
Grand Theft Auto III: (ps2)FAQ/Walkthrough

Grand Theft Auto III: FAQ/Walkthrough

| I. Introduction And General Information (IAGI) |

1. Who Am I?
(MYST) 2. My Setup
(FTAU) 3. From The Author
(ABGD) 4. About The Guide
(SBMS) 5. Submissions
(GRTH) 6. "Grand Theft Auto III"
(GTVD) 7. GTA3 Version Differences (PS2 Only)
(PXDF) 8. PS2 and Xbox Differences
(XBDT) 9. Xbox 360 Data
(XPTV) 10. Xploder HDTV (PlayStation 2) Data
(CTRS) 11. Controls and Vehicles
A. On Foot
B. In Cars and Boats
C. In the Rhino
(TMSC) 12. The Main Screen
(GMNU) 13. Game Menus
(WPNS) 14. Weapons
(HBPA) 15. Health, Body Armor, Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons
(LWFM) 16. Law Enforcement
(UPNS) 17. Using a Pay 'N' Spray
(BSTD) 18. Busted
(WSTD) 19. Wasted
(PVGM) 20. Police Vehicles and Vigilante Missions
(ATPM) 21. Advanced Tips And Information
(PNGL) 22. The Purple Nines Glitch (All Versions)
(CLUD) 23. "Claude"
(LBCT) 24. Liberty City: 1998 to 2001
(CPLT) 25. 100% Completion List

| II. Portland Island (PTLD) |

(ITBG) 1. In The Beginning.....
(BDMS) 2. Before Doing The Main Story Missions
(YSFH) 3. Your Safehouse
(PTLM) 4. Portland Island Landmarks
(PIWI) 5. Portland Island Weapons And Items
(HCPL) 6. Hidden Packages Explained
(PIHP) 7. Hidden Packages (Portland Island)
(IIEG) 8. Industrial Import Export Garage
(EVCR) 9. Emergency Vehicle Crane
(ABMS) 10. Ambulance Mission
(RGEX) 11. Rampages Explained
(RPGI) 12. Rampages (Portland Island)
(UNJE) 13. Unique Stunt Jumps Explained
(USJP) 14. Unique Stunt Jumps (Portland Island)
(VGPI) 15. Vigilante Mission (Portland Island)
(FTPI) 16. Firetruck Mission (Portland Island)
(PTPL) 17. "Patriot Playground"
(MFDS) 18. "Mafia Massacre" (Toyz Van)/"Diablo Destruction" (Toyz Van)
(GSIV) 19. Going to Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale Early
A. The Porter Tunnel Glitch
B. Hidden Packages CHT-H19 and FIA-H97
C. What You Can Do
D. Hidden Package SSV-H75 and The Dodo
E. Early Explorer Bonus

| III. The Main Story Missions (TMSM) |

(LGTR) 1. Luigi Goterelli
L2. "Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up" (Luigi Goterelli)
L3. "Drive Misty For Me" (Luigi Goterelli)
L4. "Pump-Action Pimp" (Luigi Goterelli)
L5. "The Fuzz Ball" (Luigi Goterelli)
(MTCK) 2. Marty Chonks (Bitch'N' Dog Food Factory)
A. "The Crook" (Marty Chonks)
B. "The Thieves" (Marty Chonks)
C. "The Wife" (Marty Chonks)
D. "Her Lover" (Marty Chonks)
(JYLE) 3. Joey Leone
J1. "Mike Lips Last Lunch" (Joey Leone)
J2. "Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong" (Joey Leone)
J3. "Van Heist" (Joey Leone)
J4. "Cipriani's Chauffeur" (Joey Leone)
J5. "Dead Skunk In The Trunk" (Joey Leone)
J6. "The Getaway" (Joey Leone)
(TNCP) 4. Toni Cipriani
T1. "Taking Out The Laundry" (Toni Cipriani)
(ELBR) 5. El Burro
E1. "Turismo" (El Burro)
E2. "I Scream, You Scream" (El Burro)
E3. "Trial By Fire" (El Burro)
E4. "Big 'N' Veiny" (El Burro)
T2. "The Pick-Up" (Toni Cipriani)
T3. "Salvatore's Called A Meeting" (Toni Cipriani)
(SVLE) 6. Salvatore Leone
S1. "Chaperone" (Salvatore Leone)
T4. "Triads And Tribulations" (Toni Cipriani)
T5. "Blow Fish" (Toni Cipriani)
S2. "Cutting The Grass" (Salvatore Leone)
S3 and S4. "Bomb Da Base (Acts I and II)" (Salvatore Leone)
S5. "Last Requests" (Salvatore Leone)

| IV. Staunton Island (STLN) |

(SILM) 1. Staunton Island Landmarks
(WISI) 2. Staunton Island Weapons And Items
(SIHP) 3. Hidden Packages (Staunton Island)
(RPGD) 4. Rampages (Staunton Island)
(USJS) 5. Unique Stunt Jumps (Staunton Island)
(RIPR) 6. "A Ride In The Park"
(MLYM) 7. "Multistorey Mayhem"
(TXMS) 8. Taxi Mission
(FTSI) 9. Vigilante and Firetruck Missions (Staunton Island)
(CSCL) 10. "Casino Calamity" (Toyz Van)
(SKSN) 11. Asuka Kasen
A1. "Sayonara Salvatore" (Asuka Kasen)
A2. "Under Surveillance" (Asuka Kasen)
(KJKS) 12. Kenji Kasen
K1. "Kanbu Bust Out" (Kenji Kasen)
K2. "Grand Theft Auto" (Kenji Kasen)
K3. "Deal Steal" (Kenji Kasen)
K4. "Shima" (Kenji Kasen)
K5. "Smack Down" (Kenji Kasen)
A3. "Paparazzi Purge" (Asuka Kasen)
A4. "Payday For Ray" (Asuka Kasen)
(RYMC) 13. Ray Machowski
R1. "Silence The Sneak" (Ray Machowski)
R2. "Arms Shortage" (Ray Machowski)
(AQRS) 14. Acquiring the Rhino (The Safe Method)
R3. "Evidence Dash" (Ray Machowski)
(DNLV) 15. Donald Love
D1. "Liberator" (Donald Love)
D2. "Waka-Gashira Wipeout!" (Donald Love)
D3. "A Drop In The Ocean" (Donald Love)

| V. Shoreside Vale |

(SVLM) 1. Shoreside Vale Landmarks
(VLWI) 2. Shoreside Vale Weapons And Items
(SVHP) 3. Hidden Packages (Shoreside Vale)
(RPGV) 4. Rampages (Shoreside Vale)
(USJV) 5. Unique Stunt Jumps (Shoreside Vale)
(SIEG) 6. Suburban Import Export Garage
(AQRN) 7. Acquiring the Rhino (The Not-So-Safe Method)
(GRPD) 8. "Gripped!"
(FTSV) 9. Vigilante and Firetruck Missions (Shoreside Vale)
(RPRM) 10. "Rumpo Rampage" (Toyz Van)
R4. "Gone Fishing" (Ray Machowski)
R5. "Plaster Blaster" (Ray Machowski)
R6. "Marked Man" (Ray Machowski)
A5. "Two-Faced Tanner" (Asuka Kasen)
D4. "Grand Theft Aero" (Donald Love)
D5. "Escort Service" (Donald Love)
D6. "Decoy" (Donald Love)
D7. "Love's Disappearance" (Donald Love)
A6. "Bait" (Asuka Kasen)
A7. "Espresso-2-Go!" (Asuka Kasen)
A8. "S.A.M." (Asuka Kasen)
(DCEI) 11. D-Ice
DI1. "Uz-I Money" (D-Ice)
DI2. "Toyminator" (D-Ice)
DI3. "Rigged To Blow" (D-Ice)
DI4. "Bullion Run" (D-Ice)
DI5. "Rumble" (D-Ice)
(KCRT) 12. King Courtney
KC1. "Bling-Bling Scramble" (King Courtney)
KC2. "Uz-I Rider" (King Courtney)
KC3. "Gangcar Round-Up" (King Courtney)
KC4. "Kingdom Come" (King Courtney)
(CTLN) 13. Catalina
C1. "The Exchange" (Catalina)

| VI. 100% Completion Score (CPSC) |

| VII. Hidden Text on the PS2 Disc (HTPD) |

| VIII. Credits |

| IX. Conclusion |

| I. Introduction And General Information [IAGI] |
| I.1. Who Am I? |

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a hardcore gamer with about 30+ years
of gaming experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasArts
Games, Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco
Cyberstation - Pier 39, San Francisco, CA).

I also own multiple systems such as the Sega Dreamcast, Super Nintendo,
Nintendo 64, Atari Jaguar, PlayStation 1 and 2, Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I currently work at JCPenneys at one of the malls here in San Antonio, TX.
Retail isn't the best job in the world but JCPenneys is a very stable company
unlike some of the other places I have worked for in the past like internet
service providers or web programming companies.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. I have extended the
play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many times over
plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also what one may call an RGB enthusiast. I hack my game consoles to try
to get the best possible video from them and that usually involves tapping
into the RGB Analog video signals and using them on the right monitors to
achieve my desires. To this end I became a member of the GamesX.com mod forum
and I post regularly on their "RGB + Video Discussions" forum area.

In addition, I am a member of the X-Otic Computer Systems of San Antonio
(www.xcssa.org), a group who specializes in Linux, Mac, and other systems.

I am also a regular forum poster at GameFAQs, an occasional poster at
www.Atariage.com and Digital Press, and I am also a member of the MOFAT (a
members only message board set up by "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" players
who met on the Vice City message boards at GameFAQs).

Outside of gaming, my interests include Godzilla (I have been a G-Fan since
the age of ten) and Red Dwarf (I own all eight series on DVD).

As far as favorite sports teams go my teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
[the local team], the Denver Broncos (NFL) [although I live in Texas I am
originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado], and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA

| I.2. My Setup [MYST] |

This guide was constructed using BBEdit Lite 6.1 and a Power Mac Workgroup
Server 8550/200 (with a G3 card running at 330 MHz). It is now being
maintained using TextWrangler 2.1.2 on a 1.5Ghz Single Core Intel Mac Mini. I
view my work in Safari to help in seeing how it would look on the web and
correct format errors.

I also play GTA3 on my NEC MultiSync 3D RGB monitor using a homebrew RGB
box that contains a EL1883 (MacroVision compatible) sync separation chip to
acquire video sync, for RGB use, from Composite Video.

| I.3. From The Author [FTAU] |

Welcome to my "Grand Theft Auto III" guide! If this is the first time you
have visited, you will find a lot of useful information in a highly organized
format that you can use to beat all of the missions of the game.

Quotes taken from readers' e-mail are presented "as is" and may include
spelling and grammatical errors.

I also employ some creative writing in the chapter "Liberty City: 1998 to
2001" and in the land-marking sections.

When I first posted the initial version of my Vice City guide, which was my
first one, I did not know how well it would go over and how many people would
respond. I wasn't exactly swamped with e-mail but I do get letters from time
to time.

Sometimes people would ask for advice and others would say how cool the guide
is. All it takes is for one person to say how good and useful your guide is
to make it all worthwhile. And others have made suggestions that have been
incorporated into my guides.

I want to thank GameFAQs for creating a place where such documents can be
hosted for the benefit of all gamers. I also want to thank IGN.com,
NeoSeeker.com, TheVGNation.com, GameHelper.com, and many other sites for
their generosity in hosting this guide along with my other work on their

With that said, let's get down to business shall we?.....

| I.4. About The Guide [ABGD] |

The main emphasis of this guide is to provide creative and simple solutions
to many of the missions for "Grand Theft Auto III". Many hours were spent
going over each mission and finding unique ways to solve them. I think you
will be surprised by many of the solutions found here.

I also reference the map/poster that comes with the game (there is also a map
in the manual). Some of the location names come from that.

I have worked hard to make sure that this guide is as complete as possible
but at the same time leave room for exploration. I even included interesting
and humorous anecdotes, observations, and lines from GTA3. I hope that you
enjoy this guide as much as learn from it.

Each Hidden Package, Unique Stunt Jump, and Rampage has a letter designation
to make them easier to identify in this guide. In addition there is a three
letter Neighborhood Prefix (listings below) indicating a particular
neighborhood or area where the item can be found (in these examples I use

>>Hidden Packages will be identified with an "H".
Examples: Hidden Package XXX-H21.
Package XXX-H32.

>>Rampages will be identified with an "R".
Examples: Rampage XXX-R34.

>>Unique Stunt Jumps will be identified with a "J".
Examples: Unique Stunt Jump XXX-J24.
Unique Jump XXX-J12.
Jump XXX-J8.

| Neighborhood Prefixes \

PTL - Portland SSV - Shoreside Vale
HWD - Harwood CCD - Cochrane Dam
STM - St. Marks CDG - Cedar Grove
PTB - Portland Beach PKC - Pike Creek
HPH - Hepburn Heights WCG - Wichita Gardens
RLD - Red Light District FIA - Francis International Airport
CHT - Chinatown
PLV - Portland View
PHB - Portland Harbor
TTN - Trenton
CLB - Callahan Bridge
CPT - Callahan Point
AQY - Atlantic Quays

STI - Staunton Island
RFD - Rockford
APT - Aspatria
LBC - Liberty Campus
FRS - Fort Staunton
NPT - Newport
BLP - Belleville Park
TRG - Torrington
BDT - Bedford Point

| I.5. Submissions [SBMS] |

If you have any comments, suggestions, and critiques, you can e-mail me at
the following address.....


Things to submit.....

>>Better ideas. If you have some better way to do certain missions, I would
be glad to hear it. Once I confirm it, I will include your idea in future
revisions and will credit you for it.

>>Anecdotes and observations (especially if they're funny).

>>Differences between the PC and Xbox versions that may make my some of my
strategies ineffective.

>>Constructive critiques. While I have strived to make this as good a guide
as possible, I know it is not perfect. Whatever criticisms you make of
this guide please make them constructive so I can learn from it since I
may consider doing guides for other games in the future.

>>Grammatical and formatting errors.

| I.6. "Grand Theft Auto III" [GRTH] |

"Grand Theft Auto III" is the successor to the moderately successful GTA2.
The first GTAs used a top-down perspective and a complex control scheme that
kind of made the game hard to get into.

"Grand Theft Auto III" put the main character in third person and the control
layout made it easier to play. Rockstar made up a reasonably good story with
real actors, like Joe Pataliano ("The Matrix", "The Sopranos") and Kyle
Maclachan ("Dune", "Twin Peaks").

They also made up a world where you can do just about anything at any time
regardless of whether it was violent or not. The combination resulted in
making "Grand Theft Auto III" one of the most popular vidgames of all time.

My first exposure to the Grand Theft Auto series began with "Grand Theft Auto
2" for the Sega Dreamcast. Once I got used to the overhead view and the
controls, it was easy for me to cause all kinds of chaos and havoc. While
there was nothing wrong with "Soul Calibur" and "Sonic Adventure", I liked
the idea of being the bad guy (or anti-hero if you prefer) where I can do
nasty stuff for the hell of it.

However, it turned out that the Dreamcast version was a shoddy port of the PC
version, a fact that was made more obvious after I acquired the PS1 version.
No volume menu, no included map, music loops that restarted every time that
you got into a car, one mission that you couldn't do due to a bug, and the
fact that you could only save one game to a VMU (as opposed to 15 on the PS1
memory card) were some of the things that were wrong with the Dreamcast
version (at least it looked good in VGA). And there was no real ending to
"Grand Theft Auto 2" (either version), just a "Game Complete" screen. Very

But I still liked GTA2 despite it's flaws. I especially liked running over
people (and cars) with the tank. And GTA2 looked better than GTA1 which I
acquired later. GTA1 had more discernible endings at the end of each level
and it also had music that you could also listen to in a regular CD player.

Then along came "Grand Theft Auto III". I first saw it at a Game World (now
GameStop - and moved to a different location) on Bandera Road here in San
Antonio shortly after it came out in October 2001. They had it playing on
their 27-inch TV so you could try it out. I decided to play around for about
15 minutes and then continue looking around the store.

Two hours later, I'm still shooting people, running them over, and making a
general nuisance of myself in the fictitious metropolis of Liberty City. Up
to this point there were only two games that hooked me to the point that I
got the system because of them: "Defender of the Crown" (Commodore Amiga) and
"Goldeneye" (Nintendo 64). And now "Grand Theft Auto III" (PlayStation 2). I
eventually got the system for Christmas and got GTA3 a couple of days later
(my family could not find the game in time to give it to me for Christmas).

I had a whole lotta fun with GTA3. I completed the missions, I got 100%
Completion, and I went on city-wide rampages. But I especially enjoyed
playing demolition derby with the Cops and jacking cars from the Yakuza
("I'll get you!"). The game is one of the best designed games I have ever
seen. It was a freeform, do anything you want design that made GTA3 more than
just an interactive crime spree - it was an experience.

But GTA3 was just the beginning. Vice City would later outdo GTA3 on many
levels and then San Andreas far surpassed both GTA3 and Vice City combined.

With all that said, let's get down to the business of the guide itself and I
will start with the differences between the Original and Double Pack versions
for the PS2.....

| 1.7. GTA3 Version Differences (PS2 Only) [GTVD] |

After doing some closer examination of both my Original Version and Double
Pack Version discs, I concluded that there are no major differences between
the Original, Greatest Hits, and Double Pack versions of GTA3.

Originally I thought that they had changed the requirements of the Ambulance
Mission for the DP version but one of my readers, Dan Schauer, indicated to
me that this was not so and I verified his information. More details on that
in the Ambulance Mission portion of the guide.

In addition, I placed my GTA3 discs in my Mac and opened up the file
"system.cnf" in BBEdit Lite:

BOOT2 = cdrom0:\SLUS_200.62;1
VER = 1.40

This was the case for both the Original and Double Pack discs. This means
that the Original and Double Pack are of the same version number (1.40).
Since the Greatest Hits version came out before the Double Pack this means
that it is also version 1.40. If Rockstar had made any major changes to GTA3
the version number would change (and the game saves from the new version
would be incompatible with the old version).

However, they did make a couple of tweaks without changing the major portion
of the code and version number:

>>"Uzi" in the Original Version is now called the "Uz-I" (I use this
alternate spelling in the guide).

>>One of the songs for Double Cleff FM, "O Mio Babbino Caro", was removed
starting with the PS2 Double Pack. It is not on any of the Xbox versions
either. Why was it removed? Unknown. Thanks goes to Blank Blank for that

| I.8. PS2 and Xbox Differences [PXDF] |

What are some of the differences between the Xbox and PS2 versions? Which one
is better (from a technical standpoint)? Here's the breakdown:

| Graphics |

The graphics on the Xbox version are better than the PS2 version and
animate very well. Plus there's the added benefit of Progressive Scan for
the Xbox version.

With the release of Xploder HDTV for the PS2 you can now enjoy GTA3 in 480p
(although the main title introduction glitches up a bit due to "meshing

| Sound |

The sound quality is about the same between the PS2 and Xbox versions of
GTA3. The Xbox version gets a slight edge due to its custom soundtrack

| Controls |

The controls on the Xbox version are OK even though doing drive-bys is a
little awkward because you have to use the Right Analog Stick. The PS2
version gets the edge here because it is easier to do drive-bys with the L2
and R2 shoulder buttons.

| Console Hardware Data |

>>PlayStation 2
The PS2 version runs very well with no problems. No sudden pop-ins or
texture loading problems.

The Xbox version also runs very well with no sudden pop-in or texture
loading problems. The only time the game chugs even a little is when you
are blowing stuff up with the Rhino.

GTA3 also glitches out very bad if you happen to have an Xbox with a
Thompson drive (I had to trade in my initial Xbox because of this problem).

The best way to tell if you have the bad drive is when you load up the
game. If you can hear the title music but the screen remains black, you
have the bad drive. Microsoft used two other drives in addition to the
Thompson drive and only a drive replacement will solve this particular

As a result of these technical problems I have to say that it is a draw
between the PS2 and the Xbox version. This is not to dis the Xbox in any way
however. I have a lot of games for the Xbox and they all look and play great.

Based on recent information it appears that most of the PlayStation 2
library, including the GTA games, runs pretty well on the PlayStation 3. They
can even be run in Progressive Scan modes but, since I do not have a PS3 at
this time, I do not how well they look and play in these modes.

| Xbox Version Differences |

There are only a couple of differences in the Xbox version:

>>Catalina looks very different in the Xbox version. She has a different
hairstyle, a very revealing top, a tattoo on her lower back, slight panty
exposure (around her pant line), and a navel ring.

>>The dialogue in the cutscene for "Under Surveillance" (Asuka Kasen) was
changed. She mentions that the federal agents are doing the surveillance
instead of the Mafia. However, while the spoken dialogue was changed, the
subtitles were not thus making the cutscene a little awkward.

| I.9. Xbox 360 Data [XBDT] |

"Grand Theft Auto III" works with the latest Backward Compatibility updates
for the Xbox 360 (you need the Hard Drive to play Original Xbox games
on the X360).

You can play GTA3 in many different resolutions depending on your monitor or
HDTV setup. It looks and plays pretty good (although the main title intro
chugs quite a bit).

However, if you play it in 720p mode you may find that it slows down a little
from time to time because the Original Xbox version was not meant to be
played any higher than 480p.

Plus, you can't do custom soundtracks when playing GTA3 on the X360.

In addition, the White and Black buttons (from the Original Xbox controller)
are replaced by the Left and Right Buttons which are situated above the Left
and Right Triggers on the Xbox 360 pad.

| I.10. Xploder HDTV (PlayStation 2) Data [XPTV] |

Xploder HDTV is a disc that will allow PlayStation 2 owners to play most of
their games in Progressive Scan mode. Many games will work but some of them
will have issues.

"Grand Theft Auto III" works great in 480p mode. However, the main title
intro will be glitchy because of "line meshing issues". This is actually a
minor problem since you can easily skip the opening credits by pressing X.
Once you get past the intro, all is good.

Because the graphics are designed for 480 vertical resolution it is not
recommended that you put "Grand Theft Auto III" in any mode higher than 480p.
The higher resolution modes, like 720p, simply shoehorn the 480 graphics into
the higher end modes and tend to really squash the screen.

With that said, let's move on to the most basic of functions......

| I.11. Controls and Vehicles [CTRS] |

Although the manual covers the setup pretty good, I felt that I should
include a section on controls for those who have acquired used copies of GTA3
that have no manuals.

Special thanks to spaceeinstein for his help with the PC controls and A1210
for his help with the Xbox controls.

It should be noted that on the PC version you have the option of using the
Mouse for targeting and driving instead of the Keypad.

I have also included basic action and vehicle information with their
respective control schemes.

| I.11.A. On Foot \

As with any GTA game there is plenty of things you can do when on foot.

| Controls \

>>PlayStation 2 Version

Move Around...............................................Left Analog Stick
[4] Look Around (First Person Mode)......................Right Analog Stick
Move Around.................................................Directional Pad
[1] Run............................................................X Button
Jump..........................................................Square Button
[2] Attack....................................................Circle Button
Enter Vehicle...............................................Triangle Button
Center Camera.....................................................L1 Button
Previous Weapon...................................................L2 Button
[3] Target........................................................R1 Button
Next Weapon.......................................................R2 Button
Look Behind.......................................................R3 Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................Select Button
Zoom In With Sniper Rifle.....................................Square Button
Zoom Out With Sniper Rifle.........................................X Button

>>Xbox Version

Move Around...............................................Left Analog Stick
[4] Look Around (First Person Mode)......................Right Analog Stick
[1] Run............................................................A Button
Jump...............................................................X Button
[2] Attack....................................................Right Trigger
Enter Vehicle......................................................Y Button
Previous Weapon........................................Directional Pad Left
[3] Target.....................................................Left Trigger
Next Weapon...........................................Directional Pad Right
Look Behind.......................................Right Analog Stick Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode.............................................White Button

>>PC Version

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]

[It should be noted that you can use the mouse for more accurate aiming
when attacking on foot.]

Move Forward................................................Arrow Up; W Key
Move Backward.............................................Arrow Down; S Key
Move Left.................................................Arrow Left; A Key
Move Right...............................................Arrow Right; D Key
[1] Run.........................................................Right Shift
Jump...................................................Right Control; Space
[2] Attack............................NP 0; Left Control; Left Mouse Button
Enter Vehicle...........................................Return/Enter; F Key
Previous Weapon...............................NP Period [.]; Mouse Wheel Up
Next Weapon......................................NP Enter; Mouse Wheel Down
[3] Target.......................................Delete; Right Mouse Button
Look Behind............................NP 1; Caps Lock; Middle Mouse Button
Change Camera Mode..............................................Home; V Key
Zoom In With Sniper Rifle....................Page Up; Z Key; Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom Out With Sniper Rifle...............Page Down; X Key; Mouse Wheel Down


[1] - If you hold down the Run button too long, you will tire and have to
rest before you can run again. Tapping the button in rhythm will serve
to help you run a little longer. The more times you run, the better
your stamina will be. You can solve the problem of tiring out by
getting the Infinite Run feature which is acquired by successfully
completing the Ambulance Mission (detailed later).

[2] - When holding a melee weapon (like a bat) or using your fist, the Attack
Button is used to swing at your target.

When using Grenades, the same button is used to throw your weapon at
the target. The longer you hold, the farther you throw.

When holding a gun (like a Pistol) or a heavy weapon (like a Rocket
Launcher), you use the Attack Button to shoot. Use the Target Button in
conjunction to aim at your enemy.

[3] - When holding a gun, you hold down the Target Button target your enemy.
Use the Previous Weapon and Next Weapon Buttons to switch between

[4] - You can do this for precision walking (like on a steel beam) by helping
you "aim" your character in the direction you want him to face.

| I.11.B. In Cars and Boats \

As with all the other GTAs there are plenty of cars to use in Liberty City.
From junkers and gang cars to the fanciest sports cars. They can all be used
here. There are also a few boats you can use when open up the other areas of
the city.

| Controls \

>>PlayStation 2 Version

Turn Vehicle..............................................Left Analog Stick
Turn Vehicle................................................Directional Pad
Accelerate.........................................................X Button
Reverse.......................................................Square Button
Attack (Drive By Mode)................Circle Button (Plus L2 or R2 Buttons)
Exit Vehicle................................................Triangle Button
Change Radio Stations.............................................L1 Button
Look Left (Drive By Mode).........................................L2 Button
Use Horn (Or Siren)...............................................L3 Button
[1] Handbrake.....................................................R1 Button
Look Right (Drive By Mode)........................................R2 Button
Activate Vehicle Missions.........................................R3 Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................Select Button
Look Behind.................................................L2 + R2 Buttons

>>Xbox Version

Turn Vehicle..............................................Left Analog Stick
Drive By Mode/Look Around................................Right Analog Stick
Accelerate....................................................Right Trigger
Reverse/Brake..................................................Left Trigger
Attack (Drive By Mode)............................Right Analog Stick Button
Exit Vehicle.......................................................Y Button
*Change Radio Stations.........................................Black Button
Use Horn (Or Siren)................................Left Analog Stick Button
[1] Handbrake......................................................B Button
Activate Vehicle Missions..........................................X Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................ White Button

* - To change cd/tape deck (Custom soundtrack), press and hold the Black
button while pressing up and down on the Directional Pad to select
"album"/folder. Then, while still holding the radio button, press left or
right on the Directional Pad to change songs.

>>PC Version

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]

Move Forward................................................Arrow Up; W Key
Move Backward.............................................Arrow Down; S Key
Move Left.................................................Arrow Left; A Key
Move Right...............................................Arrow Right; D Key
[1] Handbrake.........................Right Ctrl; Space; Right Mouse Button
Attack............NP 0; Left Control; Left Mouse Button (With NP 1 or NP 2)
Exit Vehicle............................................Return/Enter; F Key
Change Radio Stations.........................Insert; R Key; Mouse Wheel Up
Use Horn (Or Siren).................................Left Shift; Right Shift
Activate Vehicle Missions............................NP Plus [+]; Caps Lock
Change Camera Mode..............................................Home; V Key
Look Behind.................NP 1 + NP 2; Q Key + E Key; Middle Mouse Button
Look Left (Drive By Mode).......................................NP 1; Q Key
Look Right (Drive By Mode)......................................NP 2; E Key
Turret Left (Firetruck)................................................NP 4
Turret Right (Firetruck)...............................................NP 5
Turret Up (Firetruck)..................................................NP 9
Turret Down (Firetruck)................................................NP 6
Go Up (Yardie Lobo)..............................................Left Shift
Go Down (Yardie Lobo)...........................................Right Shift
Tilt Right (Yardie Lobo)...................................NP4; Shift + NP5
Tilt Left (Yardie Lobo)....................................NP5; Shift + NP4
Tilt Forward (Yardie Lobo).................................NP9; Shift + NP6
Tilt Backward (Yardie Lobo)................................NP6; Shift + NP9


[1] - Your stopping power is increased when used in conjunction with the
Reverse button.

| I.11.C. In the Rhino \

The Rhino is probably the single toughest vehicle in the game and is one of
the preferred vehicles to use in the Vigilante Mission (explained later in
the guide). You can acquire this vehicle during a 6-Star Wanted Rating and
take it from the soldiers, after the mission "Arms Shortage" (Ray Machowski),
or wait until after you've completed the Main Story Missions where one will
be unlocked for you at Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus.

| Controls \

>>PlayStation 2 Version

Turn Vehicle..............................................Left Analog Stick
Accelerate.........................................................X Button
Reverse.......................................................Square Button
Brake.............................................................R1 Button
Look Left.........................................................L2 Button
Look Right........................................................R2 Button
Look Behind.................................................L2 + R2 Buttons
Turret Control...........................................Right Analog Stick
Main Gun......................................................Circle Button
Exit Rhino..................................................Triangle Button
Use Horn..........................................................L3 Button
Activate Vigilante Mission........................................R3 Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................Select Button

>>Xbox Version

Turn Vehicle..............................................Left Analog Stick
Accelerate....................................................Right Trigger
Reverse/Brake..................................................Left Trigger
Turret Control...........................................Right Analog Stick
Main Gun..........................................Right Analog Stick Button
Exit Rhino.........................................................Y Button
Use Horn...........................................Left Analog Stick Button
Activate Vigilante Mission.........................................X Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
#Change Camera Mode........................................... White Button

# - On the Xbox 360 this is the Left Button which is situated above the Left

>>PC Version

[NOTE: NP = Number Pad]

Move Forward................................................Arrow Up; W Key
Move Backward.............................................Arrow Down; S Key
Move Left.................................................Arrow Left; A Key
Move Right...............................................Arrow Right; D Key
Brake.................................Right Ctrl; Space; Right Mouse Button
Look Left.......................................................NP 1; Q Key
Look Right......................................................NP 2; E Key
Look Behind.................NP 1 + NP 2; Q Key + E Key; Middle Mouse Button
Turret Left............................................................NP 4
Turret Right...........................................................NP 5
Main Gun..........NP 0; Left Control; Left Mouse Button (With NP 1 or NP 2)
Exit Rhino..............................................Return/Enter; F Key
Use Horn............................................Left Shift; Right Shift
Activate Vigilante Mission...........................NP Plus [+]; Caps Lock
Change Camera Mode..............................................Home; V Key

| I.12. The Main Screen [TMSC] |

Your Main Screen is where all of the action in "Grand Theft Auto III" take

In the center of your screen is your main character, Claude Speed. You use
your Left Analog Stick to move him around and the Right Analog Stick to
rotate and manipulate the camera.

In the lower left corner of the Main Screen is the Radar. This is used to
help in finding your current position in the city, objectives, mission
strands, and Safehouses.

In the upper right corner of the Main Screen you will find the game clock,
your Health, your Armor (when you have Armor), your money, and the
weapon or item you are currently holding.

Special prompts will appear at either the upper left corner of the Main
Screen or at the bottom.

| I.13. Game Menus [GMNU] |

When you pause the game, using the Start Button, you also bring up these
menus listed at the bottom of the screen:

This is where the statistics for everything you do are listed.

This is where you load saves, delete saves, or start a new game.

This is where you can go through the text used in the cutscenes,
missions, and outside of missions.

This is where you can see and setup your preferred control scheme.

This is where you control the audio in "Grand Theft Auto III" and listen
to some of the radio stations featured in the game.

This is where you control some of the visual aspects of "Grand Theft Auto

| I.14. Weapons [WPNS] |

Weapons are the tools of the trade for any professional criminal. There are
12 different weapons that can be found and used to create mayhem and

The description of the weapons are listed here and their locations revealed
in each major area of Liberty City:

Good for hands-on fisticuffs when you need a little money (or just to
open a can of Whoop-Ass on some poor soul).

>>Baseball Bat
Great for batting practice (on somebody's head) or breaking kneecaps. The
Baseball Bat Weapon Icon is immediately available at all Safehouses.

A decent handgun that can be bought or acquired from dead Cops. You can
use this while running to make yourself harder to hit while taking down
someone at the same time.

One of the better guns here, it has a good rate of fire and accuracy.
Like the Pistol, you can aim and run at the same time while using this

Just a standard pump action single barreled shotgun. Slow on the fire
rate but still effective. Perhaps too effective especially against cars.
This is almost as powerful as a Rocket Launcher when shooting up
vehicles. But you run slowly while holding one making you vulnerable to
Cops and pissed-off gang members (and pedestrians).

This powerful machine gun will make mincemeat out of anybody in your way.
Like the Shotgun, you also run slowly while holding one.

This has a very fast rate of fire but your sight will jump all around the
screen. Good for quick work once you manage to compensate for the
unsteadiness of the gun-sight (you have to hold Target to properly aim
the weapon). This is another heavy weapon that slows you down when trying
to run with it.

>>Sniper Rifle
This fires one shot at a time and reloads slowly but it is effective. Use
Target to manually aim the weapon and use the Zoom In and Zoom Out
controls to help find and track your targets (the Zoom In / Out controls
vary from console to console).

>>Rocket Launcher
This very destructive weapon is the most powerful in the game. Use Target
to aim and Attack to shoot. Don't be too close to your target though -
you can hurt yourself badly in the process. This heavy weapon will make
you run very slowly while holding it so care must be taken when wielding

Better than the Molotov for roasting nearby enemies because you can aim
where the flames go. Its main use is against the Rhino since fire is the
only thing that can destroy it.

Can be used to flambe' your enemies and yourself if you're too careless
in where you throw one. Can also be used to destroy the Rhino.

Toss one of these and watch the crowds scatter (in more ways than

| I.15. Health, Body Armor, Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons [HBPA] |

But Weapon Icons aren't the only things you will find scattered around
Liberty City. You will also find these other icons that you can use to help
you out.

