Gears of War: (xbox360)FAQ/Walkthrough
A. Version Udate (VERUP)
B. Introduction (INT)
1. Controls (BAS1)
2. Taking Cover, and Why It's Important (BAS2)
2a. Basics to Taking Cover
2b. Exiting Cover
3. Enemies (BAS3)
3a. Locust
3b. Boomers
3b1. Boomer + Shotgun?
3c. Kryll
3d. Reavers
3e. Wretches and Luminous Wretches
3f. Bosses
4. Weapons (BAS4)
4a. Weapon Recommendations
4b. Other Useful Weapons
4c. Important Update
5. General Tips and Tricks (BAS5)
5a. Weapon-Related
5b. Enemy-Related
5c. Other
D. Act 1 (A1)
1. Ashes Overview (A11)
2. 14 Years After E-Day (A12)
2a. Straight Into The Fight
2b. Tutorial
3. Trial By Fire (A13)
4. Fish In A Barrel (A14)
5. Knock Knock (A15)
6. Hammer (A16)
7. Wrath (A17)
8. China Shop (A18)
8a. Berserker (1)
E. Act 2 (A2)
1. Nightfall Overview (A21)
2. Tick TicK Boom (A22)
3. Grist (A23)
4. Outpost (A24)
5. Lethal Dusk (A25)
6. Dark Labryinth (A26)
6a. Odd Location For A Propane Tank, No?
7. Powder Keg (A27)
8. Burnt Rubber (A28)
9. Last Stand (A29)
F. Act 3 (A3)
1. Belly of the Beast Overview (A31)
2. Downpour (A32)
3. Evolution (A33)
4. Coalition Cargo (A34)
5. Darkest Before Dawn (A35)
6. Angry Titan (A36)
7. Tip of the Iceberg (A37)
G. Act 4 (A4)
1. The Long Road Home Overview (A4)
2. Campus Grinder (A41)
3. Bad to Worse (A42)
4. Hazing (A43)
5. Close to Home (A44)
6. Imaginary Place (A45)
7. Entrenched (A46)
H. Act 5 (A5)
1. Desperation Overview (A51)
2. Special Delivery (A52)
3. Train Wreck (A53)
4. Pale Horse (A54)
4a. General RAAM
I. The Ending *SPOILERS!* (TehEnd)
1. The End (TehEnd1)
2. Questions, Theories, and Explanations (TehEnd2)
3. Script (TehEnd3)
K. Cog Tags (CGTG)
1. Basic Info (CGTG1)
2. Cog Checklist (CGTG2)
L. Achievements (ACH)
1. List of Achievemnts, GamerScore Points Awarded, and Tips (ACH1)
M. FAQs (FreqAsk)
1. Frequently Asked to All FAQ-Authors Questions (FreqAsk1)
2. Frequently Asked Emailed Questions (FreqAsk2)
N. Review (7.6/10 or 8/10 or 38/50)
1. Gears of Graphics
2. Gears of Sound
3. Gears of Story
4. Gears of Gameplay
5. Gears of Difficulty
6. To Sum It Up
|Version Updates (VERUP) |
This FAQ is version:
|What's New? (VERUP1) |
VERSION 1.0 - Act 5, including RAAM, is finished. The ending script is wrote
up. Some Achievements are edited. Various small additions here
and there. YES! THE FAQ IS FINALLY COMPLETE! Now all that's
left is finishing up some sections, wrapping things up, various
errors corrected, etc.
VERSION 0.4 - Basic set-up is wrote. Some sections are wrote. First chapter
is complete. Intros and Outros are wrote. A lot of the "meat"
of the FAQ is not yet complete, but the FAQ is uploaded for what
I do have complete. I am hoping to have it generally finished
by the end of the week.
Hello, and welcome to my FAQ on the great Xbox360 title, Gears of War. I hope
that you will gain something by reading this, as that is the reason I'm writing
it. If there's anything mispelled, grammatically incorrect, incorrect info,
or suggestions/tips (or anything GoW related) that you wish to contact me
about, see the "Contacting the Author" section at the bottom of the document.
I am not going to pretend I'm a professional at this game. The first few times
I played on Live, I was slaughtered, and I'm still raped most of the time. I'm
near beating it on Hardcore difficulty, and haven't even attempted Insane. I
have beaten Casual. I still do not have most of the Achievements, though most
of the ones I don't have or the XBox Live related ones (for example, A Series
of Tubes). [UPDATE] I am glad to announce that I have finally completed Insane
though. So now this should help out with even people playing Insane!
But enough about me....
|What Is This FAQ? (INT2) |
This FAQ is, of course, a walkthrough for the game Gears of War. Until I
complete the game on Insane diffuculty, this FAQ will mostly apply for Hardcore
and Casual difficulties. This is NOT a FAQ for Xbox-Live and multi-player, the
exception being made with a small Co-Op chapter (that is NOT a walkthrough, in
any means). This FAQ will not help you cheat or glitch your way through the
game. This is just an honest, helpful Campaign walkthrough.
I hope some people
find it useful
You have stumbled across the roots of the game, the basics....
Everything from Control to major elements of the game can be found in this
|Controls (BAS1) |
I suppose this is as basic as it gets....
For a diagram, look in the guide. I will simply have a chart here of the
button and what it does when pressed.
Left Thumbstick - Move Marcus, Dom, or your Multiplayer character
Click Left Thumbstick - Crouch, only when covering behind a wall tall enough so
Marcus stands up
Right Thumbstick - Move Camera and Aiming Reticule
Click Right Thumbstick - Zoom in with Weapons with Zoom
Directional Pad - Switch Weapons (Up for Grenades, Left and Right for Heavy
Weapons, Down for Pistol)
A - Cover. More in the "Taking Cover, and Why It's Important" section.
B - Melee. Hold down B with the Lancer equipped to rev chainsaw.
X - Interact (i.e. Open Doors, Press Buttons, Switch Weapons, etc.)
Y - See "Points of Interest" (things the game wants you to get a good look at,
either something story related or something helpful, like the Bridge detach
button during the last Berserker fight). It also shows you the location of
the Squad Leader (during the First Act), Dom if in a Full Squad, or your
other Teammate if the Squad has had to Split Up.
Right Bumper - Reload. Press Twice with the Right Timing to "Active Reload."
Left Bumper - Bring Up List of Objectives and Location and Status of Squadmates
Right Trigger - Shoot. Throw Grenades. You've Played Halo....
Left Trigger - Bring Up Targeting Reticule
|Taking Cover, and Why It's Important (BAS2) |
In Halo, or almost any other shooter (even Goldeneye, but that games pretty old
and basic now), you can stand still in one spot, take a horde of bullets and
not die, while carefully picking off your enemies. While Halo kind of has an
excuse for this (Master Chief's MJLONIR Armor), it is still unrealistic. While
most games stories and themes are unrealistic, that doesn't have to mean the
gameplay is unrealistic, right? Right. In Gears of War (henceforth called
GoW, for my sake) Marcus Fenix can NOT withstand a barrage of bullets. A
grenade hurled his way will not go shrugged off. A sniper round to the head
is a one-hit kill. Hell, stand in the way of a turret, and watch Marcus get
blown to blits, one arm flying to the left, a leg to the right. That, my
friend, is why taking cover is important.
That's right - half the time, the only thing standing between you and death is
a turned over table, a bit of debris, or something similar (some of these can
even be shot up, and where's your cover then?). If you don't want to just
randomly spray (hold R while under cover while not holding L), then hold the
Left Trigger. Get some shots in, but get back down quick; hold your head up
too long, it's bound to come up missing.
Let's start with basics.
Almost anything can be cover. To get under cover, stand next to an object and
press A. Marcus will duck behind it, stand behind the wall, or hide behind it
in some way. You can move the left stick in the direction the object goes to
move left and right underneath it; press opposite of the object, however, and
Marcus will come out from cover, so if you're in a big firefight about to die,
don't press the stick opposite of the object (this message brought to you by
Common Sense, Inc. =P)! Press R while ducked behind something or while on the
corner of a wall to spray bullets randomly. You cannot take injury while doing
this (atleast from the enemies you should be aiming at; if one were to flank
you, you would still sustain injuries). Press L to bring up the targeting
reticule while under cover. Now you can get a good aim on your enemies... but
so can they. Be careful. My advice to you (what I usually do, and it
*usually* works) is to take aim and fire. Watch your health (the red circle
that appears around your reticule). Once it's about half-full, get back under
cover! Let the red completely dissolve from your screen, and then come out
blasting again.
Just to note, A will not always put you behind cover, so be careful. If you
are moving and press A, Marcus will likely roll unless you are very close to
something that can be used as cover. If you are moving and hold A, he will
Roadie Run (remember this, now). And to add on to the Roadie Run: If you are
going to try to make it from one bit of cover to the next, and its not within
a short distance, its a good idea to Roadie Run, because Marcus crouches and
is faster, making you a smaller and quicker target (and therefore harder to
Now, what about exiting cover? There are several different ways. When in the
correct position to do a specific exit, an icon should appear at the bottom of
your screen telling you how to do it. But because I know you're reading this
section for the exits, here is the list and how to do them:
While on the edge of an object, press Up on the Left Thumbstick and A to swing
out from cover and dash forwards. Keep holding A to Roadie Run. This is
useful for getting from one bit of cover to the next swiftly and hopefully
While in the middle of a small object that Marcus is crouched behind, press Up
on the Left Thumbstick and A to jump over the object. Simple way to leave, but
be warned that you are really exposed when hovering above the object. If in a
firefight, its best used if there's cover nearby to quickly get behind.
If I am not mistaken, that is everything. Everything about covering. Remember
to stay covered as much as possible, as it is a core game mechanic, and
ignoring that, you just die to quickly while out in the open to try not to take
cover. So if you don't like constantly having to find cover, boo-hoo elsewhere
and don't buy this game.
Remember, this is not something you can read and master. I can give you tips
and whatnot, but to actually master them you have to put them into play. By
the end of the First Act (Ashes) you should be comfortable with taking cover.
If not, get used pretty damn quick, because you'll need to later!
|Enemies (BAS3) |
This section will be under development. For now, let's go with the quick
review of what you will be facing.
I cannot tell one from the other, to be honest. There are different types,
sure, but they are all nothing special. One or two shotgun blasts at short
range does them in, and the Lancer makes short work of them, both at long and
short range. Unless you're stupid enough to stand in the open, you should have
no problem for the most part. (Their firepower makes them somewhat difficult
in groups, however).
INSANE: These things can kill you with one punch on Insane. I have admittedly
been in situations every now and then where I will shoot a Locust about
five times at point-blank range with a shotgun and it not kill a Locust
only to have him punch me and I die. Just don't let them get near you,
and if they do, get away. Roll away shooting and find cover somewhere
else or SOMETHING, just don't stand there trying to shoot (unless they
are trying to chainsaw you, of course).
The big bad baddies. These babies are large, in-charge, and almost as big as
Cole. They carry with them the Boomshot, GoW's rocket launcher. In my opinion
they are not tough at all. Hit them with a Torque Bow at later episodes from a
distance (their size makes them an easy target) to watch them blow. On Casual
and Hardcore, two clips with the Lancer will take them down (for the love of
God, don't try to chainsaw them, though). Snipers to the head also take them
down pretty quick.
///Boomer + Shotgun?///
However, whenever possible, I find it is easiest to use the shotgun on them. I
have never died doing this (though I'm smart enough to know when), unlike when
I try to use other weapons. Other people may disagree, but hear me out.
If the Boomers are your only enemies, this is when it is time to break out the
ol' shotgun. If there are other enemies, their Boomshot makes them powerful,
so a smart idea would be to take them out first. If you get near the Boomers
when they are surrounded by enemies, you will be quickly overwhelmed.
If you have decided to get up close and personal with a Boomer, have the
Shotgun already in hand. Once you get within a certain proximity of them, they
will cease fire. Because of this, if you keep the right distance so they can't
melee you, they won't fire on you (or they never have with me)! Hold L and aim
for the face. Now give them hell. They should fall with about four shots on
Casual, six on Hardcore. If you are fighting two Boomers, they tend to hang
pretty close to each other. That being the case, if you're within Shotgun
range of one Boomer, the other likely won't shoot at you, either! So take out
the first Boomer, then go for his buddy. You're probably already in range.
HOWEVER, I am the one who finds this easy for me and the best way to take out
Boomers. Others may disagree, but if you find yourself in a particularly tight
spot, why not try my method?
INSANE: Most of the time I sniped these things on Insane, but if there was just
one, I still went for my shotgun tactic, and it still worked just as
fine, ignoring the fact that it just took a little longer. Some
examples of places where this is perfect is at the gas station in Act 2
and the first Boomer after the Berserker in Act 4.
I hate these, and you will soon, too. They only appear in Act 2 and 5. They
are invincible and cannot be killed (with one exception). They will kill you
almost instantly if they touch you. They look like bats, and if you go into
the dark, they will instantly be upon you, and you will probably be dead. They
do not like the light, so therefore, as long as you are in the light, you will
not be attacked. Don't waste ammo on them, as they can't be killed. If you
find yourself near light and being attacked by Kryll, you're best bet is to
roll for the light. If you are any further than rolling distance, by the time
it would take for you to hit the A button, you'll likely be dead.
In Act 5, they form a shield for the final boss of the game, General RAAM.
These make you hate Kryll even more, for they make a boss that would probably
be really easy, really hard. For strategies on that, see the walkthrough for
Act 5.
In the Chapter "Burnt Rubber" at the end of Act 2, they can be killed. They
are killed almost instantly. Relish this, as it is the only time in the game
you can actually kill them.
INSANE: You might not relish this so much on Insane, with the whole "trying-to-
stay-alive" thing going on....
Not so hard... on Casual. I usually try to unload a few clips on them with the
Lancer and not get shot to death by them. They fly, and never come within
shotgun distance, so that's about all you can do. Try the Torque Bow. They
are easiest killed with the Turret, though you only get one opportunity with
that. I've heard that sniping them is an easy way to kill them, as well.
Always aim for the Locust riding it, because if you take it out, the whole
creature dies. I believe they only appear during Act 5, near the end of it, at
INSANE: Oh my god, I hated these things on Insane. I've always heard people
say to snipe them, but I could not manage to do this because of how
much and quickly they move. The torque bow is excellent for taking
these down, but considering I never use the Torque Bow, I only pick it
up around these areas if I can find them... and I usually can't. I'm
going to say it now - and please excuse my language - but the part at
the end of Act 5 with the Troikas and Reavers? It's a BITCH to beat.
///WRETCHES AND LUMINOUS WRETCHES//////////////////////////////////////////////
So similar, yet so different.
In my opinion, nothing special. A few bullets with the Lancer or a blast with
the Shotgun, and they're toast. No biggie. You can sometimes even get them
stuck behind a wall or something for an easy kill.
///Luminous Wretches///
Their brothers are the luminous version of them. When killed with anything
except the chainsaw, they explode, so watch out!
INSANE: Insane mode update yet again, lol. The Wretches go from a "minor ann-
oyance" in Casual and Hardcore to "AAAAAARGH! **** YOU!"'s in Insane.
Why? Try to hit kills. And when you can never get in on them faster
than they can if they're jumping around your feet, it's an annoyance.
On Insane, I found that most of the time if I got slashed once, I was
As for the Luminous Wretches - you will grow to despise them so much
on Insane. On Casual, they are no big deal; blast them with a shotgun
when they are near and that's about it; they're explosions don't hurt.
...that changes on Insane. If they explode underneath you, you blow
up. If they explode within a certain proximity of you, that's half
your health gone, which means if another one gets in to slash you or
you kill another one and it blows up, you might get killed. They are
so annoying. I found the best way to kill them was just to take the
shotgun and get used to the timing so that one shot will kill them but
they are far enough away from you that you can roll out of the way
quick enough not to be hurt. If you just absolutely get stuck with
these on Insane mode, I might be nice enough to show you how I do it if
I have the time, but I ask that hundreds of people don't ask at one
time - I'm nice, but I've got work to do and a life outside of GoW. ;)
Bosses will be covered in the chapters you encounter them in.
For the....
Berserker (1)...
hit CTRL-F and tpye "BERS1"
hit CTRL-F and type "CRPSR"
hit CTRL-F and type "BERS2"
hit CTRL-F and type "BERS3"
hit CTRL-F and type "GRAAM"
|Weapons (BAS4) |
As this isn't an in-depth guide, there won't be much information here. Just
basic info.
///MY PERSONAL SET-UP//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
NOTE: See the important update at the bottom of the page. When I say it's
important, I mean it's important.
My personal favorite set-up is as follows:
Maxed out Bolo Grenades
Shotgun <- ->Lancer
Others may disagree and have their own opinions, but this is my reasonings:
Shotgun is always handy. If an enemy strays to close, pop it out quickly and
blast. This is better than the chainsaw because you don't have to wait for it
to rev up, and then you don't lose the rev if shot (therefore, probably killing
you in the end).
Maxed out Bolo Grenades? Self-explanatory, really. There's only one type of
grenade in this game, so why not have them maxed out, since this is the only
weapon this slot is used for? Useful when near Locust Emergence Holes, because
if you throw one in, the hole seals, and voila, no more Locust to deal with
except the ones that have already crawled out. Also useful when you see a
group of enemies huddled together....
Magnum? I never use the pistols anyway, so this slot really doesn't matter.
The Magnum is just the most powerful pistol in the game (I believe, unless that
one pistol with a zoom is more powerful, though off the top of my head, I don't
believe it is), and that is why I put it. =P Very rarely do you see me use a
Lancer is simple. It's fairly powerful and quickly reloads, so fast so that
there is almost no break in your fire (if you master Active Reloads, that is).
It's good at picking off enemies at a fair distance (I use it over the Longshot
almost all of the time). And who can't say sawing up Locust with the chainsaw
isn't the most fun you'll have in a while (be careful with this, though. It's
not smart or at all wise to run into the middle of the battle with a chainsaw!
You'll likely be killed before you reach your enemies, and even if you do reach
them, by then you will be shot, and being shot starts over your rev. Constant-
ly being shot at keeps your chainsaw lowered, and more than likely being about
to die, you're screwed)?
And that's about it. Other useful weapons are -
///OTHER USEFUL WEAPONS////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Torque Bow - I only traded my shotgun in for these during the last chapter,
though, because they are unbelievably useful against RAAM. To use
them, hold R and then release it to fire. If you don't hold down
R long enough, the shot will not be powerful enough to penetrate
the enemies. Hold down R too long, and the bow will
automatically fire the arrow. They explode, so watch out!
Longshot - Sniper rifle. I usually avoid it if possible, but that's my
preference, because I'm not a sniper person. However, if you are,
then by all means go for it! It's really powerful, and almost
required for the RAAM fight.
Boomshot - Probably useful, I would imagine, considering it's a rocket launch-
er, but to be honest, I've never used it. =P
These are all my preferences and opinions. I find these the best weapons to
use. If you have a fondness for a particular weapon set-up, email me, and I
will consider putting it in the FAQ!
NOTE - I do not include the Hammer of Dawn because to me, it is a worthless
piece of crap. It is only usable at certian points of the game, and even then,
it is usually just to kill a Seeder or Berserker or something that requires
use of the Hammer of Dawn. Almost always when it is needed, you will find one
on the ground somewhere, and I will mention where to get them when the time is
needed. So unless I say otherwise, switch out the Hammer of Dawn with a shot-
gun (or weapon of your choice) as soon as the enemy that requires it is killed.
///IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
UPDATE: I have now completed the game on Insane difficulty. And let me tell
you, if it weren't for the shotgun/sniper combo, I would NOT have been
able to complete it. I haven't yet done it, but would imagine this
combo would be even better on Casual and Hardcore because they are
easier... but after playing Insane, I will be straight up when I say
USE THE SHOTGUN/SNIPER COMBO! It makes the game SO much easier on
Insane (though not easy by far).
|General Tips and Tricks (BAS5) |
Here you will find all tips and tricks in this game that apply to more than one
area or apply more than once. It will be updated as emails are sent in or I
come aware of them in some way or another.
And better yet, it is finally organized! =P
///WEAPON RELATED//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Always aim for the head. The head kills faster than any other body part. With
most locusts, a head shot with the Longshot is a one hit kill!
Master Active Reloading. It is ESSENTIAL. It is also really easy. To do it,
as soon as you hit the right bumper, look underneath your ammo guage. You
will see a bar with a slider. When the little slider thing hits the white,
press R again. If you do it enough with certain weapons, you may memorize when
to hit it without looking at the bar. However, it doesn't take much to glance
up there for the split-second it takes when you need to reload, and it helps
out a lot. You should quickly get a grip on it, and probably never miss it
Be smart about the chain saw. I usually only use it if I am sneaking up on an
enemy, or an enemy is sneaking up on me when I am shotgun-less. If you try to
run into the middle of a firefight with the intent of chainsawing someone,
think again.
