Pokemon Battle Revolution: (wii)FAQ/Walkthrough
Table of Contents==============================================================
I. Introduction [INT]
I2. Version History [VER]
I3. What is Pokemon? [WiP]
II. Controls [CTRL]
III. The Menu [MNU]
III2. Storage [STR]
III3. Battle Passes [BPS]
III4. Battle [BTL]
III5. Wi-Fi [WIFI]
III6. Shop [SHOP]
III7. Profile [PRO]
III8. Save [SAVE]
IV. Colloseums [COL]
IV2. Gateway Colosseum [GTW]
IV3. Main Street Colosseum [MNS]
IV4. Waterfall Colosseum [WFL]
IV5. Neon Colosseum [NEON]
IV6. Crystal Colosseum [CRYS]
IV7. Sunny Park Colosseum [SNP]
IV8. Magma Colosseum [MAG]
IV9. Sunset Colosseum [SUN]
IV10. Courtyard Colosseum [CTYD]
IV11. Stargazer Colosseum [SGZR]
V. Walkthrough [WKT]
V2. Gateway Colosseum [WGTW]
V3. Main Street Colosseum [WMNS]
V4. Waterfall Colosseum [WWFL]
V5. Neon Colosseum [WNEON]
V6. Crystal Colosseum [WCRYS]
V7. Sunny Park Colosseum [WSNP]
V8. Magma Colosseum [WMAG]
V9. Sunset Colosseum [WSUN]
V10. Courtyard Colosseum [WCTYD]
V11. Stargazer Colosseum [WSGZR]
VI. Battle Passes [BTPS]
VI2. Rental Pass List [RPL]
VI3. Custom Pass List [CPL]
VII. Shopping [SHOP2]
VII2. Clothes [CLTH]
VII3. Mystery Gift [GIFT]
IX. Secrets and Codes [SEC]
I. Introduction=====[INT]======================================================
Welcome to my guide, about a game in the future installment of the Wii, Pokemon
Battle Revoloution.
I've been a fan of Pokemon for almost eight years, since Pokemon Gold and
Silver came out. About two days after the release of the latest portable
system insallment, Pokemon Pearl, I bought it. I also had gotten a Wii for
Christmas from a friend (darn, I only got him a game, about two-hundred fifty
bucks short) so I bought Battle Revoloution.
After a day or two, I finished the game. When I checked some sites, most were
empty! So I decided to make my own guide, and well, here I am now typing up
this Introduction.
So enjoy my guide, and if you have any questions check out the FAQs and the
Contacts section.
I2. Version History===[VER]=
Update 0.25
- Basically a skeleton. I've gotten everything Pre-Walkthrough done.
- Also have the Credits and Copyright section.
Update 0.40
- I've gotten a few Colosseums done.
- I have a partial bit of end-of-walkthrough lists done.
Update 0.50
- Woot, I way organized the Pokemon owned by a Trainer in the Walkthrough.
They now have their own line, and type. When I get around to it I'll give
them a rank. What's that? Find out lateh.
- I did Waterfall Colosseum.
A bit more scrolling, but it's better than one of those darned 2000k Guides,
Update 0.51
- Fixed many Grammer errors
- Fixed the alligning of some chart-like things.
Update 0.55
- Added Neon Colosseum.
- Got rid of teh ugly paranthesees like thing prior to version 0.50, so now it
looks a bit nicer.
- Neoseeker is permitted to use my guide now!
Update 0.65
- Major update. I added sections with small info at the Walkthrough for each
guide. Meaning all things now have a CTRL F working, even if the sections
aren't done yet.
- I fixed a error for putting my Walkthrough Colosseums back to V. (5) rather
than the incorrect IV (4)
- I finished Sunny Park, and I did the Colosseum Leader for Crystal.
- I added a huge e-mail (with permission) to the Courtyard Colosseum section.
Update 0.7
- A lot of stuff new. Clothes are still under construction, but I was able to
fit Pre-Colosseums and part of Gateway clothes in.
- I added Cyndy to the Rental Passes.
- Changed a lot of grammer, spelling errors.
- Fixed spacing, which screwed things up.
- I omitted a bit of junk that was scrap stuff, which I forgot to
take out afterwards.
Update 0.75
- I've finished Magma Colosseum. Three more, than we're done!
Don't forget to send me e-mails, even if it's just a Hi, or a Good Guide
- I've added a secrets section.
- Added Electivire and Leader Outfit secrets to the secret section.
Updaye 0.76
- I've added Gold and Silver Pass
- Added Heated Secret
Version 0.8
- Semi-finished Sunset Colosseum. I'm going to do some tests to find out if I
can gather the Pokemon teams, but if not, all I have is a 2 paragraphs of
Version 0.9
- Finished Courtyard - only Stargazer to go!
Version 1.0
- I finished the Walkthrough, but there's still a lot to go! I will be working
on new things to tweak the Walkthrough with next updatek, such as notes
on Levitate, and type changers. Round 3 of Gateway is coming soon!
Version 1.05
- Added Round 2 and 3 of Gateway, walkthrough for Round 2 coming soon.
Version 1.1
- Worked on clothes a lot more
Version 1.2
- Finished most/all of clothes
I3. What Is Pokemon?===[WiP]=
Pokemon is a series RPG that is based on obtaining and raising Pokemon, and
then take them into a common sport known as Battling, where you fight untill
one side is out of able to battle Pokemon.
Battling is done by selecting a move, and then whoever has a higher speed goes
first. Health is, HP and if it falls to zero, the Pokemon is out, and the
trainer (a trainer is one who battles with Pokemon) selects another one.
Pokemon is a easy-to-learn, hard to master kind of game, like checkers. There
are some awsome guides. There's even one in Battle Revoloution, under Battle
section. If that doesn't help, Google Pokemon Guides, and it's that easy.
If you still need help, look up under Diamond and Pearl (two games in the
Pokemon series with the same style of battling) under the Gamesite you're
reading right now.
If you're still confused, E-Mail me and I will answer any questions. Thank
II. Controls=====[CTRL]========================================================
The Controls are extremely easy.
The controls in Pokemon are simply point and click. You aim at the screen with
the Wii Remote to choose and option, and A to confirm most choices. B
occasionally cancels.
Sometimes, such as in a two player battle, you will use some extra buttons in
order to select.
You can also change your Control Settings in the options part of the menu. The
next one is identical to the first, except that you use A to cancel, and B to
The last one is quite different. Most of the controls of the first one are on
this one, but you hold this one sideways with the control pad on the left. You
use the Control Pad to navigate around.
III. Menu=====[MENU]===========================================================
The Menu is an important part of the game. After you set up, you will navigate
through the menu. The menu is divided into seven sections - Storage, Battle
Passes, Battle, Wi-Fi, Shop, Profile and Save.
III2. Storage===[STR]====
The Storage is where you can access your Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl. Before
you can get a storage, you need to download your Pokemon. Once you download,
you can ONLY download from that game.
To download, clik the first box. Set up a Pokemon Diamond and Pearl near the
Wii, and go to the title screen. If you've set it up on the Wii, the option,
CONNECT TO WII will be on the Title screen. Select and wait.
After you have downloaded, you can download again to update. If you catch a
new batch of Pokemon, you can repeat to have the new Pokemon show up.
Now, to check your new storage, go to CHECK STORAGE on the Wii. You will be
taken to all your boxes, where you click from there. You click on a box to
go to that box, and then a Pokemon.
You can see most of their stats, which are all identical to the one on your
Diamond or Pearl. You can keep going by selecting the boxes that correspond
to what you want to check, or click B/A (depening on set-up) to go back.
III3. Battle Pass===[BPS]=
Battle Passes are the most important part of this game. They decide what your
charcters is, and most importantly, what you're Pokemon are.
There are three types of battle passes: Friend Pass, Rental Pass, and Custom
Pass. Friend Passes are obtained after battling via Wi-Fi. You cannot play
them. Rentals are pre-set Battle Passes, and can only be editted in limited
areas. Custom Battle Passes you can choose everything.
III3b. Rental Passes===
You will obtain one Rental Pass from the start. There are six battle passes
total, and for a list, check the Battle Pass section. In order to get a new
Battle Pass, you must beat Gateway Colosseum and finish it with a selected
Rental Passes can be used everywhere. These are mainly somewhat weaker Pokemon,
and are used mainly for those without Pokemon Diamond or Pearl.
To get one, enter in a GATEWAY COLOSSEUM match. Select a Pre-made Rental Pass,
and then beat everyone with it. You get to keep that Rental Pass. After certain
III3c. Friend Passes==
Friend Passes are other people's Custom Passes. To obtain one, you have to
finish a battle over Wi-Fi. After the battle, you will be asked if you would
like to exchange Battle Passes. If both select YES, you will be given a Friend
Friend Passes are mostly for show-case, but you can use them in a Free Battle.
You can't use them in any other battle though, and you cannot change them at
If you want, you can have a computer in FREE BATTLE use a Friend Pass instead
of a RENTAL or CUSTOM PASS. To do so, simply when selecting your computer's
pass, go to the tab that says FRIEND. There you can view your Friend's Passes.
III3d. Custom Passes=
Custom Passes are the most important, and we will be talking about them the
most. Custom Passes are those you can edit. To obtain one, all you need is a
storage, and you can make one.
Custom Passes, like Rental Passes, can be used everywhere.
