
Advent Rising:(xbox)faq/walkthrough

Advent Rising:(xbox)faq/walkthrough

Version 1.2 - (April 23, 2005) - Corrected a few errors here and there.
Thanks to Charlie for emailing me about one.


I. Introduction

II. Script Dialogue

A. Prologue

B. Chapter 1

C. Chapter 2

D. Chapter 3

E. Chapter 4

F. Chapter 5

G. Chapter 6

H. Epilogue

III. Song Lyrics ("Greater Lights")



Hello and welcome to my script dialogue FAQ. This document contains every
spoken word from every cutscene within Advent Rising and then some. I went
ahead and added the gameplay segments also. Please enjoy the FAQ and if you
have any questions, comments, or see any mistakes that I have made then do not
hesitate to email me at berserker_kev@yahoo.com...I want bite your head off, I
promise. ^_^

A big chunk of the script was taken from some sub files located on the disc
for Advent Rising (yes there are some on there), but I had to go through and
edit a bunch of it to match the final version of the game. Major kudos go to
Barnolde for getting me a copy of them. There is a thread on the Advent
Rising Majesco message boards that may be of interest to some of you, it is
where I posted up most of the dialogue along with a few deleted lines that
were apparently taken out of the script for the final version of the game. If
you're interested, then go to the following url...



- Prologue First Contact -

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 1 --

Flight Commander: Captain Wyeth, we'll be clearing the atmosphere shortly.
Confirm separation in twenty.

Gideon: Confirming twenty.

Flight Commander: And sir, good luck.

Gideon: Thanks.

Flight Commander: Release in 3, 2, 1.

Ethan: Shuttle Pilot this is Luriam Com, uhhh, do you always make your
approaches upside-down.

Gideon: (laughs) Hey Ethan! Ah, you know that this view is one of my favorite
things about being a pilot. I thought you weren't going to be on station
until later today?

Ethan: You know better than anyone that flying faster than regulation speed is
one of my favorite things.

Gideon: True, so who do I need to get fired for letting you in Coms?

Ethan: That information is classified...but I've got an appointment with her
when we get back from out mission.

Gideon: One of the benefits of being a famous pilot?

Ethan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the way, here's your flight plan. Wait till you
see the alien ship with your own eyes. The vids they've been showing don't do
it justice.

Gideon: Woah, how big is this thing?

Ethan: It's...big. Watch out for secondaries from the alien vessel, their
activity back and forth from the surface has been increasing. C & C is still
trying to figure out why.

Gideon: Copy that, starting my...woah. Ethan...

Ethan: I know, I know. Now little brother, with the whole station watching,
could you do me a personal favor? Straighten out your shuttle and try not to
hit the large alien ship.

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 2 --

no dialogue

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 3 --

Ethan: Hey little brother. What took you so long?

Gideon: Ethan.

Ethan: I hope you're thirsty.

Gideon: Why?

Ethan: Because you're dumb and ugly, but I can do something about thirsty.

Ethan: So what will you have?

Gideon: I need something fresh, something with flavor?

Bartender: A good flavor or just a strong flavor?

Gideon: Good and strong!

Ethan: Just good. We're both designated drivers.

Gideon: I can't believe they held up the mission for me.

Ethan: Well, they didn't. It took three days to do a complete language dump.

Gideon: A what?

Ethan: They have a computer that translates, so we sent them everything ever
written in our language so it could learn.

Gideon: Everything? Doesn't that tell them dangerous things, like our level of

Ethan: Their technology is so far ahead of ours it doesn't matter. If they
want to destroy us we can't stop them.

Gideon: So what about us? Do we get to go aboard the alien ship?

Ethan: They better not try to keep us off the first alien ship to visit

Gideon: Unless the legends are true and Edagior really was destroyed by

Ethan: There was never a planet called Edagior, so were not from it. Good
job. Not much dribbling.

Gideon: It's nice to drink something that wasn't generated from sewage.

Ethan: What do you think all those fresh fruits grow in?

Gideon: (grunts)

Bud: Oh, excuse me. I thought you were some other war hero's suck up brother.

Gideon: I think he wants a fight.

Bud: Yeah, let's see what ya got.

Ethan: Gideon, the copilot of the first alien contact party can't go starting
a barroom brawl.

Gideon: You sure about that?

Ethan: Yeah. That's the pilot's job.

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 4 --

Olivia: Gideon Wyeth...what are you doing?

Gideon: Olivia! I'm helping some marines with their combat training.

Olivia: You're getting your uniform all dirty.

Gideon: These guys keep rubbing their blood all over me...(grunts)

Olivia: This has gone on long enough, now they're getting my clothes dirty.

Bud: Excuse me mum, but I can't kill'em if you're in the way.

Olivia: Excuse me then, I'll move. You see Gideon, you just have to know how
to talk to them.

Gideon: Owww!

Olivia: Oh (giggles), did I hurt you? Good. You're both so stupid...getting
into a fight when you're on the verge of the most important mission in
history. You're due for preflight briefing in ten minutes, but were you
coming to look for your fiancée? No, you were making "kissee kissee" with a
bunch of marines.

Gideon: That doesn't mean I love you any less Olivia.

Ethan: Yeah, well, he did it for you.

Olivia: Oh? What, one of them insulted me?

Ethan: They didn't mention you. Naturally, he had to beat'em up.

Olivia: (laughs) I'm still mad at you. When you finish your briefing, I'll be
in my lab.

Ethan: I've got a couple of things to do before the briefing. I'll meet you
at mission prep.

-- Training Cutscene --

Marine: Captain Wyeth, your brother isn't in the briefing room yet, and I was
told to give you quick refresher on sidearms use.

Gideon: I've already been trained.

Marine: You've been trained in hand-to-hand combat too, but it looks like you
forgot...a lot.

First exercise...

Marine: Now we're going to do some basic type coordination training. I know,
I know, it's baby stuff, but I gotta check you off on an immediate test before
we move onto anything dangerous or fun. Ok captain, I need to calibrate the
ranks to your weapon site. Please target each of the colored lights as they

After first exercise...

Marine: As the colored lights appear captain, I'm going to need to fire at the
corresponding enemy hologram. You see the red light, you fire at the red guy,
yadda yadda yadda. Uh, if you can't figure this one out, you'll be required
to wear a helmet at dinner.

Upon finishing training...

Marine: Thanks for the visit captain. It's been a real treat. It sounds like
your presence is requested down in the tactical combat training room. Please
move to the open elevator to proceed to the TCT room.

As you enter the TCT room...

Instructor: Welcome to the Luriam Skystation Holographic Tactical Combat
training room, here you will be confronted with enemy combatant sims sequenced
along urban combat protocol vectors. They'll be using live ammo captain, so
please, take the time to familiarize yourself with the medical stations
located around the arena. They'll provide you with a burst of tight core
nanomeds thus saving us the costly waste of recessitation or funeral expenses.
Please proceed through either of the armatures and arm yourself with a
provided weapon to begin your training. The door will open momentarily.

About the Faust C41 (pistol)...

Instructor: Standard military issue Faust C41, a .90 caliber concussion pistol
with armor piercing rounds. Ok, I'm going to send in your first squad of
combatants. These sims are set on a primary level captain, let's found out
how you got your rank. Your big brother hasn't shown up yet...engage.

