
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories: (ps2)FAQ/Walkthrough

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories: FAQ/Walkthrough

| I. Introduction And General Information (IAGI) |

1. Who Am I?
(MYST) 2. My Setup
(FRAU) 3. From the Author
(ABTG) 4. About The Guide
(SBMS) 5. Submissions
(GTLC) 6. "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories"
(XPTV) 7. Xploder HDTV Data
(CTRS) 8. Controls and Vehicles
A. On Foot
B. In Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats
C. In the Rhino
(TMSC) 9. The Main Screen
(GMNU) 10. Game Menus
(WPNS) 11. Weapons
(HBPA) 12. Health, Body Armor, Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons
(LWFM) 13. Law Enforcement
(UPNS) 14. Using a Pay 'N' Spray
(BSTD) 15. Busted
(WSTD) 16. Wasted
(PVMS) 17. Police Vehicles and Vigilante Missions
(MCYC) 18. Motorcycle Details
A. Faggio
B. Sanchez
C. Angel and Freeway
D. PCJ-600
(OTFT) 19. Outfits
(ATIF) 20. Advanced Tips And Information
(CPLT) 21. 100% Completion List

| II. Portland Island (PTLI) |

1. In The Beginning.....
(BDMS) 2. Before Doing The Main Story Missions
(YSFH) 3. Your Safehouse
(PTLM) 4. Portland Island Landmarks
(PTWI) 5. Portland Island Weapons And Items
(HDPX) 6. Hidden Packages Explained
(HPPT) 7. Hidden Packages (Portland Island)
(ABMS) 8. Ambulance Mission
(NPKM) 9. Noodle Punk Mission
(FTMS) 10. Firetruck Mission
(VGMP) 11. Vigilante Mission (Police Car)
(RPXP) 12. Rampages Explained
(RMPT) 13. Rampages (Portland Island)
(USTX) 14. Unique Stunt Jumps Explained
(USJP) 15. Unique Stunt Jumps (Portland Island)
(TXMS) 16. Taxi Mission
(TDPT) 17. "Trash Dash" (Portland Island)
(SCPC) 18. "Scrapyard Challenge"
(RCTD) 19. "RC Triad Take-Down"
(THRC) 20. "Thrashin' RC"
(BSPT) 21. The Backseat Shooter Side-Missions (Portland Island)
A. The Machine Gun Ammo Trick
B. "9mm Mayhem"
C. "Scooter Shooter"

(BPGD) 22. "Bumps And Grinds"
(WSTR) 23. "Wong Side Of The Tracks"
(GNER) 24. Going to Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale Early
A. The Grey Hell Warp
B. The Post Drop
C. The Predator Jump
D. The "AWOL Angel" Wanted Rating Trick
E. What You Can Do
F. Early Explorer Bonus

| III. The Main Story Missions (TMSM) |

(VNCL) 1. Vincenzo Cilli
V1. "Slacker" (Vincenzo Cilli)
V2. "Dealing Revenge" (Vincenzo Cilli)
(CSCA) 2. "Car Salesman" (Capital Autos)
V3. "Snuff" (Vincenzo Cilli)
V4. "Smash And Grab" (Vincenzo Cilli)
V5. "Hot Wheels" (Vincenzo Cilli)
(JDTL) 3. JD O'Toole
J1. "Bone Voyeur!" (JD O'Toole)
J2. "Don In 60 Seconds" (JD O'Toole)
J3. "A Volatile Situation" (JD O'Toole)
J4. "Blow Up 'Dolls'" (JD O'Toole)
(MCPR) 4. Ma Cipriani
C1. "Snappy Dresser" (Ma Cipriani)
C2. "Big Rumble In Little China" (Ma Cipriani)
C3. "Grease Sucho" (Ma Cipriani)
(LRDR) 5. "Low Rider Rumble"
C4. "Dead Meat" (Ma Cipriani)
C5. "No Son Of Mine" (Ma Cipriani)
(SALN) 6. Salvatore Leone
S1. "The Offer" (Salvatore Leone)
S2. "Ho Selecta!" (Salvatore Leone)
S3. "Frighteners" (Salvatore Leone)
(AVPI) 7. "Avenging Angels" (Portland Island)
S4. "Rollercoaster Ride" (Salvatore Leone)
(MRLN) 8. Maria Leone
M1. "Shop 'Til You Strop" (Maria Leone)
M2. "Taken For A Ride" (Maria Leone)
M3. "Booby Prize" (Maria Leone)
(RLGR) 9. "Red Light Racing"
M4. "Biker Heat" (Maria Leone)
M5. "Overdose Of Trouble" (Maria Leone)
S6. "Contra-Banned" (Salvatore Leone)
J5. "Salvatore's Salvation" (JD O'Toole)
J6. "The Guns Of Leone" (JD O'Toole)
J7. "Calm Before The Storm" (JD O'Toole)
J8. "The Made Man" (JD O'Toole)
V6. "The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade" (Vincenzo Cilli)
(SLTV) 10. "Slash TV"
S7. "Sindacco Sabotage" (Salvatore Leone)
S8. "The Trouble With Triads" (Salvatore Leone)
S9. "Driving Mr. Leone" (Salvatore Leone)

| IV. Staunton Island (STLD) |

(TULM) 1. Staunton Island Landmarks
(TUWI) 2. Staunton Island Weapons And Items
(HPTU) 3. Hidden Packages (Staunton Island)
(RMTU) 4. Rampages (Staunton Island)
(USJT) 5. Unique Stunt Jumps (Staunton Island)
(LMGA) 6. Love Media's "Car-azy Car Give Away"
(RGRC) 7. "Ragin' RC"
(BSHC) 8. "Bike Salesman" (Hogs & Cogs)
(JPZM) 9. Joe's Pizza Mission
(GGFG) 10. "Go Go Faggio"
(DMDH) 11. "Deimos Dash"
(TRTT) 12. "Torrington TT"
(AVTU) 13. "Avenging Angels" (Staunton Island)
(TDTU) 14. "Trash Dash" (Staunton Island)
S10. "A Walk In The Park" (Salvatore Leone)
S11. "Making Toni" (Salvatore Leone)
(DNLV) 15. Donald Love
D1. "The Morgue Party Candidate" (Donald Love)
D2. "Steering The Vote" (Donald Love)
D3. "Cam-Pain" (Donald Love)
D4. "Friggin' The Riggin'" (Donald Love)
D5. "Love & Bullets" (Donald Love)
D6. "Counterfeit Count" (Donald Love)
(CHCF) 16. Church Confessional
H1. "L.C. Confidential" (Church Confessional)
H2. "The Passion Of The Heist" (Church Confessional)
H3. "Karmageddon" (Church Confessional)
(KRMG) 17. "Karmageddon"
H4. "False Idols" (Church Confessional)
S12. "Caught In The Act" (Salvatore Leone)
S13. "Search And Rescue" (Salvatore Leone)
S14. "Taking The Peace" (Salvatore Leone)
S15. "Shoot The Messenger" (Salvatore Leone)
(LNMC) 18. Leon McAffrey
R1. "Sayonara Sindaccos" (Leon McAffrey)
R2. "The Whole 9 Yardies" (Leon McAffrey)
R3. "Crazy '69'" (Leon McAffrey)
R4. "Night Of The Livid Dreads" (Leon McAffrey)
R5. "Munitions Dump" (Leon McAffrey)
D7. "Love On The Rocks" (Donald Love)

| V. Shoreside Vale (SHVL) |

(SVLM) 1. Shoreside Vale Landmarks
(SVWI) 2. Shoreside Vale Weapons And Items
(HPSV) 3. Hidden Packages (Shoreside Vale)
(RMSV) 4. Rampages (Shoreside Vale)
(USJV) 5. Unique Stunt Jumps (Shoreside Vale)
(OBRH) 6. Obtaining a Rhino
(VGMR) 7. Vigilante Mission (Rhino)
(CHRC) 8. "Chasin' RC"
(SSBF) 9. "See The Sight Before Your Flight"
(BSSV) 10. The Backseat Shooter Side-Missions (Shoreside Vale)
A. "AWOL Angel"
(GSGP) 11. "Gangsta GP"
(WIRN) 12. "Wi-Cheetah Run"
(AVSV) 13. "Avenging Angels" (Shoreside Vale)
(TDSV) 14. "Trash Dash" (Shoreside Vale)
S16. "Rough Justice" (Salvatore Leone)
S17. "Dead Reckoning" (Salvatore Leone)
S18. "Shogun Showdown" (Salvatore Leone)
(TSKS) 15. Toshiko Kasen
T1. "More Deadly Than The Male" (Toshiko Kasen)
T2. "Cash Clash" (Toshiko Kasen)
T3. "A Date With Death" (Toshiko Kasen)
T4. "Cash In Kazuki's Chips" (Toshiko Kasen)
D8. "Panlantic Land Grab" (Donald Love)
D9. "Stop The Press" (Donald Love)
D10. "Morgue Party Resurrection" (Donald Love)
EB1. "No Money, Mo' Problems" (8-Ball)
EB2. "Bringing The House Down" (8-Ball)
D11. "Love On The Run" (Donald Love)
S19. "The Shoreside Redemption" (Salvatore Leone)
S20. "The Sicilian Gambit" (Salvatore Leone)

| VI. 100% Completion Score (CPSC) |

| VII. Credits |

| VIII. Conclusion |

| I. Introduction And General Information [IAGI] |
| I.1. Who Am I? |

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a hardcore gamer with about 30+ years
of gaming experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasArts
Games, Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco
Cyberstation - Pier 39, San Francisco, CA).

I also own multiple systems such as the Sega Dreamcast, Super Nintendo,
Nintendo 64, Atari Jaguar, PlayStation 1 and 2, Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I currently work at JCPenneys at one of the malls here in San Antonio, TX.
Retail isn't the best job in the world but JCPenneys is a very stable company
unlike some of the other places I have worked for in the past like internet
service providers or web programming companies.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. I have extended the
play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many times over
plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also what one may call an RGB enthusiast. I hack my game consoles to try
to get the best possible video from them and that usually involves tapping
into the RGB Analog video signals and using them on the right monitors to
achieve my desires. To this end I became a member of the GamesX.com mod forum
and I post regularly on their "RGB + Video Discussions" forum area.

As far as favorite sports teams go my teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA)
[the local team], the Denver Broncos (NFL) [although I live in Texas I am
originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado], and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA

| I.2. My Setup [MYST] |

This guide was constructed using TextWrangler 2.1.2 on a 1.5Ghz Single Core
Intel Mac Mini. I view my work in Safari to help in seeing how it would look
on the web and correct format errors.

I also play GTA:LCS on my NEC MultiSync 3D RGB monitor using a homebrew RGB
box that contains a EL1883 (MacroVision compatible) sync separation chip to
acquire video sync, for RGB use, from Composite Video.

When I do my writing and guide revisions I run my Mac (on a Dell monitor)
alongside the PS2 (on my MultiSync 3D monitor). This way I can simultaneously
play and make changes to the guide at the same time.

GTA:LCS takes up space on 11 of those memory cards.

These memory cards allow me to quickly go and try out new ideas (and modify
old ones) when they occur to me or suggested by others.

| I.3. From The Author [FRAU] |

Welcome to my "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" guide! If this is the
first time you have visited, you will find a lot of useful information in a
highly organized format that you can use to beat all of the missions of the

Quotes taken from readers' e-mail are presented "as is" and may include
spelling and grammatical errors.

When I first posted the initial version of my Vice City guide, which was my
first guide, I did not know how well it would go over and how many people
would respond. I wasn't exactly swamped with e-mail but I do get letters from

And, of course, I want to give a special thanks to all those who have taken
the time to write to me and tell me what you thought, make suggestions, and
ask questions.

With that said, let's get down to business shall we?.....

| I.4. About The Guide [ABTG] |

The main emphasis of this guide is to provide creative and simple solutions
to many of the missions of "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories". Many
hours were spent going over each mission and finding unique ways to solve
them. I think you will be surprised by many of the solutions found here.

I also reference the map/poster that comes with Liberty City Stories and
GTA3. Some of the location names come from that. I have also done a little
bit of creative writing within the landmarking sections to add a little more
detail to Liberty City.

I have worked hard to make sure that this guide is as complete as possible
but at the same time leave room for exploration. I even included interesting
and humorous anecdotes, observations, and lines from GTA:LCS. I hope that you
enjoy this guide as much as learn from it.

While this guide was written initially for the PS2 version of the game, this
guide may also benefit those with the PSP version of GTA:LCS. If any of the
strategies in this guide won't work on the PSP version, feel free to write me
and let me know so I can make additional adjustments in future revisions.

This guide is designed so that you can do the missions without any cheat

Another emphasis of this guide is ORDER. If you do the missions and tasks in
a certain order, the game will be easier and more fun for you. You don't
absolutely have to do them in the EXACT order I have them listed but as you
read the guide you will see how it benefitted me.

Each Hidden Package, Unique Stunt Jump, and Rampage has a letter designation
to make them easier to identify in this guide. In addition there is a three
letter Neighborhood Prefix (listings below) indicating a particular
neighborhood or area where the item can be found (in these examples I use

>>Hidden Packages will be identified with an "H".
Examples: Hidden Package XXX-H21.
Package XXX-H32.

>>Rampages will be identified with an "R".
Examples: Rampage XXX-R34.

>>Unique Stunt Jumps will be identified with a "J".
Examples: Unique Stunt Jump XXX-J24.
Unique Jump XXX-J12.
Jump XXX-J8.

| Neighborhood Prefixes \

PTL - Portland Island SSV - Shoreside Vale
HWD - Harwood CCD - Cochrane Dam
STM - St. Marks CDG - Cedar Grove
PTB - Portland Beach PKC - Pike Creek
HPH - Hepburn Heights WCG - Wichita Gardens
RLD - Red Light District FIA - Francis International Airport
CHT - Chinatown
PLV - Portland View
PHB - Portland Harbor
TTN - Trenton
CLB - Callahan Bridge
CPT - Callahan Point
AQY - Atlantic Quays

STI - Staunton Island
RFD - Rockford
APT - Aspatria
LBC - Liberty Campus
FRS - Fort Staunton
NPT - Newport
BLP - Belleville Park
TRG - Torrington
BDT - Bedford Point

| I.5. Submissions [SBMS] |

If you have any comments, suggestions, and critiques, you can e-mail me at
the following address.....


Things to submit.....

>>Better ideas. If you have some better way to do certain missions, I would
be glad to hear it. Once I confirm it, I will include your idea in future
revisions and will credit you for it.

>>Anecdotes and observations (especially if they're funny).

>>Constructive critiques. While I have strived to make this as good a guide
as possible, I know it is not perfect. Whatever criticisms you make of
this guide please make them constructive so I can learn from it since I
may consider doing guides for other games in the future.

>>Grammatical and formatting errors.

| I.6. "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" [GTLC] |

"Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" is a prequel to "Grand Theft Auto
III". This title was originally released on the PlayStation Portable (PSP)
handheld system.

For awhile it was only available on that platform. Whenever I went to a game
store I would occasionally look at at PSP to see what the prices were. This
title was the only reason I would even look at a PSP.

But when Rockstar announced that this title was coming out on the PlayStation
2, I stopped looking at PSPs.

The game itself isn't supposed to be revolutionary but serves to fill in some
backgrounds on the people and history of Liberty City.

It is far more expansive that "Grand Theft Auto III" with more missions and
side-missions and vehicles including motorcycles.

All in all, a very solid game, even more so considering that it is port from
the PSP version. It is not perfect by any means but then again none of the
previous GTAs were either. And, at less than $20, a very good value.

| I.7. Xploder HDTV (PlayStation 2) Data [XPTV] |

Xploder HDTV is a disc that will allow PlayStation 2 owners to play most of
their games in Progressive Scan mode. Many games will work but some of them
will have issues.

"Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" works great in 480p mode. However,
the main title intro will be glitchy because of "line meshing issues". This
is actually a minor problem since you can easily skip the opening credits by
pressing X. Once you get past the intro, all is good.

Because the graphics are designed for 480 vertical resolution it is not
recommended that you put Liberty City Stories in any mode higher than 480p.
The higher resolution modes, like 720p, simply shoehorn the 480 graphics into
the higher end modes and tend to really squash the screen.

With that done, let's move on to the most basic of functions......

| I.8. Controls and Vehicles [CTRS] |

Although the manual covers the setup pretty good, I felt that I should
include a section on controls for those who have acquired used copies of
Liberty City Stories that have no manuals.

I have also included basic action and vehicle information with their
respective control schemes.

| I.8.A. On Foot \

As with any GTA game there is plenty of things you can do when on foot.

| Controls \

Move Around...............................................Left Analog Stick
Look Around..............................................Right Analog Stick
Move Around.................................................Directional Pad
[1] Run............................................................X Button
Jump..........................................................Square Button
[2] Attack....................................................Circle Button
Enter Vehicle...............................................Triangle Button
Center Camera.....................................................L1 Button
Previous Weapon...................................................L2 Button
[3] Target........................................................R1 Button
Next Weapon.......................................................R2 Button
Look Behind.......................................................R3 Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................Select Button
Zoom In With Sniper Rifle.....................................Square Button
Zoom Out With Sniper Rifle.........................................X Button


[1] - If you hold down the Run button too long, you will tire and have to
rest before you can run again. Tapping the button in rhythm will serve
to help you run a little longer. The more times you run, the better
your stamina will be. You can solve the problem of tiring out by
getting the Infinite Run feature which is acquired by successfully
completing the Ambulance Mission (detailed later).

[2] - When holding a melee weapon (like a bat) or using your fist, the Attack
Button is used to swing at your target.

When using Grenades, the same button is used to throw your weapon at
the target. The longer you hold, the farther you throw.

When holding a gun (like a Pistol) or a heavy weapon (like a Rocket
Launcher), you use the Attack Button to shoot. Use the Target Button in
conjunction to aim at your enemy.