The basic information for each icon is listed here and their locations
revealed in each major area of Liberty City:

| Health Icon |

This heart-shaped icon is used to restore your health to its maximum of

| Body Armor Icon |

This armor-shaped icon will increase your armor rating to its maximum of

| Police Bribe Icon |

These star-shaped icons will drop your Wanted Rating by one star when
picked up. It is best to know where all the bribe icons are located before
doing any missions so you can quickly deal with any law enforcement

| Adrenaline Icon |

This pill-shaped icon will slow things down and give you super strength.
Good for tight situations when you need a little extra help.

| I.16. Law Enforcement [LWFM] |

Every metropolis has a Police force and Liberty City is no different. When
you do something bad near a Cop, like mugging a person, one of the stars will
light up indicating a Wanted Rating. The Cops will then try to bust you. The
more stars you have, the more aggressive they will be. There are several ways
to get rid of a Wanted Rating:

>>Hiding out somewhere for a bit (only works at 1-Star).
>>Driving a car (excluding rescue and most Police Vehicles) into a Pay 'N'
>>Getting a Police Bribe Icon (drops the Wanted Rating down a notch).
>>Completing the current mission (if you get a Wanted Rating during one).
>>Getting Busted or Wasted.
>>Saving your game then reloading the saved game (thanks goes to LR for
that handy bit of info).

There are six Wanted Ratings. The higher you go, the more aggressive the
pursuit. Below are the Wanted Ratings and what you can expect.....

| 1-Star \

You are of mild interest to the Cops. They will chase you on foot and will
smack you with their fists when close enough. They would rather not be
chasing you but will be more than happy to bust you if you're stupid enough
to let them ("Anything you say is SHIT!!!"). Hiding out somewhere for
awhile will get rid of a 1-Star Wanted Rating.

| 2-Star \

Things get a bit more serious here. The number of Cops increase a bit and
they will start shooting you instead of hitting you with their fists.

| 3-Star \

At this level, a helicopter will start pursuing you and will shoot at you
if you stand still long enough for it to do so. And the Police will get
more aggressive in their pursuit of you.

| 4-Star \

Now the SWAT team joins in. They will try to blockade the road with their
Enforcers in addition to everything else being thrown at you. This is the
highest wanted level you can obtain while (officially) confined to
Portland Island.

| 5-Star \

The FBI will now lend their assistance in hopes of bringing you down. They
will ride in black FBI Cars and carry four agents, all packing AK-47's and
they are not afraid to use them. In addition, a second helicopter will join
in tracking you down. The FBI Car is the only Police Vehicle that you can
use in a Pay 'N' Spray. You can max out at 5-Star after unlocking Staunton

| 6-Star \

After making mincemeat of the Police force, including the FBI, the city
will now call in the Army to deal with you. They will come in with Rhinos
and trucks and will mainly try to kill you (but they will arrest you if the
opportunity presents itself). The soldiers will kill you quickly with their
M-16's and barely getting touched (while in a vehicle) by a Rhino will
spell certain death. It will be quite difficult to survive at this level
for very long. You can achieve this maximum Wanted Rating after unlocking
Shoreside Vale.

| I.17. Using a Pay 'N' Spray [UPNS] |

As noted above you can drive a car or motorcycle, excluding Police and rescue
vehicles, into a Pay 'N' Spray to change the color of your vehicle, as well
as repair it, to get rid of Wanted Ratings at a cost of $1,000.

There are three Pay 'N' Sprays in Liberty City where you can go to get rid of
your Wanted Ratings and repair your vehicle:

>>Red Light District (Portland Island).
>>Newport (Staunton Island).
>>Pike Creek (Shoreside Vale).

| I.18. Busted [BSTD] |

If you get a Wanted Rating and the Cops end up catching you, you are then
Busted. Any mission you were doing at the time will be Failed.

When you are Busted, you are sent to the nearest Police Station where you
will be processed (which takes six game hours) and released. You also lose
all weapons including your Body Armor.

In addition, you will be fined based on the number of Wanted Rating Stars you
have when you are Busted:

>>1-Star: $100.
>>2-Star: $200.
>>3-Star: $400.
>>4-Star: $600.
>>5-Star: $900.
>>6-Star: $1,500. ++NOTE: You won't be fined after you get Busted on your
first 6-Star Wanted Rating run but you will be
fined the next time you are Busted at 6-Star
Wanted Rating.

There are three Police Stations in Liberty City where you may find yourself
if you are Busted by the Cops:

>>Portland View (Portland Island).
>>Torrington (Staunton Island).
>>Pike Creek (Shoreside Vale).

| I.19. Wasted [WSTD] |

If you do something to empty your Health Bar, like being too close to an
explosion, getting shot up a lot, or drowning, you will then be Wasted. Any
mission you were doing at the time will be Failed.

When you are Wasted, you are sent to the nearest Hospital where you will be
treated (which takes six game hours), billed $1,000, and released. You also
lose all weapons including your Body Armor.

There are three Hospitals in Liberty City where you may find yourself if you
are Wasted for any reason:

>>Sweeney Memorial Hospital (Portland View - Portland Island).
>>Carson General Hospital (Rockford - Staunton Island).
>>Hope Medical College (Pike Creek - Shoreside Vale).

| I.20. Police Vehicles and Vigilante Missions [PVGM] |

In GTA3, you can also grab Police Vehicles and use them in Vigilante Missions
(explained later). And there are a few Police Vehicles you can use for that

>>Police Car (found anywhere. Bonus: you get 5 Shotgun shells when entering
one (if you don't already have a Shotgun you can get a Shotgun with 5
>>SWAT Enforcer (at 4-Star Wanted Rating plus at the back of the Torrington
Police Station on Staunton Island. Bonus: you can get Body Armor when
entering an Enforcer).
>>FBI Car (at 5-Star Wanted Rating. Bonus: only Police Vehicle you can use
at a Pay N' Spray to get rid of a Wanted Rating).
>>Rhino (at 6-Star Wanted Rating - also unlocked at Phil Cassidy's Army
Surplus at the end of the Main Story Missions).

| I.21. Advanced Tips And Information [ATPM] |

Below are some tips and additional information that will be of benefit to

| The Health Code \

Even though you can do everything in this guide without the use of any
cheat codes, I felt that I should provide this one to give the user a
little bit of flexibility. There are several areas of the game that can
possibly frustrate gamers and this code can be of use there. There are also
a few areas where I actually encourage its use (like the Ambulance

>>[PS2] - R2 Button (x2), L1 Button, R1 Button, Left (D-Pad),
Down (D-Pad), Right (D-Pad), Up (D-Pad), Left (D-Pad),
Down (D-Pad), Right (D-Pad), Up (D-Pad)

>>[Xbox] - Black Button, Black Button, Left Trigger, Right Trigger,
Left (D-Pad), Down (D-Pad), Right (D-Pad), Up (D-Pad),
Left (D-Pad), Down (D-Pad), Right (D-Pad), Up (D-Pad)

>>[PC] - Gesundheit

| Quick Stopping \

You can increase your braking power if you hold down Handbrake and Reverse
together. This works well in tight spaces (especially on the Ambulance

| Quick Targeting \

When locking onto targets with a gun (like a Pistol) while holding down
Target, you can use the Next and Previous Weapon buttons to switch targets.
You can also let go of the Target button and quickly press it again to pick
up another target (after you kill the previous one).

| The Tank Gun Boost \

When you want to increase the speed of the often slow Rhino, rotate the
Main Gun 180 degrees so it faces the rear. Then fire the gun and keep
firing. The gun recoil will then propel it forward. The faster you fire,
the faster the tank will go. You can make the tank go very fast this way.

| Useful Shortcuts \

There are a couple of shortcuts that are very useful and will cut down on
traveling time. I have given them names and refer to them throughout the

>>Chinatown Shortcut
This is a small north-south alleyway west of Sweeney General Hospital in
Portland that allows you to go from Chinatown to Red Light District
without going around the buildings. It is great for eluding Police
because it also contains a Police Bribe.

>>Gardens Shortcut
Directly across the street from the parking garage of your Wichita
Gardens hideout is the Gardens Shortcut. There is a very large gap
between the guardrails and will lead to a gently sloping grassy
hillside. Going from the garage and through the shortcut will take you
to the main road leading to the Porter Tunnel and Cochrane Dam. A real
time saver.

| Perfect Quadruple Insane Stunt? \

One of the things GTA3 players like to do is to get the best Insane Stunt
possible. The best I have done is a Perfect Triple Insane Stunt. This is
about as high as most players have gotten. There was talk about whether or
not you can do a Quadruple Insane Stunt but no one has ever reported doing
one and everybody said that there is no such thing.

But while perusing the "american.gxt" file on the PS2 version (with the
disc inside my Mac), I came across this listing of Insane Stunts:

>>Insane Stunt
>>Perfect Insane Stunt
>>Double Insane Stunt
>>Perfect Double Insane Stunt
>>Triple Insane Stunt
>>Perfect Triple Insane Stunt
>>Quadruple Insane Stunt
>>Perfect Quadruple Insane Stunt

As you can see, there is a Quadruple Insane Stunt listed. But since no one
has ever reported doing one I have come up with two possibilities: One,
that Rockstar took out the Quadruple rating (but left the text) or two,
that the requirements for a Quadruple Insane Stunt are so high that no one
has figured out how to get it yet.

If anybody has managed to get either a Quadruple Insane Stunt or a Perfect
Quadruple Insane Stunt I'd like to hear about it and how you did it so I
can put it in future revisions.

| Stock-Up Trick \

If you have a bunch of Weapon Icons at your Portland Island Safehouse you
can quickly gain ammo for your weapons with this little trick.

Open the garage and remove any vehicle inside (just park it nearby for
now). Then pick up all of the Weapon Icons to increase your ammo, run all
the way to the back wall of the garage, and run out. You will see that all
of the Weapon Icons have immediately regenerated. Repeat this until you
have lots of ammo for your weapons.

According to Josh Dady, this trick also works with the Police Bribes that
spawn at your Safehouses.

Then save your game, after re-parking your vehicle inside your garage,
before resuming with the game.

| I.22. The Purple Nines Glitch (All Versions) [PNGL] |

One of the most notorious bugs in the GTA series is one called the Purple
Nines Glitch. This is a problem that has snared many an unwary gamer,
including myself, since the PS2 version came out. Sadly, this problem was NOT
fixed in the PS2 Double Pack version and even appears in the Xbox version
though it is one of the most well known problems in GTA3.

What is the Purple Nines Glitch? The glitch is related to the D-Ice missions
in Wichita Gardens which become available in the latter half of the game.
Most of the D-Ice missions involve the removal of a rival gang, the Purple
Nines. When you first arrive at Wichita Gardens you will see plenty of gang
members roaming about. Some will wear red shirts (the Red Jacks) and some
will wear purple (actually lavender) shirts (the Purple Nines). After the
completion of "Rumble" (D-Ice) you will effectively destroy the Purple Nines
and from then on you will not see any Purple Nines roaming Wichita Gardens.
You will see nothing but Red Jacks.

The bug manifests itself when you decide to start a new game after "Rumble"
(D-Ice) using the New Game option in the Options area. Naturally the game
will reset everything, gangs, vehicle lists, Hidden Packages, and so on.
Everything, that is, except the Purple Nines. For some reason, that remains
off. So when you make your way back to D-Ice and do his first mission, "Uz-I
Money" (D-Ice), there are no Purple Nines to be found - the game won't
generate any.

Therefore, it becomes impossible to complete the mission and you won't be
able to access his other missions either thus denying you a chance at 100%

How do you get around it when you want to start a new game? There are three

First, reload a saved game that is prior to "Rumble" (D-Ice) and then do New

Second, is to keep your first saved game, right after "Luigi's Girls", in one
slot and never overwrite it. Then, if you want to start a new game, simply
load up this saved game and play anew.

And third, thanks to Fred Chagnon, is to load up the game with no memory card
in the slot. After loading up the game, which will start anew because there
was no memory card in the slot to load up a saved game, then you can put in
your memory card to save any new games you come up with.

| I.23. "Claude" [CLUD] |

In earlier versions of the guide I had given the main character a name: Alex.
This was to identify him better within the guide and give him a little
personality. Rockstar Games had originally not given "Alex" a name because he
was supposed to be an every-man kind of character. So I gave him one for my

But, as "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" was released, there was talk that
"Alex" makes an appearance and even has a name: Claude. I had doubted the
name at first since I had not gotten far enough into San Andreas at that
point to see for myself.

However, after completing San Andreas and receiving the phone calls (with the
subtitles turned on) that mentions his name, I've come to accept that the
name for the main character of GTA3 is indeed Claude and I have changed the
guide to accommodate. Claude also appeared in GTA2 and his full name, in the
credits, is Claude Speed.

According to Austin Taft the name Claude also appears in the "american.gxt"
file on the PlayStation 2 version of GTA3. It appears just before the main
group of readable text (that starts with the line "Hey! Get back in the

| I.24. Liberty City: 1998 to 2001 [LBCT] |

X| IMPORTANT NOTE: This chapter employs some creative writing and is not |X
X| part of the official GTA canon or endorsed by Rockstar Games. It is my |X
X| way of linking "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" to "Grand Theft |X
X| Auto III". |X
X| |X
X| It also goes without saying that this is MAJOR SPOILERS for "Grand |X
X| Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" so read with caution if you haven't |X
X| played that game yet. |X

With the release of "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories", set in the year
1998, we got to see what Liberty City was like prior to Claude's arrival in
2001. These are some of the things that happened between the two stories:

>>While it was understandable that the ferry workers were upset over the
Porter Tunnel project, no one seemed to have paid any attention to the
Callahan Bridge. When the Bridge was opened in late 1998, ferry
rider-ship plummeted. Why pay for the ferry when you can go over the
Callahan Bridge for free? Almost a year after the Callahan Bridge was
opened the ferries were shut down. At that point construction began on
the Porter Tunnel entrance for Portland Island. The ferry terminal was
dismantled and the remains, plus the dirt excavated, were used to fill in
the nearby Harwood Dirt-Track. This, of course, leads to.....

>>American Road Safety for Everybody (ARSE) finally succeeded in getting
motorcycles banned from Liberty City much to the dismay of the motorcycle
makers who immediately took the group, and city, to court. However, as is
typical of the American justice system, the legal matters are taking
their sweet time going through the motions. Although it appears that the
motorcyclists may very well win the case and get the popular vehicles
back in Liberty City, the shop Hogs & Cogs was forced to close after the
motion was passed. The owners plan to reopen in a bigger and better
location when the motion is finally overturned.

>>Liberty City is still recovering from the Fort Staunton Disaster that
claimed hundreds of lives. Many rumors still swirl about what caused the
explosion (everything from sewer rats to mob involvement) but the
official cause has been listed as "accidental ignition of natural gas".
That still doesn't satisfy many of the survivors. To make matters more
interesting, Pan-Lantic Construction almost immediately moved in to take
down the ruins and begin building office complexes where the neighborhood
once stood. The survivors filed lawsuits to stop the construction but
stood little chance against Big Money which had the lawsuits quickly
dismissed. Three years after the disaster, the survivors are still trying
to cope.....

>>Liberty Memorial Coliseum opened with great fanfare in 1999. That's the
good news. The bad news is that the football team that it is meant for,
the Liberty City Cocks, suck. The team has always been so-so but they
have been on a downward turn as of late. Even the coach has called them
out in the press saying that the team is "soft" and "unable to penetrate
the endzone". The fans, who have been taken to throwing bottles of
erectile dysfunction pills onto the field lately, aren't helping either.
As for the Coliseum's obscenely small parking lot, that's a whole other

| I.25. 100% Completion List [CPLT] |

Below is everything you need to do to get 100% Completion within "Grand Theft
Auto III":

>>Completion of all Main Story Missions:
--From "Luigi's Girls" (Luigi Goterelli) to "The Exchange" (Catalina).

**IMPORTANT: You MUST complete all of Kenji Kasen's missions before the
mission "Waka-Gashira Wipeout" (Donald Love) as well as
complete "Two-Faced Tanner" (Asuka Kasen) BEFORE doing "Grand
Theft Aero" (Donald Love). Otherwise you will lose out on 100%

>>Completion of all Side Story Missions:
--Marty Chonks (4 missions).
--D-Ice (5 missions).
--Kenji Kasen (5 missions - MUST be done before "Waka-Gashira Wipeout"
(Donald Love)).
--King Courtney (4 missions).
--D-Ice (5 missions).

>>Complete all four Toyz Van Missions:
--"Rumpo Rampage"
--"Casino Calamity"
--"Mafia Massacre"
--"Diablo Destruction"

>>Complete all four Vehicle Missions:
--"Multistorey Mayhem"
--"A Ride In The Park"
--"Patriot Playground"

>>Complete the following side-missions anywhere:
--Firetruck Mission (First 20 cars extinguished in each area to unlock
Flame-Thrower Weapon Icon at all Safehouses - 60 total).
--Vigilante Mission (First 20 criminals killed in each area to unlock
Police Bribe Icons at all Safehouses - 60 total).
--Ambulance Mission.
--Taxi Mission (100 fares).

>>Complete the following tasks:
--Collect all 100 Hidden Packages.
--Complete all 20 Rampages.
--Complete all 20 Unique Stunt Jumps.
--Complete the Industrial Import Export Garage list (Portland Island) (16
--Complete the Emergency Vehicle Crane list (Portland Island) (7 vehicles).
--Complete the Suburban Import Export Garage list (Shoreside Vale) (16

With that said, it is time to move onto the main portion of the guide
starting with.....

| II. Portland Island [PTLD] |

This is the main industrial area for Liberty City. The southeast part of the
island is where the main docks are located along with many businesses. The
western part of the island is home to many Chinese who have made this area
their own.

The northern area of the island has a large concentration of adult oriented
businesses legal and illegal. On the eastern side is where a lot of Italians
make their residence including the local Mafia.

| II.1. In The Beginning..... [ITBG] |

Liberty City: 1998.

Toni Cipriani, a valued friend of the Salvatore Leone crime family, returns
from exile after killing a made man. Once he arrives, he begins an odyssey
that will eventually bring Liberty City under Leone control and bring peace
to the local criminal underworld. Temporarily, at least.....

Liberty City: 2001.

A ruthless small time criminal, and our "hero", Claude Speed, is involved in
a robbery with a couple of accomplices at the Liberty City Bank. As they make
their getaway, with Claude trailing, a gunshot is heard.

The woman, Catalina, has killed one of the accomplices and now has her sights
on Claude. She shoots Claude, leaving him for dead but he survives.
Unfortunately, for Claude, he is put on trial and sent to prison for ten

As Claude is being transferred to Liberty Penitentiary, the prison van is
ambushed while on the Callahan Bridge. It appears that one of the other
prisoners is being rescued by a group of Columbians.

However, Claude and another prisoner, 8-Ball, take advantage of the situation
and manage to free themselves. As they set themselves free, a bomb, that was
thrown onto the bridge by the Columbians, explodes. This leaves a huge gap in
the bridge and destroys most of the vehicles on it.

Now begins the first mission of the game, "Give Me Liberty", a simple driving
mission to a little Safehouse in the Red Light District of Portland Island.
This also serves as simple tutorial to the driving and map mechanics.

You can collect Hidden Packages (to gain Weapon Icons) and Unique Stunt Jumps
while driving around during "Give Me Liberty". But you can't do Rampages or
any vehicle mission. Just park the Kuruma (with 8-Ball inside) and jack
another car to do other stuff. When you are finished, go back to the parked
Kuruma and go to the Safehouse.

When you arrive at the Safehouse, your new friend, 8-Ball, tells you to go to
a place owned by a guy named Luigi. You can't save your game yet so go to

When you arrive at Luigi's, you start the mission titled "Luigi's Girls".
After a brief introduction, Luigi tells you to get one of his girls from the
clinic. This is nothing more that a simple pick-up mission. Take the car,
drive over to the hospital, pick up Misty, and drive her back to Luigi's
club. You will then earn $1,500 for mission completion.

After that go back to your Safehouse and save your game.

| II.2. Before Doing The Main Story Missions [BDMS] |

To start, I'm going to do as much of the off-story stuff as possible before
doing the second mission for Luigi, "Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up" (Luigi
Goterelli). A lot of this stuff can be done in any order but doing some
things in a certain sequence will be of most benefit to you (like doing the
Ambulance Mission (for Infinite Run and Adrenaline) and collecting Hidden
Packages for Weapon Icons for my Safehouses.

| II.3. Your Safehouse [YSFH] |

Your Safehouse in the Red Light District is a simple little getaway where you
can save your game and store one car in the garage.

At the beginning there is just the Baseball Bat Weapon Icon and over the
course of the game you will generate many more weapon and power-up icons here
(and at your other Safehouses at Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale).

After saving the game, let's begin by listing the:

| II.4. Portland Island Landmarks [PTLM] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the landmarks on Portland Island. This is
to help you in finding your way around and locating items placed on the
island. It is best to go around and find the landmarks before going after
Weapons, Rampages, Unique Stunt Jumps, and Hidden Packages.

The landmarks for Portland Island are:

| Harwood |

Porter Tunnel Entrance (Portland Island)
Location: (Northwest) Harwood.
Notes: This is the Portland Island entrance to the controversial Porter
Tunnel project. At this point the construction is still not
finished and you won't be able to use it for awhile.

HEAD Radio
Location: Harwood, just southeast of the Porter Tunnel Entrance (Portland
Notes: One of the most popular radio stations in Liberty City transmits
from here.

Harwood Fire Station
Location: Harwood, just east of HEAD Radio.
Notes: A Firetruck can often be found here and used for the Firetruck

Harwood Junkyard
Location: (North) Harwood, northeast of the Harwood Fire Station.
Notes: This is where the junk and trash from Liberty City ends up. The
Car Crusher is also located here and can be used to get extra
money when disposing of most vehicles.

Capital Autos
Location: Harwood, just south of the Harwood Junkyard.
Notes: The best deals in used cars can be found here.

| St. Marks |

The Ruins
Location: St. Mark's, two blocks south of the Harwood Fire Station (east
side of potholed street).
Notes: These ruins used to be a place owned by Toni Cipriani. It was
destroyed in an arson fire a couple of years ago. While no one was
ever caught, rumors persist concerning the building's destruction.
Most rumors say that it was in retaliation for a gang attack but
one rumor going around was that Toni's mother had the place
firebombed so she could get her son to move back in with her! It
is currently undergoing rebuilding under new ownership including
repairing pipes under the nearby street.

Cipriani's Ristorante
Location: (Central) St. Mark's one block directly southeast of The Ruins.
Notes: This is where you can sometimes find a Karuma parked in the small
parking lot. In addition, this is where Toni Cipriani now lives
and where you can pick up his missions during the course of the

Marco's Bistro
Location: (Southeast) St. Marks north of the Portland View El-Train
Notes: One of the best Italian restaurants in Liberty City. "Eat 'til you

| Portland Beach |

Salvatore's Mansion
Location: (East) Portland Beach.
Notes: This beautiful estate, overlooking Portland Rock, is where the
leader of the Leone crime family resides. You will also be taking
some missions from here during the game.

| Hepburn Heights |

Doorless Apartments (West)
Location: (West) Hepburn Heights.
Notes: A couple of large apartment buildings situated behind a tall wall
that goes around them. They are called the Doorless Apartments
because there are no entrances on either building! And still no
one has ever bothered to fix this problem. I wonder how people get
in and out of this place.....

Doorless Apartments (East)
Location: (East) Hepburn Heights.
Notes: Another pair of large apartment buildings with no doors (why? I
don't know). Located northeast of Doorless Apartments (West) and
next to the Hepburn Heights El-Train Station.

Hepburn Heights El-Train Station
Location: (East) Hepburn Heights.
Notes: This is one of three stations for the elevated track that goes
around Portland Island.

Misty's Building
Location: (South) Hepburn Heights.
Notes: This is home to Misty, girlfriend to Joey Leone. Thankfully the
construction crew managed to put in an entrance for this place.

| Red Light District |

Portland Island Safehouse
Location: (Northwest) Red Light District, indicated by a house on your
Notes: This is where you can find your Weapon, Health, Adrenaline, and
Police Bribe Icons, store a vehicle, and save your game.

Sex Club 7
Location: (West) Red Light District.
Notes: One of the finest gentlemen's clubs in Liberty City. You will be
doing missions for it's owner, Luigi Goterelli, during the course
of the game.

Red Light District Pay 'N' Spray
Location: Red Light District, one block north of Sex Club 7.
Notes: This is where you go to get rid of Wanted Ratings, repair damage,
and change the color of your vehicles.

Red Light District Ammu-Nation
Location: (East) Red Light District.
Notes: One of two Ammu-Nations located in Liberty City. This is where you
can purchase weapons for use against your enemies or anybody else
who pisses you off.

| Chinatown |

Chinatown Subway Entrance
Location: (North) Chinatown.
Notes: This is the only entrance for the Liberty City Subway System for
Portland Island. At this point it is going through some repairs
and will open later in the game.

Chinatown El-Train Station
Location: (West) Chinatown.
Notes: This is another of the three elevated track stations for Portland

Raffles Fish Factory
Location: (West) Chinatown.
Notes: These two large chinese styled buildings, located where the road
bridge leading to the Chinatown El-Train Station ends, is where
Chinatown does all it's fishy business.

Mr. Wong's Launderette
Location: (West) Chinatown, located two blocks south of the Fish Market.
Notes: The best place to get your clothes clean. "If it ain't Wong, it
ain't white!"

Chinatown Plaza
Location: (Central) Chinatown, east of Mr. Wong's Launderette.
Notes: This is the major marketplace for Chinatown. Lots of good bargains
can be found here.

China Building
Location: (Southwest) Chinatown, two blocks south of Mr. Wong's
Notes: This colorful building has an L-shaped alley and a set of stairs
to access the roof (also has a large Rockstar billboard on top).

Chinatown Park
Location: (South) Chinatown.
Notes: A nice place to relax or to play a game of basketball on the

Old School
Location: (Southeast) Chinatown, east of Chinatown Park.
Notes: One of the oldest schools in Liberty City. Can be rented for

| Portland View |

Sweeney General Hospital
Location: (West) Portland View.
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on
Portland Island.

Portland View Police Station
Location: (West) Portland View, next door south of Sweeney General
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on
Portland Island.

Portland View El-Train Station
Location: (North) Portland View, just southwest of Marco's Bistro.
Notes: The third of the three elevated track stations for Portland

SupaSave! Store
Location: (East) Portland View.
Notes: The major supermarket on Portland Island. Bought out the troubled
Fidl Store a couple of years back.

| Portland Harbor |

Garage Building
Location: (Central) Portland Harbor.
Notes: This building is straight ahead when you enter the main entrance
to the Docks area. It has an overhang and seven garage doors.

Industrial Import Export Garage
Location: (North) Portland Harbor, north of the Garage Building (go to
the east side of the Garage Building and turn north. Go between
the large building (on your left) and the small building on
your right. The Industrial Import Export Garage is straight
ahead of you.)
Notes: This is where you will be doing one of three car collection
missions during the course of the game.

| Trenton |

Mean Street Taxis
Location: (Northeast) Trenton.
Notes: The major cab company in Liberty City.

Bitch'N' Dog Food
Location:(Northeast) Trenton, across the street southwest of Mean Street
Notes: Took over the building from the Don Kiddick's Sausage Factory not
too long ago and converted the place to process dog food. "No
wonder she's so happy!"

AM Petroleum Company (Portland Island)
Location: (Central) Trenton, southwest of Bitch'N' Dog Food.
Notes: One of the offices for the large oil company based out of Liberty

Joey's Auto Painting
Location: (Central) Trenton, across the street north of AM Petroleum
Company (Portland Island).
Notes: This place handles car repair and painting. It is also owned by
Joey Leone and you will be taking missions from here during the
course of the game.

Liberty Pharmaceuticals (Portland Island)
Location: (Central) Trenton, across the street east of AM Petroleum
Company (Portland Island).
Notes: One of two factories for the famous pharmaceutical company based
out of Liberty City. "Pills to chill your ills."

Bus Station
Location: (South) Trenton.
Notes: This is the main cross country bus station for Liberty City.

Liberty City Sawmills
Location: (South) Trenton, next door west of the Bus Station.
Notes: Outside of the Red Light District this is the biggest wood
producer in Liberty City and nearby regions.

| Callahan Point |

Greasy Joe's Diner
Location: (West) Callahan Point.
Notes: They took the building over from Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts when
they restructured and pulled out of Liberty City. Still remains a
popular Cop hangout.

Turtle Head Fishing Co.
Location: (Southeast) Callahan Point
Notes: This walled and gated area is rumored to be the main drug factory
for the Triads.

| Atlantic Quays |

The Warehouses
Location: (South) Atlantic Quays.
Notes: A group of four large warehouses.

| II.5. Portland Island Weapons And Items [PIWI] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the Weapon, Health, Body Armor, Police
Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons on Portland Island:

| Harwood |

>>Uz-I: At the corner of the concrete embankment just northeast of the
car crusher at the Harwood Junkyard.
>>Flame-Thrower: On top of the HEAD Radio building.

>>At the AMCO Gas Station across the street from the Harwood Fire

| St. Marks |

>>Uz-I: In one of the backyards running along an alleyway. From
Cipriani's Ristorante, go south to the next block and turn left
into the alley right next to a shop with green awning. Once
inside the alley, head east then turn left at the third opening
(near the Police Bribe). Turn east and you will see the weapon
next to Hidden Package STM-H8.
>>Shotgun: On top of one of the car garages on the block north of
Cipriani's Ristorante. You have to go through the rooftop park
across the street west of Salvatore's Mansion to gain access.
>>AK-47: In a secluded area behind Cipriani's Ristorante. From Cipriani's
Ristorante, use the sidewalk on the south side of the block and
head east. Proceed up the hill until you reach a driveway that
cuts across the block. Go onto the driveway then turn west. Go
to either the north or south of this building and continue west
along the ledge. Go around the corner and proceed to the middle
of the block. You should see a ramp leading down into the
secluded area. The Weapon Icon is in the corner near the ramp
and next to a Body Armor Icon.
>>Molotov: Inside the abandoned rail tunnel (that runs underneath St.
Marks) just southeast of 8-Ball's BombShop.

>>On a ledge east of Cipriani's Ristorante. From Cipriani's Ristorante,
use the sidewalk on the south side of the block and head east. Proceed
up the hill until you reach a driveway that cuts across the block. Go
onto the driveway then turn west. Go to the north side of this building
and continue west along the ledge. The Health Icon is in the middle of
the ledge.
>>Across the street directly east of Marco's Bistro.

Body Armor
>>In a secluded area behind Cipriani's Ristorante. From Cipriani's
Ristorante, use the sidewalk on the south side of the block and head
east. Proceed up the hill until you reach a driveway that cuts across
the block. Go onto the driveway then turn west. Go to either the north
or south of this building and continue west along the ledge. Go around
the corner and proceed to the middle of the block. You should see a
ramp leading down into the secluded area. The Body Armor Icon is next
to a AK-47 Weapon Icon.

Police Bribe
>>In the middle of an alley south of Cipriani's Ristorante. From
Cipriani's Ristorante, go south to the next block and turn left into
the alley right next to a shop with green awning. Once inside the
alley, head east and you should see the Police Bribe Icon straight

>>Between some car garages across the street south of the Harwood Fire
Station training area.

| Hepburn Heights |

>>Shotgun: On the northwest side of Doorless Apartments (East).

>>Between a tree and a lamppost south of Doorless Apartments (East).

| Red Light District |

Weapons (Red Light District Ammu-Nation)
>>Pistol: Becomes available after completion of "Pump-Action Pimp"
(Luigi Goterelli) [Cost: $250].
>>Uz-I: Becomes available after completion of "Cipriani's Chauffeur"
(Joey Leone) [Cost: $800].

>>In the alleyway by XXXMags (right next to the elevated tracks and
across the street north of the Chinatown Subway Entrance). The Health
Icon should be by the Perennial.

Police Bribe
>>On the elevated tracks right next to XXXMags.

| Chinatown |

>>In the L-shaped alley at the southeast part of the Chinatown Plaza not
far from CHT-H20.

Police Bribe
>>In the north-south alleyway that connects Chinatown with the Red Light
District (The Chinatown Shortcut).
>>Over the pedestrian bridge leading from the Chinatown El-Train Station.
>>On one of the basketball courts in Chinatown Park.

>>Between the two main buildings of the Raffles Fish Factory.

| Portland View |

>>At Sweeney Memorial Hospital (x2).

>>Tucked in a cubbyhole north of the entrance to Sweeney General Hospital
(go up the ramp and turn right).

| Portland Harbor |

>>At the south end of Portland Harbor near the parked tractor trailers
(and near a parked Linerunner).

Body Armor
>>In the northeast corner of Portland Docks near the ship (and two

Police Bribe
>>Under one of the giant cranes north of the large "Les Cargo" ship south
of the Garage Building.

>>In the middle of a group of small trailers southwest of the Garage
Building and southeast of the entrance to Portland Docks.

| Trenton |

>>AK-47: On top of Liberty Pharmaceuticals (behind the large sign) near
an Adrenaline Icon, a Health Icon, and a Body Armor Icon. Jump
from the elevated tracks near the northeast side of the large
complex to access.
>>Uz-I: On top of Liberty City Sawmills (near the large teal rooftop on
the west side) next to the Body Armor Icon. Use the very low wall
near the Bus Station. Walk on the low wall and jump over the
sawmill wall. Then go over to the large mound of sawdust to gain
access to the rooftop.

>>In the small area just southeast of Mean Street Taxis.
>>On top of Liberty Pharmaceuticals (behind the large sign) near an
Adrenaline Icon, an AK-47 Weapon Icon, and a Body Armor Icon. Jump from
the elevated tracks near the northeast side of the large complex to

Body Armor
>>On top of Liberty Pharmaceuticals (behind the large sign) near an
Adrenaline Icon, an AK-47 Weapon Icon, and a Health Icon. Jump from
the elevated tracks near the northeast side of the large complex to
>>In the grassy area outside of the chainlink fence just southeast of AM
Petroleum Company (Portland Island).
>>On top of Liberty City Sawmills (near the large teal rooftop on the
west side) next to the Uz-I Weapon Icon. Use the very low wall near the
Bus Station. Walk on the low wall and jump over the sawmill wall. Then
go over to the large mound of sawdust to gain access to the rooftop.

Police Bribe
>>In an alley east of the Old School in Chinatown. From the entrance of
the parking lot for the Old School, head east and through the
intersection. Turn right at the alley just past the intersection. Keep
going south and you should see the Police Bribe as you head toward the
wooden ramp.

>>On top of Liberty Pharmaceuticals (behind the large sign) near a Health
Icon, an AK-47 Weapon Icon, and a Body Armor Icon. Jump from the
elevated tracks near the northeast side of the large complex to access.

| Callahan Point |

>>Pistol: On the north ledge of the large building next to and south of
the Callahan Bridge.

Police Bribe
>>On top of Greasy Joe's Diner.

| Atlantic Quays |

Body Armor
>>At the end of a long wooden pier on the west side of Atlantic Quays
south of The Warehouses.

With that done, let's move onto.....

| II.6. Hidden Packages Explained [HCPL] |

By collecting Hidden Packages, you will be helping yourself get familiar with
Liberty City as well as generating Weapon Icons that will spawn at your

There are a total of 100 Hidden Packages in the game and each Package
retrieved will also give you a some money - $1,000. When you acquire the last
Hidden Package, you will get a $1,000,000 bonus.