About the Rockwell Young XJ9 (Assault Rifle)...

Instructor: This here's model is a Rockwell Young XJ9 with ceramic pistons
release shaft and submounted grenade launcher. If your disregard for safety
and procedure is as deeply rooted as I suspect you might enjoy wielding one in
each hand. Our moneys on you losing a finger in the next five minutes.

About the graviset...

Instructor: The panel on the wall right there is the TCT room graviset in most
areas on Luriam we use it to easily lift and maneuver heavy objects and
equipment. Here, however, we've found all kinds of interesting uses for it.

About the Talmage 50.08 (rocket launcher)...

Instructor: So you're interested in the big boy guns huh? This is the Talmage
50.08, a nasty little tank gun that loads up to 3 molipack self-propelled
rockets. These rockets can be fired along a straight vector or alternately
guided along a sonic pathway.

First Checkpoint

Instructor: Congratulations Captain Wyeth. I'm sending in another group of
digital bad guys at a higher tactical setting. Hmph, you've got an audience
captain! A group of marines just showed up and they're itching to go head to
head with you. Sounds like you've been making friends in the local bar. As
soon as you're done playing around in there come join me back in the TCT
control room and we'll get you prepped for live combat.

Second time

Instructor: Ok, I'll send in the next round of sims. As soon as you want to
face off with the real thing just come back into the control room.

Third time

Instructor: Loading the next squad. Looks like you're enjoying this sir

Fourth time

Instructor: Hey, I'm going to go take my lunch break...mind turning off the
lights when you're done here.

Return to TCT room...

Instructor: Ok, now that you're done playing with toys lets get down to
business. Looks like Bud and his squad swapped practice sessions with the
next group scheduled to be in here, just to play with you! What an honor!
This will be a live combat exercise. Your weapons will be replaced with
senaptic stun pistols on a lower setting, but there is still a chance for
injury in this scenario, so please use caution and restraint, but also be
aware that you will be sorely mocked for anything less than victory.

Ethan: Hey little brother!

Instructor: The other team is now set up Captain Wyeth, and if I'm not
mistaken you're esteemed brother just entered. Welcome sir! It's an honor
just to have you here. Will you be joining your broth...I mean the captain
for the next round?

Ethan: Yeah.

Instructor: Very well sir! Please arm yourself with a stunner and enter the

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 5 --

Ethan: Good work Gideon!

Bud: The game was rigged!

Marine: It's always rigged for grunts like us Bud. Get used to it.

Ethan: Maybe there's a reason why I'm an officer and you're not.

Bud: I'm sick of emo's like you showing no respect for the soldiers who do all
the grunt work. (grunts)

(shots fired)

Ethan: Hey, loose the pistol!

Marine: This isn't the time Bud!

(shots fired)

Gameplay dialogue

Ethan: The gun! Get the gun!

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 6 (Kill Bud) --

Commander: Cease firing! We've called a medical officer and the MP's.

Marine: You didn't have to kill him!

Ethan: Your friend was shooting to kill. If you didn't want him dead why
didn't you stun him? You did the right thing Gideon...this guy was gonna keep
coming after you.

Major 1: He's dead.

Major 2: We've already reviewed the session vids...clear case of self defense.

Marine: He picked a fight with Bud in the bar.

Major 2: We saw the vids. We know who had it in for who. Now, get out here
if you don't want to get arrested yourself!

-- Prologue First Contact Scene 8 (stun Bud) --

Bud: Ahhh...

Marine 1: Hey, thanks for not offing him.

Marine 2: He gets crazy sometimes, but he's not a bad guy.

Commander: Everybody drop your weapons. Nobody go anywhere! MP's are on
their way.

Marine 1: We won't let him try anything again.

Ethan: If he does, I'll kill him.

Bud: Awww...

Major: We've seen the vids on this...clear case of assault. This boy's going
to the brig for a few years and he's never gonna go into space again.

Marine 2: Good marine, stupid guy.

Ethan: The only stupid guy here is my brother.

Gideon: Look, I thought I could stop him without killing him. It was my call
and I was right.

Ethan: Yeah...this time.

- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation -

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 1 --

Major: Attention. You can come in now Ambassador Landwell.

Ambassador: Thank you major.

Major: My men will have this under control, but we don't know what to expect.
I want you properly armed. This is the Haze Blaster, it's still in prototype,
but these have been tested and they work. If things go wrong, our assignment
is to protect the ambassador. Your assignment is to return to the ship and
get it ready for takeoff.

Female Aurelian: (native tongue)

Female Aurelian: (native tongue)

Major: Here you put it in your ear. You're expendable.

Ethan: Gideon used to put shiny things in his ear when he was a baby too.

Gideon: Ah...ahhh, ok, that doesn't feel good. It's taking root.

Female Aurelian: (native tongue)

Female Aurelian: Now, do you understand me?

Gideon: Yes, I do.

Ambassador: What's she saying?

Gideon: It's the universal translator. It's painless.

Kelehm: Sisters and brothers, prepare yourselves. What we have searched for
so long we know will see. Please beg the glorious human visitors to enter.
We've searched a long time. Many lifetimes our people have looked for you,
glorious humans...survivors.

Enorym: Kelehm, you have proven right, though I doubt it. These appear to be

Ambassador: Please, don't kneel to us. It's wrong.

Enorym: We came in the hope to save you from the Seekers, but we failed.

Ambassador: The Seekers?

Enorym: Those who destroyed your ancient home world.

Kelehm: We thought our voyage was secret, but as soon as we received your
broadcast signals, someone on the cargo ship sent a message capsule, now they
will come...and this time they will leave no survivors.

Ambassador: How long do we have?

Enorym: Maybe two days, probably less.

Major: Two days! What can we do in two days!

Enorym: This is a great tragedy...you will all be killed.

Major: What kind of weapons will they be using?

Kelehm: They throw rocks.

Major: Rocks? They throw rocks?

Kelehm: Asteroids...

Gideon: If there's nothing we can do then why did you come.

Ethan: Gideon you're not the ambassador.

Ambassador: If there's nothing we can do then why did you come.

Kelehm: The Aurelian people are ashamed to have brought such calamity upon
glorious humans. We pray to all the gods that some of you survive.

Ambassador: How? How will we survive?

Kelehm: I promise, all that we can do to help human survivors, we will do.

Gideon: On the whole, I'd say that went pretty well, apart from finding out
that the human race is doomed...everybody was polite, and they were really
apologetic about getting us all wiped out.

Major: We're not wiped out yet. We have weapons.

Ethan: Our ships have the power to blast small asteroids out of the way.

Major: It's better than nothing.

Gideon: It is nothing.

Major: Look, we're not going down without a fight.

Enorym: May all your enemies loose their way.

Kelehm: It will be a great victory if any humans survive.

Gideon: What the...!

Ethan: So much for two days!

Ethan: Time to abandon ship!

Gideon: No way. They're blowing up the escape capsules anyway...might as well
just stick with the ship.

Ethan: We're a big fat target and half the maneuvering rockets aren't

Gideon: So it will be an ugly landing.

Ethan: You're the expert on ugly landings. You take us in.

Gideon: Are you all right?