If holding a gun and you are too close to your enemy, you will hit them
with the gun instead of firing it. If they are on the ground, you will
kick your enemy.

[3] - When holding a gun, you hold down the Target Button target your enemy.
Use the Previous Weapon and Next Weapon Buttons to switch between

| I.8.B. In Cars, Motorcycles, and Boats \

As with all the other GTAs there are plenty of vehicles, both land and water
based, to use in Liberty City Stories. From junkers and gang cars to the
fanciest sports cars and Police boats. They can all be used here.

And, unlike in "Grand Theft Auto III", you can use motorcycles in Liberty
City. Very nice for Unique Stunt Jumps and quick getaways.

| Controls \

[2] Turn Vehicle..........................................Left Analog Stick
[2] Turn Vehicle............................................Directional Pad
Accelerate.........................................................X Button
Reverse.......................................................Square Button
[3] Attack (Drive By Mode)............Circle Button (Plus L2 or R2 Buttons)
[4] Exit Vehicle............................................Triangle Button
Change Radio Stations.............................................L1 Button
Look Left (Drive By Mode).........................................L2 Button
Use Horn (Or Siren)...............................................L3 Button
[1] Handbrake.....................................................R1 Button
Look Right (Drive By Mode)........................................R2 Button
Activate Vehicle Missions.........................................R3 Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................Select Button
Look Behind.................................................L2 + R2 Buttons


[1] - Your stopping power is increased when used in conjunction with the
Reverse button.

[2] - Pull Back to perform a wheelie on a motorcycle. Push Up in conjunction
with the Brake Button to perform a stoppie on a motorcycle. Many Jumps
will require that you lean forward slightly while accelerating to get
more speed. An easier way to do this is to switch to the D-Pad for
driving and tapping Up on the D-Pad on the way to the Jump.

[3] - You can also shoot forward while riding a motorcycle. Just press the
Attack button.

[4] - You can jump from a moving car if you need to do so, like when it is
about to blow up.

| I.8.C. In the Rhino \

The Rhino is probably the single toughest vehicle in the game and is one of
the preferred vehicles to use in the Vigilante Mission (explained later in
the guide).

You can acquire this vehicle during a 6-Star Wanted Rating and take it from
the soldiers or wait until after you get 100% Completion to get it to spawn
within the ruins of Fort Staunton.

| Controls \

Turn Vehicle..............................................Left Analog Stick
Accelerate.........................................................X Button
Reverse.......................................................Square Button
Brake.............................................................R1 Button
Look Left.........................................................L2 Button
Look Right........................................................R2 Button
Look Behind.................................................L2 + R2 Buttons
Turret Control...........................................Right Analog Stick
Main Gun......................................................Circle Button
Exit Rhino..................................................Triangle Button
Use Horn..........................................................L3 Button
Activate Vigilante Mission........................................R3 Button
Pause..........................................................Start Button
Change Camera Mode............................................Select Button

| I.9. The Main Screen [TMSC] |

Your Main Screen is where all of the action in Liberty City Stories take

In the center of your screen is your main character, Toni Cipriani. You use
your Left Analog Stick to move him around and the Right Analog Stick to
rotate and manipulate the camera.

In the lower left corner of the Main Screen is the Radar. This is used to
help in finding your current position in the city, objectives, mission
strands, and Safehouses.

In the upper right corner of the Main Screen you will find the game clock,
your Health Bar, your Armor Bar (when you have Armor), your money, and the
weapon or item you are currently holding.

Special prompts will appear at either the upper left corner of the Main
Screen or at the bottom.

| I.10. Game Menus [GMNU] |

When you pause the game, using the Start Button, you also bring up these
menus listed at the bottom of the screen:

This shows the Main Map of Liberty City. This is where you can find your
position, missions strands, and other notable places.

This is where you can go through the text used in the cutscenes,
missions, and outside of missions.

This is where you load saves, delete saves, or start a new game.

This is where the statistics for everything you do are listed.

This is where you can see and setup your preferred control scheme.

This is where you control the audio in Liberty City Stories and listen to
some of the radio stations featured in the game.

This is where you control some of the visual aspects of Liberty City

| I.11. Weapons [WPNS] |

Weapons are the tools of the trade for any professional criminal. There are
32 different weapons, in ten different categories, that can be found and used
to create mayhem and abuse. However, you can only have one of each type at a
time so you can only carry a maximum of nine weapons (one slot is used for a
camera later in the game).

One nice change from previous GTAs is that you can run with (almost) all
weapons. In the past if you had a particular weapon, like a Shotgun or a
Flamethrower, you would run slow while carrying it. In Liberty City Stories
you can run at full speed regardless of what weapon you are carrying (except
for one - the Minigun). This makes some Rampages easier in that you can run
away from some of your enemies to get a better vantage point when using heavy

The description of the weapons are listed here and their locations revealed
in each major area of Liberty City:

| Slot 1 - Camera |

There is only one mission in the game in which this is used, "Snappy
Dresser" (Ma Cipriani). This is not a weapon but it has it's own slot so
you can use the item during that particular mission.

| Slot 2 - Fist |

Good for hands-on fisticuffs but you can increase your damage potential by
acquiring the Brass Knuckles.

| Slot 3 - Melee Weapons |

These weapons are used for pounding, stabbing, and slicing your enemies.
There are quite a lot of choices here for the discriminating psychotic.....

>>Baseball Bat
Great for batting practice (on somebody's head) or breaking kneecaps.
Can be taken from some of the striking workers at either Portland
Harbor or the Ferry Terminal entrance in Harwood (Portland). You can
also gain the Baseball Bat Weapon Icon for all of your Safehouses after
completion of "Dealing Revenge" (Vincenzo Cilli).

This can be acquired from a dead cop which is just as well, he won't be
needing it anyway.

When you really do want to bury the Hatchet.....right between
somebody's shoulder blades.....

>>Hockey Stick
In Liberty City high-sticking will get you 5 to 10.....in the pen.

>>Meat Cleaver
Slice, dice, and make giblets out of anyone that gets in your way.....

For those who want to bring a blade to a gunfight.....

When you want to do some REAL body sculpting.....

For weeding out the thick underbrush of Liberty City's criminal
underbelly. The only time I've seen this weapon was during the mission
"Cash In Kazuki's Chips" (Toshiko Kasen). At this time I do not know
where else to find one.

More powerful in LCS than in previous GTA games. Can usually kill with
one swing.

Now that you can run with almost all weapons this one becomes a bit
more effective. Now you can recreate the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" on
the streets of Liberty City.....

| Slot 4 - Projectile Weapons |

These weapons are meant to be thrown at your targets. The longer you hold
the Attack button, the farther you throw.

Toss one of these and watch the crowds scatter (in more ways than

Can be used to flambe' your enemies and yourself if you're too careless
in where you throw one. Best used when you acquire the Fireproof
Feature (by doing the Firetruck Mission) to keep yourself cool when
everybody else is not.....

>>Remote Grenade
Use this like a Hand Grenade and detonate it at your leisure. Good for

| Slot 5 - Handguns |

A decent handgun that can be bought or acquired from dead Cops. You can
use this while running to make yourself harder to hit while taking out
someone at the same time.

The best handgun around and one of the best weapons to use period. This
is practically a one-kill weapon (except on SWAT members) making this
very effective on most missions. You can't run while shooting with this
gun but if you are quick with your targeting, you can still make fast
work of a group of gunmen with little damage.

| Slot 6 - Shotguns |

All of the Shotguns use the same ammo so you can actually increase your
Shotgun ammo when switching from one type of Shotgun to another.

Just a standard pump action single barreled shotgun. Slow on the fire
rate but still effective.

>>Stubby Shotgun
This Shotgun has had the barrel sawn off to make it easier to conceal.
However, this greatly reduces it's range. But it's still a real beast
up close.

>>Spaz Shotgun
A much cooler looking rapid-fire shotgun. This is the best Shotgun in
the game.

| Slot 7 - Submachine Guns |

These lightweight weapons can take out anyone very quickly. These are the
only weapons that can be used while in a car or on a motorcycle. You can
also gain additional ammo when switching between submachine guns.

>>Mac 10
This gun has a fast rate of fire but a short effective range. But you
can run and aim at the same time like you can with a Pistol.

This has the largest magazine of this group and is more accurate than
the Mac 10 but has a slower rate of fire. Like the Pistol and the Mac
10, you can also aim and run at the same time using the Tec-9.

>>Micro SMG
One of the better submachine guns, it has a good rate of fire and
accuracy. It also has a slightly faster reload than the other
submachine guns. Because you have to use two hands when firing, you
can't aim and run at the same time while using the Micro SMG.

The best submachine gun in the group. Has a high rate of accuracy and
fire making it perfect for drive-bys. When you acquire this Weapon Icon
for your Safehouses, the game will erroneously state that you earned
the Micro SMG Weapon Icon but it is this weapon you earned.

| Slot 8 - Assault Rifles |

Both of the assault rifles listed here use the same ammo so you can
increase the amount of ammo you get by switching rifles.

This powerful Russian made assault rifle has a good rate of fire and
decent range.

This has a very fast rate of fire and better range but a small clip
which requires frequent reloading.

| Slot 9 - Heavy Weapons |

These are some of the most powerful weapons in the game. They can be used
to easily deal with the toughest of situations.

An Army-style large caliber machine gun. With the ability to lock onto
people (unlike the one used in Vice City), this weapon will make quick
work of even the toughest opponent.

Better than the Molotov for roasting nearby enemies because you can aim
where the flames go. Great for clearing large crowds quickly.

A very powerful weapon which is made even more so by the fact that you
can now lock onto people this time (something you couldn't do in Vice
City and San Andreas). This is also the only weapon you cannot run fast

>>Rocket Launcher
The ultimate in maximum destruction. With this weapon in hand, all will
fear you.....

| Slot 10 - Sniper Rifles |

>>Sniper Rifle
This fires one shot at a time and reloads slowly but it is very
effective. Can also be used like binoculars to scope things out.

>>Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle
The best sniper rifle around. It has a laser scope, rapid fire, and
multi-round capability.

| I.12. Health, Body Armor, Police Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons [HBPA] |

But Weapon Icons aren't the only things you will find scattered around
Liberty City. You will also find these other icons that you can use to help
you out.

The basic information for each icon is listed here and their locations
revealed in each major area of Liberty City:

| Health Icon |

This heart-shaped icon is used to restore your health to its maximum of
100. When you complete the Noodle Boy Mission, the maximum will go up 25
points. When you complete the Joe's Pizza Mission, the maximum will go up
25 points (to a total maximum of 150). When you get 100% Completion, the
maximum will go to 200.

| Body Armor Icon |

This armor-shaped icon will increase your armor rating to its maximum of
100. When you complete Level 12 of a Vigilante Mission, your maximum will
increase to 150. When you get 100% Completion, the maximum will go to 200.

| Police Bribe Icon |

These star-shaped icons will drop your Wanted Rating by one star when
picked up. It is best to know where all the Police Bribe Icons are located
before doing any missions so you can quickly deal with any law enforcement

| Adrenaline Icon |

This pill-shaped icon will slow things down and give you super strength.
Good for tight situations when you need a little extra help.

| I.13. Law Enforcement [LWFM] |

Every metropolis has a Police force and Liberty City is no different. When
you do something bad near a Cop, like mugging a person, one of the stars will
light up indicating a wanted level. The Cops will then try to bust you. The
more stars you have, the more aggressive they will be. There are several ways
to get rid of a Wanted Rating:

>>Hiding out somewhere for a bit (only works at 1-Star).
>>Driving a car (excluding rescue and most Police Vehicles) into a Pay 'N'
>>Getting a Police Bribe Icon (drops the Wanted Rating down a notch).
>>Completing the current mission (if you get a Wanted Rating during one).
>>Getting busted or wasted.
>>Changing into a different Outfit. Works up to 2-Star.
>>Saving your game.

There are six Wanted Ratings. The higher you go, the more aggressive the
pursuit. Below are the Wanted Ratings and what you can expect.....

| 1-Star \

You are of mild interest to the Cops. They will chase you on foot and will
smack you with their Nightsticks when close enough. Even at this Rating
they are pretty aggressive and will put you on your ass quickly if you try
to fight them without some kind of weapon. Hiding out somewhere for awhile
will get rid of a 1-Star Wanted Rating.

| 2-Star \

Things get a bit more serious here. The number of Cops increase a bit and
they will start shooting you instead of hitting you with their Nightsticks.

| 3-Star \

At this level, a helicopter will start pursuing you and will shoot at you
if you stand still long enough for it to do so. And the Police will get
more aggressive in their pursuit of you including the use of Spike Strips
which are used to blow out the tires of your car.

| 4-Star \

Now the SWAT team joins in. They will try to blockade the road with their
Enforcers in addition to everything else being thrown at you. This is the
highest wanted level you can obtain while (officially) confined to
Portland Island.

| 5-Star \

The FBI will now lend their assistance in hopes of bringing you down. They
will ride in black FBI Cars and carry four agents, all packing MP5's and
they are not afraid to use them. You can max out at 5-Star after unlocking
Staunton Island (after the mission "Driving Mr. Leone" (Salvatore Leone)).

| 6-Star \

After making mincemeat of the Police Force, including the FBI, the city
will now call in the Army to deal with you. They will come in with Rhinos
and trucks and will mainly try to kill you (but they will arrest you if the
opportunity presents itself). The soldiers will kill you quickly with their
MP5's and barely getting touched (while in a vehicle) by a Rhino will
spell certain death. It will be quite difficult to survive at this level
for very long. You can achieve this maximum Wanted Rating after unlocking
Shoreside Vale (after the mission "Love On The Rocks" (Donald Love)).

| I.14. Using a Pay 'N' Spray [UPNS] |

As noted above you can drive a car or motorcycle, excluding Police and rescue
vehicles, into a Pay 'N' Spray to change the color of your vehicle, as well
as repair it, to get rid of Wanted Ratings at a cost of $100.

When you use the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of your Wanted Ratings the Wanted
Rating Stars will flash for a short time. While they are flashing you are
considered to be on "probation". If you commit a crime, like running over
someone, while the Wanted Rating Stars are flashing then your Wanted Rating
will be reinstated.

There are three Pay 'N' Sprays in Liberty City where you can go to get rid of
your Wanted Ratings and repair your vehicle:

>>Red Light District (Portland Island).
>>Newport (Staunton Island).
>>Pike Creek (Shoreside Vale).

| I.15. Busted [BSTD] |

If you get a Wanted Rating and the Cops end up catching you, you are then
Busted. Any mission you were doing at the time will be Failed.

When you are Busted, you are sent to the nearest Police Station where you
will be processed (which takes six game hours) and released. You also lose
all weapons including your Body Armor.

In addition, you will be fined based on the number of Wanted Rating Stars you
have when you are Busted:

>>1-Star: $100.
>>2-Star: $200.
>>3-Star: $400.
>>4-Star: $600.
>>5-Star: $900.
>>6-Star: $1,500. ++NOTE: You won't be fined after you get Busted on your
first 6-Star Wanted Rating run but you will be
fined the next time you are Busted at 6-Star
Wanted Rating.

If you were in the middle of a mission when you were Busted, you will also
find a Taxi, with a blue arrow above it, nearby. This will take you back near
where you got the mission you were trying to do for a cost of $9.

There are three Police Stations in Liberty City where you may find yourself
if you are Busted by the Cops:

>>Portland View (Portland Island).
>>Torrington (Staunton Island).
>>Pike Creek (Shoreside Vale).

| I.16. Wasted [WSTD] |

If you do something to empty your Health Bar, like being too close to an
explosion, getting shot up a lot, or drowning, you will then be Wasted. Any
mission you were doing at the time will be Failed.

When you are Wasted, you are sent to the nearest Hospital where you will be
treated (which takes six game hours), billed $100, and released. You also
lose all weapons including your Body Armor.

If you were in the middle of a mission when you were Wasted, you will also
find a Taxi, with a blue arrow above it, nearby. This will take you back near
where you got the mission you were trying to do for a cost of $9.

There are three Hospitals in Liberty City where you may find yourself if you
are Wasted for any reason:

>>Sweeney Memorial Hospital (Portland View - Portland Island).
>>Carson General Hospital (Rockford - Staunton Island).
>>Hope Medical College (Pike Creek - Shoreside Vale).

| I.17. Police Vehicles and Vigilante Missions [PVMS] |

In Liberty City Stories, you can also grab Police vehicles and use them in
Vigilante Missions. And there are a few Police vehicles you can use for that

>>Police Car (found anywhere. Bonus: you get 5 Shotgun shells when entering
one (if you don't already have a Shotgun you can get a Shotgun with 5
>>SWAT Enforcer (at 4-Star Wanted Rating plus at the back of the Torrington
Police Station on Staunton Island. Bonus: you can get Body Armor when
entering an Enforcer).
>>FBI Car (at 5-Star Wanted Rating).
>>Rhino (at 6-Star Wanted Rating - also unlocked inside the ruins of Fort
Staunton after getting 100% Completion).

There is no Hunter (boo!) or Motorcycle Cops (thank God) in this game. This
also makes it harder to do the Vigilante Mission because most GTA players
used the Hunter attack helicopter in Vice City and San Andreas.

I go into more detail on how to do the mission in the "Vigilante Mission
(Police Car)" chapter of Part II of the guide. If you have problems using the
Police Car for the Vigilante Mission then I have chapters on how to best
obtain a Rhino and the Vigilante Mission using the tank in Part V of the

| I.18. Motorcycle Details [MCYC] |

One of the nice things about LCS is that you can use motorcycles in Liberty
City (something that was not implemented in "Grand Theft Auto III" - the
"official" explanation concerns a group called "American Road Safety for
Everybody" or ARSE getting these vehicles banned after the events of LCS).

