance of SUV roadblock), Light Rhino Ram |
| Level IV | All ground units, Helicopters* are now employed, |
| | Tack Strips, Heavy Rhino Ram, Heavy roadblock |
| Level V | All ground units, Ram and Heavy roadblocks, 5% |
| | chance of Sgt. Cross engaged in pursuit |
| Level VI* | Epic Pursuit and challenge race only, All tatics |
| | used, 100% chance of Sgt. Cross being involved |
| Level VII+ | Only in Challenge #69 in Black Edition |

Unit Types
As you play through Most Wanted's Career, you'll need to be familar with the
different kinds of cops that you'll be running into. Remember one thing the
higher the Heat Level the tougher the cops get and will do anything to stop
you in your tracks. When you reach Level 5 you'll might get a chance of
having Sgt. Cross coming after you but it's a slim chance he'll be coming
after you at that level.

| Police : Heat Level : Base Bounty : Tatics Used |
| Vehicle : : : |
| Civic Cruiser | Level I | $ 250 | Follow, Rolling |
| | | | roadblocks |
| Civic | Level II | $ 500 | Box, Stationary |
| Undercover | | | roadblocks |
| State Cruisers | Level III | $ 2,500 | Box, herd, P.I.T, |
| | | | Rolling roadblocks |
| State | Level IV | $ 5,000 | Everything |
| Undercover | | | |
| Light SUV | Level III | $10,000 | Ram, Stationary |
| | | | roadblocks |
| Heavy SUV | Level IV | $15,000 to | Ram, Stationary |
| | | $25,000 | roadblocks |
| Supercharged | Level VI* & | $25,000 | Everything |
| SUV | Level VII+ | | |
| Federal | Level V | $20,000 | Everything |
| Cruiser | | | |
| Federal | Level VI* | $25,000 | Everything |
| Cruiser - | | | |
| Undercover | | | |
| Sgt. Cross | Level V 5% | $100,000 | Everything |
| Custom | Level VI* | | |
| | 100% | | |
| Helicopter | Level IV | Not | Patrol |
| Passive | | Available | |
| Helicopter | Level V | Not | Patrol, Skid Hit |
| Agressive | | Available | |

s -- time in seconds
* -- Heat Level in final pursuit of Career
+ -- Heat Level in Challenge 69 of Black Edition

While going through a Pursuit the authorities will be using different tactics
against you at each heat level that you are currently at. Stated above in
the charts you may be wondering what each kind of tactic mean, this part I'll
take each tactic and explain what each one means. With knowing what each
tactic is and making them avoidable while in pursuit with the police. Here
is what each tactic is used against you:

| Tatic : What the Tactic means |
| Follow | Tactic of maintaing a distance between the cop |
| | and yourself |
| Box | This tactic the cops will try to have a unit |
| | on your right, left, behind as well in front of |
| | you |
| Herd | When the cops force you to go in a single |
| | direction |
| P.I.T. | Tactic known as P.I.T. (Precise Immoblization |
| | Technique) is used to sideswipe the suspect then |
| | make a quick recover |
| Ram | Last resort tatic and is a one shot deal in |
| | high speed chases |
| Rolling | When cops are two abreast in front of you at high |
| Roadblock | speed |
| Stationary | When cops set up at a certain point to try to |
| Roadblock | stop suspect |

Pursuit Breakers
Throughout Rockport City there are structures that are a danger to the
public. These structures can fall down and block the way of on-coming
traffic including any authorities. Structures that can be used to your
advantage include large signs, gas stations, and dry-dock boats. These are
known as Pursuit Breakers and should be used to your advantage during a
pursuit, keep in mind if you are in a race and you know of the location of
one of these pursuit breakers you can use them in the race to help slow down
the competition. You can find out the locations of these pursuit breakers
during free roam by a redish blimp on the map.

When you are in a pursuit and the moment that the cops loose site of you,
you'll enter what is known as cooldown mode. If you are out in the open and
if a cop finds you while you're in cooldown mode the pursuit will pick up
unless you are able to find some kind of hiding spot before a cop finds you
again. Depending on the heat level you are in the faster or slower it'll
take before the cooldown is done and the pursuit is over.

Hiding Spots
Hiding spots become avaiable after you enter cooldown during a pursuit. The
hiding spots are shown on the mini map as dotted blue cirles which are
located underneath or between buildings. Once you found a hiding spot be
sure there aren't any cops nearby cause if any cops are near you won't be
able to use the hiding spot that you want to use. The moment that you enter
a hiding spot your cooldown meter will fill up faster than it usually would
do compared to being out in the open where you can be able to be spotted by
another cop and continuing the pursuit.

Radio Codes
As you play throughout the game, and being chased by the authorities at each
heat level. When you are being chased you should hear the Cops using codes
and you may be wondering what do those codes mean? Here is the list of those
codes that you'll be hearing the cops use while they are in pursuit of you.

| Code : What it Means |
| 10-4 | Got Message |
| 10-6 | Responding from a |
| | point |
| 10-7 | Out of service, |
| | detailed |
| 10-8 | In Service |
| 10-10 | Negative |
| 10-20 | Location |
| 10-23 | On the scene |
| 10-25 | Out of service |
| 10-29 | Check for searches |
| | and warrants |
| 10-32 | Wanted Suspect |
| 10-33 | Officer needs help |
| 10-34 | Request on Zulu |
| 10-36 | Police unit collide |
| | with civilian car |
| 10-37 | Wrecker request |
| 10-38 | Ambulance request |
| 10-39 | P.I.T. Manuever |
| 10-41 | Self P.I.T. |
| 10-42 | Traffic Accident |
| 10-43 | Traffic tie-up |
| 10-44 | Rhino Request |
| 10-45 | Ram Suspect |
| 10-50 | Hit & Run |
| 10-59 | Herd |
| 10-63 | Offset |
| 10-65 | Vehicle Box |
| 10-67 | Tack Strip |
| 10-70 | Notify City |
| | Engineering |
| 10-71 | Air Support |
| 10-73 | Roadblock |
| 10-75 | Rolling Roadblock |
| 10-83 | Set up quadrant |
| 10-85 | Additional Units |
| 10-87 | Vehicle Pursuit |
| 10-95 | Traffic Stop |
| Fast Air | Eagle 1 Helicopter |
| Rhino | SUV Units |
| Zulu | Sport PUrsuit |
| | Vehicle |
| SRU | Street Racing Unit |
| Code I | Situation Under |
| | Control |
| Code II | ASAP no lights & |
| | sirens |
| Code III | Lights & Sirens |
| Code IV | Suspect Under Arrest |
| Code V | High Risk Racer |
| Positive | After running a 28 - |
| Hit | 29 |
| 28-29 | Run suspects for |
| | wants & warrants |
| EMS | Emergency Medical |
| | Service |
| MVA | Motor Vehicle |
| | Accident |
| NCIC | National Criminal |
| | Information Center |
| Wrecker | Tow Truck |

| IV. Cars of Most Wanted {MWIV} |

A. Stock {MWIVA}

Aston Martin DB9
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 450 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 420 @ 5,000 RPM
Price: $80,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Audi A3 3.2 Quattro
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 250 @ 6,300 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 236 @ 3,000 RPM
Price: $32,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Audi A4 3.2 PSI Quattro
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 200 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 207 @ 5,000 RPM
Price: $35,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Audi TT 3.2 Quattro
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 250 @ 6,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 236 @ 3,000 RPM
Price: $35,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Cadillac CTS
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 255 @ 3,200 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 252 @ 3,200 RPM
Price: $32,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Dodge Viper SRT10
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 500 @ 5,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 525 @ 4,200 RPM
Price: $88,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Fiat Punto
Drive Type: FWD
Horsepower: Not Available
Torque (lb.-ft.): Not Available
Price: $27,000
Unlocked: Unlocked at Start