Throughout most of the game, you will most likely have a shotgun. If an enemy
runs up to you but takes cover on the other side of your cover, whip out that
shotgun (something I usually do if I see an enemy approaching, anyway) and
press L. If you look down, you can aim directly at the enemy, and usually kill
him with one shot. Sometimes you've got to wonder what these AI programmers
are doing at their jobs, I swear....
See the Note in the Weapons section for the Hammer of Dawn. This is extremely
useful. More firepower, man!
Speaking of firepower, do not hesitate to use bullets. Never save ammunition
unless it is mentioned, like saving Torque bows for RAAM or something. Usually
you can spray everywhere without worry, because ammo pick-ups are plentiful.
///ENEMY RELATED///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Keep in mind my Boomer tip if you just can't kill the Boomers. I find it
useful, and I always have - even when I was a noob at this game (and I still
sort of am). So it doesn't take a master to pull it off!
I really don't see the point of shooting Berserkers when they glow red (the
only time they are vulnerable to normal firepower), as they unglow and become
invincible again very quickly - usually quick enough that you can't finish them
off. There's no point in not just using the Hammer of Dawn again as soon as it
When fighting RAAM, remember this: RAAM is a pimp, and you are his bitch. He
can and will push him around, so the easiest way to win without glitching him
is to just take him out from a distance with the Longshot.
Always plan ahead! Flank your enemies! Plan a route that puts you in a better
position than your enemies! And if you can't do none of that, move with the
cover and advance on your enemies, and don't let them overpower you!
If you can't beat it your first time through, try playing it on a lower
difficulty, and beat that first. Even on the lowest difficulty, the game is
pretty hard, so don't hesitate to ask for help. Find someone willing to co-op
the first few chapters with you and teach you the ropes if you can't seem to
do it for yourself. If you need help, I can help you the best I can on co-op
if I'm free. See "Contacting the Author" for more details.
When in a fight, always Roadie Run and roll. That way it will give your
enemies a smaller and swifter target, and you will most likely not be hit.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I will constantly be adding these as
I discover them, so check back often! E-mail me if you have a tip you think
should belong here!
|ACT ONE (A1) |
|Ashes Overview (A11) |
So, we're finally getting into the game! Yay for us! If you've read every-
thing above, you're already well set to get into the game, so let's go!
You play as Marcus Fenix. At the start of the game, you are in a prison. Why?
Marcus is an inmate! A man named Dom releases you from the cell and tells you
that you're back in the army.
Through this chapter, you will fight your way through a bunch of buildings and
a few outside locations. This chapter is nothing special, really.
At the start of the chapter, your squad hunts for Alpha squad, and continues to
do so throughout the chapter. You meet up with the famous "Cole Train" pretty
early on, but it's not to the end of the chapter that you meet up with the
rest of Alpha squad. This chapter ends in a boss fight, a pretty easy one, but
against a pretty cool monster, if I do say so myself. Also, the lenghty cut-
scene before the last chapter is pretty cool, in my opinion. If you care about
the story, you're not skipping cutscenes (X button) anyway, but if you are
skipping scenes, you might want to not skip that one. It's pretty cool.
Anyway, on with the walkthrough....
|14 Years After E-Day (A12) |
Finally, we begin with the game. Almost as soon as you exit the cell, you will
be given a choice. Go straight with the fight, or take the tutorial. If it's
you're first time through, you might want to take the tutorial. It will allow
you to practice almost everything you've just read. If it is not your first
time through, or you are feeling confident, proceed straight to the fight.
Either way, upon exiting the hall Dom blocked, you will be in a big room. Head
almost directly north and you will see something red on a wall. Look under-
neath it for the first set of Cog tags (CT1). This is where this guide splits.
///LEFT PATH - STRAIGHT INTO THE FIGHT/////////////////////////////////////////
If you picked the left path, after listening to the various Com transmissions
and picking up the Cog tags, look to the left of where you came into the big
room. There will be a door; press X to kick it open (scary!). Then
immediately roadie run straight forward from the exit of the room with the
hanging bodies. You should come to a low wall with two roof-holder-uppers
(I forgot the name of them, sorry, but if anyone would care to email that to me
I would appreciate it!). Take cover behind it. Two enemies should appear from
the north, but on any difficulty, they should be no problem if you know when to
pop up and fire and when to take cover. If they get too close for comfort,
try your best to melee them. You have no shotgun or chainsaw at this moment.
Pick up the four grenades as instructed and proceed into the next room. You
will find many the enemy in this room.... Take cover immediately. No real
strategy to this room, just pop out and shoot when your health is full. If
you find yourself being injured even when taking cover and not shooting, you're
probably in a bad position; some enemy has moved around the room so that they
can see you even behind that wall. If they do this, quickly find new cover.
Once you kill them all, Dom will say, "Let's get some ammo." If you need ammo,
quickly get over to the ammo box underneath the hanging bodies. If not, then
get behind one of the short walls facing the door. Soon, you'll hear a Locust
laugh, and you'll see orange sparks around the edges of the door. Equip a
grenade, and take aim, and hold down R, but DO NOT LET IT GO! You will have to
find the right timing for this; I can usually get them all in one grenade by
throwing a grenade about the time the door opens. Even if you take none of
them out, switch to your gun and start blasting. It won't take long to kill
them. When Dom says, "Let's get out of here!", don't follow him. Head towards
the hanging bodies and face towards the door of the exit. Turn around 180
degrees and head straight until you reach a brown brick wall that Marcus will
stand behind (instead of duck) if you press A next to it. When you head around
that wall and go straight, you will see a table turned on its sides to your
right. If you look right from the ammo box, you will see an ammo crate. Near
this crate is the second Cog tag (CT2). Now head outside.
NOTE: When the Locusts bust through the door, it seems like Dom always dies
with me. Maybe he doesn't always, but everytime I've played it, he has. This
leads me to believe that he's supposed to die so you can get the message saying
that you can revive downed allies by standing over them and pressing X (a use-
ful lesson, so don't let it slip your mind!).
As soon as you exit, head up the stairs to your left. Immediately turn left at
the top of the stairs. There you should see another Cog tag (CT3). Now pick
off the enemies however you see fit. I personally like to take cover behind
the small wall to the direct right of the door leading outside and pick off all
of the enemies from there. Once that is completed, head listen to the radio
chatter, but head north. The Raiven will soon fly over you and land. The gate
will fall down. As soon as you touch that gate, a cutscene ensues. Chapter 1
of Act 1 completed, and if you were playing Co-op, you should now have the Dom-
Curious Achievement.
///RIGHT PATH - TUTORIAL///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
After the radio chatter, head up the stairs to the right. You will be prompted
to hit the button on the desk; it's not hard to miss. Do so, and proceed
through the now open door. To open the next door, you will have to shoot the
two small boxes with orange lights on them. One is right next to the door; the
other is across the room directly to the left of the door. Take aim with L and
shoot it. The door should now be open. Proceed into it. In this room are a
bunch of small walls you can take cover behind. Have fun with that in here.
When you're through, kick open the door on the other end of the room and pro-
ceed through it. Follow the path forward and through a doorway on your right.
Immediately head forward and take cover; my favorite place is the only low wall
you can crouch behind. fact, it's almost the only place. =P If this is
your first time through, you might die a few times here. No worries. just
load your last checkpoint. It's really not that hard, and there's no strateg-
ies, really, except pop and shoot. Never let your health get too red. If he
get too close for comfort, try to melee him, as you have no shotgun or chain-
saw yet. This next part is a roadie run tutorial. Hit the switch on the wall
inside the small building, and hold A to run forward before the door closes on
you. In this room is a "scary" surprise. Go out the door and down the stairs
to your right. Go through the door at the bottom and pile up on grenades. In
the next room, you can play with them if you want, but in my opinion its easier
to shoot them. Do whatever you want, just take cover and dispose of them all,
and then follow the path right and down the stairs.
NOTE: This is the same room you were in with the hole throw a grenade at the
door thing above. Its the same thing as above, so follow it from mid-second
paragraph down. Kill all the enemies, and don't forget to grab the Cog tag in
the room. Head outside, grab the Cog tag up the stairs and to the left, take
cover, and take out everyone in this room. Nothing complicated. Watch the
last cutscene to finish this easy mission.
...well... not much to say here. I was surprised when I didn't die once during
this act on my first playthrough. Just remember if this is your first time
| Trial by Fire {A13) |
After the lengthy cutscene, take cover behind the sandbags. I don't even think
you have to fire at the incoming Locusts, as the chopper takes them out. If
you want to shoot them, go ahead, though. After they are all dead, head up the
stairs. Head through the door at the top, and make your way left into the next
open area. Take cover behind the broken square (the second wall you see from
exiting the hallway). Now pick off all the enemies that appear; it's not too
hard, and if any get close, make them eat chainsaw. Speaking of which, if this
is your first time through the game and you are playing Casual, now is a good
time to test out the chainsaw. =P
After killing everyone, if you remained in the position I told you to get in,
hop over the short wall and then the next one. You should see a set of Cog
Tags(CT4) on the ground. Pick them up; they are mentioned by one of your team-
mates (and if you moved from where I told you to take cover, do NOT go up the
steps, they are down in that small courtyard like thing; they are not hard to
find). Now proceed up the next steps. Learn to love that short cutscene; if
you die here a lot like I do (for some reason :S), you will watch it a lot - it
is not skippable.
NOTE: Pick up the grenades and ammo boxes if you need them. By now, I should
not have to baby you; if you come across ammunition of some sort, check
your ammo for your various guns and grenades, and if you need them, pick
you up. I can't say, "Pick up this ammo box and that one, as by now
you are low on ammo" because you may have better accuracy than I do and
not need as much ammo, or you may need a ****-load more! So remember,
come across an ammo box, check your ammo and pick it up if needed!
Your teammates will tell you to flank the Grubs. Do exactly that. Start by
taking cover behind the first pillar (the one with a small ammo box in front of
it, to the left of the small wall most of your teammates will probably hide
behind). Make your way around the pillar and to the next one. Looking around
the corner, there is probably a Grub there. If there is, shoot him, and if not
then don't! On harder difficulties, if the going gets rough, try to hide
behind the pillars, but if they advance on you too much, by all means get the
**** up out there and find some better cover a longer distance away!
This is also a sort-of tutorial for Locust-holes. Basically, a locust-hole is
a hole in the ground that can appear anywhere. Most of the times when you are
outdoors, there is a a Locust-hole somewhere. If you chunk a grenade in it,
it will close it up and stop the enemies prematurely, so yes, it can sometimes
make the game easier. However, sometimes it is almost suicide to attempt to
get up close enough to the hole to get a good aim on it, and should only be
attempted in places where I tell you too (unless things get really desperate
for you and you just can't beat an area). In this area, on Casual mode, go
ahead and try to plug it if you want to (remember that the grenade has to go
inside of the hole for it to close up, so look for the small blue circle on the
end of the grenaes trajectory to see if the grenade is going to bounce some-
where besides the hole. On Hardcore, I found it easier to just pick off the
enemies from a distance with a Lancer, because the Locust will probably be
hanging around near the hole, and will tear you up before you get a chance to
plug the hole. However, if you just can't beat it and are getting desperate,
you can try one of two things: A, fall back, and make your enemies come to you,
picking them off with the Lancer, but remembering to duck NO MATTER WHAT if
your health gets in the red, or B, try to plug the Locust-hole somehow. Of
course, A is recommended, but it is your game, so do whatever you like.
After killing all of the Locusts, head left of the Emergence hole. You will
see a white collapsed pillar. Behind it is a box. To the left of that box is
what looks like an open gate or something (to me) because of the two walls with
the opening in the middle. Straight up from that opening is a small wall.
This is my preferred cover for this part. Shoot them from afar if possible,
and if they decide to get close, chainsaw them. Sometimes they will try to
flank you; if this happens, chainsaw them before they get a chance. If you
die here, I believe you have to start over from the staircase, so try not to
die - it will get annoying!
After killing them all, head directly north. There will be a bridge. Head
over it; at the broken segment, press Y to see some Cog bodies. You will see
a door that you can't go through; you have to wait for everyone to stop talking
before Kim will open the door. Once he does, head inside.
Hide behind the first small wall thing you see. It is a diagonal wall (by that
I mean it is not facing perfectly left, right, up, or down from the entrance).
Shoot everyone; usually they hide behind the pillars. When you here the
Emergence hole, run to it (you will probably see the statue above it collapse)
and plug it quickly and then hastily get back undercover to take out any
remaining enemies.
After eliminating everyone, head north from the first Emergence hole to go
around the pillar. Try to plug the hole, something not too hard if you hide
behind the short wall. Remain here and hide behind one of the two pillars be-
hind you and take out any Locusts that climbed out of the hole. After
eliminating them, don't head outside yet; look directly left of the exit to
find another set of Cog Tags (CT5). Now you can go outside.
Follow the steps, and head north towards the bodies. There are no surprises;
just a cutscene when you reach them. That's the second chapter completed!
Yeah... I surprisingly didn't die here either. I almost did, though. Flank
them, but do what I did - if you see one coming towards you, RUN! It's kind of
stupid, but a shotgun blast at point-blank range won't kill Locusts sometimes,
but a punch from them will... so keep that in mind. Don't EVER let them get
near you on Insane, or you WILL die! When the first Locust hole appeared, I
plugged it with a grenade fairly easily by running up to it, chunking a grenade
and ducking behind the first thing I could. Just be careful.
|Fish In A Barrel (A14) |
You are now facing your first Troika (a manned machine gun that will literally
rip you to shreds if you let it). Excited? Happy? Nervous? Probably a mix-
ture. Let me go ahead and say that, once again, flanking makes taking out the
Troika a lot easier. And to that, just head to the right passageway instead of
the left (the one the Troika is on). It is blocked, but a small passage allows
you back to the left passageway right before it is blocked. Therefore, you can
take out the Troika easily with your Lancer by simply shooting him (but fairly
quickly, as he is not afraid to turn that Troika on you!). Take out all of his
little buddies, too.
Heading north, there will be more enemies. You have two choices here: A, try
to lead them back towards the Troika, man it, and use that, or B, flank them.
Either way works fine, but the easiest one for me B. To do that, look for a
small passage on the right and head down it, head down to the end of the pass-
age (into this courtyard where a big fight will soon occur) and back around
behind the enemies. Shoot, shoot, shoot, and when you kill them all, head back
where you came from (as in to the courtyard I just mentioned the fight).
If you did not understand that, let me make it simple: after eliminating every-
one, head directly north from where you started from. It will lead out to a
courtyard. Can't get much simpler than that!
Now, you see that big circular thing with a statue in a middle (can't miss it,
it's the only thing like it in the area)? Get inside of it, and take cover.
Pick up the grenades if you need them (they regenerate) because if you follow
my strategy, you will need them!
There are four Locust holes that (except the fourth one) seem to appear in a
random order (atleast they do for me). If they don't, fine and dandy, if they
do, then that is why this section is here. The four holes are:
1. Facing where you came from, directly left of the left-most passage (what
would be the right coming from where the Chapter started).
2. Facing where you came from, in between the two passages.
3. Facing where you came from, to the right of the right-most passage (what
would be the left coming from where the Chapter started).
4. Facing where you will leave (turn directly around from where you came from,
and look north-east).
There's nothing to say here but TRY TO PLUG THE EMERGENCE HOLES! Makes it a
LOT easier! Take careful aim and chunk a grenade. Otherwise, you have a lot
of enemies to kill here! For the first three holes, it's best to stay in the
circle thing, but for the last one, it seems easier to me to get out and hide
behind all of the chunks of wall scattered about (though people's opinions
differ; if you die here, try staying in the circle, or mayhaps try somewhere
There is a Cog Tag in this location (CT6), although I am not 100% sure I've got
the location right. I know there is one in this area, though, and I apologize
if I have the wrong location. Just look and do not start the next chapter by
leaving the area!
I believe it is northwest of the circle thing (facing away from the way you
came into the area) near some grenades. Head over that way and pick the
grenades up (you will probably be low) and there should be a Cog Tag nearby.
After picking up the Cog Tag, head towards the exit. Not much here except for
what I believe is a funny quote.
"I use to have nightmares about those things when I was a kid."
"Shit.... I still do."
This starts the next chapter.
I hated this part....
The part facing off against the Troika was easy, just flank him. The courtyard
section wasn't nearly as easy. My advice? Cross your fingers. After sealing
two holes with grenades, I hid behind the little wall in between the two long
roads you came from (look in that direction in the middle; you'll probably see
what I'm talking about). It made it easier (on the holes that came from far
away; use your common sense, people!).
|Fork In The Road (A15) |
You will immediately have to split up in this chapter. Let me say this: the
left path, in my opinion, is by far the easiest. I, for some reason, have
never made it through the right. That is why I recommend that you pick the
left path and stick with it, as I will not do a strategy for the right path.
Feel free to pick it, if you wish, for they both converge again at the same
room (and I will mention it where they do). If anyone would like to write a
small FAQ for the right path and email it to me, I will edit it into the FAQ;
otherwise, stick with the left path.
Follow it up to the doorway. Take cover to the left or right of the door; my
preference is the right. They have the height advantage on you here, but for
some reason, in my experiences, they don't want to use it; they will come
charging down at you. If they do, chainsaw them. Otherwise, I can't really
tell you anything to do other than shoot and take cover before you get shot up.
The next room will likely be empty if all the locusts decided to run down into
that little pathway thing. If not, hide behind a couch and shoot!
Before you move on, do your pals on the right path a favor and shoot through
the boarded window and kill the Locust manning the Troika.
Follow through the... bathroom? and press the button on the wall to proceed
into the next room, which is the room you meet up in.
Now, instead of trying to attack the Troika head on, what do we do, kids?
That's right, flank his ass! You have been listening!
Roadie run directly ahead of the door you just left. Pick up the ammo box if
you need it and head out the door to your left at the end. Head north out this
door and take cover behind the big round thing (that looks to me like a very
large propane tank). Let your health recharge if you were shot up, and then
duck around it and head directly north again, towards the door. Kick it open,
and run upstairs. If the guy up here doesn't notice me, I like to chainsaw
him. No matter how you do it, kill him, and then kill the Locust manning the
Troika (who will probably hop off of it when you start shooting at him) from
the window. Upon killing him, head out the door and take cover behind where-
ever seems the smartest based off of the enemies' locations and wrap it up.
When you think you've killed everyone, you haven't. More locust appear.
The game tells you to man the turret; do so, and pick off everyone. You can
zoom in a little bit by holding down L. There will usually be some Locusts
who do the very smart thing of taking cover behind the small windows of the
small hallway you followed before you took out the guy manning the Troika
earlier. If this happens, I find it much easier just to get off the Troika and
run up to them to take them out. At any rate, once you kill everyone from that
Emergence Hole, head back up to the Troika and look behind it. You will see a
door, and in a few minutes a Locust will kick it open. Kill it (I chainsawed
him when he kicked it open on Hardcore, but on Casual I just stood near the
Troika and opened fire when I saw him).
Proceed down the next hallway and kick the door open. Proceed through it, and
say hello to the next chapter.
This part really wasn't that fun, either, but I managed.... In fact, I did the
exact same thing as is mentioned in the normal walkthrough, so just have at it.
|Knock Knock (A16) |
Proceed down this long hallway (long only because you haVE TO ****IN' WALK DOWN
IT!!!!) and kick open the door when you can. Now time to nab the next Cog Tag
(CT7). To get it, head from the door towards what I assume is a little ticket
stand (or one of those things you have to pay to get by on highways) and then
head slightly northwest from that. Let me correct myself; directly northwest
from that. You should run right in to a van with a red GoW symbol on it; look
around the van for the tags.
Now, from the van, head northeast towards the northernmost sandbags on this
side (head here from the Checkpoint, too, if you die). When the guy from the
middle door appears, try to shoot him before the guy in the rightmost door
appears. Basically, here is a map:
/ | | | | \
/\_____| |______| |______/\
/ \
/ \
Crude drawing... but you should get the point. If you don't kill him, don't
worry, although you may be near dead if you haven't killed him yet. You can
probably kill the Locust that appears on the right from the position you are
in. Run through the door (the rightmost one both in the game and on the map).