<< / MAKING A \ >>
<< \ BATTLE PASS / >>
To edit one, must have a storage. To start editting, click CUSTOM PASS on the
menu. To start, click BLANK PASSES.
At the start of the game, there's two, but a you progress you will get a lot
more. For a list, check the BATTLE PASS section, near the end. When you click
BLANK PASS, all of your backgrounds will show up. Click the one you want to
use as a Background, and then you will choose a trainer.
There's six characters, and three skin colors of each making eighteen
characters in all. After you select one, you have to type in a name for your
After that, you can edit more things about your character, by going to your new
pass and selecting the Trainer.
Picture decides what will be displayed on your Battle Pass. You can choose a
head-shot, or you can choose a Full-Body shot. That is the trainer on the top
left corner you just created.
Catch Phrases is a fun thing you can do. Whenever you're in a battle, your
trainer will make remarks, or talk when returning or sending out a Pokemon. You
click a Catch Phrase to edit, and then you can change it with the letter
Appearence is the most fun thing of all. Here you can choose what your trainer
looks like. You can see your trainer at the top left picture. To zoom in to his
or her face, hover over it. To turn, twist the remote to the side you want to
You can change certain aspects by clicking on the type of artical of clothing
you want, on the grid at the bottom. The cloth with the bright name is the one
currently on. The darkened ones are clothes you don't have. For more on the
lists of clothes, see the clothes.
You can also change your title. Your title is what is displayed at the
Bob Sally
The Beginner Trainer is what the title is. After you get more advanced, you get
better choices of titles.
You can also change the Background of your trainer pass without breaking it.
Simply select that, and then the background. They will switch, and you have
the new background and you can select that background for a new one.
Now, you also need to add Pokemon to your Battle Pass. To do that, click one
of the six circles, and you will be taken to Storage Box screen. You can do the
same things as you can do in VIEW STORAGE, except you can put it in your pass
with an extra button.
At any time, you can destroy your pass. Destroying your pass will get rid of
the Pokemon (not get rid of, return to storage) and then null out the extras.
Everything including the background, and clothes will return to their proper
place. To do so, click the broken, red battle pass.
III4. Battle=====[BTL]==
Battle is the most important part of Pokemon Battle Revoloution. Heck, it's
even in the name, it's that important. Battling will take you to anything
related to battling - from Colosseums, to learning how to battle.
There are three options here - Free Battle, Colosseum, and Training. Training
is information about battling, designed for those who are new to, or don't
know how to battle. Colosseum, is battling in a certain Colosseum. Free Battle
is where you choose the rules, and it's alot more free, and you can even play
with two players.
When you go to Training, you will come to BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE, and a button
that says ADVANCED. Different categories are in different ranks. There is a
list at the end of the guide.
Free Battle is where you can change the settings of everything. The first thing
here is 1 PLAYER and 2 PLAYERS. You can also change the settings, like the
rules. (More information coming later)
Colosseum, there's a whole 'nother section. Why are you looking here?
III5. Wi-Fi=====[WIFI]====
Wi-Fi is a real fun feature of the game. It's where you can brag to others, to
say 'eat my Mewtwo' to some random sucker who decides to battle you, or even
just play when every one else leaves you in the dust.
<< / SETTING \ >>
<< \ UP A WI-FI / >>
If you already know how, skip this section.
To start, you need a wireless internet. If you have one set-up to your
computer, great. If you don't, either buy one for about twenty bucks at Best
Buy, or you can't play Wi-Fi.
Now, make sure everything's set up on a computer, and turn the Wireless Router
on. Go to the Wii, and on the menu, go to the bottom left and select Wii. On
the second page, select INTERNET.
From there, you can do it manually for the most security, or you can simply
choose SEARCH FOR AN ACCESS POINT. From there, choose your network, and it will
test. If it works, congrats. If not, you can try again.
If you don't have a Wireless Network, you can always leech. Leeching internet
doesn't exactly work well though, because it can be shut off at any time. If
you're dsperate, bring your Wii to the nearest Starbucks. (Joking, don't try
Ok, now that you have a Wi-Fi Connection, you can start. If you have a friend
with a seperate Wii that wants to play, you can get a Friend Code to play with
someone else. Some Battle Rev boards will have people battle against others, so
you can find someone specific to battle via the internet.
If you don't have anyone specific, simply just choose the first option. If not,
get their friend code and follow me from there.
Now, you will choose a colosseum. The higher level colosseums are only
avalible to those who have unlocked it.
Now, you wll choose your preferences, and whether Double or Single, and you
will search for a partner. It usually takes anyhere from twenty seconds to
three minutes. Likewise, if you go at 3:00 AM, you probably will have to wait
longer. If you go at a reasonable time, like 10:00 AM PST, you'll find someone
in an instant.
After that, you battle. The thing is a little laggy, and you may have to wait
for a slower opponent. Except for that, happy Wi-Fing.
III6. Shopping=====[SHOP]=
Shopping is a fun part of Pokemon Battle Revoloution. You can obtain special
stones, such as the Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone and Shiny Stone (you only get two
per game) and transfer them to Diamond/Pearl. You can play dress-up with your
charcter too.
The Pokemon Battle Revoloution shops require coupons. Poke Coupons are obtained
by completing Colosseums. The more challenging you do, the more coupons you get
for defeating them.
Clothes are pretty self-explanatory. There's more information on the lists of
clothes and their prices in the CLOTHES section, coming soon.
To buy a certain artical of clothing, you have to select the button that says
the one you want. You can browse through the clothes. The types of trainer that
can wear them is lighted up in the left side of the screen.
There's not really much more to say except for the prices, which is down later
in the guide.
Mystery Gift=
Mysery Gift is a fun thing you can do to transfer unique, or rare items to your
Pokemon Diamond/pearl cartridge. To do this, you need Diamond/Pearl, and enough
Poke Coupons to buy what you need. Some items only come after a certain point
in the game.
To start, start Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and go to the title screen, then Mystery
To get Mystery Gift, go to the third floor in Jubilife City. If you talk to the
reporter, he'll ask you two questions. Here's what you say:
'everyone happy'
'Wi-Fi connection'
Then it will appear on your Title Screen.
Back to Mystery Gift. Then, go to the Wii and buy the item. Now, go BACK to the
DS, and select OBTAIN VIA WIRELESS. Wait a few moments, and then it will be
Go any Poke Mart, and a new man will be near the desk. Talk to him to obtain an
III7. Profile=====[PRO]===
Profile is a simple, fun thing that is on the back of your Battle Pass. At any
time, you can flip a card over (Custom, is what you edit. You can view the back
of others Friend's Card.) to see your State/Country, First Name, and Birthday.
All you have to do is go there. Unless you suffer from Amnesia, short-term
memory loss, or don't know how to read, you should be able to do the rest.
III8. Save=====[SAVE]======
Pretty self-explanatory. You go here, and click the first option, SAVE, to save
your game. Save often, because you'll be in trouble if you get a power outage.
But. there's two more options. These are for saving custom Battle Passes on
your Wii Remote (or Wiimote as my friend's call it) I'm not exactly sure on the
details, but if you go to a different SD Card or Wii, you can load your Battle
Pass on to theirs.
And that's where LOAD BATTLE PASS comes in. Your friend or different SD Card
selects it, and then it will be on their passes.
IV. Colosseums=====[COLO]======================================================
Ahh, the Colosseums. The most important part of the game. To access the
Colosseums, all you need is the ability to read.
Go to the BATTLE, then go to COLOSSEUMS. To represent each Colosseum is a
small bubble. If the bubble is lit up, it's been completed. If it's darkened,
it is yet to be completed.
IV2. Gateway=====[GTW]=====
Gateway Colosseum is probably the first you'll visit. Gateway is a rental
To battle, you select either a new Rental Pass, an old Rental Pass, or a
custom pass.
There's six trainers and the Colosseum Leader. It's a three vs. three match.
After the first conquer, the Colosseum changes and now there's more Battle
Passes, and the Pokemon are somewhat stronger.
IV3. Main Street=====[MNS]=
This is a classic, 6 trainer conquer. This is unlocked from the beginning.
To battle, you select a Custom Pass. There's six trainers, and then the
colosseum leader. It's three vs. three match.
IV4. Waterfall=====[WFL]===
This is a strange, battle colosseum, where your team order is random. This is
unlocked after conquering the two colosseums - Main Street, and Gateway
Each battle is random. It's a 1 vs. 1 battle, where you battle the best two
out of three. After that, you go on to the next trainer.
IV5. Neon=====[NEON]=======
Neon Battle is probably the most frustrating, especially for those who are new
to the evil, 'Wheel'. It is a random trainer battle, where Pokemon and order
are random, based on both trainers. It is unlocked after conquering Waterfall
To start, both trainers put in their Pokemon on a wheel. Each turn (you go
first) a trainer throws a dart. That will be their Pokemon for this round.
The Wheel is complicated to use, but with practice you can master it. To get
it to land where you want, place the cursor at the middle RIGHT at the bottom.
The bottom has more area, so it's easier to land on.
Now, wait until you're desired Pokemon (or item in other matches) goes to
about 7/8 of the way to the top. In between the top middle, and the middle
left. It takes practice, but with decent timing, it will land. For beginners,
make sure that there's a decent Pokemon to the right of it in case you're a
bit late, that way you earn a booby prize if you mess up.
IV6. Crystal=====[CRYS]====
This is basically a four round tournament, the winning player faces the
colosseum leader. You unlock this after defeating the Waterfall Colosseum.