These vehicles are great for exploration, jumping, and looking cool
on. Perhaps the single biggest advantage to these bikes is the fact that you
can shoot forward (using a submachine gun) while riding one. You can then
take out anyone that tries to cut in front of you (like a Police car).

However, there are a couple of disadvantages. First, it is much easier for a
cop to knock you off and bust you than if he busts you in a car. Second, you
can easily wipe out or get knocked off by other motorists if you're not

Here is a rundown of all of the motorcycles:

| I.18.A. Faggio \

The Faggio is nothing more than a moped. It is the slowest bike and certainly
the uncoolest in the game. But in the early going, it is the best vehicle to

It is great for exploring Liberty City and will get you from place to place
much faster than just running (and tiring and running and tiring.....).

It is also small enough to let you into small areas so you don't constantly
have to get off and get back on when exploring. Perfect for acquiring most of
the Hidden Packages.

| I.18.B. Sanchez \

This is a sleek looking dirtbike that is best used off-road. It makes a good
on-road vehicle for exploration purposes and is a very good platform for
doing drive-bys.

| I.18.C. Angel and Freeway \

These two bikes fall under the Harley-Davidson type category. Big and noisy,
these bikes have sluggish handling especially at high speed (there is a
reason they call these things "hogs").

But racing or chasing isn't the reason you have one - it is to cruise and
look positively badass on. Ahh yes, the roar of the engine, the wind in your
hair, the bugs in your teeth.....

| I.18.D. PCJ-600 \

The sleekest and fastest of all road vehicles. Has very good handling too.
This is best used for fast getaways and Unique Stunt Jumps.

| I.19. Outfits [OTFT] |

In Liberty City Stories, you have the option to change clothes throughout the
game. Not only will this change your look, it will also eliminate a Wanted
Rating (up to 2-Star). It will also change how you appear in the cutscenes.
The outfits are unlocked after doing certain missions and can be accessed at
all of your Safehouses. Here is the complete list:

| Casual Clothes Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Home Sweet Home" (Vincenzo Cilli).
Description: A brown jacket, black shirt, and khakis. These are the clothes
that Toni wears upon returning to Liberty City.

| Leone's Suit Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Home Sweet Home" (Vincenzo Cilli).
Description: A black suit with a white shirt underneath. This is the main
outfit for the Leone gang members. This outfit cannot be worn
when doing JD O'Toole's missions.

| Overalls Outfit \

Unlocked: After "The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade" (Vincenzo Cilli).
Description: Denim overalls and a hockey mask. This needs to be worn in
order to access the Slash TV side-mission. Also perfect for
rampaging through the city with a Machete.....if you can find

| Avenging Angel's Fatigues Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Frighteners" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: A green jacket, white shirt, khakis, and a black cap. You need
to wear this to access the Avenging Angels side-mission. And
fight crime on your own terms.....

| Chauffeur's Clothes Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Rollercoaster Ride" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: A standard grey chauffeur suit. Wear this when "Driving Mr.

| Lawyer's Suit Outfit \

Unlocked: Between the missions "Love On The Rocks" (Donald Love) and "Rough
Justice" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: A three piece suit with red tie and black glasses. With this
outfit you'll be more intimidating than any gangster.....

| Tuxedo Outfit \

Unlocked: After "A Date With Death" (Toshiko Kasen).
Description: A tuxedo with a white jacket and black pants. "The name is
Cipriani. Toni Cipriani. And I have a license to kick your

| Cox Mascot Outfit \

Unlocked: After completing the Slash TV side-mission twice.
Description: A large chicken suit outfit. Wear this and seek revenge on all
of the Cluckin' Bells of the world.....

| Underwear Outfit \

Unlocked: After completing your first Unique Stunt Jump.
Description: Just your underwear, socks, and shoes. Thank God that Toni
doesn't wear briefs.....

| The Hero Garb Outfit \

Unlocked: After completing Level 15 of the Shoreside Vale Avenging Angel
Description: A dorky looking superhero type outfit. But at least you'll fit
in with the sci-fi convention crowd (or not).....

| Dragon Jumpsuit Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Crazy '69'" (Leon McAffrey).
Description: A yellow jumpsuit with black side stripes. Wear this and stage
your own "Game Of Death".....

| Antonio Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Making Toni" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: A T-shirt and jeans. A relaxing outfit to wear after a day of
robbing and killing.....

| Sweats Outfit \

Unlocked: After "A Walk In The Park" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: A blue sweatsuit. Perfect when running from the Cops.....

| Goodfella Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Overdose Of Trouble" (Maria Leone).
Description: A black shirt and pants. Another Mafia related fashion

| Wiseguy Outfit \

Unlocked: After "Shoot The Messenger" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: Same as the Goodfella Outfit except the shirt is brown.

| 'The King' Jumpsuit Outfit \

Unlocked: After "The Sicilian Gambit" (Salvatore Leone).
Description: An outlandish Elvis inspired jumpsuit. Good for those trips to
Las Venturas thank yew very much.....

| I.20. Advanced Tips And Information [ATIF] |

Below are some tips and additional information that will be of benefit to

| Quick Stopping \

You can increase your braking power if you hold down Handbrake and Reverse
together. This works well in tight spaces (especially on the Ambulance

| Quick Targeting \

When locking onto targets with a gun (like a Pistol) while holding down
Target, you can use the Next and Previous Weapon buttons to switch targets.
You can also let go of the Target button and quickly press it again to pick
up another target (after you kill the previous one).

| The Tank Gun Boost \

When you want to increase the speed of the often slow Rhino tank, rotate
the Main Gun 180 degrees so it faces the rear. Then fire the gun and keep
firing. The gun recoil will then propel it forward. The faster you fire,
the faster the tank will go. You can make the tank go very fast this way.
But you will jack up your Wanted Ratings because you are usually destroying
stuff behind you.

| I.21. 100% Completion List [CPLT] |

Below is everything you need to do to get 100% Completion within Liberty City

>>Completion of all Main Story Missions:
--From "Home Sweet Home" (Vincenzo Cilli) to "The Sicilian Gambit"
(Salvatore Leone).

>>Complete the following Portland Island specific side-missions:
--All 10 courses for "Bumps & Grinds" (Harwood).
--Level 6 of "Car Salesman" at Capital Autos (Harwood).
--"Trash Dash" (Harwood).
--"Scrapyard Challenge" (Harwood).
--"Thrashin' RC" Toyz Van side-mission (Hepburn Heights).
--"9mm Mayhem" (11 kills) (Red Light District).
--Noodle Punk (Chinatown).
--"Scooter Shooter" (9 kills) (Chinatown).
--"Avenging Angels" (Chinatown).
--"Red Light Racing" (Chinatown).
--"Wong Side Of The Tracks" (Portland View).
--"Low Rider Rumble" (Trenton).
--"Slash TV" (Atlantic Quays).

>>Complete the following Staunton Island specific side-missions:
--"Trash Dash" (Rockford).
--"Deimos Dash" (Aspatria).
--Sell 40 bikes in "Bike Salesman" (Belleville Park).
--"Ragin' RC" Toyz Van side-mission (Belleville Park).
--"Avenging Angels" (Belleville Park).
--"Karmageddon" (Belleville Park).
--"Go Go Faggio" (Newport).
--Joe's Pizza side-mission (Bedford Point).
--"Torrington TT" (Torrington)
--Love Media's "Car-azy Car Giveaway" (16 vehicles) (Torrington).

>>Complete the following Staunton Island specific side-missions:
--"Gangsta GP" (Pike Creek).
--"Wi-Cheetah Run" (Wichita Gardens).
--"AWOL Angel" (11 kills) (Wichita Gardens).
--"Avenging Angels" (Wichita Gardens).
--All 12 missions for "See The Sight Before Your Flight" (Francis
International Airport).
--"Trash Dash" (Francis International Airport).
--"Chasin' RC" Toyz Van side-mission (Francis International Airport).

>>Complete the following side-missions anywhere:
--Firetruck Mission (Level 12).
--Vigilante Mission (Level 12).
--Ambulance Mission.
--Taxi Mission (100 fares).

>>Complete the following tasks:
--Collect all 100 Hidden Packages.
--Do all 20 Rampages.
--Do all 26 Unique Stunt Jumps.

Now it is time to move onto the main portion of the guide starting with.....

| II. Portland Island [PTLI] |

This is the main industrial area for Liberty City. The southeast part of the
island is where the main docks are located along with many businesses. The
western part of the island is home to many Chinese who have made this area
their own. The northern area of the island has a large concentration of adult
oriented businesses legal and illegal. On the eastern side is where a lot of
Italians make their residence.

Gang activity has been increasing lately with the Sindaccos, Triads, Leones,
and Diablos vying for control of Portland Island and beyond.

| II.1. In The Beginning..... |

Liberty City: 2001.

A ruthless small time criminal, Claude Speed, is introduced to Toni Cipriani,
a Capo for the Salvatore Leone crime family. Claude begins work for Toni
which primarily consists of making trouble with the Triads.

But Claude is sold out to the Columbians by Salvatore and disappears. Later,
Claude kills Salvatore and leaves the Leone family in ruins, and Toni's

Liberty City: 1998.

After several years of hiding, Toni Cipriani finally returns home. He was
forced into exile because he was ordered to kill a Made Man on orders of his
employer, Salvatore Leone. Things have changed in Liberty City since he left.

A new bridge, the Callahan Bridge, is nearly complete. Workers are striking
over a new tunnel project. New gangs are cropping up causing headaches for
Salvatore and the local Police force. An activist group is trying to get
motorcycles banned.

When Toni arrives at Salvatore's Mansion, he is surprised to learn that he
has to start at the bottom within the organization again. He feels that after
doing what he did he shouldn't have to work to get back what he feels is his.

But Salvatore leaves him with no choice in the matter and introduces him to
Vincenzo Cilli, the current Capo who will provide him with an apartment and a
job. Vincenzo doesn't care for Toni and Toni doesn't like Vincenzo either.

This also starts the mission titled "Home Sweet Home". You need to take
Vincenzo to his office in Atlantic Quays but you have to stop over at your
Safehouse to change clothes. After dropping Vincenzo off at his office you
will earn $100 for mission completion.

After that go back to your Safehouse and save your game.

| II.2. Before Doing The Main Story Missions [BDMS] |

To start, I'm going to do as much of the off-story stuff as possible before
doing the second mission for Vincenzo, "Slacker" (Vincenzo Cilli). A lot of
this stuff can be done in any order but doing some things in a certain
sequence will be of most benefit to you (like doing the Ambulance Mission
(for the Infinite Run feature) and collecting Hidden Packages to generate
Weapon Icons for my Safehouses.

| II.3. Your Safehouse [YSFH] |

Your hideout in St. Marks's is a simple little getaway where you can save
your game and store one car in the garage. At the beginning there are no
Weapon Icons here but this is where they will be when you do certain things
to earn them (here and at your other Safehouses on Staunton Island and
Shoreside Vale).

In addition, there is a Health Icon inside plus you can change clothes in the
bedroom to alter your appearance.

After saving the game, let's begin by listing the.....

| II.4. Portland Island Landmarks [PTLM] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, are the landmarks on Portland Island. This is
to help you in finding your way around and locating items placed on the
island. It is best to go around and find the landmarks before going after
Weapons, Rampages, Unique Stunt Jumps, and Hidden Packages.

The Map co-ordinates refer to the printed map that comes included with the
game disc.

The landmarks for Portland Island are:

| Harwood |

Harwood Ferry Terminal
Location: (Northwest) Harwood.
Map: (B-7).
Notes: Until the Callahan Bridge is completed this is the only way for
cars and other vehicles to get to Staunton Island and beyond.

Harwood Dirt-Track
Location: (West) Harwood.
Map: (B-[7, 8]).
Notes: A series of dirt tracks that are used by off-road riders. This is
where the side-mission "Bumps & Grinds" can be found.

HEAD Radio
Location: Harwood, just southeast of the Harwood Dirt-Track.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: One of the most popular radio stations in Liberty City transmits
from here.

Harwood Fire Station
Location: Harwood, just east of HEAD Radio.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: A Firetruck can often be found here and used for the Firetruck

Harwood Junkyard
Location: (North) Harwood, northeast of the Harwood Fire Station.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: This is where the junk and trash from Liberty City ends up. The
Car Crusher is also located here and can be used to get extra
money when disposing of most vehicles. The "Trash Dash" mission
for Portland can be found here along with the "Scrapyard
Challenge" side-mission.

Capital Autos
Location: Harwood, just south of the Harwood Junkyard.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: The best deals in used cars can be found here. This is where the
"Car Salesman" side-mission can be done.

| St. Marks |

Portland Island Safehouse
Location: St. Mark's, indicated by a CD on the map.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is where you can find your Weapon and Health Icons, store
your vehicles, and save your game.

Ma's Place
Location: (Central) St. Mark's one block directly southeast of the
Portland Safehouse.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is where you can sometimes find a Leone Sentinel parked in
the small parking lot. In addition, this is where Toni's mother
lives and where you can pick up her missions during the course of
the game.

Marco's Bistro
Location: (Southeast) St. Marks north of the Portland View El-Train
Map: (C-9).
Notes: One of the best Italian restaurants in Liberty City. "Eat 'til you

| Portland Beach |

Salvatore's Mansion
Location: (East) Portland Beach.
Map: (B-9).
Notes: This beautiful estate, overlooking Portland Rock, is where the
leader of the Leone crime family resides. You will also be taking
some missions from here during the game.

| Hepburn Heights |

Doorless Apartments (West)
Location: (West) Hepburn Heights.
Map: (B-[7, 8], C-[7, 8]).
Notes: A couple of large apartment buildings situated behind a tall wall
that goes around them. They are called the Doorless Apartments
because there are no entrances on either building!

Doorless Apartments (East)
Location: (East) Hepburn Heights.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: Another pair of large apartment buildings with no doors. Located
northeast of Doorless Apartments (West) and next to the Hepburn
Heights El-Train Station.

Hepburn Heights El-Train Station
Location: (East) Hepburn Heights.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: This is one of three stations for the elevated track that goes
around Portland Island.

Construction Site
Location: (South) Hepburn Heights.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is where another apartment is being built. Hopefully they
will put in a door this time. Part of this area is also in Red
Light District.

| Red Light District |

Paulie's Revue Bar
Location: (West) Red Light District.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: One of the finest gentlemen's clubs in Liberty City. You will be
doing missions for it's owner, JD O'Toole, during the course of
the game.

The Dolls House
Location: (East) Red Light District.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: Another lesser known gentlemen's club. Rumored to be a major
hangout for the Sindacco crime family.

Red Light District Pay 'N' Spray
Location: Red Light District, one block north of Paulie's Revue Bar.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is where you go to get rid of Wanted Ratings, repair damage,
and change the color of your vehicles.

Red Light District Ammu-Nation
Location: (East) Red Light District, south of The Dolls House.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: One of two Ammu-Nations located in Liberty City. This is where you
can purchase weapons for use against your enemies or anybody else
who pisses you off.

| Chinatown |

Chinatown Subway Entrance
Location: (North) Chinatown.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is the only entrance for the Liberty City Subway System for
Portland Island. At this point it is going through some repairs
and will open later in the game.

Chinatown El-Train Station
Location: (West) Chinatown.
Map: (C-7).
Notes: This is another of the three elevated track stations for Portland

Fish Market
Location: (West) Chinatown.
Map: (C-[7, 8]).
Notes: These two large chinese styled buildings, located where the road
bridge leading to the Chinatown El-Train Station ends, is where
Chinatown does all it's fishy business.

Mr. Wong's Launderette
Location: (West) Chinatown, located two blocks south of the Fish Market.
Map: (C-7).
Notes: The best place to get your clothes clean. "If it ain't Wong, it
ain't white!"

Chinatown Plaza
Location: (Central) Chinatown, east of Mr. Wong's Launderette.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is the major marketplace for Chinatown. Lots of good bargains
can be found here.

China Building
Location: (Southwest) Chinatown, two blocks south of Mr. Wong's
Map: (D-[7, 8]).
Notes: This colorful building has an L-shaped alley and a set of stairs
to access the roof.

Chinatown Park
Location: (South) Chinatown.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: A nice place to relax or to play a game of basketball on the

Old School
Location: (Southeast) Chinatown, east of Chinatown Park.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: One of the oldest schools in Liberty City. Can be rented for

| Portland View |

Sweeney General Hospital
Location: (West) Portland View.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Wasted while on
Portland Island.

Portland View Police Station
Location: (West) Portland View, next door south of Sweeney General
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This is where you will be if you end up getting Busted while on
Portland Island.

Portland View El-Train Station
Location: (North) Portland View, just southwest of Marco's Bistro.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: The third of the three elevated track stations for Portland

Fidl Store
Location: (East) Portland View.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: The major supermarket on Portland Island. Currently having trouble
competing with the larger "SupaSave!" store chain.

| Portland Harbor |

Garage Building
Location: (Central) Portland Harbor.
Map: (D-9).
Notes: This building is straight ahead when you enter the main entrance
to the Docks area. It has an overhang and seven garage doors.

| Trenton |

Mean Street Taxis
Location: (Northeast) Trenton.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: The major cab company in Liberty City. You can find a Taxi here to
do the Taxi Mission.

Don Kiddick's Sausage Factory
Location:(Northeast) Trenton, across the street southwest of Mean Street
Map: (D-8).
Notes: A food factory that produces some of the finest sausages in
Liberty City. Suck one down today!

AM Petroleum Company (Portland Island)
Location: (Central) Trenton, southwest of Don Kiddick's Sausage Factory.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: One of the offices for the large oil company based out of Liberty

Liberty Pharmaceuticals (Portland Island)
Location: (Central) Trenton, across the street east of AM Petroleum
Company (Portland Island).
Map: (D-8).
Notes: One of two factories for the famous pharmaceutical company based
out of Liberty City. "Pills to chill your ills."

