
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic:(xbox)FAQ/Walkthrough

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic:(xbox) FAQ/Walkthrough


1. Author's Forward
1.1 - Version History
1.2 - Introduction
1.3 - Dedication

2. Basics
2.1 - Story
2.2 - Controls
2.3 - Overview

3. Light Side Walkthrough
3.1 - Endar Spire
3.2 - Taris
3.3 - Dantooine
3.4 - Tatooine
3.5 - Kashyyyk
3.6 - Manaan
3.7 - Leviathan
3.8 - Korriban
3.9 - Unknown Worlds
3.10 - Star Forge

4. Dark Side Walkthrough
4.1 - Endar Spire
4.2 - Taris
4.3 - Dantooine
4.4 - Tatooine
4.5 - Kashyyyk
4.6 - Manaan
4.7 - Leviathan
4.8 - Korriban
4.9 - Unknown Worlds
4.10 - Star Forge

5. Walkthrough Lists
5.1 - Quests (Light Side)
5.2 - Quests (Dark Side)
5.3 - Romance Options

6. Appendices
6.1 - Quest Items
6.2 - Equippable Items
6.3 - Utility Items
6.4 - Shop Lists
6.5 - Characters
6.6 - Vehicles
6.7 - Worlds

7. Frequently Asked Questions

8. Footer
8.1 - Credits
8.2 - Legal Disclaimer
8.3 - Contact Information

1. Author's Forward

Skip the introduction and dedication.

1.1 - Version

Version 1.7 (03/06/05):

1.2 - Introduction

Welcome all to my Star Wars Knight of the old Republic FAQ/Walkthrough. I need
to get back to writing the walkthrough, hence I don't have time to give you a
proper introduction. This guide is incomplete, and if you have anything you
wish to add please, don't hesitate to email or AIM me. Email address:
TestaALT@aol.com and AIM: TestaALT. So, without further ado, I bring you this
very incomplete guide!

1.3 - Dedication

To... episode IV, V, and VI, for being very enjoyable. And Deflux, for helping
me with that damn puzzle in the sith trial. I would of never got it with my low
IQ (130). He also made perhaps the best FPS guide ever made. Just take a
glimpse at his Metroid Prime guide. It is a very good piece of work. Now he is
going to make a guide for KOTOR that will own mine... Oh, and Trace, just for
you to know, this was a pathetic attempt to make these sections look less
lazier. ;)

2. Basics

Basics of the game. If you don't know how to read, this section is for you!

2.1 - Story
[As taken from the instruction manual]

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Four thousand years before the rise of the galatic
empire, the Republic verges on collapse. DARTH MALAK,
last surviving apprentice of the Dark Lord Revan,
has unleashed an invicible Stih armade upon an
unsuspecting galaxy.

Crushing all resistance, Malak's war of conquest has
left the Jedi Order scattered and vulnerable as
countless Knights fall in battle, and many more swear
allegiance with the new sith master.

In skies above the Outer Rim world of Taris, a Jedi
battle fleet engages the forces of Darth Malak in a
desperate effort to halt Sith's galactic domination...

2.2 - Controls
[As taken from the instruction manual]

Left Thumbstick...Controls movement of the selected character.
Right Thumbstick..Camera control. Press LEFT or RIGHT to rotate camera.
..Click for free look.
Directional Pad...Use to cycle through action menu.
A Button..........Default action.
B Button..........Cancel.
Y Button..........Delete action from action queue.
X Button..........Add action to action queue.
Black Button......Cycle through characters.
White Button......Combat pause.
Start Button......Access in-game menu.
Back Button.......Toggle solo mode/
Left Trigger......Cycle through targets or cycle through menus.
Right Trigger.....Cycle through targets or cycle through menus.

2.3 - Overview

Star Wars: Knights of the Republic has a pretty basic battle system. I am told
that it is a 'd20' system, which is what they used in the Dungeons and Dragons
series. To most people, who happened to come across this video/board game, you
would already know how the system plays. Basically, the roll of the dice
determines how much your attacks hurt. It is very rare that someone gets a high
roll. Anyways, you do not see these rolls because they are "under the hood."
Meaning, if you press start you will go to the pause screen menu. From here, if
you go to one of the tabs it will tell you all about your rolls, how much was
subtracted, gained, lost, et cetera.

This system may seem boring, and when I bought the game I had my doubts. I was
never really into the D&D system. In fact, I did not even know much about D&D
at the time (and still don't), just the fact that some "tranced" students in my
class played it incisively. At any rate, I don't want to list all of the basics
like other guides; I learned how to play the game by myself. The manual seems
like good information. Hey, it is! I should of *used* it. Hehe, I think my
point has been made. ^_^

3. Light Side Walkthrough

Now it is time for the meat of this guide; the walkthrough. I will try my best
to walk you through the game. If you bought the Prima strategy guide, and found
out it was a complete waste of trees, this walkthrough should do you good. I
will attempt to find the easiest way to defeat enemies, as well as the bosses.
to help you, the reader, find your way to whatever quest you like quickest. If
any of you fellow writers think I am a "KB whore," go load up JChris's
StarCraft walkthroughs. And, without further ado, start walking!

This walkthrough will cover the light side. It will tell you to make decisions
that will give you light side points, along with how to talk to other people
(ei; don't act elitist to other people, et cetera). These walkthroughs were
split because it would be easier. If you want to be on the light side, read
this walkthrough.

3.1 - Endar Spire

You start off at the character generation class screen. Choose whatever class
you want from the three. Scoundrel is a stealth-heavy character, and does the
worst out of the three in battles. It also has low vitality points, and I see
no reason at all to choose the scoundrel unless you want to make the game
difficult. Going further along, the scout is the even of the two, he can go
into stealth mode and can fight. This would be a pretty good class if the game
played right, but usually, you want to fight the monsters to level up. This
brings us to my favorite class, soldier. As a soldier, you will not be able to
go into stealth mode or open things greatly and whatnot. Of course, your party
members are able to things like that. A soldier is fighting heavy, and is great
on his attacks. He is for beginners, hence the game is pretty easy if you use
him correctly. Note that the gender *does* matter. There are romance quests,
and if you are a female, you will have to lug around a pretty useless character
to advance. For this, I advise you become a male, and this walkthrough will
cover your male romance.

After picking your race, you will be at the character generation main screen.
From there, you *can* just press quick character and the game will make one.
However, it is unadvisable. The computer is not a living human being, and it
makes crappy recommendations sometimes. If you do decide to create your
character customly (which I highly recommend), go through the face you want
your character to have. The first time through I picked a face that I did not
like, and restarted the game. After you are done picking, press the A button to
accept what you have done.

Now, go to the attributes screen. You will see 6 attributes, and they will have
8 points each. The game gives you 30 points to deplete among the 6 attributes.
Now, you *could* split it evenly, but some of the attributes are not worth it.
You also could hit the recommend button (Y), and they will give you good
numbers for all of the attributes. I also advise you do this, as the game makes
it even for your class (I think).

So, after you get your attributes done press accept and go to skills. You will
see that there are a lot of skills here, but only a handful of points. Just
press the recommend button (Y) and it will through all of your points into
treat injury. Likewise, you will almost never use any other skill, hence your
team can do a better job because the game leveled them up to do it. This may
sound confusing, but it is correct.

Hit the A button again to accept and you will go to feats. The game gives you
two feats to begin with, but they are just armor. Please, DO NOT LET THE GAME
DECIDE WHAT FEATS YOU GET. It is practically suicide. The game usually gives
you feats for blasters, which does not make any sense at all. It is a very bad
idea to go through this game with a blaster, because it does not compare to a
lightsaber. Therefore, I want you to choose this. I will tell you which feats I
want for every level, so do not worry. Pick the toughness feat, it will be one
of the ones on the bottom. Press X at this feat then press A to accept.

After this, you have to think of a name. Now, I have been browsing the boards
and there is not "good" way of doing this. I just put my first and last name
in. You can do whatever you want with this, just make it a respectable name
(ie; no slang/cussing) because you will have to stick with it throughout over
60 hours of gameplay, not to mention if you are slow at RPGs (^_^). Anyways,
hit the accept button. If you like everything you choosed, then hit the A
button again to start playing. However, if you are having second thoughts,
press the B button to go back to where you want to. After the class is taken
care of, it will be time to play!

The classic Star Wars opening, where the letters are floating away. Please,
READ THIS. The story is beautiful, and you want to understand everything, don't
you? In the next screen, you will see a ship taking a heavy beating by
fighters, and you are in that ship. Then, you will wake up and Trask will walk
through the door. He will tell you everything you need to know about Bastila
and the story, for now. He will tell you how to get your gear and equip it;
just go over to the footlocker behind you, open it and take all the items. He
will tell you how to equip it.

Equip the shortsword and clothes. You will be the melee man, while Trask shoots
his blaster from behind. Just remember, if you are low on health, heal yourself
with a medpac! Then, walk back to Trask again and there will more tutorial
talk. After you learn how to open doors, go up to the only one in this room and
attempt to open it. It will be locked, and you will have to switch to Trask to
open it. So, press the black button to be Trask. Then, walk over to the door.
You will see a small blue circle on it. This is what you use to know which
object you are highlighted on. At any rate, this should be the door. If not,
then redirect yourself so you are facing the door.

Now, go to the D pad and press right once. On the bottom the screen you see 6
boxes, the second to last one going right is where you should be. It will say
"security" above these boxes. Press the A button and Trask will unlock the
door. From here, he will tell you to take the lead. Then, walk down the hallway
a little ways. The screen with change to Carth, who will tell all hands to go
on deck. He was contacting you via the communicater. If you do not know how to
roam about the screen, say to Trask that you need to know how to get to your
journal. Then, walk down this hallway to the following door. Walk up to it and
press A to try'en open it. Trask will say that he does not have the codes to
unlock this door, but he might be able to slice through it. So, switch to
Trask, then go to the security box and press A. The door should now be open.

The screen will change to a republic soldier firing at two sith soldiers. The
sith soldiers will fire back and kill him. Then, Trask will yell "For the
republic!" and you will be in fight mode. For your first fight, press A to
engage. Then, go up to one of the sith. Kill him. If you are having trouble
doing this, try to use one of your feats. Press the D pad to the right once and
you will be on a red blade. This is a feat and special attack that you can use
an infinite of times. Press A and you will use this special attack, which
should take a big chunk of the sith's life. Then, fight the other one the way
you did the first.

Trask will start to talk to you again, so, if you are low on health, use a
medpac. Don't know how? Trask will give you the option to find out how.
Afterwards, open to the door to the far end of the hallway. You will see two
sith, and you will lock onto the one of them. The good part about this room is
that the other sith will be to occupied by Trask to fire at you. So, kill the
soldier you are dueling with. Then go around behind the others back. Then, use
the special attack to kill the sith from behind. After this, go around the room
highlighting things. You should be able to get items from: A republic soldier,
a metal box, and a footlocker. Remember to *always* check the entire room,
looking for things to loot. If you cannot use it then you can definantly sell

Go through opposite door. The screen will change to republic soldiers fighting
the sith. The sith will kill all the republic soldiers, which is bad. The
screen wil change to you. Now, heal if you have not already. Then, walk around
the corner to the sith. Through a frag grenade at them. To get to your frags,
press the D pad left until you find it. There should be a couple soldiers left
from that blast. The ticket here is to follow Trask over to the soldier he is
fighting. Then, use the special feat to kill the soldier. Trask is good cover
(^_^). Kill the remaining two sith soldiers, using the special feat to the
fullest extent. Then, loot all of the remains. You will find a lot of items off
these men.

Walk down the north path to the door. You will see the droid blow up, which is
bad. Take some parts to the right on the ground. Then, walk back to the
four-way split. Go to the path to the left. Walk down the hallway to the door.
You will start to hear lightsabers. Open the door to see a Jedi and a dark Jedi
battle it out. The light side one will kill the dark, but then die from a
explosion. Of course, you *could* of possible aimed your blaster at the dark
Jedi to get him distracted. But, Trask said to get out of the way. Two sith
soldiers will then walk up to where the Jedi were. Kill them both, then loot
them, along with the two Jedi. After this, walk east to a door.

Open it and kill the two sith soldiers. They will be a piece of cake. Then,
Trask will tell you Bastila is not on the bridge, meaning she already escaped
to the escape pods. He then tells you that, with Bastila gone, the sith can
destroy the Endar Spire at any time. So, get moving! By the door you walked
through will be a backpack. Look inside to find a blaster pistol. Then, switch
to Trask and go to the menu. Switch to the equipment screen, using the trigger
buttons. Then, unequip Trask's blaster for a short sword. Trask will be leaving
us shortly, and we want to sell the blaster for more money!

Walk over and around the control desk. You will see a door. Try to open it and
Trask will tell you to level up. He will tell you how, so do as he says. Press
the start button, then toggle through the menus using the trigger buttons. Once
you reach a menu that has your full body in it, stop. You will see all of your
statistics, along with how you are with the light/dark side. You will be at par
now, because you have not done anything to make the game give you points yet.
You will see "A LEVEL UP" over your character. Press A and you will be back to
a character generation screen, but, it is now the level up screen. You do not
get to choose every option again, hence the game tries to make it harder. Go to
skills and put them in treat injury. Then, go to feats. Scroll down until you
find "empathy." This will boost your persuade, awareness, and treat injury
skills by one. Press X and you will now have the feat. Then go to accept and
you will be done!

After this, get out of the menu. Then, open the door ahead of you. This will
bring you to a semi-hallway leading to *another* door. Open it and Trask will
run to the door ahead of you. He will open it, only to see a dark jedi. Trask
sacrifices himself for you, going through the door with your short sword to
face a dark jedi. It is basically suicide, and we all know it. After this, go
look back and you will see a door. Open it and go to the starboard section.
Carth, talking from the communicator, will tell you that Bastila's escape pod
is away, and that you are the last remaining crew member. Walk down the hallway
until you hit a sith. Kill him, using the special feat power attack to your
advantage. Then, take the upper path to a door. Open it to find two sith
guards. Kill them both. Run up to one of them, and before he takes his sword
out use the power attack feat on him. This will severely hurt him. Then, kill
him using a regular attack. Go over to the other sith guard and do the same to
him, using the power attack quickly so it inflicts damage while the sith still
has his blaster equipped.

Carth will come up on the communicator again, and tell you that there is a
whole sith team on the other side of the door. And that you will have to thin
there numbers somehow. He suggests you reprogram the droid or slice through the
computer terminal by the door. I *always* choose using the droid, because
computer spikes are somewhat difficult to come by, and you will not reprogram a
droid for a long time. This droid is combat, which is very good. Before you
reprogram him, loot the sith guard and the footlocker. Then, walk up to the
droid, and press A. You will now be at another screen, which has a couple
options on it. Choose droid repair tutorial to find out a little about
repairing droids. Then, hit reactivate droid. Then use eight repair parts to
fix the droid. There should be two options, both with four parts. Press A and
you will fix them, costing you the repair part.

The droid will now walk around, so it is time for you to open the door. Open it
while the droid is near the door. You will be asked to engage in the battle,
but press the pause button to continue and not fight. The droid will be at the
door. He will take out his blaster rifle and kill all the sith in that room.
Walk inside the room and loot all the remains. There should be four or five
troops that have items to give you.

After this, open the door to the west. You will see Carth, and you guys won't
exactly have a chance to chat it up. Instead, he will introduce himself and
tell you there is only one escape pod left. Walk up to it, it should be the
second pod when you walk forth. Go up to it and press A. Then choose that you
want to use the escape pod. From here, the escape pod will shoot out and right
after the endar spire will blow. Why does it always have to blow up right
after? ^_^

3.2 - Taris

Main Quests

1. Getting to the Lower City
2. Gadon's Deal
3. Getting to the Under City
4. Zaalbar in the Sewers
5. Black Vulkar Base
6. Back to Gadon
7. Swoop Race
8. Rescue
9. Canderous's Deal
10. Sith Base
11. Davik's Mansion
12. Ebon Hawk

Side Quests

1. Rapid Transit System
2. The Duel Ring
3. Pazaak Rules
4. Dia's Bounty
5. Largo's Bounty
6. Selven's Bounty
7. Matrik's Bounty
8. Bendak's Bounty
9. Infected Outcasts
10. Rakghoul Serum
11. Rukil's Apprentice
12. The Promise Land

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Getting to the Lower City

The next time you see your character he will be on a bed and will be thrashing
about. He will then change to a dream (which might be something else, but no
spoilers here) of a women and a man fighting with lightsabers. Interesting.
Anyways, Carth will come in and ask you a few questions. Tell him about the
"dream," or "vision," and he will tell you that you took a major blow to the
head in the escape pod. He will also tell you that he was conscious, and he
took refuge at this abandoned apartment. Talk to him more, learning more about
yourself along with your mission here on Taris. Walk to the door and apartment
door and open it. The game will automatically put Carth into your party.

Once you are outside you will see three sith soldiers raiding aliens. He kills
one of the men with his blaster, and then realizes that you are behind him. He
then tells his troops to attack. Time to fight. Change who are going to attack
by pressing the right or left triggers. This will lock onto one of the sith
soldiers, instead of the sith leader. This is better because the other alien
will beat down the leader while you take care of the other two soldiers.
Dispatch of the two soldiers, using your jump attack to kill them. The alien
will kill the leader. The alien will then speak to you. Tell him you are glad
to help, and he will respond that he will take care of the bodies.

It is now time to level up. In skills, choose putting all your points in treat
injury. This will only be one point. Next, is feats. Choose to the flurry
technique. This is a great special attack, that will soon override your power
attack special. After you choose flurry, accept the changes. Then, loot the
bodies for some blasters. Now it is time to loot every apartment in this area.
Start going down the apartment circle until you see a low security door. Change
to Carth and use his security ability to open the door. You should see a women
inside the room. Her name is Dia. If you wish to do Dia's quest, look in the
sidequest "Dia's Bounty." Anyways, loot her apartment. There should be a bag by
the entrance of her little room. Open it to find 18 credits, a computer spike,
and a medpac. Take the items, then continue down the apartment circle.

You won't go long before a merchant stops you and talks about his shop. Be
polite, and ask everything you can to him. After this, don't buy anything. His
prices are not the best. Continue going down the apartment circle. You will see
another low security door. Change to Carth and have him open it. There will be
a Twi'lek in the room. Just go past her and to a bag on the ground. Take
everything that is inside of it, which should be 16 credits, a part, and a
medpac. From here, go down to the next door. This will be the entrance to the
upper city. Do not go through the door, instead go past it and to the next
security door.

Open this door with Carth's security skill. There will be a Ithorian in this
room. Loot the bag by the door to find some credits and parts. Follow this
apartment circle more to a little droid room. There will be nothing there, so
continue onto the next room. Again, use Carth's security skill. There will not
be anybody in this room but a footlocker at the oppposite end of the door. Open
it, take everything, and continue onto the next room. The next room will be
your apartment. Go inside there to regain all of your health. To the opposite
end will be a footlocker that has some medpacs and computer spikes. Take them,
then leave again with Carth.

From here, go down to the upper city door that is the most southern door in the
circle. Now, go to the menu and use the triggers to find a map. This map will
have "Return to Hideout" on the bottom. You will also see the X button by it.
This means that if you press X now, you will return to the hideout. Do so, and
you will complete the Rapid Transit System Quest. Then, walk back out to upper
city south. Walk straight over past the water fountain circle. The game will
tell you to speak to Carth. Just choose the nice guy options, and learn more
about Carth.

After this, continue north until you find the equipment shop. You should go
north until you hit a wall with computer screens on it. From here, go right and
you will see a door. Open it and you will be at the equipment shop. Sell your
Prototype Vibroblade, two regular vibroblades, two blaster pistols, one adrenal
stamina, and one of your blaster rifles. You should now have around 300
credits. Buy one Vibrosword, then leave the shop and go back to the main area
where the water fountain circle is.

Walk down the huge walkway due east. You will come up to another water fount
circle. Walk around it to the northeast to come up to two bounty hunters trying
to get money out of a poor old man. They will talk to him, and the bounty
hunters will decide to kill him. Before they do, though, they see you, and see
that you are a witness. You can now talk, and talk you will. Tell them to leave
the man alone, or they will have to deal with you. The bounty hunter's won't
like that, and you will be in a battle. Kill both of the bounty hunters using
your flurry technique. They are pretty weak, and one flurry combo will take
care of them. You will gain light side points by killing them. Then, the old
man will thank you, but still say he owes Davik money and that more Bounty
Hunters will come until he is dead. Say that maybe you can help, and give him
100 credits. He will be very thankful, and run off to pay Davik. You will gain
even more light side points for doing this, and is a bargain for a mere 100
credits. Plus, after you loot both of the bounty hunters, you get your 100
credits back. ^_^

Walk down from where you killed the bounty hunters and you will come up to a
medical facility. Open the door and look for Zelka. Talk to him about the
Rakghoul disease, and ask if there is a cure. Then say that maybe you could a
serum from one of the sith guards. Then tell him that you will get the serum.
Start to leave the medical facility and one of the people in there will stop
you. He will tell you that Davik wants his hands on the serum, also. Just tell
him that you want to give it to Zelka, so he could help more people. Then you
will be on your merry way.

Walk north of the medical center to upper city north entrance. Go through and
you will be at an almost same place, but with different shops and whatnot. Walk
directly north to a standard door. Open it and go inside the apartments. Go up
the apartment circle, looting the first two apartments for item. Walk up more
and you will see a sith by the door. The sith will tell you to move along, but
when do you ever listen to the sith? You will see another sith inside the
apartment interrogating a alien. He will ask about sith uniforms, and the alien
will say he doesn't know what he is talking about. Ask what is going on there,
and the sith soldier will *again* tell you to move along. Just continue the
conversation, being subtle, telling the sith soldier that maybe the alien does
not know anything. The sith will start to get mad, and tell you to stay out of
it if you know what is good for you. Say that you won't let them kill a
defenseless prisoner. You will then start a fight, where you will have to kill
three sith. No worries, dispatch of them. Then the alien will tell you that he
really did steal the uniforms, and he also gave them to Gadon. Well, isn't that

Just ask about Gadon and he will tell you that he is undercity. From there,
leave him be and he will run out of the apartment. Loot the bodies for a sith
uniform amongst other things. You will also see a locker, which is another
thing you should loot. Continue your looting spree until you come to a
apartment with Largo in it. Talk to him, and he will tell you about his bounty.
Do not kill him, instead tell him that you are not going to hurt him. Then give
him 200 credits, and you will gain lightside points.

Walk back outside to Upper City North. Then, walk west on the walkway over to
the end. Go north and you will be at an elevator. This elevator will bring you
down to the lower city. Walk up to the elevator and the sith guard will stop
you, stating that you have to be a sith to go down the elevator. Pause the game
and go to your equipement screen. Change your body armor to the sith armor. The
guard will now let you pass.

Once you get down the elevator change back to your regular combat suit, and
give Carth the armor for the time being. Walk out to the walkway and you will
see a gang fight. The Vulkar's verse the Bek. The Vulkar's will take care of
the three Bek's easily. They will then see you and start attacking. Kill all
three of them, they should not be that tough. Use your flurry like you are
addicted to it. After, loot all there bodies. Change Carth's uniform back to
clothing. Then walk down the walkway due west.

Go inside the Cantina, it will be the first door to your left. Once inside you
will see a powerful display of Calo Nord. Walk around the Cantina to see
Mission Vao talking bad to some aliens. The conversation ends when she gets her
wookie friends over to the aliens. They then leave. Talk to her to learn a
little about her, then they will leave. Go outside the cantina again, and walk
north to the Bek base.

2. Gadon's Deal

Talk to the guard. Tell her that you need Gadon's help. Then tell her that you
could be an ally against there enemies. She will then let you in. Go inside,
and open the standard door. Then walk north to a desk with a man behind it.
This man is Gadon. When you walk near him his body guard will stop you, but
Gadon will fend her off. Talk to Gadon about the escape pods, and continue the
conversation. He tells you about Bastila, but stay calm. Ask him what happened
to her. Continue this pretty long conversation, learning about how Bastila is a
prize in the Swoop Race.

Ask for his help, and he will tell you to find Mission Vao. She is in the Under
City, and can get into the Black Vulkar base. Tell him you have a sith uniform
to disguise yourself, and he will tell you that the guard by the Under City
elevator means business, and you will have to get papers. Luckily, Gadon has
them. Trade your Sith uniform for the papers. Then you are done here, next stop
is the elevator.

3. Getting to the Under City

Walk down the walkway, killing the Vulkar's as you go along. They should be a
little threat at first, but that will change. Just remember to loot them after
you kill them. On the way you will see one of Davik's agents get money from one
of the Vulkar's. You will then see Canderous come in and Vulkar's will give the
money right up. Canderous is powerful, and he will be your ally later in the
game. Once you get to the end you will see a sith guard. Talk the guard and
tell him you have your papers. He will then let you use the elevator.

Once you are down the elevator two outcasts will tell you that you have to pay
5 credits to use the elevator. Give them 20 credits, and you will get a light
side bonus. They will run off, and another outcast will run up to you. She is a
woman, and is very kind. Just continue the conversation, trying to be nice to
her. Talk about the promise land and everything else. Walk over to the north
and Igear will stop you. He will ask if you want to buy something. Be nice to
him and ask him about his store and whatnot. Then go over to the north east
part of the village, where there will be a gate.

A woman and a man will be arguing. The Rakghouls would come in and kill
everyone, the gatekeeper says. The woman will then ask you for help. Do so by
having the gatekeeper open the gate long enough for you to come out. From
here, fight off the Rakghouls. You won't gain any light side points for doing
this, but it is the right thing to do and it will boost your prestige among the

Walk around the little village and talk to people. Namely, talk to Gendar and
Rukil. They will both be very kind. Gendar will tell you about mission, and how
they wander the sewers. He will also tell you to go through the gate to get to
the sewers. Rukil will talk about the promise land, and how is apprentice is
lost. Tell him you will find his apprentice. Then walk back over to the gate.
Igear will stop you, and tell you if you give him the journals that he will
reward you. It is not worth giving the journals to Igear, and you get dark side
points if you do give the journals to Igear. So, just don't, m'kay?

Once you are at the gate, open it and go out. After walking a couple steps
mission will come running over to you, stating that "they took him." Find out
Mission's situation, and she will agree to help you get into the Vulkar base in
exchange for you getting Zaalbar. Equip Mission with a blaster rifle, and you
will be set. From here, go north east and wrap around the village walls. You
will see Canderous with his men, again. Ask who he is, and one of his men will
say he is Canderous. The conversation will go on until an unwelcome group of
Rakghouls decides to join in.

Help the soldiers kill the Rakghouls. Once all the Rakghouls are gone Canderous
and his men will walk off. From here, you should now be at a new level. So, go
the the level up menu. From here, give a point to strength. In feats, go to
Toughness and get the second level of it. Then, fight off all of the Rakghouls
to the northwest of you. There will be a lot of them, but they are good for
leveling up and practice. Walk over to the light in the northwest. Kill the
Rakghouls there (if you already haven't). By the light pole is a outcast body.
Take the items in it. Namely is the promise land journal! This is what the old
man was looking for.

Go back inside the village and over to Rukil. Tell him about the apprentice,
and he will tell you that you now have to continue the promise land quest. This
is a quest, obviously. Go south to the a cage and women. She will tell you that
the outcasts keep people that are infecte by the disease in this cage. Ask for
healing, then go north to Igear. On the way to Igear, talk to Carth more. He
will talk about how you were a last minute pick to be on the Endar Spire, and
that you just happen to be one of the survivors. Don't get mad about his
suspitions, just answer them calmly. Then, go over to Igear. Igear will tell
you that he will buy the journals off of you. Don't listen to him, because if
you do give him the journals, you will gain dark side points and only gain 100

From here, go outside the gateway. Go east of the gateway to some sith. They
will tell you that it is a restricted area. Tell them you have there papers,
and he will tell you about a patrol that they lost contact with. He will say
that they were in the south area. Could this be a hint? Could those dead sith
have a Rakghoul serum? You bet! What I want you to do now, though, it walk this
area and kill EVERY Rakghoul. Why? You get good experience for it. Mission and
Carth should level up. Just press the recommend button for them, as the only
person you care about is yourself. I am so self-centered sometimes... ^_^

You will find a lot of things around this area. Namely, there are a lot of dead
bodies. If you go to the southeast corner by the sewer entrance that is locked,
there will be a sith soldier that is dead. You will find the serum in his body.
Now, go back over to the undercity town. Mission and Carth will start talking,
and soon the talking will turn into arguing. Just tell them to settle down and
do not take sides in the matter. Go back over to the cage where the healer is.
You now need to use the serum on the people that are infected.