A recap of what you get for collecting Hidden Packages:

>>10 Packages - Pistol
>>20 Packages - Uz-I
>>30 Packages - Grenades
>>40 Packages - Shotgun
>>50 Packages - Body Armor
>>60 Packages - Molotovs
>>70 Packages - AK-47
>>80 Packages - Sniper Rifle
>>90 Packages - M-16
>>100 Packages - Rocket Launcher

| II.7. Hidden Packages (Portland Island) [PIHP] |

Listed below are the 33 Hidden Packages that can be found on, or near,
Portland Island:

| Harwood (HWD) |

[HWD-H1] - Behind the top of the Porter Tunnel Entrance (Portland Island). It
is on the waterfront just behind the tunnel entrance.

[HWD-H2] - On the roof of the HEAD Radio building not far from the Flame
Thrower Weapon Icon.
Notes: You have to get onto the elevated train tracks and jump
onto the top of the building from there.

| St. Marks (STM) |

[STM-H3] - On top of the AMCO Gas Station.
Notes: Jump onto the wall surrounding the gas station. Then fall
onto the building in the corner and then jump onto the gas
station building to collect the package.

[STM-H4] - Inside the Capital Autos showroom.

[STM-H5] - In the back area of the building one block south of the AMCO Gas

[STM-H6] - In the east side of The Ruins

[STM-H7] - In the small rooftop park due east of STM-H6 and across the street
west of Salvatore's Mansion.
Notes: You'll have to jump into the park using the rooftop by the
parked Taxi.

[STM-H8] - In one of the backyards running along an alleyway. From Cipriani's
Ristorante, go south to the next block and turn left into the
alley right next to a shop with green awning. Once inside the
alley, head east then turn left at the third opening (near the
Police Bribe). Turn east and you will see the Package next to the
Uz-I Weapon Icon.

[STM-H9] - In the middle of the long tunnel that runs underneath St. Marks
between 8-Ball's BombShop and the SupaSave! store.
Notes: You can get Molotovs by killing the nearby tramps.

| Portland Beach (PTB) |

[PTB-H10] - On the north ledge of Salvatore's Mansion.

[PTB-H11] - On a small grassy area at the bottom north of the arch-like rock
formation behind Salvatore's Mansion.

| Hepburn Heights (HPH) |

[HPH-H12] - Tucked away in the northwest section of Doorless Apartments

[HPH-H13] - In the group of bushes between Doorless Apartments (East) and
Misty's Building (near the Health Icon).

[HPH-H14] - In the middle of the trees across the street east of HPH-H13.

| Red Light District (RLD) |

[RLD-H15] - On top of Luigi's Sex Club 7.
Notes: Drive through the blue circle to avoid tripping a mission
and access the stairs to reach.

[RLD-H16] - On the southwest side of the blue colored roof area southwest of
Notes: Should be acquired after getting RLD-H15.

[RLD-H17] - On rooftop across the street from Luigi's Sex Club 7.
Notes: Access the stairs in the alley near the Rampage Icon to
get to the rooftop.

[RLD-H18] - Inside the Rush Construction Company (across the street east of
Notes: Drive through the windows to get inside.

| Chinatown (CHT) |

[CHT-H19] - Near the Chinatown Subway Entrance bathrooms.
Notes: You will have to wait until the subways open up to get to
this Package (unless you go to the other side beforehand).

[CHT-H20] - In the L-shaped alley at the southeast part of the Chinatown
Notes: From the China Building, head east to the next
intersection. Turn north and go partway up the block. Look
to your right and you should see an alley with a Health
Icon. Go inside the alley and hang a left to find the
Hidden Package.

[CHT-H21] - On the rooftop of the China Building.
Notes: Use the stairs in the L-shaped alley in the middle of the
building to access.

[CHT-H22] - In a small alleyway on the north side of Roast Peking Duck east
of the China Building.
Notes: From the China Building, head east to the next
intersection. Turn south and head toward the next
intersection. Look left and you should see the Roast
Peking Duck restaurant. On the north side of the
restaurant is an alley. In the middle of the alley is the
Hidden Package.

| Portland View (PLV) |

[PVW-H23] - On top of the SupaSave! Store (southwest corner).
Notes: Go onto the elevated track and jump onto SupaSave.

| Portland Harbor (PHB) |

[PHB-H24] - On top of one of the Garage Building.
Notes: Use the stairs along the building south of the Garage
Building to get to the rooftop and then jump to the Garage
Building to get the Package.

| Trenton (TTN) |

[TTN-H25] - Between the Bitch'N' Dog Food Factory building and the west side
of the wall that surrounds it.

[TTN-H26] - On the roof of Liberty Pharmaceuticals (north of the large sign).
Notes: Jump from the elevated tracks near the northeast side of
the large complex to access.

[TTN-H27] - Behind the fence of the building across the street east of the
Old School in Chinatown.
Notes: From the entrance of the parking lot for the Old School,
head east and through the intersection. Turn right at the
alley just past the intersection. Turn at the first left
you see. Follow the path until reach a slightly larger
area. The Package should be in one of the corners.

[TTN-H28] - Behind the chainlink fence on the west side of AM Petroleum
Company (Portland Island).

[TTN-H29] - On top of the west side of Liberty City Sawmills.
Notes: Use the very low wall near the Bus Station. Walk on the
low wall and jump over the sawmill wall. Then go over to
the large mound of sawdust to gain access to the rooftop.
Go onto the large teal section of rooftop to get to the
Package (and you will pass the Body Armor and Uz-I Weapon
Icons along the way).

| Callahan Point (CPT) |

[CPT-H30] - Behind the wall on the north side of the large building directly
across the street west of Liberty City Sawmills.

[CPT-H31] - On the south side of the Turtle Head Fishing Co.
Notes: You must get a Triad Fish Van to enter the facility.

| Atlantic Quays (AQY) |

[AQY-H32] - By the blue container at the end of the long pier in the
southeast part of Atlantic Quays.

| Portland (PTL) |

[PTL-H33] - On the small rocky island south of Portland (and south of the
Turtle Head Fishing Co. in Callahan Point).
Notes: This package can only be acquired by boat. Take one of the
boats docked near The Condos on the east side of Staunton
Island and retrieve the package from the rocks when you
are allowed to go to Staunton Island (unless you go to the
other side beforehand).

And while we're collecting things, let's go over some of the car collection

| II.8. Industrial Import Export Garage [IIEG] |

At the Portland Docks area (in the northeast section of Portland Docks just
west of the ship cranes and north of the Garage Building) there is a building
that appears to have a list on one wall right by a garage door. This is the
Industrial Import Export Garage.

To get to the garage, when you enter through the main gate at the docks, cut
through the parking lot on the left going northeast. When you get to where
you see two paths (where three buildings meet) take the left one. Follow
along the right side of the path (it will curve alongside the building on
your right) and it will take you to the Industrial Import Export Garage.

There are 16 vehicles listed that you need to collect. For each vehicle you
obtain you will get $1,000. If you get all 16 vehicles listed you will get a
$200,000 bonus plus you can have unlimited use of the cars you have

Just walk into the garage and pick one of the vehicle icons. You will then be
instructed to exit the garage and in a few seconds, your new car will be made
available to you.

Below is the vehicle list as well as where to find them. These are some of
the more reliable locations and missions to find the vehicles. "Generated at
random" means that you have to wait for them to spawn on their own before you
can acquire them:

Where Found: By the car crusher at the Harwood Junkyard, near the stairs
of the China Building in Chinatown, or at the AM Petroleum
Company (Portland Island) parking lot in Trenton.

Where Found: During the missions "Van Heist" (Joey Leone), "Escort
Service" (Donald Love), or "Decoy" (Donald Love).

Where Found: By 8-Ball's BombShop in Harwood, or at the Portland
Industrial Estate (next to Liberty City Sawmills) in

Where Found: At the HEAD Radio station parking lot in Harwood, by the car
garage north of Cipriani's Ristorante in St. Marks, at
Greasy Joe's Diner in Callahan Point, or at the Liberty Tree
Offices parking lot (Staunton Island).

Where Found: Generated at random.

Where Found: At the Bus Station in Trenton.

Where Found: At Francis International Airport (Shoreside Vale) at the
west end of the Main Runway.

Where Found: Generated at random.

Where Found: At the Capital Autos car lot in Harwood, at the AMCO Gas
Station in Harwood, at Marco's Bistro in St. Marks, at the
Carson General Hospital parking lot (Staunton Island), or at
the Liberty Memorial Coliseum parking lot (Staunton Island).

Where Found: At the south end of Portland Harbor by the Health Icon.

Where Found: By the colored container crates at Portland Docks just east
of the Industrial Import Export Garage.

Where Found: Generated at random.

Where Found: At the parking lot near the entrance of Portland Docks, or
at the Liberty Memorial Coliseum parking lot (Staunton

Where Found: At the SupaSave! Store parking lot in Portland View (you
will trigger the Patriot checkpoint mission "Patriot
Playground" when you enter so you will have to either
successfully complete or fail the mission before you can
store the Patriot at the garage).

Where Found: In the parking lot behind the Shoreside Vale Safehouse, at
the Rockstar parking lot (Staunton Island), at the car
garage northwest of the Newport Pay 'N' Spray (Staunton
Island), or at The Condos parking lot in Newport (Staunton

>>Mr. Whoopee
Where Found: During the mission "I Scream, You Scream" (El Burro).

Some of the generated vehicles can be found when doing the Vigilante and
Firetruck missions. Simply end the mission when the needed vehicle shows
itself (after killing the criminal or putting out the fire) and drive it to
the garage.

You don't have to complete the list before doing any of the Main Story
Missions. As you can see, it is sometimes easier to wait for certain sections
to open or do certain missions to get the cars you want. This applies to all
of the car lists in the game.

| II.9. Emergency Vehicle Crane [EVCR] |

At the north part of the Portland Docks area and east of the Industrial
Import Export Garage is the Emergency Vehicle Crane. This works just like the
nearby garage except it involves Police, rescue, and army vehicles.

There are seven vehicles to collect, with a $1,500 bonus for each one, and if
you get them all you will be rewarded with a $200,000 bonus plus unlimited
use of the vehicles. Choose the vehicle icon of the one you want and wait as
the crane delivers the car to you.

Where to drop the vehicles off isn't obvious at first. To the east of the
Industrial Import Export Garage you'll notice a bunch of multi-colored
container crates with a Yankee parked against it.

Just before the crates you'll notice some dark yellow diagonal stripes on the
ground with what appears to be a magnet overhead. This is the area for the
Emergency Vehicles to be dropped off. If you try to drop any other vehicle
there you'll get the "We're not interested in the model" message.

You don't have to get all of the vehicles before doing the Main Story
Missions. Besides, you can't get the FBI Car until you unlock Staunton Island
(so you can get a 5-Star Wanted Rating) or the Rhino until you unlock
Shoreside Vale (so you can get a 6-Star Wanted Rating - unless you want to
use the Rhino spawn cheat....).

Below is the vehicle list as well as where to find them:

>>Police Car
Where Found: At any Police Station or on the street.

Where Found: At any Hospital. Bonus: you can get 20 units of health when
you enter an Ambulance.

Where Found: At any Fire Station.

Where Found: Behind the gated area at the Torrington Police Station on
Staunton Island or during a 4-Star Wanted Rating.

>>FBI Car
Where Found: Can only be acquired during a 5-Star Wanted Rating.

>>Barracks OL
Where Found: At Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus at Rockford (Staunton

Where Found: At Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus at Rockford (after completion
of the Main Story Missions or after the mission "Arms
Shortage" (Ray Machowski)) or during a 6-Star Wanted Rating.

| II.10. Ambulance Mission [ABMS] |

Now that I have familiarized myself with Portland Island, it is time to do
the Ambulance Mission.

Let's face it, this mission is a pain in the ass. An unstable vehicle, no
full map, less durability, and the arbitrary time amounts make this a lot
harder than it needs to be. By doing this now, I can acquire Health and
Adrenaline Icons at my Safehouses and the Infinite Run feature upon
successful completion. And once this is done, you don't have to worry about
this anymore and focus on the other tasks at hand.

Even though Staunton Island is flatter terrain, the best place to do the
Ambulance Mission is at Portland. On both Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale,
you have to deal with the hostile Columbians who will try to yank you from
your Ambulance and, if they do that, you will fail the mission. At this early
part of the game, you don't have to worry about any hostilities on Portland
Island (yet).

The best thing to do beforehand is to practice driving the ambulance around
before doing the mission, especially around the hills of St. Marks. Learn how
to stop the thing properly so you can lessen the risk of killing patients.
Learn the Health Code, you will probably end up using this during the
mission. Go back near Sweeney General Hospital and start the mission when
you're ready.

When the mission begins, you are at Level 1 and you have one patient to
deliver to the hospital. At each level you complete, the number of patients
increase by one so at Level 2 you have two patients, at Level 3, three
patients, and so on. There are a total of twelve levels to complete to
successfully accomplish the Ambulance Mission.

The ambulance can only carry three patients at a time so you will have to
think in groups of three when doing the later levels. See how the green dots
(the patients) are grouped along the edge of your compass and try to plan a
good route to get to your patients. Try to go for the furthest patient first
and work back to the hospital. If you don't think you will have enough time
to get the furthest one first, get the first one on you see on the way then
make your way to the furthest patient.

When approaching a patient, Make sure that the patient is on the right of
your ambulance and don't get too close as the patient is running toward your
vehicle as you approach. When the patient just starts to get in the
ambulance, go. This will save a second or two. Use your siren as this causes
the cars to either stop or turn away from you making it a little easier to
evade them. Use the Health Code, if necessary, when your Ambulance is smoking
while you are dropping off patients at the hospital.

When you complete Level 12 you will successfully complete the Ambulance
Mission and gain the Infinite Run feature (never tire when running).

In my previous versions of the guide, I had said the following:

"If you own the Original PS2 version, you have to successfully rescue a
minimum of 50 patients (at the completion of a level) to get the Health
Icon and a minimum of 100 patients (total) (at the completion of a
level) to get the Adrenaline Icon for all of your hideouts during the
Ambulance Mission.

"If you own the PS2 Double Pack, Xbox Double Pack, or PC versions, you
have to successfully rescue a minimum of 30 patients (at the completion
of a level) to get the Health Icon and a minimum of 75 patients (total)
(at the completion of a level) to get the Adrenaline Icon for all of
your hideouts during the Ambulance Mission."

But one my readers, Dan Schauer, indicated to me that there were no changes
at all to the Ambulance Mission rewards:

"I have the original version (I think, unless Rockstar did multiple
versions Pre-Greatest Hits, like they did with Vice City). I can say
for a fact that it is NOT a Greatest Hits or Double Pack version. And
I've never had the problem mentioned, that you need 50/100 patients for
the Health/Adrenaline.

My understanding on how it works is this.

You need 35/70 patients for the Health/Adrenaline pickups to appear at
your hideout (read from Minesweeper's walkthrough on Gamefaqs.com, the
numbers could be a little off). But, either because of a bug, or
intentionally, it will not page you until you've completed an ambulance
level, or lost the level with the required number of patients saved.

(assuming all in one run, with no patients saved prior to this point)
Ambulance Level 7 completes at 28 patients, and level 8 completes at
36, but you do not get notified of the Health until after level 8, or
if you lose level 8 with the required number of patients saved.

Similarly, Ambulance levels 11 and 12 finish at 66 and 78 patients
respectively. The game does not page you about the Adrenaline until the
completion of level 12 (when it also pages you about infinite run), or
if you lose level 12 with the required number of patients.

"In the DP version, if you're good enough, you can get everything in one
run because you can rescue 78 patients in the 12 levels of the
Ambulance Mission." (from your FAQ)

In the version I have (which is the original as far as I know), I'm
able to do this too.

Just pointing this out. I don't know who's had problems with the
50/100, but I never have."

I did the Ambulance Mission in one run in the Original Version and Dan was
right about the info he presented. So the Ambulance Mission is the same for
all PS2 versions (Original, Double Pack, Greatest Hits), PC version, and the
Xbox version.

I also had a gentleman named Haenlomal inform me of a bug that messes up how
the patients are counted during the mission:

"How the Paramedic Mission bug REALLY works in GTA 3

"The count of the number of people rescued in Paramedic missions is
bugged. Essentially, the number of people that the Stats screen says
that you've rescued is not necessarily the same number the game thinks
that you've rescued! For simplicity's sake, let's refer to the number
shown on the Stats screen as the "external number", and the number that
the game thinks you've rescued as the "internal number". When it is
written that (for example) you need to have rescued 35 people to get
the health pickup, this is refering to the internal number! I've
noticed that this is a major source of confusion for a lot of players,
so I hope this clears up the issue once and for all.

Here's how the bug works: whenever you drop off patients at the
hospital, the external number is updated. However, the internal number
is updated *ONLY* at the (successful) conclusion of each Paramedic
level. (In other words...oops! Someone at Rockstar was asleep behind
the wheel on this one...)

An example should help make this clear: Suppose you start doing
Paramedics mission in a game where you've never done them before. And
suppose that you've completed Paramedic levels 1 to 3 without any
problems. At that point, the external number should read 6 (1+2+3=6),
and since the internal number is updated at the end of every Paramedic
level, it is also 6. So far so good!

Now, on Paramedic level 4, suppose that you successfully dropped off
the first 3 patients at the hospital, and are on your way to the last
patient. At this point, the external number would read 9 (6+3=9), but
because the internal number would not be updated until the level is
successfully done, it is still sitting at 6!

Alas, tragedy strikes, and you accidentally kill your last patient. So,
you've successfully dropped off a grand total of 9 patients at the
hospital, and the external number in the Stats screen reflects that.
However, since you failed to complete Paramedic level 4, the internal
number sits at 6! And the game engine itself displays that. At the
conclusion of the mission, the following message flashes on the screen:

"Paramedic mission ended. People saved: 6"

And there is the bug in all its ugly glory! The only solution to all
this is to keep track of the internal number yourself until you get the
35 needed for the health pickup, or the 70 needed for the adrenaline
pill...yeah, yeah, I know, it sucks. :P

Incidentally, note that because the internal number only gets updated
at the end of each Paramedic level, the only time you can actually
receive an award is at the end of a Paramedic level. Sometimes, this
means that your internal number would have exceeded the requirements.
Don't worry, you still get your reward. :)

So, the final conclusion? Yes, 35 rescued is the requirement for the
health pickup, and yes, 70 rescued is the requirement for the
adrenaline pill. However, these figures apply only to the *internal*
number. The external number (the one that is actually shown on the
Stats screen) could be anything greater, depending on how much you have
messed up in the paramedic mission attempts!"

And I had another reader, Mr. Spock, give me this information:

"FYI Ð Just to clarify the rewards a little on the ambulance mission in
GTA III; the health icon becomes available after 35 saved people and
the adrenalin icon after 70. That's cumulative and it doesn't matter
whether or not it took 70 tries all at mission level 1, i.e. like in
the pause menu under stats it would say "people saved 70" and "highest
ambulance mission 1". But it takes completing mission level 12 to get
the infinite run. So, completing level 12 gets you all three."

With the Infinite Run feature obtained I will go on to.....

| II.11. Rampages Explained [RGEX] |

As you go around the city, you will notice some skull icons laying about.
These are the Rampage Icons.

When one is activated, you will be instructed to kill or destroy certain
objects within two minutes and with a given weapon with unlimited ammo (that
you can't switch out of during the duration of the Rampage). The people that
you are instructed to kill are always gang members and you can pick up money
and weapons dropped by your victims during a Rampage.

Each Rampage in GTA3 has two locations, a primary and a secondary location.
If you fail the Rampage at its primary location, the Icon will move to a
secondary location. If you fail the Rampage at its secondary location, the
Icon will move back to its primary location.

There are a total of 20 Rampages in GTA3. The numbers go from north to south,
west to east. The primary location is designated as "A" and the secondary
location is designated "B".

Your reward for finishing Rampages will increase by $5,000 for each one
completed and you will get a $1,000,000 bonus for successfully completing all
20 Rampages.

One of the annoying things about the Rampages in GTA3 is that even if you are
in the right position and doing the right things, the game may decide to not
generate enough targets to complete the Rampage. This was something that was
fixed, for the most part, for the other GTAs but has to be endured here.

| II.12. Rampages (Portland Island) [RPGI] |

Listed below are the six Rampages for Portland Island and the strategies for
each location:

| [R1] - Kill 20 Mafia (AK-47) |


[STM-R1-A] - Between the car garages east of Cipriani's Ristorante (near
the Mafia Sentinel) in St. Marks.
Notes: Drive up to the Icon, get the Icon, and then go up to
the entrance of Salvatore's Mansion. The Mafia are
very hostile so they will gang up on you when
attacked. The wall will help shield you from them
while you take out those near the entrance. Go around
the wall a little bit and take out those on the other
side of the wall then go back behind the wall and get
the ones that generate near the entrance. Repeat until


[STM-R1-B] - In one of the backyards running along an alleyway south of
Cipriani's Ristorante. From Cipriani's Ristorante, go south
to the next block and turn left into the alley right next to
a shop with green awning. Once inside the alley, head east
and turn left at the first opening on the left then turn left
again. You should see the Rampage Icon against the wall.
Notes: Do the same thing here.


| [R2] - Murder 30 Diablos (M-16) |


[RLD-R2-A] - At the base of the stairs leading to the top of Woody's
Topless Club (across the street from Sex Club 7) in Red Light
Notes: Go down the street and pick off the Diablos as they
appear. Like the Mafia, they will generally gang up on
you when attacked. Unlike the Mafia, however, they
will either be unarmed or have a Baseball Bat as they
attack. Their fists and bats won't do a lot of damage
plus they make easy targets when they rush you. A
fairly easy Rampage.


[CHT-R2-B] - On the ground on by the west side of Old School in Chinatown.
Notes: Do the same thing here.


| [R3] - Destroy 10 Vehicles (Grenades) |


[STM-R3-A] - On the elevated train tracks above the intersection north of
Sweeney General Hospital in St. Marks.
Notes: Go up the stairs leading up to the train platform in
St. Marks and drive to the Icon. Get the Icon and drop
a Grenade by your car then drop down to street level.
By blowing up your car, you take care of one vehicle
leaving nine to blow up. Run up to cars and drop a
Grenade near the front then run away so you don't get
caught up in the blast. Pedestrians will attack you
but you can easily outmaneuver them. You can also blow
up the two cars in the SupaSave! Store parking lot not
far from your position if you need to.


[TTN-R3-B] - On the elevated train tracks north of Joey's Auto Painting in
Notes: Do the same thing here but you can blow up the two
cars at the AMCO office southeast of your position if
you need to.


| [R4] - Kill 20 Triads (Shotgun) |


[TTN-R4-A] - In the alley between Liberty Pharmaceuticals (Portland
Island) and Mean Street Taxis in Trenton.
Notes: Get the Icon and go into the street to get the Triads.
You can't run very fast because of the Shotgun and the
Triads will gang up on you when attacked and they
wield Baseball Bats and Pistols. But the powerful
Shotgun will kill in one shot when up close so this
Rampage isn't too hard even though they will take off
armor and possibly some health while doing it.


[PLV-R4-B] - On the ledge on the east side of Sweeney General Hospital in
Portland View.
Notes: Do the same thing here.


| [R5] - Kill 25 Triads (Uz-I) |


[CHT-R5-A] - By the stairs in the middle of the China Building in
southwest Chinatown.
Notes: The Uz-I is the same weapon that is used for
drive-bys. So get into a car and drive-by the Triads
to complete the Rampage. This will make the Rampage
very easy (unless you are not any good at doing


[PLV-R5-B] - On the ground right by the northwest corner of the SupaSave!
Store in Portland View.
Notes: Do the same thing here.


| [R6] - Destroy 13 Vehicles (Rocket Launcher) |


[TTN-R6-A] - Just inside the entrance of the large building east of the
Old School in Chinatown. In an alley east of the Old School
in Chinatown. From the entrance of the parking lot for the
Old School, head east and through the intersection. Turn
right at the alley just past the intersection. Once past the
entrance, look right. The Rampage Icon should be in the
Notes: Drive to the Icon, get the Icon, and then drive to the
AM Petroleum Company (Portland Island) nearby and take
out the two cars parked there. Then drive over and
destroy the Perennial parked in the street near the
Portland View Police Station, the two cop cars at the
Police Station, and the Ambulance at the hospital.
Then zip over to Portland Docks and destroy all the
vehicles parked around the place including your own if
you need to.


[CPT-R6-B] - By a tree behind the wall of the large building east of
Greasy Joe's Diner in Callahan Point (on the south side of
the building not far from the gate).
Notes: Do the same thing but start at Greasy Joe's Diner
which is nearby and destroy the three vehicles there.

| II.13. Unique Stunt Jumps Explained [UNJE] |

All around Liberty City you will find objects that can be used as ramps for
vehicle jumping. Usually, on most jumps, you will just get some additional
money and not much more.

But on some jumps you will get a slow motion cutscene as you fly through the
air. These jumps are known as the Unique Stunt Jumps and, if you complete
them correctly, will add toward 100% Completion.

The best vehicle to use, for all of the jumps, is clearly the Cheetah unless
noted. There are a total of 20 Unique Stunt Jumps in the game.

Your reward for finishing Unique Stunt Jumps will increase by $5,000 for each
one completed and you will get a $1,000,000 bonus for successfully completing
all 20 Jumps.

| II.14. Unique Stunt Jumps (Portland Island) [USJP] |

Listed below are the eight Unique Stunt Jumps that are found on Portland
Island. Since the Cheetah is not usually found on Portland Island, you can
use the Banshee which is found at Capital Autos in Harwood:

| Red Light District (RLD) |

[RLD-J1] - The ramp sitting against the Chinatown Subway Entrance.
Heading: South to North.
Notes: You will need to land on your wheels on the elevated train
track to get credit for the jump.

| Chinatown (CHT) |

[CHT-J2] - The concrete ramp south of the pedestrian bridge leading from the
Chinatown El-Train Station to Chinatown.
Heading: South to North.
Notes: Jump over the bridge and through the Police Bribe to

| Portland Harbor (PHB) |

[PHB-J3] - The ramp in the south part of the docks near the "Les Cargo" ship
(just north of the Linerunner).
Heading: North to South.
Notes: Jump over the tractor trailers to succeed. But don't go too
fast or else you may jump into the water.

| Trenton (TTN) |

[TTN-J4] - The ramp on the east side of the building just north of Liberty
City Sawmills.
Heading: East to West.
Notes: You can't touch the building in order to get credit for the

| Callahan Bridge (CBG) |

[CLB-J5] - The yellow and black striped ramp at the end of the median on the
Heading: West to East.
Notes: Back up to the bridge gap to get enough speed for the jump
and land on your wheels in the gap between the two main

[CLB-J6] - The large dirt pile under the bridge near where the bridge lanes
meet the ground.
Heading: West to East.
Notes: Jump over both white bridge bar supports to succeed.

| Atlantic Quays (AQY) |

[AQY-J7] - The ramp with the cones by the warehouse on the east side of
The Warehouses.
Heading: East to West.
Notes: Use the long pier where AQY-H32 is located to get enough
speed for the jump and you have to either land on the
second building or in the gap between the two to get credit
for the jump.

[AQY-J8] - The large dirt mound between the piers south of The Warehouses.
Heading: West to East.
Notes: Use the sidewalk that goes alongside the Turtle Head
Fishing Co. to get enough speed for the jump and you have
to land on your wheels to get credit for the jump.

| II.15. Vigilante Mission (Portland Island) [VGPI] |

(Before you do this mission it is recommended that you acquire a lot of
Uz-I ammo for doing drive-bys and know where all of the Police Bribes are -
for controlling your Wanted Ratings.)

At the Portland View Police Station there is a Police Car parked at the
front. If you enter the Police car and press the Activate Vehicle Mission
button you will turn on the Vigilante Mission.

You start out at a random amount of time (based on distance) and will be
prompted to chase and destroy a selected target, which is another car. You
have to kill the criminal in the car before moving onto the next level. You
will be given extra time when you complete a level.

Sometimes, if you damage the criminal's car enough, the criminal may exit
the car to confront you. Drive-by or run him over to get rid of him.

The first twenty kills on Portland Island will get you two Police Bribes for
your Safehouses. The first twenty kills on Staunton Island will get you two
more Bribes for your Safehouses. And the first twenty kills on Shoreside Vale
will get you the last two Bribes for all of your Safehouses. Each Police
Bribe acquired will get you one step closer to 100% Completion.

There is a little trick that will make the Vigilante Mission a lot easier.
When you get close enough to the criminal, hit Pause, wait a few seconds, and
then unpause. The criminal will then stop and get out of his car in which
case you can either drive-by or run him over. Works in the Xbox version too.

| II.16. Firetruck Mission (Portland Island) [FTPI] |

This next mission involves the Firetruck which can be obtained at the Harwood
Fire Station. When you enter the Firetruck you can activate the Firefighter
Mission by pressing Activate Vehicle Mission.

Your goal is to put out vehicle fires. You are instructed to go to a area and
put out a car fire. The more fires that you put out in a given run, the more
money you make.

You are given about 22 seconds of time when you put out a fire and the game
likes to make you go from one end of Portland Island to the other so you end
up eating away a lot of that time.

There is also a bonus for putting out fires. When you put out the first
twenty fires in each section of the city (the first twenty for Portland
Island, the first twenty for Staunton Island, and the first twenty for
Shoreside Vale - 60 total), you will gain the Flame-Thrower weapon icon for
all of your Safehouses and inch closer to 100% Completion.

And like with the Vigilante Mission some of the cars you may need for the car
lists may be generated for the car fires. Abandon the mission to claim the
cars as needed.

| II.17. "Patriot Playground" [PTPL] |

When you go to the SupaSave! Store in Portland View, you will see a Patriot
parked there. Entering it will trigger the vehicle mission "Patriot
Playground". This is the first of four vehicle side-missions found in Liberty

In this mission you have five minutes to collect 15 checkpoints and you are
given 20 seconds for each one collected. The timer starts when you get the
first checkpoint.

Go behind the SupaSave! Store and up the stairs. After going partway up, veer
right and get the first checkpoint under the elevated tracks (1). Then go
down to the beach. As you head toward the beach, you will see the checkpoint
there but you may also see the top of a checkpoint on the rocky part just
ahead of you. If you angle the Patriot just right you can get this checkpoint
(2) then the one on the beach when you land (3) (if you miss (2) then climb
up the embankment to get it after getting (3)).

Climb up the rocky hillside to get behind the apartment complexes and in the
process get (4) which is on the edge. Once you get behind the complexes, go
forward until the next checkpoint is directly right of you then turn right
and head back to the beach in the process getting (5). Checkpoint (6) is off
to your left and right on the water's edge. This one is tricky because of the
fact that this particular part of the beach where the checkpoint is at is
steep. Get right up to it, tap forward to go down, tap reverse to slow
yourself, and when you get the checkpoint (6), hold reverse to go back up.

Go up the rocky embankment to get (7) then back down to the beach. Go under
the archway and along the left side of the embankment to get (8). Then go
onto the grass and back down to the beach. Then turn left and go up the
embankment to get (9). When getting (9), turn right and head for the grass.
Once on the grass, turn right and get (10).

After getting (10), turn around and head west. As you approach the rocky
embankment, you will see (11). Climb up to get (11), turn left when you reach
the top and climb up to get (12), then turn right when you reach the top to
get (13). Then turn left and go behind Salvatore's Mansion.

As you head behind the Mansion, you may see a checkpoint off to your left but
that will be the last one collected. Checkpoint (14) is on top of the arch
near the very end. Carefully go down and get it and back up the arch and onto
the grass then turn around. Approach (15) from the west and get a good speed
to get down to the ledge where it's at. After getting (15), you will be given
a reward of $20,000.

| II.18. "Mafia Massacre" (Toyz Van)/"Diablo Destruction" (Toyz Van) [MFDS] |

In an alley west of Cipriani's Ristorante in St. Marks and next to the
building on the northeast side of Doorless Apartments (East) in Hepburn
Heights you may have noticed a blue van that had a logo on the side: Toyz in
the Hood. When you enter the van, you will trigger a Toyz Van Mission, either
"Mafia Massacre" (St. Marks) or "Diablo Destruction" (Hepburn Heights).

What you do is take remote controlled cars and try to blow up as many gang
vehicles as you can in two minutes. For these missions, you blow up the black
Mafia Sentinels ("Mafia Massacre") and the Diablo Stallions ("Diablo

There are a total of four Toyz vans in the game and each one will require you
to destroy different gang cars. There is one Toyz van on Staunton Island and
the last one is on Shoreside Vale.

When you finish these missions, you will be rewarded $1,000 times the number
of cars you managed to destroy. If you destroyed three cars, you will get
$3,000, if you destroyed eight cars, will get $8,000 and so on.

At this point I have done all I can do on Portland Island before starting the
Main Story Missions. But there is something else that can be done.....

| II.19. Going to Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale Early [GSIV] |

Part of the fun of the GTA games is to try to get around the roadblocks and
invisible forcefields to get to areas you aren't supposed to go until the
designers want you to, preferably without cheating. These roadblocks and
forcefields were designed to keep you from getting more powerful weapons
early or to finish certain tasks before you were allowed to.

But, of course, there are ways to get around these obstacles.....

| II.19.A. The Porter Tunnel Glitch \

On the GameFAQs GTA3 Message Board there is a sticky topic called "Purple
Nines Glitch, Darkel, Donald Love Dissaperance and more questions" started by
Huggable Joker Inc.

Inside the topic was a very good way to get to Staunton Island early and
without cheat codes:


"Getting to Shoreside Vale early without cheating.

(Q) I want to go to Staunton and Shoreside to get the packages/rampages/etc
but Idont want to cheat. Is this possible?

(A) Yes. Go to Easy Credit Auto's in Portland and jack the Banshee there.
When you leave, note the grass over behind the Car Crusher. Past this
grass is a long white road. Follow it untill your actually on top of the
Tunnel Entrance. BACK THE BANSHEE towards the water, the car should be
sitting on the very middle line in this area, it's not hard to see
really. When the rear wheels fall off the edge, the car will start to
fall, quickly hit Triangle before the car does so, and TADA! Your
actually ontop of the Porter Tunnel and can freely acess Staunton Island
without cheating. Once you get to Staunton, jack a car and drive to SSV
using the Tunnel, it wont be blocked off untill Staunton is unlocked by
beating all of Portlands missions."


Well I gave it a try and it works like a charm. You will be in Blue Hell but
on top of the tunnel. Jump over the top of the barrier (that keeps you from
entering the tunnel beneath you) and you can go to either Staunton Island or
Shoreside Vale.

If you decide to go to Staunton Island you will have to contend with
invisible barriers that will angle you off into Blue Hell (if you run along
the tunnel edges) but you can avoid them by running in the middle of the
tunnel top. If you are heading to Shoreside Vale, you can run along the edges
of the tunnel top.