As soon as you enter, head left and take cover behind the small wall. You
probably won't see it but you will hear an Emergence Hole appear. Try to plug
it if you want, otherwise shoot all of the enemies. This wall you are behind
should be effecient enough, but if it's not cutting it, hop over the wall and
try somewhere else. Head north (to your left should be the middle door; check
here, because sometimes it will turn out that you didn't kill this Grunt or
another one will take its place; it will usually kill you if you miss it and
proceed forwards). Head north pass the Emergece Hole and look left. Chainsaw
the guy on the Troika if you can (or in some way, kill him, doi). Now hop over
the sandbags in front of the Troika and watch the cutscene.
After the cutscene, turn around. You are now, facing away from the entrance
(from the hall where you were forced to walk) on the left side of the area.
Head down the steps; you should see a set of sandbags with two sets and direct-
ly behind it more sandbags but with three sets. Take cover behind these.
Shoot anything and everything that moves, and once again chainsaw if someone
gets too close. Other than that, there's not much strategy to this section, as
if you keep heavy fire on te Locusts, they probably can't advance enough to
flank you (if they do, of course, move).
After killing everyone, a "Point-of-Interest" icon will appear on your screen
and you will hear a Locust scream. A door that was previously closed is now
open; take cover and take out!
As soon as you hear that little guitar sound thing that means you've killed
everyone, head outside, find a shotgun, and switch out your non-lancer for it.
There were atleast three Locusts I believe in this fight with a shotgun; find
their weapons and pick up their ammo. You are now ready to proceed to the next
I didn't have nearly as much trouble with this as I thought I would have.
Whatever. I did everything the exact same, except for after the cutscene you
watch after killing the Troika that involves a sniper, at that part I just
stayed back further.
|Hammer (A17) |
This section actually starts a little later, but it made sense to cut off the
last chapter where I did. So meh; sue me.
Anyway, head back inside the building from your shotgun hunt and to the left.
A previously closed door is now open. Head inside it; to your right is some
stairs that, of course, you must walk up. As soon as you get to the overhang
(where you can see Cole shooting out with Locusts below you) turn right. There
is another locked door that you must wait for Kim to open. In the meantime,
take cover next to the door (as I don't believe he'll open it until everyone is
dead if you don't stand near it, but I may be wrong) and shoot people until the
door is open. When it is, head downstairs, out to the left, revive Cole if he
died (which is extremely likely on anything other than Casual) and finish every
last thing in the room that moves off. Head back into the staircase-hallway
thing-ma-bob and to the left, which will lead you up to an overhang on the
opposite side of where you came into the room.
Up these steps and to the left, on your right in the middle of the room is yet
another door Kim must open before you can proceed (you can kick open any other
***damn door in this game but these... ohhh, no! Make us ****in' wait!). Let
us all hope that in GoW2, Marcus gets his $20. XD
Head into the hallway and to the right. OMFG did you see that?! What was it?
Annoying little buggers called Wretches is what it was. The Wretches are GoW's
answer to Halo's... um... (it's been so long since I played the Halos!) Grunts.
Small in stature, they blindly run towards you to attack you. This is where
the shotgun will come in handy, so equip it. You will hit a checkpoint, and
will be introduced to Jack who will have to open the door. While he cuts it
open, you must defend him. They will first come from the end of the hall opp-
osite of Jack. Head down about halfway down there and blast any Wretch who
gets too close. After a few of them are killed, they will come from the hole
that blocks the hallway near Jack. Head up there quick, or Jack might die!!!
(That's a joke, by the way, considering your objective is to "Protect Jack" and
he... you know... CAN'T FREAKIN' DIE!) Anyway, once you are up there, blast
any Wretch who gets too close. Funny how they seem to concentrate on attacking
solely you, even though there are plenty of other humans shooting them, isn't
When all the Wretches are dead, head down the hallway on the end where the
Wretches first appeared and look for another Cog Tag (CT8).
The door is now open so proceed through it. Directly north of the entrance
(in front of the first window on the right of the door you will soon leave
from) is an ammo box and a weapon that looks to me a bit like a pistol, though
you must replace one of your two bigger weapons for it. Switch your shotgun
for it, but don't expect to have it too long.
This new weapon is the Hammer of Dawn, the strongest weapon damage-wise in GoW.
It's not really a gun, more so a reticule. Basically, you aim at something and
let it lock on to get a satellite to basically, as Carlos Mencia says, blow
**** up. However, it is a weapon that can NOT be used at any time you want to,
only when the game lets you. And this brings me to the golden rule of the HoD:
WHEN THE GAME LETS YOU, YOU WILL FIND ONE NEARBY! That means after you use the
HoD, switch it back for whatever weapon you replaced it with and carry on,
because the next time you need it, you will find one nearby!
Now, when you have the HoD in your possession, stand in the corner between the
first window and the door right in front of the HoD. You can see the Seeder
from here! Target it, and you can actually kill it before you can even go out-
side! Another benefit of this is that you can not be hit by the little things
that it spits out that home in and you and blow up!
After it dies, switch out your weapon for the shotgun and go outside. Wait for
the bridge to be lowered by Kim if it is not already. Cross over it with your
shotgun and pick off Locust or stay on your side of the bridge and pick them
off with the Lancer.
NOTE: To make this one of the easiest parts of the game, as soon as you go out-
side have your grenades equipped. Aim for the open part of the wall on
the other side of the bridge and chunk one. If you are semi-lucky or are
a good aim, you will take out any Locusts crawling out of the hole and
plug it!
Head right towards the giant hole the Seeder crawled out of. There are a few
ammo boxes around here. Pick them up if you want and head around the "U."
There is *sigh* yet ANOTHER door you must wait for Kim to open here....
To save myself pointless discriptions, keep heading north until you see a Seed-
er below you. Look directly right; there is an ammo box and the Hammer of Dawn
here. Switch out your shotgun for the HoD, take aim, fire twice, kill the
Seeder, and switch back the HoD for the shotgun. If any Wretches decide to
join the fight, give them a good punch (B). Most of the time, atleast on
Casual, the Wretches will fall with a good whack. If on a harder difficulty
and the Wretches kill you, just don't be so hasty in your switch for the HoD.
Use the shotgun to take out any Wretches first and then switch for the HoD and
take out the Seeder (just don't forget to switch back!).
On Casual, your teammates may take out all the enemies other than the Seeder
for you! On anything harder, pick a path and head down it with the shotgun,
blasting. Wretches will drop on you. Try to take cover if your health gets
too low. The right side is easier for me, but that's out of habit (I don't
believe I've ever took the left side - but it's just that way; take a path more
than twice on various playthroughs and for some reason somehow it seems that
that path's easier, even though it may or may not be).
Anyway, head through the door once it is open. You must take the stairs to the
left. There will be two Wretches at the bottom so have your shotgun ready.
There are some grenades on the right side of this hallway if needed. Proceed
through the hallway until you come across the Seeder you just killed. Head to
the left of it and through this hallway. When you enter what I call the church
take cover not behind the overturned bench or table or whatever it is but be-
hind the first row of seats. Use your Lancer until someone gets too close, in
which case switch to the shotgun. There are a few Wretches mixed in with the
normal Grunts here.
Head up the stairs, through the door, and down the stairs. Here you will
stumble upon Rojas's body. Greusome. Back to the stairs and still facing Ro-
jas, look to your right. There is a small gap in the wall concealing some
Cog Tags (CT9).
To the left of Rojas body is *sighs heavily* ANOTHER FREAKIN' DOOR THAT YOU
HAVE TO WAIT FOR KIM'S SLOW ASS TO OPEN (perhaps I'm impatient?)! Once it is
(finally) opened, head through it. I actually believe I passed the last chap-
ter, so I'll leave you with my slow-Kim rant above. =)
Do the exact same thing as the walkthrough says. Just on the second Seeder,
remember the Wretches.
|Wrath (A18) |
After the room with Rojas's body, head up the stairs and around the statue into
a couch-littered room. I could easily shotgun anyone in this room, but if you
die, by now you should know the drill. After killing everyone, look at the
ground right before the exit to the outside ledge. There should be a HoD on
the ground; switch out your shotgun for the HoD. Now take cover on the first
short wall. You should barely see the Seeder, but you are free from fire here.
Kill it and switch the HoD back for your shotgun.
Now head back inside. To the right of where you came into the room (before you
took out the Seeder; that entrance) there will be a couch and a blocked door.
Take cover behind the couch and wait for the door to open. Take out anything
and everything inside; I used the shotgun and passed it fairly easily. After
everything that moves moves no longer, proceed down the hallway to your right
and over the rubble blocking the path.
"Alpha, we have visuals on your location."
"We would like to have your AMMO on our location right now!"
Lol. Anyway, proceed onwards down the hall. When you reach the next check-
point, take cover immediately behind the nearest desk. Use the same Lancer-at-
a-medium-to-long-distance-and-shotgun-at-close-range strategy we've been using
to get by this part (this applies for the hallway you proceed down after the
room full of desks, as well).
Proceed down the aftermentioned hallway and shoot everything. Hell, shoot the
wall a few good times if it makes you feel better. =P
To the right is an ammo box if needed. When you hit the checkpoint, you should
be in or near a hall with a Troika. Of course, we're going to flank it. To
the immediate right of the entrance of the hallway with the Troika is another
hallway (sorry if this FAQ ever gets confusing, but hell, what am I supposed to
say? They're all hallways!). Proceed into it armed with the shotgun. In this
next room are several Wretches and a few Grunts. Kill everything with the shot
gun and proceed down the stairs at the other end of the hall. Take a left. I
like to chainsaw him if he doesn't notice me, but don't be stupid; if he turns
around at any point, get out that shotgun and make him eat led!
Now, hop on the Troika. You are about to be attacked by Wretches. They are
nothing special; aim for the ones on the ground. Your teammates will get most
of the ones on the roof, and the ones they miss will probably fall in your line
of fire (and if not, your teammates will probably get it, but if they don't and
you start dying, get off the Troika and get your shotgun!). Once they stop
coming, you can now head down the hall to the right of the Troika. At the end
of this hall is an ammo box to the right and another long-ass hall to the left.
Of course, the long-ass hall is the one you have to go down, but luckily there
are no enemies (though this hall will be hated if you keep dying, because you
will be constantly going down this hall). Head down the steps, pass the pic-
ture, and down more steps, and take cover. Now head down the hallway to your
left to flank them, but otherwise, you're following the same procedure as al-
ways here.
If you flanked left, you will have probably took cover behind the low wall on
the first right. Across from this is a set of steps that you must walk up.
In this next giant room of what I suppose is a court room you must walk across.
Do so and head up the stairs. You will see a Locust on a Troika. He will
never turn around unless you shoot him so you can almost always chainsaw him if
you wish. Now this next section you can do whatever you want to kill all the
enemies on ground. You will probably not be hurt. You can man the Troika,
pick them off with the Lancer, or pick them off with the HoD, what I usually
do. To find the HoD, look for the body to the right of the guy you just killed
and you should find it.
However note that you can not get your shotgun back when you pick this up;
however, you don't need to.... For a quick explanation:
When you kill everyone, a cutscene appears that, to leave out spoilers, moves
you to a different location. However, you HAVE to use the HoD for that
sequence, too. That is why you shouldn't fret about losing your shotgun. Even
if there were a shotgun to switch to at the end of that level, you will be re-
located again as soon as you kill all of the enemies. You will now start the
next Act with a Lancer and Hammer of Dawn if following my FAQ. You will soon
(very very soon) stumble across a dead body with a shotgun in front of it.
Switch out the HoD for this shotgun with full ammo!
Anyway, once you kill everyone, a very lengthy, very cool (in my opinion) cut-
scene starts. You will then start the next chapter....
Again, same as the normal walkthrough. The little flying things at the end are
now one hit kills, so be careful of them. I used the HoD for the end.
|China Shop (A19) |
////////BERSERKER - BERS1//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Before we start this basically boss strategy (as this is all this level is),
let me say this: from where you start, head straight forward and turn the
corner to the right. You will not be massacred (poor guy, R.I.P. :`( - he was
too young)! There is a Cog Tag (CT10) here, and you should now get an Achieve-
ment if following this FAQ from start to finish.
Now head out into the other hallway. Head forward, head forward.... When the
Berserker bursts out of the wall and you get a checkpoint, you know you are
heading the right way.
But before we get into the fight, let us all learn something about Berserkers.
They can only be killed with the Hammer of Dawn. There will always be one
nearby, except for on the last Berserker fight. They take two blasts to kill.
When running towards you, they will kill you instantly if they touch you, so
always roll out of the way! They supposedly can "smell" you, although I've
never had one locate me before from smell, and I was standing right next to
it.... They find you by your noise. If you walk, they will not find you. If
you run, either Roadie or normal, they will find you. If you are far enough
away from one so that it does not hear you running, take a pistol and shoot it
to draw its attention. Now that all of that is out of the way, let's proceed
with what you should do....
After it bursts through the wall, look right. There should be a door around
here. You're first task is to lure the Berserker into this door. Not much of
a problem; just get there quick, and shoot at the Berserker with a pistol until
it follows you in there. Wasn't hard, was it?
Now, Roadie Run directly north of that door. Just get to the other end and
turn around. If the Berserker isn't running towards you, shoot it until it is.
Hold your ground at that wall, and get it to run towards you. When it is near
hitting you, jump out of the way. It will not hit you, but it will hit the
wall and tear it down. Now head through here and lure the Berserker in here.
Your task is now the same as before, but with a smaller room.
After going through this door, DON'T LURE THE BERSERKER IN YET! Go to the door
that you are about to have to have it burst through, and look left. You should
see a set of Cog Tags (CT11). NOW lure the Berserker in here and have it burst
through the door. Head outside... finally, with the Hammer of Dawn, you can
kill it.
BUT NOT YET! From the exit outside, head left, and keep heading in this gen-
eral direction. I'm sad to say that I already picked up all of the Cog Tags,
so I don't remember exactly where it is, but it is a good bit down the wall
here and hidden behind one of these square-shaped objects. It shouldn't be too
hard to find, and you do have about six minutes to stumble upon the last Cog
Tag (CT12) in Act 1.
After picking it up, it's a simple matter of targeting the Berserker with the
Hammer of Dawn twice, a task that I don't think is very hard. The best time to
aim is after it runs into something and is temporarily stunned, or anytime it
stands still in general. You now have completed Act 1.
I died a lot during this... I don't know why.
It's exactly the same, so just follow the guide, but REMEMBER THIS! It now
takes three bursts with the HoD to kill the Berserker, so don't cut off the
beam halfway through the second burst like I did, expecting her to die! Keep
the beam going until it needs to recharge, and then blast her a third time!
|ACT TWO (A2) |
|Nightfall Overview (A21) |
To pretty much sum up the goals of this chapter, at first Dom says to get to
the Stranded Outpost. Once here, you will find out that one of the Stranded
owes Dom a favor, and he's about to hand it in in the form of Marcus and Co.
borrowing his Junker, a giant vehicle. In this chapter, you will proceed to-
wards the Junker and try to obtain it, drive it (for one Chapter - the only
time in the game), and then end the Chapter with a huge shoot-out!
You are introduced to two new enemies in this Chapter: Boomers and Kryll.
Boomers are large large Locusts that carry Boomshots and have a load of health.
Kryll are just annoying sons of *****es.
Throughout the chapter, you must shoot propane tanks to procede through the
level. If you don't, the Kryll will soon eat you alive. Remember something
OUT OF IT! Remember that and you should do okay.
Other than that, standard procedure.
|Tick Tick Boom (A22) |
As soon as the chapter starts and you gain control of Marcus, run forward and
hop over the low wall. As you come to the first corner and turn right, there
will be a dead body on the ground. Next to this body is a shotgun with full
ammo. Anya tells you the Hammer of Dawn is offline, so you might as well
switch it out for something useful now. Pick it up, and head forward. Marcus
will now inform the group that they have to split in two.... Really, it
doesn't matter much, although many people will say the right path is easier.
Either way, they both come out at the same place, so pick whichever you prefer.
///LEFT PATH///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Keep heading forward on your path until you see an opening in the wall on the
left. Go inside here. In the little closet like thing inside is some grenades
if you need them. When he says something about trying to find another way
inside the building, wait for the cutscene to start. I believe it starts when
Dom and co. gets up the stairs and get inside on their path. Watch the cut-
scene, and read up on Boomers in the enemy section if you want. Here's how I
beat it - throw one or two grenades, bust out the shotgun, and make him eat
lead. If you don't want to do that, try to find a good place to take cover and
start blasting with a Lancer (as its really your only option left). I hate the
Boomshot, and I really wouldn't recommend picking it up (feel free to do so if
you wish).
When the Boomers appeared, they blew a hole in the wall. After killing them
both, head through this wall that they blew open. It is a hallway; head down
it until you can't go down it anymore. You'll see a Corpser. You don't have
to fight it until Act 3, if that's even the same Corpser. Anywho, head down
the path to the left of the giant Emergance Hole (with the Corpser) and you
will enter a large room with a lot of low walls. Heading straight, you should
quickly see the exit hallway (I mean, it's not like it's hidden, lol). There
is a Locust that so kindly opens the door for you. Give him a taste of your
shotgun and head through the door he opened.
Head through this room until you get to the room with a lot of rusted shelves.
Behind one is some grenades if you are low; if you through even one at the
Boomers earlier, it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and pick them up. Head through
the one door on your level that's not the way you came in.
In this alley, to your right is a small ammo box if you need it, and to your
left is where the fight begins.
Immediately take cover behind the first small wall. Look at the big hole in
the wall directly north of you. Keep your Lancer trained there and wait for a
sniper to appear. Take him out first. Now you can concentrate on the ones
outside; it's standard procedure - Lancer if there a good distance from you and
shotgun if they decide to get close. Before you head inside, help out your
pals across the fence if it looks like they're struggling.
Once you head inside, head directly right and come around this way. There are
two Wretches in here and one will probably come at you right about now. Shot-
gun him. Take cover behind anything and start shooting on harder difficulties;
on Casual, I just went through here with the shotgun.
This is where the left and right paths meet up, so look underneath the right
path for the "Afterwards" segment.
///RIGHT PATH//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Head along this long alley; I recommend Roadie Running. Coming around the
corner, you will see in the distance what (to me) looks like a broken refridge-
rator door. Once you get up on it, you should see that it is simply some brok-
en cement. Even if it was a refridgerator door, head up it. To your immediate
left is a pillar that will fall down and give you a checkpoint. Head over the
pillar and up the stairs into this room. Watch the cutscene, and do whatever
you gotta do to take out the Boomers. I used the Lancer and a grenade or two.
After you kill the last one, look to the left of the staircase you came in from
(looking to the left means as if you were facing the staircase, not coming up
it). There is a small hallway that you must head down. You will see a
retreating Corpser that has no meaning to you, unless of course it is the same
Corpser you fight at the end of Act 3. After watching it retreat if you did
so, head left down this hall and take cover behind the small wall. Keep your
shotgun in hand. Eventually, a Locust should take out the door and come out.
Shotgun blast, anyone?
Head through the room the Locust came out of. Emerging on the next walkway
reveals an ammo box to your right, so pick it up if you need it, and head out
the door on the left wall. Head down the steps, and once you reach the ground,
look behind the steps for some grenades if they are needed. Head forward and
you should encounter two Locusts.... Even on Insane, I used the shotgun on
them, but if for some reason that isn't working, take cover and use the Lancer.
Before you take out the Locusts on the ground, though, it might not be a bad
idea to use your Lancer on the sniper that appears in the giant hole in the
After they are dead, head inside the building. I recommend immediate cover
behind the last wall you encounter before running out of walls to hide behind,
not counting the pillar. If you are just reading this, it might not be a bad
idea to point out there's a Troika. ^_^ Now, there are two Wretches. One
always comes after me right about now, but if one doesn't now, both will come
after you in a minute. Now try to get behind the pillar while taking out one
of the Wretches that is usually around the pillar. Another will usually come;
take him out, too. By now, usually Dom or Cole will get near the Troika for me
and make the Locust manning it get off of it, which is a good thing. If not,
flip around the pillar and take cover behind the couch. Now you are within
shotgun distance. Happy hunting, lol.
Again, I'll repeat what I said for the Left Path. I went through here with the
shotgun on Casual. If that doesn't work for you, simply take cover and use the
Lancer. It's not that complicated stuff; just remember not to poke your head
out for too long if you don't want to end up dead.
This is where the left and right paths meet up, so look underneath this section
for the "Afterwards" segment.
Kick down the door to the left of the Troika (facing the Troika from the Right
Path). You can't; Jack has to come cut it open. This is the only time in the
game Jack cutting a door open isn't a signal for an Emergence Hole. Just stand
near the door and listen to everyone while Jack goes to work, and head through
the door when he gets it open.