Go inside the cage, ignoring the healer. Once inside, a couple of the people
will turn into Rakghouls. Kill them. Then go over to the two remaining infected
people. Talk to them and give the serum to them. They will be healed! You get
light side points! And, better yet, you have enough left for the medical doctor
to make the serum for every person who gets the disease!

Have the healer heal your disease, then walk back over to the gate. Talk to
Mission, and ask about her life and whatnot. Be kind and sensitive. Now, go
outside the gate position yourself so you are directly northwest. You will come
up to the sewer entrance, go inside.

4. Zaalbar in the Sewers

Walk down the railing a little ways and, sure enough, there will be a mine
planted right in the middle of the path. Switch to Mission, and have her
disable the mine. This will happen a lot, so get used to it. Switch back to
your main character, and open the door. There will be five Rakghouls that want
to mingle with you. Kill them, using your flurry attack. Then, look around for
a skeleton body. Get the credits, and use the door by the body. This should
bring you to a room that goes southwest. Walk down this room and the path will
change north.

Once it does, you will see a Gamorrean Patrol. Kill it using flurry. Then, open
the door to the right. There should be a couple Gamorrean's in this room. Kill
all of them. They might be a little tough, so heal when neccesary. If you die
when you fight them, go down the path where you killed the Gamorrean and open
the door. This will bring you to a centered area with a lot of enemies. Kill
all of them. Keep going to different places until you level up. When you do
level up, hit the recommend button for skills. When you get to feats, go down
to improved furry and add it. Then go back into the room with the Gamorrean's
again, and show them who is boss.

Go over to the doors. At one of them, Mission will tell you that it is a old
lock, and she knows how to open it. Once she opens it, Zaalbar will be inside
the locked door. They will talk, and then you will introduce yourself. Just
talk about the lifedebt kindly, and tell him that you honored to accept the
vow. Continue the conversation, learning about how there is a rancor guarding
the Black Vulkar base. Don't worry, though, I got a way that can get you passed
him easy.

Add Zaalbar to your party and take Carth out. Then, equip him with a Blaster
Rifle. From here, walk back to the entrance of the sewers, to the first middle
room. You most likely do not know what I am talking about so here are the
directions. Go out of the center room where Zaalbar was back to the long
walkway. Then go north up the walkway. It will turn northeast and you will be
at another room. This is the room you started at!

Take the only door you have not explored yet. This door will be at the
southeast of the room. Open it and you will see a mine. Switch to Mission and
have her disable it. Then go over to the force field's controls. They will be
right ahead of the mine. Mission will then tell you that she has the codes for
the force field. She will turn off the force field. Now, go through the door
that the force field was blocking. This will bring you to the upper sewers.

Now, open the door to the circle room. There will be a lot of enemies.
Specifically, four Rakghouls and two Gamorrean's. The Rakghouls will be
fighting the Gamorrean's. Just ignore this, and kill everything in the room.
Then, take the northeast door. Go down the walkway and kill the Gamorreans.
Open the door at the end to find yourself at another circle room. Kill the
robot in this room. Pass the mine along the way. Keep hacking at it with flurry
until it is done for.

Now, take the door to the southeast. Switch to Mission and disable the mine.
Then follow the walkway down to the end. You will lock onto a severed arm on
the ground next to the door. Get the synthesized odor in it. Then, open the
door and run over to the dead bodies on the ground. Lock onto one and take the
items. Then, lock onto it again and look to see what is in it. There won't be
anything. Press X and you will choose from your items. Go down to the
synthesized odor you just picked up. Put that and a frag grenade in the body.
Remember to put the frag grenade in first, as when you put the synthesized odor
in, it will go the cut-scene automatically. Alternatively, you can just throw
your grenades at the beast until it dies.

After it is gone, go through the door at the end of the room that Rancor was
guarding. Kill them both using flurry. Then, open the door to the elevator and
use it. You will now be inside the Vulkar base.

5. Black Vulkar Base

This is where the fun begins! Walk over to the door and open it. Kill the
patrolling robot. You will now be able to level up Zaalbar and Mission. I
advise you do. Just mash the recommend button for them. After this, explore the
the two doors to the north. They will have items in both of them. One of them
will have a mine, but Mission can take of that. After raiding both of the north
rooms, go through the middle room facing south. There will be two patrolling
droids and one Black Vulkar in this room. Take care of them, and take the
standard door to your right. Inside there will be a patrolling guard. Take him
out, and take the items in the footlocker beside him. Then go into the little
room to the north to find the Black Vulkar's chef. Make mice meat out of him,
then go back into the room you were just in. You will see a person. Talk to her
to find out that she is a prisoner. Be kind to her and find out information
abotu Bastila and the swoop engine. Then, let her leave. You will gain light
side points for doing this.

Go through the door she went through, and take out the two guards. Then go west
to a huge room. Take out the Vulkar to the south, then go around the little
room in the center. There will be two droids there with guns. Kill both of
them. Change to Mission and have her use her lock picking skill to pick the
door they were guarding. Inside will be some good equipement. Equip yourself
with the military suit, and give mission the heavy combat suit.

Now, go back out of this little room and head east. You will see a security
door soon enough. Open it, and hit the Black Vulkar in there a couple times. He
will surrender. Ask him who he is and he will tell you that he is part of the
Black Vulkar gang but he hates Brejik. Tell him you will let him live, and he
will run off. Go over to the desk he was at. Beside the desk is a locker. Open
it to get some grenades and a medpack. Now, go back outside and open the door
by the one you just were in. You will have to kill 5 or 6 Vulkars in this room.
They are not that tough, so just hack away with flurry. After they are all
dead, loot all of there bodies. One of them will have a very handy passcard.
Take it, and backtrack all the way back to the kitchen.

Now, your main character should be at a level up. In skills, press the
recommend button to add one point to treat injury. In feats, add two-handed
weapons level one. The two handed weapon feats are great investments, as when
you get your lightsaber, you can use two with a small penalty. Now, from the
kitchen, go out east and follow the hallway until you hit a security panel. A
door will be next to it. Press A at the security panel to log on. From here,
insert the passcard. The turrets will automatically log off. Don't know about
the turrets? Open the door by the security panel to see three turrets lined up
against the wall. You would of been toast if you didn't turn them off. Take the
elevator to the right.

You will now be on the second floor. Walk west past the swoop racers, and you
will engage with a sercurity droid. Run up to it, dodging his blaster, and hack
away with flurry. Then, walk past the loading deck and go down the stairs to
the west. Kill the two enemies that are at the hallway near the stairs. Then,
walk west back up the stairs and take care of the garage head and the two
Vulkars. Then, walk back over to the stairs and walk down the hallway. Switch
to Mission and have her disable the two mines. Take care of the Vulkar
welcoming party, then go east until you hit a door to your left. Open it and
take care of the two Vulkar guards. Try to open the door at the end of the room
and you will find out that it is locked. This means that you will either have
to find a passcard, or you will have to find a computer terminal. Go back up
the hallway and stairs to the swoop racer room.

From there, take the most southeastern hallway. This will bring you to two
standard doors. Take the first one, and kill both of the Vulkar's. Get the
items out of the footlocker then open the door to the north wall. This will
bring you to an empty room. There will be a desk in front of you and a computer
terminal to your right. Get the items out of the desk. Then, go over to the
computer terminal. You will see a barrel next to the computer. Take the items
in that, also. Then, log onto the computer.

Now, slice into the computer using two computer spikes. Then go to commands and
three options will come up. The first one should say "Open all security doors.
(3 spikes)" Choose that option, using three spikes. Then, log off the computer
terminal. From here, go all the back over to that locked door. You will need to
go to the main room. Then, walk down the hallway in the south part of this
room. Take a left at the fork, then another left inside a room. At the end of
this room will be the locked door you tried to open before. Heal yourself if
you need healing; you are in for one heck of a fight. After you got everything
you need ready, open the door.

There will be a lot of Brejik's men in this room. They will start the
conversation. You will continue is sanely, not starting a fight. After a while,
Brejik's men will ask you to join the Black Vulkar's and kill Gadon. Refuse, as
it is dark side points. They will get frusterated and attack you. This will be
one hell of a battle. Take out the bodyguard first. Then take out the green
alien that you talked with. He will be the toughest, hence he is hard to hit.
After you take care of those two, the rest of them should be a piece of cake.

Once you are finished with them, loot the body of the bodyguard and the green
alien to get some good stuff. Then go over to the mine at the other side of the
room. Change to Mission and have her disable it. Passed the mine is the
prototype accelerator; your ticket to victory.

6. Back to Gadon

Now that you have the prototype, backtrack all the way to the elevator you came
up from. If you forgot where that was, look on your map. Once you are at the
first floor, go all the way to the huge room with the armory. If you go
directly around the armory and look south you will see a hallway. Go over to it
to find the exit from the Black Vulkar base. Take it back to the lower city.

Now that you are back to the lower city, it would only be fitting that you get
attacked by the Vulkar guards. Kill both of them, and the three other Vulkar's
that decide to play. Now that you are back to the Lower City, run on over to
the Hidden Bek's base. You will fight more Vulkar's along the way, but don't
worry; they cannot match your strength anymore. Once you get to the Hidden
Bek's door, walk on in.

Go over to Gadon and tell him the good news. He will then say he will let you
use the prototype. Of course, somebody cannot be that nice unconditionally.
Gadon will say that, with the prototype in the racer, it might blow up. Don't
worry, though, it won't. Or at least, I hope not. Anyways, Gadon will let you
spend the night at the base. When mourning arrives, one of Gadon's men will
bring you over to the swoop track.

7. Swoop Race

An Ithorian will talk to you about the swoop bike. Just continue the
conversation to learn that the bike will most likely not explode. Also, learn
all the basics of swoop racing from him. When you are ready to go, walk over to
the desk in the front. Tell the alien that you want to race one of your heats.
He will then let you.

The next screen will be of a swoop bike. This is you. There will then be three
lights, red, yellow, and green on the top of the screen. When the green light
lights up, hold A to accelerate. Now, I *would* tell you try your best here.
However, if you do good you will have to top your own time again. Therefore,
just stay in the first gear and try to hit all the accelerator pads. Do not
beat the 36 second time. Doing bad is good, so for your second heat you will
not have to beat your first time.

After the first heat, go on over to the alien again. Ask him to race on your
heats. When the light turns green, go! Try to hit as many pads as you can.
Switch gears when, on the bottom of the screen, it says so. With no luck at
all, you should be able to beat the small time of 36 seconds. Just remember to
hit the pads, and don't hit any items other then that in your path. Once you
are finished, you will go back to the Ithorian and he will tell you that no one
will beat that time. Now all you have to do is wait to claim your prize!

8. Rescue

You will be at the winner's circle, where Brejik will come up to you. You will
be awaiting your prize. When you hear Brejik tells you that you "cheated," you
better tell him he is a liar! Then, Bastila will open her cage and kill the
guard! She will take the sword that that guard had, now ready to fight! Brejik
will tell his guards to kill you and Bastila, but you both know that is better
said then done. Take out the guards by Bastila's cage, first. Then go over and
hack on Brejik with flurry. It won't be long before he keels over in agony and
dies. After the onslaught, search Brejik and his guard's bodies for items and
such. Then go over and talk to Bastila. She will tell you that you cannot take
her as a prize. She will then figure out that you were somebody from the
republic fleet. Try to be modest when you talk to her, not saying that you full
out saved her. Then, tell her about Carth and she will start to act better. The
next scene will be of Bastila and Revan fighting. Bastila will yell out an oh
so boring "You cannot win, Revan!" I just had to say that, because if the actor
could of put a LITTLE more emotion into it, I might of gotten into the moment.
Well, in the following scene you will be in an apartment, where Bastila starts
to berate you and Carth. Just tell her the truth, and be modest about it. Carth
will do all the debating for both of you, and he is right. Bastila will then
ask if something is troubling you. Tell her about the vision you had. She will
say you are force sensitive and whatnot. Just be modest and tell her everything
you can, m'kay? Now, leave the apartment, and take Carth and Bastila with you.

9. Canderous's Deal

Once outside, an alien look-a-like of Padon will come running over to you. He
will ask if you were the one who won the swoop race. Say yes, and he will tell
you that someone named Canderous wants to meet. He will be in the Upper City
Cantina; your next stop. Now, pause the game and go to the character level up
menu. Switch to Carth and mash the recommend level up. Bastila is a different
story, however. She is a jedi, and will be used throughout the game. Therefore,
you will have to level her arse up properly. For now, however, just hit the
recommend button for all of her skills, feats, powers, and whatnot. Once that
is done, go to the equip menu for Bastila and equip her lightsaber. Then equip
her the cardio-regulator belt. After this, go to your main character menu, and
equip Brejik's belt, arm band, and gloves.

After all this is done, go over to the Cantina. Along the way you will have
numerous conversations, one between Carth, and one between Carth and Bastila.
Just try to keep the peace, m'kay? If you do not know where the Cantina is,
walk straight out from your apartments. Pass the equipement place and go up tot
he doors a little ways further. You will now be there. Once inside, go past the
long table and into the center room. There, you will meet Canderous, the tough
mandolorian. Continue the conversation to learn that he wants you to get the
suith quarin-blah codes. The deal is, you get him those codes and he will get
you a ship to get off this rock. He will tell you to go to the droid shop to
get a droid. After the conversation with him, it is time to break into a highly
lucrative base.

Before you go to the droid shop, you will two thousand credits to buy the damn
droid. Talk about a lot! I advise you do some of the quests. Dueling pays good,
as does bounty's. And remember to take back that serum. Once you have 2000 big
ones, go over to Janice's droid shop. On the way there Carth and Bastila will
have a conversation about her escape pod crash. Just be polite to Bastila and
all war won't break out. Also, there will be a conversation between you and
Bastila. She will tell you about everything you have done on Taris. Just be
modest and tell her that you had a lot of help. She will then tell you that a
Jedi could of done what you did, but only drawing heavely upon the force.
Continue the conversation, learning that you are to old to become a jedi. Soon
enough, she will tell you that the counsel will decide if you are old enough,
and that you should get back to your mission. Continue on to the droid shop.
One there, Tell Janice about Davik's droid and she will offer you 2000 credits
for it. Persuade for 1500 credits and she might agree. If not, agree anyways
and switch T3-M4 in for Carth. Equip the droid with blasters and whatnot. Then,
go over to the elevator that you used to get to the Lower City. If you go on
passed the elevator you will hit a door. This is where the sith base is. This
door wil be locked. Switch to T3-M4 and he will open it for you. Remember to
level up T3 if you haven't already. Then walk inside the Sith base.

10. Sith Base

You will be at the main office where the secretary will tell you what you are
doing here. Bribe her 50 credits and she will keep her mouth shut. Then, go
through the door behind her. Walk down the hallway, ignoring the first door to
your left. For the second door to your right, open it and destroy the two
droids. Then, disable the mine that is in the way to the computer panel. After
this, switch to T3-M4 and have him log onto the computer. Go to camera and then
to the elevator camera. Have T3-M4 use 10 computer spikes to: disable the
assault droids shield and open the elevator. Now that that is over with, go
back to the hallway and open the door at the end. You will find two droids
ready to fire at you. Deactivate them both permanently by slicing away with

Once that is done, look right to see yellow tubes. This is a torture tube, and
one of the alien's you helped out is in it. He will beg that you help him, so
do so. The panels behind you all need to be to red "off." This is very simple
to do and does not need explanation. Well, if you really must know then I will
tell you. The middle panel, the one that is in the middle, needs to be turned
to red. This will put the two on each side yes or "on." From here, go to the
ends of the each of the panels and turn them off. This will turn all of them to
red and the alien will be free. You will gain lightside points for doing this,

After you do that, take the door to the east. Open it, destroy the droid, and
walk down the hallway until you come up to a door to your right. Open it and
destroy the two droids. You should now be leveled up! Do recommend for
everything except feats. In feats, choose the second level for two-handed
weapons. Then, walk back out to the hallway and go south to the door. Heal if
you need to, you will have to fight that huge droid. Open the door to find the
droid in the center of the room. Go up to it and use special attack on it. This
will inflicted about 15 points of damage. Keep doing this until it is history.
Bastila should take care of the turrets. If she doesn't, after you are done
with the big droid take the two turrets out. Now that this is over with, take
the elevator to the second floor.

At the door, get ready for a big battle! Have Bastila use cure do heal you and
her. Then, open the door to see the sith governer. He will start by saying that
you interrupted him, then he will say that you are a force adept. Tell him to
turn away from the dark side but he won't listen. Instead, he will say that he
will get a lightsaber for killing you. The battle with him might prove to be
tough. Run up to him and hack away with flurry and special attack. He might
stun you, at that point you cannot attack. Just hope that he doesn't do that.
When you get low on health, heal yourself. Also, he heals himself when he low
on health. So, if he is low, try to finish him off quickly.

After the battle, check his remains for the Taris launch codes amongster other
things. Take all of that, then loot the two strong boxes at opposite ends of
the room. After you get the codes, leave the sith base and go over to the Lower
City elevator. From here, talk to the guard and tell him you have your
authorization papers. He will let you through. From here, walk over to the
Lower City Cantina. Go insider to meet up with Canderous.

Canderous will tell you that he knows it was you who got the codes and that you
two can work together. Canderous can get you into Davik's estate, where his
proud smuggling ship the Ebon Hawk is. Before you say that you two are going to
join, make sure you have done all the sidequests you want. Then, say you want
to join and there will be a little more conversation. Namely, near the end
Bastila object's the plan, and Canderous says "why Davik is checking you out."
Now, he was saying that to you, but it seemed like he was saying it to Bastila
(^_^). Canderous will join the party along with Bastila.

A cutscene will occur where Malak's ship will fly over Taris. Malak will then
talk to a admiral, and Malak will tell him to destroy the entire planet. Wow,
looks like you are going to have to leave faster then you thought...

11. Davik's Mansion

Conversation will occur with Davik and Calo. Just tell Davik that you
interested in joining Davik's exchange. Then Davik will give you a tour of the
whole estate. Of course, you will just skip to the Ebon Hawk, where Davik
reveals some information about it. Then the next place you will be at is the
guest area, where Davik gives you a nice goodbye (^_^).

Now that you are in and have control of your character, walk out of your room
and turn right to the standard door. Open it to be in the main area. From here,
walk to the northwest corner of the room to see a door. Open it and kill the
bounty hunter that is walking around in the hallway. Check his remains, then
walk down the hallway north until you hit a standard door. Open it and destroy
both of the security droids in that room, they should not be that hard. The
only bad part is there flamethrowers. After they are done for, there will be a
torture tube at at the northeast corner of the room. At the northwest corner
will be a cage release control panel. Press A at it to release the torture cage
so the guy in there can get out. Be kind to him and tell him that you will not
kill him. In return for you being kind, he will give you the security codes for
the Ebon Hawk's security door so you can get into its hanger.

After you have acquired those, go back to the main center room. From here, take
the door on the south wall. Go down the long hallway to another door. Open this
and kill the three guards in this room. After they are done for, go over to the
security panel at the north end of the room. Log on using the acces card you
found, and go to commands. Then, go down to disable hangar security. This will
disable the security and you will be able to get to the Ebon Hawk!

Log out and open the standard door in the south part of the room. Once this
door is open, turn left to the hangar bay door. Before you proceed, make sure
you have full health. Then, open the door to the hangar. There will then be a
scene where Davik and Calo are walk around the hangar, and have a conversation
with you. Davik will then tell Calo to take care of them. You will now be
engaged in a battle. Lock onto Davik and run up to him. Then, hack away with
flurry and special attack. That might miss and if it does, use your regular
attacks on him. Heal when you need to. After Davik is done for the Calo will
whip out a thermo detonator and say that he is bringing you all with him. At
that moment, part of the hangar will fall on Calo. If you are lucky, you will
be able to get to Davik's remains to get his equipement. Then, go over to the
Ebon Hawk and board it!

12. Ebon Hawk

The next couple of scenes will show Taris get blown up to bits. Then, the Ebon
Hawk will fly off and dodge Malak's fire. Six fighters will come out and start
to attack the Ebon Hawk. Bastila will tell you to man the gun turrets. You will
then run over to them. The next scene will be of the fighters coming out. Then,
they will fly over the ship. Don't let them just fly over the ship shooting you
the first time, fire at them. I atleast destroy three fighters while doing
this. The other remaining fighters always come back firing at you after a
while. Shoot them why they are doing this for a easy win. Then, you will be on
the Ebon Hawk and will have ploted a course for Dantooine. Bastila will say
that even the sith would think twice before destroying Tatooine like they did
Taris. Carth will object. I would go with Bastila on this one. Then, Bastila
will say that she needs to learn about "recent developments." This means you,

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Rapid Transit System

Once you are outside you will see three sith soldiers raiding aliens. He kills
one of the men with his blaster, and then realizes that you are behind him. He
then tells his troops to attack. Time to fight. Change who are going to attack
by pressing the right or left triggers. This will lock onto one of the sith
soldiers, instead of the sith leader. This is better because the other alien
will beat down the leader while you take care of the other two soldiers.
Dispatch of the two soldiers, using your jump attack to kill them. The alien
will kill the leader. The alien will then speak to you. Tell him you are glad
to help, and he will respond that he will take care of the bodies.

It is now time to level up. In skills, choose putting all your points in treat
injury. This will only be one point. Next, is feats. Choose to the flurry
technique. This is a great special attack, that will soon override your power
attack special. After you choose flurry, accept the changes. Then, loot the
bodies for some blasters. Now it is time to loot every apartment in this area.
Start going down the apartment circle until you see a low security door. Change
to Carth and use his security ability to open the door. You should see a women
inside the room. Her name is Dia. If you wish to do Dia's quest, look in the
sidequest "Dia's Bounty." Anyways, loot her apartment. There should be a bag by
the entrance of her little room. Open it to find 18 credits, a computer spike,
and a medpac. Take the items, then continue down the apartment circle.

You won't go long before a merchant stops you and talks about his shop. Be
polite, and ask everything you can to him. After this, don't buy anything. His
prices are not the best. Continue going down the apartment circle. You will see
another low security door. Change to Carth and have him open it. There will be
a Twi'lek in the room. Just go past her and to a bag on the ground. Take
everything that is inside of it, which should be 16 credits, a part, and a
medpac. From here, go down to the next door. This will be the entrance to the
upper city. Do not go through the door, instead go past it and to the next
security door.

Open this door with Carth's security skill. There will be a Ithorian in this
room. Loot the bag by the door to find some credits and parts. Follow this
apartment circle more to a little droid room. There will be nothing there, so
continue onto the next room. Again, use Carth's security skill. There will not
be anybody in this room but a footlocker at the oppposite end of the door. Open
it, take everything, and continue onto the next room. The next room will be
your apartment. Go inside there to regain all of your health. To the opposite
end will be a footlocker that has some medpacs and computer spikes. Take them,
then leave again with Carth.

From here, go down to the upper city door that is the most southern door in the
circle. Now, go to the menu and use the triggers to find a map. This map will
have "Return to Hideout" on the bottom. You will also see the X button by it.
This means that if you press X now, you will return to the hideout. Do so, and
you will complete the Rapid Transit System Quest.

2. The Duel Ring

Time for some fun! The duel ring is a place where two combatants duel it out.
What would the prize be? Money, of course! Talk to Ajuur in the Upper City
Cantina about dueling. He will hook you up with the first fight. Your name will
be... well, Ajuur thinks of a weird one that you have to choose. Once you are
ready, tell him you want to duel. Ajuur will then place you against Dead-eye

Dead-eye Duncan

Dead-eye gets his name because he acts worse then a blind man in the ring! Run
up to Duncan, dodging his blaster shots. When you get up close and personal to
him, mash away with improved flurry. This is an extra easy way to win against
Duncan. Only one flurry shot will bring him down! Boy was this a short fight.
When I did my flurry, 10 points of damage inflicted on him did it. After you
are done with the battle, go over to Ajuur to get 100 credits, chump change!

Gerlon Two-Fingers

He gets his name because of a critical accident in the ring, where he lost his
fingers! But he is still here, and he won't leave the duel ring until he loses
his hands! Gerlon is another easy one. Run up to him, avoid his blaster shots.
Once up to him, hack away with improved flurry like you did Duncan. After
inflicting 30 points on Gerlon, he will be done for. Go over to Ajuur again to
get 200 credits.


She gets her name because her blood is stone cold! She is tough, she is fierce,
and she comes to kill. Ice is no pushover, but, then again, she isn't really
tough at the proper level. Start off by running up to her and hacking away with
flurry. This is the usual choice for almost every fight because of it's power.
She will actually survive a couple hits of flurry, so mix it up with your jump
attack if you like. Fifty points of damage will leave cooling off on the
ground. Ajuur will give you 300 credits for this one.


Marl is a nice guy, but he is getting pretty old at this. You will have to show
him that the newer generation will prevail! Start off by running over to him,
dodgin his blaster shots. Then, hack away with improved flurry like your
previous three fights. Marl will go down after 80 points of damage. Ajuur will
push over 400 credits for this victory.


"Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast!" This is always
Twitch's motto, and he just very well might be crazy. Twitch is the champion in
Taris, and you have to dethrone him. Twitch is a fast freak, and you will
actually have to do different strings of attacks to kill him. If you just mash
away with improved flurry, you will miss. Therefore, do a regular attack and
then flurry. Then repeat the proccess until 100 points of damage is taken away
from him. Then he will fall to the ground, making you the victor. Run on over
to Ajuur and get your 500 credits. Now all you have to face is Bendak
Starkiller, but he left the ring ages ago.

3. Pazaak Rules

Talk to the old Pazaak player in the Upper City Cantina. One of the other
players will forward him to you, saying that he wants to sell his deck. Talk to
him, and he will sell his deck for some credits. After the sale, ask him to
teach you Pazaak. Learn the ways of this money-making game and this quest will
be completed.

4. Dia's Bounty

Talk to Dia in the upper city apartments. She will tell you that she slashed
Holdan with her Vibroblade, and now he has a bounty on her. Light side points
will be gained if you tell her that you will try to take care of it. By take
care of it, I mean go over to Holdan and bribe him 200 credits. That's right,
go over to Holdan in the Upper City Cantina. He will tell you that he will not
take the bounty off of her unless you slip him some dough. Two hundreds will do
good. Then go over to Zax to get your 300 credits back for completing the
bounty. So you have a net-gain of 100 credits, not bad for gaining light side

5. Largo's Bounty

Largo is located in the Upper City apartments. You will have to pick a door to
get to him. Once inside, tell him that you will not kill him, and instead help
him. He will say that there is no way to help him unless you have 200 extra
credits you can give away. Give the credits to him, and he will go over to
Davik to pay him back. You will gain light side points for this. Better yet, go
to Zax and lie about Largo's bounty and you will get 300 credits. You won't
gain dark side points by doing this, and you will have a net-gain of 100

6. Selven's Bounty

Selven killed many people in her days, so it is right for you to kill her. She
is located in the Lower City apartments. You will have to pick a door to get to
her. Once you do, she will ask you to leave or you will have a sword through
your head. Tell her you will not leave, and you two will fight. She is rather
easy, just hack away with flurry. Get the remains in her body and report back
to Zax. He will give you 300 credits for you deed.

7. Matrik's Bounty

Matrik is located at the Lower City apartments. Pick the door and talk to him
to learn how he has a bounty on his head for no good reason. Tell him that you
will help him by stagin his death. He will have you go back to the equipement
shop in Upper City to get a Permacrete detonator. Go back up to the shop and
get it for a mere 50 gold. Then go back down to Matrik and he will get
everything ready. He will set everything and both of you will run out. The
bombs will then explode and his death will be stages. From here, he will thank
you and run off. Now it is time to go back to Zax and claim the bounty. Lie to
him to get it. You will gain light side points for doing this. You will also
get 250 credits.

8. Bendak's Bounty

There is no way to get Bendak's Bounty unless you want to gain dark side

9. Infected Outcasts

You will find a lot of things around this area. Namely, there are a lot of dead
bodies. If you go to the southeast corner by the sewer entrance that is locked,
there will be a sith soldier that is dead. You will find the serum in his body.
Now, go back over to the undercity town. Mission and Carth will start talking,
and soon the talking will turn into arguing. Just tell them to settle down and
do not take sides in the matter. Go back over to the cage where the healer is.
You now need to use the serum on the people that are infected.