Once at the end of the tunnel at either Staunton Island or Shoreside Vale,
jump into Blue Hell and you will land on the ground above with a loss of 5

This works on both the PS2 and Xbox versions. I don't know if it also works
on the PC version.

Once you are back on land (either Staunton Island or Shoreside Vale), go to
one of your Safehouses and save your game. Unlike "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty
City Stories", the Safehouses in GTA3 are active and you can save your game
while on the other side.

| II.19.B. Hidden Packages CHT-H19 and FIA-H97 \

One of the Hidden Packages on Portland Island is at the Chinatown Subway
Entrance but you couldn't go into it because of the gate. Now that I am
outside of Portland Island, I can go and get it. There are no barriers to
prevent you from entering the subway at either Staunton Island or Shoreside
Vale since you are not really supposed to be here yet (as a result you can't
enter the subway train itself).

Get a small car, like a Stinger, and find the subway entrances. The entrances
are: Liberty Campus Subway Entrance, Bedford Point Subway Entrance, and
Francis International Airport Subway Entrance.

Drive down, make your way down the stairs, and to the subway platform. Go
onto the tracks heading east and stay on the left side of the tracks. After
awhile, you will end up in Chinatown and you will see the Chinatown subway
platform. Drive off of it and go up the stairs. When you reach the top the
following package is within reach:

[CHT-H19] - Near the Chinatown Subway Entrance bathrooms.

Now go back down and to the platform. Re-enter the tracks going north. Keep
going until you reach Shoreside Vale and the Francis International Airport
subway platform. Get off on the right side and as you near the stairs leading
up you will see a Hidden Package:

[FIA-H97] - Near the bottom of the stairs near the subway platform for the
Francis International Airport Subway Entrance.

If you are already on Shoreside Vale and enter through the Airport subway
entrance you can get FIA-H97 first before getting CHT-H19.

| II.19.C. What You Can Do \

Once on the other side you can do just about everything. Below is the list of
activities you can do in the other two areas:

>>Shoreside Vale
>>Collect 32 Hidden Packages.
>>Do 7 Rampages.
>>Do 8 Unique Stunt Jumps.
>>Do "Rumpo Rampage".
>>Do "Gripped!".
>>Collect all but one of the cars for the Suburban Import Export Garage.
>>Do the Firetruck Mission (first 20 fires extinguished).
>>Do the Vigilante Mission (first 20 criminals killed).

>>Staunton Island
>>Collect 34 to 35 Hidden Packages.
>>Do 7 Rampages.
>>Do 4 Unique Stunt Jumps.
>>Do "Casino Calamity".
>>Do "A Ride In The Park".
>>Do "Mulitstorey Mayhem".
>>Do the Firetruck Mission (first 20 fires extinguished).
>>Do the Vigilante Mission (first 20 criminals killed).

Plus there is the one Hidden Package on the rocks south of Portland Island

And, of course, if you wish to do so, do the Taxi and Ambulance Missions
while on the other side.

With this glitch you can get up to 51% Completion, do all Jumps, do all
Rampages, get 99 to 100 Hidden Packages, and do all of the side-missions.
And, of course, unlock most, if not all, of the Weapon Icons for your
Safehouses. Plus earn a lot of money.

When it is time to start heading back to Portland Island you still have to
cross the Callahan Bridge but in the opposite direction. This leads me

| II.19.D. Hidden Package SSV-H75 and The Dodo \

The best, and cheatless, way to go back to Portland Island is by using the
Dodo which is found at Francis International Airport at the west end of the
Main Runway. You still need the Dodo for the Industrial Import Export Garage
so you can kill two birds with one stone here.

The Dodo is unusual in that it is not a car but an airplane. However, it is a
clipped winged craft meaning that it does not have most of its wings. It can
be flown but it is a difficult thing to do. However, there are FAQs that will
help you be able to fly the Dodo for long periods of time.

Then there is also the matter of getting SSV-H75 which is on the raised part
of the broken drawbridge. Normally, you would have to wait until completion
of "A Drop In The Ocean" (Donald Love) so the drawbridge would be fixed. Then
get on the drawbridge, onto the median, and wait for it to rise so you can
get SSV-H75.

But is it possible to get SSV-H75 while the drawbridge is broken? Yes. It is
a little tricky but it is possible. It requires the use of the Dodo to reach
it. Those that are experts in flying the Dodo can probably get it with little
problem. But there is a way for those who can't fly the Dodo:

>>Step One
Get the Dodo, go to the intersection with the signal light (the one that
leads to the airport terminal), stop, and turn right.

>>Step Two
Rev up the Dodo (while holding the brake). Then let go of the brake and
go up the bridge while pushing up on the Left Analog Stick (pushing the
nose down). As you near the break, the nose of the plane should be
scraping the ground. When you get roughly two to three car lengths from
the drawbridge, yank the stick down. If you have enough speed, the plane
will go almost straight up and high enough to reach the drawbridge. You
won't fly very far but then you won't need to. Just enough to land on the
drawbridge. Once on the drawbridge, go near the Package, park very close,
and parallel, to the median.

>>Step Three
You can't jump onto the median from the road because it is too high and
you can't climb to the top of the Dodo either. But you can still use the
Dodo to get on the median. Go between the Dodo and the median. Then jump
onto the Dodo near the back wheels right by the rear windows. You should
be partway up the Dodo if you jumped onto it right. You can't jump onto
the rear of the plane but you don't have to. While on the Dodo, use the
Look Around (Right Analog Stick) to aim at the median. Then jump from
your position to the top of the median. Then go get the Package.

If you can't do this trick, don't worry, you can get the Package later. For
missions where I use the Rocket Launcher (in the early parts of the game), I
also have strategies for using different weapons. As for the Dodo, just drive
it into the tunnel to go to Staunton Island (because of its size you will be
switched into first person mode while driving in the tunnel).

If you managed to get the Package, get back into the Dodo and drop it onto
the Staunton Island side of the bridge.

Then make your way through Staunton Island and go to the Callahan Bridge. Go
up the bridge without slowing down and you should start to glide as the
bridge droops down. Gently pull back and you should land on your wheels on
the other side.

Then simply go around the roadblocks, deposit the Dodo in the Industrial
Import Export Garage, and save your game at your Safehouse.

| II.19.E. Early Explorer Bonus \

Any strategy in some of the early missions that use weapons gained by doing
most of the above tasks prior to the Main Story Missions will be notated by
"Early Explorer Bonus".

With that done, it is time to finally move onto.....

| III. The Main Story Missions [TMSM] |

Each Main Story Mission is broken into six parts:

| Overview \

What the mission is about.

| Weapons \

Weapons used on the mission. Each weapon listed should have a lot of ammo
for it before doing the mission attempt.

| Prep Work \

Any vehicle that must be had or any task that needs to be done before doing
the mission.

| Notes \

Additional information and other musings.

| The Plan \

How to do the mission.

| Reward \

What you get for your efforts.

With that explained, I will now finally move on to the story.....

| III.1. Luigi Goterelli [LGTR] |

Luigi runs the Sex Club 7 in Red Light District. He works for the Mafia and
uses his club as a front for his prostitution operation. You have already met
him and done one mission on his behalf, "Luigi's Girls".

His missions are very easy since these are meant for newbies to get
acquainted with Liberty City and with Portland Island in particular.

There are a total of five missions, technically four since you have already
done one, and they can be done quickly. He is represented by the "L" icon not
far from your Safehouse.

| >L2. "Don't Spank Ma Bitch Up" (Luigi Goterelli) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the club, he is given a letter from Luigi by one of
his guards.....

"There is a new high on the street goes by the name of SPANK. Some
wiseguy's been introducing this trash to my girls down Portland Harbor.
Go and introduce a bat to his face! Then take his car, respray it. I
want compensation for this insult!"

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

When you start, you will be prompted to take the Baseball Bat across the
street but you will not need it. Drive over to Portland Harbor and run the
guy over. The two girls nearby are not Luigi's so you won't fail the
mission if you run them over.

Exit your car and get into the pusher's car. Go to the Pay 'N' Spray to get
it repainted then follow the blip to Luigi's garage and park it to finish
the mission.

| Reward \

$4,000 and there's one less pusher on the streets.

| >L3. "Drive Misty For Me" (Luigi Goterelli) |

| Overview \

Luigi informs Claude that the Don's son, Joey Leone, wants some action from
his regular girl Misty. She lives in nearby Hepburn Heights and you have to
pick her up and take her to Joey's Garage in Trenton. Luigi also tells

"Joey ain't the kind you keep waiting, remember, this is your foot in
the door...so keep your eyes on the road and off Misty!"

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Drive over to Hepburn Heights, park in the blue circle, and honk your horn.
Misty will then come out and enter your car. Then drive over to Joey's
Garage to end the mission.

| Reward \

$4,000 and you have opened up Joey Leone's set of missions.

If you happened to be nearby between 09:00 and 19:00 hours, you may have
heard a phone ringing. This phone is right outside the Bitch'N' Dog Food
Factory. This is where you pick up missions for the factory's owner, Marty
Chonks. But I will wait until I have completed all of Luigi's missions
before I do Marty's and Joey's missions.

| >L4. "Pump-Action Pimp" (Luigi Goterelli) |

| Overview \

Luigi is upset that some Diablo scumbag is pimping his "scuzzy bitches"
near the Sex Club 7. He wants Claude to take this guy out and suggests that
he can get a piece from the Ammu-Nation nearby.

| Weapons \

Grenades, M-16 (optional), Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Get a car and drive up behind them but don't hit or shoot at them. Pass
them up, get far enough ahead, and stop.

If you do this right, they should stop behind your parked car honking their
horn. Get out, get behind their car, and drop a Grenade. The car should be
flaming as they get out and explode before they can attack you.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you were able to get the M-16 and/or the Rocket Launcher Weapon Icons
for your Safehouses, you can use these weapons and destroy the car before
they can do anything.

| Reward \

$4,000 and the Pistol will now become available at the Red Light District

In addition, the following weapon is now available at the Red Light
District Ammu-Nation.

>>Pistol [Cost: $250].

| >L5. "The Fuzz Ball" (Luigi Goterelli) |

| Overview \

Luigi informs Claude that the Policeman's Ball is being held at the Old
School in Chinatown and they'll be looking for some "old school" action.
Luigi wants him to take as many of his girls, who are spread out all over
Portland Island, as fast as he can to the ball before the Cops spend all
their money on drinks.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a Taxi and take it to Luigi's.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

You have five minutes to get a minimum of four girls to the Ball and there
are a total of eight girls on Portland Island. You fail the mission if you
run any of them over or get less than four girls to the Ball.

Start off by going north into Hepburn Heights and get one of the girls by
the bridge then go to the Harwood Junkyard entrance to get another then
pick up one near Cipriani's Ristorante in St. Marks. Since the Taxi can
only hold three girls, go the the Ball and drop off the girls.

From the ball go to the northeast part of Chinatown to pick up your next
girl then go back to St. Marks to get the one just underneath the elevated
train tracks then the one by the Portland Harbor entrance. Then go back to
the Ball to drop them off.

From the Ball go get the girl near Liberty City Sawmills then go into
Chinatown and get the one by Chinatown Plaza. Then go and drop them off at
the Ball to complete the mission.

| Reward \

$4,000 plus an additional $2,000 for getting all eight girls to the Ball.

This also completes all of Luigi's missions. Before I start with Joey
Leone's missions I will deal with.....

| III.2. Marty Chonks (Bitch'N' Dog Food Factory) [MTCK] |

Marty Chonks owns the Bitch'N' Dog Food Factory and he seems to have all
kinds of money trouble. He has four missions total and you can pick them up
between 09:00 and 19:00 hours every day.

His missions are very easy and comprise of mainly taking one of his cheap
cars, picking up someone, taking that person back to the factory, and
disposing with the evidence.

If you're good enough and start the first mission at exactly 09:00 you can
get the last mission started before 19:00 hours.

Since the missions are very easy, I will group them all here instead of
breaking them down:

| III.2.A. "The Crook" (Marty Chonks) \

Take the Perennial, pick up the bank manager (who has been ripping off
Marty) at the Bank of Liberty in Chinatown and take him back to the

Then take the Perennial to the car crusher at the Harwood Junkyard and earn
$1,000 for completing the mission.

| III.2.B. "The Thieves" (Marty Chonks) \

Take the Sentinel, pick up the thieves (who have been threatening to tell
the insurance company on Marty who hired them to break into his apartment
for insurance fraud) at their turf in Chinatown and take them back to the

Then take the Sentinel to the Pay 'N' Spray in Red Light District and take
it back to the factory and earn $3,000 for completing the mission.

| III.2.C. "The Wife" (Marty Chonks) \

Take the Esperanto, pick up the wife (who has a nice insurance policy) at
Classic Nails in Red Light District, and take her back to the factory.

You have to dispose of the car in the sea and the best place to do it is at
Portland Beach east of the SupaSave! Store right where the docks meet the

Go partway down to the water and then get out. Gravity will then pull the
car into the sea and you will earn $2,000 for completing the mission.

| III.2.D. "Her Lover" (Marty Chonks) \

Take the Stallion, pick up the guy (who was seeing Marty's wife before she
got whacked) in Chinatown, then take him back to the factory to complete
the mission. You will earn $4,000 and complete all of Marty Chonk's

| III.3. Joey Leone [JYLE] |

Joey Leone is the son of the local Don, Salvatore Leone. He runs a car garage
in Trenton, Joey's Auto Painting, as his main line of work but has other
extracurricular activities that will involve Claude. He has six missions
total and you can pick up his missions at the "J" in Trenton.

| >J1. "Mike Lips Last Lunch" (Joey Leone) |

| Overview \

The Forelli brothers have owed Joey money for far too long and need to be
taught some respect. The teaching comes in the form of blowing up one of
their guys, Mike Lips. He is currently eating at Marco's Bistro in St.
Marks and you have to take his car, fit it with a bomb, and park it back at
the restaurant.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

You will need to pick up this mission between 05:00 and 21:00 hours. When
you do, you have six minutes to complete this operation but this mission
isn't too hard.

Go up to Marco's Bistro and grab Mike's car then take it to 8-Ball's
BombShop in Harwood. Then take it back to Marco's Bistro, park it, press
Attack to arm the bomb, and exit the car (make sure you close the door or
you will fail the mission).

Now go to the sidewalk and watch the show. If you smash up the car while
taking it to or from the shop, you will have to go to the Pay 'N' Spray to
fix it up.

| Reward \


| >J2. "Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong" (Joey Leone) |

| Overview \

Joey informs Claude that there is some guy on Chinatown pushing SPANK for
some gang from Columbia "or Colorado...or something". Joey wants you to go
to Chinatown and take this guy down.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Acquire 30 Hidden Packages to get the Grenade Weapon Icon at your

| Notes \

Got a suggestion from Llwyd Campbell that made me go "why didn't I think of

| The Plan \

Mr. Chong runs a noodle stand in the middle of the Chinatown Plaza and has
three guards nearby. He also has a couple of Perennials parked at two of
the exits of the Plaza.

But, thanks to Llwyd Campbell, this mission becomes super easy. Go to the
south entrance of Chinatown Plaza but don't enter. Notice the small posts
that mark the entrance of the Plaza. Go to the second post from the left
and look directly north toward Mr. Chong's stand.

Then hurl a single Grenade at the stand which, when it explodes, will kill
Mr. Chong and the nearby Triads to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


| >J3. "Van Heist" (Joey Leone) |

| Overview \

Joey wants you to hit the payroll van that is cruising through Chinatown.
The van is impervious to bullets so you need a car and ram it off the road
to chase away the security guards driving the van. Then take it to Joey's
drop off point to complete the mission.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a Firetruck and head for Joey's Garage.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Take the Firetruck, find the red blip, and hit the Securicar. The large
Firetruck will allow you to chase away the security guards in about three
hits. You will also attract the attention of the Cops and get a 2-Star
Wanted Rating in the process.

Once you get the Securicar, take it to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the
Wanted Rating. Then start roaming around Portland Island. Why? To get the
game to spawn Securicars for the Industrial Import Export Garage. The
Securicar is easily the hardest vehicle to get because it rarely spawns.

However, the game needs to spawn at least one Securicar for this mission.
The Securicar you are riding, the payroll van, is a special one so it will
not disappear on you when you take another car.

Whatever car you are driving at any time is placed into an array of some
sort so while you are driving around you will see a lot of the same car you
are currently driving. Since you are driving a Securicar for this mission,
you will see more Securicars driving the street so you will be able to get
one for the Industrial Import Export Garage.

After a few minutes, another Securicar should appear so get out and take
it. Drive it to the Industrial Import Export Garage then go back and get
the payroll van Securicar you left behind. Then take the payroll van to the
dropoff point in Portland Docks to complete the mission.

| Reward \


You will also be paged by El Burro and he can be contacted in Hepburn
Heights. But I will wait until I have done all of Joey's missions before
doing El Burro's.

| >J4. "Cipriani's Chauffeur" (Joey Leone) |

| Overview \

Joey introduces Claude to the Don's Capo, Toni Cipriani.....

"Here's the guy I was telling you about. Alright listen, this guy ain't
Italian and he's no mechanic but he can get things fixed."

Claude is to take Toni to Cipriani's Ristorante in St. Marks. And as Claude
leaves, Joey informs him.....

"Now listen to me, I'm planning a job that needs a good driver so drop
by sometime later Ok?"

Hmmmmm.....sounds interesting.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

As you exit the garage, Toni informs you that he wants to go Mr. Wong's
Launderette in Chinatown before you drop him off at the restaurant. He
needs to collect some overdue protection money.

After Toni enters the launderette, he is ambushed by the Triads and you
have to get both of yourselves out of there pronto. Zip north then make
your way to the restaurant to end the mission.

| Reward \


And you open Toni's set of missions but I will finish Joey's missions and
then El Burro's missions before I do Toni Cipriani's.

In addition, the following weapon is now available at the Red Light
District Ammu-Nation:

>>Uz-I [Cost: $800].

| >J5. "Dead Skunk In The Trunk" (Joey Leone) |

| Overview \

One of the Forelli brothers thought he was a wise guy so he got whacked by
one of Joey's men. Joey wants Claude to take the car, parked at Greasy
Joe's Diner in Callahan Point (with the corpse in the trunk), to the car
crusher at the Harwood Junkyard for disposal.

| Weapons \

Uz-I (optional).

| Prep Work \

Get a Firetruck and head to Joey's Garage (optional).

| Notes \

Got a new suggestion from Vanatorul DeVise.

| The Plan \

When you get to Greasy Joe's Diner, you will see a gray Manana which you
will need to take to the car crusher. If you scope your surroundings, you
will see a car with its lights on in the east side of the parking lot.

It seems that the Forelli's are planning an ambush and one of the two cars
involved in the ambush is parked here. The other one is parked just
underneath the bridge by the tunnel.

There are a couple of ways to do this depending on your style:

Outwit Them
For those who like the thrill of the chase, just take the Manana and have
fun outwitting them by going into narrow alleys and outmaneuvering them on
the way to the car crusher.

Ambush The Ambushers
With the Firetruck, go through Chinatown, down the main road heading under
Callahan Bridge, and smack the first car into the tunnel. Usually you will
either flip the car over or get it stuck along the wall. The second car
will then give chase and ram into the Firetruck. The Firetruck is pretty
tough so you can just drive-by the second car, while it is backing up and
ramming you again and again, it until it explodes.

Once you destroy the second car, get into the Manana and drive to the car
crusher uncontested to complete the mission.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you have the Rocket Launcher then you can just climb on top of Greasy
Joe's Diner and blast the cars from there. After destroying the two cars
just drop down and take a leisurely drive to the car crusher. Thanks to
Vanatorul DeVise for that idea.

| Reward \


| >J6. "The Getaway" (Joey Leone) |

| Overview \

Joey has some friends who are planning to hit the Bank of Liberty in
Chinatown and wants Claude to drive the getaway car. He needs to go to the
safehouse in St. Marks to pick them up and take them to the bank before
five o'clock (17:00 hours) "and not a minute after".

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Have a Patriot or Taxi saved in your garage.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

First off you need to pick this mission up between 06:00 and 14:00 hours.
Try to get there just before 06:00 to give you maximum time to do the

Take your car and go to the safehouse to pick the robbers up. Go to the
Bank of Liberty in Chinatown and park the car pointing north toward the
Chinatown Shortcut.

After they rob the bank, you will have a 3-Star Wanted Rating. Go through
the Chinatown Shortcut (the Police Bribe there will knock off one star) and
to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the rest of the Wanted Rating.

From there go to the safehouse to drop the robbers off and complete the

| Reward \


And you will complete of all of Joey's missions. Now let's move on to.....

| III.4. Toni Cipriani [TNCP] |

Toni Cipriani is the Don's main enforcer and collector. He seems to be a
pretty tough character until you see how he behaves around his mother.

His main beef is with the Triads that run Chinatown and most of his work for
Claude involves making trouble with them. He has five missions total and can
be picked up at the "T" at Cipriani's Ristorante in St. Marks.

| >T1. "Taking Out The Laundry" (Toni Cipriani) |

| Overview \

Toni tells Claude that that Mr. Wong's Launderette won't pay protection
money. Claude is told to destroy the laundry vans they use and "mangle any
gimp that gets in your way".

| Weapons \

Most any weapon.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are three vans you have to destroy and they can be found roaming
around Chinatown. The fun thing about this mission is that you can destroy
them any way you choose.

Drive-by them with the Uz-I, jack the vans and destroy them, use weapons
earned by using the Blue Hell Bonus, whatever your mind can conjure up.
When you destroy all three vans, the mission is complete.

| Reward \


Because the next mission for Toni will result in making the Triads hostile
when completed, I will now do the missions for.....

| III.5. El Burro [ELBR] |

El Burro is the leader of the Diablos who claim Hepburn Heights as their
turf. He is also a pornographer with interesting, and some say, illegal
tastes (which would explain his name...ugh). He has four missions total and
you can pick them up at the phone in the middle of Hepburn Heights.

| >E1. "Turismo" (El Burro) |

| Overview \

El Burro's first mission for Claude is for him to enter in a car race which
starts at the Old School near the Callahan Bridge.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

If you thought about blowing up the cars at the starting line like you
could in Vice City, forget about it. The cars are indestructible no matter
what weapon you use. You must race them.

But what car to use? A Mafia Sentinel? Nope. A Taxi? Nope. A Banshee? Nope.
In my opinion, the best vehicle to use is actually a Firetruck. A
Firetruck? Yes, a Firetruck. Now, the Firetruck has lousy starting
acceleration but once you get it up to speed, it is very fast. Also durable
and, as you may have found out doing the Firefighter mission, hitting a car
will send it flying because of all of that mass you are driving.

Go to Harwood and get a Firetruck from the Fire Station. Go to the main
road to the west of the Fire Station and head into Chinatown through the
Chinatown Shortcut gaining speed as you go. As you near the three cars at
the starting line, pick a gap between the cars (either the gap between 1-2
or the gap between 2-3). The Firetruck is too large for the gaps which is

When you hit the cars with your Firetruck, the race will automatically
start. You will also smack the two cars you hit away from each other and
one of those cars will also hit the third car. This will temporarily
disorient them as you blast through the starting line like a bat out of

The toughest part is going from the starting line, through Trenton, and
turning right heading by Atlantic Quays. After that it seems to get easier
since you can get a lot of speed going from Atlantic Quays, through
Callahan Point, to Chinatown. Be careful when power-sliding. Because of the
Firetruck's mass, you can easily slide yourself out of contention if you're
not careful.

If they try to pass you during the race, just smack them off to the side.
If they pass you, you may be able to hit them when they try to turn corners
since they are very lousy in their driving.

There are a total of 18 checkpoints in the race and the last one is near
where you started. Winning the race will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


| >E2. "I Scream, You Scream" (El Burro) |

| Overview \

A gang is threatening to remove El Burro's "starring member" out of his
"exotic entertainment business" unless they are given a cut. But El Burro
has other plans. This gang has a weakness for ice cream so Claude is to
find the hidden bomb in Harwood, jack an ice cream truck, take it to the
gang's hiding spot in Atlantic Quays, and lure them to their doom with the
"jeengle jeengle".

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \

Made some changes based on a new idea.

| The Plan \

The bomb you need is sitting by Borgnine Taxis (and behind the Borgnine
Taxi if you unlocked it). Grab it, then grab a car (or the Borgnine Taxi)
and find the red blip which is the ice cream van. The van is usually
roaming around St. Marks.

Find the van, jack the van, and head to Atlantic Quays. When you get there,
park it in the blue circle, press Horn to start the music, and wait (do NOT
exit the van.

The gang members will slowly head toward the van and when they get near the
Mr. Whoopee van, drive-by them complete the mission.

More than likely you might not have acquired the Mr. Whoopee for the
Industrial Import Export Garage prior to this mission so this assignment
will make it easy to get one. Drive-bying the gangsters instead of blowing
up the van will allow you to just drive the van, after the mission, to the
Industrial Import Export Garage for deposit.

| Reward \

$6,000 and a lot of melted ice cream.

| >E3. "Trial By Fire" (El Burro) |

| Overview \

Some Triads stole El Burro's car, which had some irreplaceable burro
memorabilia in the trunk, who then wrecked and burned it. El Burro is
plenty mad and has left Claude a "throbbing weapon" near the edge of
Chinatown for him to take some revenge out on the Triads.

| Weapons \

Flame-Thrower (provided).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

The "throbbing weapon", a Flame-Thrower, is located at the Rockstar
building near where R5-A was. Once you grab the weapon, you have two and a
half minutes to kill 25 Triads.

Basically, this mission is like a Rampage except that there are civilians
present. Care must be taken not to torch too many civilians otherwise you
will attract the attention of the Cops and that is bad since you can't
outrun them because of the heavy Flame-Thrower and torching them will only
make matters worse.

Head towards Chinatown Park taking out Triads as you go. The park usually
generates a lot of Triads simplifying your task. When you finish killing 25
Triads, you will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


After this mission, the Triads will become hostile to you so if you go
through Chinatown, they will try to yank you from your car and hurt you.

| >E4. "Big 'N' Veiny" (El Burro) |

| Overview \

A thief has stolen the van carrying El Burro's latest publication, Donkey
Does Dallas 1,2, and 3. Worse, the thief has left the doors open and has
spilled the contents all over Portland. Claude is to get the mags, kill the
thief, and take the magazines to XXX Mags in Red Light District.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \

Glen T. Winstein pointed out a shortcut that can be used here. In addition,
another reader, Kevin Berg, had an idea to increase the amount of time you
have for the mission:

"I recently read your FAQ and was quite impressed with the detail. I
would like to submit a strategy for the mission "Big 'N' Veiny". I
found that this helped me to beat the mission in a bit easier way. You
receive the mission from the phone, and then before you get in the
Rumpo, you run behind and sprint into the back bumper. This will push
the Rumpo forward and you can effectivly push the van quite a ways to
get a bit of a head start. I thought that this might be helpful."

It is indeed helpful and this idea made its way into the guide.

But somebody else, Demarest, took this idea one step further (info provided
by Glen T. Winstein):

"I just saw this gimmick by Demarest at GTA Forums and thought you might
like it. It reminds me of the one you have of Claude pushing the van
before starting the mission for a head start for "Big 'n' Veiny," but
he has Claude push it E to the grass then S past Greasy Joe's (to avoid
gangsters) and all the way to the end of the run. He has Claude get in,
get out, and shoot the guy."

This method is recommended if you have some time to kill since it takes
awhile to push the van where it needs to go.

I should also point out that you cannot go ahead and kill the thief before
you enter the van. He will not appear until you enter the van.

| The Plan \

As Kevin pointed out, go behind the Rumpo and push it forward along the
sidewalk. It is actually best to angle the van into the street otherwise
pedestrians will block your way.

On the sidewalk along the right side of the street you will find gratings.
First, there is a group of two sets of gratings (a set has three panels).
When you reach the third set of gratings, stop pushing the van and enter

By getting the van close to the first set of magazines you will gain
several seconds of extra time which will help you a lot regardless of
whatever path, listed below, you want to take.

There are two ways that this mission can be done: by following the assigned
path or by taking a shortcut to Portland Harbor.

The Assigned Path
Get into the van provided and collect the dropped magazines. You have 20
seconds to start and you are given two seconds for each bundle picked up.
The path winds through St. Marks, Chinatown, Callahan Point, Atlantic
Quays, and finally Portland Harbor. This mission is difficult because of
the unstable van and the traffic which keeps you from gaining substantial

Keep a moderate speed and you should be able to keep the van steady enough,
and fast enough, to hit the mags. The turn heading toward the park in
Chinatown is one that may trip you up.

Getting the Rumpo close to the first set of magazines will help you a lot

The St. Marks Shortcut
As Glen pointed out, there is a shortcut that can be used. However, as I am
about to point out, it is not that much easier than the Assigned Path but
if you are having difficulty doing it that way then this may be a viable

Follow the path leading up through St. Marks and to Marco's Bistro. Then
keep going straight, aim for the bush left of the tree, jump off the hill,
and towards Portland Harbor.

But some things need to go right. First, you should have about 18-20
seconds on the clock when you reach Marco's Bistro. That means that you
have to have a very good run leading up to that point. That also means you
can't hit any cars along the way.

Second, after you jump off the hill, you have to land on your wheels. On
most of my attempts the van would smack the fence and just flip upside down
regardless of how solid my approach was. Frustrating. The Rumpo is a lousy
vehicle and always wants to flip over at the slightest provocation.

If you manage to stay on your wheels, then you have to go through the gap
on the left side of the fence which is made tricky by the fact that the van
doesn't go into there very well. If you manage to make it through, you can
get to the last of the magazines with about 1-3 seconds to spare. Follow
them to the end of the line.

Because of these factors it may take you several tries before you succeed
with this method.

When you finally reach the thief, regardless of method, just hit him with
your van then drive to XXX Mags in Red Light District to complete the

| Reward \


And this will complete all of El Burro's missions.

However, the phone will still ring and there will still be a blue mission
circle. Going into the blue mission circle will allow you to do the mission
"Turismo" again. This is so you can try to improve your time in the race.
But later on in the game, it will be very difficult to do "Turismo" so it
may be wise to try to get your best times now.

| >T2. "The Pick-Up" (Toni Cipriani) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the restaurant he finds a letter meant for him.....

"The laundry has agreed to pay - you did real good kid! Go collect the
cash and bring it back here. Watch out for the Triads. They may be
shoving a firecracker up your ass, but don't take no crap. Nobody I
mean nobody, messes with TONI CIPRIANI!"

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Despite the now hostile Triads, this is not a hard mission to do.

Go to Chinatown in the alleyway behind Mr. Wong's Launderette to pick up
the money. When you do, several Triads show up at all three entrances to
ambush you. There are six Triads total, five on foot and one in a laundry
van. You have to kill all of them before you are allowed to deliver the

The very first thing you should do is to run toward the laundry van without
fighting the others. Jack it and start running over or drive-bying the
other Triads. If you do this right, you should be able to do this mission
without so much as a scratch.

Once you kill the last Triad, take the money to Toni to complete the

| Reward \


| >T3. "Salvatore's Called A Meeting" (Toni Cipriani) |

| Overview \

Claude goes over to Cipriani's Ristorante to pick up his next mission.
There he finds a letter.....

"Don Salvatore has called a meeting. I need you to collect the Limo and
his boy, Joey, from the garage. Then get Luigi from his club, come back
here and pick me up, then we'll all drive over to the boss's place
together. Those Triads, they don't know when to stop. They want a war.
They got a war. Now get going."

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go to Joey's Auto Painting in Trenton to pick up the limo and Joey.
Carefully drive to Luigi's Sex 7 Club in Red Light District to pick up
Luigi. Then go to St. Marks to pick up Toni at his restaurant but make sure
that the limo is pointed north (the restaurant should be to your right).

When Toni climbs in, you are ambushed by the Triads. Take the first right
and head up the hill. The limo is slow going up but at the top is the
entrance to Salvatore's Mansion.

However, the Triads have blocked it with a couple of laundry vans. Hit the
gap between the two vans and make your way to the Mansion. Once past the
gate, the Triads will not follow. Park the limo in the garage and from
there you will meet Salvatore.....

"I see nothing but good things for you my boy..."

| Reward \


However, you can't take any more jobs from Toni until you take the first
job from.....

| III.6. Salvatore Leone [SVLE] |

Salvatore Leone is the leader of the Mafia who hangs out at his mansion on
Portland Beach. He is worried about both the Triads and the Columbians
invading his turf. He has five missions total (one mission is a two parter)
and you can pick them up at his club marked with an "S"

| >S1. "Chaperone" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Salvatore wants Claude to look after his wife, Maria. Maria isn't too
thrilled about Claude at first. She even calls him Fido. But she still
wants to have a good time so off they go.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Take the limo to Chico who deals drugs near the Chinatown El-Train Station.
When she gets the drugs from him, Chico informs her of a warehouse party in
Atlantic Quays. She decides to check it out so you drive her to the party.
Park the limo pointing north and wait while Maria "shakes her butt".

After a couple of minutes, the Police arrive to conduct a narcotics bust.
Wait for Maria to re-enter the limo then hightail it to Salvatore's
Mansion. Once you arrive back at the Mansion, the mission is complete.

| Reward \


You have also impressed Maria with your professionalism.....

"You know, I enjoyed myself for the first time in a long while, and you
treated me really good. With respect and everything. Oh, I'd better go.
I'll see you around I hope."

After this mission, you can now start doing missions for Toni again.....

| >T4. "Triads And Tribulations" (Toni Cipriani) |

| Overview \

As Claude arrives at the restaurant, there is another letter for him from

"We're at WAR. The Triads have a fish factory as a front. Most of their
business goes down at the fish market in Chinatown. That laundry still
owes us protection. They reckon the Triads are protecting them now, so
I say we exact a fitting punishment. Take these boys over and whack the
Triad Warlords! Hell, if you get a chance, pop some of their soldiers

| Weapons \

Uz-I, Sniper Rifle (optional), Flame-Thrower (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

Glen T. Winstein gave me a little suggestion that helps near the end of the

And I got a new idea from Ian Spears.

| The Plan \

There are three warlords to take down. One is in the Chinatown Plaza,
another is by Raffles Fish Factory, and the last one is at the Turtle Head
Fishing Co. in Callahan Point.

As you enter Chinatown, a Police radio dispatch will announce that there is
a gang war going on in Chinatown. You will see Mafia men fighting it out
with the Triads. Chinatown has become a war zone so care must be taken
while in this section of Portland Island.

Drive to the Plaza entrance by Punk Noodles, get out, and run into the
Plaza to confront and kill the first warlord with the Uz-I.

Then get back in your car and drive to Raffles Fish Market and run over the
second warlord.

Next, find a Triad Fish Van, jack it, and then drive over to the Turtle
Head Fishing Co. After the Triads let you in go over to to where the third
warlord is and drive-by him to complete the mission.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you earned the Sniper Rifle Weapon Icon you can make your life a bit
easier with this weapon.