There's basically five rounds, two less than most others, so it's easier. The
only thing is that the trainer's are random, meaning you're a bit less un
_ _
_ _
_ _
- -
_ _
- Colloseum Leader _
_ | _
- -
_ _
- _
_ _
- -
_ _
_ _
_ _
IV7. Sunny Park=====[SNP]===
Sunny Park is another simple Knock Out Battle. You unlock this after defeating
both Neon and Crystal Colosseums.
The rules are simple. You have three Pokemon to choose. Beat your foe. Repeat
five times. Defeat the Colosseum Leader.
After you beat Stargazer Colosseum, this can be used as a Baby Battle arena.
All Pokemon are Level 1-5, and must have hatched from an egg. Meaning storm
through with specially bred, awsome move-bound Pokemon.
IV8. Magma=====[MAG]=========
Although it looks complicated, Magma Colosseum is like a Knock Out except with
the trainers in a random order. Magma Colosseum is unlocked after you finish
Sunny Park.
The chart is simply you go diagnol, face whoever you come across next. When
you defeat all six trainers, you face the colosseum leader.
IV9. Sunset=====[SUN]=========
Sunset Colosseum is used random Pokemon, the good part meaning you get to pick
what you get. It is unlocked after defeating Magma Colosseum.
At the beginning, instead of choosing your Pokemon, are 12 Pokemon. You get to
choose three. Choose the best that will defeat most of those types. Yes,
your foe can choose the same Pokemon as you.
At the end of six battles, you face the Colosseum Leader.
IV10. Courtyard=====[CTYD]====
Courtyard is another simple Knock-Out battle. Courtyard Colosseum is unlocked
after finishing Sunset Colosseum.
Courtyard is like all the others - defeat six trainers three on three, then
face the Colosseum leader. There's only one twist. Occasionally, Fog weather
comes in (all moves have their accuracy halved, meaning even a 100 base chance
will be a Coin's flip. And 1HKO moves, don't even think about them)
So avoid it by using either always hit moves (Aerial Ace, Swift, etc.) lowering
your opponents evasiveness, or simply use another weather condition.
IV11. Stargazer=====[SGZR]===
Stargazer is the grand-daddy of all Colosseums. This is the last one, and boy
is it tough. You unlock this after finishing every Colosseum.
The first round is tough enough. You defeat some old faces, the Colosseum
leaders. After a few battles, you get to the PokeTopia Master, who is quite
The second round - darn. This place is tough as nails, you face about 32 (33
if you conut the Poketopia Master, he's worth more than 1!) trainers in all.
Many even have legendaries.
V. Walkthrough================================================================
This Walkthrough will take you step-by-step. All comments are right after the
start of the title of the colosseum.
V2. Gateway=====[WGTW]=
I reccocmend you bring the following types:
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Spinda [Normal]
Weepingbell [Grass][Poison]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Masquerain [Bug][Flying]
Lickitung [Normal]
Dustox [Bug][Poison]
Four out of six Pokemon are weak to Fire and Flying. There's a guranteed
chance that at least one weak to Fire or Flying comes out, so choose one. The
other two are weak to Fighting, so multi-task with something like a Staraptor
with Close Combat, or a Monferno, Infernape, Combusken, or Blaziken.
(Best are first)
Reccocmended Types: Flying, Fire
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Aipom [Normal]
Lickitung [Normal]
Delcatty [Normal]
Spinda [Normal]
Jigglypuff [Normal]
Clefairy [Normal]
If you know your types, you know Fighting will own these guys. They generally
are pretty easy too. If you don't have any Fighting moves, use pure power.
Rock, Steel, and maybe Ghost works well too, although make sure your Ghost
knows a non-Ghost type offensive move.
Reccocmended Types: Fighting, Steel, Ghost, Rock
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Lombre [Grass][Water]
Dustox [Poison][Bug]
Nidorina [Poison]
Aipom [Normal]
Mawile [Steel]
Rhyhorn [Ground][Rock]
Flying is good against Dustox and Lombre, but bad against Mawile and Rhyhorn.
A Flying w/ U-Turn will take care of all but Nidorina and Mawile, which isn't
that strong to start with. If not, a Psychic can take care of Nidorina and
Dustox. Fighting takes down 3 of the 6.
Reccocmended Types: Flying, Fighting, Psychic
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Rhyhorn [Ground][Rock]
Sunflora [Grass]
Delibird [Ice][Flying]
Kakuna [Poison][Bug]
Silcoon [Poison][Bug]
Loudred [Normal]
This trainer has a decent variety of Pokemon. Luckily, Kakuna and Silcoon are
close to useless. Rock takes down the two pupas and Delibird, and despite
common beleif, Rock is normal damage against Rhyhorn.
Reccocmended Types: Rock, Flying, Fighting
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
Luxio [Electric]
Pidgeotto [Flying][Normal]
Aipom [Normal]
Vibrava [Ground][Dragon]
Kirlia [Psychic]
Weepingbell [Grass][Poison]
Flying is immune to Vibrava's Ground, and good against Weepingbell, and U-Turn
Kirlia and switch to another Pokemon. A Ground takes care of Luxio, if not
just use offense, such as a Sunny Day + Fire Punch for an easy combo, as it's
Fangs can get in the way.
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
Gloom [Grass][Poison]
Sableye [Ghost][Dark]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Yanma [Flying][Bug]
Farfetch'd [Normal][Flying]
Mothim [Flying][Bug]
Again, Flying/Fire is great against 4 out of 6 Pokemon, meaning it's guranteed
at least one will be in. Farfetch'd can be taken out with an Electric or Ice
move, and Sableye has no weaknesses. And yet it's immune to Psychic, Normal,
and Fighting. So just use power. :(
Reccocmended Types: Flying, Ice, Fire, Electric
~~~~Colosseum Leader Joe~~~~
Mudkip [Water]
Torchic [Fire]
Treecko [Grass]
Drifloon [Ghost][Flying]
Delibird [Flying][Ice]
Spinda [Normal]
Joe is the last you'll need to face, but the toughest. 3 out of 6 of his
Pokemon are weak against Rock, yet 2 of those are good against it. Electric
will also take care of 3 of 6, and is not as weak against it. Fighting is OK,
since it gets rid of Spinda.
Reccocmended Types: Electric, Rock, Ice, Fighting
Congratulations, you beat Gateway Colosseum. If you've beaten Main Street, you
unlock Waterfall Colosseum. Nevertheless, you get a Bronze Badge to put on
your shirt, and a tougher Colosseum - the next time you face it, you'll be
able to keep the pass!
2nd Round~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&
The 2nd Round of Gateway is unlocked after you beat Round 1 Gateway for the
very first time.
This 2nd Round now allows you to take a pass with you. If you beat it, you
also unlock that Battle Pass. Along with that, the Pokemon are a bit
tougher and different from Round 1.
3rd Round~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&
The 3rd Round is unlocked after you have unlocked Round 2. Then, you must
beat Round 1 Stargazer.
This is almost the same, but there's some differences. You've gotten more
passes to choose from - and now, you can switch cards with your opponent
now, which is great fun.
V3. Main Street=====[WMNS]=========
I reccocmend you bring the following types:
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Chimchar [Fire]
Ponyta [Fire]
Farfetch'd [Flying][Normal]
Smeargle [Normal]
Pidgeotto [Flying][Normal]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
This is also, decently balanced team. Water down Chimchar and/or Ponyta, and
then Electric Farfetch'd, Pidgeotto and Butterfree. Smearlge knows a variety
of moves, so take it down quickly with any non-Ghost move.
Reccocmended Types: Electric, Rock, Water
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Machop [Fighting]
Vibrava [Dragon][Ground]
Riolu [Fighting]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Nosepass [Rock]
Lombre [Water][Grass]
These guys are balanced, although Flying is immune to Vibrava's Ground and
good against Lombre. Fighting is also good against Nosepass and Riolu. If
anything, Steel will hold up good against all but Machop, and maybe Vibrava.
Ice is extremely good against Vibrava and Skiploom, and despite beleif, not
against Nosepass. Quite frankly, the opposite.
Reccocmended Types: Ice, Fighting, Flying, Steel
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Weepingbell [Grass][Poison]
Sealeo [Water][Ice]
Jigglypuff [Normal]
Seargle [Normal]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Machop [Fighting]
Flying is good against Butterfree and Weepy over there, along with Machop.
Electric is good against Sealeo and Butterfree too. Beware the variety of
Smearlge though.
Reccocmended Types: Flying, Electric
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Staravia [Flying][Normal]
Chingling [Psychic]
Beautifly [Flying][Bug]
Lickitung [Normal]
Nosepass [Rock]
Dustox [Poison][Bug]
You can Fly down Dustox and Beautifly, and you can Fighting Nosepass and
Lickitung. Dark is decent here, it's average against all but Chingling, which
it's super effective.
Reccocmended Types: Fighting, Flying, Dark
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
WormadamG [Bug][Grass]
Luvdisc [Water]
Weepingbell [Grass][Poison]
Corsola [Water][Rock]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Gloom [Grass][Poison]
Flying is awsome against Wormadam, and great against Gloom, and Weepingbell.
If you lack Flying, Psychic will take care of Weepingbell and Gloom. Grass
and Electric (the first is preferable) is great against Poliwhirl and Corsola.
If you don't have those, a Grass Knot which many Pokemon can learn works nice
too. Note that Fire will get in trouble with the three waters.