Go inside the cage, ignoring the healer. Once inside, a couple of the people
will turn into Rakghouls. Kill them. Then go over to the two remaining infected
people. Talk to them and give the serum to them. They will be healed! And
better yet, you have enough left for the medical doctor to make the serum for
every person who gets the disease!

10. Rakghoul Serum

After you get the serum from the above quest, go over to the medical place and
talk to Zelka. Give him the serum and he will say that it is enough to make it
a full-fledged antidote. This means that anyone that gets the Rakghoul disease
can now be cured for a mere 50 credits! Refuse the reward Zelka gives you to
gain light side points.

11. Rukil's Apprentice

Rukil is the oldest man in the Undercity, and he wants you to find his
apprentice, Mayla. She will have a promise land journal. So, walk out of the
gate and go northwest. At the wall in the northwest area will be some
Rakghouls, kill them. Look in the outcast body near the pack of rakghouls to
find the promise land journal. The weird part is that if she died by the
Rakghouls she would of turned into one. Isn't that weird. Anyways, go back to
Rukil and tell him the bad news. He will then bring you to another quest for
the other two promise land journals. See below for that quest.

12. The Promise Land

Now Rukil wants you to find two more promise land journals. Both Journals are
in the sewers. The first is in the room across from where Zaalbar was held.
From the entrance, take the southwest path. The first door to your left should
have a pack of Rakghouls in it. Kill all of them, and explore the outcast body
to find one of the journals. For the second journal, from the entrance, take
the southeast path down to a circle room. Kill all the enemies and open the
door to the room to the east. Once here, there will be two rooms. One has a
some Gamorrean's and the other has some Rakghouls. Go inside the Rakghoul one,
disable the mine, and kill the Rakghouls. Then look in the other body to find
another journal. Now that you have done all of this, go back to Rukil. Hand
over the journals and he will say he now knows where the promise land is! The
whole Undercity will leave for it tonight. You will gain lightside points for
this, but no credits. -_-

3.3 - Dantooine

Main Quests

1. Meet and Training
2. Jedi Code
3. Constructing a lightsaber
4. Corruption in the grove
5. Fighting Juhani
6. Star Forge in Ancient Ruins

Side Quests

1. Mandalorian Raiders
2. Missing Companion
3. Murdered Settler
4. Dead Settler
5. Sandral/Matale Feud
6. Crystals in the cave

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Meet and Training

The next scene will be of Bastila telling you to come with her to the Jedi
counsel. Carth will object, but Bastila will get her way. Follow Bastila all
the way to the Jedi Enclave. Once you reach the center room, a Jedi will stop
you, asking why you do not wear the customary robe of the Jedi. She thinks you
are a Jedi. Tell her that you are not a Padawan, and that you are not a Jedi.
Then say that you are not a Jedi, again, because the Jedi thinks it is a joke.

After this, go left around the tree and walk down the east room. Turn left once
down the hallway to see Carth. He will tell you that the Jedi counsel is
waiting for you. He will point to where the counsel is. Walk over to it, and
the counsel will start talking. They will introduce themselves. Just go with
the flow, and continue the conversation. Soon enough they will start arguing
about Revan, the dark lord, and they will ask you to go back to your ship. The
next scene will be of Revan and Malak, at an ancient ruin. They will talk about
something called a Star Forge, and Revan will open the door. They will continue
on the room, and finally, the screen will change back to you and Carth.

After the short conversation with Carth, you will have to select party members.
I advise you choose Carth and Zaalbar, as they are the strongest. Level them
both up if you need to. Then, go back to the counsel room. The conversation
will start about the dream you just had. Tell the truth about what you saw.
Continue the conversation, learning that you and Bastila share a special bond.
Just don't lie in the conversation and you will do good. Once it is over, you
will learn more about the Sith, and the Jedi counsel. Then, the counsel will
accept you for training and tell you that you will go to the ancient ruins that
Revan and Malak went at, it is here on Dantooine, and see what corrupted them.
Just don't lie in the conversation, m'kay? End the conversation with agreeing
with the masters. The next couple of scenes will be of you training on how to
become a Jedi. Soon enough, you will master your training, and be fully
accepted. Now all you have to do is three trials to become a full blown
Padawan, the lowest rank among the Jedi.

2. Jedi Code

Walk over to Zhar, who is located adjacent of the big center room with the
three Jedi Masters. He is in the training room to be exact. Once there, talk
to him and agree to take the first test. He will prompt you with a statement,
and you have to complete it. Here are the answers:

There is no emotion...
There is peace.

There is no ignorance...
There is knowledge.

There is no passion...
There is serenity.

There is no chaos...
There is harmony.

There is no death...
There is the force.

3. Constructing a lightsaber

Now that you know the Jedi Code, it is time to construct a lightsaber. Run
back over to the center area with the three Jedi Masters and talk to Master
Dorak. He will talk a bit about the different lightsaber colors and there
effect on the character, then you will get to answer a series of questions.
If you want to be a Guardian, choose all the aggressive options such as
"Smash the Door" and "Attack The Thugs." Do the same for the other two, if
you want to be them.

It doesn't really matter, however, because you will get to choose what type
of Jedi you want to be, anyway. After choosing, you'll have a level up. It's
no different then before, besides the fact that you have to choose force
powers now, too. Just choose the most useful powers of your alignment. After
that, walk back over to Master Zhar and converse with him. Choose to
assemble the lightsaber and converse with Zhar again. The two of you will
talk about lightsabers for a minute, and then he'll tell you about the
corruption in the grove.

4. Corruption in the grove

It seems that the Jedi Masters have no guidance for this quest; you are to
go to the grove and find out for yourself. So, go to the central area with
the tree and over to the droid in the eastern hall. Talk to him and he'll
open the door to the courtyard; enter through it. Once outside, walk east
and then north up the stone path. Soon, you will reach Jon, who is a side
quest. Just keep the conversation as per your alignment, being blunt or

After the conversation, go east of Jon and you will be on grass. Follow the
grass southeast a little ways and a pack of Kath Hounds will decide to
attack you. These Kath Hounds should be *extremely* easy to defeat. After
the battle, go south and east the first chance you get. After going east a
little ways, you should see another pack of Kath Hounds with a couple Horn
ones, too. They shouldn't be very tough to defeat, and this is good

After the fight, go east and over to some rocks. In those rocks lies a lot
of Kath Hounds. They shouldn't be very tough to defeat, however. Just
remember to face them with all three characters and not just you, so the
Kath Hounds won't gang up on you. After that, continue east and, at the
first chance you get, go south and into the Matale Grounds.

When you first enter, the game will pause because Kath Hounds will be near.
They should be easy to defeat, however, because there are only two of them.
Just Flurry your way through and things should work out. After that, kill
the lone Kath Hounds north up the hill and the Horned Kath Hound to the
east. Your other characters should automatically attack these enemies,
however, so just follow their lead.

Once this part of the area is rid of monsters, go to the south part of it
and into the Grove. In here, there are a lot of monsters and hills blocking
the way. Just hack your way through and it shouldn't be very tough. After
the battle, only heal yourself because the other two characters you brought
along won't participate in the upcoming battle.

5. Fighting Juhani

Anyway, go to the most eastern part of this area. If you look south, you
should see a little shrine of pillars. Walk over to them and you will meet
Juhani. She will stun the other characters you brought along and it will be
a one-on-one battle. Juhani isn't very tough; use Power Attacks to defeat
her quickly. After about eight-tenths of her life is gone, the battle will

Juhani will start conversing with you. It is advisable that you KEEP THE
nice to Juhani she will join your merry band. And Jedi joining the party is
rare, so take this opportunity to have her join. Here are the options (in
order) that you should choose:

"Who are you?"
"You embrace the dark side? Why?"
"You sley Quatra, your master?"
"I was sent by the Council to cleanse the taint from this grove."
"I do not hold anger torwards you, Juhani. I wish you peace."
"The first step on the path of true knowledge is knowing that you are
"Even in death, the Force will allow her to live on."
"Anger? Show them that you have freed yourself of this base passion."
"Your inner peace and harmony will show them your sincerity."

After the conversation, Juhani will run off to the Jedi Enclave, leaving you
here. It is now time to loot the two Mandolorian corpses around this small
shrine. After that, choose to return to the Ebon Hawke via the map screen.
Back at the Enclave, walk to the round area with the three Jedi Masters. In
here, go to the adjacent training room area and talk to Zhar.

6. Star Forge in Ancient Ruins

He will talk about how great you are, blah blah blah, and he promotes you to
Padawan. Go over to the three Jedi and talk to Master Vandar. He will tell
you about your next quest, and you can quiz him on everything now. Do so if
you want to learn a little more, and then Mr. Matale will enter. After the
conversation he has with Vandar, the Jedi Master will assign you to that
quest, as well.

It's time to rock 'n' roll. Leave the Jedi Enclave to the Courtyard (the place
outside). Once there, follow the grey path as it swings north. At Jon, turn
right and follow this small path to grass. From here, walk east across this
entire map. Soon, you will reach what looks to be ruins. Enter the strange
ruins through the door.

Inside, head south down to the door and open it. Walk a little inside and
mingle with the droid for a little while. Just go with the flow and learn about
the Star Forge and this place. Afterwards, pilfer both items off of Nemo's
body, which is located in one of the corners of this room. Once that is
complete, enter the west door and it will time to fight.

Make sure you equip an ion rifle on one of your fighters before you enter.
Don't put it on your character or Bastila, obviously - put it on the third
character, which will probably be a mix of ranged and melee. Once that is
complete, start hacking away at the droid with flurry. He will go down slowly
but surely. After the fight, use the ancient terminal behind it.

Talk to the terminal and then put your datapad into it. Once that is done,
speak to it. The terminal will start to speak in your language! It wants three
death-giving worlds, however. The answers are Desert, Barren, and Volcanic.
Once you have done that, go back to the middle room with the droid and take the
opposite door. Inside here, kill the droid the same way you did before and use
the terminal in the same way to get another question up.

This time they want three life-giving worlds. The answers are Oceanic,
Grassland, and Arboreal. Once you have done that, look directly behind you to
find a broken droid. Take its parts and go back to the middle room. In here, go
south and through the door. Then walk over to the weird looking thing on the
other side of the room. Just go with Bastila in the conversation; she will fill
you in on her guesses.

Now that you have found what they were looking for, head back to the Council.
Walk outside the courtyard and use the "Return to Ebon Hawk" option on the map
screen in the pause menu. From the Ebon Hawk, walk north and down the hallway
until you reach the center tree room. After that, hang a left and talk to the
Council. Keep the conversation according to your alignment unless you want a
swift change.

After the chat, head back to the Ebon Hawk. Deesra will stop you and tell you
about the terentatek. Scary beast. Continue with the conversation to find out
other interesting things such as the great hunt. Once you have extracted all
the information that you want from Deesra, head to the Ebon Hawk. Use the
Galaxy Map at the front of the ship and choose Tatooine as your destination. It
seems Calo is on the Sith train as well, and you had another one of those

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Mandalorian Raiders

When you first walk out of the Jedi Enclave, to find the corruption in the
grove, you will come by a settler names Jon. Now, Jon is not happy with the
Jedi, for one reason and one reason only. They took his beloved family member.
By "they," I mean the Mandolorians. These Mandolorians are fierce, and pretty
damn strong. I would advise you complete all of the main quests for Dantooine
before doing this quest. You should also try to gain a level or two by
slaughtering Kath hounds. When you think you are ready, you will have to
dispatch of four Mandolorian groups. The first group is near the center of the
grove area, the second group is just west of the Matale mansion, and the third
is in the southern middle area of the Sandral grounds. All of these groups
consist of about 5 men each. Two of the men will be fit in Mandolorian armor
and be tough to defeat. The other three men will be easy to slaughter. Remember
to check the remains of the bodies, there is some valuable stuff in them.

After you slaughter the three groups, return to the center of the grove. You
will see another Mandolorian group. This group is the most fierce. There leader
is Sherruk, and he is unhappy with what you have been doing. Y'know, killing
all of his men? Anyways, you will fight him. And he will be very tough. Just
hack away with the improved flurry/attack combo until they are done for. I
would switch to Bastila so I could use her healing technique in the battle.
After the battle, check all the bodies for some valuable items. Namely, a
lightsaber that the almighty Sherruk has. After you slaughter all of these
groups, go back over to Jon by the Jedi Enclave. He will be very happy wih what
you have done, and will happily reward you. If you refuse the reward, you will
get lightside points. Of course, the reward is actually pretty good.

2. Missing Companion

A woman named Elise needs your help. She is located by a speeder, when you walk
out to the grasslands. She is to the east of Jon, if my directions suck.
Anyways, she wants you to get her companion back. Ask her a lot of questions,
and you will find out that the door was not damaged. Ask her if her companion
left without getting captured, and she will say that he is not programmed for
it. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Little miss Elise is looking for a droid.
A personal assistance droid, that is very valuable to her.

Agree to this task, and start looking for the droid. He is located in on the
east side of the Sandral grouds. The kath hounds will be on him. Run up to the
hounds and slaughter them. Then talk to the droid, C8-42. He will tell you that
the woman, Elise, tried to treat him like her dead husband. He will also say
that it was not "heathly" for her so he decided to run away. There is no
lightside option, but there are two options that will evade getting dark side
points. The first one is to agree with C8-42 and destroy him. Then go back to
Elise and tell her that you had to destroy him, she will run off crying. If you
go back to the Enclave, in one of the rooms Elise will be, with a new man in
her life. This is the happiest result, in the end. Alternatively, you can
convince the droid to go back to Elise and they will live there life again as
before. And well, that's that.

3. Murdered Settler

The alien Jedi named Bolook is located on a bride, around the west side of the
groove. He will ask for your help in a murder that happened today. Agree, and
you will be brought to two suspects. One is Handon and the other is Rickard.
Ask both of them everything that occured today at the murder. Both will say
that they did not kill him, yet they are the only suspects Talk to the protocol
droid, then speak to Bolook again.

If you answer three incorrect answers in this case, Bolook will yank you out
and you won't get experience points. Therefore, I will tell you the answers to
what you have to say to him. The order of what you do is, question both of the
suspects, talk to the protocol droid, then talk to Bolook. Keep doing this
until you are finished with the quest. You will have to question them various
times. These are the statements you need to say to Bolook:

First Answer: Rickard is lying. It was a cloudy - there was no sun glare!
Second Answer: Rickard is lying. They had a fight over business matters.
Third Answer: The blaster was Handon's. He lied about it being stolen.
Fourth Answer: It didn't belong to the victim. It's Handon's blood. He is
clutching his side.
Fifth Answer: No, they are both guilty. Handon admitted that Calder was having
as affair with his wife.

This is the best result in the case. Both men are guilty, as you get the most
experience points for doing it this way. If you have one man be guilty, you get
less, and you have to live with knowing that it could of been either. You get a
ton of experience points for doing this, and it is very well worth it. You will
not gain lightside points for having any solution, however.

4. Dead Settler

This one is easy. Once you pass all the Jedi Trials you will be aloud to leave
the Enclave. Once you do, explore the east side of the Matale grounds to find
the body of Casus, Sandral's son. He was killed by Rakghouls, though the
Sandral hard-head will not admit it. Take the datapad and go over to the
Sandral grounds and talk to the droid. Tell him that you found Casus's body,
and he will let you see Mr. Sandral. Talk to him about this incident to
complete this very simple quest.

5. Sandral/Matale Feud

This is a long arse quest, so get ready! After you pass all of the Jedi trials,
go back to Mr. Matale will barge in, stating that the Sandral's stole his son.
The masters will assign you this quest, also. Now, go on over to the Sandral
estate. Once you are there, talk to the droid. Tell him that you are here on
behalf of the Jedi counsel, and he will let you. Once you are in, Mr. Sandral
will tell you to leave. After this, Sandral's daughter will come out. Her name
is Rahasia. Be nice to her and she will eventually say that her father captured
the Sandral's boy. She will also give you the key to go inside Sandral's house
from the back.

Now, walk back out and go over to the back of the house. There will be a lot of
droids and a lot of rooms. After you are done raiding the whole house, killing
droids and looting all the footlockers, look in the rooms. One of them will
have Rahasia in it. Talk to her, and she will tell you where Shen, Matale's
son, is. Run on over to it, locating it easily by the map. One you reach the
door, bash it open. Talk to Shen and he will tell you that he won't leave hence
Rahasia will have to see her father's "wrath." He will then say that if Rahasia
would leave that he would also leave. Run on back over to Rahasia and tell her
this. She will say that she will meet him outside the front of the house.

From here, go back over to Shen and tell him this. He will then leave with you.
The game will automatically throw you to the next scene, which is of Rahasia
and Shen. After a short reunion, Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral will march on
to them to break of the reunion. They will argue a little. You will have a say
in the conversation. Try to preserve the peace factor. Then, persuade. What
will most likely happen is the two kids will run off, and the Matale and
Sandral's will be furious about you. They will say they will tell the Jedi
counsel about what happened. Don't worry, though, nothing will happen. Of
course, the really good result is when your persuasions are successful. This
will lead to the Matale/Sandral supporting there kids. This will most likely
not happen. Anyways, here is the dialogue to get the good result:

You two just need to calm down.
Both of you calm down now!
[Persuade] Shen is capable of making decisions on his own.
[Persuade] Children grow up and leave eventually.

If the persuasions are successful, you will get the good ending. Of course,
will most likely will not happen, and you will get the normal ending.

6. Crystals in the cave

Well, once you become a Jedi you will learn all about crystals, and how they
affect your lightsaber drastically. Well, here on Dantooine you might of heard
of a crystal cave from one of the Jedi counsel. He will tell you that it is
only a rumor but we can all see the twitch in his eyes... Well, maybe not, but
there is a cave with a ton of crystals in it.

So, once you find this out, run on over to the Sandral grounds. From here, go
over to the east side of the lands. At the very east point will be a cave. If
you are not at a respectable level, then please, do not go inside. If you have,
however, learned about the Star Forge and whatnot, then go inside the cave.
Once you are inside, there will be a welcoming party of kinrath spiders. These
little... er... spiders are pretty tough. So, kill them all with improved
flurry. Then, go down the cave, killing spiders as you go along.

At the end of the cave will be tons of crystals. Loot them to find crystals.
And we are not talking those crappy ones, we are talking about the good stuff.
These crystals are not only vital to attacking, but you can sell them and make
a good buck (or more!). After you loot all the crystals, bash the kinrath eggs
to find even more crystals. You should now have an arsenal of them, so go back
to the Ebon Hawk and read my lightsaber section to learn which ones to equip.

3.4 - Tatooine

Main Quests

1. Hunter's License
2. The Desert
3. Sand People
4. The Krayt Dragon

Side Quests

1. Sharina's Husband
2. Swoop Racing
3. Nico's Agency
4. Iziz the Jawa
5. Trapped Tanis
6. Sand People History

M a i n Q u e s t s

1. Hunter's License

When you first arrive, Bastila will talk about the dream. Just keep things
helpful and you will learn more about the location of the star map. After that,
leave the Ebon Hawk and select Bastila and Juhani as your party members. This
will make life a little easier for you considering the three of you are Jedi.

Even at the arrival these people want money! Pay the 100 credits and talk to
the man about the planet. Once you have gathered enough information, tell him
that you are done asking questions and walk passed him over to the door. An
alien will automatically talk to you about a shipment. Stay cool and further
the conversation to learn about the creatures that are now stowaways on your

After the alien leaves, head through the door into Anchorhead. From here, it's
time to fight some Jedi - so make sure your battle ready. Walk south passed the
buildings and people and east when the opportunity arises. Soon enough, you
will meet up with some Dark Jedi. They are simple enough to defeat, amazingly.
You can really slice through them with Flurry. The only thing to watch out for
is Drain Life; just make sure to focus on one target at a time so they can't
heal with it (because they will already be dead).

Once they fall to the ground, pilfer all the items they have; the lightsabers
are useful to your Jedi. Anyway, it's time to get to some real business so go
to the Czerka Offices. After settling the small dispute, talk to the Protocol
Officer to your right. She will say that you cannot get a Hunter's License, but
if you push her enough on the matter, she will give you passage to Dune Sea in
exchange for your help with the Sand People.

Outside, the alien will basically tell you what to do, so don't tell him to
leave. He will say that you need a droid to communicate and that you can get
robes from the Sand People found in Dune Sea. First of all, even if you are
going dark side and are going in by force, you still want HK-47. He's pretty
awesome, and has some fantastic commentary that will make you cry laughing.

Now that we have that taken care of, it's time to get the money for the droid.
Look on the map for "Swoop Registration" and walk over there. Talk to the Hutt
and do the races - see the side quests for more information on how to win the
races. They are fairly easy and shouldn't pose much trouble. Save before you
race and reload if you lose to save money.

Once you have the racing bonds and have completed the three tiers, I also
suggest you help the Hutt sign Nico. Look in the side quests section for more
detail on how to do that. Now that you have done everything swoop-wise, leave
this house. Outside, someone will want your autoprint. Just keep it nice and
let him have it.

Now it's time to pick up the droid. Look on your map for the droid shop; it's
on the eastern side of Anchorhead, near the gate to Dune Sea. Walk over to the
shop and enter through the door. Inside, talk to the merchant and HK-47 to find
out some interesting things. It seems that the merchant will sell the droid low
if you use some "aggressive bargaining." God, I love this droid. Of course,
aggressive bargaining will give you major dark side points.

Remember to sell your racing bonds with the droid merchant before you purchase
HK-47, or you won't be able to buy the droid. Once you have the money, it's
time to negotiate with the Ithorian. He will go down to 4000 credits without
even blinking, so ask him to lower the price from 5000 credits and he'll do it
with no dark side points attached. If you want, you can say you will kill him,
and he will bring the price down really low, but you'll get dark side points
for your bad deed.

Now that you have bought the droid it's time to tell him the good news. Tell
him to follow you and it will chance to the character selection screen. Choose
Bastila and HK-47 - subbing out Juhani for the time being. Equip HK-47 properly
and be sure to level him right there. Now that you have your droid, it's time
to go into the Dune Sea. Run to the gate, which is located near the droid shop.

Walk over to the left of the gate and you will find the only named Jawa in this
area, Iziz. Keep the conversation happy and you will find out that some of his
people being held captive by the Sand People. Additionally, you get the great
quote by HK-47:

HK-47: Translation: 98% probability that members of the miniature organic's
tribe are being held by Sand People, master. Doubtless he wishes

You: What about the other 2%?

HK-47: Translation: 2% probability that the miniature organic is simply looking
for trouble and needs to be blasted. That may be wishful thinking on my
part, master.

I'm sure at one point in everyone's life they wished they had a droid like HK-
47. Anyway, it seems Iziz knows about the star map, and won't say anything
until you recover his lost buddies. I'm sure at one point in everyone's life
they wanted to strangle a Jawa. Talk to the guard to enter Dune Sea.

2. The Desert

Marlena automatically talks to you when you enter the Dune Sea. See the side
quest on Tanis for more information. Anyway, walk directly southeast to the
Sandcrawler and talk to the mining captain. After some chat, Sand People arrive
by the dozen. Don't be frightened, they are extremely easy to defeat. One or
two flurries and they are down for the count. Try to use a crowd control
ability (like force whirlwind) to thin their numbers.

After killing three waves of Sand People, talk to the captain again. He will
tell you that the Sand People use turrets and kill anyone that isn't wearing
Sand People Robes on sight. All of the alien's predictions have been true thus
far. Anyway, pillage the refuge pile near the miners and we will be on our
merry way. Walk around the Sandcrawler and head directly southeast again.

Yes, that is a lot of Sand People. Yes, we can kill them. I started off with my
crowd control (force whirlwind) and started hacking with flurry on each one.
Reuse force whirlwind as necessary. Bastila can heal you up just fine with her
cure spell and HK-47 will give you some good ranged firepower. Once all the
Sand People here are dead, loot all their corpses to find a substantial amount
of robes and sticks. Additionally, loot the two corpses (dead non-sand people)
to get other items.

Equip the Sand People Clothing on all your characters besides the droids - they
don't need the clothing. You should get way more than two robes from
slaughtering those ten Sand People. Anyway, now that you are a Sand Person,
enter the area through the entrance southeast.

Stay clear of the mines and run south to the actual village. Stay clear of the
Sand People as you make your way to the wooden structure. This is actually the
Sand People Enclave. After entering it, this is where the light side and dark
side paths fly apart.

3. Sand People

To get light side points, tell HK-47 to say we are no threat. After that,
apologize for being here. The guard will present you to the cheiftain. Keep the
conversation nice with him or he will attack you. Ask him what he wants and he
will reply that he needs vaporators. He will kick you out after that.

Use the return to Ebon Hawk function on your map screen to be teleported back
to Anchorhead. From here, walk over to Anchorhead (the main place) and finally
to the Czerka Corporation. Inside here, talk to Greeta at the counter. After
telling him that you want a moisture vaporator, continue by saying that you
want to help the Sand People. Greeta will concure with you and sell the
vaporators for 400 credits. Now that's my type of businessman!

Now it's time to make the long walk back to the Sand People Enclave. Think
happy thoughts. When you get back, tell the guard near the door to the enclave
that you have the vaporators and you will again be presented to the cheiftain.
In this conversation with the cheiftain, give him the vaporators and keep it
polite. Also tell HK-47 to talk about captives and Iziz and the cheiftain will
say that they are of no use to him anymore.

Now we have to get the Jawas. First, get to the periphery of the enclave.
Second, walk east to the other side of the Enclave. Open the door that faces
outward and you will find the Jawas. Tell them that they are free to leave. Now
it's be time to blow this popsicle stand. Head forth to the door on the western
side of the Enclave and leave to the Dune Sea.

Fresh air! Nice clean, crisp, desert air! Use the map function to teleport back
to the Ebon Hawk. Go inside the Ebon Hawk and quickly leave. Change your party
so Juhani replaces HK-47. After that, go into Anchorhead and over Czerka
Corporation. Talk to the Protocol Officer about Gaffi Sticks and hand over the
Cheiftain's stick. Engage in conversation a second time to get all the Gaffi
Sticks out of your inventory, as well.

Now it's time to meet Iziz. Head to the eastern side of town and talk to the
Iziz near the gate. He will tell you that the Star Map can probably be found in
the Eastern Sand Dunes and gives you a map to the area. Nice guy. Before we
leave to the new Dunes, however, go back to the Docking Bay (where the Ebon
Hawk is at) and buy Bantha Fodder from Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu. He's the Ithorian
located south of the Ebon Hawk. Once done, exit to the Dune Sea.

4. The Krayt Dragon

It's time to kill a Krayt Dragon! Walk southeast to the Sandcrawler. From here,
go around to the northern end of the Sancrawler and walk directly east to the
peaks in the distance. Once there, enter through the peaks to the Eastern Sand

Now that we are in the right area, walk directly south to the cave. Ignore the
Dewbacks along the way; they are friendly creatures. When you reach the cave,
try to walk up to the lone alien and it will show a small cutscene where a man
bites it. Oh well.

Talk to Komad, who should be directly in front of you. Just choose the first
options in the dialogue to receive the most competent answers from Komad. When
the dialogue option is "I don't need you," choose that you have the Bantha
Fodder and Komad will tell you to go find a bantha.

Even though it may seem like you are doing most of the work, all you have to do
is lure the Banthas - which are close to the cave - to the cave. Walk southeast
and south when the opportunity arises. You should see three Banthas off in the
distance. Run up to them and try to converse with them.

They will follow you but a couple Sand People will decide to attack. They are
simple enough to defeat because of their small numbers. After slaughtering
them, converse with the Banthas again and they will walk to Komad. Talk to
Komad and the Krayt will come out. He will be bombarded with mines and die.

Tell Komad the first option to receive the Krayt Pearl and no dark side points.
After this, go inside the cave, looting everything along the way. You will
receive a couple crystals and a Jedi Master Robe, which you should equip right
away. When you are done looting, try to use the Star Map. After some dialogue,
leave the cave.

...only to be greeted by Calo Nord and his five friends. Choose the latter two
dialogue options to start up the fighting quicker. Calo is, suprisingly, easy
to defeat. Use your crowd control ability on one of his thugs and hack away at
another. Once all the thugs are gone, slash away at Calo Nord. After
slaughtering, loot Calo Nord's body to find some good loot.

Sadly, you cannot use the "Return to Ebon Hawk" feature right now, so leave to
Dune Sea and use it then. Enter the Ebon Hawk and choose your next destination.

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sharina's Husband

This quest becomes available when you first enter Anchorhead. It starts outside
the Hunter's Lodge, on the western side of Anchorhead. Once you arrive there,
you should see Sharina Nal just outside the door of the lodge. Talk to her and
she'll tell you what happened to her husband. To make things short, her husband
ate it and she now has a Wraid Plate, worth 500 credits, that she cannot sell
because she does not have a hunter's license.