Use it on the first warlord and, after running over the second warlord,
drive over to the west side of the Turtle Head Fishing Co.

There is a hill there which you can get on top and just snipe the third
warlord from outside the wall to complete the mission (this was Glen's

Another suggestion, by Ian Spears, is to get to the closest point to the
third warlord (while still outside the wall) and use the Flame-Thrower to
shoot through the wall and kill him.

| Reward \


| >T5. "Blow Fish" (Toni Cipriani) |

| Overview \

Claude arrives at the restaurant and is given instructions to finish things
once and for all.....

"Ok, I've had enough of this shit. We're gonna finish the Triads in
Liberty, once and for all. 8-Ball's rigged a dustcart with a bomb. It's
on a timer so if you mess up there'll be no evidence. Go and pick up
the dustcart. Careful, 8-ball says it's real sensitive and the
slightest bump could set that thing off! Their fish factory will open
its gates for a dustcart, so you can drive right in. Park up between
the gas canisters and get the hell out of there! I want it to rain
mackerel! We're talking real biblical here, nothing low budget."

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go to 8-Ball's BombShop and get the Trashmaster. You have two and a half
minutes to get the Trashmaster to the Turtle Head Fishing Co. in Callahan

The best route is to turn around and go through the underground railroad
tunnel, then turn right when you go out the other end, go around the
SupaSave! Store, and back onto the road. You should get there with about a
minute to spare.

Once inside the Turtle Head Fishing Co., drive to the blue circle, arm the
bomb, get out, and run to one of the corners to watch the show.

| Reward \


And you have also completed the last of Toni Cipriani's missions. Now let's
resume with Salvatore's missions.....

| >S2. "Cutting The Grass" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Salvatore suspects that one of the bartenders over at Luigi's club might be
talking to the Columbians about their activities. Salvatore wants Claude to
follow this bartender, Curly Bob, to see if he is ratting them out. If he
is, then he is to be killed.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a Taxi and take it with you to Leone's.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Normally, when you get to the club you will see a Taxi there meant for
Curly Bob. When he gets in the taxi, you are supposed to stay your distance
while following Curly Bob, by means of a Spookmeter, otherwise you will
fail the mission if you got too close. By the way, you can't jack this
particular Taxi which is why you have to provide your own.

But you can simplify your mission tremendously by taking your Taxi and
parking it behind the other Taxi making sure that your Taxi is nearest to
the service tunnel and that you are parked in the street (if you park on
the sidewalk Curly Bob will ignore your Taxi). When Curly Bob shows up, he
will enter your Taxi instead of the one in front and all you have to do is
drive him to Portland Harbor. No spooking to worry about.

When you get to Portland Harbor, park in the blue circle. The following
cutscene confirms Salvatore's suspicions. When the cutscene ends, take your
Taxi and run over Curly Bob (be careful - he has a Shotgun) to end the

| Reward \


| >S3 and S4. "Bomb Da Base (Acts I and II)" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Salvatore wants Claude to blow up the ship that Curly led Claude to in the
previous mission as a personal favor for him. If he succeeds, Claude will
be a Made Man for the Leone family. Salvatore recommends that Claude sees
8-Ball for help in destroying the boat.

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle (provided), Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

When you get to 8-Ball's BombShop, he informs you that he needs $100,000
to cover expenses. At this point you should have close to that amount. If
not you can do additional Taxi, Vigilante, and Firefighter runs to earn
more money. Once you have the minimum amount, step into the blue circle

Next, go to Portland Harbor and park in the blue circle. Go up the stairs
to the top of the building north and across from the ship. You need to use
the Sniper Rifle to take out all of the Columbian guards on the ship so
8-Ball can get inside. He won't go until you start shooting so you can
scope things out. Start with the leftmost guard and work your way right.

According to Jon Porter, you can make things easier for yourself if you use
the Adrenaline Icon in the middle of the group of small trailers on the
west side of the building.

Another reader, Jim Plate, also suggested to me that you can block the
entrance of the ramp with another car to slow down 8-Ball so you can gain
additional time to kill the Columbians. However, the Columbians will shoot
at you and you will take damage as you flee toward your vantage point.

Once you get the last guard, 8-Ball will get inside and you can watch his
brand of fireworks to complete the mission.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you managed to get all 100 Hidden Packages to acquire the Rocket
Launcher Weapon Icon for your hideouts you can make things easier still.

Instead of the Sniper Rifle use the Rocket Launcher. Start at the bottom of
the ramp and make your way from left to right. If you are fast enough you
can clear the ship of Columbians before 8-Ball can make his way up to the

In addition, by going to the other side early, you should have a lot more
money when you start this mission thus simplifying things further.

| Reward \


| >S5. "Last Requests" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Salvatore is very happy with the results from the last mission.....

"I'm proud of you my boy, you kicked the shit outta those grease balls."

.....but he has a small job for Claude before celebrating.....

"There is a car around the block from Luigi's club. The inside is
covered in brains. We had to help some guy make up his mind and it
proved a little messy. Take it to the crusher before the Cops find it."

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go to the blip near Luigi's club. As you near the blip, you receive a
message on your pager from Maria. The car is actually a trap meant for
Claude and Maria wants you to meet her at the slip on the south side of the
Callahan Bridge.

Once you get there, Maria is near hysterics.....

"Listen, Salvatore thinks that we're going behind his back, so he was
offering you to the Cartel in order to make a deal. I couldn't let him
do that, I mean the worst thing is, it's all my fault...because I told
him, we were an item. Don't ask me why, I don't know. Look you're a
marked man on Mafia turf and I've got to get out of here too. I've seen
too much killing. Too much blood!"

Jeez, after all of that work and now it's shot to shit. But Maria
introduces Claude to an old friend of hers, Asuka. Asuka recommends that
they get out of there before the Mafia finds out. Take the boat and drive
it to the blue marker to end the mission. And Asuka leaves you with a few

"You'll need a place to lie low. There's a warehouse at the edge of
Belleville that should suit your needs. Come back here to my Condo when
you are ready, and we can have a little chat."

After the mission is completed, head to your new Safehouse on Staunton
Island and save your game.

| Reward \


This will complete Salvatore Leone's missions and open up Asuka Kasen's set
of missions.

When you enter a car, you will listen to a special news report. The
Callahan Bridge has finally been repaired so you can now travel by car back
to Portland Island. This will also open a section of the Porter Tunnel
between Staunton Island and Portland Island.

With these new roads open it is time to go over.....

| IV. Staunton Island [STLN] |

This is the main business area for Liberty City. A lot of large businesses,
like AMCO Petroleum, are based out of here. Most of the businesses are
located in the Torrington and Bedford Point districts. A large park can be
found in, appropriately named, Belleville Park.

There are also some expensive condominiums to the east. Aspatria is home to
Liberty Memorial Coliseum. Staunton Island is also home to Liberty Campus,
the major college in this region. Fort Staunton, destroyed in a massive
explosion in 1998 but is slowly being rebuilt with office buildings, is to
the east of the college.

| IV.1. Staunton Island Landmarks [SILM] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the landmarks on Staunton Island:

| Rockford |

Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus
Location: (North) Rockford.
Notes: This is where Phil Cassidy moved his operations after the ferries
were shut down and the Rockford Ferry Terminal made into a
warehouse area.

Staunton Loop (North)
Location: Begins at the south part of Liberty Memorial Coliseum
(Aspatria), goes through Rockford, and ends at the north part
of Newport Bridge (Newport).
Notes: This is the north part of the road loop that goes around Staunton

Carson General Hospital
Location: Rockford.
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on
Staunton Island.

Porter Tunnel Entrance (Staunton Island)
Location: Rockford, next door east of Carson General Hospital.
Notes: This is the Staunton Island entrance to the controversial Porter
Tunnel project. At this point you can go back to Portland Island
but the tunnel is not completed enough to let you go to Shoreside

| Aspatria |

Liberty Memorial Coliseum
Location: (West) Aspatria.
Notes: This is the current home of the local football team, the Liberty
City Cocks.

| Liberty Campus |

Campus Courtyard
Location: (North) Liberty Campus.
Notes: This is the main courtyard for the local college. Often used for
political rallies.

Liberty Campus Subway Entrance
Location: (Northeast) Liberty Campus.
Notes: This is one of two entrances for the Liberty City Subway System
for Staunton Island.

Campus Shops
Location: (Southeast) Liberty Campus, directly across the street west
from the Fort Staunton construction zone.
Notes: Several shops that are frequented by the campus students.

| Fort Staunton |

Pan-Lantic Building
Location: (Southeast) Fort Staunton.
Notes: This building, within the large construction zone, is the one that
is mostly completed.

| Belleville Park |

Staunton Island Safehouse
Location: (North) Belleville Park, indicated by a house on your radar.
Notes: This is where you can find your Weapon, Health, Adrenaline, and
Police Bribe Icons, store at least two vehicles, and save your

Staunton Loop (West)
Location: Begins at the three way intersection in west central Bedford
Point, runs north on the lower road area, along the west side
of Belleville Park, and ends at the south part of Liberty
Memorial Coliseum (Aspatria).
Notes: This is the west part of the road loop that goes around Staunton

Belleville Park Fire Station
Location: (Northwest) Belleville Park.
Notes: A Firetruck can often be found here and used for the Firetruck

Shoreside Lift Bridge Loop
Location: (West) Belleville Park.
Notes: This is the loop that goes to the Shoreside Lift Bridge that leads
into Shoreside Vale.

Main Park
Location: (Central) Belleville Park.
Notes: This is the main park area for Belleville Park.

The Belleville Mall
Location: (East) Belleville Park, across the street east of the Main
Notes: This large golden structure is one of the finest shopping malls in
Liberty City.

The Courthouse
Location: (South) Belleville Park, across the street south of the Main
Notes: This is where the wheels of justice turn for Liberty City.

| Newport |

Newport Pay 'N' Spray
Location: Newport, just southeast of the Staunton Island Safehouse.
Notes: This is where you go to get rid of Wanted Ratings, repair damage,
and change the color of your vehicles.

Multistory Carpark
Location: Newport, just east of the Staunton Island Safehouse.
Notes: This is the large carpark used for The Belleville Mall and nearby
office buildings.

Newport Ammu-Nation
Location: (Central) Newport, just southeast of the Multistory Carpark.
Notes: One of two Ammu-Nations located in Liberty City. This is where you
can purchase weapons for use against your enemies or anybody else
who pisses you off.

Newport Bridge
Location: (East) Newport.
Notes: This north-south bridge is part of Staunton Loop (East) which
starts at the north end of this bridge and ends at the east-west
road that goes to the Big Shot Casino (Torrington).

The Condos
Location: (East) Newport, just east of the Newport Bridge.
Notes: A pair of light colored condominium buildings. Residents there
have access to a pair of nearby piers where they can park their
boats. You will also be taking missions from Asuka Kasen during
the course of the game.

Industrial Park
Location: (East) Newport, next door south of The Condos.
Notes: An industrial park where tractor trailers are parked and several
small warehouses can be found. Also stretches south into

Lips 106
Location: (South) Newport, on the south side of the large block where the
Newport Ammu-Nation is located.
Notes: This large double building, with an overhang that goes around the
complex, is home to another popular radio station.

| Bedford Point |

Staunton Loop (South)
Location: Begins at the three way intersection in (West) Bedford Point,
goes south along Staunton Island, and ends at the east-west
road that goes into the Big Shot Casino (Torrington).
Notes: This is the south part of the road loop that goes around Staunton

Tw@ Internet Cafe
Location: (North) Bedford Point, just across the street east of The
Notes: A place where you can surf the internet and gulp down lattes.

Theater District
Location: (North) Bedford Point.
Notes: This bright colorful area is home to the main theater district for
Liberty City. Also home to many shops and restaurants.

Liberty Cathedral
Location: (Central) Bedford Point, just south of the Theater District.
Notes: The main church for Liberty City.

20thC. Building
Location: (Central) Bedford Point, on the next block south of Liberty
Notes: This used to be home to Liberty City Free Radio before they were
bought out by Love Media and turned into Chatterbox. New tenants
now make this place their home.

Liberty Tree Offices
Location: (Southwest) Bedford Point, across the street south of the
20thC. Building.
Notes: Home to Liberty City's newspaper. Has above ground and underground
parking lots.

Love Media
Location: (South) Bedford Point, across the street east of the Liberty
Tree Offices.
Notes: Home of Love Media, owned by Donald Love, is one of the most
powerful media outlets in the United States.

Bedford Point Subway Entrance
Location: (Southeast) Bedford Point.
Notes: This is one of two entrances for the Liberty City Subway System
for Staunton Island.

| Torrington |

City Hall
Location: (Northeast) Torrington, just south of the Callahan Bridge.
Notes: This is the City Hall building for Liberty City.

Staunton Loop (East)
Location: Begins at the north end of the Newport Bridge and ends at the
east-west road that goes to the Big Shot Casino (Torrington).
Notes: This is the east part of the road loop that goes around Staunton

Torrington Police Station
Location: (East) Torrington, next door south of City Hall.
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on
Staunton Island.

Location: (West) Torrington.
Notes: The main headquarters for the large oil company based out of
Liberty City. It also has a set of stairs for accessing the upper

Crystal Park
Location: (South) Torrington.
Notes: A pedestrian park that is home to the largest crystal sculpture in
the United States.

Kenji's Casino
Location: (East) Torrington.
Notes: This is the only place to legally gamble in Liberty City. It is
rumored to be owned by a member of the Yakuza crime family.

| IV.2. Staunton Island Weapons And Items [WISI] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the Weapon, Health, Body Armor, Police
Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons on Staunton Island:

| Rockford |

Weapons (Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus)
>>Shotgun: Becomes available after completion of "Arms Shortage" (Ray
Machowski) [Cost: $1,500].
>>M-16: Becomes available after completion of "Arms Shortage" (Ray
Machowski) [Cost: $5,000].
>>Rocket Launcher: Becomes available after completion of "Arms Shortage"
(Ray Machowski) [Cost: $25,000].

>>At Carson General Hospital (x2).

| Liberty Campus |

>>Molotovs: On the upper level on the north part of the Campus Courtyard
next to the east set of stairs.

Body Armor
>>On the upper level on the north part of the Campus Courtyard next to
the west set of stairs.

Police Bribe
>>On the south half of Liberty Campus. It is between the north part of
the building and the middle building.

>>On top of the Campus Shops. Use the stairs nearby to access.

| Fort Staunton |

>>AK-47: Tucked beside a construction trailer underneath some ruins north
of the sharp angled turn in the northeast part of the
construction zone.

>>On the second floor of the unfinished building next to and north of the
Pan-Lantic Building. The stairs is on the east side and when you get to
the top head west and you should see the Health Icon (and next to the
Body Armor Icon).

Body Armor
>>On the second floor of the unfinished building next to and north of the
Pan-Lantic Building. The stairs is on the east side and when you get to
the top head west and you should see the Body Armor Icon (and next to
the Health Icon).

| Belleville Park |

>>Shotgun: Behind the obelisk on the east side of the Main Park.
>>Sniper Rifle: On top of the building south of the Belleville Park Fire
Station behind the MSX-FM sign (and next to the Body
Armor Icon) (use the angled edge of the Shoreside Lift
Bridge Loop to jump to it).

>>At the beginning of the Shoreside Lift Bridge Loop (just off to the
>>In front of the doorway at the north part of the hanging sculpture that
is above the road that goes through the middle part of The Belleville
>>In front of the entrance of the building directly across the street
west of the large entrance on the west side of the Main Park.

Body Armor
>>On top of the building south of the Belleville Park Fire Station behind
the MSX-FM sign (and next to the Sniper Rifle Weapon Icon) (use the
angled edge of the Shoreside Lift Bridge Loop to jump to it).

Police Bribe
>>Underneath the Cafe Metropolitan awning north of the Shoreside Lift
Bridge Loop.

>>In one of the large street median planters just north of The

| Newport |

Weapons (Newport Ammu-Nation)
>>Uz-I: Becomes available after completion of "Last Requests" (Salvatore
Leone) [Cost: $800].
>>Grenades: Becomes available after completion of "Last Requests"
(Salvatore Leone) [Cost: $2,000].
>>AK-47: Becomes available after completion of "Last Requests" (Salvatore
Leone) [Cost: $3,000].
>>Sniper Rifle: Becomes available after completion of "Last Requests"
(Salvatore Leone) [Cost: $10,000].

>>At The Condos, south building, by the pool-side.
>>In the grassy alley between City Hall and the Torrington Police

Body Armor
>>Between two tractor trailers underneath the west end of Callahan Bridge
in the Industrial Park.

Body Armor (Newport Ammu-Nation)
>>Becomes available after completion of "Last Requests" (Salvatore Leone)
[Cost: $3,000].

Police Bribe
>>On the small east-west sidewalk just north of Lips 106.
>>On the short east-west dirt road just north of the Callahan Bridge at
the east side of the south end of the Newport Bridge.
>>In the small alleyway just south of the Newport Ammu-Nation.

| Bedford Point |

>>Shotgun: North of the pier west of Liberty Tree Offices.
>>AK-47: At the southeast side of the building southeast of Liberty
Cathedral (and next to a Body Armor Icon).
>>M-16: In the walled off area in the southeast part of Liberty Tree
Offices (use the nearby Moonbeam, park it by the lowest part of
the wall, climb the Moonbeam, and jump over the wall to access).

>>At the south entrance of Liberty Cathedral.
>>In the small alleyway west of the Liberty Tree Offices.
>>In the trees north of the 20thC. Building.

Body Armor
>>At the southeast side of the building southeast of Liberty Cathedral
(and next to an AK-47 Weapon Icon).
>>In the walled off area in the southeast part of Liberty Tree Offices
(use the nearby Moonbeam, park it by the lowest part of the wall, climb
the Moonbeam, and jump over the wall to access).

Police Bribe
>>In the small east-west alleyway in the middle of the block north of
Love Media.

>>Inside the Tw@ Internet Cafe.

| Torrington |

>>On the northwest corner of the AMCO HQ building.
>>In the front entrance of the large building northeast of the Bedford
Point Subway Entrance.

Police Bribe
>>In the tunnel underneath the Torrington Police Station parking lot.
>>In the air just south of Kenji's Casino.
>>Between Kenji's Casino and the sidewalk just south of the entrance to
the casino.

| IV.3. Hidden Packages (Staunton Island) [SIHP] |

Listed below are the 35 Hidden Packages that can be found on Staunton Island:

| Rockford (RFD) |

[RFD-H34] - In the northwest corner of Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus.

[RFD-H35] - On top of one of the overhangs at Carson General Hospital.
Notes: Drive one of the Ambulances near the Package and jump on
top of the Ambulance to get to the Package.

| Aspatria (APT) |

[APT-H36] - Behind one of the Rockstar billboards on the northeast side of
Liberty Memorial Coliseum.

[APT-H37] - At the main entrance to Liberty Memorial Coliseum.

[APT-H38] - In an open garage within the gated area southeast of Liberty
Memorial Coliseum.
Notes: You need a Cartel Cruiser to open the gate. You can find
one at the Fort Staunton construction zone by the
Pan-Lantic Building.

| Liberty Campus (LBC) |

[LBC-H39] - On the east side of the south half of the campus south of the St.
Matthias University sign.

| Fort Staunton (FRS) |

[FRS-H40] - On top of the bridge on the east side of Fort Staunton.
Notes: You will need to carefully walk the bridge supports to get
the Package.

[FRS-H41] - On the second floor of the unfinished building next to and north
of the Pan-Lantic Building.in the small room near the Health and
Body Armor Icons.
Note: The stairs is on the east side and when you get to the top
head west and you should see the Body Armor and Health
Icons. Go up to them and use the Look Ahead feature to turn
around. You should see another incomplete small room with
two entrances. You should see the package through the right

[FRS-H42] - Underneath the southeast side of the Pan-Lantic Building.

| Belleville Park (BLP) |

[BLP-H43] - In the alleyway south of the Belleville Park Fire Station.
Notes: The Package is up against the Uncle BJ's Deli & Groceries
store tucked in a corner by the garage doors.

[BLP-H44] - On the roof of Uncle BJ's Deli & Groceries underneath the
Shoreside Lift Bridge Loop (yes, there are two Deli places in
Belleville Park. Go figure).
Notes: Go up the Shoreside Lift Bridge Loop and jump from it to
land on the roof of the building.

[BLP-H45] - Under the south end of the upper road level (and also under the
Shoreside Lift Bridge Loop) for Staunton Loop (West).

[BLP-H46] - In the basketball court in the northeast corner of the Main Park.

[BLP-H47] - Under the small bridge in the middle of the Main Park.

| Newport (NPT) |

[NPT-H48] - In open garage to the right of the parked Blista northwest of the
Newport Pay 'N' Spray.

[NPT-H49] - Tucked in cubbyhole on second floor of the Multistory Carpark
(north side).

[NPT-H50] - Near the end of the set of piers just south of The Condos.

[NPT-H51] - At end of the L-shaped alleyway east of the Tw@ Internet Cafe.

[NPT-H52] - In front of the City Hall building at the top of the stairs.

[NPT-H53] - In the middle section of the piers (just south of the Callahan
Bridge) for the Industrial Park.

| Bedford Point (BDT) |

[BDT-H54] - Tucked in a little cubbyhole just northeast of the Health Icon at
the south entrance for Liberty Cathedral.

[BDT-H55] - At the end of the alley for the Hyaku Dojo southeast of Liberty

[BDT-H56] - On the top level of small glass building directly across the
street (west) of the AMCO HQ building.

[BDT-H57] - In the small doorway facing the three-way intersection west of
Liberty Tree Offices.

[BDT-H58] - On the roof on the east side of Liberty Tree Offices.
Notes: Use the stairs in front of the underground parking garage
entrance to reach the Package.

[BDT-H59] - By the Kuruma in the Liberty City Offices above ground parking

[BDT-H60] - In the Liberty Tree Offices underground parking garage.

[BDT-H61] - On the walkway west of the Bedford Point Subway Entrance.

| Torrington (TRG) |

[TRG-H62] - Behind the gated area of the Torrington Police Station building
(northeast side next to the building).
Notes: You need to use a Police car to open the gate. There is
always one in the parking lot you can use.

[TRG-H63] - Underneath the small bridge leading to Torrington Police Station
from the main double road to the east.

[TRG-H64] - In front of the elevator of the AMCO HQ underground parking

[TRG-H65] - At the topmost level of the AMCO HQ building.
Notes: Take the stairs south of the Health Icon to reach the

[TRG-H66] - At the top of the helipad at Kenji's Casino.

[TRG-H67] - Behind the crystal sculpture in Crystal Park.

| Staunton Island (STI) |

[STI-H68] - Behind the rocks near the pier west of Liberty Tree Offices.

| IV.4. Rampages (Staunton Island) [RPGD] |

Listed below are the seven Rampages for Staunton Island and the strategies
for each location:

| [R7] - Destroy 15 Vehicles (M-16) |


[LBC-R7-A] - At the south end of the south side of Liberty Campus (south
of the Police Bribe).
Notes: Drive up to the Icon, get the Icon, and drive over to
the Liberty Memorial Coliseum parking lot. Destroy all
the cars there including your own. Then go over to the
intersection at the northwest part of the parking lot.
There you can get the rest of the cars you need to
complete the Rampage. When the Police cars start
coming, this will make things a little easier since
they will converge on you and won't try to speed away
when you shoot at them unlike the other cars. The
Police Helicopter also counts as a vehicle so destroy
it if you can. If you start a chain reaction of
explosions, all the exploding cars count even if you
didn't shoot directly at them.


[FRS-R7-B] - At the northeast part of the Fort Staunton construction zone
tucked in the inside part of the sharp angled turn.
Notes: Get a car and drive up to the Icon. Get the Icon and
destroy your car and the Cartel Cruiser west of the
Icon's position. Go to the opening east of the Icon's
position and shoot up the cars, and any Columbian that
shoots at you, that appear on the road. Stay behind
the fence, this will keep the pedestrians from taking
whacks at you. The game should produce enough cars to
complete the Rampage.


| [R8] - Explode 25 Yardies (Grenades) |


[BLP-R8-A] - In the alley behind the Belleville Park Fire Station.
Notes: Grab the Icon and run to the Liberty Memorial Coliseum
parking lot. The short wall there will keep any
hostile Yardies at bay but will allow you to throw
Grenades at them. This makes this Rampage easier.


[BLP-R8-B] - In a cubbyhole in the south part of Liberty Campus just north
of the Staunton Island Safehouse.
Notes: The simplest way to do this is to run down the street,
throw Grenades at any Yardies you see and run away
from those who chase you, and hope that the game
generates enough Yardies to finish the Rampage.


| [R9] - Torch 16 Yakuza (Molotovs) |


[NPT-R9-A] - At the tip of the building partway up the Newport Bridge just
northeast of Lips 106.
Notes: Run south down the street and torch the Yakuza you
see. When you get to the intersection where City Hall
is, stop. Stay here and torch the remaining Yakuza.
Use your camera to target Yakuza behind you. Remember,
stay far enough away from them when you nail them
otherwise you may set yourself aflame.


[NPT-R9-B] - Just south of 8-Ball's BombShop in Newport.
Notes: Jump on the wall and go to the corner. Then throw or
drop Molotovs at all the Yakuza you see. This vantage
point makes the Rampage very easy.


| [R10] - Destroy 8 Vehicles (Shotgun) |


[BLP-R10-A] - At the southwest corner of the Main Park in Belleville Park.
Notes: Get a car and go to the Icon. Get the Icon, get back
into your car, and zip as fast as possible to the
Multistory Carpark. Go up to the second level and get
out. Shoot your car until flames come out and move to
the nearest car, shoot it up until flames come out
and move to the nearest car, and so forth. You should
have one car left to destroy by the time you have
destroyed all the cars on this level. Move up to the
next level and destroy the first car you see to
complete the Rampage.


[BLP-R10-B] - At the northeast corner of the Main Park of Belleville Park.
Notes: Same strategy except that since are closer to the
Multistory Carpark from this position, you will have
more time to work with.


| [R11] - Annihilate 30 Yardies (Rocket Launcher) |


[BDT-R11-A] - At the entrance of the church graveyard on the west side of
Liberty Cathedral in Bedford Point.
Notes: Get a car and drive to the Icon. Get the Icon and
drive just south along the road to the set of stairs
at the south side of the block. Drive up the stairs
and get out. From here you can get a lot of Yardies
quickly. If any manage to come up to assault you, get
back into your car and run them over.


[BDT-R11-B] - Tucked away by the stairs in front of Liberty Tree Offices
in Bedford Point.
Notes: Same strategy except that you have to drive north
from your position to get to the set of stairs.


| [R12] - Pop 17 Yardie Heads (Sniper Rifle) |


[TRG-R12-A] - On the second floor of the AMCO HQ building in Torrington
(use stairs to reach).
Notes: Get the Icon and go back down to street level. Stay
behind the railings and shoot at the Yardies.
Remember, only headshots count. The only matter to
resolve is whether you are accurate and fast enough
to complete the Rampage. The game always seems to
generate enough to complete the Rampage so there
should be no shortage of targets.


[TRG-R12-B] - At the north side of the topmost level of Kenji's Casino in
Notes: Get the Rampage and jump down to the street in front
of the main entrance. From here you can just stand
here and pop their heads with no problem except for
one. Since the Yardies and the Yakuza don't like each
other, when a Yakuza Stinger drives by, the Yardies
will chase and attack it making it harder to get your


| [R13] - Burn 25 Yakuza (Flame-Thrower) |


[BDT-R13-A] - Near the southeast entrance of Liberty Tree Offices above
ground parking lot in Bedford Point.
Notes: Drive up to the Icon, get the Icon, and drive over to
the nearest street. Go around and flame all the
Yakuza you see. They will never attack you so this
Rampage is very easy to complete.


[BDT-R13-B] - Tucked in the corner, on the west side, near the south
entrance of Liberty Cathedral in Bedford Point.
Notes: Same strategy, different part of Bedford Point.

| IV.5. Unique Stunt Jumps (Staunton Island) [USJS] |

Listed below are the four Unique Stunt Jumps for Staunton Island:

| Newport (NPT) |

[NPT-J9] - The ramp at the top of the Multistory Carpark (southwest end).
Heading: North to South.
Notes: You will need to move the car that is usually parked in the
pathway so you can get enough speed to make the jump.

[NPT-J10] - Directly underneath the west end of Callahan Bridge at the
Industrial Park in Newport (use the gravel pile to jump across).
Heading: North to South.
Notes: Try not to go too fast otherwise you may bounce off the
other end of the landing area and into the water.

[NPT-J11] - On the median of the Newport Bridge east of Lips 106 (between the
Heading: North to South.
Notes: You have to drive into Fort Staunton and go south on
Newport Bridge. When you reach the top of the bridge, you
need to get on the median of the bridge. There is a small
ramp that will allow you to get on the median. Zip
straight ahead and be careful of the trees, they can mess
up your approach if you're not careful. You don't have to
clear the bridge to get the game to recognize the Jump.
Just smacking into the wall on the other side will

| Bedford Point (BDT) |

[BDT-J12] - Through the Tw@ Internet Cafe and up the stairs.
Heading: East to West.
Notes: Start from the corner in the east and align yourself with
the ramp when you approach the street.

| IV.6. "A Ride In The Park" [RIPR] |

Go into the Main Park in Belleville Park and near the north end by the
basketball courts is a Landstalker. Entering it will trigger the vehicle
mission "A Ride In The Park". Here you have two minutes to collect 12
checkpoints and you are given 10 seconds for each one you get.

When you start, you will see a checkpoint off to your left (1). Go to the set
of tracks on the other side of the building and line yourself with the
platform the checkpoint is on. Carefully get on the platform and then collect
the checkpoint. Then rush to the wall on the west side of the park and head
south scraping the right side of the Landstalker against the wall in the

Ahead of you is a cluster of three checkpoints (2,3,4). Get the first one
ahead of you (2) then angle slightly left to get (3). Stop and let the
vehicle settle against the wall then back up to get (4). Go south to the end
of the park and collect (5) then head back north to the small bridge and
approach from the west side.

Here there are a cluster of three checkpoints (6,7,8). Get the one on the
west incline (6), then the one under the bridge (7), then line yourself with
the next checkpoint and climb up the incline get it (8).

From there head northeast to the obelisk and get the checkpoint on the
outside edge of it (9) then go up the stairs and get (10). Back straight out
and get the checkpoint at the toilet block (11).

Move forward and head north to the lake. The last checkpoint is on the island
and you will see an incline on the east side of the island. Climb it to get
the last checkpoint (12) to complete the vehicle mission and get $30,000 for
your efforts.

| IV.7. "Multistorey Mayhem" [MLYM] |

This particular vehicle mission takes place within the confines of the
Multistory Carpark in Newport. The setup is a little unusual in that you have
to take a Stallion, stop just outside of one of the entrances, get out then
get back in again. There is usually one parked just inside the south entrance
of the Carpark. Get it, go out the south entrance, turn around so you are
just outside the south entrance, get out then get in again.

When you start you have two minutes to get twenty checkpoints. Unlike the
other vehicle missions the timer starts when the mission does and you have
twenty seconds to start plus five seconds for each checkpoint nabbed.

The first four are on the ground level. (1) is just ahead of you then turn
left until you see (2) which is between the entrances (a commonly missed
checkpoint) then turn right until you see (3) then whip left to get (4) then
go up the ramp to the second level.

When you get up to the second level, get (5) which is ahead of you but a
little to the left then turn around and get (6) which is in a car (smack the
car to move it out of the way when you get the checkpoint) then angle left to
get (7) and straighten out to get (8) then turn right and go up the ramp.

When you get up to level three, spin left to get the checkpoint which is
sitting by the ramp (9) (another commonly missed checkpoint) then turn around
and go along the right wall to get (10) and (11) (be careful when approaching
the wall - there seems to be an invisible obstacle near where the ramp is).
When you get (12), back up and turn right to go up the ramp.

After getting up to level four, get the one ahead and off to the right (13)
then turn right to get (14) then whip left to get (15) then get the
checkpoint near the ramp before going up (16).

After getting up to level five, turn left to get the checkpoint by the ramp
(17) then turn around and go to the checkpoint along the right wall (18) then
turn left to get (19) then go along the wall and jump off the ramp to get the
last checkpoint suspended in the air (20).

When you get the last checkpoint, you will get $30,000.

| IV.8. Taxi Mission [TXMS] |

Whenever you enter a Taxi, you have the option of doing the Taxi Mission by
pressing Activate Vehicle Mission. The mission comprises of picking up fares
and driving them to their destination a la Sega's "Crazy Taxi".

The more fares you pick up in one run, the more money you make. In earlier
versions of this guide I said that the easiest place to do this mission was
in Portland. However, while playing around on the Xbox version, I found that
doing it on Staunton Island was easier especially when using the Taxi Trick
which allows you to use another vehicle for a Taxi (Official U.S. PlayStation
Magazine Demo Disc (Issue 67): Taxi Trick by DeMarlo King.)

First, get a Taxi and go to The Condos in Newport. There you will see a
Yakuza Stinger. Park close to the Stinger, exit the Taxi, and get into the
Stinger to see if it is unlocked. If it is unlocked, reenter the Taxi.

Press and HOLD the Activate Vehicle Mission button. While holding the
Activate Vehicle Mission button, exit your Taxi and enter the other car. On
the PS2, the Activate Vehicle Mission is usually the R3 button (except on one
setup) and Right Analog Stick is also the Look Around stick so it will be
disorienting trying to get to the other car.

Once you get close enough to the other car, press Enter Vehicle and, once
inside (wait until you close the car door otherwise the mission will end
before it begins), release the Activate Vehicle Mission button. Now the Taxi
Mission will begin inside the new car.

This trick also works on the Xbox version and is much easier to do since the
X button is the Activate Vehicle Mission button so there is no disorientation
while trying to get into the other vehicle.

And, thanks to one of my regular readers, Glen T. Winstein, this also works
on the PC version:

"The taxi trick works for PC: hold Caps Lock to initiate activation of the
mission, hit F to exit the taxi, maneuver Al to whatever other vehicle,
hit F to enter it, then release Caps Lock."

I used the Stinger because it handles a lot better at high speed than the
Banshee (which I was using in earlier versions of the guide when in
Portland). The only thing to look out for is when you are told to go the Fort
Staunton Construction Site. While getting your customer to it, you will be
shot at by Columbians so you have to make sure that they can't get into
position to pull you out (and end your mission). Strangely enough, half the
time I drop off a customer there my next fare tends to be one of the
Columbians trying to shoot me.

Even though Staunton Island is bigger than Portland Island, the Stinger helps
you to make quick work of the Taxi Mission (the flatter terrain helps also).

When you get 100 fares total (not necessarily in one run), you will unlock
the Borgnine Taxi at Borgnine Taxis which is next door to HEAD Radio in
Harwood (Portland Island) and inch closer to 100% Completion.

| IV.9. Vigilante and Firetruck Missions (Staunton Island) [FTSI] |

Don't forget to do the Firetruck and Vigilante Missions for Staunton Island.
As before, only the first twenty kills in the Vigilante Mission count toward
additional Police Bribes and the first twenty fires put out during the
Firefighter Mission count toward getting the Flame-Thrower Weapon Icon for
all of your Safehouses.