Bus Station
Location: (South) Trenton.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: This is the main cross country bus station for Liberty City.

Liberty City Sawmills
Location: (South) Trenton, next door west of the Bus Station.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: Outside of the Red Light District this is the biggest wood
producer in Liberty City and nearby regions.

| Callahan Point |

Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts
Location: (West) Callahan Point.
Map: (D-7).
Notes: Part of the successful chain of donut houses and a popular Cop

Mafia Drug Factory
Location: (Southeast) Callahan Point.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: This walled and gated area is rumored to be the main drug factory
for the Leone crime family.

| Atlantic Quays |

The Warehouses
Location: (South) Atlantic Quays.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: A group of four large warehouses. You will be doing some missions
for Vincenzo Cilli from the west warehouse during the course of
the game.

| II.5. Portland Island Weapons And Items [PTWI] |

Listed below, by neighborhood, is the Weapon, Health, Body Armor, Police
Bribe, and Adrenaline Icons on Portland Island. The Map co-ordinates refer to
the printed map that comes included with the game disc:

| Harwood |

>>Hatchet: On the east side of the Harwood Fire Station.
Map: (B-8).
>>Shotgun: At the end of the small pier just northeast of the entrance to
the Harwood Ferry Terminal.
Map: (A-7).
>>Mac 10: Between a construction trailer and a red container crate on the
concrete embankment just north of the Harwood Junkyard.
Map: (B-8).

Body Armor
>>On top of the elevated tracks above the southern part of the Harwood
Map: (B-7).
>>In the gated area on the west side of the main Harwood Ferry Terminal
Map: (B-7).
>>On the roof of HEAD Radio.
Map: (B-8).

| St. Marks |

>>Knife: At the top of Marco's Bistro.
Map: (C-8).
>>Tec-9: Inside the corner of a side alley in St. Mark's. From Ma's
Place, go south to the next block and turn left into the alley
right next to the "Surplice To Requirements" shop. Once inside
the alley, head east then turn left at the first opening. Turn
west and you will see the weapon in the corner.
Map: (C-8).

>>In the middle of an alley. From Ma's Place, go south to the next block
and turn left into the alley right next to the "Surplice To
Requirements" shop. From there continue east and you will see the
Health Icon in the middle of the alley.
Map: (C-8).
>>In an alley west of the "Barberism Mens Hair" shop (which is south of
the above Health Icon).
Map: (C-8).
>>At the lower level of Marco's Bistro.
Map: (C-8).
>>In the middle of the alley next to the Red Light District Ammu-Nation.
Map: (C-8).

Body Armor
>>On top of one of the garage roofs just east of the Portland Island
Map: (C-8).

Police Bribe
>>In an alley across the street west of the "Surplice To Requirements"
shop (which is south of Ma's Place).
Map: (C-8).
>>In the air in front of a grassy ramp across the street southeast of
Marco's Bistro.
Map: (C-9).

| Hepburn Heights |

>>Hockey Stick: At the southeast corner of the north building at Doorless
Apartments (West).
Map: (C-7).
>>Sniper Rifle: On the top floor (north side) of the Construction Site.
Getting this can be tricky because the only way to access
this weapon is by jumping from the El-Train tracks to the
Construction Site. Get on to the El-Train track from the
Hepburn Heights El-Train Station and run toward the
Construction Site. You will notice that the closest part
of the Construction Site to the track is a corner of one
of the upper floors. Position Toni near where the track
platform meets the center divider (so he doesn't get run
over by the train) and align him so he is looking due
west along the east-west wall of the corner. Hold down X,
move the Left Analog Stick forward to get him to run and,
when you reach the second rail of the train track, press
Jump. If you do this right he should land right on the
corner. From there, head up the stairs and go to the
north part of the building where you can find the Sniper
Map: (C-8).

Police Bribe
>>In the air above the bridge in north Hepburn Heights. You must use the
ramp at Borgnine Taxis to access.
Map: (B-8).

| Red Light District |

>>Molotovs: On the second floor of the remains of The Dolls House after
the completion of the mission "Blow Up 'Dolls'" (JD O'Toole).
Map: (C-8).
>>AK-47: On the top of the building under the water tanks south of
Paulie's Revue Bar. Use the stairs behind the bar to gain access
to the roof.
Map: (C-7).

Weapons (Red Light District Ammu-Nation)
>>Pistol: Becomes available after completion of "Snuff" (Vincenzo Cilli)
[Cost: $240].
>>Micro SMG: Becomes available after completion of "Don In 60 Seconds"
(JD O'Toole) [Cost: $600].

>>Underneath the sidewalk shelter next to, and south of, the Construction
Map: (C-8).

>>On the roof of the building across the street east from Paulie's Revue
Bar. Use the stairs in the alley to access.
Map: (C-8).

| Chinatown |

>>Meat Cleaver: In the middle of Chinatown Plaza.
Map: (C-8).
>>Micro SMG: Between the construction trailer and the water's edge just
north of the Callahan Bridge at the extreme southwest
corner of Chinatown.
Map: (D-7).

>>On the concrete embankment north of the Chinatown El-Train Station.
Map: (C-7).
>>By "Deli-rium Delicatessen" east of the Chinatown El-Train Station.
Map: (C-8).
>>In the L-shaped alley at the southeast part of the Chinatown Plaza.
Map: (D-8).
>>In the L-shaped alley east of the China Building.
Map: (D-8).
>>In the basketball court in Chinatown Park.
Map: (D-8).

Police Bribe
>>In the small alley next to "Deli-rium Delicatessen" east of the
Chinatown El-Train Station.
Map: (C-8).

>>On the roof of the China Building (east side near the water tank). Use
the stairs in the L-shaped alley to access.
Map: (D-8).

| Portland View |

>>Shotgun: On top of the Fidl Store (northeast corner).
Map: (C-8).

>>At Sweeney Memorial Hospital (x2).
Map: (C-8).
>>In front of the Fidl Store.
Map: (C-8).

Police Bribe
>>Suspended in the air between Sweeney General Hospital and the Portland
View Police Station.
Map: (C-8).

>>In the middle of the elevated tracks at the Portland View El-Train
Map: (C-8).

| Portland Harbor |

>>Grenades: At the east end of the ship docked at the south part of
Portland Harbor.
Map: (D-9).

Body Armor
>>By the large cylinders at the east part of the large dock building
just south of the Garage Building.
Map: (D-9).

Police Bribe
>>Underneath the overhang for the Garage Building.
Map: (D-9).

| Trenton |

>>Brass Knuckles: In the narrow alley next to Mean Street Taxis.
Map: (D-8).
>>Chainsaw: Inside the Liberty City Sawmills complex (north side). Use
the gate on the south side to access.
Map: (D-8).
>>Flame-Thrower: On top of the AM Petroleum Company building. Use an
Ambulance to get on the building next door then jump to
the AM Offices from there. Another method, as suggested
by TheVillageIdiot, is the use the ramp on the opposite
side of the chainlink fence to the south to jump onto
the roof with a motorcycle.
Map: (D-8).

Body Armor
>>At the southeast part of the roof of Liberty Pharmaceuticals (Portland
Island). Use the ramp east of this position to gain access.
Map: (D-8).

Police Bribe
>>In the park west of Joey's Auto Painting (which is west of Don
Kiddick's Sausage Factory).
Map: (D-8).

>>On top of Mean Street Taxis. Jump from the elevated tracks to access.
Map: (D-8).

| Callahan Point |

>>Stubby Shotgun: On top of one of the buildings for the Mafia Drug
Factory. This can be acquired after the mission "The
Trouble With Triads" (Salvatore Leone).
Map: (D-8).

>>In front of Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts.
Map: (D-7).

Body Armor
>>At the pier on the southwest part of Callaghan Point.
Map: (D-7).

Police Bribe
>>On a grassy knoll just southeast of Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts.
Map: (D-8).

| Atlantic Quays |

>>In the alley on the west side of The Warehouses (near where you do
Vincenzo Cilli's missions).
Map: (D-8).

With that done, let's move onto.....

| II.6. Hidden Packages Explained [HDPX] |

By collecting Hidden Packages you will be generating Weapon Icons that will
spawn at your Safehouses. There are a total of 100 Hidden Packages in the
game and each package retrieved will also give you a some money - $250. When
you get the last Hidden Package, you will get a $50,000 bonus.

A recap of what you get for collecting Hidden Packages:

>>10 Packages - Pistol
>>20 Packages - Shotgun
>>30 Packages - Body Armor
>>40 Packages - MP5
>>50 Packages - .357
>>60 Packages - M4
>>70 Packages - Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle
>>80 Packages - Flame-Thrower
>>90 Packages - Rocket Launcher
>>100 Packages - $50,000

| II.7. Hidden Packages (Portland Island) [HPPT] |

Now for the list of Hidden Packages that can be found on, or near, Portland

It should be noted that Packages HWD-H1, PTB-H15, and PTL-H41 can only be
acquired by boat which you can get by opening up Staunton Island (after the
mission "Driving Mr. Leone" (Salvatore Leone)).

The Map co-ordinates refer to the printed map that comes included with the
game disc:

| Harwood (HWD) |

[HWD-H1] - On the rocks north of Portland Island.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: Can only be acquired by boat.

[HWD-H2] - In the gate booth of the north ferry gate at the Harwood Ferry
Map: (B-7).
Notes: You will probably have to deal with the striking workers
first before trying to acquire this Package. They can hurt
you pretty good with their Baseball Bats.

[HWD-H3] - In a walled-off area at the construction site east of the Harwood
Ferry Terminal.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: Get an Ambulance and back it up against the wall that
doesn't have the orange netting (on the west side). Then
climb the vehicle and then into the area. Thanks to John
Schneider for that tip.

[HWD-H4] - Behind the Car Crusher machine at the Harwood Junkyard.
Map: (B-8).

[HWD-H5] - In a nook by the large hill inside the Harwood Dirt-Track (on the
northeast part of the track area).
Map: (B-8).

[HWD-H6] - On top of the roof above the gas pumps at the AMCO Gas Station.
Map: (B-8).
Notes: You need to use an Ambulance to acquire this Package. At
the north part of the Gas Station, back the Ambulance hard
enough to get the rear wheels over the short wall. Then
climb the Ambulance. Once on top of the Ambulance, run and
jump to the roof to get the Package. If you have trouble
getting on top of the Ambulance, jack another car that is
passing by and use that to aid in climbing.

| St. Marks (STM) |

[STM-H7] - In a junked car at the north part of 8-Ball's Bomb Shop where it
borders Harwood.
Map: (B-8).

[STM-H8] - On top of the small shed at the Portland Safehouse.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: Use an Ambulance to climb to the top of the shed.

[STM-H9] - In a secluded area behind Ma's Place.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: From Ma's Place, head east uphill until you pass the
payphone on your left (on the north side of the street).
You will see a driveway that cuts across the block. Go onto
the driveway then turn west. Go to either the north or
south of this building and continue west along the ledge.
Go around the corner and proceed to the middle of the
block. You should see a ramp leading down into the secluded
area. The Hidden Package is in the corner near the ramp.

[STM-H10] - In between some dumpsters, and not far from a Police Bribe, in a
large alley east of the Red Light District Ammu-Nation.
Map: (C-8).

[STM-H11] - In the target area behind the Red Light District Ammu-Nation.
Map: (C-8).

[STM-H12] - On the middle level of Marco's Bistro.
Map: (C-8).

| Portland Beach (PTB) |

[PTB-H13] - At the bottom of the concrete embankment where it meets the grass
at the northern end of Portland Beach.
Map: (B-9).

[PTB-H14] - At the very tip of the arch-like rock formation behind
Salvatore's Mansion.
Map: (C-9).

[PTB-H15] - On the walkway leading up to the Lighthouse on Portland Rock.
Map: (C-9).
Notes: Can only be acquired by boat.

[PTB-H16] - Near the top of the rock wall (near the edge) just south of
Salvatore's Mansion.
Map: (C-9).

| Hepburn Heights (HPH) |

[HPH-H17] - Behind the trailers west of the Toyz Van south of Doorless
Apartments (East).
Map: (B-8).

[HPH-H18] - On a ledge above the front of the building at the Construction
Map: (C-8).
Notes: Getting this can be tricky because the only way to access
this Package is by jumping from the El-Train tracks to the
Construction Site. Get on to the El-Train track from the
Hepburn Heights El-Train Station and run toward the
Construction Site. You will notice that the closest part
of the Construction Site to the track is a corner of one
of the upper floors. Position Toni near where the track
platform meets the center divider (so he doesn't get run
over by the train) and align him so he is looking due west
along the east-west wall of the corner. Hold down X, move
the Left Analog Stick forward to get him to run and, when
you reach the second rail of the train track, press Jump.
If you do this right he should land right on the corner.
From there, head toward the west side of the building and
you will find a narrow opening which will allow you to
jump down to the ledge to collect the Package.

| Red Light District (RLD) |

[RLD-H19] - In a corner, behind some dumpsters, of an alley west of the
Construction Site and south of the Doorless Apartments (West).
Map: (C-7).
Notes: Use the nearby stairs to jump into the corner to acquire
the Package. This is also where Claude Speed's Red Light
District Safehouse was in "Grand Theft Auto III".

[RLD-H20] - In the remains of the small shed at The Dolls House.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This Package can only be accessed after the completion of
the mission "Blow Up 'Dolls'" (JD O'Toole).

[RLD-H21] - In the road divider underneath the elevated tracks southwest of
Map: (C-7).

| Chinatown (CHT) |

[CHT-H22] - On top of the roof of the Chinatown El-Train Station.
Map: (C-7).
Notes: Use a PCJ-600 and jump the stairs on the south part of the
station to land on the roof.

[CHT-H23] - In the center alley behind Mr. Wong's Launderette (and near
Rampage CHT-R5).
Map: (C-7).

[CHT-H24] - In the parking lot for the Old School.
Map: (D-8).

| Portland View (PLV) |

[PVW-H25] - In a corner of the small parking area across the street west of
Sweeney General Hospital.
Map: (C-8).

[PVW-H26] - On a ledge on the east side of Sweeney General Hospital.
Map: (C-8).

[PVW-H27] - Underneath the Portland View El-Train Station track platform
north of the Fidl Store.
Map: (C-8).

[PVW-H28] - Amongst the trees in the park southeast of the Portland View
Police Station.
Map: (D-8).

| Portland Harbor (PHB) |

[PHB-H29] - On top of one of the dock buildings on the northeast part of
Portland Harbor.
Map: (C-9).
Notes: You must jump onto the buildings using the wooden ramp at
the construction area on the west side of the area. Use a
PCJ-600 and go to the wall near the Fidl Store to start.
Push up slightly on the Left Analog Stick to help gain
speed for the jump. Once on the roof get off of the bike
and jump to each building to get to the Package.

[PHB-H30] - On top of one of the colored crate containers (southeast part of
the large group) slightly southeast of PHB-H29.
Map: (D-9).
Notes: Use an Ambulance to get this Package.

[PHB-H31] - On top of one of the large dock buildings (west side by one of
the large vents) just south of the Garage Building.
Map: (D-9).
Notes: Use the stairs along the east side of the building so you
can get the Package.

[PHB-H32] - On the south side of the ship southeast of PHB-H31.
Map: (D-9).
Notes: Use the ramp on the east side of the ship to gain access
to the upper level where the Package is located.

[PHB-H33] - Between the last two tractor trailers at the south end of
Portland Harbor.
Map: (D-9).

| Trenton (TTN) |

[TTN-H34] - On top of Don Kiddick's Sausage Factory.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: Go to the Portland View El-Train Station track platform in
St. Marks and go onto the track. Go to the factory and
jump onto the roof from the track. The Package is on the
middle of the roof between the two signs.

[TTN-H35] - On the roof at the back of the Scopers Haulage building,
southeast of the AMCO Petroleum Building.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: Use an Ambulance to jump onto the roof of the trailer
between this and the AMCO buildings, then jump onto the

[TTN-H36] - At the northeast corner of the the Trenton Bus Station.
Map: (D-8).

| Callahan Bridge (CBG) |

[CBG-H37] - On a girder underneath the bridge.
Map: (D-7).
Notes: Use the concrete ramp north of the bridge, with a PCJ-600,
and jump onto the girder. Start from the Chinatown
El-Train Station and slightly push up on the Left Analog
Stick to help get enough speed to get onto the girder.

[CBG-H38] - On one of the bridge supports between the east and west bound
lanes of the bridge. Just east of CBG-H37.
Map: (D-8).

| Atlantic Quays (AQY) |

[AQY-H39] - In-between two dumpsters on the east side of The Warehouses.
Map: (D-8).

[AQY-H40] - At the end of the pier south of The Warehouses (nearest to the
Vincenzo Cilli marker).
Map: (E-8).

| Portland (PTL) |

[PTL-H41] - On the rocks west of Red Light District.
Map: (C-7).
Notes: This Package can only be acquired by boat.

Time to do some side-missions starting with.....

| II.8. Ambulance Mission [ABMS] |

Now that I have familiarized myself with Portland Island, it is time to do
the Ambulance Mission. In GTA3 this mission was a pain in the ass. An
unstable vehicle, no full map, less durability, and the arbitrary time
amounts made this a lot harder than it needed to be.

In GTA:LCS this mission is much easier. The Ambulance is much more durable
(including the ability to self-heal - introduced in Vice City). Considering
how badly the other cars behave in GTA:LCS this is definitely a good thing.
You can also get the Ambulance to right itself should you manage to roll it.
And finally, there is full map you can access by pressing on the Start button
so you can plan your routes on the later levels.

But the time amounts you gain seem to be less so planning your routes becomes
more important.

Even though Staunton Island is flatter terrain, it is probably best to do the
mission here on Portland Island just to get it out of the way.