Head through here until you get to the stairs that's behind the small wall you
have to jump over. Immediately head down the stairs to your right until you
reach a dead end. There is a couch down here; chainsaw it to reveal some Cog
Tags (CT13). Head back the way you came. Now head through the door on what
would be your left coming from the hallway. Thus starts the next chapter....
The Right Path is by far the easier path to take. Other than that, not much to
say here; it's a fairly easy chatper.
|Grist (A23) |
As soon as you get outside, head left. There are two small walls; one is a
thick block (the first one you encounter) and the next one is really thin (the
second one you encounter). The thin one is the one you want to take cover
behind. Now, this is one of the times you DON'T want to attempt my Boomer
trick, for the simple reason that there is too many enemies in the area to get
up close to the Boomer. However, because of the Boomshot, the Boomer should be
your first target, ALWAYS. So... whip out the trusty old Lancer, and get to
firing. If you ever, EVER here the Boomer shout, "BOOM!" duck down. I don't
care what you are doing; duck down. It will always hit you and instantly kill
you if you are not moving fairly quickly or are behind cover. Just keep the
pressure on the Boomer, and whip out the shotgun for any Locusts who get too
close (and keep a watch to the right, too; sometimes they like to flank).
After the Boomer falls, the rest of this section depends on your difficulty and
skill. If you are playing on Casual and are fairly confident with the Shotgun,
feel free to run-and-gun all enemies in this area with it. If you are playing
on Casual and are, no offense, a "noob," then stick with my Insane strategy.
If you are playing on Insane, stay where you are (maybe moving up to the low
wall in front of you) and pick off enemies with the Lancer. Always keep an
eye out to your right. When you proceed, no matter what difficulty it is, hop
over the wall you're behind, the one in front of it, hide behind the truck to
take out any enemies in this little area, and head up the stairs across from
the truck. There are usually about two enemies up here that are easily taken
out with a shotgun if you didn't take them out earlier with the Lancer. To
your left (coming up the stairs) is a large ammo box, and to your right is
where you need to go. Now, take cover behind the low wall or the block and
shoot everything mid-range with the Lancer and close-range with the shotgun.
Note that there is a sniper in the building in front of you; I recommend taking
him out first. After killing everyone, there will be one more that comes
through the door that leads out of this area. Kill him and move on through
that door.
Inside, head up on the catwalk (I believe that's what it's called, although I'm
not sure). Where you get to the T-section where the right side falls, head
left. Around this corner, make sure you have the shotgun ready as a few
Wretches come after you here. Now head through the door, but take it slowly.
Outside, there are several Wretches that come at you from the roof hanging out
over the stairs and some on the ground that come up the stairs. This is not
hard at all, even on Insane. Just wait for them to get a little too close and
make them look down the barrel of your shotgun. ;)
When you get to the bottom of the stairs, STOP and turn around. Underneath the
staircase is a set of Cog Tags (CT14). Now head back to the staircase.
Directly across from the staircase and behind a wall is a large ammo box if you
need it. Now head down the alleyway and take cover once you go around the next
corner. There is a Boomer here that appears as well as some Locusts. Take out
the Boomer first with the Lancer and the other Locusts later if you can.
Either that or go at them with the shotgun, but I recommend killing the Boomer
Now head down to the right of where the Boomer was. There is a low wall; hop
over it. When you pass the broken fence almost as soon as you hop the wall,
there is a car. Take cover behind it. You will notice a symbol at the bottom
of the screen that looks like a man pushing a block with an X beside it. Push
that car! Keep pushing it until you can't push it no more. To the right of
the where the car stops moving is a block. Take cover behind it. Now equip
your grenades (if you don't have genades, there are some right where you take
cover to take him out) and chunk one up on that platform. I ALWAYS kill him...
maybe there's not enough room for him to get off the Troika or something, but I
always kill him. You should be able to, too.
Take cover behind one of the three blocks. Now kill any thing that comes near
you, including some Wretches. Use the Lancer to kill everything that usually
hides behind the low wall. When you kill everything and the hole seals, you
can finally move on.
Now just keep moving through the areas until you get a little Point-of-Interest
icon to pop up. When you do, don't head towards the gate yet. Head straight
from where you come into this area until you see some mailboxes in between two
trees. Behind this is a Cog Tag (CT15). Now move toward the point of interest
and it should activate a cutscene and the end of this section....
Well, if you take my advice on the last section, you should have no trouble,
and I told you specifically what to do in the earlier section with the Boomer
on Insane. This wasn't really that hard of a section for me on Insane, except
for the first part with the Boomer, and that was because I kept hiding behind
the car... beat it first time when I hid behind the wall. Shouldn't be that
hard if you know what you are doing (which if you've beat Hardcore and Casual,
you should know decently what you are doing, lol).
|Outpost (A24) |
This is the easiest part in the game. Literally. Don't believe me? Walk
forward until the cutscene starts.
If you have trouble on this part.... I will bitchslap you. You are THE WORST
|Lethal Dusk (A25) |
When you start, head down to the very end of this section to the fire and kick
open the door on your right. Head through here and keep heading through this
old house until you get to the end of a hallway with a door you can kick open.
There are no enemies.
When you kick open the door, immediately head STRAIGHT FORWARD until you get to
the low wall and hide behind it. Equip your shotgun because there is ALWAYS
someone who runs right up to me here. Once you kill him, take your pistol and
shoot the propane tank in front of the door of the little shack thing directly
in front of you. Get your Lancer out, hop over the wall, run up to the door
of the shack, get the chainsaw revved up, and go in there and kill the sniper
(alternatively, use the shotgun; I just like to do this because it's the last
time in the game I will chainsaw someone if I can avoid it). Now I recommend
switching out the Lancer for the Longshot, but feel free to keep the Lancer if
it is on Casual. If this is Insane, it's almost like an requirement to get the
Longshot, lol. Now's your earliest opportunity. Anyway, whether you pick up
the Longshot or not, head to the right of the shack (right as in facing it
coming from where you came into the area). At the little block that has a tree
in the center is usually one last Locust with a shotgun hiding for me. If so,
kill him. Now proceed forward, hugging the wall until you get to some stairs.
Head down them.
Now when you get to the bottom of the stairs, look for a little wheel that you
can hop on and turn. Start turning like mad. I never kill anything, but if
you keep dying because of Dom's incompetence, hop off every now and then and
kill some people. If your health ever gets dangerously low, just hop off and
take cover until it goes back up and then hop back on and keep turning until
you reach the end. They all die when you reach the end. Head up the stairs
and forward until you get to the two guys that say, "Stay there! We're coming
over! Stay under the light!" Now head in the shacks to the right and start
stocking up on ammo. There is a Longshot in this shack if you didn't pick it
up earlier and wish to do so. Proceed through the house, kicking open doors.
There are no enemies.
Once outside, there are two propane tanks. One is directly in front of the car
and the other is way over to the right of the car. Shoot them both. Get into
a position of your choice; I like the car in front of the propane tank to the
right of the first car. Shotgun anyone close and snipe any far.
NOTE: I will be saying "snipe" for now on. That is because the sniper/shotgun
combo is WAY better than any other combo in the game, even if it does
take you a small amount of time to get used to. If you decided to stick
with the Lancer/shotgun combo, when I say "snipe," use the Lancer.
Once everyone is dead, head forward until you get to where it's dark and you
can't proceed any further. Look to your left and you should see a shed in the
darkness. There is a propane tank there. Shoot it. If you go in here, you
will find a Cog Tag (CT16). Now turn around and shoot the propane tank to the
left of the car. Take cover behind the car. Now if you have the Longshot, try
to snipe the Troika. If you can't snipe it or you have the Lancer, run forward
and shoot all Propane tanks (if you take cover behind the cabinet and look in
the indent in the wall to the left, there is one and to the direct right of
that one is another one) and then chunk a grenade at the Troika.
On the left side is an opening. There's a pointless propane tank there (the
Kryll never come after me here, so don't shoot it unless you want to). Head
through here. Head through the building here. The last door before you leave
the building (or correction: door to the last hallway before you leave) has a
Wretch that bursts out, so have your shotgun ready. Now leave the area and hit
the checkpoint.
In this area, head straight forward. Head around the bend with your shotgun
ready. Don't go outside. Wait for the Wretch to come in, blast him, and head
outside. Take cover behind the small wall to the right of the door across from
where you came in. Use the Longshot to take out everyone. In door to the left
of this small wall is some grenades. When everyone dies, a propane tank blows
up and one or two Locusts will come out. If you're really close to them,
shotgun them. If not, Longshot them from a good distance. Head in this area
and around this bend.
Outside, take cover behind the burnt out car. Now start pressing X rapidly
until you hit the end of how far you can push the car. Now get out and dash
for the guy that is almost always hiding behind the small wall here with your
shotgun. I did this on Insane mode, too, and lived, just with little health.
Let your health come back up on Insane mode, and head inside. Now take cover
beside the door and flip around it to the left side of the door. Chunk a
grenade in there and start shotgunning. When they all die, keep heading down
the hallway and look out the window at the end. See a propane tank behind a
dumpster? Shoot it. Now head outside, and look up to your left. If you
haven't killed him already, he's probably going to be dead soon, if you know
what I mean. Of course, the Longshot is the easiest weapon for the job.
Now head down the alleyway and through the door. Head through this building;
it's really straightforward. Listen to Anya. When you hit the door you can
kick open is where the real fight starts. Kick open the door. If you have the
Longshot, don't even go outside yet; snipe the two Locusts. If you don't have
the Longshot, it's standard procedure you're probably used to by now.
From the left of the small wall Dom always hides behind is an archway. Head
through here and duck behind the first small wall. This is the first place you
will really wish you had got the Longshot if you didn't. If you have the Long-
shot, all I have to tell you is this: shoot s**t up. If you don't, I always
used the pistol (this was Casual, mind you) until I ran out of ammo and then
switched to the Lancer... aimed... and shot. Either way, when everything is
dead, there is a small ammo box behind you, which I always need. Directly in
front of the small wall you hid behind is a dresser. Shotgun it or grenade it
and shoot the propane tank behind it. Now move across to the area where the
Locusts appeared was. Head down the street, shooting propane tanks. To get
the first one, go all the way to the darkness and look left. There is a mail-
box. Stand to the left of it and look to the right behind the rubble. Now
from the small rock look left behind the rubble and shoot it. Once you get
down to the small wall, stay still until you get the Point of Interest sign
pointing to the Spotlight. Everytime I move ahead, Dom always moves with me
and gets killed by Kryll unless I wait for the cutscene in which Marcus tells
Dom to stay in place is over. At any rate, head inside the building. There
are no enemies. When you get to the top, man the spotlight. It is very
similar to a Troika. Your goal is to keep the spotlight on Dom as long as
possible. It's not that hard. When you finish your goal, equip your shotgun
and head outside. There are two Wretches you will meet on the way. Head
outside and to the right where Dom is.
IF YOU WANT THE COG TAG IN THIS AREA, point the spotlight slightly right of the
small wall Dom is nearby before the whole move-Dom-across-the-area thing. Now
when you go outside, instead of going right where Dom is, head to the left and
pick up the Cog Tag (CT17).
When you get to Dom, kill any left over enemies and head up this street. Here
is what I always do, but if you want to stay in the street, feel free to.
To the left of the burnt out car is a doorway. Head through here and take the
right door. Run to the window, shoot the propane tank, switch to shotgun, hop
out, kill anything nearby, and take cover behind the small wall. Do this all
quickly. Now kill anything nearby or running towards you and chunk a grenade
in the hole. Now snipe off the rest of the enemies and move down the street,
shooting the one propane tank as you go, until you reach the cutscene that
starts the next chapter and finally ends this long one.
If you didn't pick up the Longshot like I told you, this will be really hard.
Most of the game is made so much easier with the Longshot/Shotgun combo, so why
didn't you pick it up? Ignoring that, I can't really help you. I played the
Lancer/Shotgun combo on Casual and Hardcore, so any tips apply to that, not
Insane. But for the most part, it is the same, except for the last fight where
you hop out of the window. I did that but had so much trouble doing it. I had
more luck blindthrowing a grenade around the small wall as it usually went near
the hole and plugged it then standing up and taking aim because when you do
that you lose health. Yes, for the most part, everything on Insane is the same
as Casual, you just have to try it a lot more. This chapter's not that bad,
though, compared to others.
|Dark Labryinth (A26) |
There are two large ammo boxes to the left and right of you. Pick them both up
or one per person if you are playing co-op. Head through the one door in this
room and make a left where the light starts flickering. Now, on Casual, feel
free to go ahead into the door here. The light will come on, and then the
Stranded will play a really "funny" prank on you, but you'll live. I die every
time I let him prank me on Insane, so just stay behind until the light comes on
and stays on. Anyway, once it does, head through this room and into the oppo-
site hallway. Get your shotgun ready. About halfway down the hallway, three
Wretches come after you. Shotgun them all and then head into the room they
came out of. If you've got the Lancer, chainsaw the cabinet here so you can
move forward. If you have the Shotgun/Longshot combo, you'll have to waste a
few shots on the cabinet. Do so and move forward in the kitchen across the
hall. Take cover on one of the sides of the door here, because about five more
Wretches will come after you; shotgun them into oblivion and head through the
door they came out of. Head out across the room. To your right is a small
ammo box if it is needed and to your right is the outside. Head outside.
Hang an immediate turn around the wall here to pick up a set of Cog Tags
(CT18). Now to move on to the next chapter, shoot the propane tank in the car.
It will start rolling down the hill. Run along with it. Chapter complete.
You can also quickly stand in front of it after shooting the propane tank but
before it starts rolling for a smooth ride down. And that's it; Chapter comp-
///Odd Place To Put A Propane Tank, No?////////////////////////////////////////
This is NOT required, I just thought I'd mention it, because when I posted
about this and my discovery, no one had heard of it, or atleast no one that
replied. If anyone emails me saying, "OMG this is cOLD! I am SO the discover-
er of this!" it's too late; everyone seems so keen to jump into a topic when
someone says they discovered something saying "cOLD! cOLD!" and no one did it
for mine, and now it's too late to proove any different. So now that that's
out of the way.....
I happenened to notice an odd propane tank one day while playing the game - I
believe it was on my first Insane playthrough. I had turned around for what-
ever reason from the car and spotted a propane tank. I couldn't shoot it in
time to get over there without getting killed by Kryll, what with it being so
far away and my light source (car) rolling away from me. Curiousity killed the
cat, so I let the car roll away and I ran back over to the door that I came out
of. I took aim with a grenade about where I thought the propane tank would be
and threw a grenade. I luckily hit the right spot the first time. I ran over
there to find... nothing. Just a hidden, blown-up propane tank. As far as I
can tell, no easter eggs, no secrets, no cog tags, no anything. WTF? So what
is the point of this propane tank being here? Was you originally supposed to
go over that direction to go to the gas station or something? There's a Cog
Tag in the area, perhaps it was originally over there but it was moved for
whatever reason?
My thoughts: It was the original, moved location of the Cog Tag in this area.
Either that or it hides a secret or easter egg, either removed or one I'm over-
To see it:
1. Stand at the doorway to this area
2. Chunk a grenade in its general direction and hope it hits - you may have to
set the car on fire and run over there and turn around to see the propane
tank and get an estimate. It is behind a lot of rubble directly behind the
rear bumper of the car.
3. If you hear the sound of a propane tank igniting, good! Quickly Roadie Run
over there - on Insane, where I discovered it, I had literally half a second
or so before the Kryll would have killed me, so be careful.
4. Have fun. Look around and see the sights, lol. If you get tired and want
to move on with the game, "snipe" the propane tank in the car with your pis-
tol and Roadie Run over to the car when it ignites.
If you discover anything, please e-mail me, as I would like to know!
Really, this part is easy. You fight, what, eight Wretches? Come on, man!
Remember not to go into the first room where the Standed pranks you or you will
die, and if you experiment with my hidden propane tank, the Kryll have a good
chance of killing you before you can get over there, so be careful.
|Powder Keg (A27) |
Head over to the gas station. Wait for the gasmanperson (lol) to tell you that
he didn't fill the Junker up. Head over to the place the Point of Interest
indicates and start spinning the wheel until the gasmanperson tells you it's
full and that there's ammo in the back. If you want a Longshot, there is one,
some grenades, and some large ammo boxes. Stock up, and when you hear a
Locust shout, you know it's about to go down. Here's two different strategies,
depending on your choice of weapons:
Simply take cover in the doorway of the little gas shack thing and snipe off
all of the enemies with the Longshot, except of course for the ones that decide
to get a little close. When they all die, get out your shotgun. To the right
of where these enemies were is where a Boomer and several Wretches appear. You
will want to use your shotgun to take out all the Wretches while keeping an eye
out for where the Boomer shoots his Boomshot. When all Wretches are dead, use
the Boomer/Shotgun tactic to kill off the Boomer. Now duck behind the small
wall most of the first Locusts that appeared hid behind and snipe off all
the rest of the Locusts that appear. Shotgun them if they get close. The
gasmanperson has a magnum and he actually helps out a lot, atleast more than
Dom. Quickly run inside and pick up any ammo you haven't already before the
cutscene starts and you leave the area.
There is a really small wall in front of the longer small wall the Locusts like
to hide behind. Take cover behind it and pick off Locusts with the Lancer.
Shotgun any that come close, and a lot of them will. When they die, pull out
your shotgun. A Boomer and several Wretches appear to the right of your posit-
ion. Shotgun all Wretches, being wary of the Boomer's location and where he
fires his Boomshot. Upon all of their deaths, take cover somewhere, anywhere,
if it is Insane and try to pick off the remaining Locusts that appear with the
Lancer. On Casual, I simply ran around with my shotty. ^_^ After they all die
quickly run inside and pick up any ammo that you want to get before the
cutscene starts and you leave the area.
I don't care if you are 100% against the Shotgun/Longshot combo, pick up the
Longshot inside of the shack and follow the strategy above for it. If you
want your precious Lancer back, grab it when you run back inside before the
cutscene starts. It seems to me that the hardest part is the first, so if you
are careful, after beating the first part, you've got this one in the bag.
|Burnt Rubber (A28) |
A driving Chapter, AWWW YEAAAAH!
...actually, I really hate this chapter, and if you are playing on Insane, you
really will, to.
Let me give a quick summary of where you drive: On the highway, down
(literally) an off-ramp, around a small section on a normal road, up an off-
ramp, and on the highway again. On this second highway, simply run; that's
what I did, and it works most of the time. However, I really recommend not
trying to run through the whole Chapter, or you will die.
Anyway, the Junker can only fire the UV Turret or drive at one time, not both.
To switch between them, press X. So, if you were driving along and you see
some Kryll, press X and then fire and then press X again to drive around some
more. Got it? Good.
As soon as you round the first corner, some Kryll appear out of a giant thing
that reminds me of a clocktower. Kill them and move on. You will hop a small
broken section and go right around some rubble and some more Kryll will burst
out of a building a little bit ahead of you and on your right. Fry 'em. Some
more are on the right; kill them too. I had some more hit me from behind when
I sat there long enough. I think they are supposed to hit you later but I sat
there for a while, lol. Either way, kill them. You will hit a part where you
HAVE to smash through some rubble and then a part where you can go around the
right followed by a jump off of a small broken section. The one building you
can probably easily concentrate on directly ahead of you is swarming with Kryll
all around it. FRY. THEM. ALL! A LOT more come from behind you, as well.
If you have killed all in front, when the gasmanperson says, "SIX O' CLOCK!"
turn directly around and fry the first thing you see moving. Directly ahead of
this is an off ramp to the right. Head down it... and down... literally. Now
make a left and follow this small road forward until you can't anymore. Make
a right. You will hit a small tunnel-like-thing and some more Kryll will burst
out of a building ahead of you and to the left. Just fire and you should take
them all in one go. Take a right, another right, another right, and you are
now back up on the highway.
This is the part where I booked it straight for the end. If you want to kill
everything, fine. I'm not telling where they appear because it's just easier
to run. Smash through all rubble in your way. Hit jumps. La la la. Until
you get to the very end and start the cutscene that ends this annoying (on
Insane) chapter.