Reccocmended Types: Flying, Grass, Psychic, Electric
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
WormadamG [Bug][Grass]
Mawile [Steel]
Lairon [Steel][Rock]
Delcatty [Normal]
Mothi} [Flying][Bug]
Yanma [Flying][Bug]
Flying (darn, Flying is the best type for this whole colosseum) is good
against 3 of 6 Pokemon, while Fighting is good against three Pokemon too. Both
are technically exactly equal, since resitances are the same too. Yet, Fire
beats both of them.
Reccocmended Types: Fire, Flying or Fighting, Rock
~~~~Colosseum Leader Taylor~~~~
Luxio [Electric]
Pachirisu [Electric]
Jigglypuff [Normal]
Bonsly [Rock]
Kirlia [Psychic]
Luvdisc [Water]
Taylor's Luxio knows a variety of types, so get rid of it and Pachirisu with
Ground, it will also do Bonsly good. Dark/Ghost is good for Kirlia, or just
power. Luvdisc is good with a Grass/Electric, and Jigglypuff isn't a big
threat, but watch out for it's Sing.
Reccocmended Types: Ground, Steel, Grass/Electric/Dark/Ghost/Fighting
Congratulations, you beat Main Street! If you've completed Gateway Colosseum,
too, you unlock Waterfall Colosseum. Nevertheless, you get a new Battle Pass,
a Pikachu Badge, and some PokeCoupons.
V4. Waterfall=====[WWFL]=========
I reccocmend you bring the following types:
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Flaafy [Electric]
Sunflora [Grass]
Lombre [Water][Grass]
Parchirisu [Electric]
Nuzleaf [Grass][Dark]
Luxio [Electric]
This is a unique team - half Electric, half Grass. If you use Ground on the
electrics, the grasses can take you down. Lombre will take you down if you use
Fire, and the Electrics will take out Flying. Bug's a nice choice though,
average against Electrics, and great against the Grasses.
Reccocmended Types: Bug
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
WormadamG [Bug][Grass]
Silcoon [Poison][Bug]
Yanma [Flying][Bug]
Beedrill [Poison][Bug]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Beautifly [Flying][Bug]
Flying or Fire, this again a relatively simple battle. Rock is a better choice,
but harder to get. Psychic, I supposed will work decently, as will Electric.
Reccocmended Types: Rock, Fire, Flying
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
WormadamG [Bug][Grass]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Luvdisc [Water]
Nidorino [Poison]
Lombre [Grass][Water]
Cascoon [Bug][Poison]
Flying is better than Fire, because Lombre can get Fires. A Psychic can take
down two, but avoid Ground because of the waters. Electric (Grass will be taken
down by Poisons and Bugs) will do the Waters.
Reccocmened Types: Flying, Electric, Psychic
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Delibird [Flying][Ice]
Sealeo [Water][Ice]
Aipom [Normal]
Ariados [Bug][Poison]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Mothim [Bug][Flying]
Rock can take down the two Ices and the Bugs, but watch out for Poliwhirl, and
mostly Sealeo. To be save, Electric can do 3 of the 6.
Reccocmended Types: Rock or Electric
~~~~Traner 5~~~~
Ponyta [Fire]
Luxio [Electric]
Chingling [Psychic]
Machop [Fighting]
Chimchar [Fire]
Riolu [Fighting]
Psychic can get rid of the fightings, but Flying can be taken down by Electric.
You can then Ground Luxio, Chimchar and Ponyta, but you'll have to probably
take down Chingling by power, unless you have Dark. (Bug is weak against those
Reccocmended Types: Ground, Psychic, Dark
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
Weepingbell [Grass][Poison]
Sealeo [Ice][Water]
Lombre [Grass][Water]
Marill [Water]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Very interesting, because of the dual types. All in all, Rock is decent
becayse of Sealeo, and Skiploom. Flying will do the Grasses good, and Electric
can take down the waters.
Reccocmended Types: Electric, Flying, Grass
~~~~Colosseum Leader Marina~~~~
Farfetch'd [Flying][Normal]
Marill [Water]
WormadamG [Grass][Bug]
Corsola [Water][Rock]
Aipom [Normal]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Bring an electric, there's a gurantee at least one weak to Electric will be in
there. A Grass works well too, except that it does extremely well against
Corsola, which is pretty tough. Aipom isn't a threat, simply pound it with a
Fighting move, or with power.
Reccocmended Types: Electric, Grass, Flying
Congratulations for beating the third colosseum! You earned some Pikachu Paint,
on your way to becoming a Pikachu fanatic. You also get two colosseums unlocked
this time, Neon and Crystal Colosseums. To top it all off, you also get a
couple hundred Poke Coupons!
V5. Neon=====[WNEON]============
Since your opponent CAN use your Pokemon, try choosing a bad custom pass or a
rental pass. You can try a good Custom Pass if you've mastered, the wheel
(check the Neon Colosseum section somewhere above here) then try and get your
good Pokemon.
Also note, I can't be a descriptive, because your choice varies on your own
Pokemon Team. If you're all Bug, and you're opponent has a Fire, choose one
of their Fire. Or even if you have 5 bugs, and one Fire, choose the Fire so the
opponent doesn't get it.
I reccocmend you bring the Nate Battle Pass.
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Carnivine [Grass]
Bastiodon [Steel][Rock]
Snover [Grass][Ice]
Plusle [Electric]
Beedrill [Bug][Poison]
Luxio [Electric]
If one of your Pokemon on the wheel are Fire or Flying (Fire is preferable)
hit it, that takes care of 3 (or more) of a possible 12. Fighting, and Poison
are decent choices.
Reccocmended Types: Fire, Flying, Rock, Fighting
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Comubusken [Fire][Fighting]
Magcargo [Frire][Rock]
Monferno [Fire][Fighting]
Chimchar [Fire]
Charmeleon [Fire]
Ponyta [Fire]
Obviously, Rock, Ground and Water do well here. Choose one, maybe two Pokemon
based on your team, because the opponent might leech of your Pokemon.
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Stunky [Poison]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Kricketune [Bug]
Parchirisu [Electric]
Roselia [Grass][Poison]
This is a bit more unique, but Fire still is good. Psychic is decent. Most of
your choices vary on your team, because remember that you can get leeched (the
opponent chooses your Pokemon to cover it's weaknesses)
Reccocmended Types: Fire, Flying, Psychic
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Unknown [Psychic]
Metapod [Bug]
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Corsola [Water][Rock]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Unknown and Metapod are close to useless, so worry mainly about the others.
Electric is the best, and Flying/Fire is decent. Grass is decent, as is
Fighting. Choose a good two or three based on your Pokemon.
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
Ponyta [Fire]
Chimchar [Fire]
Hippopotas [Ground]
Drifloon [Ghost][Flying]
Loudred [Normal]
Lombre [Grass][Water]
Tough to make decisions, as this is another balanced team, so base your
decisions on your Pokemon. If anything, Water will take care of the Fires and
Hippopotas. Flying is good for Lombre and Hippopotas.
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
Kakuna [Bug][Poison]
Metapod [Bug]
Pidgeotto [Flying][Normal]
Volbeat [Bug]
Loudred [Normal]
Sunflora [Grass]
Fire is great, but Metapod/Kakuna are almost useless anyways. Electric, or
Fighting if you have some spots left. Then the last one if you have a spot
based on your Pokemon.
~~~~Colosseum Leader Rosie~~~~
Beautifly [Bug][Flying]
Weepinbell [Grass][Poison]
Roselia [Grass][Poison]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Sunflora [Grass]
Delcatty [Normal]
If you can, try and leech Delcatty, and a Fire/Flying for those others. This
is actually a simple battle, and there's a awsome chance that Rosie will
select a Grass or Bug, especially if you chose the Rental Pass like I said.
Congratulations for beating Neon Colosseum! If you beat Crystal Colosseum,
you'll get Sunny Park Colosseum! Nevertheless, you earn Pikachu Gloves - one
step closer to becoming a PikaManiac! Along with some Poke Coupons!
V6. Crystal=====[WCRYS]=======
There are sixteen different contestants, so the ones you may encounter are
Those in the tournament will be added in a soon update.
~~~~Crystal Colosseum Leader Voldon~~~~
Rotom [Electric][Ghost]
Machoke [Fighting]
Elekid [Electric]
Carnivine [Grass]
Onix [Rock][Ground]
Metang [Psychic][Steel]
A well balanced team, Voldon is a tough one type-wise. Ground will take care
of Metang (it lacks Levitate) Onix, and Elekid, but Rotom can levitate, so
ground won't work. Another Ghost is the best against Rotom, because Dark is
vulnerable against a Machoke. Fire will take care of Carnivine and Metage,
and simple power will get rid of Machoke.
Reccocmended Types: Ground, Fire, Ghost
Congratulations, you earn the Pikachu Bag (which resembles a cute tail or
fur) and some coupons. If you finished Neon Colossum too, you earn the
Sunny Park Colosseum!
V7. Sunny Park=====[WSNP]========
I reccocmend you bring the following types:
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Luxio [Electric]
Delcatty [Normal]
Weepinbell [Grass][Poison]
Combusken [Fire][Fighting]
Metapod [Bug]
Flaafy [Electric]
Ground will do good of Combusken and Flaafy and Luxio, but you have to be aware
of Weepinbell. Fire's the next best thing, for Weepinbell and Metapod, as
will Psychic. You don't have the room to be picky about Delcatty, so just
knock it out quickly.