The best thing to do beforehand is to practice driving the Ambulance around
before doing the mission, especially around the hills of St. Marks. Learn how
to stop the thing properly so you can lessen the risk of killing patients. Go
back near Sweeney General Hospital and start the mission when you're ready.

When the mission begins, you are at Level 1 and you have one patient to
deliver to the hospital. At each level you complete, the number of patients
increase by one so at Level 2 you have two patients, at Level 3, three
patients, and so on. There are a total of twelve levels to complete to
successfully accomplish the Ambulance Mission.

The Ambulance can only carry three patients at a time so you will have to
think in groups of three when doing the later levels. Use your map and try to
plan a good route to get to your patients. Try to go for the furthest patient
first and work back to the hospital. If you don't think you will have enough
time to get the furthest one first, get the first one on you see on the way
then make your way to the furthest patient.

When approaching a patient, Make sure that the patient is on the right of
your ambulance and don't get too close as the patient is running toward your
vehicle as you approach. When the patient just starts to get in the
ambulance, go. This will save a second or two. Use your siren as this causes
the cars to either stop or turn away from you making it a little easier to
evade them.

When you complete Level 12 you will successfully complete the Ambulance
Mission and gain the Infinite Run feature (never tire when running).

| II.9. Noodle Punk Mission [NPKM] |

Next to and east of the Chinatown Plaza is a restaurant called Punk Noodles.
On the south side of the building is a moped called the Noodleboy. When you
get on the Noodleboy you will activate the Punk Noodles Delivery Mission.
This is exactly like the Pizza Delivery Mission in Vice City.

The mission consists of 10 levels. In each level, you have 5 minutes to
deliver noodles to your customers and return back to Punk Noodles for more
orders. In Level 1, it is just one customer, in level two, two customers and
so on until you have ten customers on Level 10. But it is still five minutes
per level so there is little room for error when you get to level seven and
beyond. In addition, you can carry a maximum of six noodles at a time and
they must be delivered via drive-by (left or right only). Starting at Level 7
you have to go back to get more noodles when you have delivered your sixth
noodle of the level.

When you get into the higher levels, you may want to pause and look at your
map when you start a level. When you get to Level 7 and beyond, take six
customers and plan a circular route that starts at the restaurant and make
your way to the furthest customer hitting other customers along the way. Then
from there, make your way back to Punk Noodles getting customers with your
remaining noodles. The remaining customers should be the ones closest to the
restaurant so you can easily complete the rest of that level.

In addition, you don't have to wait until you run out of noodles for a
refill. Drive close to the Noodle Punk restaurant (on the sidewalk) near
where you picked up the Noodleboy to refill your noodles. Very handy.

After successfully completing the Noodle Punk mission, your maximum health
will go up 25 points. You will also gain a Money Icon at Punk Noodles that
will max out at $2,000 a day. A good way to get some money early on in the

| II.10. Firetruck Mission [FTMS] |

At the Harwood Fire Station there is a Firetruck parked at the front. If you
enter the Firetruck and press the Activate Vehicle Mission button you will
turn on the Firetruck Mission. You then have to go from place to place
extinguishing fires with the water cannon by using the Attack button.

There are twelve levels to complete. On Level 1 you just have to put out a
single car fire. On Level 2 you have to put out the car fire but when you do
that a person will exit and he will be on fire and you will have to put him
out. The person will then try to run away so you have to go and chase him
(but thankfully he won't run too far).

As you progress through the levels a person will be added to a car for each
level you pass up to a maximum of three people per car. At Levels 5 and 9 new
cars are added up to a maximum of three cars.

When holding down the Attack button use the Right Analog Stick to aim the
Water Cannon to help put out the fires so you can advance quickly.

After completing Level 12 you will then successfully complete the Firetruck
Mission. You will get a little closer to 100% Completion and become

| II.11. Vigilante Mission (Police Car) [VGMP] |

(Before you do this mission it is recommended that you acquire a lot of
submachine gun ammo for doing drive-bys and know where all of the Police
Bribes are - for controlling your Wanted Ratings.)

At the Portland View Police Station there is a Police Car parked at the
front. If you enter the Police car and press the Activate Vehicle Mission
button you will turn on the Vigilante Mission.

You start out at 5 minutes and will be prompted to chase and destroy a
selected target, which is another car. You have to kill all the criminals in
the car before moving onto the next level. You will be given extra time when
you complete a level.

Sometimes, if you damage the criminal's car enough, the criminals may exit
the car to confront you. Drive-by or run them over to get rid of them. The
higher you go up the levels, the more criminals you will have to deal with
(up to a maximum of three cars per level).

In past GTAs doing the Vigilante Mission in the Police Car was tough because
you would always smash into other cars which damaged your own. This is in
addition to the bad guys shooting at you which also damages your car. And the
Police Car isn't really that tough often leaving players to wait until they
could get a Rhino before doing this mission.

However, in LCS, when you start the mission, you will find that the Police
car becomes super tough (not invulnerable but you might think that) so this
mission becomes much easier. You can smash into other cars and take small
arms fire with very little damage. So now you can focus more on destroying
criminals. In one run I got up to Level 11 before my Police Car started to
smoke a little bit.

After completing Level 12, you will be rewarded with a permanent increase in
your armor (going up to 150 maximum) plus another step toward 100%

But, if you still have trouble doing this mission, I have chapters on how to
acquire the Rhino and doing the Vigilante Mission with the tank later in the

| II.12. Rampages Explained [RPXP] |

As you go around the city, you will notice some skull icons laying about.
These are the Rampage Icons. When one is activated, you will be instructed to
kill or destroy certain objects within two minutes and with a given weapon
with unlimited ammo (that you can't switch out of during the duration of the

Unlike "Grand Theft Auto III", which had two locations for each Rampage,
there is only one location for each Rampage in Liberty City Stories.

There are a total of 20 Rampages in Liberty City Stories and six of them are
located here on Portland Island.

Your reward for finishing Rampages will start at $50 and increase by $50 for
each one completed. In addition, you will get the M60 Weapon Icon for your
Safehouses for successfully completing all 20 Rampages.

| II.13. Rampages (Portland Island) [RMPT] |

And now for the list of Rampages found on Portland Island. The Map
co-ordinates refer to the printed map that comes included with the game disc:

| Harwood (HWD) |

[HWD-R1] - Incinerate 25 Diablos (Flame-Thrower).
Location: On the east side of Borgnine Taxis (west of HEAD
Map: (B-8).
Notes: This actually pretty easy if you got the Fireproof Feature
from doing the Firetruck Missions otherwise it is only a
little bit harder. Making this Rampage easier is the fact
that you can run with the Flame-Thrower allowing you to
chase down your Targets.

| St. Marks (STM) |

[STM-R2] - Burn 7 Vehicles (Molotovs).
Location: In a corner behind a wall south of the AMCO Gas
Map: (B-8).
Notes: It is highly recommended that you do the Firetruck Mission
before doing this Rampage. It will make it a lot easier.
Just drop the Molotovs near cars and the drivers will
leave. This will cause traffic to back up allowing you to
destroy more targets. Be careful of the nearby Mafia they
may fire back but you can just drop a Molotov on them to
keep them off your back.

[STM-R3] - Kill 25 Leone Mafia (Shotgun).
Location: Inside the corner of a side alley in St. Mark's. From
Ma's Place, go south to the next block and turn left
into the alley right next to the "Surplice To
Requirements" shop. From there continue east and turn
left at the last opening near the east end of the alley.
You will then see the Rampage.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This Rampage is a little tricky. The Mafia fight back and
they can surround you if you're not careful. Still this is
not too hard as long as you keep moving and firing on any
Mafia you see. By the way, don't forget about those damn
Cops. They can be a real pain in this Rampage. Just kill
them too if they get in your way.

| Chinatown (CHT) |

[CHT-R4] - Blow up 10 Vehicles (Rocket Launcher).
Location: In a corner behind a wall at the west end of a narrow
block in the northwest side of Chinatown. Practically
borders on Red Light District.
Map: (C-7).
Notes: Since you're near a road this is pretty easy. Just make
sure you don't blow up any cars near you so you don't
sustain any damage. Dealing with Cops becomes a pain
though. They run pretty fast so you can't just turn around
and blast them. If one is chasing you just keep running and
take a quick shot at a car when one presents itself.

[CHT-R5] - Gun down 30 Triads (AK-47).
Location: In the T-shaped alley behind Mr. Wong's Launderette.
Map: (C-7).
Notes: I had problems with this one. The Triads liked to charge me
and hit me with their Meat Cleavers which can do quite a
bit of damage. I basically ran into the Chinatown Plaza and
used the narrow alleys to funnel them down so I could shoot
them. Some of them preferred to run away and this made for
easy targets.

| Portland View (PLV) |

[PLV-R6] - Run over 30 Pedestrians (Any Vehicle).
Location: On the east side of the apartment building just east of
the Portland View El-Train Platform.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: Very easy. Take a reasonably durable car with you to the
Rampage and just go up and down the sidewalks to claim your

| II.14. Unique Stunt Jumps Explained [USTX] |

All around Liberty City you will find objects that can be used as ramps for
vehicle jumping. Usually, on most jumps, you will just get some additional
money and not much more.

But on some jumps you will get a slow motion cutscene as you fly through the
air. These jumps are known as the Unique Stunt Jumps and, if you complete
them correctly, will add toward 100% Completion.

The best vehicle to use for these Jumps is the PCJ-600 motorcycle (unless
noted). There are a total of 26 Unique Stunt Jumps in the game and thirteen
of them can be done on Portland Island.

Your reward for finishing Unique Stunt Jumps is $250 for each one completed
and you will get a $10,000 bonus for successfully completing all 26 Jumps.

When you complete your first Jump you will also unlock the Underwear Outfit
at your Safehouses. In addition you will get a failure notice if you don't
make a Jump. Very handy for identifying Jumps.

| II.15. Unique Stunt Jumps (Portland Island) [USJP] |

Now for the list of Unique Stunt Jumps found on Portland Island. The Map
co-ordinates refer to the printed map that comes included with the game

| Harwood (HWD) |

[HWD-J1] - The ramp sitting on top of the beached boat at the east part of
the Harwood Ferry Terminal.
Heading: West to East.
Map: (B-7).
Notes: Start from the booths to get enough speed for the jump and
angle toward the ramp when you get past the fence.

[HWD-J2] - The grassy hill south of the Harwood Ferry Terminal.
Heading: South to North.
Map: (B-7).
Notes: This is a tough one. You have to go on the concrete
embankment to gain speed for the jump. In addition, you
have to land in the parking lot going between the
billboards along the way. But you need to angle your bike
toward the ramp and you have to lean down shortly before
you hit the ramp to give you the extra boost you need to
clear the chainlink fence. More often than not I hit the
left billboard. It took me several tries before I got this

[HWD-J3] - The large grassy hill near the elevated tracks in the south part
of the Harwood Dirt-Track.
Heading: Southwest to Northeast.
Map: (B-7).
Notes: The Manchez is the best vehicle to use here (you will need
to do "Bumps And Grinds" to get one). Go along the curve in
the track to help gain speed and lean down to gain speed.
You must clear the tracks without touching them in order to
get credit for the Jump.

| Red Light District (RLD) |

[RLD-J4] - A ramp created within the ruins of The Dolls House.
Heading: Southeast to Northwest.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: This Jump can only be done after the completion of the
mission "Blow Up 'Dolls'" (JD O'Toole). You have to go
north along the main street and turn northwest into the
ruins. You have to land on the roof of the Construction
Site to get credit for the Jump.

| St. Mark's (STM) |

[STM-J5] - The grassy ramp at the curve across the street southeast from
Marco's Bistro (where the Police Bribe is floating).
Heading: North to South.
Map: (C-9).
Notes: You must land on the back parking lot of the Fidl Store to

| Portland View (PLV) |

[PLV-J6] - The ramp between Sweeney General Hospital and the Portland View
Police Station.
Heading: East to West.
Map: (C-8).
Notes: You have to start from the small dirt mound on the sidewalk
near the Fidl Store. You also have to lean down to get
enough speed to make the Jump successfully.

| Portland Harbor (PHB) |

[PHB-J7] - The ramp in one of the buildings under construction at the north
part of Portland Harbor near the beach.
Heading: South to North.
Map: (C-9).
Notes: Start from the large round building not far from the ramp.
You have to lean down to get the speed you need to make the
Jump. You have to land on the beach (without touching the
water) to succeed.

[PHB-J8] - The north vent on top of the large building south of the Garage
Heading: East to West.
Map: (D-9).
Notes: Use the stairs to get to the roof. You must land in the
area across the street west of the Portland Harbor entrance
to succeed.

[PHB-J9] - The ramp on the west part of the ship south of PHB-J8.
Heading: East to West.
Map: (D-9).
Notes: You must clear the trailers to succeed.

| Trenton (TTN) |

[TTN-J10] - The ramp just southeast of Mean Street Taxis.
Heading: Northwest to Southeast.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: You must go into the grass near the Portland View Police
Station to start. You have to lean down to get additional
speed. You have to clear the roof near the ramp and land
on the roof of the overhang to succeed.

| Chinatown (CHT) |

[CHT-J11] - The concrete ramp just north of the Callahan Bridge.
Heading: South to North.
Map: (D-7).
Notes: Start at the curve just south of the tunnel (which is just
south of the Callahan Bridge) to the pier at Callahan
Point. You have to go through the tunnel, leaning down the
entire time, and must clear the elevated tracks to

| Callahan Point (CPT) |

[CPT-J12] - The hill just east of Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts.
Heading: East to West.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: You need to back up to where the Perennial is parked to
get adequate speed. You have to lean down as you approach
the Jump. You have to fly through the giant doughnut sign
and land in the parking lot to succeed.

[CPT-J13] - The large rock near the corner of the concrete embankment south
of Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts.
Heading: Southeast to Northwest.
Map: (D-8).
Notes: I absolutely hate this Jump. You have to start near the
west side of The Warehouses and go west along the concrete
embankment leaning down to gain speed. Then, as you get
past the wall to your right, you must angle right and hit
the rock to the right of the middle. You must land on the
road leading to the tunnel to succeed. Failure usually
leads to landing in the water which results in death. I
ended up restarting my saved game a lot trying to nail
this Jump.

| II.16. Taxi Mission [TXMS] |

Whenever you enter a Taxi, you have the option of doing the Taxi Mission by
pressing Activate Vehicle Mission. The mission comprises of picking up fares
and driving them to their destination a la Sega's "Crazy Taxi".

You have to complete 100 fares, although not all at one time, in order to
unlock a special vehicle and inch closer to 100% Completion. You can get a
Taxi either by jacking one off of the streets or by getting the one usually
parked at Mean Street Taxis in Trenton.

The more fares you pick up in one run, the more money you make. Although
Staunton Island has flatter terrain it is probably best to do the mission
here in Portland Island just to get it out of the way because it does take
awhile to get those 100 fares. Plus Portland Island is smaller so it will
shorten the time necessary to get those 100 fares.

Once you get 100 fares you will unlock the Bickle'76 Taxi at Mean Street

| II.17. "Trash Dash" (Portland Island) [TDPT] |

New to the GTA series is a side-mission called "Trash Dash". At the Harwood
Junkyard is a Trashmaster. Entering the Trashmaster and pressing Activate
Vehicle Mission will trigger the "Trash Dash" side-mission.

You must collect twelve dumpsters and go back to the Harwood Junkyard. The
timer starts when you pick up the first dumpster. You start with 30 seconds
and you will get 30 additional seconds for each dumpster picked up.

Here is a suggested route to pick up the dumpsters:

>>[1] - By Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts in Callaghan Point.
>>[2] - In the L-shaped alley at the China Building.
>>[3] - Behind Joey's Car Garage in Trenton.
>>[4] - On the southwest side of Portland Harbor.
>>[5] - On the north side of Portland Harbor.
>>[6] - In front of the Fidl Store.
>>[7] - Behind the Portland View Police Station.
>>[8] - In the alley across from Sweeney General Hospital.
>>[9] - In a side alley in central St. Mark's
>>[10] - In an alley southwest of [9].
>>[11] - Between the two large buildings at the Fish Market.
>>[12] - In a small alley in Red Light District.

Once you get the last dumpster you will then have two minutes to get back to
the Harwood Junkyard. Because the last dumpster is the one closest to the
Harwood Junkyard you will have plenty of time to get back. Once you get back
to the Harwood Junkyard the mission will be completed successfully.

For your reward you will get $2,000 and one step closer to 100% Completion.

There are two other Trash Dash missions, one on Staunton Island and one on
Shoreside Vale. But those have to be done later.

| II.18. "Scrapyard Challenge" [SCPC] |

At the south part of the Harwood Junkyard is a Sanchez leaning up against a
building. Getting on the Sanchez will trigger the "Scrapyard Challenge".

This is a collection based mission. There are a bunch of colored markers all
around the course. There are three colors represented. Each color is worth a
set number of points. Green is one point, yellow is two points, and red is
worth three points. You must get over 21 points to successfully complete the
Challenge and you have two minutes to do it in.

This is the best way to get at least 23 points quickly. When you start get
the Green marker ahead of you the quickly turn around, go up the ramp and get
the Yellow marker from the top of the bus. You should be pointing west when
you land back on the ground.

Get the Green marker ahead of you then continue west under the airborne Red
marker. Turn right when you get to the Trashmaster and follow along the wall
until you can see a ramp leading up (on your left). Go up the ramp and you
will see a Green marker and a junction. Go right and continue up. When you
reach the Yellow marker, stop, angle your camera right so you can see the Red
marker in front of you, then continue forward, hit the jump, go through the
Red marker, and land.

When you land, continue to the Harwood Fire Station, stop and turn north
again. You should see a large ramp with a Green marker. Go on the ramp,
collecting the Green marker as you go, hit the Red marker while in the air,
and get the Green marker on the opposite ramp when you land. Then continue to
the concrete embankment and turn south.