Ethan: I have a heartbeat...and my right knee want hold me.

Gideon: I've got you. Come on.

Ethan: That...was the lousiest landing I've ever seen.

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 2 --

Ethan: Give me your weapon.

Gideon: That's your plan. Give the gun to the cripple?

Ethan: Look, I'm a better shot and you're too busy helping me walk.

Gideon: (Sigh) Someday you're going to trust me.

Gideon: What the...?

Ethan: Come on! Let's move!

Gideon: What are they doing?

Ethan: It looks like it's scanning him.

Gideon: What are they looking for?

Ethan: How would I know.

Gideon: Let's...not get scanned.

Gideon: I think you just trapped everybody else in there with the Seekers!

Ethan: And how many of them do you think were gonna get out of there alive?

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 3 --

Gideon: Doesn't look like Olivia is here.

Ethan: I'll stay here and help protect the pods. You go get Olivia.

Gideon: No Ethan, you go now. Separate pods!

Ethan: Don't be stupid. I can't trust these guys to hold a pod for you. Now

Gideon: Wish me luck.

Ethan: Wait, you'll need this more than I will. Find Olivia and get back fast.

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiations Scene 4 --

Gideon: Egan, is Olivia still down in the science center.

Egan: They're scanning everybody! They're taking most of the scientists.

Gideon: But Olivia...is she?

Egan: I haven't seen her but if she's there, she's in trouble.

Girl: Are there any escape pods left!?

Gideon: Lots. Go for it.

Marine: We can't let them get through to the escape pods!

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 5 --

Gideon: Uh, Hey gorgeous.

Olivia: You shouldn't have come back for me. We'll never make it to the
escape pods from here.

Gideon: Don't worry. Ethan is holding one for us.

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 6 --

Gideon: Better go back into that room, Liv.

Seeker Commander: Where are the soldiers I left here?

Gideon: I killed them.

Seeker Commander: Why don't you little worms give up and die?

Gideon: And miss the chance to kill monsters like you?

Seeker Commander: Yes, I'm a monster. The only question now is do I kill you
quickly or do I pull you apart with my bare hands?

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 7 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 8 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 1 Hostile Negotiation Scene 9 --

Gideon: Come on, just a little farther.

Olivia: I hope a few thousand of them fry when the station burns up on

Ethan: Gideon, you found her!

Gideon: Ethan! You're not dead.

Ethan: Not for lack of trying. Get her into a pod!

Olivia: I can run it alone.

Gideon: It's a shooting gallery between here and the pods. I have to be with
you to cover you.

Ethan: So, take her and go!

Olivia: Help your brother.

- Chapter 2 Surface Tension -

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension (Save Ethan) --

Gideon: Olivia! Get your hands off her! No! Olivia!

Ethan: If I'm dead, please tell me so I don't have to keep going.

Gideon: You're alive, I'm alive.

Ethan: We're in the middle of nowhere and I can't walk real good right now.

Gideon: So sit there and rest while I look around.

Ethan: Oh man.

Gideon: We've got to get out of here!

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension (Save Olivia) --

Gideon: Mph! Ethan! Don't you touch him. No! Ethan!

Gideon: Let me look around and see if there's anything here we could use.

Gideon: Aw man...

Olivia: They're not going to bother with us are they?

Gideon: Yes they are!

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension Beginning Gameplay (Save Ethan) --

Ethan: Ugh...my leg is still busted up. (sigh) We're gonna need some wheels
if we want to get to Bar Hahn within the year.

Gideon: Hmm, I think I see a port station over there. You wait here, I'm
going to requisition something.

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension Beginning Gameplay (Save Olivia) --

Olivia: I...I don't think I can walk. We need to get to the Bar Hahn
platforms before these aliens.

Olivia: Hey how do we get to military road up there?

Gideon: Hmm, I think I see a port station over there. You wait here, I'm
going to requisition something.

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension Scene 3 (Save Ethan) --

Driver: You two were the only ones in that pod?

Gideon: Yes Sir. We were with Ambassador Landwell.

Driver: You two were the pilots, Ethan and Gideon Wyeth?

Gideon: Yeah.

Driver: That definitely takes precedence over my mission. Get these toys
turned around. We're getting these two heroes on board.

Gideon: Ethan needs medical attention.

Ethan: I'm fine.

Gideon: As you can see, he's delirious.

Driver: All right, get the casualty into that scythe and get him to the medic
at the base.

Ethan: I'm not going to go to some med center while Gideon gets all the glory.

Gideon: No body in government wants you to bleed all over their fancy office
carpet. Now shut up and get some treatment so you're actually good for
something when it's time to fight again.

Ethan: Well, when you explain it calmly and reasonably.

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension Scene 2 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 2 Surface Tension Scene 3 (Save Olivia) --

Driver: You two were the only ones in that pod?

Gideon: Yes Sir. We were with Ambassador Landwell. My brother was the pilot.

Driver: You were with Ambassador Landwell's party? Your brother is Ethan

Gideon: Was. They got him just as our pod took off.

Driver: I'm sorry man.

Gideon: We've got to get Olivia to a doctor. She got shot just as we were
boarding the pod.

Driver: We're not far from a hardened underground base. We can send her in
one of the scythe's and I'll take you...

Gideon: I'm staying with her.

Olivia: I'll be fine Gideon, go with him.

-- Chapter 2 Hostile Negotiation Scene 4 --

no dialogue

- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda -

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 1 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 2 --

Paulsen: Hey flyboy! Are you coming or are you waiting to catch a plane.

Gideon: I'm going to try to avoid those from now on. You guys mind if I

Marine 4: This guys got some balls. Lets go Paulsen. Corporal wants us at
comcen stat.

Gideon: Wait, you guys headed over to the Command Center. I'm supposed to
meet Admiral Torn there.

Paulsen: Whoa! You Wyeth?

Gideon: Yeah.

Paulsen: Hop in Sir. There's a general call out to bring you in. My
apologies for the...uh.

Gideon: Don't worry about it soldier.

Gideon: We flyboys tend to deserve our reputation as jerks.

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 3 --

Gideon: Ahhhhhhhh!

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 4 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 5 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 6 --

Gideon: Ahhhhhh!

Gideon: Waaaaaahhhhhh!

Gideon: Wah! Ugh!

Gideon: Mph!

Gideon: Ugh.

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 7 --

Admiral Torn: Yes.

Gideon: Sir, Captain Gideon Wyeth reporting

Admiral Torn: Gideon Wyeth. I thought we had his brother. I must say I'm
fairly surprised to see you here in one piece. Sounds like you've had an
interesting trip through high orbit to get here. We'll have to discuss that

Gideon: Yes Sir.

Admiral Torn: For now who these bastards are and what they want. The few
reports I was able to pick up from Lurium before she fell are sketchy at best.
They've hit every major population center, every military base, I, sigh, we've
never seen this kind of military power before. You were on the Ambassadorial
Shuttle, right Captain.

Gideon: Yes sir. The species we met with seemed to be...

Admiral Torn: Species? So the reports of this being an entirely different
group of buggers are true.

Gideon: Yes sir. This new element seems to be concerned with some sort of
scanning of the human brain. It appears that they are searching for
something. I witnessed multiple...targets, both military and civilian,
summarily executed following the scanning.