Ford GT
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 550 @ 6,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 500 @ 3,750 RPM
Price: $270,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Ford Mustang GT
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 300 @ 5,800 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 315 @ 4,400 RPM
Price: $36,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Chevrolet Cobalt SS
Drive Type: FWD
Horsepower: 205 @ 5,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 200 @ 4,400 RPM
Price: $26,000
Unlocked: Unlocked at Start


Chevrolet Corvette
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 400 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 400 @ 4,400 RPM
Price: $80,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Lamborghini Gallardo
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 493 @ 7,800 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 376 @ 4,500 RPM
Price: $120,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Lamborghini Mercielago
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 570 @ 7,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 479 @ 5,400 RPM
Price: $265,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Lexus IS300
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 215 @ 5,800 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 218 @ 3,800 RPM
Price: $27,000
Unlocked: Start of Game


Lotus Elise
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 190 @ 7,800 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 138 @ 6,800 RPM
Price: $48,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mazda RX-7
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 255 @ 6,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 217 @ 5,000 RPM
Price: $31,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mazda RX-8
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 238 @ 6,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 159 @ 5,500 RPM
Price: $32,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mercedes Benz CLK-500
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 302 @ 5,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 339 @ 2,700 RPM
Price: $75,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mercedes Benz SL-500
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 302 @ 5,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 339 @ 4,750 RPM
Price: $75,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member
Big Lou


Mercedes Benz SLR-McLaren
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 626 @ 6,200 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 575 @ 5,000 RPM
Price: $300,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mitsubishi Eclipse
Drive Type: FWD
Horsepower: 263 @ 5,750 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 260 @ 4,500 RPM
Price: $30,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 271 @ 6,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 273 @ 3,500 RPM
Price: $36,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member
Big Lou


Pontiac GTO
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 350 @ 5,200 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 365 @ 4,000 RPM
Price: $35,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Porsche 911 Carrera S
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 355 @ 6,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 295 @ 4,600 RPM
Price: $75,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Porsche 911 Turbo S
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 420 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 413 @ 4,600 RPM
Price: $105,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Porsche Carrera GT
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 604 @ 8,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 435 @ 5,750 RPM
Price: $280,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Porsche Cayman S
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 295 @ 6,250 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 255 @ 5,000 RPM
Price: $60,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Rennault Clio V6
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 230 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 221 @ 37,50 RPM
Price: $40,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: 300 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 300 @ 4,000 RPM
Price: $42,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Toyota Supra
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 225 @ 5,800 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 210 @ 4,800 RPM
Price: $40,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Vauxhall Monoaro VXR
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 350 @ 5,200 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 365 @ 4,000 RPM
Price: $35,000
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Volkswagen Golf GTI
Drive Type: FWD
Horsepower: 200 @ 5,100 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 207 @ 1,800 RPM
Price: $35,000
Unlocked: Start of Game

B. Bonus {MWIVB}

Cheverolet Corvette C6.R
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Complete 100% of game (more like 100% Career)


Ford GT Castrol Syntec
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 550 @ 6,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 500 @ 3,750 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Cheat Code


Mercedies Benz SL65 AMG
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 604 @ 5,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 738 @ 2,000 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Complete Challenge


Porsche 911 GT2
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 475 @ 5,700 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 457 @ 3,500 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Complete all 68 - 69
challenge series


Volkswagen Golf GTI*
Drive Type: FWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Lexus IS300*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Toytoa Supra*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mazda RX-8*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mitsubishi Eclipse*
Drive Type: FWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member
Big Lou


Porsche Caymen S*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mitsubishi Evolution Lancer VIII*
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Ford Mustang GT*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mercedes Benz CLK-500*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Lamborghini Gallardo*
Drive Type: AWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Chevrolet Corvette*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Dodge Viper SRT10*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Aston Martin DB9*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


Mercedes Benz McLaren*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member


BMW M3 GTR [Race Version]*
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Beat Blacklist Member

| Legend |

* -- Blacklist Member's Car

C. Black Edition {MWIVC}

BMW M3 GTR [Street]
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 350 @ 7,250 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 270 @ 5,000 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Cheverolet Carmaro SS
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Cheverolet Corvette C6.R
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: ------
Torque (lb.-ft.): ------
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Chevrolet Corvette C6
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 400 @ 6,000 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 400 @ 4,400 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Lotus Elise
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 190 @ 7,900 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 138 @ 6,800 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 604 @ 5,500 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 738 @ 2,000 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Mercedes Benz SL 500
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 302 @ 5,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 339 @ 4,750 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Porsche 911 Carreara S
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 355 @ 6,600 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 295 @ 4,600 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Porsche 911 GT2
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 475 @ 5,700 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 457 @ 3,500 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game


Toyota Supra
Drive Type: RWD
Horsepower: 225 @ 5,800 RPM
Torque (lb.-ft.): 210 @ 4,800 RPM
Price: ------
Unlocked: Start of Game

D. Parts {MWIVD}

| Performance |

| Engine/Exhaust |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | $ 5,500 | Cold Air Intake, Sports Muffler, |
| | | Intake Manifold |
| Pro Package | $14,200 | Forged Pistons, Racing Throttle |
| | | Body Crankshaft |
| Super Pro Package | $29,800 | Racing Valves, Cat Black Exhaust |
| | | System, Replace Headers |
| Ultimate Package | $98,000 | Racing Pistons, High Flow Fuel, |
| | | Injectors, High Capacity Oil |
| | | Cooler |

| Transmission |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | $ 4,800 | Short Throw Shifter, Lightweight |
| | | Flywheel, Racing Transmission |
| Pro Package | $12,200 | Upgraded Differencial, High- |
| | | Performance Clutch |
| Super Pro Package | $32,000 | Limited Slip Differencial, Twin |
| | | Disc Clutch |
| Ulitmate Package | $75,200 | Racing Clutch, Racing Flywheel |

| Suspension |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | --- | ------------- |
| Pro Package | $ 3,600 | Strut Tower Bars, Sport Springs |
| | | and Shocks, Front and Rear Sway |
| | | Bars |
| Super Pro Package | $ 7,600 | Large Diameter Sway Bars, Racing |
| | | Shocks |
| Ulitmate Package | $10,000 | Engine Torque Damper, Camber Kit |
| | | Coil Over Suspension System |

| Nitrous |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | --- | ------------- |
| Pro Package | $ 4,800 | Dry Shot of Nitrous |
| Super Pro Package | $12,500 | Wet Shot of Nitrous |
| Ultimate Package | $18,000 | Direct Port Nitrous System |

| Tires |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | --- | ------------- |
| Pro Package | $ 1,400 | Sport Tires |
| Super Pro Package | $ 4,800 | High Performance Tires |
| Ultimate Package | $11,800 | Racing Tires |

| Brakes |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | $ 3,100 | Steet Compound Pads, Stainless |
| | | Steal Brake lines |
| Pro Package | $ 5,200 | Cross-drilled rotors, Sport |
| | | compound pads |
| Super Pro Package | $11,400 | Slotted and Drilled Rotors, |
| | | Titanium Brake Kit |
| Ultimate Package | $26,800 | 6-Piston Racing Callpera, |
| | | Ceamic Brake Kit, Racing |
| | | Compound Pads |

| Turbo |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | --- | ------------- |
| Pro Package | $ 5,400 | Stage 1 Turbo, Racing |
| | | Intercooler |
| Super Pro Package | $25,000 | Stage 2 Turbo, Upgraded Turbo |
| | | Manifold, Blow off Valve |
| Ultimate Package | $76,000 | Stage 3 Turbo, Custom Wastegate |