A Firetruck can be found at the Belleville Park Fire Station and a Police Car
can be found at the Torrington Police Station.

| IV.10. "Casino Calamity" (Toyz Van) [CSCL] |

In a parking lot just northwest of Kenji's Casino is another Toyz Van.
Entering it will trigger the Toyz Van Mission "Casino Calamity". Just like
"Diablo Destruction" and "Mafia Massacre", you have to use remote controlled
cars to destroy gang vehicles. In this mission, you have to destroy as many
Yakuza Stingers as you can in two minutes.

With all of the side stuff done on Staunton Island let's go back to the Main
Story Missions starting with.....

| IV.11. Asuka Kasen [SKSN] |

Asuka Kasen is a member of the Yakuza, the infamous Japanese crime syndicate.
She has a brother, Kenji who is also a member. She will provide Claude with
new objectives as he deals with the Mafia betrayal.

She has eight missions total and five of them can be done from the "A" at
Asuka's Condo. The last three will be done at another location later in the

It is very important to note that you MUST do the mission "Two-Faced Tanner"
(Asuka Kasen) before the mission "Grand Theft Aero" (Donald Love). If you do
"Grand Theft Aero" (Donald Love" first then you will NOT be able to do
"Two-Faced Tanner" (Asuka Kasen) and you will lose out on 100% Completion.

| >A1. "Sayonara Salvatore" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

Before Asuka can give you work with the Yakuza, Claude must prove to them
that his Mafia ties are completely broken. Asuka tells Claude to kill
Salvatore Leone who is currently at the Sex Club 7 in the Red Light
District. In the meantime, Asuka and Maria will catch up on old times.....

Maria: "Oh...Asuka, you've got a massager."
Asuka: "That's not a massager."

[Note: I wonder if Asuka got this "massager" in San Andreas :-)]

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

I have some new information by Vicktor Volpe.

| The Plan \

You have three hours to get in position to take out Salvatore. Grab the
Yakuza Stinger that is always parked by the condo and zip over to Red Light
District as fast as possible.

However, according to Vicktor Volpe, you can also take a Speeder and head
to the small dock near Callahan Bridge. Then head toward the road and jack
a vehicle so you can proceed to Red Light District.

The absolute best place to take out Salvatore is where RLD-H17 was (the
rooftop across from Sex Club 7). From there you can use the Sniper
Rifle on Salvatore when he leaves the club. Once you waste him, the mission
is complete.

| Reward \


In addition, the Mafia will be hostile to you so it will be very dangerous
to enter the St. Marks neighborhood (because they will now start carrying
Shotguns which are extremely powerful and will kill you quickly).

Also, you will be paged by King Courtney, leader of the Yardies. I will do
his missions later in the guide.

Finally, the BF Injection that Joey Leone was working on when doing his
missions will appear at Misty's Building in Hepburn Heights in the late
evening hours. Grab and save it at your Staunton Island garage for later
when you open up Shoreside Vale (so you can take it to the Suburban Import
Export Garage).

| >A2. "Under Surveillance" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

Although pleased at Salvatore's death, Asuka is unhappy with the Mafia
looking out for Claude. Their lookout posts in Staunton Island are causing
the Yakuza problems and Asuka orders Claude to take out these spies and end
the vendetta. She also introduces Claude to Kenji, her brother, who would
like to meet him later at his casino.

As mentioned earlier, the dialogue for this cutscene in the Xbox version
has changed. She mentions that the federal agents are doing the
surveillance instead of the Mafia. However, while the spoken dialogue was
changed, the subtitles were not thus making the cutscene a little awkward.

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle, Grenades, Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are three lookout posts on Staunton Island and you have six and a
half minutes to destroy them all but this mission isn't very hard.

The first post is on the small island in the lake at the Main Park. Take
the Yakuza Stinger and drive up to the park's wall and jump on top of the
car. Use the Sniper Rifle to take out the two lookouts there.

The second post is a van sitting not too far from Liberty Tree offices in
Bedford Point. Go to the east side of the block where they are at, go into
the narrow alley (where there is a Police Bribe), and get behind the van.
Drop a Grenade and run back the way you came. The Grenade will take care of
the van before it can do any harm to you.

The last lookout post is the office building across from Kenji's Casino in
Torrington. There are a total of six spies on the side of the building. Get
up to the top of Kenji's Casino, using the stairs at the entrance, to get
at them. Use the nearby helicopter as cover as you kill them.

Once you have killed the last Mafia goon, the mission will be successfully

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you managed to get all of the Hidden Packages to get the Rocket Launcher
Weapon Icon you can use this weapon instead.

For the first post, shoot the tree on the island to cause splash damage to
kill the goons.

For the second post, stay some distance and shoot the van to destroy it.

For the third post, shoot the side of the building a few times to kill the
remaining goons to complete the mission.

| Reward \


And you have opened up the missions for.....

| IV.12. Kenji Kasen [KJKS] |

Kenji Kasen is the brother of Asuka Kasen and he runs Kenji's Casino in
Torrington. He has five missions total and can be found at the "K" at his

It is very important to note that if you want to get 100% Completion you MUST
do all of Kenji's missions before you do "Waka-Gashira Wipeout" (Donald Love)
otherwise you will not be able to do his missions and you will be screwed out
of 100% Completion. This is the reason I'm doing Kenji's missions now.

| >K1. "Kanbu Bust Out" (Kenji Kasen) |

| Overview \

Kenji wants Claude to break out a valued member of the Yakuza family from
Police custody and take him to the Dojo in Bedford Point.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a Police Car (take the one parked at the Liberty City Police HQ) and
take it with you to the Casino.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

You need to have a Police Car and rig it with a bomb then take it to the
Torrington Police Station. Take the Police Car you now have and take it to
8-Ball's BombShop (near the Pay 'N' Spray in Newport) to rig it with a

Then go the Torrington Police Station. The gate will only open for a Police
Vehicle which is why you need one. Park the car in the blue circle (note
the Police brutality going on inside the HQ), arm the bomb, get out, and
head for the other Police Car parked nearby.

By the time you get inside the Police Car, the bomb will have exploded and
you will get a 3-Star Wanted Rating. Pick up the Yakuza and drive to the
other gate leading into the tunnel. The tunnel has a Police Bribe so that
will definitely help. Hang left at the end of the tunnel and once you get
back to the street, head for your Safehouse and use the Police Bribes there
to get rid of your Wanted Rating.

Once you have done that, head over to the Dojo to complete your mission.

| Reward \


| >K2. "Grand Theft Auto" (Kenji Kasen) |

| Overview \

Kenji is ashamed that he hasn't been able to repay the kindness of someone
who did him a favor a long time ago. This person's weakness is motor cars
and Kenji wants Claude to get this person some cars to help complete his
collection. These are to presented as a gift and Kenji....

"My honor demands it."

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a fast car and take it with you to the Casino.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are three cars to be taken: a Stinger in the above ground parking lot
at Liberty Tree Offices, a Cheetah in the parking lot of Carson General
Hospital, and a Infernus parked at the parking lot to Liberty Memorial

In addition, this must be done within six minutes and they have to be
presented in mint condition. The dropoff point is right next door to the
Pay 'N' Spray in Newport. If you smash up the car, you can quickly repair
it before deposit.

The best way to do this is to take your fast car and get the Stinger first
then, after depositing that, take the Blista in the nearby garage and go
after the Cheetah. After depositing the Cheetah, use the Blista again and
get the Infernus. After depositing the Infernus, your mission is complete.

| Reward \


| >K3. "Deal Steal" (Kenji Kasen) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the casino, Kenji informs him that the Columbian
Cartel are finalizing a deal with the Yardies even after repeated requests
from the Yakuza to the Columbians to stay out of their business. Claude is
to steal a Yardie Lobo, meet up with one of the Yakuza, and "pay our
respects to the Columbians".

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Grab a Yardie Lobo and take it with you to the Casino.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

After the cutscene, take the Yardie Lobo and meet up with your contact who
is waiting in Liberty Campus not far from your Safehouse. The meeting place
is at the Carson General Hospital parking lot in Rockford.

Drive to the blue circle to start the deal and the ambush. You have to kill
the four Columbians and destroy their Cartel Cruisers as well as get the
briefcase. Just go into drive-by mode to waste the Columbians and their
cars. Get out, get the case, and drive back to the Casino to complete the

| Reward \


| >K4. "Shima" (Kenji Kasen) |

| Overview \

Kenji wants Claude to collect protection money from various businesses
around Staunton Island so they can be entered into the Casino's accounts.

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are three businesses to collect money from and they must be picked up
in order. The first one is near Love Media not far from the Casino. The
second one is in Bedford Point. But as you near the money, you are shot at
by a Diablo gang member. Drive-by him and get the money. But when you try
to collect from the third business.....

"I can't pay you and I wouldn't pay you if I could! Some young gang just
jacked out the place! They took everything! You guys are useless. What
kind of Yakuza are YOU anyway...?"

As it turns out, the Diablos are responsible for this mess and you need to
go to Hepburn Heights to punish them and get the money. When you get to
Hepburn Heights and near where you picked up the missions for El Burro,
stop and get out. Near where HPH-H13 was is the money and six Uz-I toting
Diablos. Keep your distance and take them out with the Sniper Rifle.

Once you have killed them, take the money back to the Casino to finish the

| Reward \


| >K5. "Smack Down" (Kenji Kasen) |

| Overview \

As Claude arrives at the casino, he becomes aware that his efforts in "Deal
Steal" did not work as expected.....

"YOU! How fitting you should choose this moment to show your worthless
face! It would appear your attempts to dissuade the Jamaicans from
becoming bed fellows with the Cartels were wholly inadequate. Yardie
pushers line Liberty's streets selling packets of SPANK like they were
selling hotdogs! Those Cartel pigs are laughing at us, at me! I will
give you one last chance to prove my sister's faith in you well
founded! Run these scumbags into the ground and wash your shame in
rivers of our enemies' blood!"

| Weapons \

Uz-I (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

You have to go around Staunton Island and kill a minimum of eight Yardie
pushers to please Kenji. They will appear at random around this part of the
city and if you leave them alone for too long they will start to disappear
as they sell their SPANK.

The best thing to do is grab a fast car and run them over (drive-bying them
if necessary). If you have killed at least eight pushers by the time the
survivors disappeared, you will successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \

$1,000 times the number of pushers killed.

In addition, I have now finished with all of Kenji's missions and will now
continue with Asuka's missions.

| >A3. "Paparazzi Purge" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the condo, he finds a letter.....

"A reporter has been nosing around. Maria and I have taken a little
holiday together until you can get rid of this perverted voyeur. He's
probably out in the bay as you read this! Steal a Police boat, and sink
his career!"

| Weapons \

Uz-I (optional), Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Take the Predator Police boat, at the nearby piers, and chase him down
firing the guns as you go.

If you are not able to destroy him, he will lead you around Portland Island
and eventually you will end up back where you started. He will get out of
his boat and head up to the parking lot where he has a Stallion waiting.
However, you can jump out of your boat, cut him off, and kill him before he
can get to his car.

Once he is dead the mission will be successfully completed.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you managed to acquire the Rocket Launcher Weapon Icon for your
Safehouses, get some rockets, go to the top of the stairs for the nearby
piers, and go into the corner nearest your quarry. Fire at the tip of his
boat. This will damage him considerably and disorient him long enough for
you to destroy him with your second shot.

| Reward \


| >A4. "Payday For Ray" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

Asuka wants Claude to present a paycheck to the Yakuza's informant at LCPD.
Claude is to go the phone in Torrington and await instructions.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

You have three and a half minutes to follow the informant's instructions.

When you get to the phone in Torrington, you are told to go to the phone in
West Belleville Park.

When you arrive at the phone at West Belleville Park, you are then told to
go to the phone on Liberty Campus.

When you get to the phone at Liberty Campus, you are then told to go to the
phone in South Belleville Park.

When you get to the phone at South Belleville Park, you are told to go to
the toilet block in the park.

When you arrive there, step into the blue circle to meet up with Ray
Machowski, who is the informant and a crooked cop.....

"I know what you're thinking, another bent cop. Well it's a bent world.
Just 'cause I lost a few partners, those suckers from internal affairs
have started sniffing around. Reckon they can smell me. Well, this city
is just one big open sewer. But I'm gonna need some non-union help. And
if you're interested you'll know where to find me."

| Reward \


And you have opened up Ray's set of missions which I will do next before
continuing with Asuka's.

| IV.13. Ray Machowski [RYMC] |

Ray Machowski is the main contact for the Yakuza within the Liberty City
Police Department. He is a corrupt cop and most of his missions deal with
another cop trying to squeal him out. He has six missions total and can be
picked up at the toilet block inside the Main Park in Belleville Park.

By doing some of his missions now I am speeding up the process for opening up
Shoreside Vale.

| >R1. "Silence The Sneak" (Ray Machowski) |

| Overview \

Another crooked cop within the LCPD, McAffrey, has just squealed and Ray
wants Claude to make sure that McAffrey doesn't implicate him. The squealer
can be found at an apartment complex in Newport.

| Weapons \

Grenades, AK-47, Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

Get some AK-47 ammo from the Newport Ammu-Nation prior to doing the

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go and get the Firetruck from the Fire Station and head to the blip. The
complex is just north of the Newport Pay 'N' Spray.

Take the Firetruck and completely block the way leading to the main street.
Don't go straight across. Put the Firetruck in at an angle so it points
northeast and the front and rear of the Firetruck touch the walls.

Get out and use the Grenades on the open window which will flush them out.
Then quickly switch to the AK-47 and kill the two guards by the garage

At this point the getaway car is trying to push through the Firetruck. If
you put the Firetruck straight across then they will be able to push
through before you can destroy them. By putting the Firetruck in the way at
an angle they cannot push through. As they are trying to push through, aim
at the car with the AK-47 and shoot it up to destroy it.

Once the car is destroyed then the mission will be successfully completed.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you have the Rocket Launcher Weapon Icon at your Safehouses then use the
Rocket Launcher on the window and then on the car as it drives from the

| Reward \


| >R2. "Arms Shortage" (Ray Machowski) |

| Overview \

A friend of Ray's, Phil Cassidy, needs some help after some Columbians
roughed him up. Claude is to provide assistance for Phil.

| Weapons \

AK-47, Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

Get a regular vehicle prior to taking the mission. Get some additional ammo
for the AK-47 from the Newport Ammu-Nation.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go over to Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus in Rockford. Notice the blue circle.
Do NOT touch it yet. Drive past it on the left then turn around, make sure
that the vehicle is pointed north or northwest, then drive into the blue
circle. You will then automatically get out and talk to Phil. It is
important to do it this way for reasons I will explain next. If you get out
and walk into the blue circle, your vehicle will disappear.

Why would you need a vehicle? Simple, because the Columbians are sneaky
bastards and you need something to keep them at bay. After talking to Phil,
take your vehicle and cover the pathway near where RFD-H34 was located.

After getting out of the vehicle, you will notice that there are M-16,
Uz-I, and Shotgun Weapon Icons on the ground near Phil and a Molotov and a
Rocket Launcher Weapon Icon on top of the nearby container (although I have
yet to figure out how to get up there to get those). There is also a Body
Armor Icon between the container crates. Plus a Rhino tank (which you can't

However, I still prefer to use the AK-47 for the duration of this mission.

Now, head back to the main gate to deal with the Columbians who arrive in
four Cartel Cruisers. As you deal with them, a couple of Columbians will
sneak through the back way. Of course, the vehicle you placed in the
pathway will keep them from doing any damage (this is what I meant by them
being sneaky bastards).

Use the AK-47 on the Columbians as they try to enter. Those that manage to
get past you Phil will take care of with his M-16. Once you have dealt with
all of them, blow up the vehicle to take care of the remaining goons trying
to enter.

After killing all of the Columbians, talk to Phil. This will end your
mission successfully.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

If you have the Rocket Launcher Weapon Icon at your Safehouses, you can
just use the Rocket Launcher instead of the AK-47.

| Reward \


In addition, you can now buy the following weapons here at Phil Cassidy's
Army Surplus (Rockford):

>>Shotgun [Cost: $1,500].
>>M-16 [Cost: $5,000].
>>Rocket Launcher [Cost: $25,000].

You can also get the OL Barracks from here anytime for the Emergency
Vehicle Crane.

Then there's the matter of the nearby Rhino which leads into the next

| IV.14. Acquiring the Rhino (The Safe Method) [AQRS] |

I've had a couple of readers (Nick R., Magnamerik) state to me that you can
actually acquire the Rhino left over at the end of the previous mission.
However, the tank is locked and you cannot knock the door off. So how do you
take it?

First off you need to have the Infinite Run feature gained from the Ambulance
Mission. Second, you will also need room in your Staunton Island Safehouse
garage for the Rhino.

What you need to do is get behind the Rhino and push it to your Safehouse.
That's right, push the tank by running behind it (this is why you need to
Infinite Run feature).

Believe it or not, the tank is not that hard to push forward. That is, as
long as it is on flat ground. Getting it up hills is going to be the tough

From Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus, push the Rhino up to Staunton Loop (North)
and turn it west toward Liberty Memorial Coliseum. When you reach the
three-way intersection, turn the Rhino south and push it all the way to the
three-way intersection at the south end of the road. Stay in the road and in
a single lane as you make your way there.

When you get to the south end of the road, turn the tank east and start
pushing it up the hill. This is the hardest part of the journey. When the
tank stops moving up then you need to zig-zag it up the hill. To zig-zag you
need to get on the back right rear of the tank and push it so the Rhino
angles left a little. Then move over to the left rear of the tank and push
that corner until the Rhino angles right a little. Keep repeating this
pattern and you will slowly get the tank up the hill.

Once you are at the signal lights at the top of the hill, turn the Rhino
right and then push it toward the entrance of your Safehouse area. Once you
get the tank down to the garage area, push it toward the door so you can get
it to open (and stay open). Push the tank into your garage and let the door

When you open the door again you should hear the low rumblings of your new
Rhino and the tank door will now be unlocked so you can enter and use it. And
all without having to face the soldiers.

Although the hill near the hospital is shorter than the hill near your
Safehouse it is NOT recommended you go that way. When you go up the main road
through the Fort Staunton area you will be attacked by the Columbians. During
one attempt I had no less than TEN Columbians suddenly spawn around me and
shredded me in a matter of seconds. Not good.

If you do not have the patience to do this method then you can still get the
tank the old fashioned way which I will go over in the Shoreside Vale section
of the guide.

| >R3. "Evidence Dash" (Ray Machowski) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the toilet block, Ray gives him his next assignment
while taking care of more personal matters.....

"I know a real important man in town, a soft touch, with shall we say,
exotic tastes and the money to indulge them. He's involved in legal
matter and the prosecution has some rather embarrassing photos of him
at a morgue party or something. The evidence is being driven across
town. You are going to have to ram that car and collect each little bit
of evidence as it falls out. When you've got it all, leave it in the
car and torch it."

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Do the Vigilante Mission to gain Police Bribes for your Safehouses. Get a
Firetruck and take it with you to the Main Park.

| Notes \

Got a very good tip from Leo.

| The Plan \

The evidence is in a Bobcat and traveling around Staunton Island. There are
six evidence packets to collect and you have to hit the Bobcat to get one
of them.

You cannot hit the Bobcat six times to get all of the packets to fall out
then collect them. You have to hit the truck, get the packet, and chase the
truck so you can hit it again and repeat the process.

After hitting it the first time, you will attain a 2-Star Wanted Rating so
now you have to deal with the Cops too.

But, according to Leo, you can go back to your Safehouse and use the Police
Bribes to get rid of the Wanted Rating. In addition, when you hit the
Bobcat again you will NOT regain the Wanted Rating so the mission becomes
much easier since you no longer have to deal with the Cops.

Once you have all six packets, destroy the Firetruck and any manner you
like (except putting it in the water) to complete the mission.

| Reward \


And you have now opened up Donald Love's set of missions. I will now start
with his before finishing up with everybody else's. This is meant to speed
up the opening of Shoreside Vale.

| IV.15. Donald Love [DNLV] |

Donald Love is the richest and most powerful person in Liberty City. If you
have ever played Vice City, you will realize that he has learned his lessons
from Avery Carrington well.

He has seven missions total and can be found at the "D" at, where else, Love

| >D1. "Liberator" (Donald Love) |

| Overview \

After Donald introduces himself to Claude, he wants him to go and rescue a
friend of his from the Columbians who are holed up in Aspatria.

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle, AK-47.

| Prep Work \

Get a Cartel Cruiser (there is one at the Pan-Lantic construction site) and
save it at your garage so you can use it for this mission.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

After the cutscene, head down to the gated area in Aspatria (this is where
you got APT-H38). Don't go in yet. Get out and switch to your Sniper Rifle.

You will see six Columbians on patrol and you can see four of them through
the gate. Snipe them through the gate then get back into your Cruiser and
drive it in a little bit. Get back out and snipe the remaining two
Columbians and switch to your AK-47.

The Old Oriental Gentleman is randomly generated in the four closed garages
and there is a Columbian in each one that you have to kill with your AK-47.
Once you rescue the Old Oriental Gentleman, get into your Cruiser, wait for
the old man to follow, and drive back to Love Media to complete the

| Reward \


| >D2. "Waka-Gashira Wipeout!" (Donald Love) |

| Overview \

Donald gives Claude his next mission when he arrives at Love Media.....

"Nothing drives down real estate prices like a good old fashioned gang
war, apart from an outbreak of plague......but that might be going too
far in this case. I noticed that the Yakuzas and the Columbians are far
from friends. Let's capitalize on this business opportunity. I want you
to kill the Yakuza Waka-gashira. Kenji Kasen. Kenji is attending a
meeting at the top of the multi-story carpark in Newport. Get a Cartel
gangcar and eliminate him! The Yakuza must blame the Cartel for this
declaration of war."

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher (optional), Grenades (optional).

| Prep Work \

**IMPORTANT: If you still haven't done all of Kenji's missions do so now
before doing this assignment otherwise you risk being screwed
out of getting 100% Completion.

Use the Cartel Cruiser from the last mission and buy some Rocket Launchers
from Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus if you don't already have the Rocket
Launcher Weapon Icon at your Safehouses.

| Notes \

This is one of the biggest lessons that Donald learned from Avery
Carrington when Tommy Vercetti did "Two Bit Hit" (Avery Carrington) in Vice

"Now, nothing brings down real estate prices quicker than a good
old-fashioned gang war 'cept maybe a disaster, like a biblical plague
or something, but, that may be going too far in this case. You getting
this down, you four-eyed prick?"

I also came up with a second, slightly different, method of completing this

| The Plan \

Take the Cartel Cruiser and drive into the Multistory Carpark. Stop when
you are on the level below Kenji. Park the Cartel Cruiser at one end of the
floor and get out. From a safe distance aim your Rocket Launcher upwards at
the level he is on. Fire several shots around that area to be sure you got

It should be noted that you won't know for sure if you got him until you go
back into the Cartel Cruiser. Once you get back inside it should give you
the "Kenji is fender meat! Get out of Newport and dump the car!" message.
If not, get back out and try again.

If you have trouble with the Rocket Launcher method than I have another,
safer, method. You do the exact same approach except, instead of using the
Rocket Launcher, you use Grenades.

After parking the Cartel Cruiser, get out and take one of the other
vehicles on the garage floor. Drive the vehicle and park it underneath
where Kenji is. Get out and drop a Grenade by the vehicle. Run away and
wait for the explosion.

Once the Grenade explodes it should set the car on fire. When the car
explodes it should be powerful enough to start a chain reaction, with
Kenji's limos, on the floor above. The chain of explosions should be enough
to kill Kenji. Head back to the Cartel Cruiser to see if you get the "Kenji
is fender meat" message. If not, get back out and repeat the process until
you do kill him.

Regardless of method you will get a 3-Star Wanted Rating when you kill
Kenji. When you get back into your Cruiser, you are instructed to get out
of Newport and dump the truck. Head back toward your Safehouse.

As you near your Safehouse, you will enter Belleville Park and you can then
get out of the vehicle to successfully end the mission.

| Reward \


| >D3. "A Drop In The Ocean" (Donald Love) |

| Overview \

Donald wants Claude to get a boat and retrieve some packages being dropped
by plane near the Callahan Bridge.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a fast car and store it in your garage prior to this mission.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

You have two minutes to get into position. Drive as fast as you can to The
Condos, go down to the piers, and get a Speeder. Get to the blip and
follow the plane.

When the clock reaches zero, the plane will start dropping packages into
the water. The plane will drop a total of six packages into the water. For
each package you collect, your Wanted Rating will increase by one star
until you reach the current maximum of 5-Stars. When you get the last
package, get to one of the piers and get out.

This is also an excellent opportunity to acquire an FBI Car for the
Emergency Vehicle Crane. Get a Yakuza Stinger and drive underneath the
Newport Bridge and get out. This will help shield you from the helicopter.

When a FBI Car shows up, wait for it to stop, and as the occupants exit the
car, run away as fast as you can (because they pack some serious heat)
using the pillars as cover, and turn around and go back. The car should
still be there but the FBI agents are now gone (this trick also works in
GTA: Vice City). Get the FBI Car and go to the nearby Pay 'N' Spray to get
rid of the Wanted Ratings. The FBI Car is the only Police Vehicle you can
use with a Pay 'N' Spray.

Take the FBI Car to the Crane at Portland Island and then get another car
and go back to Love Media to end the mission.

| Reward \


In addition, a news report will flash on the radio. The broken Shoreside
Lift Bridge has been fixed and now you can go by car to Shoreside Vale. Go
back to your garage and get the BF Injection and go to the Suburban Import
Export Garage.

If you weren't able to get Package SSV-H75 prior to this mission (if you
went to the other side early), this is the chance to get it. Take the BF
Injection and drive onto the drawbridge. Climb onto the dune buggy and then
onto the median. When the drawbridge rises, get SSV-H75 to take one step
closer to finishing collecting the Hidden Packages.

As you enter Shoreside Vale, you will receive a message on your pager
telling you to go to the phone in Wichita Gardens. This opens up D-Ice's
set of missions but I will do those later.

After depositing the BF Injection at the Suburban Import Export Garage in
Pike Creek, get another car and head to your Wichita Gardens Safehouse to
save your game.

With the Shoreside Lift Bridge fixed and the Porter Tunnel completed it is
time to go over.....

| V. Shoreside Vale [SHVL] |

Shoreside Vale is the main residential area of Liberty City. Cedar Grove is
home to some of the most expensive houses in the city yet, just to the south
in Wichita Gardens, are rundown apartment complexes where the majority of the
lower classes live.

Cochrane Dam provides hydroelectric power to Liberty City and nearby regions.
Additional businesses can be found in Pike Creek. The major transportation
hub, Francis International Airport is to the south.

| V.1. Shoreside Vale Landmarks [SVLM] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the landmarks on Shoreside Vale:

| Cedar Grove |

Upstate Tunnel
Location: (North) Cedar Grove.
Notes: This road tunnel, which has east and west entrances, leads upstate
to Carcer City and beyond. The whole tunnel is currently closed
because of major repairs due to a cave-in caused by shoddy

The Homes
Location: Cedar Grove.
Notes: A group of seven large expensive homes including a mansion (on the
east side) that is reportedly owned by a member of the Columbian

Cedar Road
Location: Starts at the three way intersection near The Homes and goes
south, winding through two hairpin curves, and down to Wichita
Gardens where it ends near the Shoreside Vale Safehouse.
Notes: This also has a parking lot near the west hairpin curve leading

Wichita Tunnel
Location: (Southwest) Cedar Grove.
Notes: This graffiti covered tunnel is under the west hairpin turn for
Cedar Road.

| Shoreside Vale |

Beach Park
Location: (East) Shoreside Vale.
Notes: A small beach park east of Cedar Grove where one can have a lovely
picnic. Or a gang brawl.

| Cochrane Dam |

Cochrane Dam Power House
Location: Cochrane Dam, at the south part of the Dam base.
Notes: This helps supply power to all of Liberty City and nearby regions.

| Pike Creek |

The Fudge Packing Corp.
Location: (Northeast) Pike Creek across the street north of the Pike
Creek Pay 'N' Spray.
Notes: After Boners Pet Foods was driven out of business by Bitch'N' Dog
Foods, this company took over their spot. One of their buildings
is the Suburban Import Export Garage and it is another car
collection list that you will be doing during the course of the

Pike Creek Pay 'N' Spray
Location: Pike Creek, on the next block south of Boners Pet Foods.
Notes: This is where you go to get rid of Wanted Ratings, repair damage,
and change the color of your vehicles.

Pike Creek Police Station
Location: Pike Creek, southwest of the Pike Creek Pay 'N' Spray.
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on
Staunton Island. You can also find Health and Body Armor Icons as
well as purchase Molotovs and Flame-Throwers from the garages out

Liberty Pharmaceuticals (Shoreside Vale)
Location: (Central) Shoreside Vale, on the next block east of Pike Creek
Police Station.
Notes: One of two factories for the famous pharmaceutical company based
out of Liberty City.

AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale)
Location: (Central) Pike Creek, across the street south of Liberty
Pharmaceuticals (Shoreside Vale)
Notes: One of the offices for the large oil company based out of Liberty

Hope Medical College
Location: (Southwest) Pike Creek
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on
Staunton Island.

Punk Noodles
Location: (South) Pike Creek, across the street south of AM Petroleum
Company (Shoreside Vale).
Notes: After The Flop-House was forced to close in 1999, this company
moved in to take over the building.

Turtle Head Fishing Co. (Shoreside Vale)
Location: (South) Pike Creek, across the street east of Punk Noodles.
Notes: After the Klunt company went bankrupt this building was taken over
by Turtle Head to expand their operations. Has a set of stairs to
access the roof.

| Wichita Gardens |

Porter Tunnel (West)
Location: (West) Wichita Gardens, just south of the Wichita Tunnel.
Notes: This is the west entrance for the Porter Tunnel which is under
construction. You can take this road to Francis International
Airport, Staunton Island, and Portland Island.

Shoreside Vale Safehouse
Location: (West) Wichita Gardens, indicated by a house on your radar.
Notes: This is where you can find your Weapon, Health, Adrenaline, and
Police Bribe Icons, store at least two vehicles, and save your

The Projects
Location: (East) Wichita Gardens.
Notes: This area is home to four large rundown apartment buildings. This
is a very seedy area with lots of gang activity.

| Francis International Airport |

East Airport Entrance
Location: (East) Francis International Airport.
Notes: This is the main entrance to get inside the airport building.

Central Dome
Location: (Central) Francis International Airport, west of the East
Airport Entrance.
Notes: This large dome-like structure sits in the center portion of the
main airport area.

West Airport Entrance
Location: (Central) Francis International Airport, west of the Central
Notes: This is a secondary entrance for the airport building. This is
used by passengers of private planes.

Airport Parking
Location: (North) Francis International Airport.
Notes: This is the main parking lot for Francis International Airport.

Francis International Airport Fire Station
Location: (North) Francis International Airport, just south of Airport
Notes: A Firetruck can often be found here and used for the Firetruck

Plane Parking Area
Location: (West) Francis International Airport, just west of the West
Airport Entrance.
Notes: This is where some of the planes are parked. This area is has
several hangars to the north and west.

Main Runway
Location: (South) Francis International Airport.
Notes: This large east-west runway is the main runway for the airport.

Secondary Runway
Location: (South) Francis International Airport.
Notes: This is the smaller runway north and parallel to the Main Runway.

South Runway
Location: (South) Francis International Airport, just south of the Main
Notes: This is a smaller secondary runway that goes northwest-southeast.

Francis International Airport Subway Entrance
Location: (Southeast) Francis International Airport.
Notes: This is the only entrance for the Liberty City Subway System for
Shoreside Vale.

| V.2. Shoreside Vale Weapons And Items [VLWI] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the Weapon, Health, Body Armor, Police
Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons on Shoreside Vale:

| Cedar Grove |

>>M-16: On the back porch of the pink house (fourth from the west) at The

Body Armor
>>Inside the car garage at the Mansion at the east section of The Homes.

>>In the parking lot near the west hairpin turn for Cedar Road.

| Cochrane Dam |

>>Shotgun: At the base of the Cochrane Dam Power House, near the road
loop, on a metal ledge on the east side (and near a Health
>>Sniper Rifle: In the trees along the path to the base of Cochrane Dam
from the main entrance (near Cedar Grove).
>>M-16: Near the top of the stairs for the west dam platform (not the top
of the Cochrane Dam Power House) at the base of Cochrane Dam.

>>At the base of the Cochrane Dam Power House, near the road loop, on a
metal ledge on the east side (and near a Shotgun Weapon Icon).
>>In front of east dam dome at the top of Cochrane Dam.
>>By some container crates, near the chainlink fence, at the east side of
the base of Cochrane Dam.

| Pike Creek |

>>AK-47: In the parking area on the west side of Punk Noodles.

Weapons (Pike Creek Police Station)
>>Flame-Thrower: In the unnumbered garage at the back of the Police
Station after completion of "A Drop In The Ocean"
(Donald Love) [Cost: $25,000].
>>Molotov: In the unnumbered garage at the back of the Police Station
after completion of "A Drop In The Ocean" (Donald Love) [Cost:

>>At Hope Medical College (x2).

Health (Pike Creek Police Station)
>>In Garage #3 at the back of the Police Station after completion of "A
Drop In The Ocean" (Donald Love).

Body Armor
>>In the fenced off area on the lower level just east of the Pike Creek
Pay 'N' Spray.

Body Armor (Pike Creek Police Station)
>>In Garage #2 at the back of the Police Station after completion of "A
Drop In The Ocean" (Donald Love).

Police Bribe
>>Between the wall and the west side of The Undercover Storage Company
(just south of Cochrane Dam and west of The Fudge Packing Corp.).
>>On the stairs at the west side of AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside
>>In the grassy area across the street and south of the Turtle Head
Fishing Co. (and near the main road leading to Francis International

>>Behind the "Gasoline. For youth on the move" billboard across the
street northwest of the Turtle Head Fishing Co.
>>By the garage door at Liberty Pharmaceuticals (Shoreside Vale).

| Wichita Gardens |

>>At the southeast area of the northeast building at The Projects.

Police Bribe
>>Between the garage and the south part of the southeast building for The

>>In the parking lot just northwest of the northeast building for The

| Francis International Airport |

>>Flame-Thrower: Underneath the west end of the Shoreside Lift Bridge
(near the graffitied wall).

>>Between the middle and the left striped concrete ramps southwest of the
Plane Parking Area.

Body Armor
>>On top of the Porter Tunnel entrance for Francis International Airport.

Police Bribe
>>In the middle of the Plane Parking Area.
>>By the east side of the small pool (with the statue) near the Francis
International Airport Subway Entrance.