This is where you come in; since you have a license, or will shortly, you can
sell the plate and give her the dough. Light side points, of course, will be
obtained if you buy the plate from her. If you want more light side points, you
can donate some credits to her as well as buying the plate from her. Remember,
afterwards, to sell the plate to the Hunter's Lodge.

2. Swoop Racing

Make your way to the Czerka house in Anchorhead. In here, you'll find Motta the
Hutt, who enjoys hiring new racers and taking most of the money they earn. It
doesn't matter, though, as you'll earn a bundle even with the greedy Hutt.
You'll have to partake in three races where you'll have to beat best times.
It's just like Taris, but the times are more challenging along with the course.

There's no real strategy; keep racing until you know the location of most of
the accelerator pads. They are the key to victory, as you might have already
known. It might take several times before you beat the third race, but it's
completely possible if you hit enough accelerator pads. Motta, being the slime
ball he is, doesn't actually pay you in credits. Instead, he pays you in racing
bonds, which can be sold at any non-respectable Tatooine store.

3. Nico's Agency

Motta the Hutt wants to sign Nico Senvi to a racing contract. After you get the
lowdown from Motta, walk over to Nico, located in the same room. Before you can
negotiate with Nico, you have to beat the three races that Motta the Hutt
offers, to prove to Nico that you know what you're talking about. Once done,
engage in conversation with Nico. He'll tell you, in short, that he doesn't
like the money part of the contract with Motta.

You can't really blame Nico; Swoop racing is a dangerous sport, and it's not
like Motta is doing much besides sitting on his perch. To finish things up
goody-two-shoes style, persuade Motta the Hutt to give Nico a better contract.
Go back to Nico and he'll accept the new contract with little fuss.

4. Iziz the Jawa

Iziz the Jawa is located by the gate to Dune Sea. He'll tell you some of his
fellow Jawaiians (is that the word?) are currently being held in the Sand
People camp. He wants you to get them out of there. To complete this quest,
follow the main walkthrough until you are in the camp. Then, while talking to
the cheiftain, persuade him to let the Jawa's leave.

5. Trapped Tanis

Marlena, Tanis' wife, will automatically talk to you when you try to go to Dune
Sea with your hunter's license. She'll tell you to say "hi" to Tanis when you
see him out in the desert. Journey out into Dune Sea and walk southeast from
the gates. You should see four droids in the air soon enough. Walk up to them
and you'll see Tanis in the middle. Talk to him.

It seems the wife is a little mad at Tanis, so she made the droid's
automatically explode if Tanis moves or if someone hampers with the droid's
incorrectly. Okay, maybe more than a _little_ mad at Tanis, but whatever. If
you want light side points, you'll have to hamper with the droid's correctly.
It's fairly simple, but I'll list the answers here.

Droid A: Node 2 is reporting correctly. This is because two have to be
incorrect, and since the other two are reporting the same node, it has
to be the only other one.
Droid B: Seven is the missing prime number. It's a prime number...
Droid C: One-hundred-and-twenty (120) large pulses. This is, again, simple
logic. One-third of the small pulses is 100, while one-third of the
large pulses is 60. So, in this question, 100 small pulses is equal to
60 large pulses. If 100 small pulses have already been used, then that
means 200 small pulses are left over, making 120 large pulses, since
100 = 60 and 200 = 120.
Droid D: 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14

3.5 - Kashyyyk

Main Quest

1. Wookiee Chief
2. Jolee's Request
3. Star Map
4. Freyyr
5. Chuundar's Gambit

Side Quests

1. Eli and Matton
2. Lost Wookiee
3. Mandalorian Shadows

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Wookiee Chief

After exiting Ebon Hawk, choose Bastila and Zaalbar as your party members,
respectively. Pay the docking fee (or use your force powers) and tell the
Ithorian to be off. Next, walk east and follow the ramp as it turns north.
Zaalbar will stop you; just tell him you'll find out soon if he's still
considered a "Madclaw."

When the road forks, take the north path. At the guards, tell them that you
will pass because you paid the landing fee. After going through the door,
slaughter the four spiders. They are easy enough to defeat - use your crowd
control or area of effect spells to kill them quickly. After the fight, walk
east and the Wookiee will *again* interrupt your walking.

Just tell him we'll get to it. Walk east a little ways and we find three guards
that have killed a wookiee. You can either kill them or persuade them to
abandon their post. Afterwards, follow the path as it curves south. Kill the
spiders when they pop up and continue south.

Soon enough, you will reach an open area. Kill the spiders here while going
east. When you hit the wall, go north and follow this path. Soon enough, you
will meet up with three Jedi. They are of the same brand as the ones you fought
on Tatooine, so they should be extremely easy to defeat now. Be sure to loot
their remains after killing them.

Continue following the path until you reach a wookiee guard. The guard will
talk about a "taint" and you will have to pick a new party member to replace
Zaalbar. Juhani is always an excellent choice. Anyway, you'll have the
conversation with Chuundar; keep it nice or bad, you won't get any light or
dark points for either choices.

Looks like we have to find a madclaw. Damn wookiee. Anyway, go north and enter
the Great Walkway. From here, follow this path west and south. From the center
area with three forks, take the southern path. Follow this path and take the
south path whenever possible. After a minute or two, you will reach some
wookiees fighting spiders. Kill the spiders and be rude, snide, or nice to the
wookiees - it doesn't matter.

After "helping" them, follow the path and you will finally reach Gorwooken.
He'll lower you down to the Shadowlands, as per your request.

2. Jolee's Request

It's time to meet Jolee, the last playable character. Walk north of the
elevator and fight the creatures which should go down fast. After that, walk
north and you will have a small cutscene where Jolee kills four creatures in
succession by himself. Go him!

Follow him to his hole and talk to him. He'll tell you where the star map is
located (and join your group) if you wrangle up some Czerka guards for him.
Fair enough. Walk north of Jolee's hut and go east at the fork. Follow this
path until you reach the poachers.

Since we're dark, just talk to a guard and say that you will slaughter them
all. They are all fairly easy to defeat. Once you have done your dirty work, go
back to Jolee and tell him the good news. After some chat, Jolee joins your
party. Go back to where the Czerka was (northeast) and follow the path. It will
reach the the forcefield, which Jolee will disable.

3. Star Map

At the southwest corner of Lower Shadowlands you will find a holocron computer.
The walk is long, but you shouldn't have much trouble killing the creatures. At
the first junction you'll find a wookiee trying to kill some Mandalorians,
which is a side quest all in its own.

Anyway, continuing to go to the southwest corner, just try to stay on the
western wall while going south. When you reach the holocron, start conversing
with it. The answers to all his questions are below:

I'm unsure what Zaalbar would say. I would accuse him to be safe.
I prepare my forces to attack in ten days. I do nothing in the city.
That's right. The death of those people would spur my forces on.
I let the attack happen.

Answer all the questions incorrectly to receive light side points. The
machine will call two other machines to attack you. These bad boys are
pretty tough, but with a couple well-places heals you should be able to
manage. After the fight, take the star map.

4. Freyyr

To find Freyyr, go north back to the lift. After that, go back south and go
east at the fork. Follow this path, hugging the eastern side, and you'll swing
around to Freyyr. He'll incite a small attack. After knocking off one-third of
his health, he will surrender. Agree to help Freyyr get a blade. He needs a
Kinrath Viper body.

These are found throughout Lower Shadowlands; I didn't kill some south of
Freyyr so I killed them now. Take the body and go to the southeast corner of
Lower Shadowlands. Tie the Kinrath Viper to the dangling vine and a big beast
will arrive. Kill the beast and get the blade. Next, go back to Freyyr and he
will run off to the Chieftains. You should go there as well.

5. Chuundar's Gambit

Back at the Chieftains, follow the conversation, supporting Freyyr, and kill
the Chieftain. You will get the sword and a lot of happy light side points.
After that, go back to the Ebon Hawk and plot another course.

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Eli and Matton

In the center of the landing port you'll find Starsky and Hu- err... Eli and
Matton. Matton's ship left one day and now he has to pay off Eli for his lack
of services. Matton works for Eli as an engineer to pay off his debt, so you
have plenty of time to get to the bottom of this.

This quest is fairly straightforward; you have to find the evidence that backs
up Eli or Matton. And you'll find that evidence, too, by looking south of
Jolee's house. A malfunctioning droid, in fact, is the key to this little
conflict. See, the droid will replay its memories to you, showing you that Eli
took Matton's ship and sold it. What a greedy little bugger, that Eli! Take the
droid's head and go back to Eli.

For light side points, tell Eli to run away. Sadly, you can't kill Eli if you
are going for the light. However, Matton can take over Eli's shop, though, if
you let him.

2. Lost Wookiee

Inside Woorwill's home, you'll find Woorwill and Jaarak. Speak with both of
them about Rorworr and they will say Rorworr disapeared in the Shadowlands, and
that they are too young to enter the Shadowlands themselves, so they don't know
what happened to him. Enter upper Shadowlands and walk over to Jolee's house.
In between his hut and the Czerka camp you'll find Rowrorr's corpse. Take the
datapad and bowcaster bolt and go back to Jaarak.

After questioning him, he'll demand you go to the Holder's house and speak with
Worrozner. Show the wookiee the evidence and he'll decide to let the courts
decide this matter. The fate of the trial rests in your hands. To get mucho
light side points, explain that Jaarak's crime was self-defense. You don't get
any money, though. :(

3. Mandalorian Shadows

When you first enter Lower Shadowlands you find a wookiee named Grrrwahr (I
think the name's trying to tell you something) that is fighting a group of
Mandalorians. After defeating the Mandalorians, heal the wookiee with your cure
spell or a medpac. Once he's all better, he'll give you the quest. It's time to
hunt us some Mandalorians. Disarm everyone in your party and walk around Lower
Shadowlands. Soon enough, Mandalorians will engage you in battle.

After defeating them, get the datapad off one of their corpses and repeat the
process again. Once you have two datapads, go to the swoop bikes located in the
southwest corner of the map and replace the missing signal device. This will
call up more Mandalorians, which you'll cut through easily. Afterwards, go back
to that Grrrwahrr guy and tell him the good news.

3.6 - Manaan

Main Quest

1. Republic Base
2. Sith Base
3. Hrakert Station
4. In The Water

Side Quests

1. Sunry Murder Trial
2. Selkath Mystery
3. Swoop Races
4. Mercenaries

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Republic Base

Yeah, yeah, yeah, another dream. Leave the Ebon Hawk and choose Bastila and
Juhani as your party members. Open the two doors that lead out of this Docking
Bay. Walk a little ways inside the hallway and a Sith and Republic soldier will
be fighting. It seems things are very equal here because of the Selkath.

Quiz the Republic soldier to find out more about Manaan, if you like. After
that, go to your map and look for "Manaan - West Central." This is where we
need to go. Walk west through the hall until you come to the door labelled
"West Central Courtyard." Open it and enter.

This city is very weird, considering it is entirely buildings. Walk south down
the hall and open the door. Walk around the pool of water and open the door on
the other end. After peeking through another door, talk to the Selkath at the
counter. Pay the 100 credits and go through *another* door. In this area, go
south until you hit the bottom of the area. Next, head west, open the door, and
head down the hall to Ahto West.

Head down this hall until you reach a center area. In here, opt to take the
northeast hall. Follow it until you reach a bar. Try to walk around the bar and
Shaelas, a Selkath, will automatically talk to you. Keep the conversation nice
and he'll pay 500 credits if you find young Selkath that have disappeared.

Now that we have that quest, talk to Nilko in this room to get an additional
quest. With these two quests, backtrack to Ahto Central. From there, walk east
around the pool of water and open the door to East Central. Next, run east a
little ways and you'll see more arguments between the Sith and Republic.

Ignore this stupid argument and walk north through a doorway. Choose the right
door (which is labelled "Republic Embassy") and go over to Roland, the person
behind the desk. Engage in conversation and he'll tell you where the star map
is located only if you recover a droid in the Sith Base. The second way,
decrypting the passcard, is the easiest, so I'll list that here.

Open the door to the left of Roland to reach what looks to be a torture room.
Take the door on the eastern side of this room to the computer room. After
talking to the Republic Soldier, use one of the computers in this room. Choose
to decrypt a passcard. The answers to these questions are simple, but I'll give
them to you anyway.

1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 - "22"
21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16 - "18"
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 - "64"
128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 - "2"
1, 32, 81, 64, 25 - "6"
1 0 . 8 3 . 32 5 . 128 - "7"

Once you have the encrypted passcard, leave the Republic Base the same way you
entered and go to the southern part of this area. Next, go east and open the
door. After entering Ahto East, walk down the hall and open the door. Dodge the
"fee" by saying that it is a public street, then walk east until you hit a
wall. Finally, go north through doors and you will reach the door to the Sith
Base. Just enter through the door, ignoring the Sith.

2. Sith Base

It doesn't matter what option you choose, the Sith guard *will* call for some
security. They are simple if you like to hack and slash through, however.
Remember to use your crowd control abilities (Stun, Force Whirlwind) to make
their numbers even smaller. After the fight, take the northern door and follow
the hallway until there is a door to your left.

Once you have opened that door, follow the new hallway until you arrive at
three doors. Take the door to the "Disassembly Room" and open the adjacent
door. The enemies in this room are, again, pretty easy to defeat. Loot the
footlocker to receive some items, and then the Broken Droid for a Data Module.
This is what we came here for.

Go back outside to the hallway and backtrack to the other hallway. Follow this
hall as it goes north and east. After opening the door, destroy the three Jedi
in the room. Don't even think about using your force powers on them; it doesn't
work on them. Once they are toast, loot their corpses for some good Jedi

After that, open the "Flow Control" door and follow the hallway to a big room.
Kill all the guards in this room, making sure to use your crowd control as much
as possible. Once the room is clear, it is time to open the water doors in the
correct order. Here is the order:

Left Room 1 - flow
Left Room 2
Right Room 1 - Flow
Right Room 2 - Flow
Left Room 1
Left Room 2 - Flow
Left Room 3
Left Room 4
Door out

Now that we are out of that mess, head north through the door and kill all the
Sith troopers in this room. After, head through the opposite door and follow
the hallway to the training room. A Selkath Apprentice will open the door for
you - and then it's time to kill him. Open the footlocker in this room, also.

Next, head out into the center room where you'll see four rooms. Take the
northwestern room and do the Mysterious Selkath side quest, located below. Once
you are done with the side quest, take the northeastern room and clear all the
easy droids. Open the opposite doors and kill the Dark Jedi.

He's actually a pretty tough fight. Heal as necessary and watch every party
members health. Kill the Selkath first and then work on the Dark Jedi. He will
dodge a lot of your attacks, so it's better for you kill the Selkath first,
that you can two-hit. After the fight, loot the Dark Jedi's remains along with
the two footlockers. Open the door in the western room and take the Datapad.
Finally, leave the Sith Base the same way you entered.

Nice greet squad, the Selkath have. Now we have to play the courts. Be nice to
the Arbiter, even though he won't do anything during the trial. Speaking of the
trial, start it as soon as the dialogue option appears. Anyway, the first
chance you get, interrupt the Arbiter and say that you want to defend yourself.
Here is the way the conversation should go after that:

Not guilty.
The sith lured me inside.
I was there for diplomatic negotiations.

The Selkath don't have enough to charge you, so you are set free. From here,
head west to Ahto West Central. In here, head east to East Central and finally
to the Republic Enclave. Talk to Roland about the Data Module and he'll spill
about the kolto. After the conversation, go north into the torture room and
west through the now unlocked doors. Save the game and take the submersible
down under.

3. Hrakert Station

From the start, walk through the door and you will find a mercenary. He is in
shock from all the insane Selkath. Just listen to what he has to say. The
directions I will give you about the station are fairly straightforward, and
don't include the tons of battles you'll have to fight. I'm going to say
"door" ten thousands times so get ready. Move east, passed the door, and over
to another door. Open this door and the door adjacent in this room. Go south
down the hall until you see a door to your right.

Open this door and the adjacent door in this new room. In here, go through the
door on the opposite side. Take the south door in this room and get the sonic
emitter from the footlocker. Backtrack to the last room and follow the rooms
east until you have to go south. In this room, take the envirosuit from one of
the lockers.

Now that you have both items, take the western door in this room. Next, take
the south door in this room and do the same for the next room. This is the room
that leads to the water. In this room, use the pressure door to go outside.

4. In The Water

Too bad we can't swim. You go really slow in the envirosuit and your only form
of attack is the sonic emitter. Anyway, go south until you hit a wall and then
go east. Soon, you will meet up with someone else in a envirosuit. After some
conversation, follow the mercenary out to the ocean floor. He will quickly eat
it, leaving you to do part of his plan.

Walk east the first chance you get. Use the sonic emitter of the Firaxa's when
they get close. It's an insta-kill so don't worry about the time it takes to
use it. Keep killing Firaxa's with the sonic emitter until you reach a fork in
the road. One Firaxa will be on each path; kill them both. Afterwards, take the
northern path to the pressure door and open it.

Inside here, kill the four Selkath. Next, go to the door to the east and, after
opening it, take the southern door. Kill the three Selkath in this room and
loot all the chests. Go back to the center room and SAVE THE GAME. Afterwards,
talk to the people on the other side of the forcefield. They will lock you in
the center room and put on pressure. You will be dead in one minute.

To get through this small obstacle, I merely bashed through the forcefield.
Once done, you will have a little chat with the scientists. Quiz them on
everything to find out more. It seems you can give the shark a poison (dark
side) or reprogram the harvestor (light side).

Take the pressure door on the other side of the two scientists to the water. In
the water, walk east, killing Firaxa along the way, until you reach the control
panel. This is where things become really light or really dark. Since we're
light and want to do this the nonviolent way, here are the steps:

1. Access the fuel tank pressure control.
2. Fill injector to max pressure.
3. Transfer gas from injector to container pod.
4. Fill injector to max pressure.
5. Transfer gas from injector to container pod.
6. Empty container pod.
7. Transfer gas from injector to container pod.
8. Fill injector to max pressure.
9. Transfer gas from injector to container pod.

And viola, you have done this the light way. The Kolt Guardian will calm down
after this, and let you pass. Walk east over to the end of this area and get
the star map. After that, backtrack to the Republic Base, where you will be
captured by Selkath again. Tell them the good deeds that you did and they will
be delighted. Use the Return to Ebon Hawk feature and fly to another planet.

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sunry Murder Trial

2. Selkath Mystery

Save yourself a lot of hassle and pick up this quest BEFORE you enter the sith
base. I don't like the idea of going back into that base, either. Anyway, you
can pick up this quest in the northern part of Ahto West. Take the northeastern
hallway in the center room and follow it as it loops around into a room. Find a
Selkath named Shaelas in a corner.

He'll tell you about the "mystery" with young Selkath disappearing. After he's
done ranting, it's time to take action. Continue in the main walkthrough until
you are deep into the base. In the most northern part of the base, you will
find the training room. After entering, you'll be in a room with a lot of angry

Since we're light side people, tell Shasa and her band of Selkath about the
sith betrayal and you will get light side points. After the talk, leave via the
right door and you find yourself in a room with a lot of doors to choose from.
Take the northeast room and dispose of the Jedi and Selkath inside. Once you
have taken out the garbage, go back to the center room and take the southeast

Lots o' unconscious Selkath in here. One of them will give you a ceremonial
pin. Coolio. Anyway, kick it back to Shasa in the southwest room and let her
see the pin as proof. You will get even more light side points for this!

3. Swoop Races

Same ol', same ol'. This one is interesting because a green guy threatens you.
Anyway, you can find the swoop races in Ahto East - the swoop registration
building, to be exact. Inside, you'll find the usual swoop setup. Talk to the
Selkath behind the counter to get the ball rolling. It costs twenty credits to
practice so I'll suggest you do that until you feel confident enough to race.

When you win a race you'll get 300, 600, and 800 credits, in that order. For
the last race, Qweedle wants a word with you. Remember to keep things light in
the conversation. And by "light," I mean good-no-killing style. You'll be
rewarded with light side points, too, for your restraint.

4. Mercenaries

This is a very simple quest; just remember to pick it up before you go
underwater. Anyway, it's located in the same place as the mystery quest
(northern Ahto West), take away looping around the corner. The Selkath, Nilko,
wants to find out why the Republic is on a shopping spree for mercenaries. To
find out, continue in the game until you get off the submarine. The Twi'lek
will specifically say that the insane Selkath have been eating mercenaries for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks. Go back to Nilko with this
newfound information to complete the quest.

3.7 - Leviathan

Main Quest

1. Getting Freed
2. To The Bridge
3. Darth Malak

1. Getting Freed

Nice, long cutscene and some good dialogue to start us off. Anyway, it's time
to choose someone to rescue you. I'm picking Jolee, because he has the power of
the force and can downright destroy even without a lightsaber. This guide will
focus on Jolee, too, but I'm sure all the others are very similar to Jolee's

After choosing Jolee, the bad guys will drag you into the docking bridge. It is
time to play a small game of question and answer. Answer as per your alignment,
please, we wouldn't want unnecessary light or dark side points ending up on
your permanent record. Once done, Jolee will do a switcheroo on the guard to
get out of his cell.

Get ready to rumble. Open all the cells and get an unlocking device from one of
them. Next, go west and get the items in the footlocker at the end of the hall.
After, go back east and north up the hall. Kill the guard and continue north.
At the fork, opt to go west. Follow the hall until you meet up with three
guards. Show them the power of force lightning and loot their corpses

If you don't have a key by now go back to the footlocker by the cells. To the
south of it will be a door that has five sith in it. Force Lightning will own
their souls. They key should be in one of those chests. After getting it, go
out of the door, east down the hall, north up the hall, and west until you
reach a door. Open it and use the terminal to unlock the cell door.

2. To The Bridge

I, for one, think that this is a bad idea. However, it seems to be the only
feasible option, so we have to stick with it. In the storage room, get all your
stuff back from the lockers and them some with all the other storage containers
in this room. Reequip and we will be ready to rock.

Get out of the storage room and start backtracking to Jolee's cell. However,
instead of going south to the cells, continue east to reach an elevator. Choose
"Bridge" and you will be transported to the level with the bridge on it. In
this area, wipe out ALL the Dark Jedi and Battle Droids - they are tough but
the rooms hold useful items.

When you are done ransacking the place, exit to the bridge in the northeastern
corner of this area, tucked in a room. In this room, get all the stuff in the
storage containers, then proceed to the following room. In here, go through the
adjacent door and you'll be outside in your spacesuits. Go east until you reach
a door. Open it to get back inside.

Reequip your weapons and go through the door to the south. Use Force Wave as
crowd control in this room to thin it to a one-on-one battle. After the fight,
open the eastern door and follow the hallway. Peek through the door at the end
of the hall and we will be with Saul, my homie! Good dialogue!

The fight against Saul and all his friends isn't as suicidal as you might
think. Everyone in the room is vulnerable to Force Wave, so spam it every 8
seconds or so for some great crowd control. They will all be incapitated and
won't be able to attack! After killing Saul, he will tell Carth something that
makes him very mad.

3. Darth Malak

...but what is it? No time to explain, Malak is arriving! Open the docking bay
doors with the computer. Leave the Bridge the way you entered and tear through
the "backup." Go down the hall and west through the doors until you reach the
Command Deck. From here, go back to the elevator you arrived at earlier. It's
on the western side of the Command Deck.

At the elevator, select to go to the Hangar. After popping out of the elevator,
Canderous will say that everything is ready to go - we just need to arrive. Go
east down the hallway and open the door to the north the first chance you get.
Dispose of the Sith in this small barrack and loot the cylinders to get some
decent healing items. Backtrack to the hall and head east.

Through the blast doors you will find a small group of troopers and Dark Jedi.
Spamming Force Wave every 6 seconds is key to victory. Once they are gone, loot
everything in this room. If you look out the window, you will see the Ebon Hawk
waiting. So close. Take the opposite blast door (eastern one) and run down the
hall. Then we meet Dark Malak.

Oh. My. Gosh. OMG!!1! What a titantic revelation that was! It's now time to
fight Darth Malak, Lord of the Sith. Surprisingly, Darth Malak is somewhat a
pushover. Just slap him with Flurry and try to use your best stuns on him. When
he gets to half health, the loser will use Force Whirlwind and run away!

It's not over yet, however. Take the north or south doors around to the
opposite side of where Malak locked himself in. On the other side, open the
door and you'll have another "go" at Malak. Same swing, same thing. Again, he
goes down pretty easily. Stun him and Flurry away. Another cutscene and it's
time to roll. Head east through the doors and you will reach the Hangar.

As the ship leaves we have a classic dogfight with the guns. After that, it's
time to roll out of here. In the ship, Carth is on your back like a sea monkey
because you were the one that destroyed his planet. In the end, though,
everyone sides with you to kill Malak! Group hug!

3.8 - Korriban

Why did I choose Korriban last? Well, that's easy. This place has big,
ferocious animals that will make you soil your pants. Seriously, this place is
pretty tough. But, most importantly, I think, is that you cannot use Bastila
anyway for this planet, so you might as well kill two birds with one stone and
have no Bastila on one planet instead of two. Yes, I love Bastila that much.

Main Quest

1. Sith At Last!
2. The Academy
3. Prestige
4. Lightsa-STAR MAP!
5. Uthar y Yuthura

Side Quests

1. Sith Code
2. Lashowe
3. Revolting Sith
4. Double-Double-Cross
5. Kel's Doubts
6. Hermit Jorak
7. Mandolarian Weapons
8. Lost Droids
9. Ajunta Pall

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Sith At Last!

Yes, we finally get to become Sith! Hooray! Anyway, choose your best party
members and we are off. After the landing cra-- err... stuff, go down the hall
and you'll see some Sith torturing recruits. Boohoo. Go down farther and you'll
have another talk with Sith that want to hurt you. Great.

Follow the hallways to the doors that leads to the outside. It is at the end of
all the halls, near the Cantina. Outside, go down the ramp, across the bridge,
and talk to the Sith guard. He'll say you don't have a medallion so you can't
enter. Time to get one.

It's time to get the medallion the light way. Go back to the Cantina and walk
down the hallways. Soon, you'll be challenged to fight a group of Sith. Say
no and continue down the hall, only to see one Sith murder a student and
threaten another. Take down the Sith and get the medallion.

2. The Academy

Talk and concur with Master Uthar about everything; in turn, you will learn
about most things. It seems you need prestige to continue on your path to
becoming a true Sith. Leave your room and try to go south; Yuthura will talk to
you about some business. Agree if you want to make things a little easier.
Besides that, learn the code and be off.

3. Prestige

Here is where getting prestige breaks off into a lot of side quests. See all
the ways to get prestige in the side quest section (below). It's a lot easier
to do quests and get dark side points than it is to get light side points, but
I guess that's the way it is in Korriban. Whenever you finish something
prestigious, go back to Master Uthar and tell him the good news. Soon, you will
have enough prestige. Go back to Uthar and everyone will sleep.

Make sure your main character has the best equipment possible. If you gave a
better lightsaber to Juhani, make sure to equip it on yourself. If you equipped
Jolee with a better robe because you felt sorry for him, pilfer that and equip
it on yourself. When you are ready, talk to the Master Uthar again. After
quizzing him, decide to go.

4. Lightsa-STAR MAP!

A couple more explanations and we're off to find the Star Map, the wonderful
Star Map of Revan! This place might be tough because it's just you, but if you
have embraced the right spells it will be a piece of cake. Walk south down the
hall and open the door. Engage the three creatures; try to use Force Wave to
get them off you. Now you have three path choices.

Choose the west path first, as it requires the least intelligence (and I'm
tired right now). Pilfer the items from the corpse and open the door. Inside,
you'll find two tarentaks that pose quite a fight. If you are on your toes, and
use crowd control abilities, they should be a lot easier. The absolute worst
thing you can do is let both of them beat up on you at the same time. Use Stun
or Kill to fight one.

Once they are in the history books, walk over to the southwestern corner of the
room and pull the lever. Open the door next to the lever and take both grenades
from the two pillars. Afterwards, return to the center path with three choices.
This time choose the eastern path. Open the door at the end and go inside. It
will automatically lock you in. Loot the corpse in this room.