You will hate this chapter... HATE IT! Kill EVERYTHING during the first high-
way and normal road trips, and then RUN on the second highway! If you are like
me, you will always finish so deep in the red it makes you sweat... you just
wonder how you managed to scrape through that....
|Last Stand (A29) |
Move towards the battle. Heading down the walkway there is a doorway on your
left (with a burning toilet inside). In there is several regenerating ammo
boxes and a Longshot. Pick up the Longshot. There are no short-range enemies
here; only long-range that are a b***h to hit with the Lancer. You could use
the turret at the very end of the walkway, but don't. It's too hard to hit
everything and you lose health really fast. At the very end of the walkway is
a broken wall with an Longshot and grenades behind it. To kill the first few
enemies and Emergence Hole, shoot out of one of the two windows inside the room
with the burning toilet. I do not believe any of the Locusts shooting out of
the windows can be killed, so deal with it. Now head outside. There are two
Locusts on the roof directly ahead of you. They are not that hard to spot if
you zoom in with the Longshot. Use the Y button to locate the next Emergence
Hole and simply snipe from outside behind one of the long low walls. If you
get low on Longshot ammo or run out, run inside the building or to the end and
pick up some ammo; they regenerate. To the left slightly of the emergence hole
in a hole in the wall is a sniper. You can shoot the roof and make it cave in
on him... or you can snipe him. When they start coming from the buildings on
the far right side, hide behind a low wall, or preferably the broken wall (if
that prick Dom hasn't took it... *grumbles*). Snipe them. Pick up ammo when
done. When you hit the second checkpoint of the area, a Boomer appears. Head-
shot him a few times until he falls and then kill all his minions that hide in
he buildings. Snipe, snipe, snipe.... When the Boomers appear behind you,
look for a giant rolling barrel to fall and start spilling what looks like gas
or maybe that Exulsion stuff. If you look underneath it, you will see a
propane tank.... Shoot it, and watch the Boomers get crushed....
None. Use the Longshot, and this is easy.
|Act Three (A3) |
|Belly of the Beast Overview (A31) |
Say goodbye to the Kryll... finally. While you see them in this chapter, they
don't hunt you, finally. No more effin' propane tanks. :)
However, you now have to deal with the Lambent Wretches... annoying SoBs,
truly. Learn the distance to shoot them with the shotgun so they don't hurt
you when they blow, and fast. The magnum helps a lot for the long-range ones,
After the first parts, you will go underground in the Locust mines and face WAY
more Luminent Wretches than Locusts. That will suck in the long run, atleast
on Insane. At the very very end of this Chapter you will be introduced to
Theron Guards, upgraded Drones. They are more armored and take more shots to
kill... two Longshot bullets on Casual and Hardcore and three on Insane! They
also carry Torque Bows and they have deadly accuracy with them. You can
survive an arrow or two on Casual, but if you see yourself getting stuck with
one on Insane... say bye bye. If you see two vertical glowing orange lights
and/or hear something "charging up," duck down behind something, no matter what
you are doing, or get up out of there, or you will die.
You also finally fight the Corpser at the end of this chapter. I don't know if
it's the same one from earlier or not, but you fight it, and I will say that it
is THE easiest boss EVAR.
|Downpour (A32) |
Literally just head straight forwards through the woods until you reach a buil-
ding and see a door ahead of you. Just go there and watch the cutscene that
splits your team up. After the checkpoint, equip either the Shotgun or Magnum
and head forward, picking up ammo as you go if needed. At the end, make a left
and fight your first Lambent Wretches. Magnum them at a distance or shotgun
them from afar. If you are playing on Insane, try to magnum most of them
before they get near enough to make you have to worry about shotgunning them.
Move across this area. Through the doorway is some more Lambent Wretches.
Magnum them from afar or Shotgun them when they get close. Hang left around
the next corner and then, after the first building and on the second, right.
Go around the corner and at the end of the long dock is a set of Cog Tags
(CT19). Now come back up and keep making your way around the building. On the
left is an elevator that the power is out of, so make a right and go to the
very next building on the right. Inside is a button you can press that will
turn the power back on. Now go back to the elevator room and ride the elevat-
or to top. Cross the small planks that serve as a bridge, run across the roof-
top, and hop through the window. One chapter down....
The Wretches will give you a HARD time here. Just try to magnum them before
they all get close to you. You will likely die a lot when you first have to
fight them; I did. Just use the time to practice and learn the correct
distance to get if you wish to shotgun them. Practice this, and learn this
skill, or you will never make it through this act. And now seems as good a
time as any to learn....
|Evolution (A33) |
Pick one of the hallways and go down it. When you press the button, the door
will jam. Now go to the other hallway you didn't pick and press the button to
go through. Head through the hallways until you see the cutscene with the
Wretches killing everybody. Head left and press the button on this door to
activate another cutscene where a Stranded with a shotgun temporarily joins
your team. Head right from where you came into this room and wait for him to
open the door. Head around the walkway into the next room. The Point of
Interest is... Baird and Cole in the sewer system.
"Hi boys!"
"I can smell you two a mile away!"
"Screw you, man. You get down here and see how much you like it. There's room
for one more. It's a fucking party down here."
Whoo, lol. Anyway, the door opens, head through it. Follow the stranded guy.
Around the first corner is a door to the left. Inside is an ammo box if you
need it, but be warned that a Wretch jumps out to attack you on your exit of
this room, but only if you entered it in the first place. Follow the stranded
down the stairs. Stop when he steps onto the wooden place. He will fall
through the floor and get killed. Your objective is to get to the other side,
but certain boards fall. It is random every time, so you will just have to be
careful. If you hear creaking, back off of that board quickly and find another
route! On the far right side in the corner is a set of Cog Tags (CT20) so pick
them up before moving on.
If you fall, don't waste ammo. Facing the exit to the room, the way out of the
area is in the southwest corner. Climb the ladder quickly, bust down the door,
and be more careful!
Proceed through the room and pick up the ammo if it is needed. Open the door
and go inside. On the floor is a Lancer you can switch with if you want to.
On Casual, this is what I used here and it was fairly easy. On Insane, I was
paranoid about losing my shotgun or longshot and not being able to get it back
for a long time, so I never switched them. I don't believe the door will close
so you can switch if you want to, but this is what I did.
Hang a left around the pillar in front you. When you hear some glass shatter
or some kind of Locust grunt or something, turn around and head back to the
room you came out of. Along the way some time, you should see a cutscene which
causes the Laminent Wretches to invade the room. On Insane, this is "Uh-Oh!"
time. Get in that room, back against the wall, get your shotgun, and wait.
Dom may or may not run in here. Let him take as many as he wants out, he will
usaully come running towards you by the end, though. Any Wretch that gets in
the doorway will be shot. On Insane where you die REALLY easy from these
things either hitting you or blowing up near you, this is a lifesaver when they
start coming from all sides. In this room, you can't be overtaken unless you
let yourself become overtaken.
When the "danger song," as I call it, stops playing, move out of the room and
up towards where the Wretch that screamed in the cutscene was. Head through
the door and right down the hall. A Lambent Wretch will jump out, but just one
so it's not that much of a problem. Head right through the next door and start
turning the wheel. Two doors will open on either end of the hall. The right
one holds a small ammo box and a pistol. The right one holds stairs and the
rest of the level.
Heading down the stairs, there are several ammo boxes. You may think you're at
a dead end here since you can't turn the wheel to open the door, but you are
not. Dom just takes his sweet damn time sometimes, and he has to be down here
to activate the arrival of Cole and Baird. Now the thing blocking the wheel
rises so you can turn it and proceed into the next room.
You will immediately be alerted to a Lambent Wretch crawling along the ceiling.
Using your magnum, shoot it. Switch to your shotgun and go to work, using the
Longshot to take out the one or two Drones that appear if they don't come right
up to you. There is a small hallway where most of your enemies will come from.
Head down it. There are lots of Lambent Wretches down here, but you now have
three teammates helping you so it shouldn't be a problem at all. Just take
them all out. At the end of the long hallway on one side is a door. Kick it
open. Marcus can't, so Jack must. This signals an elevator appearing with a
Boomer and a Drone with a Shotgun. Get a grenade and throw it over the small
opening in the top of the gate when the elevator is low enough so that the
grenade sits on the floor of the elevator. Since there is no room to escape,
this takes out the shotgun-weilder. It also takes out a good chunk of the
Boomer's health. When the door opens, head in with the shotgun and make short
work of it. If you killed everything before trying to open the door (which is
the smart thing to do) you will just have to worry about him, and if you shot-
gun him fast enough you don't have to worry about getting hit with a melee or
his Boomshot. When you kill him, Jack gets the door open.
This place is LOADED with ammo. Pick everything you can up. You're leaving
the area and won't be coming back, anyway. There's a Cog Tag (CT21) down at
the bottom. Head down the stairs all the way until you get to the carts and
then look to to your right. It's over there.
After pickng that up, or if it is your second time through the game and you
already have it, head upstairs. Heading upstairs, the room you would need to
go in would be on your left. There is a computer in there. Press the button
and head downstairs to get on the mine carts and end this chapter.
The part after the falling board part with all the Lambent Wretches was
EXTREMEMLY HARD for me. Until I got the idea to go inside that little room
with the shotgun. It makes it really easy. This works because most of the
time the Wretches can't run right in the room, so they have to skid to a stop
and turn to go through the doorway. When they are stopped, they are within
range of a one-hit shotgun kill and not moving, so they won't slide into you
and hurt you. However, there is more than one clips worth of Wretches, so when
you have to reload, make sure you Active Reload, because I almost got over-
powered here because I missed my reload for some reason (and the two times I
did it the whole game, to, it had to be here and during the RAAM fight!).
After that room, you will cry at how easy the Lambent Wretches are in the next
scene, what with more room to move around in and four members on your team
(including you).
|Coalition Cargo (A34) |
NOTE - I think by default Marcus always grabs the first cart. This is the one
I'm writing the tutorial for. Maybe at a later date I will add a
strategy for the second cart in the co-op section.
You are now on a mad mine cart ride through this level. It isn't even that
hard. Let me say this now - just like the Burnt Rubber chapter, I'm going to
tell you where the enemies are. Use the shotgun on Casual and Hardcore, as the
Lambent Wretches don't do enough damage to kill you when they blow. However,
on Insane mode, you should use the Magnum and try to shoot them early enough
that they blow up before your cart even crosses over them. If you try to shot-
gun them, they seem to fall in your cart a lot, and since you can't move out of
the cart, on Insane, that means instant death. I would imagine the Lancer
would be a lot better here than the magnum (but not on Casual), but since I use
the Shotgun/Longshot combo, I wouldn't know from experience.
There's a bunch of Drones on your right as you start this. Don't bother shoot-
ing them; just stay down. When Anya reroutes to stop you from going into the
fire, keep your shotgun/magnum out. There are about three Wretches that come
from the ceiling, all coming from a hanging rooftop that comes from the right
or left, so watch out for those, because they usually mean a Wretch will come
from one of those. When you get outside, there are two Locust Drones on a
platform far to the right, but if you stay down they can't damage you so don't
bother with them. When you head inside again, wait for the cart to stop.
Quickly eliminate any Wretches coming toward you and look to your left. There
will be a Locust standing there that you have to kill before moving on. You
are within shotgun distance. Now it's the same as the first "hallway," with
about three Wretches coming at you from low-hanging ceilings leading off to the
left or right. You will go down an elevator at the end of this hallway. You
will keep going along until you see a Boomer. The Boomer will not harm you if
you stay down. The next hallway has no foes.
Pick up the ammo box if it is needed and head through the door. In here, you
may or may not have to fight a Wretch. One comes out, but either on your side
or Dom's side. Shoot it if it comes out on your side or try to help out Dom if
it comes out on his side and head through the door. You are now in a LONG
hallway. There are several Wretches that appear on your way. Just keep the
Shotgun in hand and walk slowly, and be careful. When you enter the "core
room" where you are on a walkway hanging high in the sky (not in the sky-sky,
if you know what I mean, but pretty damn high) walk to the end. Get out your
Longshot/Lancer and start unloading into the Boomer that appears on the plat-
form below you. If it doesn't die by the time the platform raises, do your
best to avoid any Boomshots flying around and move in with your shotgun. Help
out Dom a little bit with his Boomer with your Longshot, if you want to. Yep,
that's the end of this chapter.
I already mentioned what to do on Insane during the mine cart ride, and if you
follow it, it shouldn't be too hard. Just try to kill the Wretches as soon as
you possibly can. Don't waste ammo on anything that I didn't tell you to, and
be careful with the Boomers. Those Boomshots hurt.
|Darkest Before Dawn (A35) |
During the cutscene where you descend into the mine, the game likes to glitch
up for me on co-op. The mine doesn't load quick enough or something, and it
looks like you're descending into nothingness. Weird. It's fine on one-play-
er, however.
Anyway, head down the solitary path until it reaches an intersection. Keep
heading straight forward to the very end to reach a set of Cog Tags (CT22).
Now turn around and take the one other path at the intersection. As you head
down it, there will be Lambent Wretches that come after you. They aren't that
hard to take out, especially if you chain their explosions, but still, be care-
ful. If they start to overtake you, retreat and let the AI handle them. Move
When you get to a slightly steeper slope with a flat opening at the bottom, you
will encounter more Wretches. Same tactics apply. Walk to the end of this
section to slide down a waterfall. Pick up the ammo box if it is needed and
move forward. There are a lot of Locusts down here; Longshot everyone. Most
of them won't try to come up close to you, which is odd since most of them are
packing Shotguns. Enter the area where the enemies were. To your immediate
left is small section that has some Cog Tags (CT23). Up the stairs and inside
the building is an ammo box. Proceed straight down the path.
The Point of Interest is a collaspable stalagmite-stalactite-like thing joined
together. If you have the Lancer, shoot it. If you have the Longshot, simply
snipe the Locust Sniper and move on, with your shotgun equipped. As you move
down the path and out of the enclosed area, you will be ambushed by more
Lambent Wretches. Shotgun them all. This is fairly easy as they all come from
one direction and there's no flanking or anything (if you don't move too far
down, that is). Head down the path. It splits up for literally about two
seconds, with no differences whatsoever.
As you reach the bottom (the area with the two small walls on either side with
a small opening in the middle), you will get a checkpoint. At about the time
the path splits, a group of Lambent Wretches will make their way towards you.
Try not to move too far forward and take them all out. The left path contains
some large ammo boxes if you need them but no other attractions. The right
path has some more Wretches, a Boomer, and your destination. Take cover behind
something and take out all of the Wretches before sniping the Boomer. Move
down to the pillar really close to the Boomer to Lancer it if you don't have a
Longshot. Now head to the path off to the right.
At the checkpoint, you will fall again... great.
In this room, there are a LOT of Lambent Wretches. This area is a b***h on
Insane, I swear. The way I managed it was by standing as far over north of
where you start as possible. Turn around and shotgun any Wretches who get
close to you. After killing them all, one explodes and makes an exit for you.
Head out that exit to get a checkpoint and a split path... great.
///LEFT PATH///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Gamespot says to take the right path, I say to take this one. I dunno, it
seems easier, but it may just be me.
Anyway, head forward, shotgun in hand. Take cover behind the small wall to the
left of the ammo box. Wait for some Wretches and blast 'em when they get near.
There is a Locust or two up top to Longshot/Lancer. Head forward, underneath
the right path, and take cover behind the first small wall. Same process as
before; wait for Wretches, shotgun 'em, and Longshot/Sniper the Locusts. On
Insane, the ones on Dom's path will pester you, so take them out, as well. As
you move forward, some Wretches drop in on you from above. Shotgun them all,
and head forward. That's it - Checkpoint, and we can move on to the "After-
wards" segment.
///RIGHT PATH//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This path is harder for me, even though Gamespot says it's the easier choice of
the two. I don't really know, but maybe it's because I'm so used to doing the
Left Path. No matter what the cause is, you picked the path and we're going
to walk through it.
Head down the path, shotgun in hand. Move forward and take cover behind the
pillar. Let me note this quickly - if you get overpowered and are dying at the
pillar, move back to the rocks. Now, moving on, shotgun all the Wretches that
come after you first and then Longshot/Lancer the Locusts that hide behind the
rocks up ahead and shoot at you. When they are dead, head up the path and over
the Right Path. Hide behind a patch of wall tall enough so that Marcus stands
up while behind it. Now repeat the same process as before; Shotgun the Wretchs
that come after you and Longshot the Locusts. The Locusts on the Left Path
will bother you a little bit on Insane, so use your Longshot to take them out,
too, before moving on. Move forward. When you get to the part where the large
pillar-rock is in between the two paths, several Wretches will drop in on you.
Shoot to kill. Lastly, two more easy to take out with either the Lonshot or
Shotgun Locusts will appear. Kill them and end this bulls**t.
Now, see the "Afterwards" segment.
Whoo, you finally beat one of those paths, good for you! You get a shiny new
checkpoint and a load more enemies to kill just up the path....
As you head down the path, there is a small off-branch on the right that holds
some ammo if you are low. Now proceed forward and meet a lot more Locusts in
this hallway....
Take cover behind the first available wall. Try to take out most of the
Wretches crawling along the ceiling with the Magnum. Any Locusts that get
close (which they like to do here, for some reason) shotgun them. Any that do
not want to get close, Longshot them. Gradually make your way down this hall
repeating this process.
As you walk out into the big opening, you will see a Corpser to your left. OMG
OMG OMG OMG OMG! *cough* Anyway, make a 180 degree turn and head to the left
to find a set of Cog Tags (CT24). Now turn around and head north until you
hit a checkpoint and the next chapter.
The Wretches are, for the most part, surprisingly easy if you know what you are
doing. The reason for this is that you're not being ambushed like in that one
scene earlier in this Act and by now you probably have learned the right dist-
ance away from one you should be if you plan on shotgunning it.
The Left Path does seem easier to me on Insane. However, there is a strategy
for the Right Path, too, so if the Left Path's giving you troubles, try the
Right Path. No guarantees, though.
At the last firefight of this Chapter, make SURE you don't leave cover! Try to
get all of the Wretches (there's only three) with the Magnum before they even
get near you. Otherwise they will start jumping you and making you leave your
cover. There also seems to be a Locust that works his way up to nearby you.
Be wary of him and shotgun him for deciding to leave his post. The Longshot
makes the rest of this battle fairly easy.
|Angry Titan (A36) |
This whole thing is just a boss fight with the Corpser. Read the Corpser
strategy below, and after you beat him, head around the path towards where Cole
and Baird appeared. Head through this area and it will seal behind you.
Checkpoint and another chapter.
////////CORPSER - CRPSR////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
This is without a doubt the easiest battle in the game. Read the entire
strategy and memorize it - it's not that hard. Then put it to play. You need
to put it to play quickly on Insane, because Wretches will come out if you do
not. They will make life hell. However, they are timed, not triggered by an
event, which means if you work quick enough, no Wretches will appear.
The strategy is simple, basic, and probably been used time and time again.
The Corpser tries to crush you by raising its leg and stomping you. It raises
the leg nearest you. So go stand by a leg and wait for it to raise it. When
it does, run it as far as you can. Now take aim, shoot it's stomach. If you
blind fire you will probably hit it. Now it will scream in pain and raise its
head up. Shoot its neck. Not its chin. Not its chest. Not its head. Its
neck. It will roar and back up. Do this three times in quick succession. Now
it is backed up as far as it can go. It is on a platform. Still standing on
the rock (not the platform) look on each side of the platform for two little
hedges that keep the platform locked in place. Give each one a blast with the
shotgun, which causes it to break. The Corsper falls into the Immulsion, and
your task is complete. If this was Hardcore or Insane, say hello to a shiny
new Achievement. ^_^
This is really, really easy, but I want to say one thing - beat it quickly or
|Tip of the Iceberg (A37) |
The end of Act 3 is near. Are you ready? If you are playing Insane, or even
Hardcore, you sure as hell better be. No bosses, just the Theron Guards who
have a height and accuracy and one-hit-kill advantage and a long-ass walk to do
if you fail. Have fun!, you know I wouldn't leave you hanging like that. As you proceed
forward, you will get a Point of Interest. It is the Torque Bow. Pick it up
if you want, but I advise against it. I hate the thing, but if its your first
time through the game, pick it up and have fun with it, I guess. Anyway,
proceed up the path. Marcus tells Dom, Cole, and Baird that he and Dom will go
straight into the pumping station while Cole and Baird flank right. However,
you don't have to head straight into the pumping station! In fact, I advise
against it!
Head down the right path you're not supposed to. Keep walking until Dom says,
"Do you hear that? What the hell's that sound?" You should probably be at
about a chipped L-shaped wall. Take cover here and draw your Longshot. When
Marcus says, "Let's clear that station!" start looking for victims to snipe.
This is a whole lot easier than going on the right path (right as in right and
wrong, not right as in left or right). However, if it is your first time
through the game and you are playing on Casual, feel free to take the Left Path
(I feel I said this a little to late)! But on anything harder than that....
Oh, and by the way, this whole segment needs the Longshot, so if you don't have
it, you're kind of screwed. You'll have to get up on the platform and pray.