You should see a ramp to the right of the Car Crusher with an airborne Red
marker. Jump the ramp, get the Red marker, and turn right when you land. Go
back up the path on the west side of the course and go on the left path this
time. When you get the Yellow marker, stop, angle your camera right so you
can see the Red marker, continue forward, hit the ramp, go through the Red
marker, and land.

If you do everything right you should have 23 points. From here you can do
whatever you want. When you successfully complete the Challenge you will get
four times more cash when you dump cars in the Car Crusher.

If you're good enough and get at least 31 points then you can get eight times
more money for crushing cars (credit: 5-Star RVD).

5-Star RVD also added that the 8X multiplier feature may be glitchy:

"It also seems a tad glitchy... It works for me until I reset the PS2.
When my save with a score of 31+ loads and I take a vehicle to the
crusher it gives me no bonus whatsoever. For example, before I turned
the PS2 off I would get $912 for a mint condition Hellenbach GT, but
when the PS2 has been reset I only get $114 for it even though in my
stats it says my top score is 40. To make things even more odd, if I
load an older save that has a scrapyard score of less than 31 and then
get a score of 31+ on it I'll get the 8x bonus for that save......and
when I load the save with a top score of 40 the 8x bonus randomly
decides to start working again..... If that all makes sense."

| II.19. "RC Triad Take-Down" [RCTD] |

Underneath one of the Chinese style overhangs in southeast Chinatown is a
Toyz Van. Entering the van will trigger the "RC Triad Take-Down"

Here you take a remote controlled car and drive it to any group of Triads you
see then blow them up with the Attack button. You have thirty seconds to
start and you gain extra time when you blow up Triads.

You must kill 20 Triads to pass this side-mission and you will set a new
record when you are successful. You will also get $1,000.

Some notes:

>>First, you should wait to let the game generate Triads before starting
otherwise the game might not generate any during the mission which will,
of course, lead to failure.

>>Second, if any Triad groups form in front of the van then blow up the car
in the street so you don't damage or destroy your van but still kill the

>>In addition, also look out for the Triad Fish Vans. Destroying them will
kill the Triad driver and add to your kill count. Thanks go to
TheVillageIdiot for pointing that out.

| II.20. "Thrashin' RC" [THRC] |

In the Construction Site in Hepburn Heights is another Toyz Van. Entering it
will trigger the "Thrashin' RC" side-mission.

This is a three-level checkpoint race against three other RC vehicles. In
Level One you have to do one lap which will take you through the construction
area and nearby streets. Successfully complete Level One and you will exit
the van.

There are two additional levels of two and three laps respectively which can
be done by reentering the van. However, you only need to complete Level One
to get closer to 100% Completion.

I absolutely HATE the RC Races. The vehicles are hypersensitive plus you tend
to stick to walls if you scrape them. Smacking into anything either spins you
out or flips you over. This is probably the single most frustrating
side-mission in LCS.

If you flip over the wall and into the street north of Doorless Apartments
(East), cancel the mission. You won't be able to get back onto the course to
complete the race. Plus you have to be careful of cars when you are in the

Levels Two and Three are easier because you have an opportunity to catch up
to the other cars if you're behind.

Rewards for level completion:

>>Level One - $1,000.
>>Level Two - $1,500.
>>Level Three - $2,000.

If you beat the best time for the level you will also gain a $500 bonus.

There are two other RC races, one on Staunton Island and one on Shoreside
Vale but those have to be done later.

| II.21. The Backseat Shooter Side-Missions (Portland Island) [BSPT] |

In Liberty City Stories there are three side-missions in which you ride on
the back of a motorcycle or moped.

These side-missions are called the Backseat Shooter Side-Missions. Two of
them are here on Portland Island and the third is at Shoreside Vale. This is
probably one of the cooler additions to the GTA series.

In these side-missions someone else is driving the vehicle and you are
shooting selected targets with a given weapon (with unlimited ammo).

You will have a minimum number of targets to destroy to set a new high score
and a specific amount of time to do it in. The timer will not start until the
driver gets close enough to a target. The more targets you destroy, the
tougher the new targets will become.

Each target you destroy will get you some money and the amount will increase
with each level.

You also have a Damage Meter you cannot let fill up or the mission will end.
You will also be given three Adrenaline Pills to help slow things down when
things get tough.

If you do not set a new high score before the timer runs out (or your Damage
Meter fills up completely) or you shoot your driver then you will fail the
side-mission and be returned to a point near where the side-mission is.

But before I go into the two Backseat Shooter Side-Missions on Portland
Island, there is a neat trick I discovered that can net you a lot of
submachine ammo for free.....

| II.21.A. The Machine Gun Ammo Trick \

To do this trick you need to fail one of these Backseat Shooter Side-Missions
a number of times but it may be worth it.

To start, you need to find a submachine gun that matches the one you will use
in the BS side-mission. You can find a Mac 10 ("9mm Mayhem") in Harwood north
of the Harwood Junkyard. You can also find a Tec-9 ("Scooter Shooter") in St.
Marks south of Ma's Place.

Before climbing on the bike or moped you need to be holding the appropriate
submachine gun in your hand (not a Shotgun or a Pistol or any other weapon).

If you choose to do "9mm Mayhem" you have to have the Mac 10 in your hand and
for "Scooter Shooter" you have to have the Tec-9 in your hand.

When you jump on the bike you need to fail the side-mission. You can ride
around waiting for the timer to run out (although shooting at other people
and cars, but not your intended target, can be fun) or shoot your driver.

When you are returned to where the side-mission is you will notice that you
will gain 100 additional rounds of submachine gun ammo. Doesn't sound like a
lot. But here's the kicker.....

Each time you fail the side-mission the amount of ammo you are "rewarded"
DOUBLES. If you play the side-mission again and fail again you will get 200
more rounds of submachine gun ammo. Fail a third time, you will get 400
rounds. Fail a fourth time, 800 rounds. Get the pattern?

After about eight straight failures you should max out your submachine ammo
at 9,999 rounds. Not a bad way to get max ammo.

This trick also works for the M60 used for the "AWOL Angel" (Shoreside Vale)
Backseat Shooter Side-Mission but you get more ammo per failure.

Now for the two Backseat Shooter Side-Missions for Portland Island:

| II.21.B. "9mm Mayhem" \

In an alley across the street east of Paulie's Revue Bar in Red Light
District you will find a set of stairs and a Freeway under it. Climbing on it
will trigger the "9mm Mayhem" Backseat Shooter Side-Mission.

You are given a Mac 10 and three and a half minutes to destroy at least
eleven targets to set a new high score.

Below is a listing of the levels and vehicles used:

>>[1] - PCJ-600.
>>[2] - PCJ-600.
>>[3] - Yardie Lobo.
>>[4] - Yardie Lobo.
>>[5] - Stinger.
>>[6] - Stinger.
>>[7] - Bobcat.
>>[8] - Bobcat.
>>[9] - Bobcat.
>>[10] and beyond - Patriot.

Starting at Level Five each vehicle will have a gunner who will shoot back at
you. It is best to kill the shooter first before focusing on the car. This is
especially important when you deal with the Patriots since the gunners wield
M4s and can fill up your Damage Meter in a hurry.

This can be difficult especially when going through St. Mark's with all of
those hills which can force you to move the cross-hair up and down making it
tough to hit your targets (and easy to shoot your driver in the head).

| II.21.C. "Scooter Shooter" \

In the L-shaped alley at the China Building is a Faggio. Climbing on the
Faggio will trigger the "Scooter Shooter" Backseat Shooter Side-Mission.

You are given a Tec-9 and three minutes to destroy at least nine targets to
set a new high score.

Below is a listing of the levels and vehicles used:

>>[1] - Mr. Whoopee.
>>[2] - Mr. Whoopee.
>>[3] - Stinger.
>>[4] - Stinger.
>>[5] - Cartel Cruiser.
>>[6] - Cartel Cruiser.
>>[7] - Cartel Cruiser.
>>[8] and beyond - Landstalker.

Starting at level three each vehicle will have a gunner who will shoot back
at you. It is best to kill the shooter first before focusing on the car. This
is especially important when you deal with the Landstalkers since the gunners
wield M4s and can fill up your Damage Meter in a hurry.

This can be difficult especially when going through St. Mark's with all of
those hills which can force you to move the cross-hair up and down making it
tough to hit your targets. And, of course, you still have to be careful not
to shoot your driver.

| II.22. "Bumps And Grinds" [BPGD] |

On the northwest side of Portland Island is the Harwood Dirt-Track. On the
west side of the track, leaning against a tree, is a Sanchez. Getting on the
Sanchez will trigger the side-mission "Bumps And Grinds".

When you start you will be on Course 1 and you must beat the target time to
unlock the next course. There are a total of ten courses to unlock and
complete. Each time you unlock a course you will gain a $100 bonus.

If you fail to beat a target time you can do the course over until you do. It
may take a few tries on some of the courses but they are still not too hard
to complete.

Here is the list of courses and their target times:

>>Course 1 - 0:58.
>>Course 2 - 1:15.
>>Course 3 - 1:14.
>>Course 4 - 1:13.
>>Course 5 - 1:30.
>>Course 6 - 1:32.
>>Course 7 - 1:30.
>>Course 8 - 1:51.
>>Course 9 - 1:23.
>>Course 10 - 1:19.

After successfully completing Course 10 you will get $2,500 and the use of a
Manchez, a more powerful version of the Sanchez. However, when you get on the
Manchez you will start the side-mission again.

To prevent this, push the bike away from the tree (about six feet). Now you
will be able to use the Manchez without any problems. Thanks again go to
TheVillageIdiot for that tip.

| II.23. "Wong Side Of The Tracks" [WSTR] |

At the Portland View El-Train Station there is a Sanchez sitting in a corner.
Getting on this Sanchez will trigger the mission "Wong Side Of The Tracks".

This is a checkpoint race done on the elevated track. You must make one
complete lap around the track on the middle divider. Each checkpoint will get
you ten seconds. In addition, three additional riders will start behind you
in an attempt to knock you off. However, they tend to jam up at the start so
they are of little threat unless you start badly.

When going through the course take it easy around the corners by letting off
of the gas. The curves are where you are most likely to fall off and fail the

Completing the course will get you $1,500.

At this point I have done all I can do on Portland Island before starting the
Main Story Missions. But there is something else that can be done.....

| II.24. Going to Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale Early [GNER] |

Part of the fun of the GTA games is to try to get around the roadblocks and
invisible forcefields to get to areas you aren't supposed to go until the
designers want you to, preferably without cheating.

However, Rockstar went through a lot of trouble to make sure that you
couldn't get around the forcefields in LCS and force you to stay on Portland
Island until they allowed you to go to Staunton Island.

And, for awhile, it seemed that they were going to succeed in that endeavor.

But then gamers started finding ways around their forcefields.....

| II.24.A. The Grey Hell Warp \

Fathedred, who would later start a thread about this at the GameFAQs message
boards, was playing around jumping at some of the seams where pieces of the
graphics meet trying to find a way in to Grey Hell and go underneath Liberty

He was in the Construction Site at Hepburn Heights jumping at a seam he
discovered and, to his surprise, he got through. But instead of Grey Hell he
saw the Staunton Island loading screen. A few seconds later he landed near
the Liberty Memorial Coliseum on Staunton Island. Shocked, he tried it again.
After a few more jumps he got through again and landed on Staunton Island.
Afterwards he posted his findings.

The area in question in in the southwest corner of the Construction Site at
the base of the giant crane. Along the rock wall, if you look carefully, is a
diagonal seam. You have to jump at it to be able to get in.

The biggest problem with this method is, although it DOES work and I have
used it on several occasions to make a nice starter file, it is VERY
inconsistent. You could jump a few times and get there or you could jump at
it for hours and not go anywhere. And one time I managed to get there by
jumping at a spot between the concrete base and the wall far away from the
seam. Personally my average time per attempt was about 15 minutes.

You have to be very PATIENT to use this method to get to Staunton Island
early. But I found it to be worth it. Others have suggested that you use the
Cars On Water cheat but it takes a whopping 1,000 points off your criminal
rating. So, if you wish to have a nice rating, you may want to lay off the

But, if you're not that patient, then the following method may work for you.

| II.24.B. The Post Drop \

Another gamer, Orion_SR (who made a video of his trick), came up with
another, and more consistent method to get to the other side early. Before
trying this you need to get about 50 to 100 rounds for the Sniper Rifle.

First, you need a Trashmaster (any other vehicle will not work for this
particular trick). You can find one at the Harwood Junkyard.

Once inside the Trashmaster, drive it to the Harwood Ferry Terminal. However,
as you get near the entrance, veer off to the left and head toward the
concrete embankment that goes along the west side of Portland Island. Go
south along the embankment.

Eventually you will get underneath the El-Train tracks. What you are looking
for is the first, and northernmost, pillar for the tracks on the edge of the
embankment. When you get to the pillar, stop.

There is a lamppost just south of this pillar. What you want to do is
position the Trashmaster between the post and lamppost but backing the
vehicle toward the edge. But do NOT put the Trashmaster over the edge. Not
yet anyway. When you position the vehicle correctly, get out and head to the
Harwood Dirt-Track.

When you get to the Dirt-Track, find the motorcycle, for "Bumps & Grinds", by
the tree. Push the motorcycle away from the tree so you don't trigger the
side-mission. Once on the cycle, head back to the Trashmaster.

Get back in the Trashmaster and carefully back the rear two wheels over the
edge then quickly get out. If you did it right you should be near the edge
and the Trashmaster will end up in the water.

Get on the nearby motorcycle and go near the edge where you just dumped the
Trashmaster. Angle the camera so you can see the Trashmaster. Carefully go
over the edge and land on the Trashmaster.

Once you are on the Trashmaster, get off the bike. Instead of standing on top
of the large vehicle you will actually fall into Grey Hell (the texture for
the top of the Trashmaster allows this to happen - this is why no other
vehicle will work here).

However, because of how you positioned everything, you will only fall partway
and stop. You will actually land on top of the subway tunnel. But you can't
see it. This is why you bring the Sniper Rifle. This will help you "feel"
your way around when needed.

Use the Sniper Rifle to angle yourself to look southeast. Before moving
anywhere wait for the subway train to show up. When you see the train
position yourself so you are above the track it is on and proceed southeast.

At some point the train will turn south and head toward Chinatown. The track
runs directly underneath the north-south road that runs in front of Paulie's
Revue Bar. The hard part is going around the curve without falling off the
tunnel and landing back on Portland Island.

Use the Sniper Rifle, angle downward a bit and fire. If you see sparks then
you can move forward a little bit. If not, then move the Rifle a little to
the right and fire until you see sparks. You can also wait for the next train
to see how you are positioned over the track.

Once you are correctly positioned under the north-south road then head due
south. After a little bit you should see the subway platform appear to your
left. As you get near the platform you should get a loading screen. After the
loading screen things get a bit easier because you can now see the tunnel.

But the first thing you should do is move forward. One of the weird things
about this trick is that, after the loading screen, cars will start to fall
from the "sky"! And if you don't move forward after the loading screen, cars
will fall on top of you and you will end up back on Portland Island.

Stay on the left side of the tunnel and follow it. Eventually you will be
under the water. As you get near the piers for The Condos in Newport you will
see that the tunnel will rise to just a few feet under the surface. As you
near the Callahan Bridge you will find that the tunnel will angle up again.
The problem here is that if you reach the top of this incline your head will
actually poke through the water's surface and you will die.

What you should do is when you get a little bit up the incline, about halfway
past the brown "median" to your right, go left and off the tunnel into Grey
Hell. You should land in Newport underneath the Callahan Bridge.

Once you are on Staunton Island, regardless of method, you will find that the
Staunton Island Safehouse is not active and therefore you cannot save your
game here. You must go back to Portland Island to save your game.

The best way to do that, and still be able to continue exploring without
having to use either trick again, is to take a Predator (found by the piers
at The Condos at Newport), drive it around to Portland Beach, beach the
craft, run back to your Portland Island Safehouse (don't grab any cars),
save, and run back to the beach. Hopefully, the Predator should still be
there and you will be able to go back to Staunton Island.

Another thing to note. If you try to go to Shoreside Vale through the Subway
Tunnel, the only way to get across since the Shoreside Lift Bridge is not
working, you will find that the Francis International Airport Subway Entrance
has been gated off. So how are you going to be able to go to Shoreside Vale?

| II.24.C. The Predator Jump \

This method of getting to Shoreside Vale from Staunton Island is the only way
(so far) to get there early. You will notice that there is a barrier at the
north and south ends of Staunton Island to keep you from getting a boat
around and to Shoreside Vale. But there is a way around them.

Get a Predator and head toward the Rockford Ferry Terminal. As you approach,
you will see the ferry ramp. You won't be able to go up that but that is not
the target. To the left of the ferry ramp is the rocky shoreline. But it is
angled like a ramp and can be used as such. Hit this area at a high rate of
speed and you should launch into the air and land in the ferry terminal
parking lot.

Next, get out of the Predator, take the Landstalker parked nearby, and push
the boat toward the other ferry ramp on the other side of the northern
barrier. Once the boat is on the edge of the ferry ramp, exit the Landstalker
and push the boat in by hand. Once the boat is in the water, get in and go to
Shoreside Vale.

If you want to get back to Portland Island from Shoreside Vale take the
Predator parked at the South Runway for Francis International Airport and
beach the craft at the pier at Bedford Point. Then take another Predator from
the piers at The Condos in Newport and go back to Portland Island.

| II.24.D. The "AWOL Angel" Wanted Rating Trick \

I was told of this trick by Serge Maglalang. In the early stages of the game
the maximum Wanted Rating you can achieve is 4-Stars.

However, if you sneak to Shoreside Vale early, you can actually go up to the
maximum of 6-Stars by doing the side-mission "AWOL Angel" (Wichita Gardens).
This is good for those who wish to acquire a Rhino to do the Vigilante
Mission or to cause additional havoc.