Reccocmended Types: Ground, Psychic, Fire
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Staravia [Normal][Flying]
Machoke [Fighting]
Graveler [Rock][Ground]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Roselia [Grass][Poison]
Psychic, Rock, Fighting and Electric all are good against two Pokemon each,
(Rock being double super effective on one) or you can just use power, as
these Pokemon aren't that tough.
Reccocmended Types: Rock, Psychic, Electric, Rock
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Lickitung [Normal]
Kricketune [Bug]
Unknown [Psychic]
Bronzor [Psychic][Steel]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Aipom [Normal]
Unknown isn't much of a threat, neither is Kricketune to a somewhat bigger
scale. Fire is the only super effective move against Bronzor, so kill three
birds with one stone (Kricketune and Skiploom are also vulnerable) by choosing
a Fire.
Reccocmended Types: Fire, Fighting
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Wormadam [Bug][Grass]
Silcoon [Bug][Poison]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Luvdisc [Water]
It's been a while since we've had a non-balanced team, eh? By now, you get the
idea. Electric (Grass is vulnerable to Bug, Grass, Poison, and Flying! gasp!)
will get Poliwhirl and Luvdisc, whilst a Flying, or a Fire will take care of
the three bugs. Wigglytuff isn't that tuff, erm, tough, so just ignore it. If
you feel it's going to be a threat, get a Rock/Steel/Ghost (with a non-Ghost
attacking move)/Fighting.
Reccocmended Types: Fire, Flying, Electric, Rock/Steel/Ghost/Fighting
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
Chimchar [Fire]
Graveler [Rock][Ground]
Machoke [Fighting]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Staravia [Flying][Normal]
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Erm, bascially a re-cap. You've had all these Pokemon in battle before, so
just use Water and a Rock, possibly a Fighting.
Reccocmended Types: Rock, Fighting, Water
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
Luxio [Electric]
Delibird [Flying][Ice]
Minun [Electric]
Parchisiru [Electric]
Sealeo [Water][Ice]
Plusle [Electric]
My, my, lot's of Electrics. Ground does all those Electrics good. Since Rock
and Ground go together (Golem, Onix, shall I name more?) you can use a Rock/
Ground to get rid of everyone.
Reccocmended Types: Ground, Rock
~~~~Colosseum Leader Sashay~~~~
Plusle [Electric]
Minun [Electric]
Castform [Normal](Water)(Fire)(Ice)(Rock)
Shuckle [Bug][Rock]
Lopunny [Normal]
Cherrim [Grass]
Plusle and Minun together is an under-estimated duo, so get rid of one quickly
even if they might not have the other. Castform isn't a major threat, but it's
Weather changing abiltiies and it's type changing may annoy you. Shuckle's a
decent threat, seing how it has the highest Defense and about third highest
Sp. Def. of everyone, so be aware.
Reccocmended Types: Ground, whatever suits you.
Congrats! You now get a new Silver Badge, along with Poke Coupons! You also
unlock the Magma Colosseum if it's your first time!
2nd Round~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&
After you beat Stargazer Colosseum, it turns into a Baby Battling Arena.
o All Pokemon MUST have hatched from an egg. ie, A caught Bidoof Level 2 can't.
o All Pokemon must be Level 1 to 5. ie, Level 7 Pichu can't enter.
o No Pokemon can be evolved. ie, level 1 Steelix can't enter.
o No Pokemon can not be an it's final form. ie, Pinsir doesn't evolve.
More on this later.
V8. Magma=====[WMAG]===========
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Pupitar [Rock][Ground]
Monferno [Fire][Fighting]
Charmeleon [Fire]
Wormadam [Bug][Grass]
Marshtomp [Water][Ground]
Graveler [Rock][Ground]
You can try Grass - it's good against half, but bad against the other half.
Water's good against all but Wormadam and Marshtomb, which means you have a
gurantee one's weak against water. Bring Poison with Flying/Levitate, or a
simple poison move for Wormadam.
Reccocmended Types: Water, Grass, Poison
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Gabite [Dragon][Ground]
Weepinbell [Grass][Poison]
Togetic [Flying][Normal]
Snover [Grass][Ice]
Gligar [Poison][Ground]
Venemoth [Bug][Poison]
Fire is good against three, but watch out for the grounds. Ice is better
weakness-wise, but is effective against less the others. Or, bring an Ice and
a Fire. ;/
Reccocmended Types: Ice/Fire
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Lumineon [Water]
Graveler [Rock][Ground]
Pelipper [Water][Flying]
Machoke [Fighting]
Chingling [Psychic](Levitate)
Lopunny [Normal]
Try Fighting at your own risk - because of Chingling and Pelipper. Again,
Electric works nicely, but weak again the Grounds.
Reccocmended Types: Electric, Fighting
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Gligar [Poison][Ground]
Togetic [Normal][Flying]
Quilava [Fire]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Masquerein [Bug][Flying]
Charmeleon [Fire]
Getting harder, eh? Rock is nice, it's resistant to Gligar, as well as good
against all but Gligar. Just beware of Ground attacks. If you want to be
'better safe than sorry', bring a Water for the Fires and GLIGAR.
Reccocmended Types: Rock, Water
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
Marshtomp [Water][Ground]
Quilava [Fire]
Togetic [Normal][Flying]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Masquerain [Bug][Flying]
Gligar [Poison]
Rock/Electric go nicely, but also have weaknesses. Just play carefully and
thoughtfully, and it won't be a big threat.
Reccocmended Types: Rock, Electric
~~~~Colosseum Leader Terrel~~~~
Sandslash [Ground]
Prinplup [Water]
Grotle [Grass]
Monferno [Fire][Fighting]
Quilava [Fire]
Charmeleon [Fire]
This guys handicapped against Water, just beware Grotle. This is actually a
relatively easy battle, just patience is the key, as he likes to stall people
for a while.
Reccocmended Types: Water
Congratulations, you've won a Pikachu Hat! And, you've finally unlocked
Sunset Colosseum, which is the second to last before Stargazer, the final
colosseum! You're almost there! You also win some money, and there starting
to be a good profit too.
V9. Sunset=====[WSUN]==========
The Pokemon here are randomly given to you, 12 choices. You choose a few of
those, preferably the one that is good against all of them. A few IMPORTANT
notices . . .
- You are not limited to your side
- Your opponent can choose the same Pokemon as you, and vice versa
~~~~Colosseum Leader Dusty~~~~
As with the rest, Dusty's Pokemon are ALSO randomly selected. Be careful!
After the furious battle of brains, you finally earn some Poke Coupons. You
also earn some Pikachu Wear, differs per gender. Finally, you unlock Courtyard
Colosseum - the second-to-last colosseum.
V10. Courtyard=====[WCTYD]=====
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~~
Rotom [Ghost][Electric]
Raichu [Electric]
Minun [Electric]
Luxio [Electric]
Nuzleaf [Grass][Dark]
Murkrow [Flying][Dark]
A good deal are grounds, but watch for Rotom's Levitate. Nuzleaf and Murkrow
both have slight resistances to Flying and Grass, so avoid Fighting and use
simple power on them. Again - avoid Dark for Rotom, as well as Fighting, and
Reccocmened Types: Ground
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Wormadam [Bug][Steel]
Metang [Steel][Psychic]
Lairon [Rock][Steel]
Magneton [Steel][Electric]
Bastiodon [Rock][Steel]
Mawile [Steel]
All the Pokemon are steel, so Fighting works for most of them. Fire is good
except for the Rock/Steels too. Ground will rid of Metang, as long as it
doesn't use Magnet Rise.
Reccocmended Types: Fighting/Fire, Ground
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Murkrow [Dark][Flying]
Golbat [Flying][Poison]
Graveler [Rock][Ground]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Staravia [Normal][Flying]
This guy likes Flying. Electric works well, as does Rock (Better against
Graveler) Bring one Fighting, or a powerful Fighting move for both Wigglytuff
and Graveler.
Reccocmended Types: Electric/Rock, Fighting, Ground
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Lairon [Steel][Rock]
Bibarel [Normal][Water]
Marshtomp [Water][Ground]
Wartortle [Water]
Magneton [Steel][Electric]
Seadra [Water]
All of the Pokemon are either Steel or Water. Since Marshtomp is part Ground,
avoid Electric. Grass works a lot better. For the Steels, use Fighting -
because it's not only good against the Steels (and double good against Lairon)
but it's also good against Bibarel. Ground would also work, but beware of
the waters.
Reccocmeneded Types: Grass, Fighting, Ground
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
Haunter [Ghost][Poison]
Monferno [Fire][Fighting]
Macargo [Fire][Rock]
Charmeleon [Fire]
Sabeleye [Ghost][Dark]
Duskull [Ghost]
Again, not that balanced. Bring a Water or Fighting for the Fires, but
remember, Fighting doesn't affect the ghosts. Use either Ghost again, or
Dark for the Ghosts. Nothing is good against Sableye, so don't worry too much
about it.
Reccocmended Types: Fighting, Fire, Dark, Ghost
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
Vileplume [Grass][Poison]
Golbat [Flying][Poison]
Wigglytuff [Normal]
Riolu [Fighting]
Wormadam [Bug][Grass]
Butterfree [Bug][Flying]
Basically it's one, three, three. Psychic is good against the Poisons and
Riolu. Fighting is good against Wigglytuff. Fire/Flying is good against
Vileplume, Wormadam and Butterfree.