Now it's time for a "fun" minigame. Use the computer terminal and it will tell
you the specifics. You have to get all the systems over to the right side. =(
Here are the directions for doing this:

Top system from left to middle.
Mid-upper system from left to right.
Top system from middle to right.
Mid-lower system from left to middle.
Top system from right to left.
Mid-upper system from right to middle.
Top system from left to middle.
Base system from left to right.
Top system from middle to right.
Mid-upper system from middle to left.
Top system from right to left.
Mid-lower system from middle to right.
Top system from left to middle.
Mid-upper system from left to right.
Top system from middle to right.

And we're done. Go through the door and pick up the sword. Now go back to the
center chamber and take the south path this time around. You are stopped by an
acid pool. Choose to throw the special cold grenade at it to freeze the pool.
Go down the newly formed path and through the door. Yay, another star map! Get
the Sith Lightsaber from the Sith Statue and try to exit.

5. Uthar y Yuthura

You'll be greeted at the pool by Uthar and Yuthura. They will have a small
conversation and it's time to show them your plan, if you have one. You can
kill both of them or just one of them, but both yields more dark side points.
They are really easy to defeat - even if you fight both of them. Just use your
crowd control and they are toast.

Once you are done with them, exit to the valley. If you killed both people,
it's time to fight your way back to the Ebon Hawk. Even in the Academy, it's
really easy with Force Wave. Once you are back to the Ebon Hawk, it's finally

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sith Code

Yuthura, located on the western side of the academy, will tell you the Sith
code. It's all about slicing up people and feeding your grandma the leftover
organs. Yikes. Anyway, this is one of the quests that rewards a prestige point,
if you choose to recite the code to Master Uthar afterwards. The code is
located here, for your convenience.

Peace is a lie. There is only... passion.
Through passion, I gain... strength.
Through strength, I gain... power.
Through power, I gain... victory.
Through victory... my chains are broken.

I don't know what type of chains he's talking about. Like, the ganster chains,
or the chain to my watch? Anyway, Uthar will throw you a curveball after you
recite the code, asking one more question. Here are the questions and answers:

Nothing worse than love (False)
Victory is always desirable (False)
Passion fuels the force (True)

You get a DARK SIDE POINT for reciting the code, but it's not like you also
gain a disease that will eat at your brain until one day you fall over and die.
This is a easy prestige point here, people!

2. Lashowe

Yuthura will hint this sidequest in one of your later conversations. It seems
Lashowe has found a Jedi Holocron that, thankfully, is guarded by a beast. Of
course, giving Uthar a holocron will surely boost up your prestige points by
one. Anyway, Lashowe is located on the northwestern part of the academy. Once
you find her, use your persuasion skills to allow yourself in on this once in a
lifetime opportunity. Then kiss butt and she will go off to the lair.

Go to the northern side of the valley to find Lashowe again. Talk to her and
fight the beast that will come thereafter. Afterwards, she'll take the holocron
and say she'll give you credit. But she won't, that lying ho- person. Since
we're good people, just let her take the credit. You get light side points for
it, and you don't want massive dark side points, do you?

3. Revolting Sith

To start up this quest, talk to Yuthura about the renegade sith that fled to
Shyrack Caves. They will fill you in on all the details, but it seems that
pretty much covers it; some people opposing the sith are in Shyrack Caves. You
can enter the cave in the southern part of the valley. Once inside, hit the
south wall and then follow the wall east.

Soon, you'll meet up with the renegade sith. Currently, you can only talk to
one of the three of them. Tell'em that you will help'em get out of here in one
piece. This means you have to kill the Tarentak located on the eastern part of
the cave. Once done, go back to the renegade sith and they will leave. Go back
to Uthar and lie to him to get the prestige point with no stringes attached.

4. Double-Double-Cross

If you want to forgo the path of the light and go to the dark side, this is
your chance. Basically, you double-cross people all the way around. First of
all, double-cross Yuthura by telling Uthar about her plans. After that, Uthar
will give you a datapad and tell you to give it to Adrenas, who is located in
the library.

After you hand off the datapad, Yuthura will be poisoned. Now it's time to get
even darker. Go back to Yuthura and tell her that Uthar knows about her plan.
Do not tell her about the poison or your snitching, please. She will give you a
poisoning device and tell you to plant it in Uthar's bed. Do just that, it's
located on the southwestern side of the academy. Now you have massive dark side
points and a couple hard-fights-turned-easy.

5. Kel's Doubts

Located on the southwestern wing of the academy you will find Kel Algwin, a
doubting sith. First of all, persuade Kel about the ways of the sith. Then,
it's time to tell him to run away. Just make sure to tell him not to go on a
genocide. Or kill any students, for that matter.

6. Hermit Jorak

Engage in conversation with one of the trainers near the entrance of the
valley. Talk to him/her about Jorak. They will give you the lowdown; he was a
sith master and vanished from the academy. Not much else geography on this
planet besides the caves in the valley, so he must be in one of those. He's in
the tomb of Tulak Hord, to be precise.

Make your way to the tomb, which is located in the valley of death, and get
ready for some weird stuff. Once inside, use the ancient console on the eastern
side of the cave to *gasps* open a door. Go through this door and it will time
be time to say goodnight. When you wake up, Jorak will give you the whole deal;
if you answer a question correctly (evily), he will torture Mekel. If you
answer a question incorrectly (light-like), Jorak will torture you. Great.

We're light fools, so answer three questions incorrectly. Here are the correct
answers, be sure to choose different answers then the ones provided below:

1. I use the opportunity to kill him.
2. I take the reward and leave the weak fools to their fate.
3. I keep it to myself.
4. Kill him.
5. A true Sith never dies.

After playing twenty questions, Jorak will be mad that you "passed" his little
test and will fight you. Just kill him; Mekel will help. Take the tablet from
his beaten corpse and present it to Uthar for a prestige point.

7. Mandolarian Weapons

In the academy, you should stumble upon a torture chamber on the southeastern
side. When you find it, speak with the Sith torturer and agree to take over on
the torturing. We want light side points, so persuade the prisoner into an
escape plan, and he'll tell you what to do. After you put him in a catatonic
state with your uber high computer skills, he can run away. Nice light side

8. Lost Droids

A sith student, near the entrance to the Marko Ragnos tomb, will fill you in on
the details of the droid. Enter the cave and get the data recorder and sound
dampening stealth unit from the corpse on the ground near the entrance. After
that, use the sound dampening stealth unit and head down the cave. Soon enough,
you will meet the Rogue Droid, who will tell you what happened. Agree to switch
the power button on his killer instincts to get light side points. Disable the
system in this order:

Combat matrix
Motor function matrix
Memory matrix
Cognitive matrix
Emotional construct matrix
Creative simulation matrix

If you do this out of order, you'll lose "chances" to do it. If all chances are
depleted, the droid will attack you. After you do everything in the correct
order, permanently disable the combat matrix, which will free the droid. More
light side points will be obtained for doing this. Go back to Uthar and lie to
him about the ordeal to receive a prestige point.

9. Ajunta Pall

Talk to students in the academy to learn about Ajunta Pall. Afterwards, enter
the tomb, appropiately named "Tomb of Ajunta Pall." Once inside, follow the
path until you find yourself at a fork. Bash the door and kill the creatures.
Afterwards, take the item off of the severed arm on the right side of the
bridge. Go on the bridge and put a plasma grenade in it. Walk into the newly
found area.

This will lead to the last area. Take the three swords inside the sarcophagus
and try to leave. Ajunta Pall will confront you and give you a clue as to
"which sword is which." After going to the rear of the tomb, put the notched
steel sword into the sith statue. Converse which Ajunta and the spirit will
tell you to take all the swords. Don't get Ajunta mad, or you'll have to fight
a battle. Since we are light side, try to get Ajunta to return to the "high

After this, opt to leave the tomb. Shaardan, one of the sith students, will be
awaiting you outside. I just gave him one of the fake swords and told him to go
fly a kite.

3.9 - Unknown Worlds

w00t! We finally get to plot a course for the Star Forge system! It seems
Bastila is going to love Force Storm when she is done being tortured. Anyway,
the Ebon Hawk goes down hard and we have to find the source of the disruptor.

Main Quest
1. After The Fall
2. The Elders
3. The Temple
4. The Catacombs
5. Temple Summit

M a i n Q u e s t

1. After The Fall

Well, it's time to get rolling. Choose the party that bests suits you up to
this point - I chose Juhani and Jolee because they are both good fighters. You
might, however, want to make a blaster party. Anyway, once off the 'Hawk, head
east and some Ratakans will engage in a fight with you. They are easy to

Some aliens will come out of hiding and thank you. Afterwards, go east and then
follow the path north. Take out the ten Ratakans here (just use Force Wave a
couple times) and take the north path to North Beach. In North Beach, walk
north up the path and you'll be greeted by Ratakans and Rancors. Agree to see
"the One."

It seems the One knew you in your previous life. Quiz him about EVERYTHING to
learn that you have to kill some Elders. Leave the settlement via the southeast
path. It will lead to the beach.

2. The Elders

From North Beach, head south to Central Beach. In here, go down the small path
until you come a fork. You can either go back to the Ebon Hawk OR chart
unknown territory. Choose to southeast and follow this path to the Temple
Exterior. Exterminate the Rancors while heading south, hugging the wall as you
go along. Soon, you should reach a small path. It will lead to South Beach.

Walk west a little and a Gizka will eat it (blasted mine). Great. Walk west and
stay on the wall to avoid the mines. Passed that, kill the Rancors and go to
the settlement. In the middle you'll see four pillars. Go over to them and a
holocron will start conversing with you. Tell him that you are Revan and he
will let you enter.

Bejesus, these settlements look the same! Tell the Elders that you want to kill
them and do just that. They are pretty easy to dispose of. Anyway, it's time to
clear out this stupid settlement. These Ratakans are pathetically easy to
defeat. Make your way to the south side of the settlement (you are in the north
side) and go down the south path. Kill the Keeper and take the Ancient Tome. Go

Leave the settlement and head back to the other Ratakan Settlement. Talk to The
One and he'll snatch the Ancient Tome from you. It seems that his people can
open the barrier to get inside the temple, but you have to go inside by
yourself. Well that sucks. Run back to the Ebon Hawk and choose to fly solo.
Afterwards, go back to the Temple Exterior.

3. The Temple

The Priests will start the ritual when suddenly Jolee and Juhani will return.
Persuade or threaten to get Jolee and Juhani in your party. We will go back to
a chinless Malak, then back to the party. First, go north and follow the hall
until you have defeated the two droids on the corridors. You should now be at
the northern part of this place.

Open all the rooms up here, killing Sith along the way. In one of the rooms you
will find a Sith Master who goes down easily. In the adjacent room is an
armory, which has a bundle of good weapons in it. Once you have raided that
room, follow the halls to the south rooms and do the same for them. In one of
the south rooms you will find a computer.

Use the computer to turn off the turrets in the Obelisk room. Now that you have
that taken care of, go to the eastern side of the temple and open the door.
After killing the droids with shields (use force powers) open the adjacent door
and walk down to the Catacombs.

4. The Catacombs

Kill the droids just ahead of you. They should be pretty easy to defeat. To the
left of these droids you will find a couple footlockers and a Sapith Crystal in
a pillar. After getting these items, follow the doors until you reach the 3x3
grid puzzle. This puzzle is extremely easy.

It's so easy that they give you the solution to it in the datapad you just
picked up. The goal is simple: get all the squares to turn blue. To do this,
walk in an H formation. Walk across one line of the H, the other, and finally
go through the middle. All the squares should turn blue.

In the new room you will find the bestest computer ever. It will tell you
clearly about the Star Forge, Star Maps, and the Ratakans. It basically
explains all the puzzling stuff we've come to love. Anyway, talk to him about
everything - in one of your conversations he will open the temple door for you.
I love this guy.

Go back to the entrance of the temple. Y'know, the place that you entered to
get in. To be specific, it is in the Temple on the western side. The door that
was locked is now open. Run through it, and a couple adjacent doors, to reach
the Temple Summit.

5. Temple Summit

Pilfer all the items in this room and walk outside. Finally, you meet up with
Bastila again! She will attack you, but she is but a mere weakling. After
fighting her, join her or side with the light - you decide. This is really the
only decision in the game that changes the ending entirely! Afterwards, disable
the energy shield and disruptor in the adjacent room's computer. Once that is
complete, return to the Ebon Hawk.

If you went the dark path, you'll have a huge conversation with everyone, where
they all will join you, besides Carth and Mission. Carth will run away, and
Mission can be disposed of in the most atrocious way possible; force persuade
Zaalbar to kill Mission!

If you went the path of light, just skip the above.

In both cases, you need to slap some stabilizers on the Ebon Hawk. To get the
parts, go back to the settlement and talk to The One. Tell him that you
couldn't find more than he knew and he will, obviously, be in an outrage. Time
to kill the last of the Ratakans. In this room, he'll summon four rancors to
help, all of which are really easy. Yes, they are "easy."

Check the cages for "Ship Parts," which are the stabilizers, and jet out of
here. Kill all the Ratakans along the way - they are all easy to defeat. Back
at the ship, use the parts on the hyperdrive in the southern part of the ship
to get everything working again. Choose to go to the Star Forge (finally) on
the Galaxy Map.

3.10 - Star Forge

The long cutscene ends in the Star Forge.

Main Quest

1. Deck 1
2. Deck 2
3. Command Center
4. Darth Malak

1. Deck 1

When you enter the Star Forge an army of Dark Jedi will come out of an
elevator. Choose to fight them - they are a good warmup for what is to come and
you have other Jedi to help. Once they are dead, go south down the path, passed
a few doors, until you reach a junction. From here, you'll have another
cutscene, where Malak will summon droids to attack you.

Droid come from all sides - but they are still more than beatable. Make sure to
loot their remains for valuable items. After that, take the west path, opening
doors as you kill the droids. Turn south with the path and go east as the path
turns east. Soon, you will reach Jedi fighting Dark Jedi.

The Jedi will go down easily, and now it's your turn to fight the Dark Jedi.
Sadly, they are extremely easy to defeat. After the battle, go west and follow
this path to more Dark Jedi. Once they are gone, go through the door at the end
of the path. Another Malak cutscene - this time he's sending troops and
apprentices. Joy.

2. Deck 2

Follow the path, killing all the Dark Jedi and Heavy Troopers along the way.
You'll spend an amazing amount of time killing them, and they'll send another
wave before you're free. Run south, through the doors, which will lead to even
more bad guys. Make your way east, stopping and kill the dozens of the Sith
along the way. Don't venture too far east; cowardice Sith will come from behind
and Flank you. Whatever you do, DON'T let your party members try to fight the

Regen lost Force Points here and heal up; you'll have to kill many more Sith.
Walk east until you come to a door to your left. Open it and the adjacent door
to find four apprentices waiting. After killing them, use the computer terminal
to deactivate the turrets and (optionally) get Revan's Robe/Star Forge Robe,
but that costs twenty-five spikes.

Anyway, go back to the turrets (west), fighting all the Dark Jedi and Heavy
Troopers along the way. Use Medpacs as necessary; you will get healing items
from the remains of the Heavy Troopers. Make your way passed the turrets and
over to the door at the west. It is positioned exactly the same as the east
door. From the door, walk into the Command Center.

3. Command Center

After the cutscene, go south, killing all the troopers and Dark Jedi along the
way. Don't go inside just yet, though. Wait for a second, weaker wave to come
along and kill them as well. Afterwards, heal up and regen Force Points, then
go south until you see a doorway to your left. Go into this small hallway and
through the door thereafter.

In here, kill the trooper and Dark Jedi ahead of you, then get ready for the
flank from behind. After dispatching of the flank, continue following the hall,
until four Jedi block your path. These guys are pretty tough, but constant
spamming of spells will kill them somewhat quickly. After the fight, continue
follow the path until you come to the three Dark Jedi (if you chose dark side)
or Bastila (if you chose light side) that Malak was speaking to earlier.

Both are pretty easy to defeat; again, use the proper spells and hack away with
flurry, you'll be fine. If you want to bring Bastila back to the light side,
here is what you have to say:

"I'll never give up on you, Bastila..."
"I'm as strong in the light as I ever was..."
"Malak will never let you..."
"You're dooming yourself to..."
"Then strike me down..."
"You are no evil, Bastila..."
"Now you can see the dark side..."
"There's no need for me to..."
"You can reject the dark side..."
"I was redeemed, Bastila..."
"You did protect me..."
"Help us defeat..."
"I trust you to..."
"You won't, Bastila..."
"You could use your..."

(As taken from Prima's guide.)

Now that you have destroyed Malak's ploy, heal up and open the door south of
the forge. Any characters that were in a party with you will now leave, and
you'll be alone again. Go south until you reach an entrance to *somewhere*. Get
close to the door and Malak will arrive.

This is where the **** hits the fan. Malak will unleash the full power of the
Star Forge upon you. Six droids will attack you - each will respawn if you kill
it. It seems as if you couldn't win, but each droid generator can be shut down
with computer spikes. It takes eight computer spikes per generator, which seems
like something even more hopeless. However, the droids drop computer spikes
into spike bins each time they respawn, so you can attain an infinite amount!

With that in mind, get to killing droids! When you have killed eight, check all
the bins to get computer spikes and shut down one of the six generators. Do
this five more times and we will be finished with Malak's uber "plan." Once the
last one explodes, the door to Malak will open! It is time to finally meet
Malak face-to-face, one-on-one, mano-y-mano, Apprentice versus Master!

4. Darth Malak

Walk through the newly opened door to the Factory. Finally, a battle against
Malak! Sadly, this has to be one of the most pathetic last battles in the
history of gaming. Though it is epic because it seems Malak has twenty lives,
it is not. First of all, the game actual helped you with all that Sith Trooper
fighting - you should have at least ten healing packs by now. Those will be
very useful.

Obviously, the general strategy against Malak is simple; Flurry away at him
with Knight Speed activated. This will double your attacks, effectively
quadrupling your attacks with Flurry. This will make Malak go down FAST. If
that wasn't enough, if you ever get low on health one of those healing packs
will come in very useful. Merely pause the game and use it.

The only way Malak can kill you is if he stuns you and finishes you off. Don't
let that happen - if you ever get below a third health use a healing pack. Once
you have Malak to around a third life, he will suck life from one of the many
Jedi in this room. Now you know Malak's secret! Well, it's time to exploit it!
Use Stasis or Drain Life on each and every Jedi in this room (the ones on this
floor and the above floor) and Malak won't be able to use them!

Once all the Jedi are "dead," hack away at Malak one last time with Flurry and
Knight Speed. After a little more dialogue, Malak will finally fall! Enjoy the
final ending; it differs if you chose to the path of the light or otherwise.


4. Dark Side Walkthrough

In the dark side walkthrough, I will do things that give you dark side points.
This walkthrough was written for the dark side, and should only be used for it.
If you want to be light, look up to the light side walkthrough. This
walkthrough will teach you to make the enemy or civilian suffer, along with how
to act cruel. Fun stuff if you are like that...

4.1 - Endar Spire

You start off at the character generation class screen. Choose whatever class
you want from the three. Scoundrel is a stealth-heavy character, and does the
worst out of the three in battles. It also has low vitality points, and I see
no reason at all to choose the scoundrel unless you want to make the game
difficult. Going further along, the scout is the even of the two, he can go
into stealth mode and can fight. This would be a pretty good class if the game
played right, but usually, you want to fight the monsters to level up. This
brings us to my favorite class, soldier. As a soldier, you will not be able to
go into stealth mode or open things greatly and whatnot. Of course, your party
members are able to things like that. A soldier is fighting heavy, and is great
on his attacks. He is for beginners, hence the game is pretty easy if you use
him correctly. Note that the gender *does* matter. There are romance quests,
and if you are a female, you will have to lug around a pretty useless character
to advance. For this, I advise you become a male, and this walkthrough will
cover your male romance.

After picking your race, you will be at the character generation main screen.
From there, you *can* just press quick character and the game will make one.
However, it is unadvisable. The computer is not a living human being, and it
makes crappy recommendations sometimes. If you do decide to create your
character customly (which I highly recommend), go through the face you want
your character to have. The first time through I picked a face that I did not
like, and restarted the game. After you are done picking, press the A button to
accept what you have done.

Now, go to the attributes screen. You will see 6 attributes, and they will have
8 points each. The game gives you 30 points to deplete among the 6 attributes.
Now, you *could* split it evenly, but some of the attributes are not worth it.
You also could hit the recommend button (Y), and they will give you good
numbers for all of the attributes. I also advise you do this, as the game makes
it even for your class (I think).

So, after you get your attributes done press accept and go to skills. You will
see that there are a lot of skills here, but only a handful of points. Just
press the recommend button (Y) and it will through all of your points into
treat injury. Likewise, you will almost never use any other skill, hence your
team can do a better job because the game leveled them up to do it. This may
sound confusing, but it is correct.

Hit the A button again to accept and you will go to feats. The game gives you
two feats to begin with, but they are just armor. Please, DO NOT LET THE GAME
DECIDE WHAT FEATS YOU GET. It is practically suicide. The game usually gives
you feats for blasters, which does not make any sense at all. It is a very bad
idea to go through this game with a blaster, because it does not compare to a
lightsaber. Therefore, I want you to choose this. I will tell you which feats I
want for every level, so do not worry. Pick the toughness feat, it will be one
of the ones on the bottom. Press X at this feat then press A to accept.

After this, you have to think of a name. Now, I have been browsing the boards
and there is not "good" way of doing this. I just put my first and last name
in. You can do whatever you want with this, just make it a respectable name
(ie; no slang/cussing) because you will have to stick with it throughout over
60 hours of gameplay, not to mention if you are slow at RPGs (^_^). Anyways,
hit the accept button. If you like everything you choosed, then hit the A
button again to start playing. However, if you are having second thoughts,
press the B button to go back to where you want to. After the class is taken
care of, it will be time to play!

The classic Star Wars opening, where the letters are floating away. Please,
READ THIS. The story is beautiful, and you want to understand everything, don't
you? In the next screen, you will see a ship taking a heavy beating by
fighters, and you are in that ship. Then, you will wake up and Trask will walk
through the door. He will tell you everything you need to know about Bastila
and the story, for now. He will tell you how to get your gear and equip it;
just go over to the footlocker behind you, open it and take all the items. He
will tell you how to equip it.

Equip the shortsword and clothes. You will be the melee man, while Trask shoots
his blaster from behind. Just remember, if you are low on health, heal yourself
with a medpac! Then, walk back to Trask again and there will more tutorial
talk. After you learn how to open doors, go up to the only one in this room and
attempt to open it. It will be locked, and you will have to switch to Trask to
open it. So, press the black button to be Trask. Then, walk over to the door.
You will see a small blue circle on it. This is what you use to know which
object you are highlighted on. At any rate, this should be the door. If not,
then redirect yourself so you are facing the door.

Now, go to the D pad and press right once. On the bottom the screen you see 6
boxes, the second to last one going right is where you should be. It will say
"security" above these boxes. Press the A button and Trask will unlock the
door. From here, he will tell you to take the lead. Then, walk down the hallway
a little ways. The screen with change to Carth, who will tell all hands to go
on deck. He was contacting you via the communicater. If you do not know how to
roam about the screen, say to Trask that you need to know how to get to your
journal. Then, walk down this hallway to the following door. Walk up to it and
press A to try'en open it. Trask will say that he does not have the codes to
unlock this door, but he might be able to slice through it. So, switch to
Trask, then go to the security box and press A. The door should now be open.

The screen will change to a republic soldier firing at two sith soldiers. The
sith soldiers will fire back and kill him. Then, Trask will yell "For the
republic!" and you will be in fight mode. For your first fight, press A to
engage. Then, go up to one of the sith. Kill him. If you are having trouble
doing this, try to use one of your feats. Press the D pad to the right once and
you will be on a red blade. This is a feat and special attack that you can use
an infinite of times. Press A and you will use this special attack, which
should take a big chunk of the sith's life. Then, fight the other one the way
you did the first.

Trask will start to talk to you again, so, if you are low on health, use a
medpac. Don't know how? Trask will give you the option to find out how.
Afterwards, open to the door to the far end of the hallway. You will see two
sith, and you will lock onto the one of them. The good part about this room is
that the other sith will be to occupied by Trask to fire at you. So, kill the
soldier you are dueling with. Then go around behind the others back. Then, use
the special attack to kill the sith from behind. After this, go around the room
highlighting things. You should be able to get items from: A republic soldier,
a metal box, and a footlocker. Remember to *always* check the entire room,
looking for things to loot. If you cannot use it then you can definantly sell

Go through opposite door. The screen will change to republic soldiers fighting
the sith. The sith will kill all the republic soldiers, which is bad. The
screen wil change to you. Now, heal if you have not already. Then, walk around
the corner to the sith. Through a frag grenade at them. To get to your frags,
press the D pad left until you find it. There should be a couple soldiers left
from that blast. The ticket here is to follow Trask over to the soldier he is
fighting. Then, use the special feat to kill the soldier. Trask is good cover
(^_^). Kill the remaining two sith soldiers, using the special feat to the
fullest extent. Then, loot all of the remains. You will find a lot of items off
these men.

Walk down the north path to the door. You will see the droid blow up, which is
bad. Take some parts to the right on the ground. Then, walk back to the
four-way split. Go to the path to the left. Walk down the hallway to the door.
You will start to hear lightsabers. Open the door to see a Jedi and a dark Jedi
battle it out. The light side one will kill the dark, but then die from a
explosion. Of course, you *could* of possible aimed your blaster at the dark
Jedi to get him distracted. But, Trask said to get out of the way. Two sith
soldiers will then walk up to where the Jedi were. Kill them both, then loot
them, along with the two Jedi. After this, walk east to a door.

Open it and kill the two sith soldiers. They will be a piece of cake. Then,
Trask will tell you Bastila is not on the bridge, meaning she already escaped
to the escape pods. He then tells you that, with Bastila gone, the sith can
destroy the Endar Spire at any time. So, get moving! By the door you walked
through will be a backpack. Look inside to find a blaster pistol. Then, switch
to Trask and go to the menu. Switch to the equipment screen, using the trigger
buttons. Then, unequip Trask's blaster for a short sword. Trask will be leaving
us shortly, and we want to sell the blaster for more money!

Walk over and around the control desk. You will see a door. Try to open it and
Trask will tell you to level up. He will tell you how, so do as he says. Press
the start button, then toggle through the menus using the trigger buttons. Once
you reach a menu that has your full body in it, stop. You will see all of your
statistics, along with how you are with the light/dark side. You will be at par
now, because you have not done anything to make the game give you points yet.
You will see "A LEVEL UP" over your character. Press A and you will be back to
a character generation screen, but, it is now the level up screen. You do not
get to choose every option again, hence the game tries to make it harder. Go to
skills and put them in treat injury. Then, go to feats. Scroll down until you
find "empathy." This will boost your persuade, awareness, and treat injury
skills by one. Press X and you will now have the feat. Then go to accept and
you will be done!

After this, get out of the menu. Then, open the door ahead of you. This will
bring you to a semi-hallway leading to *another* door. Open it and Trask will
run to the door ahead of you. He will open it, only to see a dark jedi. Trask
sacrifices himself for you, going through the door with your short sword to
face a dark jedi. It is basically suicide, and we all know it. After this, go
look back and you will see a door. Open it and go to the starboard section.
Carth, talking from the communicator, will tell you that Bastila's escape pod
is away, and that you are the last remaining crew member. Walk down the hallway
until you hit a sith. Kill him, using the special feat power attack to your
advantage. Then, take the upper path to a door. Open it to find two sith
guards. Kill them both. Run up to one of them, and before he takes his sword
out use the power attack feat on him. This will severely hurt him. Then, kill
him using a regular attack. Go over to the other sith guard and do the same to
him, using the power attack quickly so it inflicts damage while the sith still
has his blaster equipped.

Carth will come up on the communicator again, and tell you that there is a
whole sith team on the other side of the door. And that you will have to thin
there numbers somehow. He suggests you reprogram the droid or slice through the
computer terminal by the door. I *always* choose using the droid, because
computer spikes are somewhat difficult to come by, and you will not reprogram a
droid for a long time. This droid is combat, which is very good. Before you
reprogram him, loot the sith guard and the footlocker. Then, walk up to the
droid, and press A. You will now be at another screen, which has a couple
options on it. Choose droid repair tutorial to find out a little about
repairing droids. Then, hit reactivate droid. Then use eight repair parts to
fix the droid. There should be two options, both with four parts. Press A and
you will fix them, costing you the repair part.

The droid will now walk around, so it is time for you to open the door. Open it
while the droid is near the door. You will be asked to engage in the battle,
but press the pause button to continue and not fight. The droid will be at the
door. He will take out his blaster rifle and kill all the sith in that room.
Walk inside the room and loot all the remains. There should be four or five
troops that have items to give you.