Before you go to Shoreside Vale you should collect all of the Hidden Packages
around the Portland Island area to generate the Pistol and Shotgun Weapon
Icons. As you go around Portland Island you should also pick up sub-machine
gun ammo too.

Once you sneak to Shoreside Vale, find out where all of the Police Bribes are
then head up near The Complex area in Wichita Gardens and start killing
nearby pedestrians. Once you get up to a 4-Star Wanted Rating, get on the
parked Angel to start the side-mission.

Do NOT shoot at your intended target. Instead, turn around and shoot at
everything else. If you're good then you may get it up to 5-Stars before time
runs out and you fail the side-mission.

When you fail you will still have your Wanted Rating but you will also be
back near the bike. Get back on and do the side-mission again.

Continue doing the side-mission until you have the 6-Star Wanted Rating. When
you are finished then the real fun part begins: getting the tank without
being killed or caught.

If you manage to get the Rhino without being caught or killed then use the
Police Bribes to get rid of the Wanted Rating before doing the Vigilante

I should also point out that you can also go up to a 6-Star Wanted Rating
while doing the Vigilante Mission so you might want to be careful while
driving the tank around Shoreside Vale (so you don't cause any unwanted

Once you complete the Vigilante Mission, get rid of the Wanted Ratings any
way you can (if you have any when you stop the mission) then head back to
Portland Island to save your game.

| II.24.E. What You Can Do \

Once on the other side you can do most, but not, everything. Below is the
list of activities you can do in the other two areas:

>>Shoreside Vale
>>Collect 30 Hidden Packages.
>>Do 7 Rampages.
>>Do 7 Unique Stunt Jumps.
>>Do "AWOL Angel".
>>Do "Chasin' RC".

>>Staunton Island
>>Collect 28 out of 30 Hidden Packages.
>>Do 7 Rampages.
>>Do 6 Unique Stunt Jumps.
>>Do "Bike Salesman".
>>Do "Ragin' RC".
>>Do "Go Go Faggio".
>>Do "Joe's Pizza".
>>Get most of the cars for Love Media's "Car-azy Car Giveaway".

Plus there are the three Hidden Packages on the rocks around Portland Island.

And, of course, if you wish to do so, do the Taxi, Vigilante, Ambulance, and
Firetruck Missions while on the other side.

With this warp you can get up to 47% Completion, do all Jumps, do all
Rampages, get 97 out of 100 Hidden Packages, and a do large chunk of the
side-missions. And, of course, unlock all Weapon Icons for your Safehouses.

| II.24.F. Early Explorer Bonus \

Any strategy in some of the early missions that use weapons gained by doing
most of the above tasks prior to the Main Story Missions will be notated by
"Early Explorer Bouns".

With that done, it is time to finally move onto.....

| III. The Main Story Missions [TMSM] |

Each Main Story Mission is broken into six parts:

| Overview \

What the mission is about.

| Weapons \

Weapons used on the mission. Each weapon listed should have a lot of ammo
for it before doing the mission attempt.

| Prep Work \

Any vehicle that must be had or any task that needs to be done before doing
the mission.

| Notes \

Additional information and other musings.

| The Plan \

How to do the mission.

| Reward \

What you get for your efforts.

With that explained, I will now move on to the story starting with.....

| III.1. Vincenzo Cilli [VNCL] |

Vincenzo Cilli is the current Capo in the Salvatore Leone crime family. He
has taken advantage of Toni's absence to rise thru the ranks and has acquired
all of what Toni had prior to his exile. He doesn't like Toni and Toni
doesn't like him but Toni has to work with him to start regaining what he had
before and possibly even replace Vincenzo.

He has a total of six missions and can be picked up at the west side of The
Warehouses in Atlantic Quays.

| >V1. "Slacker" (Vincenzo Cilli) |

| Overview \

Vincenzo informs Toni that there is a dealer who hasn't brought in any
money in days. Toni is to go over to the dealer and motivate his lazy

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go over to St. Mark's to pick up Vincenzo's dealer. When you arrive at the
dealer Toni finds that he is ill and wants to wait a couple of days to get
better. However, Toni won't accept that so now he has to take the dealer to

Take the dealer to where he is supposed to be. But the dealer informs Toni
that the Sindaccos are dealing in Chinatown and that he would be in grave
danger if he goes there.

But once Toni drops off the dealer near Mr. Wong's Launderette all is good
and the mission ends.

| Reward \


| >V2. "Dealing Revenge" (Vincenzo Cilli) |

| Overview \

When Toni arrives at Vinnie's office he is told that the dealer he dropped
off in Chinatown earlier has been killed by the Sindaccos. Now, Toni has to
deal out some vengeance.....

| Weapons \

Pistol, Shotgun, any Sub-Machine Gun.

| Prep Work \

Gather at least 20 Hidden Packages to get the Pistol and Shotgun weapons at
your Safehouse to get easy ammo.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go back to Chinatown and to the alley behind Mr. Wong's Launderette. When
you get into the yellow marker you will confront the Sindacco dealers. Kill
the one in front of you with any weapon.

Then go around the area and kill the other two dealers, with either your
favorite weapon or running them over with your car, to successfully
complete the mission.

| Reward \


In addition, you will also earn the Baseball Bat Weapon Icon for your

You will also get a notice that a salesman position has opened at Capital
Autos in Harwood. This leads into.....

| III.2. "Car Salesman" (Capital Autos) [CSCA] |

When you get to Capital Autos you will see a yellow marker. Stepping in it
will activate the "Car Salesman" side-mission. It is highly recommended that
you get at least 1,500-2,000 rounds for your submachine gun prior to doing
this side-mission.

You can only get this side-mission between the hours of 8:00 and 18:00.

There are four cars in front of you. You must take a car and drive the
customer around. Each customer is looking for something in each car.

When you find what the customer wants then do it in order to make the sale.
There is a sale meter that rises and falls according to how you are
performing. When the meter maxes out then you must go back to Capital Autos
in order to close the sale.

It should be noted that sometimes you may get the sale but the customer
doesn't like the color. In that case you must go to the Pay 'N' Spray to
change the color before finishing with the customer.

You start out with two and a half minutes on the clock and you will gain a
money bonus and 110 seconds of time for each sale made. When you have driven
all four cars successfully you will have completed a level and you go onto
the next one. The sales get a little tougher with each level passed.

It is important to note that if you fail a sale at a given level when you
restart the Car Salesman side-mission you will restart at the last level
played. So if you fail at Level 4 then when you restart the side-mission you
will start at Level 4.

Let's go over each car starting with the one on the left:

>>Car #1
Rules: The customer wants you to run over people and cause chaos. You can
smash up the car a bit without needing to go to the Pay 'N' Spray
unless your Wanted Rating is at 2-Star or above.
Strategy: When you enter the street, go south and toward the Junkyard. Once
in the Junkyard head west until you get to the parked
Trashmaster. Move the car in such a way that you can drive-by it.
Shoot the vehicle until your Sales mater is maxed out. You can
continue shooting the vehicle after it explodes to add to the
Sales Meter. If the Trashmaster isn't there then use the
Perennial that is usually near the Car Crusher.

>>Car #2
Rules: The customer wants you to drive very fast. The Sale Meter will go
down if you go slow and if it goes down to zero you will fail the
mission. If you dent up the car in any way you will have to go to
the Pay 'N' Spray before you are allowed to close out the deal.
Strategy: When you exit the lot go north and toward the Junkyard. Head
toward the ramp leading to the top of the concrete embankment at
a fast speed to compensate for when you have to slow down when
turning east onto the embankment. Once on the embankment go as
fast as you can. You should get the sale before you get near the
grass. If not then just do a 180 powerslide and head back toward
the ramp. You should get the sale before you get back to the

>>Car #3
Rules: The customer wants you to drive slow. The Sale Meter will go down if
you go fast and if it goes down to zero you will fail the mission.
If you dent up the car in any way you will have to go to the Pay N'
Spray before you are allowed to close out the deal.
Strategy: When you exit the lot go north and toward the Junkyard. Go slow
and keep an eye on the Sale Meter to determine the speed you
should be going. Slow down as you get to the top of the incline
leading down and use gravity to pull the car down into the
Junkyard. Head toward the ramp for the concrete embankment.
Usually, if you do things right, you will get the sale before
getting to the ramp. But, in later levels, you will probably need
to go onto the concrete embankment to drive around on.

>>Car #4
Rules: The customer wants you to go off-roading. You can smash up the car a
bit without needing to go to the Pay 'N' Spray.
Strategy: When you exit the lot go north and toward the Junkyard. Use the
grassy hills to the east when you enter to help make the sale.
Usually by the time you get to the top you will get the sale. At
Level 2 and above you should go to the Harwood Dirt-Track and use
the jumps there to get the sale. Most of my failures came from
flipping the off-road vehicle on it's roof. I found that I can
reduce that by using the jumps on the Dirt-Track. They aren't so
extreme that I end up flipping the car on the roof. Carefully go
around the track until the sale is made then head back to the
lot. This takes a bit of time but since the other cars can be
done quickly you can still gain time per level.

The weather also changes as you progress through the levels. At Level 5 and 6
you will have to deal with rain. At Levels 7,8, and 9 you will deal with
heavy fog. At Level 10 and above the weather will change from sale to sale.

After Level 4 the car that spawns within the car showroom will change into a
Hellenbach GT. After Level 6 you will gain a Money Icon for Capital Autos
that maxes at $ 4,000 per day and you will take another step toward 100%
Completion. You don't need to go any further unless you want to.

Now let's go back to the story.....

| >V3. "Snuff" (Vincenzo Cilli) |

| Overview \

JD O'Toole, a guy who is running a Sindacco-controlled gentleman's club
(Paulie's Revue Bar), wants to join the Leone Family. Vincenzo wants to use
him as inside guy to listen in on the Sindacco plans. However, there is
somebody who is putting pressure on JD and Vincenzo wants Toni to take him

| Weapons \

Pistol, Shotgun, M60 (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Head over to the Red Light District Ammu-Nation. Go inside and pick up a
Pistol. If you did any outside exploration of Liberty City and picked up a
.357 you HAVE to get the Pistol. The game leaves you no choice. After that
head over to the Construction Site in Hepburn Heights.

When you enter the marker you will have to face some Sindacco goons. I
prefer to use a Shotgun when dealing with these clowns. Take out the two
near the building tunnel. Then go into the back area and kill the next two
goons. the last big goons is near a car. Go around the car and kill him
then pick up the phone.

As it turns out JD is filming the whole thing. Toni says that JD still owes
them money and JD offers the nearby car as a deposit. Take it over to the
Pay 'N' Spray.

Once you get the car re-sprayed the mission is successfully completed.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

The use of the M60 will make fast work of all of the goons including the
one by the car.

| Reward \


In addition, the following weapon is now available at the Red Light
District Ammu-Nation:

>>Pistol [Cost: $240].

This will also open up the JD O'Toole missions in Red Light District but I
will save him for later.

| >V4. "Smash And Grab" (Vincenzo Cilli) |

| Overview \

Some of Vincenzo's men have screwed up a simple raid and now Toni has been
assigned to get them back and clean up the mess.....

| Weapons \

Any submachine gun.

| Prep Work \

Bring a four-door car, preferably a Taxi or the Bickle'76, to Vincenzo's.
There's no guarantee that the Kuruma that is usually parked nearby will be
there for you.

| Notes \

I had a couple of readers make suggestions based on the PSP version. One
suggestion was, after getting the 3-Star Rating and killing the nearby
Cops, take the vehicle to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the Rating then
pick up the men and take them back with no problems. The other suggestion
was to take a Police Car and pick them up without getting no Wanted Ratings

Unfortunately, Rockstar got wise to these ideas and fixed it in the PS2
version so when you pick up the men, regardless of what you do beforehand
or what vehicle you use, you will automatically get the 3-Star Wanted
Rating forcing you to go the the Pay 'N' Spray before you can go back to

| The Plan \

Take your four-door vehicle and drive it over to the AMCO Gas Station in
Harwood. You will notice that there is a Leone meter on the right. If it
reaches zero then the mission is failed.

When you get there, use your submachine gun and drive-by the nearby Cops.
Then go inside the Gas Station and pick up the men. Be wary of the Cops.
Their cars can enter after you and run over your men resulting in failure.

Once you pick up the men go over to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the
Wanted Rating. Then drive over to Vincenzo's to complete the mission.

| Reward \


| >V5. "Hot Wheels" (Vincenzo Cilli) |

| Overview \

Vincenzo needs Toni to pick up a car full of drugs for him.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go over to Trenton to pick up the car. When you pick up the car the Police
move in. Now you have to make a run to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the
3-Star Wanted Rating. Stay in the Pay 'N' Spray until the rating disappears
then head to the marker in St. Mark's.

When you get to the marker Toni and Vincenzo have an argument over the
phone. Toni has had enough of being treated like a bitch so he decides to

In addition to quitting, Toni also decides to get rid of the car in the Car
Crusher. Drive on over to the marker by the Car Crusher to successfully
complete the mission.

| Reward \

Nothing other than the money made from crushing the car.

You will also get a call from Ma Cipriani which will also open up her
missions in St. Mark's. However, I will now start doing missions for.....

| III.3. JD O'Toole [JDTL] |

This perverted gentleman runs Paulie's Revue Bar in Red Light District. He is
tired of working for the Sindaccos and wants to become a member of the Leone
family. So he has agreed to become an informant for Toni so Toni can take
down the Sindaccos.

Since JD is still working for the Sindaccos you have to be wearing something
other than the Leone Outfit in order to take his missions.

He has eight missions and can be picked up at Paulie's Revue Bar in Red Light

| >J1. "Bone Voyeur!" (JD O'Toole) |

| Overview \

After getting an unusual introduction from JD the two of them go and
collect money from JD's hookers....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Get in JD's van to start this mission. You need to collect money from his
hookers and you have three minutes to complete the mission. You also need
to collect $700.

Go around the Red Light District area to look for his hookers. When one
appears stop next to her to collect the money. If you see a rival pimp run
him over then exit the van to collect the money. When you collect the $700
then the mission will be successfully completed.

| Reward \


| >J2. "Don In 60 Seconds" (JD O'Toole) |

| Overview \

JD gets wind of a Police raid on his bar. To make matters worse, Salvatore
is paying a special visit to his girls. Toni needs to get Salvatore out of
the club in a hurry.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

When the mission starts drive forward and hang a left. From there head to
the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the Wanted Ratings. After that head back to
Salvatore Mansion to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


In addition, the following weapon is now available at the Red Light
District Ammu-Nation:

>>Micro SMG [Cost: $600].

You will also open up Salvatore Leone's missions at his mansion in Portland
Beach. Even though I have opened up Salvatore's missions I will continue
with JD's missions which leads me to.....

| >J3. "A Volatile Situation" (JD O'Toole) |

| Overview \

JD informs Toni about the Sindaccos plan to blow up a Leone casino in St.
Mark's. Now it is up to Toni to stop that from happening.....

| Weapons \

Micro SMG, Rocket Launcher (optional).

| Prep Work \

Get a lot of Micro SMG ammo from the Red Light District Ammu-Nation.

| Notes \

Got this addition strategy from Daniel Mack:

"For the mission "A Volatile Situation," I made traffic roadblocks in
the street just in front of and right behind the casino (for the second
wave). Took me about five cars total, but it held the Sindaccos at safe
distance where I could pick them off without bothering me or getting
close enough to try to set a bomb. Just in case, I killed one civilian
and waited on an ambulance for quick health (the ambulance will get
stuck in the traffic and never revive the person). After the waves the
traffic will clear out automatically (not the ambulance if the sirens
are on) and it was easy sailing from there."

| The Plan \

After talking with JD head over to the Casino. When you get there you will
get a cutscene informing Toni that the Sindaccos are on their way.

They will come in three waves and arrive by car. There are two ways to deal
with them. the first way is to find them and drive-by them before they get
to the Casino. However, that is risky because of all the bad drivers in
Portland. You risk smacking into other cars that can cause you to lose your

The second method is to stay at the Casino and let them come to you. You
also have the Casino guards to help you out.

The first wave will arrive by station wagon and wield Pistols. One of them
will try to drop a bomb by the entrance (he will squat by the entrance). If
he manages to drop a bomb you have a few seconds to get away before it
explodes. The bomb will damage but not destroy the Casino. However, it will
take a second bomb to destroy it. Obviously it is best to kill the three
gunmen before any of them try to drop a bomb.

After getting rid of the first wave the second wave will start up. They too
will arrive by station wagon but carry Mac 10s. Destroy them and the third
will will start. They will arrive by Patriot and carry Micro SMGs.

Once all three waves are destroyed the Sindaccos will unleash their last
weapon: a large truck packed with explosives. Get close to the street
corner and wait for it to arrive. Once the truck is parked the bomb is
armed. But you can still save the Casino.

You can get inside the truck and drive it away. However, the driver has
crippled the truck and it is in a very low gear. Luckily you don't have to
drive it very far. You have 25 seconds to get it far enough away from the
building so when it explodes it won't do any harm. Once you get it to a
safe distance, as indicated by the Safe Distance line, get out and run away
as fast as you can.

Once the truck explodes safely away from the Casino then the mission will
be successfully completed.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

The Rocket Launcher is a very good weapon to use here. Get in position so
you can nail a Sindacco vehicle as soon as it appears. You can destroy all
of the vehicles before any of them can get to the Casino.

| Reward \


| >J4. "Blow Up 'Dolls'" (JD O'Toole) |

| Overview \

JD informs Toni of a casino/bordello run by the Sindaccos called The Dolls
House. Blowing it up will go a long way toward crippling the Sindacco

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get any regular car and drive it over to Paulie's Revue Bar.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Get a suitable vehicle and head to 8-Ball's Shop in Harwood. Park it inside
his garage to have it fitted with a bomb. Then drive the car over to The
Dolls House.