| Supercharger |
| Part | Price | Package Includes |
| Race Package | --- | ------------- |
| Pro Package | $ 5,400 | Stage 1 Supercharger |
| Super Pro Package | $25,000 | Stage 2 Supercharger |
| Ulitmate Package | $76,000 | Stage 3 Supercharger |

| Engine/Exhaust | Unlocked |
| Race Package | Available at Start of Game |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member

| Transmission | Unlocked |
| Race Package | Available at Start of Game |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member

| Suspension | Unlocked |
| Race Package | ------------ |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Izzy |
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Kaze |
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Ronnie |

| Nitrous | Unlocked |
| Race Package | ------------ |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Vic |
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Earl |
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Webster |

| Tire | Unlocked |
| Race Package | ------------ |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Taz |
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Baron |
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Jewels |

| Brake | Unlocked |
| Race Package | Available at Start of Game |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Vic |
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Jewels |
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Webster |

| Turbo | Unlocked |
| Race Package | ------------ |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Taz |
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Baron |
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Ronnie |

| Supercharger | Unlocked |
| Race Package | ------------ |
| Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Taz |
| Super Pro Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Baron |
| Ultimate Package | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | Member Ronnie |

| Parts |

| Body Kits |
| Part | Price | Unlocked |
| Body Kit 1 | $ 5,000 | Unlocked at Start of Game |
| Body Kit 2 | $ 5,000 | Unlocked at Start of Game |
| Body Kit 3 | $ 7,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Body Kit 4 | $10,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Body Kit 5 | $15,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |

| Spoilers |

| Sport Spoilers |
| Type | Price | Unlocked |
| Reaper | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Slingshot | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Groundmaster | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Rocker 5 | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Fishtail | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Viper | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Ripper | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Banshee | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Airforce | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dragon | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Mystic | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Specter | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Dynamo | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Edge | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| Tuner Spoilers |
| Type | Price | Unlocked |
| Arrow | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Barracuda | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Switchblade | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Jorgen | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Scarab | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Lynx | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Borra | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Ghost | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Tornado | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Fishtail | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Wildfire | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Tandom | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Joker | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Venom | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Impact | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Phoenix | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| Sport Carbon |
| Type | Price | Unlocked |
| Reaper | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Slingshot | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Groundmaster | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Rocker 5 | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Fishtail | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Viper | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Ripper | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Banshee | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Airforce | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dragon | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Mystic | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Specter | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Dynamo | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Edge | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| Tuner Cabon
| Type | Price | Unlocked |
| Arrow | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Barracuda | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Switchblade | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Jorgen | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Scarab | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Lynx | $2,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Borra | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Ghost | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Tornado | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Fishtail | $3,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Wildfire | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Tandom | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Joker | $5,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Venom | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Impact | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Phoenix | $7,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| Rims |

| 5Zigen |
| Type | Price | Unlocked |
| 5Zigen | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Supersix | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| SGR | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| GN | $4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Gravis | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |

| ADR |
| Adrenaline | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Empire | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| GT Sport | $4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| M Sport | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Sokudos | $9,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |

| BBS |
| GT | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| RSGT | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| LM | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| CH | $4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| RX | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| RK | $9,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |

| Enkei |
| NTO+3 | $1,000 | Availble from Start of Game |
| J Speed 3 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Es Tarmac | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| WRC Tarmac | $4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |

| Konig |
| Blatant | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Imagine | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Theory | $4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |

| Lowenhart |
| LDR | $ 9,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| BR5 | $10,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| XIR | $10,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| Racing Heart |
| Multi C4 | $ 1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| CX | $ 4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| CP | $ 6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| CR | $10,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| O.Z. |
| Superleggerra | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| | | |
| Superturismo | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Opera | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Superleggerra III | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Leonardo | $9,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |

| Volk |
| TE37 | $6,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| CE28 | $9,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| GTP | $9,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |

| Ra_Ja |
| Formula | $1,000 | Available from Start of Game |
| Fromula 7 | $3,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Formula 2 | $4,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |

| Hoods |

| Hood | Price | Unlocked |
| Overdial | $ 1,500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Trident | $ 1,500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Fusion | $ 1,500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Colix | $ 1,500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Airomax | $ 2,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| DJM Hyde | $ 2,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Double V | $ 2,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Tri-Shot | $ 2,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Speed | $ 2,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Factor X | $ 3,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Speedline | $ 3,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Tremor | $ 3,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| G-Force | $ 4,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Mongoose | $ 4,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Twister | $ 5,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Eraser | $ 5,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Tsunami | $ 5,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Overdial (Carbon) | $ 3,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Trident (Carbon) | $ 3,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Fusion (Carbon) | $ 3,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Vic |
| Colix (Carbon) | $ 4,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Airomax (Carbon) | $ 4,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| DJM Hyde (Carbon) | $ 4,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Double V (Carbon) | $ 5,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Tri-Slot (Carbon) | $ 5,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Speed (Carbon) | $ 7,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Factor X (Carbon) | $ 7,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Speedline (Carbon) | $ 7,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Tremor (Carbon) | $ 7,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| G-Force (Carbon) | $ 7,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |

| Roof Scoops |

| Roof Scoop | Price | Unlocked |
| Northeast | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Jetstream | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Headwind | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Riptide | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Windtunnel | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Blastback | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Airstream | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Cyclone | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Tempest | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Twister | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |
| Northwest Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Jetstream Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Headwind Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Riptide Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Windtunnel Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Blastback Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Airstream Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Cyclone Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Tempest Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Twister Offset | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Northwest Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Jetstream Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Headwind Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Riptide Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Windtunnel Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Blastback Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Airstream Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Cyclone Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Tempest Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Twister Dual | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Nothwest (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Jetstream (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Headwind (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Riptide (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Windtunnel (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Blastback (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Airstream (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Cyclone (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Tempest (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Twister (Carbon) | $2,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Northwest Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Jetstream Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Headwind Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Riptide Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Windtunnel Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Blastback Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Airstream Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Cyclone Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tempest Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Twister Offset* | $3,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Northwest Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Jetstream Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Headwind Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Riptide Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Windtunnel Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Blastback Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Airstream Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Cyclone Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Tempest Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |
| Twister Dual* | $4,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Ming |

| Visual |

| Paint |
| Type | Price | Unlocked |
| Gloss | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Metallic | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Custom | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |

| Vinyls |

| National Flag |
| Vinyl | Price | Unlocked |
| Argentina | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Austrailia | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Brazil | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Canada | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| China | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Denmark | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| France | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Finland | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Germany | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Great Britain | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Greece | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Italy | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Japan | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Korea | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Mexico | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Netherlands | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Poland | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Portugal | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Spain | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Sweden | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Thailand | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| United States | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Body 1 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Body 2 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Body 3 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Body 4 | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Body 5 | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Body 6 | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Body 7 | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Body 8 | $ 800 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Body 9 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Body 10 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body 11 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body 12 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Flame 1 | $1,200 | Available at Start of Game |
| Body Flame 2 | $1,200 | Available at Start of Game |
| Body Flame 3 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Flame 4 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Flame 5 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Flame 6 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Flame 7 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Flame 8 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Flame 9 | $1,200 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Body Stripe 1 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 2 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 3 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 4 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 5 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 6 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 7 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 8 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 9 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Body Stripe 10 | $1,000 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Baron |
| Flame 1 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Flame 2 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Flame 3 | $ 600 | Available at Start of Game |
| Flame 4 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 5 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 6 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 7 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 8 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 9 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 10 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 11 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Flame 12 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 1 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Stripe 2 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Stripe 3 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Stripe 4 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Stripe 5 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Stripe 6 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Stripe 7 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 8 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 9 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 10 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 11 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 12 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 13 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 14 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 15 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Stripe 16 | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Sonny |
| Tribal 1 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Tribal 2 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Tribal 3 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 4 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 5 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 6 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 7 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 8 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 9 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 10 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 11 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 12 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 13 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Tribal 14 | $ 700 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Unique 1 | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Unique 2 | $1,500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Jewels |
| Unique 3 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 4 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 5 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 6 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 7 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 8 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 9 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 10 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 11 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Unique 12 | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |
| Carbon | $1,500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Black Edition 1 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Black Edition 2 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Black Edition 3 | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Carblazn | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Red Blade | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Graf Clown | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Miaheal Lam | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Tosi Rodolphe | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |

| Rim Paint |
| Paint | Price | Unlocked |
| Powder Coat | $ 500 | Available from Start of Game |

| Window Tint |

| Tint | Price | Unlocked |
| Light Black | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Light Green | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Medium Green | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Medium Red | $ 500 | Available at Start of Game |
| Dark Black | $ 550 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Dark Green | $ 550 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Dark Blue | $ 550 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Dark Red | $ 550 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Dark Yellow | $ 550 | Un Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Dark Aqua | $ 550 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Orange | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Magenta | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Lime | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Purple | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Gold | $ 600 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Pearl Black | $ 750 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Pearl Green | $ 750 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Izzy |
| Dark Pearl Blue | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Red | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Yellow | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Aqua | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Coral | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Orange | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Magenta | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Lime | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Purple | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Dark Pearl Gold | $ 750 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |

| Decals |

| Car Decals |
| Decal | Price | Unlocked |
| Windshield (1-103) | $ 100 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Rear Window (1-103) | $ 100 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Left Door (6 Spots) | $ 100 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| (1-103) | | Member Vic |
| Right Door (6 Spots)| $ 100 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| (1-103) | | Member Vic |
| Left Quarter Panel | $ 100 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| (1-103) | | Member Izzy |
| Right Quarter Panel | $ 100 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| (1-103) | | Member Izzy |
| Number (00 - 99} | $ 100 | Available at Start of Game |

| Gauges |

| Custom Gauges |
| Gauge | Price | Unlocked |
| Sonic | $ 500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Apex | $ 500 | Unlocked by Beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Warp | $ 500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Taz |
| Vision | $ 600 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Boost | $ 600 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Big Lou |
| Double Clutch | $ 800 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Brakestand | $ 800 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Earl |
| Hairpin | $1,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Kaze |
| Glint | $1,000 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Kaze |
| Slipstream | $1,500 | Unlocked by beating Blacklist |
| | | Member Razor |

| V. Career {MWV} |

A. Start of Career {MWVA}

Welcome to Rockport. This is where Need for Speed Most Wanted takes place,
and trying to make a name for yourself on the streets. Unlike in the two
previous Need for Speed games [Underground & Underground 2], you start of
arriving in the city looking to races and reputation. As you build up some
reputation you'll be able to face Razor Blacklist Member #15, the race starts
of perfect but before you have a chance to finish the race something happens
to the car and wind up losing the race to Razor. As Razor wins the race,
he'll take your pink slip as well as your ride, don't worry you'll have a
chance to get another ride and get some serious pay backback on Razor for
what he had done to you.

As you progress throughout the game you'll need to challenge each rival on
what is known as "The Blacklist". The Blacklist is a list of the most elite
street racers in Rockport City, and you need to work up to the top of it to
face Razor using your ride to get to that spot. When you start this game
one thing that you notice is the Free Roam just like in Need for Speed
Underground 2 you get a chance to drive around the area to get familar with
it. Unlike Underground 2 you will have to worry about Cops and other
authorities that will try to do anything to stop you. A feature that this
game has that Underground 2 had is the Safe Houses and Shops, while on the
other hand you don't have to worry about finding "hidden shops".

B. Blacklist {MWVB}

Blacklist #15
Name: Sonny [Ho Seun]
Strength: Circuit Races
Bio: This here is Sonny.He's dumped a whole lot of cash into his car.
That ride is worked so don't be fooled,it's a rocket. He does
anything he can do to get a hold of parts before they hit the

Race Wins: 3
Bounty Milestones: 3
Total Bounty: $20,000

Race Events

Circuit: Ironwood Estates
Cash Reward: $1,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 6.8 Miles

Sprint: Diamond & Union
Cash Reward: $1,500
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.6 Miles

Lap Knockout: Hickley Field
Cash Reward: $1,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 8.1 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $5,000
Evade the police pursuitand tag a minimum of 2 police vehicles
to successfully complete this challenge

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $5,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 4 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $5,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 2 minutes.
You will need to evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $4,000
Get clocked at over 80 MPH to successfully complete this challenge

Challenging Sonny
Once that you have met the requirements you'll be able to challenge the first
member of the notoris Blacklist, Sonny #15 on the Blacklist.

Racing Against Sonny


Once that you beat your first rival, Sonny you will be able to choose up to 2
markers from Sonny. First 3 are symboled with "?" and you wonder why there's a
question mark on 3 of them. They are random from anywhere from getting the
pink slip to the Rival's car, Out of Jail markers, Extra Impound Strike markers.
Only one of them will have the Blacklist members' pink slip so choose wisely
in guessing which one it is, just remember it's random after each blacklist
member that you knock out of the way to the top. If you are lucky you may even
get some extra cash to put towards another car to purchasing upgrades to the
cars you alread own. The other 3 markers are for unique upgrades to your car
also known as "Junkman Parts". The first one is for Unique Visual, the senond
is for Unique Part Upgrade, and the final is for a Unique Performance Upgrade.


Blacklist #14
Name: Taz [Vince Killic]
Strength: Sprint Races
Bio: This crazy fool is a major heat score.Blacklist gave him the name
"Taz". He hates cops and they hate him.Watch yourself around this
guy. He prowds the streets of Rosewood looking for newbies.

Race Wins: 4
Bounty Milestones: 3
Total Bounty: $50,000

Race Events

Circuit: Petersburg
Cash Reward: $2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 9.1 Miles

Sprint: Hwy 99 & State
Cash Reward: $2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.0 Miles

Sprint: Clubhouse & Hollis
Cash Reward: $2,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.0 Miles

Lap Knockout: Rosewood College
Cash Reward: $2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.9 Miles

Tollbooth: Skyview & Campus
Cash Reward: $2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.2 Miles

Circuit: Heritage Heights
Cash Reward: $2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 12.0 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Bounty: $6,000
Get $1,000 bounty in a single pursuit.Once done,evade
the pursuit

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: $6,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state
of $15,000 to successfully complete this challenge

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: $6,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 3
infractions to successfully complete this challenge

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $4,500
Get clocked at over 93 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $4,500
Get clocked at over 90 MPH to successfully complete this

Challenging Taz


Blacklist #13
Name: Vic [Victor Vasques]
Strength: Pursuit Length
Bio: This dude's beem holding it down in the #13 slot for a while now.
He can't break out of his rut and no one can run him out. He's
slack and dangerous but knows how to handle his ride.He'll smoke
you if he gets the chance.