After this, open the door to the west. You will see Carth, and you guys won't
exactly have a chance to chat it up. Instead, he will introduce himself and
tell you there is only one escape pod left. Walk up to it, it should be the
second pod when you walk forth. Go up to it and press A. Then choose that you
want to use the escape pod. From here, the escape pod will shoot out and right
after the endar spire will blow. Why does it always have to blow up right
after? ^_^

4.2 - Taris

Main Quests

1. Getting to the Lower City
2. Gadon's Deal
3. Getting to the Under City
4. Zaalbar in the Sewers
5. Black Vulkar Base
6. Back to Gadon
7. Swoop Race
8. Rescue
9. Canderous's Deal
10. Sith Base
11. Davik's Mansion
12. Ebon Hawk

Side Quests

1. Rapid Transit System
2. The Duel Ring
3. Pazaak Rules
4. Dia's Bounty
5. Largo's Bounty
6. Selven's Bounty
7. Matrik's Bounty
8. Bendak's Bounty
9. Infected Outcasts
10. Rakghoul Serum
11. Rukil's Apprentice
12. The Promise Land

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Getting to the Lower City

The next time you see your character he will be on a bed and will be thrashing
about. He will then change to a dream (which might be something else, but no
spoilers here) of a women and a man fighting with lightsabers. Interesting.
Anyways, Carth will come in and ask you a few questions. Tell him about the
"dream," or "vision," and he will tell you that you took a major blow to the
head in the escape pod. He will also tell you that he was conscious, and he
took refuge at this abandoned apartment. Talk to him more, learning more about
yourself along with your mission here on Taris. Walk to the door and apartment
door and open it. The game will automatically put Carth into your party.

Once you are outside you will see three sith soldiers raiding aliens. He kills
one of the men with his blaster, and then realizes that you are behind him. He
then tells his troops to attack. Time to fight. Change who are going to attack
by pressing the right or left triggers. This will lock onto one of the sith
soldiers, instead of the sith leader. This is better because the other alien
will beat down the leader while you take care of the other two soldiers.
Dispatch of the two soldiers, using your jump attack to kill them. The alien
will kill the leader. The alien will then speak to you. Tell him you are glad
to help, and he will respond that he will take care of the bodies.

It is now time to level up. In skills, choose putting all your points in treat
injury. This will only be one point. Next, is feats. Choose to the flurry
technique. This is a great special attack, that will soon override your power
attack special. After you choose flurry, accept the changes. Then, loot the
bodies for some blasters. Now it is time to loot every apartment in this area.
Start going down the apartment circle until you see a low security door. Change
to Carth and use his security ability to open the door. You should see a women
inside the room. Her name is Dia. If you wish to do Dia's quest, look in the
sidequest "Dia's Bounty." Anyways, loot her apartment. There should be a bag by
the entrance of her little room. Open it to find 18 credits, a computer spike,
and a medpac. Take the items, then continue down the apartment circle.

You won't go long before a merchant stops you and talks about his shop. Be
polite, and ask everything you can to him. After this, don't buy anything. His
prices are not the best. Continue going down the apartment circle. You will see
another low security door. Change to Carth and have him open it. There will be
a Twi'lek in the room. Just go past her and to a bag on the ground. Take
everything that is inside of it, which should be 16 credits, a part, and a
medpac. From here, go down to the next door. This will be the entrance to the
upper city. Do not go through the door, instead go past it and to the next
security door.

Open this door with Carth's security skill. There will be a Ithorian in this
room. Loot the bag by the door to find some credits and parts. Follow this
apartment circle more to a little droid room. There will be nothing there, so
continue onto the next room. Again, use Carth's security skill. There will not
be anybody in this room but a footlocker at the oppposite end of the door. Open
it, take everything, and continue onto the next room. The next room will be
your apartment. Go inside there to regain all of your health. To the opposite
end will be a footlocker that has some medpacs and computer spikes. Take them,
then leave again with Carth.

From here, go down to the upper city door that is the most southern door in the
circle. Now, go to the menu and use the triggers to find a map. This map will
have "Return to Hideout" on the bottom. You will also see the X button by it.
This means that if you press X now, you will return to the hideout. Do so, and
you will complete the Rapid Transit System Quest. Then, walk back out to upper
city south. Walk straight over past the water fountain circle. The game will
tell you to speak to Carth. Just choose the good guy options, and learn more
about Carth.

After this, continue north until you find the equipment shop. You should go
north until you hit a wall with computer screens on it. From here, go right and
you will see a door. Open it and you will be at the equipment shop. Sell your
Prototype Vibroblade, two regular vibroblades, two blaster pistols, one adrenal
stamina, and one of your blaster rifles. You should now have around 300
credits. Buy one Vibrosword, then leave the shop and go back to the main area
where the water fountain circle is.

Walk down the huge walkway due east. You will come up to another water fount
circle. Walk around it to the northeast to come up to two bounty hunters trying
to get money out of a poor old man. They will talk to him, and the bounty
hunters will decide to kill him. Before they do, though, they see you, and see
that you are a witness. You can now talk, and talk you will. Tell them that
you will go away, and leave them to there business. Carth will object, but
leave them be. Dark side points will be gained for your (little) action.

Walk down from where you killed the bounty hunters and you will come up to a
medical facility. Open the door and look for Zelka. Talk to him about the
Rakghoul disease, and ask if there is a cure. Then say that maybe you could a
serum from one of the sith guards. Then tell him that you will get the serum.
Start to leave the medical facility and one of the people in there will stop
you. He will tell you that Davik wants his hands on the serum, also. Tell him
that you will consider this possiblility.

Walk north of the medical center to upper city north entrance. Go through and
you will be at an almost same place, but with different shops and whatnot. Walk
directly north to a standard door. Open it and go inside the apartments. Go up
the apartment circle, looting the first two apartments for item. Walk up more
and you will see a sith by the door. The sith will tell you to move along, but
when do you ever listen to the sith? You will see another sith inside the
apartment interrogating a alien. He will ask about sith uniforms, and the alien
will say he doesn't know what he is talking about. Ask what is going on there,
and the sith soldier will *again* tell you to move along. Just continue the
conversation, being subtle, telling the sith soldier that maybe the alien does
not know anything. The sith will start to get mad, and tell you to stay out of
it if you know what is good for you. Say that you won't let them kill a
defenseless prisoner. You will then start a fight, where you will have to kill
three sith. No worries, dispatch of them. Then the alien will tell you that he
really did steal the uniforms, and he also gave them to Gadon. Well, isn't that

Just ask about Gadon and he will tell you that he is undercity. From there,
leave him be and he will run out of the apartment. Loot the bodies for a sith
uniform amongst other things. You will also see a locker, which is another
thing you should loot. Continue your looting spree until you come to a
apartment with Largo in it. Talk to him, and he will tell you about his bounty.
Kill him, and talk to Zax to get the bounty (Dark side).

Walk back outside to Upper City North. Then, walk west on the walkway over to
the end. Go north and you will be at an elevator. This elevator will bring you
down to the lower city. Walk up to the elevator and the sith guard will stop
you, stating that you have to be a sith to go down the elevator. Pause the game
and go to your equipement screen. Change your body armor to the sith armor. The
guard will now let you pass.

Once you get down the elevator change back to your regular combat suit, and
give Carth the armor for the time being. Walk out to the walkway and you will
see a gang fight. The Vulkar's verse the Bek. The Vulkar's will take care of
the three Bek's easily. They will then see you and start attacking. Kill all
three of them, they should not be that tough. Use your flurry like you are
addicted to it. After, loot all there bodies. Change Carth's uniform back to
clothing. Then walk down the walkway due west.

Go inside the Cantina, it will be the first door to your left. Once inside you
will see a powerful display of Calo Nord. Walk around the Cantina to see
Mission Vao talking bad to some aliens. The conversation ends when she gets her
wookie friends over to the aliens. They then leave. Talk to her to learn a
little about her, then they will leave. Go outside the cantina again, and walk
north to the Bek base.

2. Gadon's Deal

Talk to the guard. Tell her that you need Gadon's help. Then tell her that you
could be an ally against there enemies. She will then let you in. Go inside,
and open the standard door. Then walk north to a desk with a man behind it.
This man is Gadon. When you walk near him his body guard will stop you, but
Gadon will fend her off. Talk to Gadon about the escape pods, and continue the
conversation. He tells you about Bastila, but stay calm. Ask him what happened
to her. Continue this pretty long conversation, learning about how Bastila is a
prize in the Swoop Race.

Ask for his help, and he will tell you to find Mission Vao. She is in the Under
City, and can get into the Black Vulkar base. Tell him you have a sith uniform
to disguise yourself, and he will tell you that the guard by the Under City
elevator means business, and you will have to get papers. Luckily, Gadon has
them. Trade your Sith uniform for the papers. Then you are done here, next stop
is the elevator.

3. Getting to the Under City

Walk down the walkway, killing the Vulkar's as you go along. They should be a
little threat at first, but that will change. Just remember to loot them after
you kill them. On the way you will see one of Davik's agents get money from one
of the Vulkar's. You will then see Canderous come in and Vulkar's will give the
money right up. Canderous is powerful, and he will be your ally later in the
game. Once you get to the end you will see a sith guard. Talk the guard and
tell him you have your papers. He will then let you use the elevator.

Once you are down the elevator two outcasts will tell you that you have to pay
5 credits to use the elevator. Tell them that you will kill them (dark side
points). They will run off, and another outcast will run up to you. She is a
woman, and is very kind. Just continue the conversation, trying to be nice to
her. Talk about the promise land and everything else. Walk over to the north
and Igear will stop you. He will ask if you want to buy something. Be nice to
him and ask him about his store and whatnot. Then go over to the north east
part of the village, where there will be a gate.

A woman and a man will be arguing. The Rakghouls would come in and kill
everyone, the gatekeeper says. The woman will then ask you for help. Tell her
that you won't risk your life for her. She will be angry. Very angry. That dark
side ******, haven't you heard Yoda preach before? "Fear leads to hate, hate
leads to anger, anger leads to suffering?" Well, she won't try to attack you,
but will call you a monster after the guy dies. Dark side points! ^_^

Walk around the little village and talk to people. Namely, talk to Gendar and
Rukil. They will both be very kind. Gendar will tell you about mission, and how
they wander the sewers. He will also tell you to go through the gate to get to
the sewers. Rukil will talk about the promise land, and how is apprentice is
lost. Tell him you will find his apprentice. Then walk back over to the gate.
Igear will stop you, and tell you if you give him the journals that he will
reward you. Say that you will, and later on, when you do acquire the journals,
give them to him for dark side points.

Once you are at the gate, open it and go out. After walking a couple steps
mission will come running over to you, stating that "they took him." Find out
Mission's situation, and she will agree to help you get into the Vulkar base in
exchange for you getting Zaalbar. Equip Mission with a blaster rifle, and you
will be set. From here, go north east and wrap around the village walls. You
will see Canderous with his men, again. Ask who he is, and one of his men will
say he is Canderous. The conversation will go on until an unwelcome group of
Rakghouls decides to join in.

Help the soldiers kill the Rakghouls. Once all the Rakghouls are gone Canderous
and his men will walk off. From here, you should now be at a new level. So, go
the the level up menu. From here, give a point to strength. In feats, go to
Toughness and get the second level of it. Then, fight off all of the Rakghouls
to the northwest of you. There will be a lot of them, but they are good for
leveling up and practice. Walk over to the light in the northwest. Kill the
Rakghouls there (if you already haven't). By the light pole is a outcast body.
Take the items in it. Namely is the promise land journal! This is what the old
man was looking for.

Go back inside the village and over to Rukil. Tell him about the apprentice,
and he will tell you that you now have to continue the promise land quest. This
is a quest, obviously. Go south to the a cage and women. She will tell you that
the outcasts keep people that are infecte by the disease in this cage. Ask for
healing, then go north to Igear. On the way to Igear, talk to Carth more. He
will talk about how you were a last minute pick to be on the Endar Spire, and
that you just happen to be one of the survivors. Don't get mad about his
suspitions, just answer them calmly. Then, go over to Igear. Igear will tell
you that he will buy the journals off of you. Say that you will, for the dark
side points and not the measly 100 credits, of course.

From here, go outside the gateway. Go east of the gateway to some sith. They
will tell you that it is a restricted area. Tell them you have there papers,
and he will tell you about a patrol that they lost contact with. He will say
that they were in the south area. Could this be a hint? Could those dead sith
have a Rakghoul serum? You bet! What I want you to do now, though, it walk this
area and kill EVERY Rakghoul. Why? You get good experience for it. Mission and
Carth should level up. Just press the recommend button for them, as the only
person you care about is yourself. I am so self-centered sometimes... ^_^

You will find a lot of things around this area. Namely, there are a lot of dead
bodies. If you go to the southeast corner by the sewer entrance that is locked,
there will be a sith soldier that is dead. You will find the serum in his body.
Now, go back over to the undercity town. Mission and Carth will start talking,
and soon the talking will turn into arguing. Just tell them to settle down and
do not take sides in the matter. Go back over to the cage where the healer is.
You now need to use the serum on the people that are infected.

But don't, and save it to sell to Zax for mucho profito.

4. Zaalbar in the Sewers

Walk down the railing a little ways and, sure enough, there will be a mine
planted right in the middle of the path. Switch to Mission, and have her
disable the mine. This will happen a lot, so get used to it. Switch back to
your main character, and open the door. There will be five Rakghouls that want
to mingle with you. Kill them, using your flurry attack. Then, look around for
a skeleton body. Get the credits, and use the door by the body. This should
bring you to a room that goes southwest. Walk down this room and the path will
change north.

Once it does, you will see a Gamorrean Patrol. Kill it using flurry. Then, open
the door to the right. There should be a couple Gamorrean's in this room. Kill
all of them. They might be a little tough, so heal when neccesary. If you die
when you fight them, go down the path where you killed the Gamorrean and open
the door. This will bring you to a centered area with a lot of enemies. Kill
all of them. Keep going to different places until you level up. When you do
level up, hit the recommend button for skills. When you get to feats, go down
to improved furry and add it. Then go back into the room with the Gamorrean's
again, and show them who is boss.

Go over to the doors. At one of them, Mission will tell you that it is a old
lock, and she knows how to open it. Once she opens it, Zaalbar will be inside
the locked door. They will talk, and then you will introduce yourself. Just
talk about the lifedebt kindly, and tell him that you honored to accept the
vow. Continue the conversation, learning about how there is a rancor guarding
the Black Vulkar base. Don't worry, though, I got a way that can get you passed
him easy.

Add Zaalbar to your party and take Carth out. Then, equip him with a Blaster
Rifle. From here, walk back to the entrance of the sewers, to the first middle
room. You most likely do not know what I am talking about so here are the
directions. Go out of the center room where Zaalbar was back to the long
walkway. Then go north up the walkway. It will turn northeast and you will be
at another room. This is the room you started at!

Take the only door you have not explored yet. This door will be at the
southeast of the room. Open it and you will see a mine. Switch to Mission and
have her disable it. Then go over to the force field's controls. They will be
right ahead of the mine. Mission will then tell you that she has the codes for
the force field. She will turn off the force field. Now, go through the door
that the force field was blocking. This will bring you to the upper sewers.

Now, open the door to the circle room. There will be a lot of enemies.
Specifically, four Rakghouls and two Gamorrean's. The Rakghouls will be
fighting the Gamorrean's. Just ignore this, and kill everything in the room.
Then, take the northeast door. Go down the walkway and kill the Gamorreans.
Open the door at the end to find yourself at another circle room. Kill the
robot in this room. Pass the mine along the way. Keep hacking at it with flurry
until it is done for.

Now, take the door to the southeast. Switch to Mission and disable the mine.
Then follow the walkway down to the end. You will lock onto a severed arm on
the ground next to the door. Get the synthesized odor in it. Then, open the
door and run over to the dead bodies on the ground. Lock onto one and take the
items. Then, lock onto it again and look to see what is in it. There won't be
anything. Press X and you will choose from your items. Go down to the
synthesized odor you just picked up. Put that and a frag grenade in the body.
Remember to put the frag grenade in first, as when you put the synthesized odor
in, it will go the cut-scene automatically. Alternatively, you can just throw
your grenades at the beast until it dies.

After it is gone, go through the door at the end of the room that Rancor was
guarding. Kill them both using flurry. Then, open the door to the elevator and
use it. You will now be inside the Vulkar base.

5. Black Vulkar Base

This is where the fun begins! Walk over to the door and open it. Kill the
patrolling robot. You will now be able to level up Zaalbar and Mission. I
advise you do. Just mash the recommend button for them. After this, explore the
the two doors to the north. They will have items in both of them. One of them
will have a mine, but Mission can take of that. After raiding both of the north
rooms, go through the middle room facing south. There will be two patrolling
droids and one Black Vulkar in this room. Take care of them, and take the
standard door to your right. Inside there will be a patrolling guard. Take him
out, and take the items in the footlocker beside him. Then go into the little
room to the north to find the Black Vulkar's chef. Make mice meat out of him,
then go back into the room you were just in. You will see a person. Talk to her
to find out that she is a prisoner. Be kind to her and find out information
abotu Bastila and the swoop engine. Then, let her leave. You will gain light
side points for doing this.

Go through the door she went through, and take out the two guards. Then go west
to a huge room. Take out the Vulkar to the south, then go around the little
room in the center. There will be two droids there with guns. Kill both of
them. Change to Mission and have her use her lock picking skill to pick the
door they were guarding. Inside will be some good equipement. Equip yourself
with the military suit, and give mission the heavy combat suit.

Now, go back out of this little room and head east. You will see a security
door soon enough. Open it, and hit the Black Vulkar in there a couple times. He
will surrender. Ask him who he is and he will tell you that he is part of the
Black Vulkar gang but he hates Brejik. Tell him you will let him live, and he
will run off. Go over to the desk he was at. Beside the desk is a locker. Open
it to get some grenades and a medpack. Now, go back outside and open the door
by the one you just were in. You will have to kill 5 or 6 Vulkars in this room.
They are not that tough, so just hack away with flurry. After they are all
dead, loot all of there bodies. One of them will have a very handy passcard.
Take it, and backtrack all the way back to the kitchen.

Now, your main character should be at a level up. In skills, press the
recommend button to add one point to treat injury. In feats, add two-handed
weapons level one. The two handed weapon feats are great investments, as when
you get your lightsaber, you can use two with a small penalty. Now, from the
kitchen, go out east and follow the hallway until you hit a security panel. A
door will be next to it. Press A at the security panel to log on. From here,
insert the passcard. The turrets will automatically log off. Don't know about
the turrets? Open the door by the security panel to see three turrets lined up
against the wall. You would of been toast if you didn't turn them off. Take the
elevator to the right.

You will now be on the second floor. Walk west past the swoop racers, and you
will engage with a sercurity droid. Run up to it, dodging his blaster, and hack
away with flurry. Then, walk past the loading deck and go down the stairs to
the west. Kill the two enemies that are at the hallway near the stairs. Then,
walk west back up the stairs and take care of the garage head and the two
Vulkars. Then, walk back over to the stairs and walk down the hallway. Switch
to Mission and have her disable the two mines. Take care of the Vulkar
welcoming party, then go east until you hit a door to your left. Open it and
take care of the two Vulkar guards. Try to open the door at the end of the room
and you will find out that it is locked. This means that you will either have
to find a passcard, or you will have to find a computer terminal. Go back up
the hallway and stairs to the swoop racer room.

From there, take the most southeastern hallway. This will bring you to two
standard doors. Take the first one, and kill both of the Vulkar's. Get the
items out of the footlocker then open the door to the north wall. This will
bring you to an empty room. There will be a desk in front of you and a computer
terminal to your right. Get the items out of the desk. Then, go over to the
computer terminal. You will see a barrel next to the computer. Take the items
in that, also. Then, log onto the computer.

Now, slice into the computer using two computer spikes. Then go to commands and
three options will come up. The first one should say "Open all security doors.
(3 spikes)" Choose that option, using three spikes. Then, log off the computer
terminal. From here, go all the back over to that locked door. You will need to
go to the main room. Then, walk down the hallway in the south part of this
room. Take a left at the fork, then another left inside a room. At the end of
this room will be the locked door you tried to open before. Heal yourself if
you need healing; you are in for one heck of a fight. After you got everything
you need ready, open the door.

There will be a lot of Brejik's men in this room. They will start the
conversation. You will continue is sanely, not starting a fight. After a while,
Brejik's men will ask you to join the Black Vulkar's and kill Gadon. Say that
you will, and go back over to give Gadon a visit. Well, what you need to do is
go over to the base and walk up the Gadon's bodyguard (she will be by the desk,
but Gadon won't be there). Tell her that you are a spy, then kill her along
with the rest of Gadon's people. Go into new rooms, kill more people, and
unlock some doors to get to a middle room. Go up the elevator to meet Gadon.
Tell him that you came here to kill him, and fight him.

The battle against Gadon will be tough, and hard. His bodyguard is also tough.
My advice is flurry, it is the best option. Remember to switch party members
when they get low on health, also.

6. Back to Vulkars

Go back to the black vulkar base and tell them the good news. He will then say
he will let you use the prototype. Of course, somebody cannot be that nice
unconditionally. The vulkar will say that, with the prototype in the racer, it
might blow up. Don't worry, though, it won't. Or at least, I hope not. Anyways,
the Vulkar's will let you spend the night at the base. When mourning arrives,
one of the Vulkar's men will bring you over to the swoop track.

7. Swoop Race

An Ithorian will talk to you about the swoop bike. Just continue the
conversation to learn that the bike will most likely not explode. Also, learn
all the basics of swoop racing from him. When you are ready to go, walk over to
the desk in the front. Tell the alien that you want to race one of your heats.
He will then let you.

The next screen will be of a swoop bike. This is you. There will then be three
lights, red, yellow, and green on the top of the screen. When the green light
lights up, hold A to accelerate. Now, I *would* tell you try your best here.
However, if you do good you will have to top your own time again. Therefore,
just stay in the first gear and try to hit all the accelerator pads. Do not
beat the 36 second time. Doing bad is good, so for your second heat you will
not have to beat your first time.

After the first heat, go on over to the alien again. Ask him to race on your
heats. When the light turns green, go! Try to hit as many pads as you can.
Switch gears when, on the bottom of the screen, it says so. With no luck at
all, you should be able to beat the small time of 36 seconds. Just remember to
hit the pads, and don't hit any items other then that in your path. Once you
are finished, you will go back to the Ithorian and he will tell you that no one
will beat that time. Now all you have to do is wait to claim your prize!

8. Rescue

You will be at the winner's circle, where Brejik will come up to you. You will
be awaiting your prize. When you hear Brejik tells you that you "cheated," you
better tell him he is a liar! Then, Bastila will open her cage and kill the
guard! She will take the sword that that guard had, now ready to fight! Brejik
will tell his guards to kill you and Bastila, but you both know that is better
said then done. Take out the guards by Bastila's cage, first. Then go over and
hack on Brejik with flurry. It won't be long before he keels over in agony and
dies. After the onslaught, search Brejik and his guard's bodies for items and
such. Then go over and talk to Bastila. She will tell you that you cannot take
her as a prize. She will then figure out that you were somebody from the
republic fleet. Try to be modest when you talk to her, not saying that you full
out saved her. Then, tell her about Carth and she will start to act better. The
next scene will be of Bastila and Revan fighting. Bastila will yell out an oh
so boring "You cannot win, Revan!" I just had to say that, because if the actor
could of put a LITTLE more emotion into it, I might of gotten into the moment.
Well, in the following scene you will be in an apartment, where Bastila starts
to berate you and Carth. Just tell her the truth, and be modest about it. Carth
will do all the debating for both of you, and he is right. Bastila will then
ask if something is troubling you. Tell her about the vision you had. She will
say you are force sensitive and whatnot. Just be modest and tell her everything
you can, m'kay? Now, leave the apartment, and take Carth and Bastila with you.

9. Canderous's Deal

Once outside, an alien look-a-like of Padon will come running over to you. He
will ask if you were the one who won the swoop race. Say yes, and he will tell
you that someone named Canderous wants to meet. He will be in the Upper City
Cantina; your next stop. Now, pause the game and go to the character level up
menu. Switch to Carth and mash the recommend level up. Bastila is a different
story, however. She is a jedi, and will be used throughout the game. Therefore,
you will have to level her arse up properly. For now, however, just hit the
recommend button for all of her skills, feats, powers, and whatnot. Once that
is done, go to the equip menu for Bastila and equip her lightsaber. Then equip
her the cardio-regulator belt. After this, go to your main character menu, and
equip Brejik's belt, arm band, and gloves.

After all this is done, go over to the Cantina. Along the way you will have
numerous conversations, one between Carth, and one between Carth and Bastila.
Just try to keep the peace, m'kay? If you do not know where the Cantina is,
walk straight out from your apartments. Pass the equipement place and go up tot
he doors a little ways further. You will now be there. Once inside, go past the
long table and into the center room. There, you will meet Canderous, the tough
mandolorian. Continue the conversation to learn that he wants you to get the
suith quarin-blah codes. The deal is, you get him those codes and he will get
you a ship to get off this rock. He will tell you to go to the droid shop to
get a droid. After the conversation with him, it is time to break into a highly
lucrative base.

(SPECIAL NOTE: You can threaten Janice and getthe droid cheaper.)

Before you go to the droid shop, you will two thousand credits to buy the damn
droid. Talk about a lot! I advise you do some of the quests. Dueling pays good,
as does bounty's. And remember to take back that serum. Once you have 2000 big
ones, go over to Janice's droid shop. On the way there Carth and Bastila will
have a conversation about her escape pod crash. Just be polite to Bastila and
all war won't break out. Also, there will be a conversation between you and
Bastila. She will tell you about everything you have done on Taris. Just be
modest and tell her that you had a lot of help. She will then tell you that a
Jedi could of done what you did, but only drawing heavely upon the force.
Continue the conversation, learning that you are to old to become a jedi. Soon
enough, she will tell you that the counsel will decide if you are old enough,
and that you should get back to your mission. Continue on to the droid shop.
One there, Tell Janice about Davik's droid and she will offer you 2000 credits
for it. Persuade for 1500 credits and she might agree. If not, agree anyways
and switch T3-M4 in for Carth. Equip the droid with blasters and whatnot. Then,
go over to the elevator that you used to get to the Lower City. If you go on
passed the elevator you will hit a door. This is where the sith base is. This
door wil be locked. Switch to T3-M4 and he will open it for you. Remember to
level up T3 if you haven't already. Then walk inside the Sith base.

10. Sith Base

You will be at the main office where the secretary will tell you what you are
doing here. Bribe her 50 credits and she will keep her mouth shut. Then, go
through the door behind her. Walk down the hallway, ignoring the first door to
your left. For the second door to your right, open it and destroy the two
droids. Then, disable the mine that is in the way to the computer panel. After
this, switch to T3-M4 and have him log onto the computer. Go to camera and then
to the elevator camera. Have T3-M4 use 10 computer spikes to: disable the
assault droids shield and open the elevator. Now that that is over with, go
back to the hallway and open the door at the end. You will find two droids
ready to fire at you. Deactivate them both permanently by slicing away with

Once that is done, look right to see yellow tubes. This is a torture tube, and
one of the alien's you helped out is in it. He will beg that you help him, so
do so. The panels behind you all need to be to red "off." This is very simple
to do and does not need explanation. Well, if you really must know then I will
tell you. The middle panel, the one that is in the middle, needs to be turned
to red. This will put the two on each side yes or "on." From here, go to the
ends of the each of the panels and turn them off. This will turn all of them to
red and the alien will be free. You will gain lightside points for doing this,

After you do that, take the door to the east. Open it, destroy the droid, and
walk down the hallway until you come up to a door to your right. Open it and
destroy the two droids. You should now be leveled up! Do recommend for
everything except feats. In feats, choose the second level for two-handed
weapons. Then, walk back out to the hallway and go south to the door. Heal if
you need to, you will have to fight that huge droid. Open the door to find the
droid in the center of the room. Go up to it and use special attack on it. This
will inflicted about 15 points of damage. Keep doing this until it is history.
Bastila should take care of the turrets. If she doesn't, after you are done
with the big droid take the two turrets out. Now that this is over with, take
the elevator to the second floor.