>>Between the middle and the right striped concrete ramps southwest of
the Plane Parking Area.

| V.3. Hidden Packages (Shoreside Vale) [SVHP] |

Listed below are the remaining 32 Hidden Packages that can be found on
Shoreside Vale:

| Cedar Grove (CDG) |

[CDG-H69] - In the backyard of the beige house at The Homes (second house
from the west).

[CDG-H70] - On the back porch of the grey house at The Homes (to the east of
the beige house).

[CDG-H71] - On the front porch of the house east of CDG-H70 at The Homes.

[CDG-H72] - In the empty pool inside the Columbian Mansion.
Notes: You will need a Cartel Cruiser to enter the facility.

[CDG-H73] - Inside the Wichita Tunnel (east side).

| Shoreside Vale (SSV) |

[SSV-H74] - By picnic tables near the shoreline for the Beach Park.

[SSV-H75] - Suspended in the air above the lift section for the Shoreside
Lift Bridge.
Notes: You have to wait until completion of the mission "A Drop
In The Ocean" (Donald Love) so the drawbridge can be

| Cochrane Dam (CCD) |

[CCD-H76] - On the backside of west dam dome at top of Cochrane Dam.

[CCD-H77] - On the backside of east dam dome at top of Cochrane Dam.

[CCD-H78] - Near the top of the stairs for the east dam platform at the base
of Cochrane Dam.

[CCD-H79] - On top of the Cochrane Dam Power House (on the backside - against
the dam).

[CCD-H80] - At the base of the Cochrane Dam Power House.
Notes: It is on ground level on the south side of the building
not far from the road loop. It is in the corner where the
building and dam meet.

[CCD-H81] - In the fenced off area in on the east side of the The Fudge
Packing Corp.
Notes: Use an Ambulance and drive over to the Undercover Storage
Company and use it to jump onto the crates and onto the
wall next to the The Fudge Packing Corp. Jump onto the
factory and make your way to the area and jump down.
Another option is to do the Unique Stunt Jump at the
Undercover Storage Company and jump into the area.

| Pike Creek (PKC) |

[PKC-H82] - On the roof (near the end) of the garages behind the Pike Creek
Police Station.

[PKC-H83] - In the fenced off area on the east side of Liberty
Pharmaceuticals (Shoreside Vale).

[PKC-H84] - On top of the west crate on the north side of Burke Supply
Company (east of Hope Medical College).
Notes: Jump onto the wall that goes along the street next to the
crate and jump down onto the crate (use the overhead view
for best results). Another option is to steal an Ambulance
from the hospital next door, drive to the crate, jump onto
the Ambulance, and onto the crate to get the package.

[PKC-H85] - Behind Hope Medical College.

[PKC-H86] - On the awning of the east building of the Turtle Head Fishing Co.
(Shoreside Vale).
Notes: Use the stairs to reach the top of the building next door
and then jump onto the awning to reach the package.

[PKC-H87] - Between the wall and the garages at the east side of the Turtle
Head Fishing Co. (Shoreside Vale) complex.

| Wichita Gardens (WCG) |

[WCG-H88] - In the northeast corner near the Shoreside Vale Safehouse behind
the signs (and also behind the Toyz Van).

[WCG-H89] - In the entranceway of the northwest apartment building for The

[WCG-H90] - In a tiny alley between the southwest and southeast apartment
building for The Projects.

[WCG-H91] - Underneath the broken twisted bridge east of the Turtle Head
Fishing Co. (Shoreside Vale).

| Francis International Airport (FIA) |

[FIA-H92] - Beside the Firetruck at the Francis International Airport Fire

[FIA-H93] - Underneath the wing of a plane on the west side of the Plane
Parking Area.

[FIA-H94] - At the west side of the Central Dome.
Notes: Drive through gate west of the Firetruck and drive west to
get the package.

[FIA-H95] - Underneath a plane docked at gate south of the Plane Parking

[FIA-H96] - Behind the billboards along the road loop near the Francis
International Airport Subway Entrance.

[FIA-H97] - Near the bottom of the stairs near the subway platform for the
Francis International Airport Subway Entrance.

[FIA-H98] - On top of the helipad at the west end of the Main Runway.

[FIA-H99] - On the lower ledge at the northwest end of the South Runway.

[FIA-H100] - On the lowermost level at the east end of the Main Runway.

Once you acquire the last Hidden Package you will get the last Weapon Icon
for your Safehouses and your million dollar bonus.

| V.4. Rampages (Shoreside Vale) [RPGV] |

Listed below are the remaining seven Rampages for Shoreside Vale and the
strategies for each location:

| [R14] - Fry 20 Columbians (Flame-Thrower) |


[CDG-R14-A] - Behind the car garage of the gray house two houses west of
the Columbian Mansion at The Homes in Cedar Grove.
Notes: PS2 Version
Use a Cartel Cruiser and drive to the Rampage Icon.
After getting the icon, quickly drive over to the
Columbian Mansion. Go inside the gate and drive to
the southwest corner, get out, and walk right up
against the fence. You can shoot flames through the
fences and walls so the fence will protect you from
the nasty Columbians. Start by sweeping left for a
couple of seconds and then sweep right for a couple
of seconds and repeat pattern until rampage is
completed. This tactic gave me a more consistent
success rate. I tried going behind the fences to the
houses next door to the Rampage Icon but I found that
the game did not generate as many targets for me to
get rid of and I would always fail. I found that by
going to the Mansion, the game would generate more
targets. Plus they don't know I'm there even as I
roast them.

Xbox Version
The above tactic doesn't work in the Xbox version
because it never seems to generate enough Columbians
near the Columbian Mansion for it to be successful.
Here, just walk to the sidewalk but hang just behind
the short wall near the large hedge. You will receive
some damage from the Columbians but the game will
generate enough for you to successfully complete the
Rampage. And they will run up to you making it easy
to flame them.


[PKC-R14-B] - Behind the wall in front of The Fudge Packing Corp. in Pike
Notes: Get the Icon and go to the northeast corner where the
road bends and stand behind the wall. Sweep left and
right to get your targets. If you need to get more
targets, move from behind the wall and lure some
Columbians to your position and duck behind the wall
again. Not too hard.


| [R15] - Behead 20 Hoods (M-16) |


[WCG-R15-A] - Behind the Squid sign in the northeast corner of The Projects
at Wichita Gardens.
Notes: Use a car to get up to the Rampage. When you start,
get back into the car and drive off and back onto the
street. Go into the parking lot and turn right then
stop at the Adrenaline Icon (across the street from
the Stalkers sign). Grab it, walk about halfway to the
street, and start shooting at the Hoods. Their shirt
color, red or purple, makes no difference. Remember,
only headshots count for kills. But with you on an
adrenaline high (everything slows down), This
shouldn't be too hard. Aim at their heads and take
very short controlled bursts.


[CDG-R15-B] - Behind the "Gasoline. For youth on the move" sign on the
west hairpin turn on Cedar Road.
Notes: Get the Icon, get between the signs, go to the
railing, and start shooting. For some reason, the
Hoods don't know you are there even as you take them
out so they don't shoot at you. This makes this
Rampage easier. Even better, some of the Hoods will
walk directly in front of you making for easy point
blank shots.


| [R16] - Behead 15 Columbians (Sniper Rifle) |


[PKC-R16-A] - Behind the white crate near PKC-J15 southeast of the
Undercover Storage Company in Pike Creek.
Notes: Get a car and drive to the Icon. Get the Rampage Icon,
get back into your car, drive up the ramp and fall
down to the street below. It is a long way down and
hopefully you will be able to land on your wheels. If
you do and maintain control, quickly make your way to
the Burke Supply Co. just south of your position. Get
to the corner edge of the building and get out. Aim
south at the street to claim your targets. The small
wall will keep the Columbians from getting any closer
but will allow you to make headshots. Many of them
will cluster in one place trying to get to you but
instead will allow you to get a lot of targets
quickly. The Columbians will take off some armor but
if you are good with your aim this Rampage shouldn't
be too bad.


[PKC-R16-B] - On the end of the long building behind the Pike Creek Police
Station (southeast corner).
Notes: Same strategy as before except that you want to place
a car just before the small ramp below where the Icon
is. Run back up to the Icon, get it, jump down, get
into your vehicle, drive up the ramp, and jump into
the street. Then go the Burke Supply Co. and take out
the Columbians.


| [R17] - Splatter 20 Hoods (Shotgun) |


[WCG-R17-A] - On top of one of the car garages by the northeast apartment
building for The Projects in Wichita Gardens (jump from the
main bridge to reach).
Notes: Get the Icon and jump back down to ground level. Get
into the Kuruma that is parked nearby and quickly
drive east and to the main road. Get out on the east
side of the road and get out. Go south and shoot the
Hoods as they appear. If you try to do the Rampage
near where you got it, you may be swarmed by lots of
Hoods. They generate on both sides of the narrow side
road and all the Hoods from both sides of the road
will quickly converge on your position and they will
take off your armor and health quickly. The main road
to the east is much wider so you can work on one side
of the road and usually not attract the attention of
the Hoods on the other side. This will make things
manageable. Any Hoods that shoot at you will be the
ones far away from you and they will be running toward
you. But since they are far from you, they can't
really hurt you because their guns (Pistol, Uz-I) are
not good from long range and you can knock them down
before they can do any damage.


[FIA-R17-B] - Behind the Sumo sign at the intersection of the main road and
the road leading to Francis International Airport.
Notes: Go up the main road and shoot the Hoods as they
generate. The wide main road will allow you to work
one side of the road without attracting the attention
of the Hoods across the street. They will usually
generate in groups and the powerful Shotgun will make
quick work of all the Hoods you target. A pretty easy


| [R18] - Destroy 15 Vehicles (Rocket Launcher) |


[PKC-R18-A] - On top of the Turtle Head Fishing Co. (Shoreside Vale) near
the top of the stairs.
Notes: Just stay on top of the roof and shoot the cars from
your position. Also try to kill the pedestrians to
attract Police cars. If you get a 3-Star Wanted
Rating, the Police Helicopter also counts as a
vehicle. The only issue is if the game will generate
enough targets for you to destroy within the two


[FIA-R18-B] - Behind the Badfellas sign just before the main road, leading
from Francis International Airport, turns north into Pike
Notes: Get a vehicle and drive to the Icon. Position your car
so you can see the Airport Parking lot. Get out, get
the Icon, and get back in again. Drive toward the
Airport Parking lot but at the same time go east. Get
out when you get to a point where you can see the
entire parking lot. There are about nine cars in the
lot and you can get them quickly. Walk away from your
car and destroy it. Now you only have five cars to get
and just walk up to the main road. However, there are
pedestrians around and you will usually kill some when
you destroy cars. Some of them may attack you as you
try to complete your objectives. Just focus on the
cars and you will be OK.


| [R19] - Drive-by and Destroy 7 Vehicles (Uz-I) |


[PKC-R19-A] - At the guard gate for Punk Noodles across the street east of
the Turtle Head Fishing Co. (Shoreside Vale) in Pike Creek.
Notes: Get a fast sports car, like a Banshee, and drive to
the Rampage Icon. Get the Icon and then drive as fast
as you can to the Airport Parking lot. There you have
plenty of cars you can quickly drive-by and destroy
without any problems whatsoever.


[CCD-R19-B] - Behind the large rock on the left side of the road loop near
the Cochrane Dam Power House at Cochrane Dam.
Notes: Same as before but you will have less time to work
with because you will have to drive a longer distance
to get to the Airport Parking lot but you should still
be able to destroy the necessary number of cars within
the time limit.


| [R20] - Splatter 20 Columbians (Any Vehicle) |


[FIA-R20-A] - Behind the Fat Burger Kid sign directly across the street
from the East Airport Entrance to Francis International
Airport (just north of the Francis International Airport
Subway Entrance).
Notes: Get the Firetruck from the Francis International
Airport Fire Station and drive to the Rampage Icon.
Get the Icon and use the Firetruck to run over the
Columbians. The Firetruck should withstand their
gunfire long enough to survive the Rampage. When you
start, drive under the main bridge and go back to the
main road and enter near the Sumo sign. The reason for
this is that the road on front of the airport terminal
entrance is narrow and the Columbians will shoot you
from the other side of the road seriously damaging
your vehicle. By doing this, you will only have to
deal with the ones in front of you limiting their
damage potential. Drive up the main road and kill the
necessary Columbians to succeed.

If you have the Bulletproof Patriot earned from the
mission "Marked Man" (Ray Machowski) then this Rampage
becomes easier since they cannot damage the vehicle
with gunfire. Thanks to Christopher Mora for that


[PKC-R20-B] - In the grassy area across the street and south of the Burke
Supply Co. (almost directly across from where the Burke
company and Hope Medical College meet).
Notes: The only difference here is that you drive down the
main road toward the airport. Otherwise the same
strategy applies.

If you have the Bulletproof Patriot earned from the
mission "Marked Man" (Ray Machowski) then this Rampage
becomes easier since they cannot damage the vehicle
with gunfire. Thanks to Christopher Mora for that

After successful completion of the last Rampage you will earn your million
dollar bonus and take one more step toward 100% Completion.

| V.5. Unique Stunt Jumps (Shoreside Vale) [USJV] |

Listed below are the remaining eight Unique Stunt Jumps that are found on
Shoreside Vale:

| Cochrane Dam (CCD) |

[CCD-J13] - The embankment at the outer edge of the hairpin turn just west of
the Cochrane Dam entrance.
Heading: East to West.
Notes: Start at the 90-degree turn, just east of the Cochrane Dam
entrance (where the road turns north toward the Upstate
Tunnel entrance), point west, and go. According to John E.
Schneider you can also start at the Wichita Tunnel and
approach the jump from the southeast.

| Pike Creek (PKC) |

[PKC-J14] - The ramp on the east side of the Undercover Storage Company.
Heading: West to East.
Notes: You must land in the enclosed area in the southeast corner
of the The Fudge Packing Corp. to succeed (also where
CCD-H81 is located).

[PKC-J15] - The ramp on the southeast side of the Undercover Storage Company
where PKC-R16-A is located
Heading: North to South.
Notes: You must land on top of the south building behind the Pike
Creek Police Station (where PKC-R16-B is located) to

| Wichita Gardens (WCG) |

[WCG-J16] - The broken bridge where WCG-H91 is located.
Heading: South to North.
Notes: You need to land in the street to get credit for the Jump.

| Francis International Airport (FIA) |

[FIA-J17] - The metal ramp by one of the Rockstar planes in the Plane Parking
Area (northeast of the Police Bribe).
Heading: Est to West.
Notes: At the West Airport Entrance find the door that has the
"Terminal A" sign on it. Just to the north of it there is
a metal ramp. Go to the ramp and look west. You should see
a large plane ahead of you. There is also a metal ramp
near the front of the plane. This is the ramp you use for
the Jump.

[FIA-J18] - The left concrete ramp south of the north McAdams Airways hangar
west of the Plane Parking Area.
Heading: South to North.
Notes: The hangar you must jump over is directly west of FIA-J17.
You can't touch the hangar so you will need to go to the
runway to get enough speed to clear the building and get
credit for the jump.

[FIA-J19] - The concrete ramps south of the Plane Parking Area and at the
west end of the Secondary Runway.
Heading: West to East.
Notes: When you complete FIA-J17 head directly south. You should
run into a group of helicopters. To the west of them is a
hangar. You have to jump the hangar with the ramps to the
west of the building. You can't touch the hangar here with
the car either so you will need some distance to make the
jump. You can hit the helicopters at the end and still get
credit for the jump.

[FIA-J20] - The concrete ramps east of FIA-J19.
Heading: West to East.
Notes: Get on the runway and start by the concrete ramps for
FIA-J19. Then line yourself with the ramps for FIA-J20 to
clear the hangar.

After completion of the last Jump you will get your million dollar bonus and
another step toward 100% Completion.

Now let's go over the last car collection list.....

| V.6. Suburban Import Export Garage [SIEG] |

Just north of the Pike Creek Pay 'N' Spray is a building, The Fudge Packing
Corp., that has a car list on it. This is the Suburban Import Export Garage.
This is just like the Industrial one on Portland Island but has a different
list of cars.

There are 16 vehicles listed that you need to collect. For each vehicle you
obtain you will get $1,000. If you get all 16 vehicles listed you will get a
$200,000 bonus plus you can have unlimited use of the cars you have

Just walk into the garage and pick one of the vehicle icons. You will then be
instructed to exit the garage and in a few seconds, your new car will be made
available to you.

Below is the vehicle list as well as where to find them. These are some of
the more reliable locations and missions to find the vehicles. "Generated at
random" means that you have to wait for them to spawn on their own before you
can acquire them:

Where Found: At Mean Street Taxis in Trenton (Portland Island).

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot, or at Kenji's Casino parking lot
(Staunton Island).

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot or in front of the East Airport

Where Found: At the house next door to the Columbian Mansion at The

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot, at the parking lot near the west
hairpin turn for Cedar Road, at the Carson General Hospital
parking lot (Staunton Island), or at the Liberty Memorial
Coliseum parking lot (Staunton Island).

Where Found: At the parking lot near the west hairpin turn for Cedar
Road, at the south parking lot for The Condos (Staunton
Island), at Kenji's Casino parking lot (Staunton Island), or
at the Liberty Tree Offices above ground parking lot
(Staunton Island).

Where Found: At the Liberty Memorial Coliseum parking lot (Staunton
Island), or at Kenji's Casino parking lot (Staunton Island).

Where Found: In front of one of the houses at The Homes near the
intersection (just west) for Cedar Road.

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot.

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot.

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot, in the parking lot near the
northeast building for The Projects, in front of the garage
for the house east of the intersection for Cedar Road at The
Homes, or at the parking lot for The Condos in Newport
(Staunton Island).

Where Found: At the Airport Parking lot, or at the Old School parking lot
in Chinatown (Portland Island).

Where Found: Just south of the Portland View Police Station (Portland

Where Found: In the parking lot just southwest of the northwest building
for The Projects, or at the Liberty Tree Offices above
ground parking lot (Staunton Island).

Where Found: Generated at random.

>>BF Injection
Where Found: Can be found near Misty's Building at Hepburn Heights
(Portland Island) (evening hours) after completion of
"Sayonara Salvatore" (Asuka Kasen).

It was in front of the building here that I pulled off an unusual feat that
can be best called a "double jacking". After depositing a car in the garage,
I jacked a van so I could go back to the airport to get another car. After
about thirty feet I heard "get out" and the van stopped as Claude climbed
out of the van.

What I didn't see, while I was pulling out the first driver, was a thug
entering the van from the passenger side as I was taking it. So now I was
being jacked about thirty feet from where I just got the van.

However, Claude was on his feet and not stepping away from the van when he
exited. So, as the thug moved into the driver seat, I pressed Enter Vehicle
to rejack the van and remove the thug that tried to take it. Served him

| V.7. Acquiring the Rhino (The Not-So-Safe Method) [AQRN] |

Now that you've opened up Shoreside Vale, your Wanted Ratings can go up to
the maximum of 6-Stars. This means that you can try to get the Rhino by
getting a 6-Star Wanted Rating, and taking it from the soldiers, so you can
complete the Emergency Vehicle Crane list (assuming that you didn't acquire
the tank after the mission "Arms Shortage" (Ray Machowski)).

As outlined earlier, the soldiers that come after you are very tough to deal
with so getting the Rhino during a 6-Star rampage can be difficult. But this
task can be made easier by doing your rampage in the right place.

And that place would be at the Wichita Gardens Safehouse. Or more
specifically, the garage there. For best results, have no cars in the garage.
Make sure that you have lots of ammo specifically for the Flame-Thrower and
the Rocket Launcher (go back to Portland Island and do the stock up trick to
get lots of ammo for it).

Go into the street and start flaming people until you have a 3-Star Wanted
Rating and when the helicopter shows up, rocket it out of the sky. Head back
to your garage and enter the left side (the side closest to the street).
Remember, you can use the Flame-Thrower through the wall so you can get
people on the other side easily. Usually, there are some Cops on the other
side so you can get it up to 5-Star quickly. Switch to your Rocket Launcher
and go into Target mode.

You may notice that the Cop and FBI cars are just driving around without
going after you. Because you are in the garage, the Cops behave differently.
If they are on foot, they will still go after you but if they remain in their
cars they will ignore you. You can shoot the cars easily from your position
and jack your Wanted Rating to 6-Star. You can also creep forward and rocket
the helicopters.

Now the Army will spawn Rhinos and Barracks OL's behind the garage area and
may get stuck on the lamppost on the other side of the garage wall. This is
what you want. If they make their way to the garage entrance, it will get
quite difficult. The trick here is to get them to come out of the tank.
Switch to your Uz-I. Creep forward and when you reach near the edge of the
open garage door overhead, they will usually come out. Quickly run back into
the garage and switch to your Flame-Thrower. Flame through the wall for a few
seconds to set the soldiers on the other side on fire. Remember, flame
weapons are the only things in your arsenal that can destroy the Rhino so you
want to set the soldiers on fire but not risk destroying the tank you are
trying to get.

After killing the soldiers switch to your Uz-I, quickly run out of the garage
and grab the Police Bribes on the opposite end. Then get the now abandoned

After getting the Rhino, drive it to the Crane to deposit it. After
completing the list and getting your bonus, get the Rhino Icon. After getting
the tank, drive it back to your Staunton Island hideout and save it. There
are some missions in which the tank may come in handy. If you were diligent
in getting all the cars for all of the car lists, you should now have
completed all of the car lists in the game.

Even though I've simplified the process of getting the tank, it may take a
couple of tries to get it. Surviving a 6-Star Wanted Rating without the use
of cheats can always be difficult no matter where you are.

| V.8. "Gripped!" [GRPD] |

In the parking lot for the Beach Park in Shoreside Vale is a Patriot. When
you enter the Patriot, you begin the Patriot mission "Gripped!". Here you
have to collect 20 checkpoints and you have five minutes to collect them all.

However, when you get the first checkpoint, you have 15 seconds to collect
the second one. Fortunately, the faster you can get the checkpoints, the more
time you can accumulate. The timer will start when you get the first

This is probably the hardest of all of the vehicle missions in the game.
Mainly because of all of the climbing uphill and trying to control the
Patriot while going downhill. This mission is harder in the Xbox version
because the trees and foliage are made larger and more lush making it very
hard to see what you are doing.

Go left and get the first checkpoint (1). The second checkpoint (2) is on a
small hill and if you try to get it head-on, you will most likely flip the
Patriot. Go to the left of the checkpoint and turn right to get it. Behind
(2) and partway up the rocky part of the hill is (3). Then turn slightly
right and you will see two more checkpoints (4,5). Number (4) is on the left
and should be gotten first. After getting (4), back up very slightly and get
number (5).

When you finally reach the top of the hill, you will see two checkpoints, one
to the right and one to the left. Get the one to the right first (6). Be
careful, the trees will obscure your vision a bit. After getting (6), back up
and then whip the Patriot 180 degrees so you can get number (7). Be careful
when you go from the grass to the rock otherwise you may flip the car off the
hill and back into Wichita Gardens. After getting (7), turn right and go into
the street.

Turn right and follow the street toward (8) which is right by the edge. Go up
the street and go between the last tree from the tunnel and the light-post to
get up the hill and claim (9). The next three (10,11,12) are relatively easy
and you can get them quickly to accumulate a lot of time. After getting (12),
turn left and brake slightly going down and then climb up to get (13).

Getting number (14) is a bit tricky. From (13), head right and make sure that
(14) is off to your left. You will see that (14) is partway down the steep
hillside. Turn your Patriot right and position your car so that (14) is
behind you. Then tap reverse once and let gravity pull you to (14) and tap
accelerate when necessary to keep control.

After getting (14), hold accelerate and go straight up and get (15). Turn
left and back down to get (16). After (16), turn right and you will have to
go practically straight up this pointed hill to get (17). Getting from (17)
to (18) is dangerous because of the steep hills so you will have to use
handbrake and reverse together to keep control.

After getting (18), turn right and go get (19). (19) is pretty easy to get
and after that is the last checkpoint (20). (20) is sitting on the top of the
tunnel entrance on the right side and out of view. You can see the left side
of the the tunnel top and line yourself properly with it. If you don't, you
may fall into the street instead and miss (20). Then go down and get the last
checkpoint to complete the vehicle mission and get $40,000 for doing so.

| V.9. Vigilante and Firetruck Missions (Shoreside Vale) [FTSV] |

Don't forget to do the Firetruck and Vigilante Missions for Shoreside Vale.
As before, only the first twenty kills in the Vigilante Mission count toward
additional Police Bribes and the first twenty fires put out during the
Firefighter Mission count toward getting the Flame-Thrower Weapon Icon for
all of your Safehouses.

A Firetruck can be found at the Francis International Airport Fire Station
and a Police Car can be found at the Pike Creek Police Station.

After getting the necessary requirements in both missions you should now have
six Police Bribes plus the Flame-Thrower Weapon Icon at all Safehouses. You
will also take two more steps toward 100% Completion.

| V.10. "Rumpo Rampage" (Toyz Van) [RPRM] |

Just northeast of the Shoreside Vale Safehouse, and behind the billboards, is
another Toyz Van. Entering it will trigger the last Toyz Van Mission "Rumpo

Just like "Diablo Destruction", "Mafia Massacre", and "Casino Calamity" you
have to use remote controlled cars to destroy gang vehicles. In this mission,
you have to destroy as many Rumpo XL's as you can in two minutes.

By completing this mission you will also finish all of the Toyz Van missions
and all of the side-missions in GTA3.

With all of the side stuff done on Shoreside Vale let's go back to the Main
Story Missions starting with.....

| >R4. "Gone Fishing" (Ray Machowski) |

| Overview \

Ray suspects his current partner of ratting him out so he instructs Claude
to get a Police Boat and kill him while he is fishing near Portland Rock.

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle.

| Prep Work \

Get about 30-50 rounds for the Sniper Rifle.

| Notes \

I had a reader, Jesse Huongvilay, make a very interesting suggestion about
this mission. He didn't use the Predator but instead blew up Ray's partner
from land using a Rocket Launcher. I gave this a try and refined this idea
further. Instead of using the Rocket Launcher I used the Sniper Rifle for
better accuracy and less ammo wasted even though it takes a few shots to
destroy the boat.

| The Plan \

When the mission begins go to either the pier area near Asuka's condo or at
the slip south of the Callahan Bridge to get into the Predator. However,
once at the controls of the boat and the game prompts you to go after Ray's
partner, get out and back into your car.

Drive over to the SupaSave! Store and go into the alley between the parking
lot and Portland Harbor. Then hang right when you get to the grass and head
to the beach. When you get close to the water, and near Ray's position, get
out and switch to your Sniper Rifle.

Fire once at the boat to start the cutscene. After the cutscene you will
notice that you have damaged his boat a bit. He will also start to drive
around. He will loop around the large ship, the nearby rocks, and the
Lighthouse. He won't try to leave the area unless you chase him with the

Keep shooting at his boat with the Sniper Rifle. If you damage his boat
enough he will drop some barrels and make a run for the beach. You can
destroy the boat before he reaches shore by hitting it with a couple of
more shots.

However, if he beaches his boat, he will jump out. If you are close to the
boat he will head toward you and try to kill you with AK-47. If this
happens use whatever weapon you want to kill him. But if you are far enough
away he will take a few steps then stop. When he stops, nail him with your
Sniper Rifle.

By the way, if you kill him this way, you can wait for his boat to slip
back into the water and you can drive it around if you wish. However, his
boat, called the Ghost (Xbox) or Ghost missing (PS2), doesn't do anything

If you wait for him to come back around the large boat he will head for the
rocks and toward your position. You can destroy him with your Sniper Rifle
at this point without him making a run for the beach.

Regardless of method, once you kill Ray's partner the mission is
successfully completed.

| Reward \


| >R5. "Plaster Blaster" (Ray Machowski) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the toilet block Ray gives him an earful.....

"You useless bastard! You totally messed up! My ass is on the line and
you can't even kill a god damned fly. I paid you good money to kill
that witness and he ain't dead! And today he's gonna make a Federal
Deposition! He's being moved any second now from the Carson General
Hospital up in Rockford. If he squeals, I squeal..."

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a Firetruck and take it with you to the Main Park.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Take the Firetruck and head towards the blip. When you smack it the first
time you will be spotted and get a 2-Star Wanted Rating. Smack it again to
eject the witness. The bodycast is flame and bullet proof so you will have
to use something else to kill him. In this case you can run him over with
the Firetruck.

You can either go back to your Safehouse to use the Police Bribes to get
rid of the Wanted Ratings then run him over or fight through the Police
pursuit to run him over. Once you run him over with the Firetruck (it may
take two tries) you will finally kill him and complete the mission.

If you thought about using the Rhino or the Rocket Launcher on the
Ambulance, you're not alone. However, if you completely destroy the
Ambulance with the Rhino or a rocket, it will become a decoy and another
Ambulance will generate near the hospital. You will have to damage the
Ambulance without destroying it to eject the witness. This is why I used
the Firetruck instead of the Rhino.

| Reward \


| >R6. "Marked Man" (Ray Machowski) |

| Overview \

Ray is in over his head and needs Claude to take him to the Airport so he
can leave town.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a fast car, like a Yakuza Stinger, and take it with you to Ray's
(optional). Get a Rhino and take it with you to Ray's (optional).

| Notes \

One of my readers, Richard Juntunen, suggested using a Rhino on this
mission. Tried it out and it works pretty good.

| The Plan \

You have three minutes to take Ray to the airport and the Shoreside Lift
Bridge is being watched over by the CIA so you will have to take another

If you decide to use the fast car strategy, the best route is through the
subway and the nearest entryway is at Liberty Campus (north side of Liberty
Campus across the street from the stairs leading into Carson General
Hospital). Get to the tracks, go right, and stay on the left side. Exit
through the Francis International Airport subway entrance and go to the
blue circle to drop off Ray.

If you decide to use the Rhino, just go up the bridge like you would in a
car. The CIA gunmen can't hurt you since you are in the tank. Even though
the tank is a little slow you can get to the Airport in plenty of time.

As a reward for dropping off Ray at the Airport, you are given a set of
keys to a lock-up that has some goodies. Go to the lock-up which is near
the Tw@ Internet Cafe in Newport. Opening up the lock-up will reveal a
Bulletproof Patriot, a Rocket Launcher, a Sniper Rifle, a Flame-Thrower,
and an M-16.

By getting to the lock-up, you also complete the mission.

Don't forget to take the Bulletproof Patriot and save it at your garage for
future use.

| Reward \


And you have now completed all of Ray's missions. Now I will continue with
Asuka's set of missions.....

| >A5. "Two-Faced Tanner" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

As Claude arrives at Asuka's Condo, he finds a letter.....

"Maria and I have gone shopping. Our source in the Police has informed
us that one of our drivers is a strangely animated undercover cop! He's
more or less useless out of his car, so we've tagged it with a tracer.
Make him bleed!"

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

**IMPORTANT: This mission MUST be done before "Grand Theft Aero" (Donald
Love). If you do "Grand Theft Aero" (Donald Love) before this
mission then you will NOT be able to do "Two-Faced Tanner"
(Asuka Kasen) and you will lose out on 100% Completion.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are two ways to do this mission depending on your style:

The Rocket Launcher Method
Go the the blue circle but don't enter it. Turn Claude until you are aiming
west down the street going from the casino's entrance. Switch to your
Rocket Launcher and step into the blue circle. Once the cutscene ends,
quickly go into Target mode and rocket his car to destroy it and complete
the mission.

If you thought about destroying his car before he enters it, don't. You
will fail the mission. The car is also locked so you can't take it to
8-Ball's BombShop and rig it with a bomb.

The Rhino Method
If you managed to acquire a tank you can use it here. Go back to your
garage and get your Rhino. Drive over to Kenji's Casino and park in the
blue circle. Wait for the undercover cop to get into his car. When he does,
follow him.

If you were to use a regular car and hit this guy's car, you would get a
5-Star Wanted Rating and he will try to speed up and evade you (and you
would have to deal with FBI Cars and other Police Vehicles).

But when you use the tank, one hit will automatically destroy him and
complete the mission. Simple. Then park your tank back in your garage for
future use.

| Reward \


In addition, you won't be able to any more of Asuka's missions until you do
the next mission for Donald Love.....

| >D4. "Grand Theft Aero" (Donald Love) |

| Overview \

It turns out that Claude's work in "A Drop In The Ocean" was merely a decoy
and that the real item was in the plane all along. But customs seized the
plane and was stripping it down until Donald intervened. All the officials
have been paid off and all Claude has to do is get the package at the

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher.

| Prep Work \

**IMPORTANT: The mission "Two-Faced Tanner" (Asuka Kasen) MUST be done
before "Grand Theft Aero" (Donald Love). If you do "Grand
Theft Aero" (Donald Love) before "Two-Faced Tanner" (Asuka
Kasen) then you will NOT be able to do "Two-Faced Tanner"
(Asuka Kasen) and you will lose out on 100% Completion.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

When you arrive at the hangar, there are a couple of vans there. It turns
out that the Columbians beat you to the punch and have killed all of the
officials near the plane. Keep your distance and pick off the four
Columbians guarding the plane with the Sniper Rifle.

After killing them, enter the plane. The package is gone and the game
prompts you to go to one of the remaining vans outside the hangar. The van
has the Pan-Lantic logo on the side. You are then prompted to go to the
construction site on Staunton Island to see about getting the package

When you arrive there, you are given a hostile greeting by the Columbians.
There are ten Columbians guarding the lift up the building. They are hidden
around the blue walled area leading to the lift. Use the raised ground
south of the walled area and the unfinished building next to it and snipe
them from above. You can also use the Rocket Launcher to get those you
can't see. Listen for their taunts to locate them. After killing all of the
Columbian guards, you are to take the lift.

You are then treated to a cutscene of Claude going up. He manages to
surprise Catalina and her partner Miguel. As Miguel gives the package to
Claude, Catalina shoots him and flees. When Claude turns around, he is met
by Asuka who is upset over the death of Kenji and has blamed the Cartel for
his death (and unaware of your duplicity in the matter). She is going to
work over Miguel for information and wants you to stop by later for
additional work.

After the cutscene, go back to Love Media to complete the mission.

| Reward \


And you have reopened Asuka's missions. Go to the "A" at the Pan-Lantic
Building to pick them up. But I will finish up with Donald Love's missions
before going back to Asuka.

| >D5. "Escort Service" (Donald Love) |

| Overview \

Donald wants Claude to escort his friend to Pike Creek to have his object

| Weapons \

Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

Get a Yakuza Stinger and take it with you to Love Media.

| Notes \

One of my contributors, Web, offered this alternative way to do this

"Instead of following the truck around and trying to protect, when it
takes off, just stay away from it. If you are far enough away from it,
it will not take any damage, maybe a little, but after a couple minutes
of waiting, you will get a message telling you to check out the exit of
the tunnel. Go across the lift bridge, and wait until the blip (truck)
moves a little, then get away from it again, go back to your hideout in
Staunton Island, and you will complete the mission without doing
anything. (One time the damage meter just popped up and I failed the
mission instantly. I do not know why that happened, but it only
happened once. Also, if you just stay near Donald Love's building, you
can restart the mission if that does happen.)"