Admiral Torn: Searching for something, sigh, some of my advisors have put that
idea forward as well. Have you seen them take any prisoners?

Marine 4: General, Sir. Priority line from deep four wide band coded urgent,

Admiral Torn: Thanks, private. This is Torn. Yes, that would explain the
withdrawal sir. But what about our ballistic...all gone? (sigh) Yes sir,
thank you.

Admiral Torn: I suggest you find a way off planet as soon as you can, son.

Gideon: Sir?

Admiral Torn: I'm telling you now before the panic starts. Find a ship. The
sirens will be starting shortly.

Gideon: But what about you sir? Can I...

Admiral Torn: I'll be staying here Captain. This is going to be something to
see...really something.

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 9 (Save Ethan) --

Gideon: You know Bar Hahn better than I do. Where's the nearest military
launch platform?

Ethan: The ships will all be spoken for and blocked off. We need to get over
to the civic sector and hotwire something, that's our only chance.

Gideon: Did you seriously just say hotwire?

Ethan: I'm just saying we'll need to get in a ship using any means necessary.

-- Chapter 3 Extinction Agenda Scene 9 (Save Olivia) --

Gideon: We need to get off this planet now.

Olivia: There's a civilian airstrip just north of the med labs.

- Chapter 4 The Awakening -

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 1 (Save Ethan) --

Marin: Where do you think you're going?

Gideon: Hey, hey, hey, hey, we need to get out of here.

Marin: Who doesn't? Ask him if we have any room.

Gideon: You don't understand. We were on the alien contact ship. We have
information that may be crucial to the survival of...

Marin: How do I know you're not lying to try and grab my ship like these

Gideon: Listen we...

Ethan: Let me handle this, Gid. I'm Ethan Wyeth flight commander of the...

Marin: Uh, I know who you are.

Ethan: OK and this is my brother Gideon. Please Captain...

Marin: Steele. Captain Marin Steel. You should have said something earlier
Mr. Wyeth. With all the flak coming down I could use some men who can handle
dorsal cannons in a dogfight.

Ethan: I'd imagine you'd like some help prepping for take off.

Marin: Oh sure, sure. Do you think you can handle keeping our boarding ramp
free from any more uninvited visitors.

Marin: The engine's hot. Let's move!

Gideon: Here we go!

Marin: Hang on, it's gonna get rough. OK, let's punch a hole through this
mess. Now what, enemy fighters headed this way. Take the guns!

Gideon: I'm on it.

Marin: Whoa! That was close!

Marin: Are you ready yet, Wyeth. Let's see if you can give me enough open
space to get outta here in one piece.

Marin: There's two more headed back our way.

Gideon: I'm on it, I'm on it. These things are fast.

Gideon: Let's move!

Marin: Not too bad, Wyeth! Maybe I'll keep you around. OK, I think we're
good. Where, where's everyone...where's everyone else? Stat Com do you read?
Come in Stat Com. I'll try military channels.

Radio Chatter: Be advised we are tracking something different. This thing is

Marin: What the...Wah!

Radio Chatter: It's coming in even faster than the others. Report to
evacuation points immediately.

Marin: Wyeth get up here!

Marin: This can't be...Okay, okay we need to get in touch with any other ships
that made it past. Can we do that? Is anyone there? Can someone hear me?
What's going on? Is our com unit busted. I wonder if the shock from the...

Gideon: Hold on, hold on. Go back. I think I can tell what they're saying.

Marin: What!?

Ethan: My brother got an alien party favor stuck in his ear while we were on
their ship. Helps him understand their weird language. What are they saying,

Gideon: It's a call, a plea for any surviving human ships. They offer
assistance and they want a...

Marin: Assistance, you can't be serious.

Gideon: No, no, no. These are the first beings that we met with. They're
friendly, almost too friendly. We were welcomed onto their ship like gods. I
think they were trying to warn us of the attack.

Marin: So I'm supposed to believe that there are not only one but two advanced
alien species out there with a simultaneous interest in little old Edumea. I
mean millions of years go by without so much as a "Hello there" from the great
beyond and for some reason they both pick today to come out of the closet.

Gideon: The Aurelians, our first contacts, were trying to get here first to
warn us.

Marin: Nice timing.

Gideon: And now they may be our only chance of surviving. How many days worth
of 02 does this ship hold? Do you think we have enough fuel to find another
planet in the next star system over?

Marin: You're asking me to trust an impression you got from a handshake.

Ethan: Captain, listen to the com. The rest of the bands are silent. There's
no one else out there.

Marin: Call your friends Gideon.

-- Chapter 4 Extinction Agenda Scene 1 (Save Olivia) --

Marin: Where do you think you're going?

Gideon: Hey, hey, hey, hey, we need to get out of here.

Marin: Who doesn't? Ask him if we have any room.

Gideon: You don't understand. We were on the alien contact ship. We have
information that may be crucial to the survival of...

Marin: How do I know you're not lying to try and grab my ship like these

Gideon: Listen...

Olivia: Please forgive his excitement, uh Captain?

Marin: Steele, Captain Marin Steele.

Olivia: Captain Steele, what he was saying is true. We were both stationed on
Lurium and have vital information that...

Marin: So who are you?

Olivia: I'm Dr. Olivia Morgan and...

Marin: You're a doctor?

Olivia: Uh yes, I am. I

Marin: What about him?

Gideon: My name's Gideon Wyeth and I...

Olivia: He's a pilot.

Marin: Well, why didn't you say something earlier Mr. Wyeth, with all the flak
coming down I could use someone who can handle dorsal cannons in a dogfight.
Come on then, I'm just about finished flight prep. Do you think you can
handle keeping our boarding ramp free from any more uninvited visitors?

Marin: The engine's hot. Let's move!

Gideon: Here we go!

Marin: Hang on, it's gonna get rough. OK, let's punch a hole through this

Marin: Now what, enemy fighters headed this way. Take the guns!

Gideon: I'm on it!

Marin: Whoa! That was close!

Marin: Are you ready yet, Wyeth. Let's see if you can give me enough open
space to get outta here in one piece.

Olivia: There's two more headed back our way.

Gideon: I'm on it, I'm on it. These things are fast.

Gideon: Let's move.

Marin: Not too bad Wyeth! Maybe I'll keep you around.

Marin: Ok, I think we're clear.

Marin: Where, where is everyone, where is everyone else? Stat Com do you
read, come in Stat Com. I'll try military channels.

Radio Chatter: Be advised we are tracking something different. This thing is

Marin: What the...wah!

Radio Chatter: It's coming in even faster than the others. Report to
evacuation points immediately

Marin: Wyeth, get up here!

Marin: This can't be. Okay, okay we need to get in touch with any other ships
that made it past. Can we do that? Is anyone there, can someone hear me?

Marin: What's going on? Is our com unit busted? I wonder if the shock from

Gideon: Hold on...Hold on...go back. I think I can tell what they're saying.

Marin: What!?

Olivia: Remember the worm in his ear that I mentioned earlier? Apparently
it's a sophisticated universal translator that's loosely related to the common
sea slug.

Olivia: What are they saying Gideon?

Gideon: It's a call, a plea for any surviving human ships. They offer
assistance and they want a...