Take it nice and easy because of the Damage Meter. You can't smack the car
around too much otherwise it will explode.

When you get to The Dolls House run over the four Sindacco guards then put
the car in the garage. From there run to a safe distance to explode the
bomb and complete the mission successfully.

| Reward \


In addition, you can now get RLD-H20 and do RLD-J4. This also completes
JD's set of missions for now.

But, more importantly, the Sindacco gangs that hang around the Red Light
District area will become hostile to you so care must be taken when going
through that section of Portland.

Next I will move onto....

| III.4. Ma Cipriani [MCPR] |

Ma Cipriani is Toni's mother and she always finds a way to put him down.
Raised in the gangster lifestyle she hopes for Toni to become more than he
currently is. Her missions can be found at Ma's Place in the center of St.

She has a total of five missions and can be found at Ma's Place in St. Marks.

| >C1. "Snappy Dresser" (Ma Cipriani) |

| Overview \

After getting chewed out by his mother for not calling her while he was
away Toni decides to check up on a rumor concerning one Giovanni Casa, a
sausage maker who Ma Cipriani says is a good man but Toni thinks is a

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go back to your apartment to pick up your Camera. After that, head over to
Casa's Deli in Chinatown. Once there you will see Giovanni enter a van and
drive off.

Follow him but don't get too close. You will get a message if you are too
close. After awhile he will stop and pick up a couple of hookers. Continue
to follow him and he will lead you to some trees at Callahan Point.

At this point he will change into a baby outfit and chase the startled
hookers. You still can't get too close but go south and out of the trees
which will let you get a clear shot of the action. Zoom in with the Camera
and take a picture of him. You have three shots so make them count.

Once you get a good picture of him he will get frightened and drive off.
Take the picture back to Ma to complete the mission.

Even with the picture in hand Ma still thinks lowly of Toni and continues
to say that Casa is a good man despite the evidence.

| Reward \


| >C2. "Big Rumble In Little China" (Ma Cipriani) |

| Overview \

Ma chews out Toni for being scared of the Triads. Toni goes to Chinatown to
prove her wrong.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Get a Firetruck and take it with you to Ma's Place. Get some Shotgun ammo
from your Safehouse.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are two Triad groups that need to be put down. Take the Firetruck and
drive it to Chinatown.

The first group is inside a bulletproof Triad Fish Van. Ram it with the
Firetruck until the group flees from it. Wait for the van to explode then
get in close, exit the Firetruck, and take out any survivors on foot.

The second group is in the Chinatown Plaza. Get up to them and shred them
with some Shotgun blasts to complete the mission.

| Reward \

Nothing other the money the Triads drop.

| >C3. "Grease Sucho" (Ma Cipriani) |

| Overview \

Ma wants Toni to enter a street race against Sucho to prove his worth.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Grab the Leone Sentinel usually parked at Ma's Place or Salvatore Leone's
mansion and drive it to Trenton for the race. You have to use a car for
this race and you cannot use either a motorcycle or a Firetruck (a vehicle
I liked to use for most races in "Grand Theft Auto III").

Once you get to the starting line the race will start. The first portion of
the course is the most dangerous because of the other drivers jockeying for
position. But once you get into 1st Place just focus on the checkpoints and
you should be fine.

When you win the race, Sucho will try to drive off. Chase him, drive-by him
enough to make him leave his car, and then run him over to complete the

| Reward \

$1,000 plus the Thunder-Rodd will spawn by the Old School.

In addition, you will now be challenged by other underground drivers which
leads me to.....

| III.5. "Low Rider Rumble" [LRDR] |

If you go near Don Kiddick's Sausage Factory in Trenton you will see a yellow
marker near a phone. Answering it will open up the "Low Rider Rumble" race.

This race is one of six illegal street races throughout Liberty City. Three
will make use of cars and three will make use of motorcycles. There are two
races in each area of Liberty City.

You will need a good solid car to enter this particular race. Either a Leone
Sentinel or a Bickle'76 (if you earned it through the Taxi Missions) will do.

This race is a two lap checkpoint race around Portland Island. If you're fast
enough you can get past the other three drivers before you reach Red Light

The other three drivers suck. I once missed the turn going past the Chinatown
Subway and ended up deep in 4th place. I turned around, made the missed
checkpoints, and still blew past them before I even entered St. Mark's. As
you can gather, this is an easy race. Just concentrate on the checkpoints and
you will be fine.

Winning the race will earn you $1,500.

Now let's go back to Ma's Place.....

| >C4. "Dead Meat" (Ma Cipriani) |

| Overview \

That photo of Giovanni Casa you took earlier made him stop paying
protection money to the Cipriani's. Ma is upset that Toni is doing nothing
about it. Ma wishes that Toni had Giovanni's guts. Be careful what you wish

| Weapons \

Hatchet (provided).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

Got this alternate escape route from Jbear427:

"Hey! Just got up to the mission C4. "Dead Meat" (Ma Cipriani) in your
FAQ, and had a suggestion. After the cutscene Toni finds himself in the
meat van with two stars. The cops are wsaiting at the entrance, so
instead of bearing right and going out that way, just head strait
around the sawmill to the left. At the end of the yard is a ramp you
can hit and land outside in the road. You can bang a right when you
land and grab the police bribe in the trees on the way to Joey's garage
before the cops have even figured out where you are, and since the last
star will drop off around the time you get back to Casa's deli, you
don't even have to go to the PayNSpray."

| The Plan \

Head on over to Giovanni's Deli to persuade him to take a road trip with
Toni. Then drive over to Liberty City Sawmills in Trenton.

When you get over to the Sawmills, Toni makes his move against Giovanni.
After that you must chase him down wielding only a Hatchet. He runs just as
fast as you so you won't be able to catch up to him.

However, if you stop, he will eventually stop and hide near some of the
logs. Slowly walk up behind him and clobber him with the Hatchet. Hit him
enough times and he will go down.

After that, Toni makes "Sausage meat a la Casa" from Giovanni and he must
deliver it back to Giovanni's Deli. However, the Cops are onto you and you
must get to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of the Wanted Ratings.

After visiting the Pay 'N' Spray, drive the van to Giovanni's Deli to
successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


| >C5. "No Son Of Mine" (Ma Cipriani) |

| Overview \

Tired of being shamed by Toni, Ma puts a contract out on him. And you
thought your family was messed up.....

| Weapons \

Shotgun, M60 (optional).

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

When playing this mission for the first time I had a large group of cars in
the street when the third group of hitmen approached. I shot one of the
vans to destroy it and the third group of hitmen. This also set up a chain
reaction of car explosions. As the fourth group of hitmen approached they
went right into the chain of explosions. And they died before they could
even stop at Ma's Place. Cool.

| The Plan \

When you start you have to deal with four hitmen wielding Pistols. The
Shotgun is very effective on them. There is a Health Icon and a Micro SMG
in the parking lot if you need it but with the Shotgun you probably won't
have to use them.

After dealing with the first group of hitmen, another group will show up in
a single car wielding Micro SMGs. Even so, they are not difficult to take

After that another group will show up. Deal with them the same way. After
that, a final group will approach. After killing them with the Shotgun you
will successfully complete the mission.

| Early Explorer Bonus |

The M60 will make very quick work of everybody and has a much better fire
rate than the Shotgun.

| Reward \


This will also end Ma Cipriani's line of missions. In addition, you'll
occasionally be pestered by some of Ma's Hitmen.

When dealing with a Hitman, and no I'm not talking about Agent 47 here, you
will get a warning that one is nearby. If he confronts you, he will exit
his car and attack you with his Micro SMG. But these guys are pushovers and
they will drop a Micro SMG and Body Armor when you kill one.

Next, I will move onto.....

| III.6. Salvatore Leone [SALN] |

Salvatore Leone is the leader of the Leone crime family. He is trying to
consolidate control and destroy his main competitors, the Sindaccos and the
Forellis. He is also Toni's main employer and friend.

He has a total of 20 missions and can be found in various places during the
course of the game but while on Portland Island you can pick them up at his
Mansion at Portland Beach.

| >S1. "The Offer" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Salvatore is upset that the local union boss is asking for money in
exchange for 24-hour access to the docks while the strike is going on. He
instructs Toni to pay off the boss and give her a message.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Go down to Portland Docks to meet with the union boss, Jane Hopper. She is
more than happy to take the money but won't play Salvatore's game. Then
Toni is surrounded by the striking workers.

All you need to do is to escape the docks. There's no need to fight the
workers. Once you are out of the docks and far enough away the mission will
be successfully completed.

| Reward \


| >S2. "Ho Selecta!" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Since Salvatore can't get the union boss on his side he decides to get at
her men instead.....

| Weapons \

Baseball Bat.

| Prep Work \

Get a Coach from the Bus Station in Trenton and take it with you to
Salvatore's Mansion (optional).

| Notes \


| The Plan \

You need to pick up six hookers and take them to the striking workers. You
have about six minutes to do the mission before the picket line changes
shift. You can use the Leone Sentinel parked nearby.

There are eight hookers on the map and six of them will be randomly placed.
Two of the hookers will always be in the same places.

The first hooker is at the AMCO Gas Station in Harwood. You have to get her
out of the car. Go up to the car and the client will get out. Beat him up
and the other two clients to get the hooker to your car.

The second hooker will be in a car in an alley in St. Mark's. You need to
get the client out and beat him up to get her into your car.

Once you get four hookers in the car, take them to the picket line. Then go
and get some more.

After dropping off a minimum of six hookers at the picket line, the mission
will be successfully completed.

If you want, you can go and pick up all eight hookers with a Coach.
However, there are no bonuses for taking all eight hookers to the picket

| Reward \


In addition, you will get a news flash on the radio about the formation of
the Avenging Angels anti-crime group.

Shortly after this mission you will get a phone call from Maria and this
will open up her set of missions. But I will finish up with Salvatore's

| >S3. "Frighteners" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

Salvatore needs Toni to scare the union big shots into seeing things his

| Weapons \

Baseball Bat, Micro SMG.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

There are three union bosses that need to be dealt with. They'll be driving
around in various parts of Portland.

Take the PCJ-600 nearby when you start the mission. Find a union boss, get
behind him, shoot at his car until he gets out, then get off your bike and
beat him up until he gets the message. The first and third bosses are
unarmed but the second is armed with a Pistol.

Once you scare all three bosses the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \


In addition, you will unlock the Avenging Angel Outfit at your Safehouses.

| III.7. "Avenging Angels" (Portland Island) [AVPI] |

When you switch to your Avenging Angels Outfit you can access the "Avenging
Angels" side-mission for Portland Island. This is the first of three
"Avenging Angels" missions for LCS, one for each area of the city.

Before doing this you should have a lot of Micro SMG and Shotgun ammo and
bring a nice sturdy car, like a Taxi or Bickle'76, with you.

You need to go to one of the Avenging Angels patrolling Chinatown (try not to
get too close to Red Light District because of the hostile Sindaccos) and
press R3 to begin. Let your partner get in the car then drive off to deal
with troublesome gangs. You start with two and a half minutes and get extra
time as you progress through the levels.

There are three scenarios you will encounter during the course of this

>>The first scenario involves a motorcycle gang. Drive-by them to get rid
of them.

>>The second scenario involves a meeting of gang members. Get near them and
drive-by them as they approach. If forced to confront them on foot use a

>>The third scenario involves a stolen car. Drive-by them until they exit
then drive-by the gang members as they try to run.

The groups will get larger as you progress through the levels.

After completing Level 15 you will earn $1,500 and a bulletproof Avenger bike
will spawn at your Safehouse. It is recommended that you save the bike in
your garage since it will only spawn once.

Now back to the story.....

| >S4. "Rollercoaster Ride" (Salvatore Leone) |

| Overview \

After listening to Jane Hopper on the radio Salvatore wants Toni to
deliver a message.....

| Weapons \

Micro SMG.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Head over to HEAD Radio. You have two minutes before Hopper leaves the
area. When you get there you have to kill the limo driver to get his
outfit. Once you do that, enter the limo.

When she gets in the limo you have to scare her into submission. I
recommend going onto the Harwood Dirt-Track and going around the jumps
until the Scare Meter maxes out.

Once you scare her into submission drive her to the Harwood Ferry Terminal
picket line to successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


In addition, you will unlock the Chauffeur Outfit at your Safehouses.

This will also end Salvatore's line of missions for now. This will also
allow me to do the missions for.....

| III.8. Maria Leone [MRLN] |

Maria Leone is the wife of Salvatore Leone. Her main interests is spending
money and getting wasted. She doesn't live at Salvatore's Mansion but has an
apartment of her own in south St. Mark's which is where you can pick up her
missions, five in all.

| >M1. "Shop 'Til You Strop" (Maria Leone) |

| Overview \

Maria wants to go shopping and you're the chump who has to take her.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \

Take a car with you to Maria's.

| Notes \


| The Plan \

Take her to the shop in Chinatown. Things don't go as planned (as she was
caught shoplifting) so she runs from the shop and you have a 1-Star Wanted
Rating you need to get rid of. Head down to the Pay 'N' Spray to get rid of

Once you do that head over to the second shop which is also in Chinatown.
Again Maria is caught shoplifting and runs from the store. However, the
owner challenges them with a Shotgun. Speed away from the store before he
can do much damage.

You also have a 3-Star Wanted Rating. Although you can go over to the Pay
'N' Spray to get rid of it before heading back to her apartment I find it
may be better to just go back to her apartment straightaway. Once you reach
her apartment the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \


| >M2. "Taken For A Ride" (Maria Leone) |

| Overview \

Maria needs to get some "sugar" to fill her "cupboard".....

| Weapons \

Micro SMG.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

When you begin, take Maria to her dealer. She gets into the dealer's car
but it turns out to be a Sindacco trap. You now have to chase the Sindacco
car and rescue Maria.

You need to ram the car enough to get the Sindaccos to stop and challenge
you. When they exit the car, drive-by them as they try to yank you out.

When they are dead, Maria will leave their car and enter yours. You will
get a 1-Star Wanted Rating but you can just head back to her apartment to
successfully complete the mission.

| Reward \


| >M3. "Booby Prize" (Maria Leone) |

| Overview \

Maria has put herself up as 1st Prize in a street-race. Toni has to come
save her before they get in trouble with Salvatore.....

| Weapons \


| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

You need a bike to compete in this race. Get the PCJ-600 from Salvatore's
Mansion and go to the race in Chinatown.

The race is a two lap checkpoint race around the southern portion of
Portland. The three other racers use Sanchez's.

With the PCJ-600 you can easily get by these riders before you get to
Callahan Point. The only problem to note is the oncoming traffic you will
encounter when going through the Callahan Point area.

Once you win the race the mission is successfully completed.

| Reward \


You will also get a phone call from Salvatore that will reopen his line of
missions. But I will finish up with Maria first.

In addition you open up the next street race which is.....

| III.9. "Red Light Racing" [RLGR] |

You pick up this race at the pay-phone near Mr. Wong's Launderette in west
Chinatown. You need a bike for this race and you can grab a PCJ-600 at
Salvatore's Mansion. Then head to the start line in Red Light District.

This race is the second of six illegal street races throughout Liberty City.

The race is a three lap checkpoint race against three other racers riding
Sanchez's. The course is short with lots of turns. Because you are on a bike
you can easily get knocked off, especially against oncoming traffic, which
will knock you down to last place. Once you get into 1st Place take your time
around turns and you should be okay.

Finishing in 1st Place will get you $1,500 and another step toward 100%

| >M4. "Biker Heat" (Maria Leone) |

| Overview \

After seeing Maria beaten up Toni decides to go after the guy who hit

| Weapons \

Shotgun, Micro SMG.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \

Got some new information from RedGTA17 who presented her findings at

| The Plan \

Go over to Chinatown where you will find Wayne and his gang. After the
initial confrontation Wayne will run for it leaving you to deal with his

Quickly kill his friends with the Shotgun then grab a bike and chase after
Wayne. Wayne will lead you on a nice long chase. Keep peppering him with
submachine gun fire until you kill him.

Once Wayne is dead the mission is successfully completed.

However, what RedGTA17 found was, is that Wayne's bike is bulletproof. You
can save it and it will keep it's bulletproof properties. But the tires are
not bulletproof and the bike can be destroyed with explosives. Plus, when
you're on the motorcycle, it is you who takes the bullet damage not the
bike so the bulletproof properties are pretty limited. Still, if you're
into collecting unusual vehicles, it may be worth keeping.

| Reward \


In addition, Wayne will also drop a Stubby Shotgun and a Chisel.

| >M5. "Overdose Of Trouble" (Maria Leone) |

| Overview \

Toni finds Maria higher than a kite and you need to find a certain drug
before she OD's completely.....

| Weapons \

Micro SMG.

| Prep Work \


| Notes \


| The Plan \

Get a car and pick up Maria. Then head over to Rusty Brown's Ring Donuts at
Callahan Point. But when you get there you realize that Maria was
incorrect. Worse, Wayne's former gang is here and they recognize you.

She now wants you to take her to Hepburn Heights. Unfortunately, Wayne's
gang follows you. The problem here is that you can't kill them all. You
kill some, more will take their place. The best thing to do is to head
straight there and try not to kill any of the gang unless it is necessary.

The stash was behind a trashcan at the Construction Site but now the
trashcan is gone. However, Maria says that she may have some in her
apartment after all. So head back to her apartment. But when you get there
she says she meant Salvatore's place. So now you have to take her to
Salvatore's Mansion.

When you finally get her to Salvatore's Mansion you will successfully
complete the mission.

| Reward \


This will also end Maria's line of missions. And after what she just put
you through it is a shame you can't shoot her yourself instead of letting
Claude Speed do it for you later (at the end of "Grand Theft Auto III").

In addition, you also unlock the Goodfella Outfit at your Safehouses.

Now let's go back to Salvatore.....