At the door, get ready for a big battle! Have Bastila use cure do heal you and
her. Then, open the door to see the sith governer. He will start by saying that
you interrupted him, then he will say that you are a force adept. Tell him to

turn away from the dark side but he won't listen. Instead, he will say that he
will get a lightsaber for killing you. The battle with him might prove to be
tough. Run up to him and hack away with flurry and special attack. He might
stun you, at that point you cannot attack. Just hope that he doesn't do that.
When you get low on health, heal yourself. Also, he heals himself when he low
on health. So, if he is low, try to finish him off quickly.

After the battle, check his remains for the Taris launch codes amongster other
things. Take all of that, then loot the two strong boxes at opposite ends of
the room. After you get the codes, leave the sith base and go over to the Lower
City elevator. From here, talk to the guard and tell him you have your
authorization papers. He will let you through. From here, walk over to the
Lower City Cantina. Go insider to meet up with Canderous.

Canderous will tell you that he knows it was you who got the codes and that you
two can work together. Canderous can get you into Davik's estate, where his
proud smuggling ship the Ebon Hawk is. Before you say that you two are going to
join, make sure you have done all the sidequests you want. Then, say you want
to join and there will be a little more conversation. Namely, near the end
Bastila object's the plan, and Canderous says "why Davik is checking you out."
Now, he was saying that to you, but it seemed like he was saying it to Bastila
(^_^). Canderous will join the party along with Bastila.

A cutscene will occur where Malak's ship will fly over Taris. Malak will then
talk to a admiral, and Malak will tell him to destroy the entire planet. Wow,
looks like you are going to have to leave faster then you thought...

11. Davik's Mansion

Conversation will occur with Davik and Calo. Just tell Davik that you
interested in joining Davik's exchange. Then Davik will give you a tour of the
whole estate. Of course, you will just skip to the Ebon Hawk, where Davik
reveals some information about it. Then the next place you will be at is the
guest area, where Davik gives you a nice goodbye (^_^).

Now that you are in and have control of your character, walk out of your room
and turn right to the standard door. Open it to be in the main area. From here,
walk to the northwest corner of the room to see a door. Open it and kill the
bounty hunter that is walking around in the hallway. Check his remains, then
walk down the hallway north until you hit a standard door. Open it and destroy
both of the security droids in that room, they should not be that hard. The
only bad part is there flamethrowers. After they are done for, there will be a
torture tube at at the northeast corner of the room. At the northwest corner
will be a cage release control panel. Press A at it to release the torture cage
so the guy in there can get out. Be kind to him and tell him that you will not
kill him. In return for you being kind, he will give you the security codes for
the Ebon Hawk's security door so you can get into its hanger.

After you have acquired those, go back to the main center room. From here, take
the door on the south wall. Go down the long hallway to another door. Open this
and kill the three guards in this room. After they are done for, go over to the
security panel at the north end of the room. Log on using the acces card you
found, and go to commands. Then, go down to disable hangar security. This will
disable the security and you will be able to get to the Ebon Hawk!

Log out and open the standard door in the south part of the room. Once this
door is open, turn left to the hangar bay door. Before you proceed, make sure
you have full health. Then, open the door to the hangar. There will then be a
scene where Davik and Calo are walk around the hangar, and have a conversation
with you. Davik will then tell Calo to take care of them. You will now be
engaged in a battle. Lock onto Davik and run up to him. Then, hack away with
flurry and special attack. That might miss and if it does, use your regular
attacks on him. Heal when you need to. After Davik is done for the Calo will
whip out a thermo detonator and say that he is bringing you all with him. At
that moment, part of the hangar will fall on Calo. If you are lucky, you will
be able to get to Davik's remains to get his equipement. Then, go over to the
Ebon Hawk and board it!

12. Ebon Hawk

The next couple of scenes will show Taris get blown up to bits. Then, the Ebon
Hawk will fly off and dodge Malak's fire. Six fighters will come out and start
to attack the Ebon Hawk. Bastila will tell you to man the gun turrets. You will
then run over to them. The next scene will be of the fighters coming out. Then,
they will fly over the ship. Don't let them just fly over the ship shooting you
the first time, fire at them. I atleast destroy three fighters while doing
this. The other remaining fighters always come back firing at you after a
while. Shoot them why they are doing this for a easy win. Then, you will be on
the Ebon Hawk and will have ploted a course for Dantooine. Bastila will say
that even the sith would think twice before destroying Tatooine like they did
Taris. Carth will object. I would go with Bastila on this one. Then, Bastila
will say that she needs to learn about "recent developments." This means you,

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Rapid Transit System

Once you are outside you will see three sith soldiers raiding aliens. He kills
one of the men with his blaster, and then realizes that you are behind him. He
then tells his troops to attack. Time to fight. Change who are going to attack
by pressing the right or left triggers. This will lock onto one of the sith
soldiers, instead of the sith leader. This is better, hence the other alien
will beat down the leader while you take care of the other two soldiers.
Dispatch of the two soldiers, using your jump attack to kill them. The alien
will kill the leader. The alien will then speak to you. Tell him you are glad
to help, and he will respond that he will take care of the bodies.

It is now time to level up. In skills, choose putting all your points in treat
injury. This will only be one point. Next, is feats. Choose to the flurry
technique. This is a great special attack, that will soon override your power
attack special. After you choose flurry, accept the changes. Then, loot the
bodies for some blasters. Now it is time to loot every apartment in this area.
Start going down the apartment circle until you see a low security door. Change
to Carth and use his security ability to open the door. You should see a women
inside the room. Her name is Dia. If you wish to do Dia's quest, look in the
sidequest "Dia's Bounty." Anyways, loot her apartment. There should be a bag by
the entrance of her little room. Open it to find 18 credits, a computer spike,
and a medpac. Take the items, then continue down the apartment circle.

You won't go long before a merchant stops you and talks about his shop. Be
polite, and ask everything you can to him. After this, don't buy anything. His
prices are not the best. Continue going down the apartment circle. You will see
another low security door. Change to Carth and have him open it. There will be
a Twi'lek in the room. Just go past her and to a bag on the ground. Take
everything that is inside of it, which should be 16 credits, a part, and a
medpac. From here, go down to the next door. This will be the entrance to the
upper city. Do not go through the door, instead go past it and to the next
security door.

Open this door with Carth's security skill. There will be a Ithorian in this
room. Loot the bag by the door to find some credits and parts. Follow this
apartment circle more to a little droid room. There will be nothing there, so
continue onto the next room. Again, use Carth's security skill. There will not
be anybody in this room but a footlocker at the oppposite end of the door. Open
it, take everything, and continue onto the next room. The next room will be
your apartment. Go inside there to regain all of your health. To the opposite
end will be a footlocker that has some medpacs and computer spikes. Take them,
then leave again with Carth.

From here, go down to the upper city door that is the most southern door in the
circle. Now, go to the menu and use the triggers to find a map. This map will
have "Return to Hideout" on the bottom. You will also see the X button by it.
This means that if you press X now, you will return to the hideout. Do so, and
you will complete the Rapid Transit System Quest.

2. The Duel Ring

Time for some fun! The duel ring is a place where two combatants duel it out.
What would the prize be? Money, of course! Talk to Ajuur in the Upper City
Cantina about dueling. He will hook you up with the first fight. Your name will
be... well, Ajuur thinks of a weird one that you have to choose. Once you are
ready, tell him you want to duel. Ajuur will then place you against Dead-eye

Dead-eye Duncan

Dead-eye gets his name because he acts worse then a blind man in the ring! Run
up to Duncan, dodging his blaster shots. When you get up close and personal to
him, mash away with improved flurry. This is an extra easy way to win against
Duncan. Only one flurry shot will bring him down! Boy was this a short fight.
When I did my flurry, 10 points of damage inflicted on him did it. After you
are done with the battle, go over to Ajuur to get 100 credits, chump change!

Gerlon Two-Fingers

He gets his name because of a critical accident in the ring, where he lost his
fingers! But he is still here, and he won't leave the duel ring until he loses
his hands! Gerlon is another easy one. Run up to him, avoid his blaster shots.
Once up to him, hack away with improved flurry like you did Duncan. After
inflicting 30 points on Gerlon, he will be done for. Go over to Ajuur again to
get 200 credits.


She gets her name because her blood is stone cold! She is tough, she is fierce,
and she comes to kill. Ice is no pushover, but, then again, she isn't really
tough at the proper level. Start off by running up to her and hacking away with
flurry. This is the usual choice for almost every fight, hence it's power. She
will actually survive a couple hits of flurry, so mix it up with your jump
attack if you like. Fifty points of damage will leave cooling off on the
ground. Ajuur will give you 300 credits for this one.


Marl is a nice guy, but he is getting pretty old at this. You will have to show
him that the newer generation will prevail! Start off by running over to him,
dodgin his blaster shots. Then, hack away with improved flurry like your
previous three fights. Marl will go down after 80 points of damage. Ajuur will
push over 400 credits for this victory.


"Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast!" This is always
Twitch's motto, and he just very well might be crazy. Twitch is the champion in
Taris, and you have to dethrone him. Twitch is a fast freak, and you will
actually have to do different strings of attacks to kill him. If you just mash
away with improved flurry, you will miss. Therefore, do a regular attack and
then flurry. Then repeat the proccess until 100 points of damage is taken away
from him. Then he will fall to the ground, making you the victor. Run on over
to Ajuur and get your 500 credits. Now all you have to face is Bendak
Starkiller, but he left the ring ages ago.

3. Pazaak Rules

Talk to the old Pazaak player in the Upper City Cantina. One of the other
players will forward him to you, saying that he wants to sell his deck. Talk to
him, and he will sell his deck for some credits. After the sale, ask him to
teach you Pazaak. Learn the ways of this money-making game and this quest will
be completed.

4. Dia's Bounty

Talk to Dia in the upper city apartments. She will tell you that she slashed
Holdan with her Vibroblade, and now he has a bounty on her. She is a person
that has a bounty on her head. Since you are uber dark side, kill her, and
report back to Zax to get your money. This quest is fairly simple on dark
side, but Dia actually can fight, so watch yourself.

5. Largo's Bounty

Largo is located in the Upper City apartments. You will have to pick a door to
get to him. Once inside, say that you will kill him instead of help him. You
will gain some major light side points for this. The fight with Largo really
isn't that difficult even if you just got to Taris. Largo should be an easy
kill. Just remember afterwards to get your credits from Zax.

6. Selven's Bounty

Selven killed many people in her days, so it is right for you to kill her. She
is located in the Lower City apartments. You will have to pick a door to get to
her. Once you do, she will ask you to leave or you will have a sword through
your head. Tell her you will not leave, and you two will fight. She is rather
easy, just hack away with flurry. Get the remains in her body and report back
to Zax. He will give you 300 credits for you deed.

7. Matrik's Bounty

Matrik is located at the Lower City apartments. Pick the door and talk to him
to learn how he has a bounty on his head for no good reason. Tell him that you
came to carry out the bounty, and you will be in a litle scuffle with him. The
fight itself really isn't that difficult, Matrik doesn't put up enough of a
fight. Just hack away with flurry while Carth blasts away. Then run on over
to the lower city Cantina and tell Zax about your dark side deed. He will give
you three hundred credits for the killing of Matrik.

8. Bendak's Bounty

Bendak... Starkiller. The name just flies off your tongue, doesn't it? Well,
Bendak cannot be fought until you have defeated the first five duel battles
against the duel players (see quest 2). Once you have done this, by the
entrance (going out) of the cantina will be Bendak himself. He will say that
he has seen you fight, and that he wants to battle you. Agree, and you will
have a date with one of Taris's toughest opponents.

Talk to Ajuur about this, and he will say that he needs to get things ready
with the dueling company because it is going to be a death match. He says that
this will attract a lot of people, and that your payoff will be huge. So, go
back outside and then come back in and talk to Ajuur. He will say that he is
still working on the fight. Do this a couple times and you will be ready.
Before you do this, however, listen to the comments the fellow duelists say.
They say that you are crazy to go into the ring with Bendak. Don't let this
fool you, though, Bendak isn't that tough.

Well, he might be. The fight with Bendak starkiller should take place right
before you go to Dantooine, you should be at a high level then. Equip yourself
with a vibrosword and the best armor you can find. I advise you have at least
5 advanced medpacks, as this fight will be tough. When the fight starts out,
run up to Bendak as fast as you can. Then hack away with flurry. On the second
flurry launch, you will notice that your second flurry in a row won't hit
Bendak. So, change to special attack once.

After this you will notice that you are low on health, so get out of Bendak's
sword range and heal yourself with one of the advanced medpacks. Watch out
for the grenades he throws, because he has an unlimited supply. Then go back
and do flurry and special attack again on him. Then go back and use a medpack.
Are you starting to see a pattern? Indeed you are.

If you use this pattern, Bendak shouldn't be that hard. Watch out for his
grenades and blaster shots when you go to heal, however. Bendak will be a
challenge if you are not at the right level, because he is very tough. After
the fight with Bendak, go over to Ajuur to get your money (a lot!). Talk about
a bonus, and he will give you Bendak's blaster, a very powerful blaster that
you should hold onto. Now, before you go onto the next quest, walk over to Zax
in the lower city cantina. Talk to him about your ridding of Bendak, and you
will get a 300 credit reward. Not bad.

9. Infected Outcasts

You will find a lot of things around this area. Namely, there are a lot of dead
bodies. If you go to the southeast corner by the sewer entrance that is locked,
there will be a sith soldier that is dead. You will find the serum in his body.
Now, go back over to the undercity town. Mission and Carth will start talking,
and soon the talking will turn into arguing. Just tell them to settle down and
do not take sides in the matter. Go back over to the cage where the healer is.
You now need to use the serum on the people that are infected.

...Or you could just give the serum to Zax. Yeah, that would work perfectly...

10. Rakghoul Serum

After you get the serum (see above), it is time to use it. Not, instead you
will be going over to Zax the Hutt, he is located in the Lower Level Cantina.
Once you arrive, go over to him and ask about the serum. He will say that he
will buy it from you for some money. Agree, and get 1000 credits. You will
also get some dark side points for your bad deed.

11. Rukil's Apprentice

Rukil is the oldest man in the Undercity, and he wants you to find his
apprentice, Mayla. She will have a promise land journal. So, walk out of the
gate and go northwest. At the wall in the northwest area will be some
Rakghouls, kill them. Look in the outcast body near the pack of rakghouls to
find the promise land journal. The weird part is that if she died by the
Rakghouls she would of turned into one. Isn't that weird. Anyways, go back to
Rukil and tell him the bad news. He will then bring you to another quest for
the other two promise land journals. See below for that quest.

12. The Promise Land

Now Rukil wants you to find two more promise land journals. Both Journals are
in the sewers. The first is in the room across from where Zaalbar was held.
From the entrance, take the southwest path. The first door to your left should
have a pack of Rakghouls in it. Kill all of them, and explore the outcast body
to find one of the journals. For the second journal, from the entrance, take
the southeast path down to a circle room. Kill all the enemies and open the
door to the room to the east.

Once here, there will be two rooms. One has a some Gamorrean's and the other
has some Rakghouls. Go inside the Rakghoul one, disable the mine, and kill the
Rakghouls. Then look in the other body to find another journal. Now that you
have done all of this, go back to Rukil. Or, if you wanted to be dark, you
could give them to Igear for some good credits. Yes, I like that idea, also.
Igear is the merchant in the Under City, and is located by the gates. Walk over
to him and give him the journals. He will give you 100 (yes, one hundred) for
the exchange. This is... nothing. Of course, since you are dark (Muhahaha!) you
get some much needed dark side points for it.

4.3 - Dantooine

Main Quests

1. Meet and Training
2. Jedi Code
3. Constructing a lightsaber
4. Corruption in the grove
5. Fighting Juhani
6. Star Forge in Ancient Ruins

Side Quests

1. Mandalorian Raiders
2. Missing Companion
3. Murdered Settler
4. Dead Settler
5. Sandral/Matale Feud
6. Crystals in the Cave

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Meet and Training

The next scene will be of Bastila telling you to come with her to the Jedi
counsel. Carth will object, but Bastila will get her way. Follow Bastila all
the way to the Jedi Enclave. Once you reach the center room, a Jedi will stop
you, asking why you do not wear the customary robe of the Jedi. She thinks you
are a Jedi. Tell her that you are not a Padawan, and that you are not a Jedi.
Then say that you are not a Jedi, again, because the Jedi thinks it is a joke.

After this, go left around the tree and walk down the east room. Turn left once
down the hallway to see Carth. He will tell you that the Jedi counsel is
waiting for you. He will point to where the counsel is. Walk over to it, and
the counsel will start talking. They will introduce themselves. Just go with
the flow, and continue the conversation. Soon enough they will start arguing
about Revan, the dark lord, and they will ask you to go back to your ship. The
next scene will be of Revan and Malak, at an ancient ruin. They will talk about
something called a Star Forge, and Revan will open the door. They will continue
on the room, and finally, the screen will change back to you and Carth.

After the short conversation with Carth, you will have to select party members.
I advise you choose Carth and Zaalbar, as they are the strongest. Level them
both up if you need to. Then, go back to the counsel room. The conversation
will start about the dream you just had. Tell the truth about what you saw.
Continue the conversation, learning that you and Bastila share a special bond.
Just don't lie in the conversation and you will do good. Once it is over, you
will learn more about the Sith, and the Jedi counsel. Then, the counsel will
accept you for training and tell you that you will go to the ancient ruins that
Revan and Malak went at, it is here on Dantooine, and see what corrupted them.
Just don't lie in the conversation, m'kay? End the conversation with agreeing
with the masters. The next couple of scenes will be of you training on how to
become a Jedi. Soon enough, you will master your training, and be fully
accepted. Now all you have to do is three trials to become a full blown
Padawan, the lowest rank among the Jedi.

2. Jedi Code

Walk over to Zhar, who is located adjacent of the big center room with the
three Jedi Masters. He is in the training room to be exact. Once there, talk
to him and agree to take the first test. He will prompt you with a statement,
and you have to complete it. Here are the answers:

There is no emotion...
There is peace.

There is no ignorance...
There is knowledge.

There is no passion...
There is serenity.

There is no chaos...
There is harmony.

There is no death...
There is the force.

3. Constructing a lightsaber

Now that you know the Jedi Code, it is time to construct a lightsaber. Run
back over to the center area with the three Jedi Masters and talk to Master
Dorak. He will talk a bit about the different lightsaber colors and there
effect on the character, then you will get to answer a series of questions.
If you want to be a Guardian, choose all the aggressive options such as
"Smash the Door" and "Attack The Thugs." Do the same for the other two, if
you want to be them.

It doesn't really matter, however, because you will get to choose what type
of Jedi you want to be, anyway. After choosing, you'll have a level up. It's
no different then before, besides the fact that you have to choose force
powers now, too. Just choose the most useful powers of your alignment. After
that, walk back over to Master Zhar and converse with him. Choose to
assemble the lightsaber and converse with Zhar again. The two of you will
talk about lightsabers for a minute, and then he'll tell you about the
corruption in the grove.

4. Corruption in the grove

It seems that the Jedi Masters have no guidance for this quest; you are to
go to the grove and find out for yourself. So, go to the central area with
the tree and over to the droid in the eastern hall. Talk to him and he'll
open the door to the courtyard; enter through it. Once outside, walk east
and then north up the stone path. Soon, you will reach Jon, who is a side
quest. Just keep the conversation as per your alignment, being blunt or

After the conversation, go east of Jon and you will be on grass. Follow the
grass southeast a little ways and a pack of Kath Hounds will decide to
attack you. These Kath Hounds should be *extremely* easy to defeat. After
the battle, go south and east the first chance you get. After going east a
little ways, you should see another pack of Kath Hounds with a couple Horn
ones, too. They shouldn't be very tough to defeat, and this is good

After the fight, go east and over to some rocks. In those rocks lies a lot
of Kath Hounds. They shouldn't be very tough to defeat, however. Just
remember to face them with all three characters and not just you, so the
Kath Hounds won't gang up on you. After that, continue east and, at the
first chance you get, go south and into the Matale Grounds.

When you first enter, the game will pause because Kath Hounds will be near.
They should be easy to defeat, however, because there are only two of them.
Just Flurry your way through and things should work out. After that, kill
the lone Kath Hounds north up the hill and the Horned Kath Hound to the
east. Your other characters should automatically attack these enemies,
however, so just follow their lead.

Once this part of the area is rid of monsters, go to the south part of it
and into the Grove. In here, there are a lot of monsters and hills blocking
the way. Just hack your way through and it shouldn't be very tough. After
the battle, only heal yourself because the other two characters you brought
along won't participate in the upcoming battle.

5. Fighting Juhani

Anyway, go to the most eastern part of this area. If you look south, you
should see a little shrine of pillars. Walk over to them and you will meet
Juhani. She will stun the other characters you brought along and it will be
a one-on-one battle. Juhani isn't very tough; use Power Attacks to defeat
her quickly. After about eight-tenths of her life is gone, the battle will

Juhani will start conversing with you. It is advisable that you KEEP THE
nice to Juhani she will join your merry band. And Jedi joining the party is
rare, so take this opportunity to have her join. Here are the options (in
order) that you should choose:

"Who are you?"
"You embrace the dark side? Why?"
"You sley Quatra, your master?"
"I was sent by the Council to cleanse the taint from this grove."
"I do not hold anger torwards you, Juhani. I wish you peace."
"The first step on the path of true knowledge is knowing that you are
"Even in death, the Force will allow her to live on."
"Anger? Show them that you have freed yourself of this base passion."
"Your inner peace and harmony will show them your sincerity."

After the conversation, Juhani will run off to the Jedi Enclave, leaving you
here. It is now time to loot the two Mandolorian corpses around this small
shrine. After that, choose to return to the Ebon Hawke via the map screen.
Back at the Enclave, walk to the round area with the three Jedi Masters. In
here, go to the adjacent training room area and talk to Zhar.

6. Star Forge in Ancient Ruins

He will talk about how great you are, blah blah blah, and he promotes you to
Padawan. Go over to the three Jedi and talk to Master Vandar. He will tell
you about your next quest, and you can quiz him on everything now. Do so if
you want to learn a little more, and then Mr. Matale will enter. After the
conversation he has with Vandar, the Jedi Master will assign you to that
quest, as well.

It's time to rock 'n' roll. Leave the Jedi Enclave to the Courtyard (the
place outside). Once there, follow the grey path as it swings north. At Jon,
turn right and follow this small path to grass. From here, walk east across
this entire map. Soon, you will reach what looks to be ruins. Enter the
strange ruins through the door.

Inside, head south down to the door and open it. Walk a little inside and
mingle with the droid for a little while. Just go with the flow and learn
about the Star Forge and this place. Afterwards, pilfer both items off of
Nemo's body, which is located in one of the corners of this room. Once that
is complete, enter the west door and it will time to fight.

Make sure you equip an ion rifle on one of your fighters before you enter.
Don't put it on your character or Bastila, obviously - put it on the third
character, which will probably be a mix of ranged and melee. Once that is
complete, start hacking away at the droid with flurry. He will go down
slowly but surely. After the fight, use the ancient terminal behind it.

Talk to the terminal and then put your datapad into it. Once that is done,
speak to it. The terminal will start to speak in your language! It wants
three death-giving worlds, however. The answers are Desert, Barren, and
Volcanic. Once you have done that, go back to the middle room with the droid
and take the opposite door. Inside here, kill the droid the same way you did
before and use the terminal in the same way to get another question up.

This time they want three life-giving worlds. The answers are Oceanic,
Grassland, and Arboreal. Once you have done that, look directly behind you
to find a broken droid. Take its parts and go back to the middle room. In
here, go south and through the door. Then walk over to the weird looking thing
on the other side of the room. Just go with Bastila in the conversation; she
will fill you in on her guesses.

Now that you have found what they were looking for, head back to the Council.
Walk outside the courtyard and use the "Return to Ebon Hawk" option on the
map screen in the pause menu. From the Ebon Hawk, walk north and down the
hallway until you reach the center tree room. After that, hang a left and
talk to the Council. Keep the conversation according to your alignment unless
you want a swift change.

After the chat, head back to the Ebon Hawk. Deesra will stop you and tell you
about the terentatek. Scary beast. Continue with the conversation to find out
other interesting things such as the great hunt. Once you have extracted all
the information that you want from Deesra, head to the Ebon Hawk. Use the Gal-
axy Map at the front of the ship and choose Tatooine as your destination. It
seems Calo is on the Sith train as well, and you had another one of those

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Mandalorian Raiders

When you first walk out of the Jedi Enclave, to find the corruption in the
grove, you will come by a settler names Jon. Now, Jon is not happy with the
Jedi, for one reason and one reason only. They took his beloved family member.
By "they," I mean the Mandolorians. These Mandolorians are fierce, and pretty
damn strong. I would advise you complete all of the main quests for Dantooine
before doing this quest. You should also try to gain a level or two by
slaughtering Kath hounds. When you think you are ready, you will have to
dispatch of four Mandolorian groups. The first group is near the center of the
grove area, the second group is just west of the Matale mansion, and the third
is in the southern middle area of the Sandral grounds. All of these groups
consist of about 5 men each. Two of the men will be fit in Mandolorian armor
and be tough to defeat. The other three men will be easy to slaughter. Remember
to check the remains of the bodies, there is some valuable stuff in them.

After you slaughter the three groups, return to the center of the grove. You
will see another Mandolorian group. This group is the most fierce. There leader
is Sherruk, and he is unhappy with what you have been doing. Y'know, killing
all of his men? Anyways, you will fight him. And he will be very tough. Just
hack away with the improved flurry/attack combo until they are done for. I
would switch to Bastila so I could use her healing technique in the battle.
After the battle, check all the bodies for some valuable items. Namely, a
lightsaber that the almighty Sherruk has. After you slaughter all of these
groups, go back over to Jon by the Jedi Enclave. He will be very happy wih what
you have done, and will happily reward you. If you refuse the reward, you will
get lightside points. Of course, the reward is actually pretty good.

2. Missing Companion

A woman named Elise needs your help. She is located by a speeder, when you walk
out to the grasslands. She is to the east of Jon, if my directions suck.
Anyways, she wants you to get her companion back. Ask her a lot of questions,
and you will find out that the door was not damaged. Ask her if her companion
left without getting captured, and she will say that he is not programmed for
it. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Little miss Elise is looking for a droid.
A personal assistance droid, that is very valuable to her.

Agree to this task, and start looking for the droid. He is located in on the
east side of the Sandral grouds. The kath hounds will be on him. Run up to the
hounds and slaughter them. Then talk to the droid, C8-42. He will tell you that
the woman, Elise, tried to treat him like her dead husband. He will also say
that it was not "heathly" for her so he decided to run away. There is no
lightside option, but there are two options that will evade getting dark side
points. But we are evil! We want more dark side points! Give into your hate.
Tell C8-42 that you will kill him, and tell Elise that you couldn't find him,
leaving her to an endless search to find him. You are a very evil person! Say
this, and chop up C8-42. Then go back to Elise and tell her that you haven't
found him. Now she can attend to finding the droid for the rest of her life.
Major dark side points!
3. Murdered Settler

The alien Jedi named Bolook is located on a bride, around the west side of the
groove. He will ask for your help in a murder that happened today. Agree, and
you will be brought to two suspects. One is Handon and the other is Rickard.
Ask both of them everything that occured today at the murder. Both will say
that they did not kill him, yet they are the only suspects Talk to the protocol
droid, then speak to Bolook again.

If you answer three incorrect answers in this case, Bolook will yank you out
and you won't get experience points. Therefore, I will tell you the answers to
what you have to say to him. The order of what you do is, question both of the
suspects, talk to the protocol droid, then talk to Bolook. Keep doing this
until you are finished with the quest. You will have to question them various
times. These are the statements you need to say to Bolook:

First Answer: Rickard is lying. It was a cloudy - there was no sun glare!
Second Answer: Rickard is lying. They had a fight over business matters.
Third Answer: The blaster was Handon's. He lied about it being stolen.
Fourth Answer: It didn't belong to the victim. It's Handon's blood. He is
clutching his side.
Fifth Answer: No, they are both guilty. Handon admitted that Calder was having
as affair with his wife.

This is the best result in the case. Both men are guilty, as you get the most
experience points for doing it this way. If you have one man be guilty, you get
less, and you have to live with knowing that it could of been either. You get a
ton of experience points for doing this, and it is very well worth it. You will
not gain lightside points for having any solution, however.

4. Dead Settler

This one is easy. Once you pass all the Jedi Trials you will be aloud to leave
the Enclave. Once you do, explore the east side of the Matale grounds to find
the body of Casus, Sandral's son. He was killed by Rakghouls, though the
Sandral hard-head will not admit it. Take the datapad and go over to the
Sandral grounds and talk to the droid. Tell him that you found Casus's body,
and he will let you see Mr. Sandral. Talk to him about this incident to
complete this very simple quest.