Marin: Assistance, you can't be serious.

Gideon: No, no, no. These are the first beings that we met with. They're
friendly, almost too friendly. We were welcomed onto their ship like gods. I
think they were trying to warn us of the attack.

Marin: So I'm supposed to believe that there are not only one but two advanced
alien species out there with a simultaneous interest in little old Edumea. I
mean millions of years go by without so much as a Hello there from the great
beyond and for some reason they both pick today to come out of the closet.

Gideon: The Aurelians, our first contacts, were trying to get here first to
warn us.

Marin: Nice timing.

Gideon: And now they may be our only chance of surviving. How many days worth
of 02 does this ship hold? Do you think we have enough fuel to find another
planet in the next star system over?

Marin: You're asking me to trust an impression you got from a handshake.

Ethan: Captain, listen to the com. The rest of the bands are silent. There's
no one else out there.

Marin: Call your friends Gideon.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 4 (continued) --

Enorym: Greetings Exhalted Ones. Our supply of translation implants was lost
aboard the mothership so we pray gesture will suffice.

Gideon: Ah, Sir. I was on the diplomatic shuttle and was able to get one
before all hell broke loose.

Enorym: Interesting. Our joy in this association can only be overshadowed by
the monstrous tragedy you have suffered.

Kelehm: The N'Kul, the beings who savaged your world, they prefer the
benevolent title of Seeker. It is a term which the civilized universe has
never been able to see past...

Enorym: Until now...When the galactic senate hears of this, that our long held
suspicions are true...

Kelehm: Patience my friend, we will deal with further strategies when we reach
Aurelia. Until then, we have honored guests hungry for comfort and truth.

Kelehm: I imagined you would eventually find me here.

Gideon: Earlier you mentioned something...something about hidden powers?

Kelehm: I am a remnant of the ancient religion, human. All of the civilized
races have individuals with the seeds of this power. Our prophecies say that
the humans are the originators and the masters and that through them our own
shall blossom.

Gideon: Do you have this gift?

Kelehm: I do, human. It is my hope that with it I can kindle something inside
of you.

Gideon: Well I've never been any good at magic tricks.

Kelehm: Oh no, human. This is something far greater than any trick. This is
your purpose and it courses through every cell of your body.

Gideon: Okay, so what can you do, with this power I mean?

Kelehm: Gideon, this is the sum total of a being's undeniable confidence. A
power which. If harnessed can bend all the energy of the stars to your

Gideon: So this power is a weapon.

Kelehm: Interesting that you would infer that. So the human would have me
teach him.

Gideon: Hold on, I'm not a believer yet.

Kelehm: Very well. See the shell here on the table in front of you?

Kelehm: Watch! I have never been able to sustain it for so long. Are the
sayings true?

Gideon: Sayings? Hey, how are you...?

Kelehm: And through their presence shall all be made strong.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 2 --

Marin: Good timing. Looks like were about to come out of hyperspace.

Enorym: You see before you my home world Exhalted Ones. The famed beauty of
the undying seas await us.

Aurelian 1: Commander, Seeker Destroyer off starboard. They're charging

Enorym: This cannot be! We'll never stand a chance against that kind of

Enorym: Seran, bring us inside their firing radius. Get me close enough to
smell the dirty beasts.

Aurelian 1: But Commander, their shields will tear us apart.

Enorym: All crew are ordered to don their vacuum gear and abandon ship. My
brave warriors what lays ahead may be the deadliest challenge of your lives.

Enorym: Our foe has gone unchallenged and unbeaten for centuries. It is my
hope that this assault will find them overconfident and unprepared.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 3 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 4 --

Seeker Elite: A human, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...Oh! This is too good.

Gideon: You destroyed my world!

Seeker Elite: Oh dear, the little savage is upset.

Seeker Elite: I have personally slain more of your pitiful kind than ever
lived on that sad little rock you call home. You are going to wish you had
died with the rest of your sorry world. My kind has perfected the art of
slaughtering humans, little man. You are about to learn how deep pain can go.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening (Gameplay segment when Enorym calls for help) --

Kelehm: Quick everyone, defensive positions. We must hold command deck at all

Kelehm: (over radio) Master Enorym we have the command deck.

Enorym: We're pinned down in the second hangar! Send reinforcements!

Kelehm: Gideon!

Gideon: Yes sir!

Kelehm: Take those three soldiers and go to the hangar, Enorym needs you!

Marin: Be careful you bone-headed showoff! This isn't the time for glory.

Gideon: I don't have time to flirt with you know Marin!

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 5 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 6 --

Enorym: This is a very bad situation.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 7 (Save Ethan) --

Gideon: Mmph!

Gideon: Urgh!

Gideon: Wahhhhh!

Gideon: (heavy breathing)

Gideon: Gah!

Gideon: (coughing)

Ethan: May Day! We are taking water fast. If anyone is listening...

Gideon: I've gotta get over there!

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 7 (Save Olivia) --

Gideon: Mmph!

Gideon: Urgh!

Gideon: Wahhhhh!

Gideon: (heavy breathing)

Gideon: Gah!

Gideon: (coughing)

Olivia: Is anyone there!? We need help! Anyone...

Gideon: I've gotta get over there!

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 8 (Save Ethan) --

Gideon: Wah!

Marin: Hey, its Gideon!

Ethan: Hurry little brother, it's getting damp in here.

Gideon: Ughhh!

Gideon: Ughhh, I can't hold it.

Ethan: Gideon!

Gideon: Eh! Ethan!

Gideon: Ughhh, Ethan! No! No! Ethan! Ethan!

Enorym: They are lost. There is nothing we can do. Don't let their sacrifice
be in vain.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 8 (Save Olivia) --

Gideon: Wah!

Marin: Gideon? Hey, it's Gideon!

Olivia: Gideon? Oh no!

Gideon: Ughhh!

Gideon: Ughhh, I can't hold it.

Olivia: Gideon!

Gideon: Eh! Olivia!

Gideon: No! Nooooo! Olivia!

Kelehm: They are lost. There is nothing we can do. Don't let their sacrifice
be in vain.

-- Chapter 4 The Awakening Scene 8 (continued) --

Kelehm: My son, my son...

Enorym: This is not easy Exhalted One and I fear we are not through with such
tragedies until our goal is met but our fiery entry into Aurelia's skies did
not go unnoticed and this beach will soon be crawling with Seekers. We must
put aside our grief for a moment and focus on survival.

Kelehm: Can we not give them a moment, Enorym? They have lost so much.

Enorym: I can only dare to imagine their pain, Wise One. But my duty is to
preserve their lives. We must get off this beach and out of site before their
scouts arrive.

Gideon: I know I'm not the only one who suffered loss today. So we need to
get away from the crash site...away and into cover. Enorym, where can we go
until we figure out what to do next?

Enorym: The city of Arniss lies on the other side of this canyon, Exhalted
One. There we will find protection and brave allies.

Gideon: I'm sick of people dying for me.

- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines -

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 1 --

Kelehm: And so, our suspicions were once again proven true, my fellow council
members. It is now beyond a doubt the N'Kul, the Seekers, have a dark and
murderous face the galactic society has never seen. We find that they have
been stabbing at the very heart of our most deeply held faith. These four-
legged charlatans must be exposed...