Reccocmended Types: Fire/Flying, Psychic, Fighting
~~~~Colosseum Leader Kruger~~~~
Swalot [Poison]
Pupitar [Rock][Ground]
Gligar [Poison][Ground]
Weepinbell [Grass][Poison]
Gabite [Ground][Dragon]
Hitmontop [Fighting]
Kruger seems to be a bit vulnerable against Psychic. There's also three
grounds, but it doesn't make much of a difference for Gabite - bring a
Water. Gabite is a tough cookie, and it's only vulnerable against Ice and
Dragon, two rare moves - so keep on your toes.
Congratulations! Those Poke Coupons are starting to build up, now! You get
a new piece to customize with, as well as the final colosseum, Stargazer
Colosseum. One more . . .
2nd Round~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&
After you defeat Stargazer, it turns into a Survival Battle where you must
defeat 100 trainers.
If 100 Battles isn't enough, is the fact you don't heal normally after every
battle give you a chill up your spine?
To heal, you spin a wheel similar to the Luck Battle (Neon Colosseum) and
whatever youl and on, you heal. There's two versions - All, which does that
action for every Pokemon, or One, where it does it to the first one that
Full Recovery (As if you took them to a Pokemon Center)
(Pu: All)(DkPi: One)
Recover HP: (HP is set to max)
(Teal: All)(Gr: One)
Recover PP: (All moves' PP are set to max)
(DkB: All)(LiB: One)
Status Recovery (Any status condition is healed)
(Or: All)(Yl. One)
Reset Items (Berries/items unused)
(Red: All)(LiPi: One)
Again, use the trick to get what you want:
The Wheel is complicated to use, but with practice you can master it. To get
it to land where you want, place the cursor at the middle RIGHT at the bottom.
The bottom has more area, so it's easier to land on.
Now, wait until you're desired Pokemon (or item in other matches) goes to
about 7/8 of the way to the top. In between the top middle, and the middle
left. It takes practice, but with decent timing, it will land. For beginners,
make sure that there's a decent healer to the right of it in case you're a
bit late, that way you earn a booby prize if you mess up.
A person sent me an e-mail with some awsome tips on it. I do not credit
anything on this at all, and I have permission to use it on this guide.
/ - I reccocmend single battles because you can \
| get double teamed in double batttles. |
| |
| - First 20 battles are easy, but in the 30th |
| and above, people like to use Shuckles, |
| Foretress with Focus Sashes to ensure it |
| explodes most likely knocking out your Pokemon.|
| |
| - Pokemon can use Focus Sashes as early as |
| Battle 11. You'll find a lot of those. |
| |
| - In all of Kruger's battles, the first 9, he |
| loves to use Fissure and other 1 hit KO moves, |
| and they hit with chilling accuracy, even in |
| deep fog. |
| |
| - A lot of people use Bastiodon in the first |
| 30-50 battles, they like to eat your attacks |
| and send them back with Metal Burst. In later |
| battles they will always hold Chople Berries |
| and then use Fissure with also chilling |
| accuracy, not as much as Kruger's though. |
| |
| - Battles 50 and above you might encounter |
| legendaries such as Cresselia (a lot of them) |
| Latias, Latios, and Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit. |
| |
| - In the mid 60s you'll probably encounter |
| trainers who use Focus Sashes in combination |
| with Dodrio's Endeavor. It hurts so you better |
| have something like Quick Attack or Sucker |
| Punch. |
| |
| - Sometimes you will enocunter Pokemon that use|
| endure, but the trainer's don't give them Salac|
| Berries most of the time, consider yourself |
| lucky. This does not apply to Kangaskhan, it |
| always packs Salac Berries and uses the |
| Endure + Reversal combo which leaves a huge |
| dent in your team. Again, don't forget to bring|
| Pokemon with first strike attacks. |
| |
| - Staraptor and Swellow should never be |
| underestimated, EVER! These beastly birds are |
| powerful and fast, so get rid of them quickly. |
| Their STABbed Returns hurt even if you are |
| resistant to it. Staraptor is more dangerous |
| because of Close Combat. |
| |
| - In early battles, Breloom like to heal |
| themselves by combining Toxic Orb and Poison |
| Heal. In later battles, they become more |
| dangeous. They are powerful sweepers and like |
| to use Seed Bomb and Focus Punch. |
| |
| - Cresselia can be annoying, all Cresselia have|
| Future Sight, Toxic, Double Team, and Protect. |
| They get immensley annoying and can take tons |
| of hits thanks to Leftovers. You'll have to hit|
| it with your best moves before Toxic gets you. |
| |
| - In battles 90 and up, you'll encounter |
| trainers that use legendaries like Kyogre and |
| Groundon. Be careful. |
| |
| - Regice are easy to kill because all it does |
| is Charge Beam. Just kill it fast before it's |
| Sp. ATK. gets really high. |
| |
| - Ambipom can be dangerous. Don't think I'm |
| lying. They come with Life Orbs and like to use|
| Double Hit. The STAB + Life Orb = A lot of |
| damage if you are not resistant to it. All it |
| takes is two of those and you are either in the|
| red or fainted. |
| |
| |
| Here is Kruger's final team, in the Final |
| Battle: |
| |
| Torterra is easy if you pack an Ice Beam. |
| |
| Empoleon, I'm not sure but make sure of, but |
| make sure you pack Thunderbolts. |
| |
| Infernape is the most brutal, he can sweep your|
| whole team and is extremely fast. He will use |
| Close Combat a lot, and it hurts, probably |
| fainting your Pokemon before it even moves, |
| tread lightly. |
| |
| Regice, same as the other trainers. It just |
| uses Charge Beam. |
| |
| Cresselia, same as other trainers trying to |
| stall you. Alton603 |
V11. Stargazer=====[WSGZR]===
Stargazer, the final round, the Grand Daddy of all Colosseums. This time,
you'll be facing some familiar faces - old colosseum leaders - this time
with much stronger Pokemon.
~~~~Trainer 1~~~~
Pachirisu [Electric]
Kirlia [Psychic]
Bonsly [Rock]
Luvdisc [Water]
Jigglypuff [Normal]
Luxio [Electric]
A tough battle. Ground works nicely here, considereding she likes Electric
types. It's also good against Bonsly. Since you can't pick that much here,
just use Power for the rest.
Reccocmended Types: Ground
~~~~Trainer 2~~~~
Marill [Water]
Ledian [Bug][Flying]
Corsola [Water][Rock]
Farfetch'd [Flying][Normal]
Aipom [Normal]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Like I said, you can't be picky. Electric is nice here, as it's good against
5 of 6. Electric isn't weak against Rock, like everyone thinks. It's not like
Aipom's a major threat, anyways.
Reccocmended Types: Electric
~~~~Trainer 3~~~~
Beautifly [Bug][Flying]
Delcatty [Normal]
Sunflora [Grass]
Roselia [Grass][Poison]
Skiploom [Grass][Flying]
Weepinbell [Grass][Poison]
Fire, baby, Fire. These Pokemon you have to be careful with though, with
Powers and such. Delcatty you also must be careful with, so you may want to
pack a Pokemon with either Insomnia, a Steel/Ghost/Rock, or a Fighting.
Reccocmended Types: Fire, Flying, Steel/Fighting/Rock
~~~~Trainer 4~~~~
Onix [Rock][Ground]
Metang [Steel][Psychic]
Machoke [Fighting]
Rotom [Ghost][Electric]
Carnivine [Grass]
Elekid [Electric]
Ground works nicely here, but Metang might be a bit of a challenge. Bring a
Fire if you can, or a Dark. They both work nicely against some of the 'others'
that he has.
Reccocmended Types: Ground, Fire/Dark
~~~~Trainer 5~~~~
Sandslash [Ground]
Prinplup [Water]
Grotle [Grass]
Charmeleon [Fire]
Quilava [Fire]
Monferno [Fire][Fighting]
Water is good against the Fires, obviously, but also Sandslash. Grotle and
Prinplup aren't two major threats, but you may want to have a powerful
Pokemon for them, or someone with a type advantage.
Reccocmended Types: Water, Fire/Grass/Electric/Rock/Ground
~~~~Trainer 6~~~~
Gabite [Dragon][Ground]
Grovyle [Grass]
Riolu [Fighting]
Combusken [Fire][Fighting]
Luxio [Electric]
Vigoroth [Normal]
The penultimate battle is on! Well balanced, so be careful. Gabite is a pretty
decent threat, so an Ice/Dragon works nicely. Psychic is good against Riolu
and Combusken, and Fire is nice against Grovyle. You can't put Vigoroth to
sleep, which is a pain, so pure power or Fighting works well.
Reccocmended Types: Psychic, Ice/Dragon, Fighting/Fire
~~~~~~~~~~Poketopia Master Mysterial~~~~~~~~~~
Kingler [Water]
Chansey [Normal]
Golbat [Flying][Poison]
Dragoinair [Dragon]
Whishcash [Water][Ground]
Haunter [Ghost][Poison]
The final battle, the ultimate battle. You may be a bit weary, but hang in
there. The Pokemon are well balanced, so be careful.
Kingler has real high Attack and Defense, so a quick, powerful Special Grass
or Electric works nicely. It also has better Speed, and Special Attack than
it's lower form, Krabby.
Chansey is a good tank, with ridiculas HP and Defense. Fighting will take it
out quickly though.
Golbat is fast, and has unique poisoning attacks. Make sure to defeat it
quick, or it'll poison you. Electric, Psychic works good here. Rock is also
nice. If you use a Poison against it, you'll have resistances to Poison, so
that's a thought.