Race Wins: 4
Bounty Milestones: 3
Total Bounty: $100,000

Race Events

Sprint: Rosewood & Lyons
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.9 Miles

Lap Knockout: City Center
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.7 Miles

Lap Knockout: Rosewood Drive
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 16.4 Miles

Tollbooth: Hwy 99 & Highlands
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.2 Miles

Tollbooth: Hwy 4 & Forest Green
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Diamond & State
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.4 Miles

Speedtrap: Forest & Ironwood
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.3 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $11,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 4
police vehicles to successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: $11,000
Get 5.000 bounty in a single pursuit.Once done,evade the pursuit.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $11,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 4 minutes to successfully complete
this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 5,000
Get clocked at over 108 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $5,000
Get clocked at over 105 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Blacklist #12
Name: Izzy [Isabel Diaz]
Strength: Lap Knockouts
Bio: Izzy is definetly a chick you don't want to mess with. She
knows everything there is about cars,on and off the road.
She's got her ride wired tight.She comes from a long line of
race fanatics. Everybody she runs with is either a cousin,
friend or uncle.They all stick close so don't get on her bad

Race Wins: 4
Bounty Milestones: 3
Total Bounty: $180,000

Race Events

Circuit: Omega
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 10.4 Miles

Tollbooth: Hwy 99 & Route 55
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.7 Miles

Tollbooth: North Bay & Chase
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.6 Miles

Speedtrap: Hwy 4 & Clubhouse
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.8 Miles

Drag: Bayshore & Boardwalk
Cash Reward: $750
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.4 Miles

Sprint: Campus & Chancellor
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.8 Miles

Sprint: Rockridge & Union
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.3 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $19,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 8
police vehicles to successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $19,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 3 minutes to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $19,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 4 minutes.
You will need to evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $5,500
Get clocked at over 114 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $5,500
Get clocked at over 121 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #11
Name: Big Lou [Lou Park]
Strength: Tollbooth Time Trials
Bio: This slab of Korean muscle considers himself a real ladies man.
He's all show.Rumor has it; he panics around the cops and bails
on races the first chance he gets. Along with that they say
he has problems working the clutch so he's slow off the line.
I wouldn't count it if I was you.

Race Wins: 5
Bounty Milestones: 3
Total Bounty: $300,000

Race Events

Sprint: Beacon & Union
Cash Reward: $4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.5 Miles

Circuit: Hillcrest Boundary
Cash Reward: $4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 14.9 Miles

Speedtrap: Seaside & Fisher
Cash Reward: $4,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.3 Miles

Tollbooth: Chase & Waterfront
Cash Reward: $4.000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.7 Miles

Tollbooth: Route 55 & North Bay
Cash Reward: $4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.8 Miles

Sprint: Bristol & Bayshore
Cash Reward: $4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Rosewood & Hwy 99
Cash Reward: $4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.2 Miles

Drag: Heritage & Rosewood
Cash Reward: $1,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 2.7 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Cost to State Challange
Bounty: $30,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of
$20,000 to successfully complete this challange.

Roadblock Challange
Bounty: $30,000
Dodge 2 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to
successfully complete this challange.

Infractions Challange
Bounty: $30,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 4 infractions
to successfully complete this challange.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $6,000
Get clocked at over 118 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $6,000
Get clocked at over 118 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #10
Name: Baron [Karl Smit]
Strength: Infractions
Bio: This flake calls himself"Baron".He's a rich guy from the coast.
He thinks garage custom is an excuse for being broke. As far
as he's concerned, "If it's not name brand,it's nothing." Go
show'm what home grown rides can do.

Race Wins: 5
Bounty Milestones: 4
Total Bounty: $500,000

Race Events

Lap Knockout: Ocean Hills
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 20.8 Miles

Lap Knockout: Bayshore
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 15.4 miles

Tollbooth: Hwy 99 & Union
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.3 Miles

Tollbooth: Waterfront & Bristol
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.8 Miles

Sprint: Boundary & Marina
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.2 Miles

Sprint: Stadium & Hwy 1
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.4 Miles

Circuit: Hospital Switchback
Cash Reward: 5.000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.3 Miles

Speeedtrap: North Bay & Seaside
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.3 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Bounty: $35,000
Get $10,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done,
evade the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: $35,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of $30,000 to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $35,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 5 minutes.
You will need to evade the pursuit to successfully complete
this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: $35,000
Dodge 4 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to
successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $4,000
Get clocked at over 108 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $4,000
Get clocked at over 114 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $4,000
Get clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #9
Name: Earl [Eugene James]
Strength: Sprint Races
Bio: This guy hails from the lower eastside of Rockport but now
rides on the coast. He's a big fan of imports and goes out
of his way to take on the big blocks.

Race Wins: 5
Bounty Milestones: 4
Total Bounty: $790,000

Race Events

Circuit: Dunwich bay
Cash reward: $6,000
Cop probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 11.9 Miles

Drag: Seaside & Camden
Cash Reward: $1,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.3 Miles

Tollbooth: Skyview & Waterfront
Cash Reward: $6,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Seagate & Horn
Cash Reward: $6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.9 Miles

Speedtrap: Hollis & Chancellor
Cash Reward: $6,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.1 Miles

Tollbooth: Bristol & Route 55
Cash Reward: $6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.9 Miles

Circuit: Boundary
Cash Reward: $6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 10.4 Miles

Lap Knockout: Fisher Road
Cash Reward: $6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 14.9 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $46,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 12 police
vehicles to successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: $46,000
Get 30.000 bounty in a single pursuit.Once done,evade the

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $46,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 3 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challange
Bounty: $46,000
Dodge 6 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $16,000
Get clocked at over 149 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $16,000
Get clocked at over 136 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $16,000
Get clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #8
Name: Jewels [Jade Barrett]
Strength: Drag Races
Bio: This sweet thing goes by the name "Jewels". She's all
about big block and muscle.She's got a lot of mileage
under her wheels so don't be tempted to do anything
stupid. She's got some serious power under the hood.

Race Wins: 5
Bounty Milestones: 4
Total Bounty: $1,180,000

Race Events

Lap Knockout: Cascade
Cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.4 Miles

Lap Knockout: Hwy 201
Cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 15.0 Miles

Speedtrap: Dunwich & Bayshore
Cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Rose & Rockridge
Cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.7 Miles

Sprint: Heritage & Diamond
cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.1 Miles

Tollbooth: Union & Hwy 99
Cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.3 Miles

Tollbooth: Waterfront & Hwy 99
Cash Reward: $8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.1 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $60,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 18 police vehicles
to successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $60,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 6 minutes.You will
need to evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: $60,000
Dodge 2 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to
successfully complete this challenge.

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: $60,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 5 infractions to
successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $24,000
Get clocked at over 147 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $24,000
Get clocked at over 147 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $24,000
Get clocked at over 132 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #7
Name: Kaze [Kira Nakazato]
Strength: Cost to State
Bio: Kaze is crazy.What she can't conquer with skills, she
demolish with speed. Don't let her sweet looks fool
ya. She'll trash anything she sees, including you.
She's not afraid to ding her ride to put you out of

Race Wins: 7
Bounty Milestones: 4
Total Bounty: $1,168,000

Race Events

Sprint: Interchange & Bond
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Route 55 & Projects
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.9 Miles

Speedtrap: Fisher & Interchange
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.2 Miles

Tollbooth: Hwy 201 & Hwy 99
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.5 Miles

Lap Knockout: Century
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 16.9 Miles

Circuit: Century Square
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 6.6 Miles

Sprint: Union Row & Ocean
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 12.4 Miles

Circuit: Heritage & Omega
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.4 Miles

Tollbooth: Beach & Skyview
Cash Reward: $10,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.2 Miles

Drag: Ocean & Harbor
Cash Reward: $2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.7 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Bounty: $70,000
Get 75.000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade
the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: $70,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 50.000 to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $70,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 3 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: $70,000
Dodge 8 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $34,000
Get clocked at over 158 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $34,000
Get clocked at over 142 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $34,000
Get clocked at over 111 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #6
Name: Ming [Hector Domingo]
Strength: Photo Tickets
Bio: This here is Ming. The prides himself on keeping his ride
looking stock. He's fast and shreds radar traps everywhere
he can. He's the straight goods. Word is he got his ride
from some rich cat who talked when he should have been
listening. Don't take'm on until you're ready.