Sevan: Charlatans? What an interesting label you would so dismissively toss
at the beings who have freely given us the reasons as to build the very
structure you stand in today.

Gideon: Who is this guy?

Enorym: Counselor Sevan. He's from the North in Archipelago.

Gideon: He looks like he has an icicle shoved up his...

Enorym: Very observant, Exhalted One. Counselor Sevan is our Ambassador with
the planet side N'Kul.

Marin: Maybe they put the icicle there.

Enorym: Please, Exhalted One, do not make me regret giving you a translator.

Kelehm: Our race, Counselor, has been in indentured servitude for a thousand
years for it.

Sevan: Exactly ten centuries of labor given faithfully through blood and tears
into your suspicious hands and you would throw it to the wind based on your
feeble suspicions and nightmares.

Kelehm: We are no longer talking of suspicions and nightmares, Sevan. We are
talking about the mass murder of an entire people.

Sevan: Our Seeker benefactors have the power to grind us back into the puddles
our ancestors crawled from and you think it wise to turn and challenge them at
the very cusp of our freedom.

Kelehm: You seem to have become something very different from the rest of us,
Sevan...something very different indeed.

Kelehm: And as for your animal suspicions, I have something here that you
might find interesting, or someone. Enorym, if you will.

Seeker Ambassador: This council meeting is over. The council is to dissolve
their membership and any submissions they may have offered are to be held...

Kelehm: How dare you!? This is a planetary ruling council and you are in
breach of galactic law and when the Senate hears of this...

Seeker Ambassador: Enough! You pathetic worms have gone too far!

Kelehm: Now we see the true face of our masters.

Seeker Ambassador: (growls)

Seeker Ambassador: Seal off this chamber...the rest of you can start the

Enorym: You foul monsters! You want blood. Come and taste mine!

Enorym: No!

Gideon: Nooo!

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 2 --

Seeker Ambassador: Human, stop. You do not realize that I am on your side.

Gideon: My side, what do you mean you're on my side?

Seeker Ambassador: There are those who will want to meet you. Powerful beings
who can open up unlimited avenues of possibility for one like yourself.

Gideon: What powerful beings?

Bounty Hunter: (gibberish)

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 3 --

Bounty Hunter: (gibberish)

Bounty Hunter: Hold still...hold still or I'll skin you alive.

Bounty Hunter: I can see now why they were worried. I had hoped to take you

Gideon: Ughhh! Ugh.

Bounty Hunter: I have never seen a bounty this high...maybe your corpse will
buy a new world.

Bounty Hunter: Oh! Ughhh! Ah...Ahhhhh.

Enorym: It should now be plain to all gathered here that the Seeker threat is
real and pressing. We must take the fight to them. As long as they have the
faster than light communication capability of their ansible tower, they will
be pulling all of their forces to defend N'Kul's strong points and hold out
until their homeworld reinforcements arrive. If the main Seeker Armada turns
its eye upon our little world, my bretheren, we will surely suffer the same
fate as thousands of worlds before us. We need to make sure they never do.
Our spies have successfully sabotaged the ansible. We need to strike hard and
fast and take the capability out of their hands permanently.

Enorym: We will be inserted into a valley south of the Ansible. From there we
will move through the tunnels until we reach the temple annex. This plan
depends on our stealth and speed to be successful. The Aurelian fleet should
be over our head shortly after we have the cannons in our possession. We will
be outnumbered and out-gunned, my brethren. Charge your weapons and ready
your blades.

Marin: What's wrong? Forget where the trigger is?

Gideon: You know it just occurred to me that this is the only thing I have
left from home.

Marin: You mean you forgot to pack underwear. Hey I was just kidding, you're
underwear's your own business.

Gideon: You can't come on this mission, Marin.

Marin: Oh yes I can!

Gideon: Let me explain. There's nothing left of our world. Nothing left of
humanity. To venture out on a ridiculously dangerous mission with both of
us...I don't know what I was thinking...If I lost you, I mean if either of us
were lost.

Marin: Gideon, I...I don't, wait...why should you get to stay. I've got way
more experience than you.

Gideon: If things go bad here, one of us needs to find a way to get past the
Seeker Armada and stand before the Galactic Senate. The Seekers need to be
unmasked. Humanity's voice must be heard. If I fail, if we can't shut down
this, this ansible then you, you're humanity's last hope.

Marin: OK, you've made your point.

Enorym: What is the delay, Exhalted Ones.

Marin: Dad grounded me.

Gideon: What she means to say is that after some consideration Marin will
return to Arniss with the drop ship.

Enorym: I am relieved by the wisdom displayed by the Exhalted.

Banath: Commander, the enemy sentries are swinging back towards our location,
we must move now.

Enorym: There has been a change of plan, Banath. You are to take two of your
Felidic Guard and escort this Exhalted One back to Arniss. There you will
keep her under close guard until this mission is fulfilled.

Banath: But, but, Commander, this mission is already a long shot...to cripple
ourselves from the onset by losing three of our best.

Enorym: I have given you a command, Banath. This outburst is beneath your
discipline. Call your Guard and move on my orders now!

Enorym: He is my fiercest warrior and most able Captain. Forgive his passion
Exhalted Ones for therein lies his greatest strength.

Enorym: Our troops are prepared. Now we must move. Farewell Exhalted One.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines (Beginning gameplay) --

Felidic Warrior: Exhalted one, our spies report that a network of tunnels
through these surrounding cliffs will lead us to the temple entrance.

Felidic Warrior: From there we can slip unnoticed into the ansible base and
work our mischief.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines (Inside the first small cave) --

Felidic Warrior 1: These tunnels are so empty. Does it not strike you as

Felidic Warrior 2: The arrogance of the Seekers is legendary. Why waste
personal guarding that which is overseiged by their all powerful sky cams.

Felidic Warrior 1: Silence. I here movement in the tunnel above.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 4 --

Aurelian 1: Commander, the target is operational. I repeat, the target is

Enorym: Our data indicated that it would be another day until the Ansible was

Aurelian 1: The Ansible is fully recovered from our earlier attack and is
currently charging for a new mission. Agent 2 reports that Ambassador Kchell
is in route from Auralt.

Enorym: This message must not be sent.

Aurelian 1: Yes, Commander. Hold on...I'm receiving multiple incoming...no!

Enorym: Akao, report. Akao, what is your status?

Felidic Warrior: Sir...

Enorym: Our plans have changed. The Ansible must be taken down or all the
wrath of the N'Kul Armada will descend upon our world. The Seeker artillery
must be in our hands before the fleet arrives. I will take Sarkin with me
into the tower. Danos, you will lead the remainder of the squad to the temple

Felidic Warrior: There are several new patrols caught in the entrance to the
temple. We must take these patrols quickly and leave no survivors to warn the
base. Our goal is at the other end of this valley.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 5 --

Gideon: Um, guys, you know...shouldn't we be...

Felidic Warrior: A moment human. This place is secret to us. The Seekers made
a grave error in building their fortress on an Aurelian holy site.

Gideon: Kay

Felidic Warrior: Make no mistake human. This was a deliberate and intended
slight. It is common Seeker strategy to demoralize an indentured people by
turning their most treasured sights into Seeker fortresses.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines (Once the temple is entered) -

Felidic Warrior: The antiquity of these sacred halls...