When the enemies just are coming anymore, head down where Cole and Baird likely
are and up the ramp. Now just take cover and be careful. Slowy make your way
around the entire platfrom, killing anything and everything. When everything
is dead, head down the ramp and keep going straight. Look for a green button
to press; it is more over towards the right. OMG! You completed this Act!
This is SO hard on Insane. Follow my strategy. If you don't have the Longshot
then you're screwed. Try something else, but... I really can't help you. I
use the Longshot, there's no reason not to.
|Act 4 (A4) |
|Ashes Overview (A41) |
Now your objective is simple. Go to Marcus's house. If this is your first
playthrough, you might be thinking, "OMG! I get to go to Marcus's house!
Whee!" Well, you won't be having a tea party there, but you will probably f**k
up where he grew up pretty bad.
The Theron Guards are everywhere in this chapter. For some reason, they seem a
LOT easier in this chapter, but don't underestimate them. You have a lot of
fighting to do, complete with a Berserker, between here and Marcus's house.
When you get there, it isn't going to be pretty. And neither is the last
thirty seconds of this Act....
|Campus Grinder (A42) |
Alright, after a long time with no updates, it's time for me to wrap this guide
up, so let's get into Act 4 and Act 5, the shortest but by far not the easiest
Immediately head up and to the left and take cover. Longshot all enemies you
can and shotgun any that get close. This is the place to use the Torque Bow if
you decided to pick it up (I didn't, and again, wouldn't recommend it, unless
you want practice for the "The Nuge" AChievment) earlier. Move into the build-
ing you come across following this path and snipe all enemies in the courtyard.
When the Boomers come out, make sure you snipe the sniper in the building above
where the Boomers come out before he snipes you, and Torque the Boomers if you
have the Torque Bow. If not, snipe one (doesn't take that much ammo, and there
is plenty around) and shotgun the remaining one.
There's a set of Cog Tags (CT25) in this area. For ease of instructions, head
all the way back to where you started. Head down the ramp and up the first set
of stairs you see on your right. You should see the Cog Tags in this area.
You're not coming back, so pick up all the ammo you can and move towards the
area where the Boomers appeared.
Definetly stay back when the Boomers appear. It's even smart to stay back with
the Theron Guards, with their deadly-accuracy-one-hit-kill-Torque-Bows. Revive
any dead teammates and kick ass otherwise!
There's also a Boomshot in the shed where the sniper usually resides, just in
case you need it.... ;)
Alright, you immediately have to split up. If you have the Longshot, pick the
Left Path. If not, it might be better for you to go with the right. Longshot
or not, I personally think the Right path is easier, BUT it is up to you, and
you may think the left path is easier. I'll start with the Left.
///LEFT PATH///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
As soon as you round the corner, head left for some Lancer ammo and grenades.
Turn around and head up the stairs.
At the top, keep your chainsaw revved if you have the Lancer, or shotgun ready
if you have the Longshot/Shotgun combo, to massacre the one Theron Guard up
here and around the corner. Now head into the next room and start slowly pick-
ing off all enemies on the ground with whatever mid-long range weapons you have
preferably of course with the Longshot. They mainly shoot at your allies below
so you shouldn't have a problem here.
Hop over the low wall and take cover behind the pillar here. Shotgun all
Wretches. If your health gets low from people on the ground shooting you,
quickly hop back over the low wall and let your health go back up. There's one
more Locust in the next room to kill, along with any Wretches you failed to
kill. Pick up the Hammer of Dawn next to the window and use it on the seeder
while keeping an eye out for any Wretches that decide to come from the hallway
to your left that you need to head down after switching the HoD back for what-
ever weapon you switched out for it.
Help out your allies below if you want (or don't, they can handle themselves)
and head to the end of this hallway and twist the valve. Follow this new door
to the very end where you finally come outside again (or, not really, but you
can see the sky ^_^). Destroy the Wretches and snipe everyone down below.
Have your shotgun ready to blast the Wretches that come up when you go down the
stairs to the bottom. Destroy any remaining Locusts either with the shotgun or
by falling back and sniping them and head across the street and into this
building. Head to the left once inside and head outside and take cover. If on
co-op, wait for your ally to take out all the enemies on the Troika. If by
yourself, try to snipe everyone. Remember that once you hop over the cover,
you can't go back and there's not much cover, so be patient.
Once you do hop across, head inside the house and pick up any needed ammo.
Blow the propane tanks in the back of the truck and head through the gate.
///RIGHT PATH//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Now it's time for the easier, IMO, of the two.
Take cover and snipe all enemies in the courtyard. Easy as that. If you don't
have Longshot, use Lancer or Torque Bow. After the first wave, there's another
this time with a Theron Guard or two. After killing them all, pick up ammo and
head through the doorway on the left on the opposite end of where you started.
Now it's time to tackle the Corpser. You have to get the HoD. It's on the
pathway, about in the middle of it but more so on the opposite end. Try to run
in and grab it and fall back without getting killed. Take out the Seeder and
all opposition with it. Grab your Longshot, plug the Locust hole, and wait for
Dom to open the gate so you can proceed forward.
Head through the building until you get outside again. There are no enemies.
Once outside, take cover on the wall. It's kind of hard to describe, so here's
a diagram:
| X
| |
| :
| |
| :
The O is the doorway that you come through to get outside. The X is where you
take cover. The | is of course the wall and the : is the hedges.
The reason you take cover here is because it provides a decent snipe spot and a
good place to blind-fire-shotgun those pesky Wretches. Do this. Take care of
everyone and cross the area. Head inside the building. Inside the "Lecture
Hall," head up to the door at the top and take cover on the right side of it.
Shotgun the Locusts if they run up to you but otherwise snipe them, which is
easy to do on Casual because any shot is a one-shot kill. Head across here and
to the left, picking up the grenades if needed. Drop one down on the Troika to
end things quickly or snipe them. Either way, once all enemies are killed,
find the staircase and head down it, pick up ammo, shoot the propane tanks in
the back of the truck and head through here.
To me, the right path is easier on Insane. That's just because I don't like
Wretches, and the one part with them is easy because of that one cover spot I
mentioned above. However, it's your game. On the left path, the Troika is
really hard but can be finished quickly with a Torque Bow if one was picked up
somewhere along the way (which is something I wouldn't do, but if you just
can't beat it, sometimes you have to do drastic things). At the beginning,
Torque Bow the Boomers for easy kills if you can't snipe them. There is one
in the open door directly across the courtyard from the Sniper's nook or you
can pick one up from the Theron Guards in the area. Nothing else much to say,
but the Longshot comes in handy on several occasions here.
|Bad To Worse (A43) |
Head straight forward from where you start and look at the corner of the build-
ing for some Cog Tags (CT26). After picking them up, make a two lefts and head
towards the doors. Try to kick them in, and you can't. Marcus calls for Jack,
so you know what that means....
You have two options here. They are both kind of random and work equally well,
no matter the difficulty. If you can't do one, try the other. Take cover
somewhere, anywhere close to the doors and snipe all enemies, shotgunning the
Wretches. You're alternative is to run near the Cog Tags with a grenade and
try to plug the hole. If you do this, have your shotgun ready to take out any
enemies that managed to climb up. When the Locust hole is sealed (all enemies
dead or not) two Boomers appear up near the doors. Find the Hammer of Dawn
near the door and use it. Pick up whatever weapon you switched out for it and
head through the door that's finally open.
Now here's a note. When I played through the game my first time, I switched
out my Longshot for the Hammer of Dawn for the upcoming Berserker fight. That
was a mistake, as I soon found out, because things seal behind you during the
fight so you can't go back. During the writing of this guide, I held off on
switching out until the very last minute, and just as I expected, there is a
HoD at the very last possible moment to pick it up, and since it's in the room
with you, you can go back and pick up whatever weapon you switched out for it.
This is good if going with the Longshot/Shotgun combo because - even though the
HoD makes an easy Troika kill a little bit later on, it's just not worth it, in
my opinion, because you can't get a Longshot until the very end of this Act.
So don't switch out your weapon for the HoD until I tell you, but I suppose it
really doesn't matter if you don't plan on keeping that weapon.
Now head into the building and head through it until you reach the first area
that resembles a greenhouse (if it isn't one, btw). When you start to head
through the exit on the other side, a Berserker appears....
////////BERSKER - BERS2////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Just dodge his attack and head through the door he came out of. Head down the
hallway until you get to the next greenhouse area. If you want to risk it, try
to get him to knock the tree directly in front of where he bursts out out of
the way. Whether you do it or not, keep heading forward as if it were another
hallway like the one you came out of. Head to the middle and directly up it.
At the bloodstain is the Hammer of Dawn, so switch out for it.
Well, this will be easy, won't it? I can see the sky above me, so I can use
the Hammer of Dawn, right?
...well... not really. The glass above keeps you from using the Hammer of Dawn
because it technically makes you inside a building... so let's knock the glass
You see all the green pillars? You have to make the Berserker run into them
all and knock them down before you can use the Hammer of Dawn on her. This
isn't that hard; just get her into a position so a straight run will cause her
to hit a wall and do a little on spot "dance" that will lure her toward you
better than bullets. Then dodge out of the way. If you die here when you're
trying to lure her into a pillar, you can't hit the A button and the analog
stick to the right or left, lol. Just repeat on all pillars (notice that one
falls down and knocks a hole in the wall... hm...)
Once you get them all down, break out the Hammer. Try to get her after she
stops or when she runs into something and she's temporarily stunned. Just
repeat that twice (three times on Insane) and you're done with her; on to the
next chapter....
After she's dead, head directly up the middle to find a valve to turn. This
opens up some water on the fire in the hole in the wall made from the falling
pillar. When the fire is extinguished, head through.
The Berserker is no problem. There is no difference on Insane than there is on
Casual except the number of HoD bursts it takes to kill her. If you get up
close when the beam is about to die and quickly switch your shotgun you may be
able to get enough damage in to kill her with two HoD blasts. However, this
isn't really recommended as it is an ammo waster.
The bit before this isn't hard at all if you RUSH and get to the Locust hole
early enough to plug it before you even have to worry about the enemies. And
the Boomers are nothing if you simply use the Hammer of Dawn.
All in all, this is a pretty easy chapter, and you should have no problem with
|Hazing (A44) |
Head to the left in this big area to find a doorway. Head down this hallway
and peek around the corner. If you have the Hammer, use it on the Troika to
finish this part easy. If you did what I do and don't have the Hammer, try to
snipe the Troika before he becomes a problem. Work quickly and he won't be.
Take out the Troika before anything, even if you have to waste grenades to do
so. When the Troika is dead and the first Emergence hole appears near where
you entered the area, try to plug it if possible. If you can't, get on the
opposite side of it and be ready with the shotgun. Hell, go for the Troika if
you feel like it. With them dead, kill the Locusts and Wretches that emerge
and hop over the low wall in the doorway over on the right side (from where you
entered). The Hammer of Dawn is gone because the satellites go offline, so if
you had it, head to the left of where you come out at the end of this hallway
and look for a Lancer. Take cover behind the flower box and start sniping/
Lancering and mid-range targets and shotgunning the long range ones. Advance
on the bench at the far end where most of the time a Locust is taking cover.
Fall back here and snipe all enemies that appear on the other side until a
Boomer appears. Shotgun him. There are occasions when he will shoot the
Boomshot at close range even though I don't think he's supposed to, but these
are rare, so if you're outside of his melee distance but within shotgun
distance you shouldn't get hurt. Head through the door he came from. Down
the hallway and through the door is a Lancer and a Wretch. Don't bother if you
don't need the Lacner or ammo for the Lancer. Outside in front of the giant
not-so-dead Seeder is some grenades. The only other door in this area is the
one you have to go through.
Follow the Theron Guard that you see in the distance. When you see a closed
gate to your left, head off to your right and take cover behind the diagnol low
wall. Snipe all enemies you can until the Boomer appears. Take him out with
the Longshot if you left enemies around. Use your shotgun to clean up and pick
up ammo (I was bone dry at this point). Head to the right and make a left. To
your right is a dresser. Blow it away to find a Torque Bow if you want it (I
know I don't). Head to your left and make a right. May seem complicated in
text but translated to screen it's not. Follow this path to an archway and a
checkpoint. Take cover beside the stairs and start sniping (there's an ammo
box behind you if it is needed). Be careful of the Theron Guards on Insane.
When they're all dead, head down to the middle. To your left from the entrance
is a doorway that you can kick open to get some ammo box if it is needed (and
if you look in one of the bathroom stalls, you know that dude had one hell of a
sh*t, lol!). Head across from where you came to find some stairs. Head up
them and take cover behind the large building thing here. Snipe everyone you
can and when you can't no more, move up to the tombstones. Snipe every last
Locust and finally move up to the stairs to exit this area.
As soon as you enter this new area, swing around to your right to find a Torque
Bow. Switch out whatever weapon isn't your close range weapon for it and take
cover behind the small garden box thing. Torque the Troika, then move back and
switch out the Torque Bow for the Longshot (or whatever you switched it out
for). Now move slowly pass the gates, sniping everyone you can and shotgunning
the close ones. Head up the stairs and make sure there's no one left up here.
Now head down the stairs (not the ones you just went up, the other stairs that
head down) and shotgun the guy manning the Troika here. Unless you make your
presense obvious, he won't turn around, so you can move in to get an easy shot-
gun/chainsaw kill. When the Theron Guard blows the gate open, head in and take
cover immediately. Longshot him unless he decides to get close. Pick up the
ammo box (I was so low on ammo at this point, I made out with the ammo box on
my screen, lol) and head to the end of this area. Kick open the gate, and say
hello to one less chapter....
Ammo is hard to come by on this part for the Longshot. Conserve any ammo boxes
you see until every enemy is dead, that way you can make the most out of them.
It's not really that hard. The only hard parts I found was the area right
after the HoD's satellites go offline. Nothing to say here except remember to
stay in cover and don't get too frustrated. If you're smart about the way you
play the Boomers won't be a problem for you.
|Imaginary Place (A45) |
Recognize this area? Play much multiplayer and you probably do.
Anyway, stay down low and snipe and gradually make your way up top. After the
first Locusts with Theron Guard, move up and shotgun the Boomer. Now, if you
feel like being risky, run 'n gun the Theron Guards with your shotgun. However
if you want to play it safe stay back and snipe. Doesn't matter where as long
as you can't be hit with the Torque Bow. When you get up top, watch the cut-
scene, and after it, head inside the house.
Once inside, head to the stairs but not up them. Head to the left and look for
the area where the Locust hole appears. Plug it and then head back and up the
stairs. Now the Locust always appear on the opposite side of whichever way you
go up here. I find it easier to take them on the left side, so head around to
the right. You see that little room on your left? Back into it but barely
until you hear Locusts. Now head over to the Left side of the manor where the
Locusts appear and run 'n gun them. That's right, I said it; run 'n gun them.
With the shotgun. Not hard at all, and I usually don't find myself dying.
Whatever; if you do, stay back, I guess, but you should be able to rush them
with the Shotgun. When they're all dead, head downstairs and take cover behind
the dresser on the right side. Wait for the Locust to bust down the door.
Shotgun him. If you have the Lancer simply wait by the door with your chainsaw
revved. Head through this door and down the hallway. Take cover beside the
door and start sniping until the hole on the other end of this room closes.
When it does, wait a moment for a door to bust open with some Locusts. Take
him out and move on through the door he opened for you.
Head down to the very end of the hallway and make a right. Chainsaw the lone
desk in here (or shotgun in, grenade it, whatever) to find a set of Cog Tags
(CT27). Head up the small set of stairs and down the hallway. Go through the
door at the end and twist the valve. Head down to the bottom of the stairs
(blast the wooden boards over the one door on your way down for four grenades
if they are needed) and kill the two Locusts down here.
Bust open the door and head to the right or left. Over the low wall on either
side is a Longshot if needed. When you get to the end, go down the stairs on
the left. The farthest wine shelf on the far left on the north wall is actual-
ly a door, so open it. Open the door inside here to find out Jack will have to
rip it... so guess what's about to go down....
Stay back and snipe to make the first part easy. The part where the Locusts
bursts through the door in the Main Hall got me a lot for some reason because I
couldn't chainsaw, only shotgun, and for some reason the shotgun never works
until he gets all the way into the room and stops, which is usaully too late.
If you can't beat this part, load it up and stay WAY back and try to snipe him,
I guess. The next part is easy with the Longshot, and the two guys at the
bottom of the stairs are nothing if you just shotgun randomly into the room.
|Entrenched (A46) |
Thought I left you, didn't you? I couldn't leave you hanging when a fight's
about to go down! =P
In the room where you kicked the door open, turn around. Head up the first set
of stairs and take cover behind the first pillar on your left. Now wait for
the grenade to land at the gate's door and blow it open. Some Locust will
start coming through. Start sniping/Lancering them. If they get too close,
shotgun them, and if things get desperate, run down into the water and take
cover down there. Wait for the Locusts to come to you or poke their heads out
instead of running towards them; they have a tendency to hide, and their one-
hit kill punches (on Insane, anyway) hurt! There may be one more that you have
to hunt down; just keep exploring the basement until you stumble across him.
He doesn't like to leave what is probably his spawn point for some reason
occasionaly. :S
When the door opens, head back inside it. After the cutscene ends, start head-
ing back upstairs. When you head down the hallway most of the previous Locust
probably hid in, there will be two Wretches, so watch out. Take either path
back - picking up the respawned Longshot ammo if it is needed - and take out
the Locusts down at the door. Head upstairs.
There's about to be a big Wretch fight, and I'm going to tell you how to make
it easy. Head out in the hallway and just far enough to make the Locust shut
the door. Wretches will start coming out of the holes, of which there are four
in the room where you chainsawed the desk to get the Cog Tag. You can stay
down here and fight them if you want, or you can do it the easy way and go back
into the room with the thing you had to turn to open the gate to the basement.
Stand at the door with your Gnasher and blow anything away that tries to come
through. When you kill all Wretches, the Locust opens the door back up, so
snipe him from the hallway or close-range him with the Gnasher or Chainsaw or
Head through the hallways. There are no surprises. When you get back in the
main hall, head upstairs and to the right. Head toward Dom and Cole in the
Snipe a few outside if you want. The Boomer will come - he is invincible - and
blow the door open. Now, what you do next depends on your weapon choice and
difficulty level.
If you picked the Lancer, and it's on Casual, just go take cover next to the
door (not the one that was blown open). Shotgun, Lancer, whatever. Retreat if
If you picked the Lancer, and it's on anything harder than Casual, stay up top
and try to pick them off from mid-distance. Either that or take cover on the
pillars on the staircase. Shotgun them if they get close.
No matter what difficulty, if you picked the Longshot, take cover upstairs, on
the pillar or rafters, and snipe them when they come through. It's not hard at
all, even on Insane. There's plenty of ammo upstairs if you need it, too, just
watch out for the Theron Guards.
If the Boomer is your last enemy, it may not be wise to shotgun him. We're in
extremely close quarters here, so you may not have room to roll away. Your
best bet is to Lancer or snipe him, which can be done before killing all of the
When you get the radio transmission from Baird ("More Locusts in the back of
the house!") load up on ammo and head downstairs. Another door will be busted
open by a Locust most easily taken out with the Chainsaw. Eliminate him and
go to the back of the house. Try the door. Locked. Head upstairs, dodge all
of the debris, and head to the end of the hallway and kick open the door. Take
cover behind one of the windows and start sniping. Alternatively, try to throw
a grenade in the Emergence hole. When everyone is dead, take out your pistol
of choice and start shooting for the planks that are holding the door below
shut. Pick up ammo and head back to that door, which should now open. Take
cover and snipe the Locust with the magnum that comes in here to meet you.
Head inside the door the Locust came out of and prepare for hell if your on
Insane mode. I'm going to go into further depth in the Insane Notes, what
follows applies for Casual and Hardcore.
You have thirty seconds to get to the APC. Two Boomers and an Emergence hole
stand in your way. The thirty seconds doesn't activate until the Emergence
hole activates or one of the two Boomers falls. On Casual or Hardcore, just
head outside through either door and make a huge freaking run for it. If you
run quick enough, you can get to the APC before the Emergence hole appears,
saving you a lot of trouble. That's the only strategy; run like hell.
On Insane mode, things change. You will get frustrated at this part; don't
give up. It can probably be easy with skill, but it's not all skill; I'm going
to be honest - it takes a good bit of luck.