Race Wins: 7
Bounty Milestones: 4
Total Bounty: $2,300,000

Race Events

Sprint: West Park & Lyons
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.2 Miles

Tollbooth: Interchange & Tunnel
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.0 Miles

Speedtrap: Boardwalk
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.2 Miles

Sprint: Hwy 201 & Lyons
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
LapsP: 1
Distance: 7.3 Miles

Tollbooth: Penitentiary
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 12.6 Miles

Lap Knockout: Coastal
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.7 Miles

Lap Knockout: Rosewood Hillcrest
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.6 Miles

Sprint: Bond & Country Club
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Hwy 99 & Campus
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.2 Miles

Drag: Riverside & Terrace
Cash Reward: $3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.2 Miles

Tollbooth: Hwy 201 & Forest
Cash Reward: $12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.5 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $80.000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 22 police vehicles
to successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $80,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 7 minutes.You will need
to evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: $80,000
Dodge 10 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: $80,000
Dodge 4 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to
successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $46,000
Get clocked at over 111 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $46,000
Get clocked at over 107 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $46,000
Get clocked at over 158 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #5
Name: Webster [Wes Allen]
Strength: Escaping Pursuit
Bio: Webster's always talking about rides, performance,
racers, blah, blah, blah. Won't shut up. He's
got some crazy idea that he's gonna make it big.
When he ain't street racing,he's hanging out at the
shops.His ride is tuned to the max. Apparently
the interior is stripped of everything that isn't
related to speed.

Race Wins: 7
Bounty Milestones: 4
Total Bounty: $3,050,000

Race Events

Lap Knockout: Dunwich Village
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 16.7 Miles

Circuit: Ironhorse
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 2
Distance: 13.5 Miles

Sprint: Lyons & State
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 14.2 Miles

Speedtrap: Country Club
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.5 Miles

Speedtrap: Fairmont & Clubhouse
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Stadium & Beacon
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Bond & Riverside
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.3 Miles

Sprint: Camden & Fisher
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Bay Bridge & Forest
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Skyview & Coast
Cash Reward: $14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.2 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Bounty: $90,000
Get $200,000 bounty in a single pursuit.Once done,evade the

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: $90,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of $100,000 to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $90,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge.

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: $90,000
Dodge 6 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit
to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $60,000
Get clocked at over 180 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $60,000
Get clocked at over 130 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $60,000
Get clocked at over 186 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #4
Name: JV [Joe Vega]
Strength: Speedtrap Races
Bio: I don't know how JV does it,man.His nights are spent
in the clubs and days on the streets.This guy's got a
lot of street rep. Cops hate him and racers want to be
like him. His flash green Dodge Viper has cops swarming
around it all the time.

Race Wins: 7
Bounty Milestones: 5
Total Bounty: $4,050,000

Race Events

Tollbooth: North Bay & Beacon
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 12.5 Miles

Circuit: Waterfront
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 4
Distance: 8.6 Miles

Lap Knockout: Chancellor Way
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 15.2 Miles

Speedtrap: Terminal & Financial
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 12.9 Miles

Speedtrap: Hwy 99
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Green & Fairmont
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.7 Miles

Sprint: Valley & State
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.8 Miles

Lap Knockout: Industrial Front
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.6 Miles

Circuit: Gray Point
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 11.4 Miles

Tollbooth: Beacon & Riverfront
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Industrial & Omega
Cash Reward: $16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.9 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $100,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 28 police vehicles
to successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: $100,000
Get $325,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done,evade the

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: $100,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 150.000 to
successfully complete this challenge.

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: $100,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 6 infractions to
successfully complete this challange.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $76,000
Get clocked at over 180 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $76,000
Get clocked at over 164 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $76,000
Get clocked at over 152 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #3
Name: Ronnie [Ronald McCrea]
Strength: Immobilizing Police Vehicles
Bio: You know Ronnie. He's one of those rich freaks that
thinks he's ghetto. He definetly ain't from around
the way. Got his car as a graduation gift from his
parents. Don't be fooled though, the guy knows how to
drive. He's been to every race school you can think of.

Race Wins: 8
Bounty Milestones: 5
Total Bounty: $5,550,000

Race Events

Sprint: Seagate & Camden
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.2 Miles

Lap Knockout: Riverside
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 28.3 Miles

Circuit: Omega & Industries
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 4
Distance: 13.7 Miles

Tollbooth: Petersburg Projects
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 15.5 Miles

Sprint: Bond & Forest Green
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.4 Miles

Lap Knockout: College Switchback
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 15.4 Miles

Speedtrap: Heritage & Warrent
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 14.3 Miles

Speedtrap: Masterson & Route 55
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.2 Miles

Tollbooth: Petersburg & Project
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 15.9 Miles

Tollbooth: Wharf & North Bay
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.8 Miles

Sprint: Hwy 99 & Projects
Cash Reward: $18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 12.1 Miles

Drag: Boardwalk & Bayshore
Cash Reward: $4,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 2.1 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $140,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 32 police vehicles
to successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: $140,000
Get $600,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $140,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $140,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 8 minutes. You will
need to evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $94,000
Get clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $94,000
Get clocked at over 158 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $94,000
Get clocked at over 177 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #2
Name: Bull [Toru Sato]
Strength: Sprint Races
Bio: If it weren't for Razor, Toru would still be hanging
down at the docks dreamin' of the Blacklist. This
fool thinks he's got a sleeper, calls it reverse
psychology. The only thing stock on his ride is the
paint. Toru likes to keep his car mint so give him a
bump when you can.

Race Wins: 8
Bounty Milestones: 5
Total Bounty: $7,550,000

Race Events

Circuit: Campus Interchange
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 22.3 Miles

Circuit: Country Club
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 22.3 Miles

Tollbooth: Beacon & Petersburg
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 15.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Petersburg & Bond
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 19.2 Miles

Tollbooth: Bond & Beacon Bridge
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 21.2 Miles

Speedtrap: Lennox & Camden
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.2 Miles

Sprint: Camden & Dunwich
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.6 Miles

Lap Knockout: Petersburg Crossing
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 28.6 Miles

Lap Knockout: Valley & Hwy 201
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 16.0 Miles

Circuit: East Park
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 13.6 Miles

Speedtrap: Industrial & Green
Cash Reward: $20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.0 Miles

Drag: Camden & Seaside
Cash Reward: $5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 2.1 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: $180,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 200.000 to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $180,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 9 minutes.You will
need to evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: $180,000
Dodge 12 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: $180,000
Dodge 8 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to
successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $114,000
Get clocked at over 194 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $114,000
Get clocked at over 136 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $114,000
Get clocked at over 165 MPH to successfully complete this


Blacklist #1
Name: Razor [Clarence Callahan]
Strength: Everything
Bio: Razor rocketed to the top of the Blacklist using your ride.
Now he's holding it down and rolling the streets like he owns
them. He'll do anything he can to give himself an edge. That
includes messin' with your head. Remember, you can't trust
anything he says.