Felidic Warrior: I am reverenced.

Felidic Warrior: The architects of this holy place was surely inspired.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 6 --

Felidic Warrior: The bridge of Erdan has held for ten thousand years, human.
It will hold for a little longer.

Seeker Commander: This incursion ends here! (growls)

Felidic Warrior: Human, if we can just break through and put those doors at
our back, we might be able to stem this tide.

Seeker Commander: Surrender filth, surrender and die!

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 7 --

Gideon: What is this?

Felidic Warrior: This is the hope of Aurelia, human. All that we see is
noble and good and pure. All that we aspire to is held in that symbol. It is
held in you.

Gideon: I, I never understood.

Felidic Warrior: It is a heavy weight you carry, human. Apox of history, the
tides of war, the blood of nations, all this is laid at your feet.

Gideon: But, I, I...how can I be possibly held to...I mean it's not...

Felidic Warrior: It is not easy being God.

Felidic Warrior: What, what has just happened.

Gideon: That room, it was waiting for me...has been waiting for me...waiting
for so, so long.

Felidic Warrior: We must move now before the Seekers circle around the bridge.

Gideon: Yes, yes. Let's go.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 8 --

Felidic Warrior: We need to get that grate open.

Gideon: Stand back.

Felidic Warrior: I had not realized the, uh, heh, conveniences accompanied
with diety.

Gideon: Ugh, I'm gonna feel that one in the morning.

Felidic Warrior: This door will not open unless we trigger the release switch.

Gideon: I'll get it. Where's the switch?

Felidic Warrior: Down there. You are brave human.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 9 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 10 --

no dialogue

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 11 --

Gideon: Has Marin gotten word of what happened? She'll want to hear about the
ridiculously flawless victory we pulled off without her.

Enorym: (laughs) The Exhalted One will delight in relaying his heroism, it
would appear.

Gideon: Come on Enorym. Is it wrong for me to be excited about overcoming
incredible odds and defeating an enemy who's not only evil but annoyingly

Enorym: Well no, Exhalted One but...

Gideon: And doing it with such style!

Enorym: Now I suspect that it is my translator that is malfunctioning.
Banath, my friend, can you connect me to the Council. Our next steps will
need to be taken swiftly.

Felidic Warrior: Commander, I'm getting word from the Capital. There has
been a coup!

Gideon: A coup! But who would do this. I thought we had routed out all of
the opposition. Did Sevan have any other admirers? He seemed like the type
that would surround himself with other types...

Banath: With true Aurelians who don't want the blood of our people shed in
vain. I will not see our milennial debt spurned.

Enorym: Banath, you do not know what you do. If we fail to move quickly on
the Seeker forces scattered around the planet they will be able to organize
and keep us off balance until their off world fleets arrive. You are
condemning our world to annihilation.

Banath: No Commander, you did that by willfully challenging our rightful
patrons with your embarrassing accusations. You have forced our hand
Commander and we can only hope to pull something from the ashes by giving you
and your conspirators to the Seekers, with our deepest apologies.

Gideon: And you really think that your loving patrons will let this go with a
slap on the wrist? I've seen what these bastards do to worlds they don't
like. They erase them!

Banath: That will be enough from you! I always found the old religion to be

Enorym: Banath, thus you seal your doom!

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines Scene 12 --

Sevan: So now it becomes painfully obvious that this, this traitor, has sold
off centuries of labor and trust, for what, for a myth? Will the destruction
of our world, the wholesale eradication of our race, be worth the discovery of
these hairly little primitives, Enorym?

Enorym: You irrelevant fool...Sevan, you have become one of them haven't you?
Have you not seen what these humans are capable of? The Seekers are killing
them because they are terrified of the powers they possess.

Sevan: If these humans are so amazingly powerful, wise Enorym then why are
they practically extinct!?

Enorym: This debate is pointless, Sevan. None of us here belong to the old
faith. The few members of the council who did, left when the coup began.
We're not here to validate the deity of these humans. Let us get this
sentencing over with and move on.

Aurelian 2: Yes, what has been the Seeker response to the coup?

Sevan: The Seekers vow that their response will be measured as long as we
deliver the rest of the complicit party as we take them into custody.

Gideon: The rest?

Sevan: We have already delivered one of your Exhalted Ones into their hands,
the other will be there shortly.

Gideon: This ends now.

Sevan: You, the troglodyte dares intrude upon our deliberations!

Banath: It appears a blow to the head was not enough to teach you proper
etiquette, human. Perhaps something more direct is required.

-- Chapter 5 Crossed Lines (After Banath is defeated) --

Gideon: Where is Marin?

Sevan: Your female is safe. We had to make a trade for the survival of our
world. The Seekers would accept nothing else.

Enorym: Exhalted One, we must go. I know where the N'Kul will be holding
Marin. If you wish to live long enough to save her, we must go now.

- Chapter 6 Turning Tides -

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 1 --

Gideon: What's going on? Where did they go?

Enorym: They have pulled back to regroup for the final onslaught. It has been
a highest honor...

Enorym: Halt! These are ours. Status report.

Felidic Warrior: We just secured the main ports and transit points of upper
Arniss. The Eastern rebels defenses are crumbling and their Seeker support is
falling back to the islands. We've won Commander.

Enorym: This victory will not be complete until every last Seeker claw is torn
from our world. We have much to do.

Enorym: We have caught an enemy unprepared. It is an enemy, nonetheless, who
outnumbers our fleet two to one. Who has superior weapons and hard
fortifications. Three wings of our fleet have trapped the remnants of the
Seeker Armada in the skies above the main Seeker base on the Island of Teran.
The rest of the fleet is converging on this point. The Seekers see this base
as the anchor to their rule over our world and are confident they can hold it
indefinitely. We are about to prove otherwise. We rise from the water with
the coming dawn and burn these demons from off our world in one fatal strike.
The entirety of our fleet will strike at dawn as well and fill the air with
such fire and noise as has not been seen on this world since its creation.
Dawn approaches brethren...hone your blades.

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 2 --

No dialogue.

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 3 --

No dialogue.

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 4 --

Gideon: (catches breath)

Gideon: Oh, my head.

Gideon: Ahhh...

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 5 --

No dialogue.

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 6 --

No dialogue.

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 7 --

No dialogue.

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 8 --

Marin: (shots fired)

Gideon: Marin. Marin, it's me!

Marin: Gideon! No, get out of here!

Marin: You don't know what this thing can do.

Marin: Wahhhh!

-- Chapter 6 Turning Tides Scene 9 --

Skinwalker: (growls and yells)

Gideon: (sigh of relief)

Enorym: Exhalted one...Gideon!

Gideon: This is Gideon, what's wrong?

Enorym: Our dismantle teams have just discovered a massive self-destruct
system. It is triggered to go off shortly. You must leave! Where can
we...leave you...at point.

Marin: Typical!

Gideon: We've gotta go. We're pretty deep underground. Hope you brought your
running shoes.

Marin: What are you talking about? We're standing on a landing platform.
Cover me, while I get this thing airborne.