Dragons are always powerful, Dragonair is no exception. With a variety of
special moves, such as Fire and Electric, it will be able to type advantage
a LOT of Pokemon.
Whishcash is a Water, but it's part Ground gives it resistance to Electric
attacks. Grass is double effective though, but it's still powerful. Note
that it's pretty light, so Grass Knot won't work well - along with it's high
Haunter boasts a variety of moves, such as Confusion and Sleeping. Avoid
Ghosts, since it'll get you back, as well as Psychics, which are weak against
Ghosts. Dark works well.
After that, you're the King of Poketopia! Not really, but . . .you do get a
Crown, a WHOLE LOT of Poke Coupons. Along with that, you unlock Round 2 of
Stargazer, Sunny Park, and Courtyard Colosseums, as well as Round 3 of Gateway
Colosseum. You also get the Level 50 All Rule, meaning you can get the
costumes of some of the leaders.
Watch the credits, as you finally beat the game . . .
2nd Round~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&
The 2nd Round is a totally different one. There's eight groups of four groups
of three and a mini-boss. That's 32 in all trainers to face.
Atlon, the same guy who wrote the Courtyard guide, is here again. This time
he's helping out with Stargazer, 2nd Round. Since it's divided into 8 rounds,
he did the final round only. Do not mistake this from (mini-)bosses or Rounds
(I was also given permission to use this. I have not editted anything, except
for two spots, where he didn't put an apostrphy for the word he'll, which
doesn't look good. And I put a note at the end, but he didn't say it.)
@@ALTON603@@@Stargazer Round 8@@
stargazer round 8 is really hard and I recommend you pack some legendaries.
the first battle is fairly easy
trainer 1
her team is centered around hailstorms, abomasnow is always first to bring in
eternal hail and always uses protect on the first turn. it also packs a berry
that reduces its 4x fire weakness so it may survive but barely. articuno is
also another of her main pokemon, it likes to support the team by using
tailwind to boost speed. kill it fast, mamoswine is a problem, it loves to
use earthquake. walrein could last a pretty long time because e of its ice
body ability and leftovers, it likes to use blizzard as does froslass.
froslass will take advantage of hail by boosting its evasivness which is
annoying. jirachi is surprisingly easy because it just likes to use charge
beam and psychic afterwards. this team is nothing compared to what you'll
face next 3 battles.
trainer 2
this whole team is centered around sandstorms and is harder than battle 1.
tyranitar is always #1 for its eternal sandstorm and is really fierce with a
sp def boost from the sandstorm, he can last a while. first turn he'll use
protect always and just when you think you can kill him with a fighting move,
think again, it holds a chople berry to eat it. defeat it it before it
defeats your whole team. armaldo is a sweeper and likes x scissor. cradily
will last a ton of turns, it likes to toxic stall and confuse you and then
raise its stats with stockpile. use both of your pokemon on it before it uses
recover. garchomp, what can i say, he is dangerous next to tyranitar. he can
resist ice with his yache berry but only once. bring a sturdy pokemon as it
likes to abuse dragon rush. omastar is easy compared to the others, electric
and especially grass attacks are its bane. gliscor is easy too just hit him
with ice attacks and you'll clip its wings. it likes earthquake and the
elemental fangs.
battle 3
This team is intense and can destroy you. the whole team centers around TRICK
ROOM. the key to victory is to defeat the sources of trick room before it
happens by aiming both your pokemon at it. the two are slowbro and slowking.
they can eat hits and slowbro recovers with slack off. whoah the annoyance.
slowbro always goes first so defeat it really quick. if the sources are
defeated the rest of the team is easy. theyre all slow. marowak is EXTREMELY
DANGEROUS!!!! it holds a thick club and loves bonemerang to defeat you in one
hit. that is why you must destroy the trick room sources. parascet is more
annoying than hard, it takes advantage of trick room by using spore and energy
ball. snorlax can be a problem it likes to use curse to boost its stats and
lower its speed which is a blessing in trick room. rhyperior does the same by
using hammer arm.
final battle
throw your remote in frustration. First off kyogre, he is surprisingly fast
and abuses water spout for massive damage. mewtwo is dangerous, defeat him
with super effective physical moves, but its hard with such speed. latios is
also dangerous with soul dew and dragon pulse. palkia is really fast and
loves to abuse draco meteor.lugia will last a while, but keep pummeling him
with super effectives and he'll go down. he'll take advantage of the rain
using hydro pump. manaphy is tough, dont be fooled by its fragile appearance,
it likes to use calm mind and then hit hard with ice beam or surf. its easy to
take down though. i think.
(By the way, I beleive if you use a Custom Pass, it depends which version you
use for the 16th, and 32nd battle. I'm not sure about the 16th, but this is
the Diamond Version. If you used Pokemon Pearl to migrate, there's Diagla
instead of Palkia, and Cherrim instead of Manaphy.
VI. Battle Pass Lists=====[BTPS]==============================================
One goal is to obtain every Battle Pass. Here's the list. Please contact me if
I am missing something, or you can fill in information I might lack.
VI2. Custom Pass List=====[CPL]=
Ball Mosasic Red Pass [Obtained at Start]
Star Green Pass [Obtained at Start]
Stream Blue Pass [Obtained at Start]
Plus Minus Pass [View all Battle Tutorials]
Gateway Colosseum Pass [Defeat Gateway]
Main Street Colosseum Pass [Defeat Main Street]
Waterfall Colosseum Pass [Defeat Waterfall]
Neon Colosseum Pass [Defeat Neon]
Crystal Colosseum Pass [Defeat Crystal]
Sunny Park Colosseum Pass [Defeat Sunny Park]
Magma Colosseum Pass [Defeat Magma]
Sunset Colosseum Pass [Defeat Sunset]
Courtyard Colosseum Pass [Defeat Courtyard]
Stargazer Colosseum Pass [Defeat Stargazer]
Poketopia Jet Pass [Defeat Stargazer]
Poketopia Helicopter Pass [Defeat Stargazer]
Poketopia Train Pass [Defeat Stargazer]
Poketopia Ship Pass [Defeat Stargazer]
Ball Collection Pass [Defeat Stargazer for the Second Time]
Stream Pink Pass [Defeat any Colosseum]
Star Yellow Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Second Time]
Ball Mosaic Aqua Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Third Time]
Stream Green Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Fourth Time]
Star Pink Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Fifth Time]
Ball Mosasic Sepia Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Sixth Time]
Light Pastel Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Seventh Time]
Shiny Cobalt Pass [Defeat any Colosseum for the Eight Time]
Groundon Red Pass [Collect 20 Friend Passes]
Kyogre Blue Pass [Collect 40 Friend Passes]
Rayqyaza Green Pass [Collect 60 Friend Passes]
Pearl Wave Pass [Defeat 50 Oponents in a Survival Battle]
Diamond Dust Pass [Defeat 100 Oponents in a Survival Battle]
Silver Pass [Unlock Heated Secret]
Gold Pass [Unlock Shocking Secret]
Thanks to Scioly for Gold/Silver pass info.
VI3. Rental Pass List=====[RPL]=
There are six Rental Passes total.
N N ate
[Monferno] [Prinplup] [Grotle]
{Meadow Plate} {???} {Fist Plate}
Grass Knot Metal Claw Rock Smash
Sunny Day ??? ???
??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
[Gabite] [Staravia] [???]
{???} {Bug? Plate} {???}
Sand Tomb U-Turn ???
Dragon ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
CCCCC yndy
[Ivysaur] [Charmeleon] [Wartortle]
{Miracle Seed} {Charcoal} {Mystic Water}
Toxic Sunny Day Water Pulse
Leech Seed Bite Rock Smash
Magical Leaf Fire Fang Yawn
Cut Dragon Rage Rain Dance
[Rhyhorn] [Pidgeot] [Dragonair]
{Soft Sand} {Muscle Band} {Sitrus Berry}
Ice Fang Aerial Ace Dragonbreath
Dig Facade Thunder Wave
Horn Attack Sand Attack Shock Wave
Protect Tailwind Twister
VII. Shopping=====[SHOP2]======================================================
Here's where anything you can buy from the Shopping section is here. Again,
E-Mail me if you have any mistakes or additions you want. All credits will be
put here, and at the end.