Race Wins: 9
Bounty Milestones: 5
Total Bounty: $10,000,000

Race Events

Circuit: Hastings
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 28.8 Miles

Sprint: Hwy 2001
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.7 Miles

Sprint: Diamond Park
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.9 Miles

Sprint: Industrial & Bristol
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.1 Miles

Lap Knockout: Smuggler's Wharf
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 18.7 Miles

Tollbooth: Route 55 & Chase
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 25.0 Miles

Tollbooth: Petersburg & Camdem
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 32.1 Miles

Speedtrap: Union Row & Seaside
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.7 Miles

Speedtrap: Ironhorse & Bristol
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.9 Miles

Sprint: Bay Bridge & Seaside
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.4 Miles

Tollbooth: Marina & Lennox
Cash Reward: $25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 17.3 Miles

Bounty Milestones

Trade Paint
Bounty: $220,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 35 police
vehicles to successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: $220,000
Get 850.000 bounty in a single pursuit.Once done,evade
the pursuit.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: $220,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: $220,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 13 minutes.You will
need to evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $136,000
Get clocked at over 149 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $136,000
Get clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: $136,000
Get clocked at over 198 MPH to successfully complete this

C. RAP Sheet {MWVC}

As you play through Need for Speed Most Wanted you'll be earning a RAP
Sheet as you drive through Rockport. The RAP Sheet is like your criminal
record in Most Wanted as you progress throughout Most Wanted, there are
some categories known as "infractions". You can earn up to a total of
8 infractions in each pursuit that you do, you can't get all at from
the start of Career but as you progress and upgrade your car(s) you'll
get a chance to get all 8 infractions at one whack. Here's a list of
infractions that you can earn in a pursuit:

Damage to Property -----> Happens when you drive over
something such as signs, road barrels
Driving Off Road -------> Happens when you leave any paved surfaces
Excessive Speeding -----> When you are clocked at 180 MPH
Hit and Run ------------> When you collide with a civilian
Ramming a Cop Car ------> When you hit a police vehicle intentional
or not
Reckless Driving -------> When you are clocked at 200+ MPH
Resisting Arrest -------> When you evade the pursuit
Speeding ---------------> When you are clocked at 160 MPH

I will use my RAP Sheet as an example so people know what exactly they'll
be looking through on their RAP Sheet:

Cost to State: $8,240,300 Bounty: $60,446,693
Cars Monitored: 6 Fines Due: $ 149,850
Cars Impounded: 0 Pursuits Evaded: 102
Busted: 0


| Chronic Violations of vehicle code apprehend at |
| reasonable cost if encountered |

Infractions Fines
Unserved : 549 Fines Due : $149,850
Served : 0 Fines Paid : $ 0

Pursuits Police Vehicles
Times Evaded : 102 Damaged : 3,512
Times Busted : 0 Immoblized : 1,009

Vehicle Database

Cobalt SS
Bounty : $3,667,850 Times Evaded: 33
Fines Due : $ 33,275 Times Busted: 0
Unserved : 139

Lamborghini Gallardo
Bounty : $2,752,100 Times Evaded: 8
Fines Due : $ 10,950 Times Busted: 0
Unserved : 40

Mitsubishi Eclipse
Bounty : $317,050 Times Evaded: 6
Fines Due : $ 5,125 Times Busted: 0
Unserved : 21

Ford Mustang GT
Bounty : $1,958,835 Times Evaded: 11
Fines Due : $ 12,850 Times Busted: 0
Unserved : 53

Dodge Viper SRT10
Bounty : $4,592,550 Times Evaded: 5
Fines Due : $ 9,000 Times Busted: 0
Unserved : 29

Bounty : $47,195,138 Times Evaded: 34
Fines Due : $ 78,850 Times Busted: 0
Unserved : 252


Infraction Unserved Served
---------- -------- ------

Speeding : 46 0
Excessive Speeding : 61 0
Reckless Driving : 33 0
Ramming a Cop Car : 88 0
Hit & Run : 59 0
Damage to Property : 79 0
Resisting Arrest : 98 0
Driving Off-Roadway : 85 0
TOAL : 549 0

Cost to State

Quanity Category Cost
------- -------- ----
9,865 Damage to Property $2,406,250
285 Insurance Claims $ 142,500
1,058 Patrol Vehicles Deployed $ 264,500
2,454 Special Units Deployed $1,108,800
1,009 Damaged Police Vehicles $ 252,250
612 Immbolized Police Vehicles $3,060,000
763 Roadblocks Deployed $ 331,500
1,666 Spike Strips Deployed $ 416,500
104 Helicopters Deployed $ 208,000
Total Cost to State ----> $8,240,300

Top 5 Pursuits

1. Car Used: BMW M3 GTR Bounty: $9,480,060
ID: MW-902H9L4R Length: 39:16.31
2. Car Used: BMW M3 GTR Bounty: $5,040,000
ID: MW-7X7N4V1F Length: 30:00.71
3. Car Used: BMW M3 GTR Bounty: $4,925,036
ID: MW-9U6H5G3S Length: 20:33.55
4. Car Used: BMW M3 GTR Bounty: $3,275,000
ID: MW-6D2S4MOU Length: 11:08.04
5. Car Used: BMW M3 GTR Bounty: $2,625,018
ID: MW-OP1W6TOV Length: 11:07.57


| Single Pursuit |
| Pursuit Length : 39:16 [1] |
| Total Police Vehicles Involved : 348 [1] |
| Police Vehicles Damaged : 76 [1] |
| Police Vehicles Immbolized : 106 [1] |
| Roadblocks Dodged : 71 [1] |
| Spike Stripes Dodged : 53 [1] |
| Cost to State Achieved : $1,192,950 [1] |
| Infractions Recorded : 8 [1] |
| Helicopters Deployed : 13 [1] |
| Pursuit Bounty Achieved : $9,480,060 [1] |

| Lifetime Pursuit |
| Pursuit Length : 7:38:42 [1] |
| Total Police Vehicles Involved : 3,512 [1] |
| Police Vehicles Damaged : 1,009 [1] |
| Police Vehicles Immbolized : 612 [1] |
| Roadblocks Dodged : 596 [1] |
| Spike Stripes Dodged : 388 [1] |
| Cost to State Achieved : $8,240,300 [1] |
| Infractions Recorded : 549 [1] |
| Helicopters Deployed : 104 [1] |
| Pursuit Bounty Achieved : $60,446,693 [1]|

| VI. Challenge Series {MWVI} |

| Challenge # 1 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Tollbooth Time |
| Trial in under 2:40 to win |

| Challenge # 2 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Length |
| Description: You will need to evade the police |
| pursuit after at least 1 minute |
| then successfully evade the |
| police |

| Challenge # 3 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Tollbooth Time |
| Trial in under 2:45 to win |

| Challenge # 4 |
| Event Type: Bounty |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| Bounty of $1,000 to successfully |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge # 5 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: 3:30 is the time to beat for this |
| Tollbooth Time Trial |

| Challenge # 6 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Evasion |
| Description: Evade the police in under 5 min. |
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge # 7 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: Someone on the Blacklist posted |
| best time of 3:00 in this |
| Tollbooth challenge. You need to |
| beat that time to win. |

| Challenge # 8 |
| Event Type: Cost to State |
| Description: Evade the Police Pursuit with a |
| Cost to State of $25,000 to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge # 9 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: You will need to complete this |
| Tollbooth Time Trial in under |
| 2:50 to hold the record |

| Challenge #10 |
| Event Type: Roadblock |
| Description: Dodge at least 2 police roadblocks|
| and evade the police to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #11 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Tollbooth Time |
| Trial in 3:30 or less to win |

| Challenge #12 |
| Event Type: Trade Paint |
| Description: Evade the Police and tag a |
| minimum of 5 police vehicles to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #13 |
| Event Type: Tollbooth Time Trial |
| Description: You need to reach the last |
| Tollbooth before the 3:45 mark |
| to win this challenge |

| Challenge #14 |
| Event Type: Infractions |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| minimum of 4 infractions to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #15 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Tollbooth challenge |
| in under 4:00 |

| Challenge #16 |
| Event Type: Spike Strip |
| Description: Dodge at least 2 spike strips and |
| evade the pursuit to successfully |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #17 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this toll booth time |
| trial in under 3:20 to win |

| Challenge #18 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Evasion |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit in less |
| in 4:00 to successfully complete |
| this challenge |

| Challenge #19 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Reach the last Toll Booth before |
| 4:05 mark mark or it's over |

| Challenge #20 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Length |
| Description: You must evade the police pursuit |
| after at least 7 minutes to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #21 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Toll Booth time |
| trail in under 4:00 to win |

| Challenge #22 |
| Event Type: Roadblock |
| Description: Dodge at least six police |
| roadblocks and evade the pursuit |
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #23 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Trial |
| Description: Complete Toll Booth time trial in |
| under 3:15 to post a new record |