What I did, and what you can attempt, is to head out to the right and take
cover. Sacrifice yourself one time to get an estimate on how many Longshots it
takes to kill a Boomer. Now do the same thing again, except this time, put one
less bullet in it. Get as close as you can to the halfway mark that makes the
Emergence hole appear and shotgun the Boomer until he falls. Now you only have
one Boomer shooting at you. Now run along the cover on the right side. This
may take some luck. Just run and cross your fingers. When your watching the
cutscene, have a cookie. ^_^
As far as the rest of the level goes, the Longshot strategy works best.
|Act 5 (A5) |
|Desperation Overview (A51) |
This is it. The last act. Are you ready?
The data Jack collected at the end of Act 4 was a large map of the Locust
tunnels - larger than what the humans knew about. The lightmass bomb can
destroy them all, and that is what we're here to do. Set off the bomb, and
basically, blow sh*t up.
|Special Delivery (A52) |
When you start out, there will be two snipers on the platform you see above you
so take them out. I started this chapter with a Torque Bow and Lancer, so use
that, but preferably use the Longshot. Pick up the Longshots they drop if you
want. Makes your life easier in this chapter.
Now, the next part was sort of hard for me because I was stuck with the Lancer.
Use the shotgun if you can to take out the Wretches that come from the hole in
the fence on the left side and plug the Locust hole that appears. Now, over on
the right side, two more holes appear. One just has Wretches, so plug it if
you want (there are some grenades behind the dumpster in front of the hole if
you need them) and start working on the Locusts that come from the next hole.
On Casual, you might can risk plugging it, but it may not be the smartest idea
on Insane. After killing every Locust that comes from the Emergence hole, head
towards the train, ignoring the Locusts inside the train. You don't have to
kill them. Head across the boards on the back of the train to activate a cut-
scene that goes into the next section.
Well, watch out for the snipers. Definetly ignore the Locusts in the train.
For the most part, don't try to plug the last Emergence hole. Watch out for
the Wretches. It's not really that hard.
|Train Wreck (A53) |
It's just you and Dom again. On a train. With a bunch of pissed off Locusts,
and their leader. Yeah, you heard right. It's going down.
Head up between the two boxes. On the next cart, there's a box on the right
and a small wall of redish pipes on left. When you pass those, there's one
more box. Take cover here and start going to work with your Longshot or Lancer
making sure you don't move from here until everyone is dead.
Move up to the next cart and take cover behind the first small wall of white
pipes on the left. Start sniping, not moving until everyone is dead. Don't
throw grenades on this cart, you know, kind of considering there's just a big
ass container of what is probably propane. It's explosive, at any rate.
There's two larger white pipes at the end of this cart. Take cover behind the
first one, and scan the area. If there are no enemies, proceed.
Move past the large donut wheels (I call them that, sometimes they remind me of
wheels and sometimes they remind me of donuts. Speaking of which, have you
ever been to the Dunkin' Donuts across from WalMart in Daytona Beach, Florida?
G*d*mn they've got some good donuts!) and take cover on the end of the largest
rack of red pipes. Go to work with your sniper until every last Locust is
Pick up ammo and try to open the door. You can't. Jack has to open it. Good
news is that your on a train, so no Emergence holes. Bad news (or maybe not so
bad) is that you have to fight a Berserker. DUM DUM DUM!
You have three means of eliminating the boss.
Go to the very end of the train. As far as you can go. Using your pistol or
Lancer, lure the Berserker toward you. Stand in front of the drop off of the
train. When he rushes you, roll out of the way. Mission accomplished.
Go the cart with the big propane tank on it. Lure him on it. Throw a grenade
at the feet of the propane tank. Run like hell off the cart towards the exit
door. If he fell with the train, mission accomplished. If not, just repeat
Method 1, but with a shorter train.
Go to the propane tank cart. Start heading to the next cart after it. See the
green light on the railing? Lure the Berserker on the cart PAST it and then
very quickly press the button. The cart falls, and so does the Berserker.
Mission accomplished.
///AFTER THE BOSS FIGHT////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
The door is unlocked, so head through it. As soon as you head inside the door,
pick up the Cog Tags (CT28) on the ground. Head inside the next train and take
cover on the wall. Start sniping/Lancering and shotgunning. Stay away from
the windows. You should be fine.
Keep heading through the train until you come outside again and the first big
noticeable thing you see is another donut wheel. Fall back inside and start
sniping from the door until everyone is dead. There will be a few shooting at
you from inside the next cart.
When you head inside this next cart, you should here Anya saying, "Delta - Good
news. You've got chain guns on the roof of your car." Go over to the door on
the opposite side on the right. Turn around and head straight. Pick up these
Cog Tags (CT29). Now head through the aftermentioned door.
Climb the ladder and pick a chaingun.
This next section will take a little bit of luck on Insane. Use the chainguns,
but if your health gets too low try to fall back as quickly as possible. There
is a Torque bow at the bottom of the ladder. I'm not sure if it respawns or
not, but if things get desperate, the Torque makes a good killer of the Reavers
but for the most part stick with the chainguns. Keep them zoomed in (press
Left Trigger) unless you need to make a quick turn. You will jump for joy
when you hear the "killed all enemies" sound. Turn around and climb back down
the ladder. The door is now open, and you get a checkpoint.
Watch the big round things fall. When they do, three Luminent wretches come
after you. Don't climb over the small wall yet; take them out first, then
climb over the small walls.
Head inside and press the button. Three more Luminent Wretches in this room;
stand inside the doorway and take them out. Head around to the open door with
your shotty ready, as there's a Wretch in the next small area.
Head outside and press the green button that makes the tubes fall. Don't press
the green button inside the little area here. Kill the Wretches as they come
if Dom doesn't. Don't waste ammo on the Reavers, just try to ignore them.
Head inside and prepare for a Wretch fight. Go halfway down the cart and look
to your right. See the last window before the wall in this section? A wretch
will burst through in a second. Kill him (or maybe her). Now head to the very
last window on the left and wait for a Wretch to come through it. Now look up
at the cieling on this end. See the hole in the roof? Try to aim your
reticule at the ground underneath the hole. When the Wretches start falling
through, take them out. Eventually, they will start coming out on the side you
entered from, so head down on that end and aim at the ground underneath the
hole in the roof. Some more will come down from the exit end before all the
ones from the entrance end die, so watch your back.
Head outside. You now have forty seconds to get to the end of this cart, which
is not hard at all. Just run for it (not Roadie Run) and shotgun any Wretches
in your way. When you get to the end, it will automatically fall, and may kill
several Wretches in the process. Kill any leftovers.
Head inside. If you make two rights, there's some grenades at the end of this
hallway. Press the green button and head through the door. In this outside
area, press the green light on the outside. When you get to the end of this
cart, turn around and look at the small building on this cart. Head inside and
press the green light. Inside here is the very last set of Cog Tags (CT30).
Now head inside the ammo room....
This is really quite easy except for the Troika/Reaver part. I gave you the
best help I can, and I'm sorry. It took me a long time and I got lucky, so
just cross your fingers. Try co-oping it if you just can't beat it.
|Pale Horse (A54) |
////////GENERAL RAAM (GRAAM)///////////////////////////////////////////////////
I'm going to give you my strategy for beating him. Come up with your on, if
you wish. This FAQ is mine and therefore follows my strategy. In the ammo
room, don't press the button.
| Door Door |
| |
| _______________ |
| |_ _| |
| | | |
| A| |B C|
| _| |_ |
| | | |
...and so on to the entrance of the room.
Now, at A is a Lancer and an ammo box. At B is a Longshot, some grenades, and
an ammo box. At C is a Torque Bow.
Switch out your shotgun for the Torque Bow. Switch out any other weapon you
was using for the Longshot if you haven't been using it. Max out grenades and
ammo. Wait for the Torque Bow to respawn (it doesn't take that long, but it
feels like it does) and pick it up. With 12 Torque, 24 Longshot, 30 Magnum,
and 4 Grenades, you're set to open the door.
Watch the cutscene. Take cover in front of where you start. RAAM is covered
with Kryll. While covered, he takes no damage. He is equipped with a portable
Troika, so yes, it is very powerful. The Kryll leave sometimes to come after
you. Sometimes he will send them, and sometimes they just leave on their own,
but only in light. The only other way to make them leave is by explosions,
which is what we're here with the Troika for.
"Blind fire" the Troika for a few seconds to get it charged before you poke
your head out. Quickly aim and fire. If he's stuck, get back in cover and
switch to your Longshot. Don't even bother reloading the Torque yet. Pop out
and shoot him. Active Reload, shoot him again. Repeat until the Kryll come
back to him. They will come after you, but remember that as long as you're in
the light - which your are - you're safe. Now switch back to the Torque and
Active Reload. Repeat this process.
If on a higher difficulty than Casual, when he reaches your little hiding spot,
go around it (not OVER it) and head straight down the middle. You will come
across a small wall that is almost as long as the cart. Hop over it, take
cover here, and repeat. There is a Troika behind you that is worthless.
This is the easiest way to beat him, so if you're having trouble, co-op him!
Either that or... there's a glitch you can exploit....
Before the fight, pick up 12 Torque Bow, 600 Lancer, and 4 Grenades. When the
fight starts, head to the most farthest northeast box on the CART YOU START ON.
Now here's where it gets random. Sometimes Dom will distract RAAM and screw
you over; just try again if he does. Random fire the Lancer to draw RAAM's
attention towards you. When he stands on the opposite side of your box, he's
stuck. Stay in cover, but poke your head out. Does he occassionally shoot at
you, but very very very rarely, if at all? No? Then he's glitched, and the
only thing that will unglitch him is leaving cover, so DON'T LEAVE COVER!
See that little wall behind RAAM? Blind throw a grenade at it. It will land
at RAAM'S feet. Now blind fire with the Lancer - you should get a clip in.
When you run out of grenades, switch to your Torque Bow and aim at the small
wall (NOT at RAAM or you will kill yourself). Shoot it and quickly Active
Reload. Keep shooting the wall and he will fall shortly.
Use the same strategy, just be more evasive. If you can't win, co-op it, and
if that's not working, glitch him. I know I said I wouldn't advocate it, but
I had to glitch him the first time (I went back and beat him normally though
afterwards) to win.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have now completed the game! Sit back and enjoy the end-
|The Ending *SPOILERS!* (TehEnd) |
///SPOILERS!///SPOILERS!///SPOILERS!///SPOILERS!///SPOILERS!///SPOILERS!/////// that that's out of the way....
This section is of course about the ending of the game, Gears of War. The end-
ing will be revealed here, as well as any questions relating to it go here.
Basically, if you have a question about the ending, come here. If there's
anything not here that you need, email me, or ask someone else if I don't know
the answer.
|The End (TehEnd1) |
The ending starts as you lay the last bullet on General RAAM. You see him fall
backwards, blood going everywhere.... He's dead. Finally. Revenge for Kim?
Not so much so; by now, Marcus has probably forgot about Kim's death; what is
important is planting the data for the Lightmass bomb.
And to sum it up, the Lightmass bomb activates, Marcus and co. escape, and you
find out that this isn't the ending of the Locust... which sets up GoW2.
For the script, read the script section.
|Questions, Theories, and Explanations (TehEnd2) |
Section may be cancelled. I'm not sure; there's not many theories. If you
have some - yours or otherwise, send them in, and this section may live, but
I'm too lazy to come up with my own and I don't remember the "popular" ones.
|Script (TehEnd3) |
Yes, here is a script fo the ending of the game. ^_^
"Let's do this!"
*Dom hops onto Raven*
*Marcus moves towards Lightmass bomb, does some fancy fingerwork*
The Lightmass bomb appears to be charging.
Marcus - "Here we go."
Dom - "Hey! On our way."
The train is speeding along the tracks. Camera zooms to show that the track is
out on the upcoming bridge, falling into a pool of Immulsion. The train speeds
towards it while the Raven comes up beside the train to pick up Marcus.
Hoffman - "Marcus! Let's go!"
Dom - "Hold still dammit!"
Dom - "Move up! Let's go! Let's go!"
Hoffman - "Hey, we've got a problem!"
Train gets dangerously near the end of the line.
Hoffman - "This is it, Marcus!"
Marcus jumps towards Raven. Train falls into pool of Immulsion. Lightmass
bomb sets off little rocket like things that swim through the Locust tunnels.
Screen shows some Locusts underground, minding their own business, and then a
rocket drops in on their heads....
Corpser trying to escape from the blast, but doesn't make it...
Marcus is barely hanging onto the helicopter by Dom from way up in the sky.
Hoffman reaches his hand out to Marcus, who takes it. Dom and Hoffman pull
Marcus into the Raven, which flies away into the distance.
Dom - "So what are we doing tomorrow?"
Hoffman - "Earlier today your gears sucsessfully deployed the Lightmass bomb.
We have destroyed the enemy stronghold. This war has exacted a heavy price
from all of us. It ahs torn our world apart. But you have my word that we
will rise again."
Locust queen - "They do not understand. They do not know why we wage this war.
Why we cannot stop."
Camera is moving away from where the Raven flies away. You see a Locust on a
Locust queen - "...will not stop. Why we will fight and fight and fight.
Until we win.... ...Or we die. ...and we are not dead yet."
Reaver takes off and flies into the distance....
And we can't forget the Cole rap song. ;)
HOW DID I GET THIS SCRIPT? I beat RAAM and watched the ending and typed really
fast. I also used a video for help:
|Cog Tags (CGTG) |
This section is about Cog Tags, though for locations you should check the walk-
through. This is not a locations guide; the Cog Tag's whereabouts are mention-
ed as you read through the (very detailed, if I may) walkthrough.
|Basics (CGTG1) |
Cog tags are the last remains of dead soldiers. You pick these up so you can
carry them home to their families, or something like that. It's all about
"remembering the fallen."
These aren't even required if you don't care about the sixty gamerpoints you
get from them.
They are scattered all about the game on every Act. Find them (they look like
two blueish-white crosses with a necklace attached to them) and stand over them
and press X to pick them up. You do not have to reach a check-point to save
any you pick up; the moment you pick it up, it's yours.
They supposedly always have a red Gears of War sign painted somewhere near
them. I say supposedly because I have not seen a sign near all of them - but
keep in mind that if they are out of the way, I have not looked for them. If
you ever see a red Gears of War sign (the skull you see when you die) painted
somewhere on a wall or something, there's a Cog tag nearby....
I also have to say thanks to nismojoe. Although he didn't directly help me, I
used his FAQ to locate some of the tags. I just mentioned them as I went
through the FAQ, so therefore if you missed a Cog tag somewhere, you can try to
find it in my FAQ, or you can use his excellent one.
|Cog Tag Checklist (CGTG2) |
ACT 1 - 14 Years After D-Day
[ ] - Room where you split from Tutorial or Straight Into the Fight (CT1)
[ ] - Room where door is blown open from Locusts (CT2)
[ ] - Final outside area, before The Raven picks you up, on ledge to left (CT3)
Act 1 - Into the Fire
[ ] - First courtyard-like thing with actual fighting (CT4)
[ ] - Underneath the window to the left of the exit of the last building (CT5)
Act 1 - Fish In A Barrel
[ ] - To the left of the exit of the Courtyard with the circular thing (CT6)
Act 1 - Knock Knock
[ ] - Next to van, before the first Troika in this chapter (CT7)
Act 1 - Hammer
[ ] - At the end of the hallway where you first encounter Wretches (CT8)
[ ] - To the right of Rojas's body (CT9)
Act 1 - China Shop
[ ] - Where guy was raped by Berserker, that hallway (CT10)
[ ] - Left of last door before the outside (CT11)
[ ] - Left of the exit to the outside, must get before killing Berserker (CT12)
Act 2 - Tick Tick Boom
[ ] - Couch in last room before Grist (CT13)
Act 2 - Grist
[ ] - Underneath stairway after all the Wretches (CT14)
[ ] - Right before the Stranded Gatekeeper, behind two trees (CT15)
Act 2 - Lethal Dusk
[ ] - In shed with propanetank right after introduction to propane tanks (CT16)
[ ] - Shine spotlight on area where Dom strted (CT17)
Act 2 - Dark Labryinth
[ ] - Right of the exit of the building before running with the car (CT18)
Act 3 - Downpour
[ ] - Long dock before using the elevator to get inside the building (CT19)
Act 3 - Evolution
[ ] - Corner of room with falling boards (CT20)
Act 3 - Coalition Cargo
[ ] - In the room with the carts and computer terminal and ammo (CT21)
Act 3 - Darkest Before Dawn
[ ] - End of long path when you descend into the Locust mines (CT22)
[ ] - Left of the area with first Drones since descending into mines (CT23)
[ ] - Big open area with Corpser BEFORE Corpser fight (CT24)
Act 4 - Campus Grinder
[ ] - To the right of where you start (CT25)
Act 4 - Bad To Worse
[ ] - Corner of building near where you start this chapter (CT26)
Act 4 - Imaginary Place
[ ] - Under the desk in the Wretch room (CT27)
Act 5 - Train Wreck
[ ] - First inside interior on train (CT28)
[ ] - Across from the door in the room before the ladder to chainguns (CT29)
[ ] - Inside area on the cart before the Ammo cart and RAAM (CT30)
Now that you have all thirty? What are you going to do?
Simple. Admire the Achievement. Let your friends "admire" it. Send a message
to a friend without all 30 Cog Tags that reads, "Nana nana nyah-nyah!"
|Achievements (ACH) |
The following is a list of all Achievements in GoW. To see them, you can press
the Guide button on your remote (the big round center button) and click on the
box that has your Gamertag and Gamerscore, etc. in it. Click on View Games and
then find GoW (probably the first on the list) then click on it. There you
will find all of the Achievements. The ones you don't have are grayed out and
have no picture beside them. The ones you have are probably at the top. For
the record, here is a list of all of the Achievements, the points you get for
them, what you have to do, and any tips.
1. Complete Act 1 on Casual
TO GET: Complete Act 1 on Casual
TIPS: This probably has to be the easiest Achievement in the game, perhaps
besides "Always Remember Your First....". This is really nothing
special at all.
2. Complete Act 2 on Casual
TO GET: Complete Act 2 on Casual
TIPS: This is slightly more difficult because of the Kryll, but nothing
special either. As always with these types of Achievements, see the
Act chapters for whatever you need.
3. Complete Act 3 on Casual
TO GET: Complete Act 3 on Casual
TIPS: On the Hardcore difficulty, the Wretches will get on your nerves, but
checkpoints are pretty plentiful, so nothing much to it, just keep
your shotgun out for the most part if they decide to pop out on you.
4. Complete Act 4 on Casual
TO GET: Complete Act 4 on Casual
TIPS: There's parts of this chapter that annoyed me for some reason, but it
could just be me. Since this is Casual mode, its not really too
5. Complete Act 5 on Casual
TO GET: Complete Act 5 on Casual
TIPS: This is definetily the hardest one, solely because of RAAM. Otherwise
it would be as easy as the others. You will likely get the Mercenary
Acheivement with this one.
6. Mercenary
TO GET: Complete all Acts on Casual. If you played the game from start to
finish, you likely got this one at the same time as #5.
TIPS: Nothing special, really. Casual is the easiest mode there is, so you
should have few problems. Your biggest problem will be RAAM, so see
Act 5's Pale Horse chapter in this guide for help.
7. Complete Act 1 on Hardcore
TO GET: Complete Act 1 on Hardcore
TIPS: This is where things will start to get harder, but because Act 1 is
the easiest act (no Boomers, Kryll, etc.) you shouldn't have much of a
problem, especially if you have already beaten the game on Casual.
8. Complete Act 2 on Hardcore
TO GET: Complete Act 2 on Hardcore
TIPS: If you can beat Act 1 on Hardcore, you can probably beat this one.
Just remember to stay out of the dark.
9. Complete Act 3 on Hardcore
TO GET: Complete Act 3 on Hardcore
TIPS: Those Wretches will make you curse them sometimes, but otherwise it
shouldn't be much of a problem, except perhaps for the last bit.
10. Complete Act 4 on Hardcore
TO GET: Complete Act 4 on Hardcore
TIPS: The turret scene before you reach Marcus's house really killed me a
lot, and climbing the stairs, and the part where the Locust come in
through the front door. Other than that, standard procedure.
11. Complete Act 5 on Hardcore
TO GET: Complete Act 5 on Hardcore
TIPS: You've made it this far, so the Train Station section and the Train
section shouldn't be too hard. RAAM is the problem here.
12. Soldier
TO GET: Complete all Acts on Hardcore. You likely got this one and
"Complete Act 5 on Hardcore" at the same time.