VII2. Clothes=====[CLTH]========
(Under construction)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Poke Ball Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Ocean Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Western Set
Formal Set
Solar Set
Pirate Set
Forest Set
Space Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Cyber Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
City Set
Rider Set
Sports Set
Picnic Set
Celeberty Set
School Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Flame Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Expedition Set
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
City Set B
Rider Set B
Sports Set B
Picnic Set B
Celebrity Set B
School Set B
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Western Set B
Formal Set B
Solar Set B
Pirate Set B
Forest Set B
Space Set B
Crown (Everyone)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Summer Set C
Cool Set C
Army Set C
Girls' Set C
Cute Set C
Cool Set C
Crown (Everyone)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Deep Purple (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Silver Black (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Auburn (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Blonde (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Ocean Blue (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Black (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Desert Set
Crown (Everyone)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Deep Purple (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Silver Black (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Auburn (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Blonde (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Ocean Blue (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Black (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Madam Glasses (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Summer Set D
Cool Set D
Army Set D
Girls' Set D
Cool Set D
Cute Set D
Crown (Everyone)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Deep Purple (Young Boy)
Red (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Silver Black (Cool Boy)
Pale Blonde (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Auburn (Muscle Man)
Yellow (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Blonde (Young Girl)
Strawberry (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Ocean Blue (Cool Girl)
Sand Beige (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Black (Little Girl)
Silver (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Disguise Glasses (Everyone)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Madam Glasses (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Poketopia Set
Crown (Everyone)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Deep Purple (Young Boy)
Red (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Silver Black (Cool Boy)
Pale Blonde (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Auburn (Muscle Man)
Yellow (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Blonde (Young Girl)
Strawberry (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Ocean Blue (Cool Girl)
Sand Beige (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Black (Little Girl)
Silver (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Star Shades (Everyone)
Disguise Glasses (Everyone)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Madam Glasses (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
Leaders' Set
City Set C
Rider Set C
Sports Set C
Picnic Set C
Celebrity Set C
School Set C
Western Set C
Formal Set C
Solar Set C
Pirate Set C
Forest Set C
Space Set C
City Set D
Rider Set D
Sports Set D
Picnic Set D
Celebrity Set D
School Set D
Western Set D
Formal Set D
Pirate Set D
Forest Set D
Space Set D
Crown (Everyone)
Sapphire Broach (Everyone)
Pearl Brooch (Everyone)
Emerald Brooch (Everyone)
Ruby Brooch (Everyone)
Diamond Brooch (Everyone)
Summer Cap B (Young Boy)
Cool Hat B (Cool Boy)
Girls' Cap B (Young Girl)
Cool Cap B (Cool Girl)
Cute Headband B (Little Girl)
Shiny Yellow (Young Boy)
Teal Blue (Young Boy)
Blue Hair (Young Boy)
Deep Purple (Young Boy)
Red (Young Boy)
Light Brown (Cool Boy)
Ice Blue (Cool Boy)
Mint Green (Cool Boy)
Silver Black (Cool Boy)
Pale Blonde (Cool Boy)
Blue Gray (Muscle Man)
Khaki (Muscle Man)
Cocoa (Muscle Man)
Auburn (Muscle Man)
Yellow (Muscle Man)
Dark Gray (Young Girl)
Milky Blue (Young Girl)
Brunette (Young Girl)
Blonde (Young Girl)
Strawberry (Young Girl)
Metallic Silver (Cool Girl)
Red Brown (Cool Girl)
Silky Black (Cool Girl)
Ocean Blue (Cool Girl)
Sand Beige (Cool Girl)
Orange (Little Girl)
Aqua Blue (Little Girl)
Brown (Little Girl)
Black (Little Girl)
Silver (Little Girl)
Red Eyes (Everyone)
Olive Eyes (Everyone)
Green Eyes (Everyone)
Rose Eyes (Young Girl)
Sky Blue Eyes (Young Girl)
Blue Eyes (Little Girl)
Nose Bandage (Young Boy)
Star Shades (Everyone)
Disguise Glasses (Everyone)
Frameless Glasses(Everyone)
Wild Shades (Everyone)
Antique Specs. (Everyone)
Serious Glasses (Everyone)
Mirror Shades (Everyone)
Madam Glasses (Everyone)
Summer T-Shirt B (Young Boy)
Cool Jacket B (Cool Boy)
Army Tank Top B (Muscle Man)
Girls' MinidressB(Young GIrl)
Cool Tank Top B (Cool Girl)
Cute Dress B (Little Girl)
Fingerless Gloves(All)
Summer WirstbandB(Young Boy)
Army Wristband B (Muscle Man)
Girls' WristbandB(Young Girl)
Cool Bangle B (Cool Girl)
Cute Bracelet B (Little Girl)
Summer Jeans B (Young Boy)
Cool Pants B (Cool Boy)
Army Pants B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shorts B (Young Girl)
Cool Pants B (Cool Girl)
Summer Shoes B (Young Boy)
Cool Shoes B (Cool Boy)
Army Boots B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Shoes B (Young Girl)
Cool Sandals B (Cool Girl)
Cute Shoes B (Little Girl)
Lucky Badge (Everyone)
Pikachu Badge (Everyone)
Bronze Badge (Everyone)
Leaf Badge (Everyone)
Silver Badge (Everyone)
Fire Badge (Everyone)
Gold Badge (Everyone)
Poke Ball Badge (Everyone)
Red Corsage Badge(Everyone)
Summer Bag B (Young Boy)
Army Bag B (Muscle Man)
Girls' Purse B (Young Girl)
VII3. Mystery Gift=====[GIFT]===
Item [Price]
Not all items are availible from the start. Later I will put how to get them
in the shop.
PC = Poke coupons
Special Gift [0 PC]
Dawn Stone [7200 PC]
Dusk Stone [7200 PC]
Shiny Stone [7200 PC]
King's Rock [7200 PC]
Leftovers [7200 PC]
Quick Claw [7200 PC]
Light Clay [7200 PC]
Iron Ball [9600 PC]
Upgrade [12000 PC]
Dubious Disc [12000 PC]
Protector [12000 PC]
Reaper Cloth [12000 PC]
Deepseascale [14000 PC]
Deepseatooth [14000 PC]
Soul Dew [14000 PC]
TM Roar [9600 PC]
TM Taunt [9600 PC]
TM Brick Break [9600 PC]
TM Facade [9600 PC]
TM Skill Swap [9600 PC]
TM Fling [9600 PC]
TM Dragon Pulse [9600 PC]
TM Stone Edge [9600 PC]
TM Captivate [9600 PC]
TM Dark Pulse [9600 PC]
TM X-Scissor [9600 PC]
TM Poison Jab [9600 PC]
TM Swagger [9600 PC]
TM Pluck [9600 PC]
TM Dragon Claw [12000 PC]
TM Ice Beam [12000 PC]
TM Thunderbolt [12000 PC]
TM Earthquake [12000 PC]
TM Psychic [12000 PC]
TM Shadow Ball [12000 PC]
TM Flamethrower [12000 PC]
TM Overheat [12000 PC]
Ganlon Berry [19200 PC]
Salac Berry [19200 PC]
Peteya Berry [19200 PC]
Apicot Berry [19200 PC]
Liechi Berry [38400 PC]
Lansat Berry [38400 PC]
Starf Berry [38400 PC]
Enigma Berry [38400 PC]
VIII. FAQs=====[FAQ]=====Frequently Asked Questions============================
Q. Is this a buy or rent game?
A. There's really no reason to rent it. The best part is downloading Pokemon
and completing the game with everything. You ain't gonna finish it if you Rent.
Although you can Rent it to see if you like it, then Buy it if you do.
Q. I've heard of a special Bronze Pass. How do I earn it?
A. I'm not that sure, although I beleive it's only in Japan.
Q. I want to use my current background on one Custom Pass for another one. How
do I do that?
A. You have to get rid of your current pass. Click the red, broken pass to
blank out that pass. Then, that Battle Pass will return, and when you select a
new Background, select that one.
Another way is to simply change the background of the one, and click the
trainer. From there, select
Q. Hi, I'm new to Pokemon and I have a question about battling. If a Pokemon
has two types, can it one be, like dominant to one another? Sorry if it sounds
stupid, but thanks. (Name wants to be private)
A. That's actually a good question, but the answer's no. Even if it's
something silly, like Flying to Gyrados, it has the same effect as it's water
Q. How do I give items to my Pokemon (Custom Passes)
A. You can't do it while in Pokemon Revoloution, but items stay on if you put
an item on the Pokemon in Pearl/Diamond, then update your Pokemon again.
Q. Can I link Battle Revoloution with Leafgreen/Firered because it has the
wireless adapter?
A. I wish, but no. You have to migrate to Diamond/Pearl, and then update
your pokemon.
Q. I traded some Pokemon on to Pokemon Battle Rev. from Pokemon Pearl, so if
I upload them, will they stay on my pass?
A. Even if they are sent away, they should remain on the pass, but I'm not
that sure, so do it at your own risk. But I know if you remove it, and then
remove that pass, you can't do it again.
Q. Is it true that if I beat all colosseums 5 times I get Darkrai, and 10
times I get Arceus?
A. Unofrtunatley not. They are only avalible by events (none are released in
the US yet) or by hacking and glitches.
Please send in more questions, see Contacts.
Please include:
Public/No (Want me to add this to the FAQs? Public for yes, No for No)
Name/No (If you select Public, would you like me to include youe Username?)
And of course, your question.
IX. Secrets=====[SEC]=========================================================
EEEEE lectivire
To get a free Electivire, which is Level 50 with unique moves, go to your
Self-Introduction. Enter this code:
Then, you have unlocked him in the shop, which you can buy once as a Mystery
Gift. If you want, you can change your Self-Introduction after you download
the 'Shocking Secret'.
Cross Chop
M M M agmotar
To get a free Magmortar, which is Level 50 with unique moves, go to your
Self-Introduction. Enter this code:
MAGMORTAR @ Charcoal
Hyper Beam
F ree Leader Outfits
If you see a snazzy looking outfit from one of the Colosseum Leaders, they're
To unlock them, beat the Colosseum again with the Level 50 Rule. The Level 50
All Rule is unlocked after you beat Stargazer Colosseum for the very first
N N ew Rounds
To unlock Gateway Colosseum Round 2, defeat Gateway Colosseum for the first
time. To unlock Sunny Park Colosseum, Courtyard Colosseum, Stargazer
Colosseum Round 2, and Gateway Colosseum Round 3, defeat Stargazer Colosseum
the first time.
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