| Challenge #24 |
| Event Type: Infractions |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| minimum of five infractions to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #25 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: You have only 4:00 to reach the |
| last toll booth |

| Challenge #26 |
| Event Type: Trade Paint |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit and tag |
| a minimum of eight police vehicles|
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #27 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Toll Booth Time |
| Trial in under 3:30 to win |

| Challenge #28 |
| Event Type: Cost to State |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| Cost to State of $50,000 to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #29 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: The Blacklist record for this |
| Toll Booth challenge is 3:00. To |
| win beat that mark |

| Challenge #30 |
| Event Type: Bounty |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| Bounty of $50,000 to succesfully |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #31 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this Toll Booth time |
| trial in under 3:45 to win |

| Challenge #32 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Evasion |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit in less |
| than three minutes to successfully|
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #33 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: You need to reach the last toll |
| booth before the 3:30 mark to win |
| this challenge |

| Challenge #34 |
| Event Type: Roadblock |
| Description: Dodge at least 8 police roadblocks|
| and evade the pursuit to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #35 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this toll booth time |
| in under 3:35 to win |

| Challenge #36 |
| Event Type: Trade Paint |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit and tag |
| a minimum of 12 police vehicles |
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #37 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: It's going to take a time better |
| than 3:35 to win this toll booth |
| challenge |

| Challenge #38 |
| Event Type: Infractions |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| minimum of 6 infractions to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #39 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this toll booth time |
| in under 2:40 to win |

| Challenge #40 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Evasion |
| Description: You will need to evade the poice |
| pursuit after at least ten minutes|
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #41 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: One of the toll booth attendants |
| ordered a pizza. If you don't get|
| in the next 4 min. 33 sec. he gets|
| his pizza for free and the money |
| comes out of your pocket |

| Challenge #42 |
| Event Type: Roadblock |
| Description: Use a pickup truck and dodge 6 |
| roadblocks. You'll need to evade |
| the pursuit to successfully |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #43 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: One of the lower end non Blacklist|
| racers posted a time of 4:30 and |
| now they're bragging about the |
| run. Show them by beating their |
| with just a minivan and a bottle |
| of nitrous |

| Challenge #44 |
| Event Type: Spike Strip |
| Description: Using a police cruiser dodge 6 |
| spike strips and evade the police |
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #45 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: It's the annual pursuit skills |
| competition and you need to |
| participate in this closed circuit|
| time trial. The Bayview police |
| hold the record at 3:35. You |
| represent Rockport's best, so |
| don't let them down |

| Challenge #46 |
| Event Type: Cost to State |
| Description: With a garbage truck, evade the |
| police pursuit with a Cost to |
| State of $100,000 to successfully |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #47 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Someone's car broke down near a |
| toll booth, and they need a cab |
| urgently. A rival cab driver is |
| also on their way to pick them |
| up. If you don't reach the |
| passenger in less than 4:30 the |
| other cab will get there first |

| Challenge #48 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Evasion |
| Description: Using a police SUV you will need |
| to evade the pursuit in less than |
| 4 minutes |

| Challenge #49 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: The Bayview police struck again, |
| this time posting a incredible |
| time of 3:45 in the annual police |
| pursuit skills competition. You |
| have been selected once again to |
| participate in this closed course |
| time trial. |

| Challenge #50 |
| Event Type: Bounty |
| Description: You will be using a cement truck |
| and need to evade the police |
| pursuit with a bounty of $100,000 |
| to successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #51 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this toll booth time |
| trial in under 4:10 to win |

| Challenge #52 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Evasion |
| Description: Evade the pursuit in under 4:00 to|
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #53 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Challenge |
| Description: Complete this event in under 4:10 |
| to set a new record for this toll |
| booth challenge |

| Challenge #54 |
| Event Type: Cost to State |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| cost to state of $150,000 to |
| successfully complete this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #55 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: You only have 3:45 to beat this |
| toll booth challenge |

| Challenge #56 |
| Event Type: Bounty |
| Description: Evade the police pursuit with a |
| bounty of $1,000,000 to |
| successfully complete this epic |
| challenge |

| Challenge #57 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this toll booth time |
| trial in under 4:35 to win |

| Challenge #58 |
| Event Type: Roadblock |
| Description: Dodge at least 10 roadblocks and |
| evade the pursuit to successfully |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #59 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: The best time posted in this toll |
| booth run is 5:05. You need to |
| beat that time to win. |

| Challenge #60 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Length |
| Description: Achieve a 15 minute pursuit at the|
| highest heat levels and then |
| attempt to evade it |

| Challenge #61 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: Complete this toll booth time in |
| under 5:00 to advance |

| Challenge #62 |
| Event Type: Spike Strip |
| Description: In order to beat this challenge |
| you will have to dodge 10 spike |
| strips and evade the pursuit |

| Challenge #63 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: This is the second longest run in |
| toll booth challenge records. |
| Only a time better than 7:00 will |
| win this event |

| Challenge #64 |
| Event Type: Trade Paint |
| Description: To complete this challenge you |
| will need to trade paint with 20 |
| different police vehicles. As |
| always you will need to evade the |
| pursuit to win. |

| Challenge #65 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: The best time running between |
| these toll booths is 4:50. You |
| will need to beat that time to |
| complete this challenge |

| Challenge #66 |
| Event Type: Cost to State |
| Description: Get $200,000 cost to state and |
| evade the pursuit to win this |
| challenge |

| Challenge #67 |
| Event Type: Toll Booth Time Trial |
| Description: This is the longest time challenge|
| in the Blacklist records. Reach |
| the last Toll Booth in under 8:50 |
| mark to win the challenge |

| Challenge #68 |
| Event Type: Pursuit Length |
| Description: You must last in a pursuit for |
| 30 minutes without getting busted |
| once done evade the police |

| Challenge #69 |
| Event Type: Burker King Challenge* |
| Description: Win the Burger King race and |
| unlock Unique Performance Parts |

| Challenge #70 |
| Event Type: Black Edition Challenge+ |
| Description: You will be chased by Supercharged|
| SUVs. This is the most difficult |
| in the series. To win you must |
| achieve a Bounty of $500,000 then |
| evade the pursuit |

* -- Cheat Code only
+ -- Black Edition only

| VII. Cheat Codes/Secrets {MWVII} |

Every Need for Speed game had it's share of codes to secrets that came about
to make the game easier for some yet there are some things that can be only
unlocked by a code. This section reveals any cheats to codes to possibly a
few secrets or tips to help you throughout Need for Speed Most Wanted whether
if it's the regular or Black Edtion of the game.

[ Cheat Codes ]

There are codes that you can enter in manually at the "Press Start" screen
and you'll get a message confirming the code has been entered correctly:

Burger King Challenge ---------> Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right,
Left, Right
Castrol Syntec Ford GT --------> Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down
Up, Down
Extra Marker for Shop ---------> Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right,
Up, Down

[ Secrets ]

Not only there are cheat codes for the game but there are secrets in the
game that are unlocked just by playing the game which unlocking the cars are
already mentioned in this guide already. There are others that you may
want to know about while or before you go about playing this game:

Heat Level 3 ------> Defeat Blacklist Member Vic
Heat Level 4 ------> Defeat Blacklist Member Earl
Heat Level 5 ------> Defeat Blacklist Member Webster
Extra $10,000 for Career -----> Have a save file from Need for
Speed Underground 2
Camden Beach ------> Defeat Blacklist Member Vic
Rockport City -----> Defeat Blacklist Member Earl

=======================the end=========================

Need for Speed Most Wanted: FAQ/Walkthrough by Warhawk
Version Sgt. Cross, Last Updated 2007-04-30 View/Download Original File
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