I played around with it and it works but the Securicar can get pretty
damaged in the process. But his suggestion inspired me to make some

Something funny happened to me while I was taking notes for this mission. I
was going along the route and decided to park the car on the sidewalk at
Liberty Campus so I could type. While I was parked, a thug carjacked me and
sped off. Lucky me, I just happened to have my Rocket Launcher ready so I
aimed down the street and blew up the car that was taken from me (along
with the thief inside). Even better was the fact that I blew up the car in
front of a Police Car. And the cop didn't even give a shit. Serves the
thief right. Nobody carjacks from Claude and lives to tell the tale.....

| The Plan \

The mission won't start until you drive near the parked Securicar that has
the Old Oriental Gentleman in it. This also gives you an excellent
opportunity to get a Securicar for the Industrial Import Export Garage.

Just like in "Van Heist" (Joey Leone), the game needs to spawn Securicars
because of the special Securicar you need to protect. So wander around
Staunton Island (don't get too close to the parked Securicar otherwise you
start the mission) and find a Securicar. Then jack it and take it back to
the garage. Then go back to Staunton Island, get another Yakuza Stinger,
and go to the parked Securicar to start the mission.

The path the Securicar takes is:

>>Down the main road through Bedford Point to Belleville Park.
>>Then it turns left then right and goes down the road through Aspatria
and turns right at the Stadium Entrance.
>>Then it turns left down the main road (between the Stadium and Liberty
Campus) and turns right at the intersection in Rockford.
>>Then it goes into the Porter Tunnel where it turns left at the
intersection and turns left at the next one to go to Shoreside Vale.
>>Then it exits the tunnel next to the Airport and goes up the road
until it reaches the AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale) at Pike
Creek where it will be safe and the mission ends.

Partway through the mission, the Columbians will attack the vehicle with
Cartel Cruisers and with gunmen posted at various places along the path.

Believe it or not, if you just sit there by Love Media and let the
Securicar go on its own, it will suffer little damage (unless it tries to
plow through traffic). However, for some reason, it will not exit the
tunnel (at the Airport) unless you move near the Airport (by going over the
drawbridge). If you decide to go far ahead and wait at the tunnel exit, the
Securicar will not enter the tunnel at Staunton Island.

In addition, if you decide to "ambush the ambushers" before getting the
Securicar to start, it won't work. The designers made it so the Columbians
appear only when the Securicar gets to within a certain distance from them.

As it turns out, the Cartel Cruisers end up doing little damage to the
Securicar. It's the gunmen posted along the route (wielding M-16s) that are
the most dangerous. While Web's strategy does work, I've come up with
another strategy that will allow you to succeed but with little damage to
the Securicar.

The strategy is to go ahead of the Securicar and take out the gunmen as
they appear. Vanatorul DeVise's suggestion is to use the Bulletproof
Patriot you earned from the mission "Marked Man" (Ray Machowski). There are
ten Columbian gunmen to get rid of.

First go down through Belleville Park and park the Yakuza Stinger on the
right sidewalk just past Uncle BJ's (the one under the Shoreside Lift
Bridge Loop) and by the front door of Semi Sportswear. When the first
gunmen appear, run over Gunman#1 ahead of you then turn left to do a circle
that will allow you to run over Gunman#2 and go north along the street to
the Stadium entrance.

Gunman#3 is on the right side of the Stadium steps. Run him over and circle
toward the main road along Liberty Campus.

Gunman#4 is standing on the right side of the road on the north part of
Liberty Campus. Run him over and continue to the Porter Tunnel Entrance.

When at the tunnel entrance, exit your car and switch to your Sniper Rifle.
Snipe Gunman#5 at the top of the tunnel entrance. Get back in your car and
stop at the first intersection in the tunnel.

When Gunman#6 appears at the intersection, drive-by him and proceed to the
tunnel exit at the Airport.

After exiting the tunnel, park the car on the median and exit. Aim the
Sniper Rifle at the top of the tunnel exit you came from. When Gunman#7
appears, shoot him, get back in your car and then run over Gunman#8 at the
Airport intersection right by the construction cones.

Right by the AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale), on the left sidewalk
will be Gunman#9. When you run him over, turn right and run over Gunman#10
who will be on the right sidewalk.

After that then all you have to do is wait for the Securicar to come by and
park at the AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale). You can ignore the
Cruisers unless they manage to get lucky and really mess up the Securicar.

Recently I played around here and found an interesting way to do this
mission. You can jump on top of the Securicar and do the mission from
there. Even though the game says you need a car to do this mission once you
manage to jump on top of the armored vehicle the mission will start.

To jump on top of the vehicle, go directly south from the door when you
start the mission. You should see the bushes by the pillar near the
Securicar. Inside the bushes is an M-16 Weapon Icon (which will appear for
this mission only). Get inside the bushes and aim Claude toward the
Securicar. Jump onto the ledge then jump onto the Securicar. Move close to
the front and the mission will start.

When doing the mission this way I suggest using the Rocket Launcher on the
Cartel Cruisers when they come up from behind. Use the Sniper Rifle on the
gunmen. Even though you are on top of a moving vehicle, if you zoom in all
the way, the sight will still move slowly enough to allow you to precisely
aim on the gunmen as you approach them.

However, when in the tunnel you will be knocked off when the tunnel dips as
you get near Francis International Airport. Just run up the tunnel far
enough to get the "Welcome to Shoreside Vale" message, get up on the tunnel
sidewalk, and stop. If you kept the damage to the Securicar to a minimum
you can just let it go on its own from here.

If you thought of moving Claude onto the hood of the vehicle to drop him
low enough to keep him from getting knocked off don't bother. For some
reason when you put him on the hood the game will think he will be in front
of the Securicar and he will lose armor and health. Unless you move him
quickly back onto the top of the vehicle Claude will die and you will fail
the mission.

Regardless of method, after the Securicar parks safely inside the AM
Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale) building the mission is successfully

| Reward \


| >D6. "Decoy" (Donald Love) |

| Overview \

SWAT teams have cordoned off the building you escorted the Securicar to in
the last mission (AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale)). Donald wants
Claude to lure the Cops away so his friend can escape.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \

During one attempt, I got the Securicar and made my way to the street. I
barely poked my nose out from the AMCO entrance and I get hit by a vehicle.
A Rhino. So my mission ends before I can begin. Now that's just wrong.

I've had several people write to me saying that I should destroy the Police
Vehicles surrounding the place first before grabbing the decoy vehicle.
This is not a good idea. I found that if you do this the Police Vehicles
that chase you are mostly going to be the Barracks OL and the Rhinos which
is what you DON'T want. If you leave the Police Vehicles alone then the
Police Vehicles that chase you are primarily going to be the Police Cars
and Enforcers which are easier to deal with.

And I came up with a much better place to wait out the Police.

| The Plan \

When you reach the AM Petroleum Company (Shoreside Vale) area, you should
see some Police Vehicles (Enforcers and Police Cars) parked around the
perimeter of the building. As stated above, you should leave them alone.

Next, park your car in the entranceway then enter the Decoy Vehicle. When
you get inside you will be hit with a 6-Star Wanted Rating. However, the
vehicles that will be chasing you are mostly going to be the Enforcers and
Police Cars you passed up.

Instead of going out the way you came in, hang a right and jump off of the
ramp to get to the street below. Head toward the Shoreside Lift Bridge. As
you turn south and head toward the three-way intersection for the Airport
entrance, veer left slightly and into the oncoming lanes.

Once you get past the Sumo billboard and the overhead road signs, veer left
and off the road between the large tree and the start of the tunnel exit.
Stay on the grass and continue toward the Shoreside Lift Bridge.

Next, go underneath the Shoreside Lift Bridge and park the Securicar next
to the Flame-Thrower Weapon Icon. From this point on the Police can't touch
you and you can just sit and wait.

However, if a Police Vehicle does chase you under the bridge, stand still
and wait for the officers to exit their car. Then drive-by them when they

Once the timer runs out, the mission is complete.

| Reward \


| >D7. "Love's Disappearance" (Donald Love) |

When Claude arrives at Love Media he finds that Donald is gone. The only clue
is an empty box. This isn't a mission per se but by going here you also
complete the last of Donald Love's missions. I will now resume with Asuka's
set of missions.

| >A6. "Bait" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

Asuka informs Claude that Catalina has three death squads whose sole
purpose is to hunt him down. Asuka wants Claude to lure them into a Yakuza

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

All of the action takes place in Shoreside Vale. The Yakuza ambush point is
at the Undercover Storage company in Pike Creek. The three death squads are
located at Cochrane Dam, Cedar Grove, and Pike Creek. If you thought about
taking them out from a distance with a Rocket Launcher, forget about it.
Doing so will fail the mission. You HAVE to lure them to the Yakuza.

When you start the mission, grab the Yakuza Stinger parked nearby. When you
get to Pike Creek, you will activate to first death squad. Lure it to the
ambush point. If you get too far ahead, you will lose them and fail the

When you successfully lure them to the ambush point, use the ramp for
PKC-J14 to get out of the way, jumping down into the street below, and let
the Yakuza do their work. If you wreck the car, go to the nearby Fudge
Packing Corp. to get another car (if you completed the Suburban Import
Export Garage list).

Lure the other two death squads to the ambush point. When the last of the
squads are killed, the mission is completed.

| Reward \


| >A7. "Espresso-2-Go!" (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

Asuka tells Claude that the Columbians have a front company, The Kappa
Coffee House, that they use to push SPANK. They use the coffee stands to
sell their wares. Asuka wants Claude to destroy their stands.

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

Make sure that you still have the Bulletproof Patriot parked in your
Staunton Island garage (optional).

| Notes \

Had a gentleman named xX-G-MaN-Xx point out something that should have been
obvious in the beginning.

I also had another reader, Mike Unger, point out that after destroying
several of the stands you will be chased by a Cartel Cruiser. But it
usually doesn't give much trouble.

| The Plan \

There are nine stands throughout Liberty City. When you destroy the first
one, you have eight minutes to destroy the other eight stands before the
Cartel warn their pushers. There are two stands on Portland Island, five
stands in Staunton Island, and two in Shoreside Vale.

What xX-G-MaN-Xx suggested is to drive around Liberty City and get the
blips to appear on the radar first before destroying the first stand. This
will make things easier as you progress through the mission.

The two stands in Portland (and the order I am going to destroy them in)

>>[1] - In the front of St. Marks Park in St. Marks.
>>[2] - Across the street from the entrance to Portland Docks.

One of the stands on Portland Island is in Mafia territory. Because of the
hostile Mafia and their powerful Shotguns I highly recommend using the
Bulletproof Patriot for this mission. If you were not able to save the
Bulletproof Patriot you can still do this mission.

If you have the Patriot, you can just go up to the stands and ram them
without them doing any damage with gunfire (but you will damage the Patriot
by ramming the stands). If you don't have the Patriot, you can get out of
the car some distance from the stands and rocket them.

To get the stand in Mafia territory without using the Patriot you will need
to go around the north edge of Portland Island and come up beside the late
Salvatore Leone's mansion. Get one of the two cars parked there and drive
up the the main fence. Jump up on top of the car and rocket the first

Then get back in the car and go south alongside and behind the apartment
building and down the hill behind the SupaSave! Store. Then get back on the
road and head to the second stand.

After destroying the second Portland Island stand drive on over to Staunton
Island and destroy the other five stands in this order:

>>[3] - By the crystal sculpture at Crystal Park in Torrington.
>>[4] - In the plaza across the street from the 20thC. Building in
Bedford Point.
>>[5] - By Liberty Cathedral.
>>[6] - In the Main Park in Belleville Park.
>>[7] - In front of the building south of the Multistory Carpark in

Use the Rocket Launcher on all of them except [6] which you can quickly
smash with the Patriot (although you can rocket it from afar regardless of
whether or not you have the Patriot). Then drive over to Shoreside Vale to
get the last two:

>>[8] - By the Francis International Airport Subway Entrance.
>>[9] - In front of Hope Medical College in Pike Creek.

Destroy these two and the mission is successfully completed. Park the
Bulletproof Patriot at your Wichita Gardens garage for later use (if you
have it and use it).

| Reward \


| >A8. "S.A.M." (Asuka Kasen) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the construction site, he finds Maria has joined
Asuka in torturing Miguel. He reveals that a plane carrying more SPANK will
be arriving soon at the airport. Asuka wants Claude to get a boat, go to
one of the marker buoys, use a Rocket Launcher to shoot the plane down,
grab the stuff, and stash it.

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

One of my readers, Sal Hatton, came up with a much better way of doing this

| The Plan \

In past revisions of the guide you had to get to a boat, go to a marker
buoy near the Airport, and then blast the plane from the sky. The problem
with that is the fact that it is hard to hit the plane from the boat and
from the angle you have to take with the Rocket Launcher.

What Sal suggested instead was to take a fast car, like the Yakuza Stinger
parked by the elevator where you started the mission, and drive over to the
Airport tarmac instead. Near one end of the runway are two groups of
Columbians (three men and one Cartel Cruiser per group). Keep far enough
away, exit your car, switch to your Sniper Rifle, and kill all six
Columbians. If you get too close, a couple of Columbians will enter one of
the Cruisers and confront you.

Next, drive over near one of the two Cruisers, get out, and switch to your
Rocket Launcher. Now stand to either the left or right side of the Main
Runway and aim the Launcher down the runway near the center.

When the plane lands on the runway, rocket it. In the process of destroying
the plane you get a 4-Star Wanted Rating. Get back to your car and collect
all eight packs then go between the runways and to the Predator waiting
there at the end of the path.

Take the boat and go back to Staunton Island. Get as close as you can to
the Construction Site and beach the craft. Then jack a nearby car and go to
the site. When you arrive at the site, you open the cutscene "Ransom".
Claude finds that Asuka and Miguel are dead and Maria missing. He also
finds a note.....

"I've got your precious Maria. If you don't want her face to look like
she fell out with the butcher bring $500,000 to the Villa at Cedar

| Reward \


And the completion of Asuka's missions. There is one more Main Story
mission left but I will tie up some loose ends first. I will now go back to
Wichita Gardens and save at my hideout there so I can get started with.....

| V.11. D-Ice [DCEI] |

D-Ice runs a gang called the Red Jacks who claim Wichita Gardens as their
turf. Most of his missions deal with getting rid of a rival gang called the
Purple Nines. He has five missions total and you can pick them up at the
phone icon east of your hideout.

| >DI1. "Uz-I Money" (D-Ice) |

| Overview \

D-Ice wants Claude to drive-by the Purple Nines to show them how a real
drive-by works.

| Weapons \

Uz-I (optional), Tank Gun (optional).

| Prep Work \

Have your Bulletproof Patriot saved at your Wichita Gardens garage prior to
the mission (optional). Have a Rhino saved at your Staunton Island garage

| Notes \

I had a gentleman named Shaun recommend to me another method using the
Rhino and I tried it out. It worked well enough to put into the guide.

I also had a reader, Lindsey Kids, make an additional suggestion concerning
the Rhino:

"i know i am a little late getting to GTA3, but i noticed that you said
on the mission "Uz-I Money" that you have to store a tank at the
Staunton Island place, the game remembers the place of tanks, so if you
just leave it there near your hideout, you can pick it up at any time."

| The Plan \

There are two ways to do this mission.....

The BulletProof Patriot
Take your Patriot and pick up the mission. When you start, you have two and
a half minutes to drive-by 20 Purple Nines. One of the problems with this
mission is that when you start drive-bying, you will get accosted by the
Hoods Rumpo XL vans that roam the Gardens. This will make things difficult
because they will do damage to your Patriot and throw off your aim.

But there is a place where you can drive-by and not worry about the Hoods
Rumpos. There is a stretch of road that runs from your hideout to the
parking lot behind your hideout. Just go up and down this stretch of road
to claim your victims. Since your Patriot is bulletproof, they can shoot it
up as much as they want and not do any damage.

The Rhino
Shaun wrote this to me commenting on "Uz-I Money".....

"On Uz-I $, the tank cannon counts as a drive-by killing. Just drive
around shooting everything. If your shot hits a billboard, it will
explode killing everyone nearby. If you blow up a car, and Purples who
die in the explosion count as kills.

I tried this out and it works pretty well. This is a nice method to use if
you were able to acquire a Rhino earlier in the game. The only place to
save the Rhino is at the Staunton Island garage so it will take some time
to get the tank to the mission pick-up point. Just go around the area and
use your Tank Gun to claim your victims.

After you get the last Purple Nine, the mission is completed. If you used
the Rhino, go and park it back at the Staunton Island garage so you can use
it later.

| Reward \


| >DI2. "Toyminator" (D-Ice) |

| Overview \

D-Ice tells Claude that the Purple Nines are using armored cars to help
sell their SPANK. D-Ice wants Claude to go to a van that has some stuff
that will destroy their armored vans.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

The van is parked in the parking lot behind your hideout. It is a Toyz Van
and the mission is a variant of the Toyz Van missions.

The differences are that you have four buggies to destroy three targets and
there is no time limit.

Find the three vans and destroy them with the buggies to complete the

| Reward \


| >DI3. "Rigged To Blow" (D-Ice) |

| Overview \

Somebody has rigged up D-Ice's car to blow but the wiring is all messed up.
He wants Claude to take the car to a place in St. Marks to defuse the bomb
and put the car back in its place.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

When you pick up the mission you have six minutes to get the car, an
Infernus, to the garage in St. Marks. Too many bumps during the trip and
the bomb will blow. The Infernus is parked in the parking lot behind your
hideout. Use the Gardens Shortcut to go to the Porter Tunnel and drive to

Don't worry about the Mafia when you arrive at St. Marks. Their hostility
has been turned off for this mission so all you have to do is get the car
into the garage.

After defusing the bomb, take the car back to Shoreside Vale. Repair the
car at the Pay 'N' Spray there and carefully drive it back to the parking
lot. You have to get it back there with no damage whatsoever. Any damage
and you will have to take it back to the Pay 'N' Spray.

Once you have it parked back in its original spot, the mission is

| Reward \


| >DI4. "Bullion Run" (D-Ice) |

| Overview \

A Federal Reserve plane has crashed near the airport and D-Ice wants Claude
to grab as much of the platinum that the plane dropped and take it to a
dropoff within Pike Creek. D-Ice warns Claude that the platinum is very
heavy and will slow him down.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

You may want to get a Hoods Rumpo XL and save it in your garage.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Take the Rumpo over to the phone to pick up the mission. When you pick up
the mission, you have six minutes to pick up at least 30 pieces of platinum
to one of D-Ice's garages in Pike Creek. This garage is at the Turtle Head
Fishing Co. Head over to the Hospital and on the south side is where you
will encounter the first of the platinum pieces.

After picking up a few pieces, you will attract the attention of the Cops.
Head left at the intersection then right at the next to make your way to
the garage picking up platinum as you go. If you can do this right, you can
get all of the pieces you need in one run. If not, use the Pay 'N' Spray to
repair your van before getting any more. Once you have gotten at least 30
pieces to the garage, the mission is completed.

| Reward \


| >DI5. "Rumble" (D-Ice) |

| Overview \

Despite their shrinking numbers, the Purple Nines still want to "bring it".
D-Ice wants Claude to meet his baby brother and face the Purple Nines in a
good old fashioned rumble.

| Weapons \

Baseball Bat.

| Prep Work \

Switch to your Baseball Bat prior to taking this mission.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

D-Ice's baby brother will be at your hideout. The only rules for this
contest is that there are to be no guns or cars: bats only. Drive to the
Beach Park.

Get out, stand in one place, and hold the Attack button. You should be
swinging your bat and hitting any Purple Nine that gets in your way. Just
keep swinging and after awhile you will knock down and nail all of the
Purple Nines to complete the mission.

| Reward \


And I have completed all of D-Ice's missions.

However, the phone will still ring and there will still be a blue mission
circle by it. This is so you can do "Rigged To Blow" again. I don't know
why you would need to do it again but it is there if you want to try to do
a better job.

And, more importantly, if you decide to do a New Game, you will run into
the infamous "Purple Nines Glitch". Go back to the chapter "The Purple
Nines Glitch (All Versions)" to find ways around this bug.

Now I will go back to Staunton Island and save there before starting

| V.12. King Courtney [KCRT] |

King Courtney is the leader of the Yardies who claim Newport as their turf.
He has four missions that can be picked up by the phone near Liberty Campus.

| >KC1. "Bling-Bling Scramble" (King Courtney) |

| Overview \

King Courtney is in need of a good driver and challenges Claude to a
checkpoint race against three other hopefuls.

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

Get a fast car, like a Yakuza Stinger, and save it at your garage
(optional). Have a Rhino saved at your garage (optional).

| Notes \

Got a new tip that worked pretty well from some named KWoBBS2.....

"In the KC1. "Bling-Bling Scramble" (King Courtney) mission, I found
that using the old Rhino works especially well...blowing up your
competition, then taking your good sweet time hitting each check

And I recently got another suggestion by Hari Vikram that works pretty good

| The Plan \

When you get the mission, take your fast car (or Rhino) and drive to the
blue circle near the Liberty Memorial Coliseum and turn south before
entering. When you stop in the blue circle, you will see the other three
cars come up to challenge you: a Patriot, a Cheetah, and a Bobcat.

When the race starts, you must be the first to a checkpoint. You have to
have more firsts than the other cars to successfully complete the race.

If you get more firsts than the other cars when the last checkpoint is
taken, you will then successfully complete the mission.

Of course, with the Rhino, you can just blow up your competition at the
starting line and get all of the checkpoints for yourself.

Then there's this method suggested to me by Hari Vikram:

Get the Rocket Launcher and make sure you have it ready when you enter your
car. This method works best if you use a real fast car like the Yakuza

When the race starts speed over to the first checkpoint but stop just
before you touch it. Get out of the car and aim the Rocket Launcher. If you
got to the checkpoint fast enough, the other cars should be way behind you.
This will give you enough time to stop, get out, aim, and blast the other
cars to bits. Then get back in your car and get all 15 checkpoints. If you
manage to blow up your car in the process just go get another one and

| Reward \

$1,000 times the numbers of checkpoints acquired (up to a maximum of

| >KC2. "Uz-I Rider" (King Courtney) |

| Overview \

King Courtney wants Claude to go over to Hepburn Heights to kill some
Diablos who have been dissing Queen Lizzy.

| Weapons \

Uz-I (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

When you start the mission, King Courtney will send over a couple of guys
to ride with you. They come up in a Perennial and the escorts are there to
make sure you don't leave the vehicle. They also give you an Uz-I to help
you out. Then make your way to Hepburn Heights to kill the Diablos.

You need to kill ten of them to successfully complete the mission. If you
drive-by them, you will attract their attention and they will try to yank
you from the car. Since your car is a lousy Perennial, they can do that
pretty easy. If they yank you from the car, you fail the mission.

The best thing to do is to run them over. Most times they won't come after
you because they just think of you as just another stupid driver. After
killing ten Diablos, make your way back to the blue circle in Yardie turf
to complete the mission.

| Reward \


Plus, the Diablos will now be hostile to you when you travel through
Hepburn Heights.

| >KC3. "Gangcar Round-Up" (King Courtney) |

| Overview \

King Courtney wants Claude to steal some gang cars so they can do some hits
on rival turf: a Mafia Sentinel, a Diablo Stallion, and a Yakuza Stinger.
He is to take them to a garage in Newport.

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

You may want to find and get the gang cars BEFORE doing the mission and
save them in your garages. This will make the mission easier. Thanks to
Scott Exeter for that suggestion.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

For the Mafia Sentinel, use the Porter Tunnel and turn left onto the
concrete embankment when you exit. The plan is to go behind the late
Salvatore Leone's mansion and get one parked in the front. Then go back
down the hillside north of the club and back to the garage to drop off the

For the Diablo Stallion, head into Hepburn Heights and jack one. Despite
the Diablo hostility this isn't hard to do.

For the Yakuza Stinger, head over to Asuka's Condo and take the one parked

If you damaged up the car too much, head over to the Pay 'N' Spray to have
it repaired before depositing. Or, if you don't mind a little cheating, you
can do what Hadley Box suggests:

"On 'Gangcar Roundup', you say you have to have the cars in mint
condition to be accepted by the garage, which is true. I'm guessing you
already know that if you input the health cheat inside a car the car
will go back to its original unharmed state, but it will still look
the same. So this is handy because if you get one of the 3 gangcars,
and mess it up real bad (almost to the point of it setting on fire) you
can just drive to the garage, input the health code and then the garage
will accept the car!"

When you deposit the last car, the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \


| >KC4. "Kingdom Come" (King Courtney) |

| Overview \

King Courtney wants Claude to get the stash from an old car in Bedford
Point for him.

| Weapons \

Main Gun (Rhino) (optional), Rocket Launcher (optional), Grenades
(optional), Molotovs (optional), Uz-I (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

Got some information from Danny Williamson.

| The Plan \

The car is parked in the Liberty Tree Offices above ground parking lot and
you have a minute and a half to get to the car. Go west from the phone and
hang a left going south along the four lane road that runs along the shore.
When you get to the car, you find a letter inside.....

"I hear you've been a busy boy. Well I've been a busy girl. I think it's
time you witnessed the real power of 'SPANK'! Besos y fuderes,
Catalina, xxx. PS: DIE PEEG DOG, DIE!!"

At that point, a van shows up near the main entrance and a SPANKed-up
madman exits. He has explosives attached to him and he will make his way to
your car and blow himself up against it.

There are a total of four vans that need to be destroyed. However, as Danny
Williamson pointed out, there is already a van in the parking lot. Destroy
it first before entering the car to make things easier.

When you regain control, turn the car around and ram the van near the main
entrance with it then get out. The impact plus the exploding bomber should
be enough to destroy it. Then run out into the street and go up the stairs
by the underground entrance.

There are an additional three vans (four total) that release an unlimited
number of suicide bombers that must be destroyed (plus any leftover
bombers) to complete the mission. Use the Rocket Launcher to destroy the
vans. Depending on where the remaining bombers are, you can use any other
weapon do destroy them. If they are on the far side, use the Rocket
Launcher. If they are close, use either the Grenades or the Molotovs.

If you have the Rhino, this becomes easier. When you get the tank on
Staunton Loop (West) going south, use the Tank Gun Boost to increase speed.
When you regain control after the cutscene, get out and quickly get into
your tank. The bombers won't try to yank you from the Rhino, they will just
explode against it so you are safe. Then use the Main Gun (rotate the gun
instead of moving the tank) to destroy the vans and bombers to complete the

| Reward \


And you have now completed all of King Courtney's missions.

However, the phone will still ring and there will be a blue mission circle
by it. This is so you can repeat "Bling-Bling Scramble" and try to get a
better score.

In addition, the Yardies will be now hostile to you, the main reason I
saved this one before the last Main Story Mission. Go back to your Wichita
Gardens hideout and save before doing the last mission.

At this point in the guide, I am at 99% completion and ready to do the
final Main Story Mission of the game.....

| V.13. Catalina [CTLN] |

Catalina is the woman who left Claude for dead at the beginning of the game.
She has also aligned herself with the Yardies and organized death squads to
hunt Claude down. She has one mission, the last mission, and it can be picked
up at the "C" at Cedar Grove.

You should also have at least $500,000 to do this mission but at this point
it is not a problem since you should have at least ten times that amount
from doing everything else beforehand.

| >C1. "The Exchange" (Catalina) |

| Overview \

When Claude arrives at the Villa, he is confronted by Catalina.....

"The real question is, did you turn up to rescue Maria or to get me
back? Well I got news for you, shooting you will be a pleasure but
dating you was only business. You are muy peccinno amigo. Throw over
the cash."

After looking the money over.....

"You have been a busy boy! But you haven't learned, I'm not to be
trusted. Kill the idiot."

But Claude overpowers his would be assassin and thus the final act

| Weapons \

Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle.

| Prep Work \

Have a fast car in your Wichita Gardens garage (optional). Have the
Bulletproof Patriot saved at your Wichita Gardens garage (optional).

| Notes \

Dennis Zoetebier came with an alternate method using the Bulletproof

I also had Charles Wooters come up with an interesting observation. He
noted that after you destroy Catalina, and the mission timer disappears,
that you can do whatever you want without getting any Wanted Ratings.
However, as I played around with this, is that I found out that this
actually begins when the mission starts.

I also had one reader, Robbert Houtman, write that, because he didn't have
the Rocket Launcher Weapon Icon at the Wichita Gardens Safehouse, he made a
run for Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus to get Rocket Launchers then made his
way back to the Cochrane Dam area. He still had about three minutes left to
do the rest of the mission.

| The Plan \

When the mission begins, run as quickly to the backside of the Villa as
fast as you can. You can't go back and fight these guards because you have
been stripped of all of your weapons. You also have seven minutes to get to
where Catalina has taken Maria, Cochrane Dam, and kill her. Run along the
backside and go to the garage that has a Cruiser and Body Armor inside it.
Then get into the Cruiser, get to the main gate, and run over the guards.

When you exit the Villa compound, you will see a chopper fly overhead. When
you regain control again, veer off the road and go into Wichita Gardens (go
over the small wall near the light-post). If the Cruiser survives the
plunge, go to your hideout. If not, grab another car and go to your
hideout. Get all of your Weapon Icons and go into your garage to get your
fast car.

Use the Gardens Shortcut and make your way to the dam's entrance. Cut
across the grass on your right when you near the hairpin turn, stop when
you get back to the street, and get out (regardless of whether you use the
Bulletproof Patriot or not). Use your Rocket Launcher and take out the two
Cruisers blocking the entrance. From your vantage point, you can only see
one but they can't fire on you either. Just fire on the one Cruiser and the
explosion will take them both out.

Get back into your vehicle and drive to the Sniper Rifle Icon at the turn
near the base of the dam. Use the Rocket Launcher again and destroy the two
Cruisers in front of you then use the Sniper Rifle on any other Columbians
you see.

Get back into your car and go to the first set of containers and get out.
Rocket the Barracks OL and snipe the other guards. Go back into your car
and go to next set of containers just past the exploded Barracks OL. Get
out and rocket the other Barracks OLs and snipe the remaining guards. Get
back into your car and proceed forward.

If you have the Bulletproof Patriot then just barge in after destroying the
second set of Cruisers. They can't hurt you with their guns. Just run some
of them over and get to the second set of containers.

Just as you get past the second set of containers, a cutscene ensues which
shows Catalina entering a helicopter. This helicopter launches rockets at
you when you are at the base of the dam. So after the cutscene finishes,
turn around and head back up the road then stop near CCD-J13.

The helicopter will go in a circular pattern going down toward the dam to
release its rockets then going back up near where you are at. When the
helicopter heads in your direction, rocket it to destroy it. When the
helicopter is destroyed, you kill Catalina and the timer will disappear.

Switch back to your Sniper Rifle and aim at the top of the dam building.
Believe it or not, you can actually see Maria and her captors from your
position when you zoom in with your Sniper Rifle. Take out the Columbians
that you can see then reenter your car, go back to the dam base, and stop
by the second set of containers.

It should be noted that this doesn't work on the Xbox version since the
Sniper Rifle can't zoom that far. You will have to sneak up the stairs to
take out Maria's guards at the top of the building.

Once back at the second set of containers, snipe any guards you see then go
to the stairs that leads to the top of the roof of the dam building. Take
out any remaining guards then walk up to Maria and rescue her to complete
the mission.

| Reward \

$1,000,000 ($500,000 plus the ransom money).

Plus, you've unlocked the Rhino at Phil Cassidy's Army Surplus. If you
haven't acquired the tank for the Emergency Crane list, take it from the
Army Surplus and deposit it to complete the list.

This should also get you the.....

| VI. 100% Completion Score [CPSC] |

And what is your reward for getting 100%? Well, nothing. Nothing except the
satisfaction of getting it. This was something that was fixed for the other
GTAs but here you get nada. Zero. Zip. But does this take away from this
great game? Not really. It is still a fun game even if you really get nothing
at the "end".

| VII. Hidden Text on the PS2 Disc [HTPD] |

If you place the PS2 version of GTA3 in a computer and look around on the
disc you may find a file called "american.gxt". If you open it in a text
editor you will find all sorts of garbage characters. But if you manage to
clean out some of the garbage, you may find some interesting stuff.

Stuff like text from missions and phone calls that were abandoned in the
early stages of development but were left within this file because the
programmers could slow down the progress of creation if they tried to remove

I copied some of the best stuff and cleaned it up so they can be presented


Here's an alternate version of what the angry store owner says to you during
"Shima" (Kenji Kasen):

Owner: "I can't pay you and I wouldn't pay you if I could! Some young gang
just jacked out the place! They took everything! You guys are
useless. What kind of Yakuza are YOU anyway...? This ain't what I pay
you goons for. If I wanted this kind of protection I'd have used the
god damn Police service."


Here's an alternate version of what Maria says at the end of the game:

Maria: "I broke a nail, and my hair's ruined. Can you believe it? This one
cost me fifty dollars! I was so scared, but then I thought to myself,
you're a big girl now. Oh we're going to have such fun, cause, you
know, my sister said she wanted to come to stay with her two kids,
because her husband's playing around again and..XXXX"


I wonder where this was supposed to go:



This is only a part of some of the interesting stuff that is found in the
"american.gxt" file. It's not an easy thing to sort through but it is cool to
look around and see all of the stuff they left behind "on the cutting room

And that, my friends, completes the guide. I sincerely hope that this
document has helped you as much as I had fun playing the game. Now it is time
to close the book but there is one more thing to do first.....

| VIII. Credits |

Credits and thanks go out to the following:

>>Rockstar Games
For creating one of the best games ever made and for giving me the single
biggest reason to go and get a PlayStation 2.

>>GameFAQs, IGN, CheatCC, Cheats.de, GamerHelper, GamersTemple, SuperCheats,
TheGenie, and many other guides sites
For providing a place for writers like myself to publish our work and
help other gamers while indulging in one of our favorite pastimes.

>>Apple Computers and Bare Bones Software
For making, IMHO, the best computers (especially my Intel Mac Mini) and
for making the best text programs (BBEdit Lite and TextWrangler) for the

>>Sony and MicroSoft
For putting out two very good consoles: the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox.

For creating user made missions that were in previous versions of the
guide (since removed) and can be found on its own Custom Mission FAQ


>>Glen T. Winstein
For probably being the single biggest fan of my GTA related work.

And finally, my biggest thanks of all goes to you the reader (and especially
those who have made suggestions that made it into the guide as well as those
who took the time to say nice things about this document).

| IX. Conclusion |

So now I've come to the end of yet another gaming adventure and looking
forward to new ones. I hope that my guide helps you in getting the most out
of "Grand Theft Auto III".

Remember, if you have any comments and suggestions, you can contact me .

=======================the end==================================

Grand Theft Auto III: FAQ/Walkthrough by RARusk
Version 5.5, Last Updated 2008-01-08 View/Download Original File
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