- Epilogue Pulling Strings -

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings Scene 1 --

(Aurelian crowd cheers)

Gideon: You've gone local on me. (clears throat) I kinda like it, it's

Marin: Is it going to be hard leaving so soon, Enorym? It seems as though we
just arrived.

Enorym: It is always difficult to leave my home, exhalted one but the home I
leave now is very different now from the Aurelia I left to find you.

Gideon: How so?

Enorym: It is a place filled with hope, never before have my people stood so
united, the possibilities spread out before us seem limitless, we need to be
down to the envoy vessel shortly, my friends so I'd better go and make some
final assignations. If you'll excuse me.

Marin: Did he really just call us...friends?

Gideon: Ha...I thought my translator had gone buggy.

Marin: I wonder what this galactic senate is going to be like? It seems like
I'm still getting use to the strangeness of this world.

Gideon: I don't know, Enorym said that there are some races out there even
make the Seekers look tame.

Marin: Is it to late to change my flight?

Gideon: Hey! Come on...no worries, man...you happen to be traveling with
someone who can shoot fire out of his hands.

Marin: (laughs) Oh, Gideon there's something I've been wanting to tell you...

Gideon: Finally...

Marin: Well you're not the only demigod on this flight.

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings: Scene 2 --

Credits (See Song Lyrics section for lyrics to "Greater Lights"

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings: Scene 3 (Female Koroem, Save Ethan) --

Red Judge: The senate recognizes Commander Enorym Tensburgh, envoy from the
client world Aurelia.

Enorym: Members of the senate, I have come before you today with news that is
both shocking and unavoidable. The N'Kul have been carrying out a program of
systematic genocide for eons against a race that is both defenseless and
unaware, a race which has long been thought as nothing more than myth and
superstition, this race we know as "human".

Red Judge: These charges are serious and damaging envoy. You had better
provide ample and undeniable proof of these heinous accusations.

Enorym: Members of the senate, I present to you a spokesman, the human Gideon

Gideon: I am here to accuse the Seekers of destroying my world. I was witness
to their bloody arrival on Edumea, their deliberate and directed murder of my
fellow people, and the complete eradication of my...

Wolf Senator: This is simply unbelievable! These charges are preposterous!
The Seekers are responsible for the sapiency of many of us in this very room!

One-eyed Senator: I recommend that you use your bonded sapiency senator, for
this data is undeniable!

Red Judge: The N'Kul have requested the floor, as is the right of the accused.
Senator Mega, how do you wish to respond to this?

Senator Mega: These ridiculous and obviously fabricated accusations are
unworthy of a response your honor.

Red Judge: The evidence is in front of us all Senator. If you wish to debate
its authenticity then provide us with your counterproof. You and your race
stand on the brink of being accused of the greatest crime in the history of
civilization. I will ask you one more time Senator...

Koroem: Hello my love.

Gideon: Hmm? Olivia?

Koroem: This drama has gone on for long enough. You look upon a true human my
children. Your collective histories, your countless religions, all bear
witness to me. You know this to be true. The beauty of my divine form has
been worshipfully rendered by your artist since time immemorial. This small
hairy thing which stands before you today is the pathetic of remnant of an
over ambitious race which were too proud to worship me and my kind. They even
dared to emulate our divine forms. This crude blasphemy--this sacrilege--was
too abhorrent for us to allow. They were warned, they were commanded, yet
still these arrogant fools ignored our council. We concluded that only the
most stringent actions could end this order. We enlisted the faithful N'Kul--
whom you aptly herald as Seekers--and commanded them to clean this arrogant
race from off the face of our galaxy. I come here before you today to absolve
them of any crimes. I come here for another reason as well, my children, to
return from the shadows of power, to retake our throne of stars, to rule our
scattered children once more. Rejoice, my children, for your gods have

Enorym: No! This is a lie! I have seen the true power of humanity. This
creature intends to deceive us...

Gideon: No!! Enorym!

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings: Scene 3 (Male Koroem, Save Olivia) --

Red Judge: The senate recognizes Commander Enorym Tensburgh, envoy from the
client world Aurelia.

Enorym: Members of the senate, I have come before you today with news that is
both shocking and unavoidable. The N'Kul have been carrying out a program of
systematic genocide for eons against a race that is both defenseless and
unaware, a race which has long been thought as nothing more than myth and
superstition, this race we know as "human".

Red Judge: These charges are serious and damaging envoy. You had better
provide ample and undeniable proof of these heinous accusations.

Enorym: Members of the senate, I present to you a spokesman, the human Gideon

Gideon: I am here to accuse the Seekers of destroying my world. I was witness
to their bloody arrival on Edumea, their deliberate and directed murder of my
fellow people, and the complete eradication of my...

Wolf Senator: This is simply unbelievable! These charges are preposterous!
The Seekers are responsible for the sapiency of many of us in this very room!

One-eyed Senator: I recommend that you use your bonded sapiency senator, for
this data is undeniable!

Red Judge: The N'Kul have requested the floor, as is the right of the accused.
Senator Mega, how do you wish to respond to this?

Senator Mega: These ridiculous and obviously fabricated accusations are
unworthy of a response your honor.

Red Judge: The evidence is in front of us all Senator. If you wish to debate
its authenticity then provide us with your counterproof. You and your race
stand on the brink of being accused of the greatest crime in the history of
civilization. I will ask you one more time Senator...

Koroem: Hello brother.

Gideon: Ethan.

Koroem: This drama has gone on for long enough. You look upon a true human my
children. Your collective histories, your countless religions, all bear
witness to me. You know this to be true. The beauty of my divine form has
been worshipfully rendered by your artist since time immemorial. This small
hairy thing which stands before you today is the pathetic of remnant of an
over ambitious race which were too proud to worship me and my kind. They even
dared to emulate our divine forms. This crude blasphemy--this sacrilege--was
too abhorrent for us to allow. They were warned, they were commanded, yet
still these arrogant fools ignored our council. We concluded that only the
most stringent actions could end this order. We enlisted the faithful N'Kul--
whom you aptly herald as Seekers--and commanded them to clean this arrogant
race from off the face of our galaxy. I come here before you today to absolve
them of any crimes. I come here for another reason as well, my children, to
return from the shadows of power, to retake our throne of stars, to rule our
scattered children once more. Rejoice, my children, for your gods have

Enorym: No! This is a lie! I have seen the true power of humanity. This
creature intends to deceive us...

Gideon: No!! Enorym!

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings Scene 4 (Female Koroem, Save Ethan) --

Gideon: You have the face of someone I once loved.

Koroem: This ends now, the pain will be intense, my love.

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings Scene 4 (Male Koroem, Save Olivia)--

Gideon: You have the face of someone I once loved, but you are not him.

Koroem: I tire of this. Give my regards to oblivion!

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings Scene 5 (Female & Male Koroem) --

Koroem: (screams of pain)

Gideon: (catches breath)

Gideon: Ahhhhh!!!

Gideon: Ahhhhhhh!!

Gideon: (breathes heavy) Uh.

-- Epilogue Pulling Strings Scene 6 --

Gideon: (breathes heavy)

The Stranger: Come with me human. There is much to be done.



---------------------------the end------------------------------

Advent Rising: Game Script by Berserker
Version 1.2, Last Updated 2006-04-23 View/Download Original File
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