TIPS: There is absolutely nothing to this Achievement. You probably look
at this like "What?!" but use some logic. This Achievement basically
asks you to unlock Achievements #7-11, nothing hard. The hard part
is doing the Achievements required. =P
13. Complete Act 1 on Insane
TO GET: Complete Act 1 on Insane
TIPS: Go to Act 1 in this FAQ and look for the Insane Notes for every Chap-
ter. For the most part, this is exactly the same as the Hardcore/
Casual section of the game.
14. Complete Act 2 on Insane
TO GET: Complete Act 2 on Insane
TIPS: Go to Act 2 in this FAQ and look for the Insane Notes for every Chap-
15. Complete Act 3 on Insane
TO GET: Complete Act 3 on Insane
TIPS: Go to Act 3 in this FAQ and look for the Insane Notes for every Chap-
16. Complete Act 4 on Insane
TO GET: Complete Act 4 on Insane
TIPS: Go to Act 4 in this FAQ and look for the Insane Notes for every Chap-
17. Complete Act 5 on Insane
TO GET: Complete Act 5 on Insane
TIPS: Go to Act 5 in this FAQ and look for the Insane Notes for every Chap-
ter. I wish you really good luck with RAAM!
18. Commando
TO GET: Complete All Acts on Insane. You will likely get this with # 17.
TIPS: Nothing to say but, "Good luck!" If you're like me, you will be in a
position where this Achievement is in almost in your grasp... but
RAAM stands in your way, and you just can't get it! Good luck with
him, and give him a few blasts for me once you beat it.
19. Time to Remember
TO GET: Find and pick up ten of thirty Cog tags.
TIPS: I can't say much here. If you follow this guide step-by-step, you
should easily get this and the next two Achievements. If it is your
second playthrough and you've already picked up some Cog tags, there
is no way to tell which ones you have. Sorry, but you'll have to
check each and every location thoroughly for any you may have missed.
20. Honor Bound
TO GET: Find and pick up twenty of thirty Cog tags.
TIPS: See #19.
21. For the Fallen
TO GET: Find and pick up all Cog tags, thrity of thrity.
TIPS: See #19.
22. Zen and the Art of Reloading
TO GET: Perform 25 successful Active Reloads on any difficulty.
TIPS: See #23.
23. Zen and the Art Part Two
TO GET: Perform five Active Reloads in a row on any difficulty.
TIPS: I got twenty-two and twenty-three easily without trying to get them.
I got #22 in Act 1 and #23 in Act 2, right before the scene where you
push the car to provide light and block the turret. If you need to
get them without hoping it pops up randomly, find a spot with no
enemies. Shoot a bullet, and then press right bumper. Watch the
meter until it hits the white, and then hit the right bumper again.
Rinse and repeat twenty five times. In all, twenty-five bullets are
wasted, so not much. Try to perform the first five Active Reloads in
a row as to unlock #23.
24. My Love For You Is Like A Truck
TO GET: Defeat a Berserker on Hardcore difficulty.
TIPS: If following this FAQ, you should get this one at the end of Act 1.
Read the strategies for defeating Berserkers in their respective
chapters where they show up. You meet three through the course of
the game; the first one in Act 1, China Shop; the second one in Act
4, Bad to Worse, and the last one in Act 5, Train Wreck.
25. Broken Fingers
TO GET: Defeat a Corpser on Hardcore difficulty
TIPS: I believe the only location of a Corpser is in Act 3, Angry Titan.
The Wretches sometimes make this fight annoying, but otherwise, this
has to be the easiest boss fight in the game (other than the
Berserkers... so I guess, as a matter of fact, all boss fights except
RAAM are incredibly easy....)
26. A Dish Best Served Cold
TO GET: Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore difficulty
TIPS: If it weren't for the Torque Bow and Longshot, this Achievement
should be worth a thousand damn points in itself. Thankfully, these
weapons make the fight MUCH easier, but don't get overconfident. For
strategies, see Act 5: Pale Horse.
27. Clusterluck
TO GET: Kill at least three enemies simulatenously ten times (not in a row)
on any difficulty.
TIPS: I've heard this tip time and time again, but never thought to try it
until now. This is one of the easiest Achievements. Start up Act 3-
Evolution. Get to the part where the Stranded guy falls through the
floor and gets killed. Now get some grenades and drop down into the
hole. Run around without getting killed until you have three or four
Wretches following you. Grenade tag it and roll away. If you didn't
get caught in the explosions, do it again until you run out of
grenades. On your last one, kill yourself purposely in the explosion
so you start over. Keep doing this until the Achievement is unlock-
ed. It took me literally less than five minutes to do this.
NOTE: We are now starting to get into the XboxLive-required Achievements. Yes,
this game has them too. I personally don't like them, because people
without XboxLive (yes, some people amazingly don't have XboxLive -
including me up to about a month ago) can't get them (though they really
don't need a Gamerscore, anyway). Most of the following ones are in
some way XboxLive-related.
28. A Series of Tubes
TO GET: Host and complete 50 Ranked games
TIPS: I haven't got this one and don't see myself getting it. No one ever
joins my games, and since the patch, you can't invite friends to
ranked matches. I don't know what determines what position your game
is on the list, but if you have a low whatever-it-is (lol) you might
as well just give up. Try playing a lot (a lot a lot) of games
online and see if anyone starts joing games when you host them....
29. Dom-Curious
TO GET: Complete one chapter playing as Dom
TIPS: If you plan on getting the three Dom's in a row, you'll get this one
fairly quickly and easily, considering you get this one after
completing the Tutorial. Do get them quicker, play the game on
Casual. You can not be the one hosting a co-op game; you must try to
join one.
30. Domination
TO GET: Complete ten chapters playing as Dom
TIPS: Again, playing on Casual with a friend makes this a quick and easy
31. I Can't Quit You, Dom
TO GET: Complete all Acts playing as Dom
TIPS: Same as the others. If for some reason you can't beat the game, ask
whoever's playing Marcus to start over with an easier difficulty.
Casual co-op is literally one of the easiest things ever.
32. Don't You Die On Me
TO GET: Revive 100 Teammates in Ranked Matches
TIPS: To revive your teammate, if he didn't get chainsawed or blown up,
stand next to his body and press X. Have you ever died, and noticed
the red screen with "A" at the bottom? Hit A as fast as you can to
keep alive longer. Someone might revive you. The people you revive
for this Achievement's screens look like this. Hurry before they
die! Not only will you eventually get the Achievement, you will also
have another teammate back in the action and ready to kick some more
33. Fall Down Go Boom
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the Boomshot
TIPS: Find a Boomshot, aim, and fire. Hope you kill someone. By the way,
in my opinon, the Boomshot is the worse weapon because most of the
time it doesn't kill when it's supposed to. Just to prove it to
someone who was praising the Boomshot because it's Gear's Rocket
Launcher, I had a friend of mine stand in place on Gridlock at his
spawn. I grabbed the Boomshot, went up to him, and SHOT AT HIS FEET.
It did NOT kill him, or even harm him. I know I'm hating on the
Boomshot, but I do hate the Boomshot. I will get this Achievement,
and you will, too, if you work at it, but good luck!
34. Pistolero
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with a pistol
TIPS: Find a Pistol, take aim, shoot. Hope you kill someone. I would
probably try it from medium range so they can't shotgun or chainsaw
35. The Nuge
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the Torque Bow
TIPS: Probably one of the easiest, just try taking cover and somewhat
sneaking up on someone. Remember the Torque Bow needs to charge, so
if you are in cover, make sure you hold down R (as if you were going
to blind fire) to have it charge some before you even come up to
take aim! And also note that a downed person stuck with a Torque
will NOT be killed! Stupid, I know, but it's true, so don't waste
your ammo!
36. I Spy With My Little Eye
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the Longshot
TIPS: Find it, find a high vantage point, and take aim. I would recommend
keeping a shotgun or something with you incase someone ventures too
close and stumbles upon your hiding spot, because the Longshot is
just that... a long shot - it's not a close range weapon.
A few pointers:
If at a long distance, it may be best to try to go for a headshot.
It's a one hit kill. If at mid-range to close range, you can get an
Active Reload shot in on the enemy for an EASY down. Then just back
away while reloading to get a Longshot kill. To have an Active
Reload waiting for you whenever you'll need it, just pick up the gun
and if you don't need to use it immediately, fire off a shot and
start tapping any directional button to switch your weapon. When
you need it, switch over to the Longshot, reload quickly, and take
aim. Three downs kills a person automatically, so if you are at a
far distance on Execution with a low bleed-out time, active reload
once to down him, reload and wait for him to stand, shoot him when
he stands, and repeat three times.
37. Don't Hurt 'Em
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the Hammer of Dawn
TIPS: I would imagine it would hurt, but whatever. Probably pretty easy,
too, because it'll kill them even if they're behind cover.
UPDATE: I haven't got this one yet, but I've heard people complaining
about the bad locations of the HoD, and now that the game is
a Gnasher (shotgun) fest instead of a tactical game, everyone
is always dead by the time you can get it and shoot someone.
I haven't started working on this one, so I wouldn't know if
it's true or not, but if it is true, then I wish you luck.
If people are host-advantage abusing the Gnasher, maybe you
can talk to everyone about using other weapons?
And to add on to this update, I realized how much I suck with
the HoD, so I may have to *cough* cheat a little. So good
luck with it... I wish you the luck that I won't have (lol).
38. It's a Massacre
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the Chainsaw.
TIPS: God, I hate this one. Good luck!
UPDATE: After going for the other weapon Achievements, I realize how
much I love this one. It is SO easy compared to the others.
I ask that you don't be cheap and sneak up on people; that's
the p*ssy way of getting it, IMO.
39. Curb Appeal
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the Curb Stomp
TIPS: I think a shotgun round to the knees knocks them down for a Curb
Stomp (X over a crouched, still alive person), but I'm not sure, to
be honest. I just Curb Stomp when someone's on their knees and I
notice it. If you're anything like me, this and the Longshot one
will be the only ones you get just from playing normally.
40. Capital Punishment
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with an execution
TIPS: I did not know what this means until a kind soul e-mailed me. If
this information is wrong, please inform me, but I do not know other-
wise. What follows is a direct quote, unaltered in any form.
"Execution refers to being up close and shooting someone in the head. This
cannot be done with the Lancer as it takes more than one shot to kill, but it
can be done up close with the shotgun or either pistol or even the sniper
rifle. You will see, instead of the curb stomp or Lancer or grenade or headshot
icon, a little picture of a hand holding a pistol to a head when you execute
Thanks to Zev Gurman for this.
Also, I do believe that any kill - except for chainsaw, and things of
that matter - within a certain distance of a downed person is an
Execution. That being the case, if you down someone with Longshot
melees and decide to shoot him with it to get it to count as a Long-
shot kill, it won't count. You will have to back up a certain
distance away (not sure what exactly that distance is, though) and
then shoot, which - if the bleed-out itme is low - may give him the
opportunity to get back up and **** you over, or someone else to come
up and kill him before you can, or you to get killed by an enemy, etc
so just be careful if you're not going for executions.
41. Is It A Spider
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with the grenade tag
TIPS: Equip grenades, sneak up on someone, hit B next to them, and get the
**** out of there. Repeat 100 times.
UPDATE: I've been working on this one lately. It's taking me awhile
because of several reasons. One - if you run directly up on
someone, they will usually unload enough ammo into you to
kill or nearly kill you. If they nearly kill you and you tag
them, they will probably run into you and blow you up. The
alternative to this is sneaking up on people, which is really
cheap and not recommended. That's if you can even get the
grenades; pricks on my team always pick them up and they
don't even use them. I'm ranting, I know, but it does get
annoying. Just keep at it.
42. The Money Shot
TO GET: Kill 100 enemies with a headshot.
TIPS: Hey, if you're real lucky, you can get this one and #36 together. =P
Realistically, there's no easy way to go about this. Just pick up a
sniper, start playing games, and try to get headshots (though don't
lose games for it).
Also, other weapons can score you headshots... pistols, even the
Oh, and by the way, if you get the joke of the title, too, you've
probably spent too much time surfing the internet late at night (if
you catch my drift)....
43. Always Remember Your First
TO GET: Complete a Ranked Versus match
TIPS: Probably the easiest Achievement. It doesn't matter if you win or
lose; hell, just sit there until the time runs out (though the
teammates might not like this so much) and you'll get it.
44. Don't Hate The Player
TO GET: Finish with the highest points in a Ranked match
TIPS: Kill alot, and don't get killed alot. Having trouble? Fight n00bs.
...or make your grandma play or something. =P This is practically
impossible if you get matched up with really really skilled players.
UPDATE: I did this one easily. Play a one-rounder. Get the most
kills. Not so hard.
45. Mix It Up
TO GET: Win a ranked match in every versus type
TIPS: Simply browse through the list and find a game in each versus type.
Play it to the end, and play hard, and hope you win it. If you lose
it, retry that type. Nothing much to the prequisites, winning the
matches should be the only problem.
UPDATE: One of the easiest 20 points ever. There's only three game
types. Play one-rounders. Play an Execution, then Warzone,
then Assasination. Don't move on until you win one. Bam,
one Achievement down.
46. Around the World
TO GET: Win a ranked match on every map
TIPS: Same as above, but changing the maps up. Some maps are kind of
uncommonly played, so you may have to host one.
UPDATE: This one was hell for me. I was almost 100% sure I'd won a
match on every freakin' map around five times. Whatever.
Type up a list of all maps and then check one off when you
win on it. Do every one, even if you think you've already
won on it. Better yet, don't move on to another map until
you get a win on the one you're working on.
47. Can't Touch Me
TO GET: Win 10 ranked matches without losing a round
TIPS: This one always confused me as to how it was obtained. No, it is not
ten rounds in a row, just ten ranked matches where during the entire
match your team does not lose once. The easiest way to obtain this
one is by playing one rounders, because either you win or you lose,
and you don't have to risk getting 7/8 wins and then their team
making a comeback, screwing you up. If you want, you can probably
keep playing and it will likely pop up on you sometime, but if it's
your last one or you want 20 (fairly easy) points, just start playing
one rounders.
UPDATE: I got this one completely random one time. Funny thing is, I
lost the match I got it on. I don't know how I got it, but
whatever, I did! =D
Just to let you know not to be surprised if it pops up
randomly on ya. =P
48. Seriously...
TO GET: Kill 10,000 people in ranked versus matches.
TIPS: The name has it right. If you've got this, you've got too much time
on your hands. It is worth WAY more points, in my opinion, but
whatever. There's no easy way to earn it, really, unless you want to
cheat or something (though I wouldn't recommend that, but wouldn't be
surprised to find myself doing it =P).
49. Prison Breakout
TO GET: Complete the tutorial level on any skill level
TIPS: I belive to get this you follow the right route, Tutorial, in the
14 Years After E-Day Chapter of Act One, Ashes.
|FAQs [Frequently Asked Questions] (FreqAsk) |
Here are some that are in every FAQ it seems like, and though I haven't been
asked yet, I'll put them here anyway, to stop anyone from asking them. I'm
still open for questions, though, so feel free to send an email my way!
Q. Can I play a game with you/will you be my friend?
A. I'll play a game if I have time, but don't be surprised if you beat me. I'm
not going to pretend I'm so 1337 at this game (I'm not). And as far as
being my friend, I would prefer to play a game with you first to know if I
like you are not so my friends list doesn't get too crowded. Friends I care
about would get mixed in with people I don't even know!
Q. What is your gamertag?
A. Cuzit, same as everything else.
Q. Will you help me beat the game on Insane or help me beat a certain part of
the game?
A. Maybe. It depends on what kind of mood I am in, what I am doing, and how
much time I have. I'm usually a really nice guy, so just send me a game
invite sometime. If I turn you down, I'll leave you a note explaining why.
Please don't get mad; I'm a busy guy! If you're just having trouble with
one part, I'm a lot more likely to help you with that than if you want me to
play through the entire game with you. That would take time that I probably
won't have, but again, if you just can't beat Insane and you need help, let
me know!
|Review (REV) |
To make a long story short, this is simply a review of Gears of War that I
wanted to do, but it was too short to be accepted because of the 61 reviews
already there. That's why I decided instead of adding mindless crap to it to
lenghten it or just throwing all that work away, I would just add it to my FAQ.
Here is what I think about the game, slightly edited for formatting:
|Review of Gears of War |
I have to start out by saying that this is not a bad game. It is a very good
game, definitely not bad. That's not to say that the game isn't hard as hell,
|Gears of Graphics|
The graphics are simply amazing. I will go so far as to say better than almost
anything out at this date. It will be quite a while (more than likely) before
another game comes along with graphics as good as these. They will make you
wet your pants and your mother cry. They are that beautiful. And I haven't
even seen them in High Definition yet (though I imagine I would literally wet
myself the day I got that opportunity; if I ever get an High Definition TV, if
a game with better graphics hasn't come out, this is definetily the first game
I'm going for to see what an HD TV can do).
The game's lighting is also very very excellent. A few scenes come to mind;
the scene at the beginning of Act 3, for example (I OMGasmed the first time I
ever saw that) and the ending.
All of the characters. enemies, weapons, and locations are beautiful and well
-textured, as well. There is simply no other game with better graphics; need I
say more?
Though some people say that graphics is the only thing Gears as running for it,
I beg to differ. Read on....
Graphics Review: 10/10
|Gears of Sound |
I will start with a simple statement: the sound is excellent. It definitely
requires a Dolby 5.1, like I have, to enjoy it fully, though that's not to say
people running cheap TV's and nothing else won't enjoy the sound.
The voice over's are wonderful, and all of the characters have emotion and
feelings that are believable. If there ever is a bad VO moment, it wasn't
major enough to be noticeable.
All of the sound effects are really well done, as well. Hearing gunshots
behind you from a Locust flanking you, throwing a grenade behind you, whipping
around to shoot at the enemies coming at you from the front while hearing the
BOOM from behind you that rattles the TV... there's nothing like it.
The music isn't anything spectacular enough for it to be rememberal. It was
good, no doubt about it, but I couldn't hum the theme song right now for you
like I could the Halo theme song, is all I'm saying. Usually, you're too
concerned with not dying to pay attention to the music (more on that in the
Gears of Difficulty part).
Sound Review: 9/10
|Gears of Story |
Most people will tell you that the story isn't anything spectacular... and most
people would be right. It is a good story, no doubt, and an epic one at that,
but nothing that will stick with you for years. A good novel would correct
this, in my opinion (something to go into the backstory a little bit, if you
know what I'm saying).
However, the story is not boring, and will keep you wanting to know what will
happen next, even if it is sometimes predictable (and sometimes it gets kind of
bad and would be predictable if you only knew what the hell was going on and
why you are doing what you are doing).
Story Review: 6/10
|Gears of Gameplay |
This is where we encounter the biggy. This game is freakin' awesome. It is so
fun, if frustrating at times, to play. If you're not getting too mad for
frequently dying, then you will notice how fun this game is to play.
It has everything; the "OMFG that was cool!" moments like the first time
you chainsaw a baddy in half, the "scary-ish moments when you don't know what
to expect or where an enemy is going to pop out" (Nightfall Act), the "do I
have to fight that?" moments (all of the boss fights, namely RAAM), and more.
The cover system does get somewhat repetitive, but it is something new. It
makes the game more realistic. The game then becomes more fun after you
realize that you have to stay down not to die, with bullets whizzing over your
head just inches above. Now if Halo 3 doesn't steal it (=P) then Epic can
perfect its downsides for Gears of War 2 (we all know its coming).
Other than that, it's your basic shooter, pretty much. You've played Halo
before. ;)
Gameplay Review: 9/10
|Gears of Difficulty |
Can I go ahead and say it? This game is ***in' hard! Even Casual seems like
Legendary on Halo sometimes! Hardcore isn't really that much more difficult
when you get used to Casual, although there are moments that are amazingly
difficult (end of Act 3, for example - even RAAM was easier than this) and I
haven't even attempted Insane.
If you are a casual gamer at all, then this game is probably not for you. Rent
it first, because this is a very difficult game, and some may not be able to
beat it.
The difficulty is unbalanced and not very good, in my opinion, and that is why
it has to get the low score.
Difficulty Review:
|To Sum It Up |
And let's all do the math; there are 5 sections for a total of fifty points,
and the game gets a total score of 38/50. Thirty-eight divided by five gives
us seven point six, which rounds up to eight. Therefore, the game gets a nice
round eight. Nothing ground-breaking (ignoring graphics) but a damn good game
to say the least.
Ratings (whichever you prefer):
This game was reviewed by Matt Silvey, aka Cuzit, who has wrote one FAQ for the
game that can be found on GameFAQs. I must think it is a pretty good game to
devote the time to write a FAQ for it!
Gears of War: FAQ/Walkthrough by Cuzit
Version 1.0, Last Updated 2007-03-16 View/Download Original File
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