5. Sandral/Matale Feud

This is a long arse quest, so get ready! After you pass all of the Jedi trials,
go back to Mr. Matale will barge in, stating that the Sandral's stole his son.
The masters will assign you this quest, also. Now, go on over to the Sandral
estate. Once you are there, talk to the droid. Tell him that you are here on
behalf of the Jedi counsel, and he will let you. Once you are in, Mr. Sandral
will tell you to leave. After this, Sandral's daughter will come out. Her name
is Rahasia. Be nice to her and she will eventually say that her father captured
the Sandral's boy. She will also give you the key to go inside Sandral's house
from the back.

Now, walk back out and go over to the back of the house. There will be a lot of
droids and a lot of rooms. After you are done raiding the whole house, killing
droids and looting all the footlockers, look in the rooms. One of them will
have Rahasia in it. Talk to her, and she will tell you where Shen, Matale's
son, is. Run on over to it, locating it easily by the map. One you reach the
door, bash it open. Talk to Shen and he will tell you that he won't leave hence
Rahasia will have to see her father's "wrath." He will then say that if Rahasia
would leave that he would also leave. Run on back over to Rahasia and tell her
this. She will say that she will meet him outside the front of the house.

From here, go back over to Shen and tell him this. He will then leave with you.
The game will automatically throw you to the next scene, which is of Rahasia
and Shen. After a short reunion, Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral will march on
to them to break of the reunion. They will argue a little. You will have a say
in the conversation.

It is very simple to get a dark side ending. And we love these endings, don't
we? I thought so. Anyways, the ending itself is a real treat. You get the two
families to kill each other (how sad, AND EVIL!). To do this, insist violence
throughout the conversation when the two families talk to each other. If you do
this then you will get a dark side ending, with everybody killing everybody.
Don't worry about the Jedi Counsel, however, they will think that this
situation was unavoidable. More dark side points ahoy.

6. Crystals in the cave

Well, once you become a Jedi you will learn all about crystals, and how they
affect your lightsaber drastically. Well, here on Dantooine you might of heard
of a crystal cave from one of the Jedi counsel. He will tell you that it is
only a rumor but we can all see the twitch in his eyes... Well, maybe not, but
there is a cave with a ton of crystals in it.

So, once you find this out, run on over to the Sandral grounds. From here, go
over to the east side of the lands. At the very east point will be a cave. If
you are not at a respectable level, then please, do not go inside. If you have,
however, learned about the Star Forge and whatnot, then go inside the cave.
Once you are inside, there will be a welcoming party of kinrath spiders. These
little... er... spiders are pretty tough. So, kill them all with improved
flurry. Then, go down the cave, killing spiders as you go along.

At the end of the cave will be tons of crystals. Loot them to find crystals.
And we are not talking those crappy ones, we are talking about the good stuff.
These crystals are not only vital to attacking, but you can sell them and make
a good buck (or more!). After you loot all the crystals, bash the kinrath eggs
to find even more crystals. You should now have an arsenal of them, so go back
to the Ebon Hawk and read my lightsaber section to learn which ones to equip.

4.4 - Tatooine

Main Quests

1. Hunter's License
2. The Desert
3. Sand People
4. The Krayt Dragon

Side Quests

1. Sharina's Husband
2. Swoop Racing
3. Nico's Agency
4. Iziz the Jawa
5. Trapped Tanis

M a i n Q u e s t s

1. Hunter's License

When you first arrive, Bastila will talk about the dream. Just keep things
helpful and you will learn more about the location of the star map. After that,
leave the Ebon Hawk and select Bastila and Juhani as your party members. This
will make life a little easier for you considering the three of you are Jedi.

Even at the arrival these people want money! Pay the 100 credits and talk to
the man about the planet. Once you have gathered enough information, tell him
that you are done asking questions and walk passed him over to the door. An
alien will automatically talk to you about a shipment. Stay cool and further
the conversation to learn about the creatures that are now stowaways on your

After the alien leaves, head through the door into Anchorhead. From here, it's
time to fight some Jedi - so make sure your battle ready. Walk south passed the
buildings and people and east when the opportunity arises. Soon enough, you
will meet up with some Dark Jedi. They are simple enough to defeat, amazingly.
You can really slice through them with Flurry. The only thing to watch out for
is Drain Life; just make sure to focus on one target at a time so they can't
heal with it (because they will already be dead).

Once they fall to the ground, pilfer all the items they have; the lightsabers
are useful to your Jedi. Anyway, it's time to get to some real business so go
to the Czerka Offices. After settling the small dispute, talk to the Protocol
Officer to your right. She will say that you cannot get a Hunter's License, but
if you push her enough on the matter, she will give you passage to Dune Sea in
exchange for your help with the Sand People.

Outside, the alien will basically tell you what to do, so don't tell him to
leave. He will say that you need a droid to communicate and that you can get
robes from the Sand People found in Dune Sea. First of all, even if you are
going dark side and are going in by force, you still want HK-47. He's pretty
awesome, and has some fantastic commentary that will make you cry laughing.

Now that we have that taken care of, it's time to get the money for the droid.
Look on the map for "Swoop Registration" and walk over there. Talk to the Hutt
and do the races - see the side quests for more information on how to win the
races. They are fairly easy and shouldn't pose much trouble. Save before you
race and reload if you lose to save money.

Once you have the racing bonds and have completed the three tiers, I also
suggest you help the Hutt sign Nico. Look in the side quests section for more
detail on how to do that. Now that you have done everything swoop-wise, leave
this house. Outside, someone will want your autoprint. Just keep it nice and
let him have it.

Now it's time to pick up the droid. Look on your map for the droid shop; it's
on the eastern side of Anchorhead, near the gate to Dune Sea. Walk over to the
shop and enter through the door. Inside, talk to the merchant and HK-47 to find
out some interesting things. It seems that the merchant will sell the droid low
if you use some "aggressive bargaining." God, I love this droid. Of course,
aggressive bargaining will give you major dark side points.

Remember to sell your racing bonds with the droid merchant before you purchase
HK-47, or you won't be able to buy the droid. Once you have the money, it's
time to negotiate with the Ithorian. He will go down to 4000 credits without
even blinking, so ask him to lower the price from 5000 credits and he'll do it
with no dark side points attached. If you want, you can say you will kill him,
and he will bring the price down really low, but you'll get dark side points
for your bad deed.

Now that you have bought the droid it's time to tell him the good news. Tell
him to follow you and it will chance to the character selection screen. Choose
Bastila and HK-47 - subbing out Juhani for the time being. Equip HK-47 properly
and be sure to level him right there. Now that you have your droid, it's time
to go into the Dune Sea. Run to the gate, which is located near the droid shop.

Walk over to the left of the gate and you will find the only named Jawa in this
area, Iziz. Keep the conversation happy and you will find out that some of his
people being held captive by the Sand People. Additionally, you get the great
quote by HK-47:

HK-47: Translation: 98% probability that members of the miniature organic's
tribe are being held by Sand People, master. Doubtless he wishes

You: What about the other 2%?

HK-47: Translation: 2% probability that the miniature organic is simply looking
for trouble and needs to be blasted. That may be wishful thinking on my
part, master.

I'm sure at one point in everyone's life they wished they had a droid like HK-
47. Anyway, it seems Iziz knows about the star map, and won't say anything
until you recover his lost buddies. I'm sure at one point in everyone's life
they wanted to strangle a Jawa. Talk to the guard to enter Dune Sea.

2. The Desert

Marlena automatically talks to you when you enter the Dune Sea. See the side
quest on Tanis for more information. Anyway, walk directly southeast to the
Sandcrawler and talk to the mining captain. After some chat, Sand People arrive
by the dozen. Don't be frightened, they are extremely easy to defeat. One or
two flurries and they are down for the count. Try to use a crowd control
ability (like force whirlwind) to thin their numbers.

After killing three waves of Sand People, talk to the captain again. He will
tell you that the Sand People use turrets and kill anyone that isn't wearing
Sand People Robes on sight. All of the alien's predictions have been true thus
far. Anyway, pillage the refuge pile near the miners and we will be on our
merry way. Walk around the Sandcrawler and head directly southeast again.

Yes, that is a lot of Sand People. Yes, we can kill them. I started off with my
crowd control (force whirlwind) and started hacking with flurry on each one.
Reuse force whirlwind as necessary. Bastila can heal you up just fine with her
cure spell and HK-47 will give you some good ranged firepower. Once all the
Sand People here are dead, loot all their corpses to find a substantial amount
of robes and sticks. Additionally, loot the two corpses (dead non-sand people)
to get other items.

Equip the Sand People Clothing on all your characters besides the droids - they
don't need the clothing. You should get way more than two robes from
slaughtering those ten Sand People. Anyway, now that you are a Sand Person,
enter the area through the entrance southeast.

Stay clear of the mines and run south to the actual village. Stay clear of the
Sand People as you make your way to the wooden structure. This is actually the
Sand People Enclave. After entering it, this is where the light side and dark
side paths fly apart.

3. Sand People

To get dark side points, tell the cheiftain and guards to screw themselves. You
will have to fight your way through the enclave, which is not a simple task.
Destroy every last Sand Person to not only get massive experience, but also a
lot of money from selling all the gaffi sticks. Oh, and be sure to kill the
cheiftain and get his stick, too.

Now we have to get the Jawas. First, get to the periphery of the enclave.
Second, walk east to the other side of the Enclave. Open the door that faces
outward and you will find the Jawas. Tell them that they are free to leave. Now
it's be time to blow this popsicle stand. Head forth to the door on the western
side of the Enclave and leave to the Dune Sea.

Fresh air! Nice clean, crisp, desert air! Use the map function to teleport back
to the Ebon Hawk. Go inside the Ebon Hawk and quickly leave. Change your party
so Juhani replaces HK-47. After that, go into Anchorhead and over Czerka
Corporation. Talk to the Protocol Officer about Gaffi Sticks and hand over the
Cheiftain's stick. Engage in conversation a second time to get all the Gaffi
Sticks out of your inventory, as well.

Now it's time to meet Iziz. Head to the eastern side of town and talk to the
Iziz near the gate. He will tell you that the Star Map can probably be found in
the Eastern Sand Dunes and gives you a map to the area. Nice guy. Before we
leave to the new Dunes, however, go back to the Docking Bay (where the Ebon
Hawk is at) and buy Bantha Fodder from Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu. He's the Ithorian
located south of the Ebon Hawk. Once done, exit to the Dune Sea.

4. The Krayt Dragon

It's time to kill a Krayt Dragon! Walk southeast to the Sandcrawler. From here,
go around to the northern end of the Sancrawler and walk directly east to the
peaks in the distance. Once there, enter through the peaks to the Eastern Sand

Now that we are in the right area, walk directly south to the cave. Ignore the
Dewbacks along the way; they are friendly creatures. When you reach the cave,
try to walk up to the lone alien and it will show a small cutscene where a man
bites it. Oh well.

Talk to Komad, who should be directly in front of you. Just choose the first
options in the dialogue to receive the most competent answers from Komad. When
the dialogue option is "I don't need you," choose that you have the Bantha
Fodder and Komad will tell you to go find a bantha.

Even though it may seem like you are doing most of the work, all you have to do
is lure the Banthas - which are close to the cave - to the cave. Walk southeast
and south when the opportunity arises. You should see three Banthas off in the
distance. Run up to them and try to converse with them.

They will follow you but a couple Sand People will decide to attack. They are
simple enough to defeat because of their small numbers. After slaughtering
them, converse with the Banthas again and they will walk to Komad. Talk to
Komad and the Krayt will come out. He will be bombarded with mines and die.

Tell Komad the "Die!" option to receive two Krayt Pearls and dark points.
After this, go inside the cave, looting everything along the way. You will
receive a couple crystals and a Jedi Master Robe, which you should equip right
away. When you are done looting, try to use the Star Map. After some dialogue,
leave the cave.

...only to be greeted by Calo Nord and his five friends. Choose the latter two
dialogue options to start up the fighting quicker. Calo is, suprisingly, easy
to defeat. Use your crowd control ability on one of his thugs and hack away at
another. Once all the thugs are gone, slash away at Calo Nord. After
slaughtering, loot Calo Nord's body to find some good loot.

Sadly, you cannot use the "Return to Ebon Hawk" feature right now, so leave to
Dune Sea and use it then. Enter the Ebon Hawk and choose your next destination.

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sharina's Husband

This quest becomes available when you first enter Anchorhead. It starts outside
the Hunter's Lodge, on the western side of Anchorhead. Once you arrive there,
you should see Sharina Nal just outside the door of the lodge. Talk to her and
she'll tell you what happened to her husband. To make things short, her husband
ate it and she now has a Wraid Plate, worth 500 credits, that she cannot sell
because she does not have a hunter's license.

This is where you come in; since you have a license, or will shortly, you can
sell the plate and give her the dough. Dark side points, of course, will be
obtained if you persuade her to give you the plate or if you use Jedi mind
tricks to get the plate. Remember, afterwards, to sell the plate to the
Hunter's Lodge.

2. Swoop Racing

Make your way to the Czerka house in Anchorhead. In here, you'll find Motta the
Hutt, who enjoys hiring new racers and taking most of the money they earn. It
doesn't matter, though, as you'll earn a bundle even with the greedy Hutt.
You'll have to partake in three races where you'll have to beat best times.
It's just like Taris, but the times are more challenging along with the course.

There's no real strategy; keep racing until you know the location of most of
the accelerator pads. They are the key to victory, as you might have already
known. It might take several times before you beat the third race, but it's
completely possible if you hit enough accelerator pads. Motta, being the slime
ball he is, doesn't actually pay you in credits. Instead, he pays you in racing
bonds, which can be sold at any non-respectable Tatooine store.

3. Nico's Agency

Motta the Hutt wants to sign Nico Senvi to a racing contract. After you get the
lowdown from Motta, walk over to Nico, located in the same room. Before you can
negotiate with Nico, you have to beat the three races that Motta the Hutt
offers, to prove to Nico that you know what you're talking about. Once done,
engage in conversation with Nico. He'll tell you, in short, that he doesn't
like the money part of the contract with Motta.

You can't really blame Nico; Swoop racing is a dangerous sport, and it's not
like Motta is doing much besides sitting on his perch. To finish things up
mafia-style, convince Nico to accept the bad contract. If you want to be even
worse, use your mind tricks to really screw Nico over.

4. Iziz the Jawa

Iziz the Jawa is located by the gate to Dune Sea. He'll tell you some of his
fellow Jawaiians (is that the word?) are currently being held in the Sand
People camp. He wants you to get them out of there. To complete this quest,
follow the main walkthrough until you are in the camp. Then, while talking to
the cheiftain, persuade him to let the Jawa's leave.

5. Trapped Tanis

Marlena, Tanis' wife, will automatically talk to you when you try to go to Dune
Sea with your hunter's license. She'll tell you to say "hi" to Tanis when you
see him out in the desert. Journey out into Dune Sea and walk southeast from
the gates. You should see four droids in the air soon enough. Walk up to them
and you'll see Tanis in the middle. Talk to him.

It seems the wife is a little mad at Tanis, so she made the droid's
automatically explode if Tanis moves or if someone hampers with the droid's
incorrectly. Okay, maybe more than a _little_ mad at Tanis, but whatever. Just
let Tanis fry, we're dark, remember?

4.5 - Kashyyyk

Main Quest

1. Wookiee Chief
2. Jolee's Request
3. Star Map
4. Freyyr
5. Chuundar's Gambit

Side Quests

1. Eli and Matton
2. Lost Wookiee
3. Mandalorian Shadows

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Wookiee Chief

After exiting Ebon Hawk, choose Bastila and Zaalbar as your party members,
respectively. Pay the docking fee (or use your force powers) and tell the
Ithorian to be off. Next, walk east and follow the ramp as it turns north.
Zaalbar will stop you; just tell him you'll find out soon if he's still
considered a "Madclaw."

When the road forks, take the north path. At the guards, tell them that you
will pass because you paid the landing fee. After going through the door,
slaughter the four spiders. They are easy enough to defeat - use your crowd
control or area of effect spells to kill them quickly. After the fight, walk
east and the Wookiee will *again* interrupt your walking.

Just tell him we'll get to it. Walk east a little ways and we find three guards
that have killed a wookiee. You can either kill them or persuade them to
abandon their post. Afterwards, follow the path as it curves south. Kill the
spiders when they pop up and continue south.

Soon enough, you will reach an open area. Kill the spiders here while going
east. When you hit the wall, go north and follow this path. Soon enough, you
will meet up with three Jedi. They are of the same brand as the ones you fought
on Tatooine, so they should be extremely easy to defeat now. Be sure to loot
their remains after killing them.

Continue following the path until you reach a wookiee guard. The guard will
talk about a "taint" and you will have to pick a new party member to replace
Zaalbar. Juhani is always an excellent choice. Anyway, you'll have the
conversation with Chuundar; keep it nice or bad, you won't get any light or
dark points for either choices.

Looks like we have to find a madclaw. Damn wookiee. Anyway, go north and enter
the Great Walkway. From here, follow this path west and south. From the center
area with three forks, take the southern path. Follow this path and take the
south path whenever possible. After a minute or two, you will reach some
wookiees fighting spiders. Kill the spiders and be rude, snide, or nice to the
wookiees - it doesn't matter.

After "helping" them, follow the path and you will finally reach Gorwooken.
He'll lower you down to the Shadowlands, as per your request.

2. Jolee's Request

It's time to meet Jolee, the last playable character. Walk north of the
elevator and fight the creatures which should go down fast. After that, walk
north and you will have a small cutscene where Jolee kills four creatures in
succession by himself. Go him!

Follow him to his hole and talk to him. He'll tell you where the star map is
located (and join your group) if you wrangle up some Czerka guards for him.
Fair enough. Walk north of Jolee's hut and go east at the fork. Follow this
path until you reach the poachers.

Since we're dark, just talk to a guard and say that you will slaughter them
all. They are all fairly easy to defeat. Once you have done your dirty work, go
back to Jolee and tell him the good news. After some chat, Jolee joins your
party. Go back to where the Czerka was (northeast) and follow the path. It will
reach the the forcefield, which Jolee will disable.

3. Star Map

At the southwest corner of Lower Shadowlands you will find a holocron computer.
The walk is long, but you shouldn't have much trouble killing the creatures. At
the first junction you'll find a wookiee trying to kill some Mandalorians,
which is a side quest all in its own.

Anyway, continuing to go to the southwest corner, just try to stay on the
western wall while going south. When you reach the holocron, start conversing
with it. The answers to all his questions are below:

I'm unsure what Zaalbar would say. I would accuse him to be safe.
I prepare my forces to attack in ten days. I do nothing in the city.
That's right. The death of those people would spur my forces on.
I let the attack happen.

You want to answer all his questions correctly to get the dark side points.
After that, access the star map and he'll open it for you. Get the map and it
will close. Almost done here.

4. Freyyr

To find Freyyr, go north back to the lift. After that, go back south and go
east at the fork. Follow this path, hugging the eastern side, and you'll swing
around to Freyyr. He'll incite a small attack. After knocking off one-third of
his health, he will surrender. But we want blood, so finish him off and strike
down the little honor he had left. Finally, walk back to the Chieftain.

5. Chuundar's Gambit

When you get back to the Chieftain he'll be happy you killed his Dad. That
didn't sound right, I know. Anyway, all you can get out of Chuundar is the
sword, so say screw it, and leave. It's time to go somewhere else.

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Eli and Matton

In the center of the landing port you'll find Starsky and Hu- err... Eli and
Matton. Matton's ship left one day and now he has to pay off Eli for his lack
of services. Matton works for Eli as an engineer to pay off his debt, so you
have plenty of time to get to the bottom of this.

This quest is fairly straightforward; you have to find the evidence that backs
up Eli or Matton. And you'll find that evidence, too, by looking south of
Jolee's house. A malfunctioning droid, in fact, is the key to this little
conflict. See, the droid will replay its memories to you, showing you that Eli
took Matton's ship and sold it. What a greedy little bugger, that Eli! Take the
droid's head and go back to Eli.

For dark side points, tell Matton to annihilate Eli. Y'know, destroy, kill,
slice up into a million pieces? Have him take over Eli's merchant duties, too.

2. Lost Wookiee

Inside Woorwill's home, you'll find Woorwill and Jaarak. Speak with both of
them about Rorworr and they will say Rorworr disapeared in the Shadowlands, and
that they are too young to enter the Shadowlands themselves, so they don't know
what happened to him. Enter upper Shadowlands and walk over to Jolee's house.
In between his hut and the Czerka camp you'll find Rowrorr's corpse. Take the
datapad and bowcaster bolt and go back to Jaarak.

After questioning him, he'll demand you go to the Holder's house and speak with
Worrozner. Show the wookiee the evidence and he'll decide to let the courts
decide this matter. The fate of the trial rests in your hands. To get dark side
points, state that Jaarak is a killer. You'll also get Jaarak's wealth, as

3. Mandalorian Shadows

When you first enter Lower Shadowlands you find a wookiee named Grrrwahr (I
think the name's trying to tell you something) that is fighting a group of
Mandalorians. After defeating the Mandalorians, heal the wookiee with your cure
spell or a medpac. Once he's all better, he'll give you the quest. It's time to
hunt us some Mandalorians. Disarm everyone in your party and walk around Lower
Shadowlands. Soon enough, Mandalorians will engage you in battle.

After defeating them, get the datapad off one of their corpses and repeat the
process again. Once you have two datapads, go to the swoop bikes located in the
southwest corner of the map and replace the missing signal device. This will
call up more Mandalorians, which you'll cut through easily. Afterwards, go back
to that Grrrwahrr guy and tell him the good news.

4.6 - Manaan

Main Quest

1. Republic Base
2. Sith Base
3. Hrakert Station
4. In The Water

Side Quests

1. Sunry Murder Trial
2. Selkath Mystery
3. Swoop Races
4. Mercenaries

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Republic Base

Yeah, yeah, yeah, another dream. Leave the Ebon Hawk and choose Bastila and
Juhani as your party members. Open the two doors that lead out of this Docking
Bay. Walk a little ways inside the hallway and a Sith and Republic soldier will
be fighting. It seems things are very equal here because of the Selkath.

Quiz the Republic soldier to find out more about Manaan, if you like. After
that, go to your map and look for "Manaan - West Central." This is where we
need to go. Walk west through the hall until you come to the door labelled
"West Central Courtyard." Open it and enter.

This city is very weird, considering it is entirely buildings. Walk south down
the hall and open the door. Walk around the pool of water and open the door on
the other end. After peeking through another door, talk to the Selkath at the
counter. Pay the 100 credits and go through *another* door. In this area, go
south until you hit the bottom of the area. Next, head west, open the door, and
head down the hall to Ahto West.

Head down this hall until you reach a center area. In here, opt to take the
northeast hall. Follow it until you reach a bar. Try to walk around the bar and
Shaelas, a Selkath, will automatically talk to you. Keep the conversation nice
and he'll pay 500 credits if you find young Selkath that have disappeared.

Now that we have that quest, talk to Nilko in this room to get an additional
quest. With these two quests, backtrack to Ahto Central. From there, walk east
around the pool of water and open the door to East Central. Next, run east a
little ways and you'll see more arguments between the Sith and Republic.

Ignore this stupid argument and walk north through a doorway. Choose the right
door (which is labelled "Republic Embassy") and go over to Roland, the person
behind the desk. Engage in conversation and he'll tell you where the star map
is located only if you recover a droid in the Sith Base. The second way,
decrypting the passcard, is the easiest, so I'll list that here.

Open the door to the left of Roland to reach what looks to be a torture room.
Take the door on the eastern side of this room to the computer room. After
talking to the Republic Soldier, use one of the computers in this room. Choose
to decrypt a passcard. The answers to these questions are simple, but I'll give
them to you anyway.

1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 - "22"
21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16 - "18"
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 - "64"
128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 - "2"
1, 32, 81, 64, 25 - "6"
1 0 . 8 3 . 32 5 . 128 - "7"

Once you have the encrypted passcard, leave the Republic Base the same way you
entered and go to the southern part of this area. Next, go east and open the
door. After entering Ahto East, walk down the hall and open the door. Dodge the
"fee" by saying that it is a public street, then walk east until you hit a
wall. Finally, go north through doors and you will reach the door to the Sith
Base. Just enter through the door, ignoring the Sith.

2. Sith Base

It doesn't matter what option you choose, the Sith guard *will* call for some
security. They are simple if you like to hack and slash through, however.
Remember to use your crowd control abilities (Stun, Force Whirlwind) to make
their numbers even smaller. After the fight, take the northern door and follow
the hallway until there is a door to your left.

Once you have opened that door, follow the new hallway until you arrive at
three doors. Take the door to the "Disassembly Room" and open the adjacent
door. The enemies in this room are, again, pretty easy to defeat. Loot the
footlocker to receive some items, and then the Broken Droid for a Data Module.
This is what we came here for.

Go back outside to the hallway and backtrack to the other hallway. Follow this
hall as it goes north and east. After opening the door, destroy the three Jedi
in the room. Don't even think about using your force powers on them; it doesn't
work on them. Once they are toast, loot their corpses for some good Jedi

After that, open the "Flow Control" door and follow the hallway to a big room.
Kill all the guards in this room, making sure to use your crowd control as much
as possible. Once the room is clear, it is time to open the water doors in the
correct order. Here is the order:

Left Room 1 - flow
Left Room 2
Right Room 1 - Flow
Right Room 2 - Flow
Left Room 1
Left Room 2 - Flow
Left Room 3
Left Room 4
Door out

Now that we are out of that mess, head north through the door and kill all the
Sith troopers in this room. After, head through the opposite door and follow
the hallway to the training room. A Selkath Apprentice will open the door for
you - and then it's time to kill him. Open the footlocker in this room, also.

Next, head out into the center room where you'll see four rooms. Take the
northwestern room and do the Mysterious Selkath side quest, located below. Once
you are done with the side quest, take the northeastern room and clear all the
easy droids. Open the opposite doors and kill the Dark Jedi.

He's actually a pretty tough fight. Heal as necessary and watch every party
members health. Kill the Selkath first and then work on the Dark Jedi. He will
dodge a lot of your attacks, so it's better for you kill the Selkath first,
that you can two-hit. After the fight, loot the Dark Jedi's remains along with
the two footlockers. Open the door in the western room and take the Datapad.
Finally, leave the Sith Base the same way you entered.

Nice greet squad, the Selkath have. Now we have to play the courts. Be nice to
the Arbiter, even though he won't do anything during the trial. Speaking of the
trial, start it as soon as the dialogue option appears. Anyway, the first
chance you get, interrupt the Arbiter and say that you want to defend yourself.
Here is the way the conversation should go after that:

Not guilty.
The sith lured me inside.
I was there for diplomatic negotiations.

The Selkath don't have enough to charge you, so you are set free. From here,
head west to Ahto West Central. In here, head east to East Central and finally
to the Republic Enclave. Talk to Roland about the Data Module and he'll spill
about the kolto. After the conversation, go north into the torture room and
west through the now unlocked doors. Save the game and take the submersible
down under.

3. Hrakert Station

From the start, walk through the door and you will find a mercenary. He is in
shock from all the insane Selkath. Just listen to what he has to say. The
directions I will give you about the station are fairly straightforward, and
don't include the tons of battles you'll have to fight. I'm going to say
"door" ten thousands times so get ready. Move east, passed the door, and over
to another door. Open this door and the door adjacent in this room. Go south
down the hall until you see a door to your right.

Open this door and the adjacent door in this new room. In here, go through the
door on the opposite side. Take the south door in this room and get the sonic
emitter from the footlocker. Backtrack to the last room and follow the rooms
east until you have to go south. In this room, take the envirosuit from one of
the lockers.

Now that you have both items, take the western door in this room. Next, take
the south door in this room and do the same for the next room. This is the room
that leads to the water. In this room, use the pressure door to go outside.

4. In The Water

Too bad we can't swim. You go really slow in the envirosuit and your only form
of attack is the sonic emitter. Anyway, go south until you hit a wall and then
go east. Soon, you will meet up with someone else in a envirosuit. After some
conversation, follow the mercenary out to the ocean floor. He will quickly eat
it, leaving you to do part of his plan.

Walk east the first chance you get. Use the sonic emitter of the Firaxa's when
they get close. It's an insta-kill so don't worry about the time it takes to
use it. Keep killing Firaxa's with the sonic emitter until you reach a fork in
the road. One Firaxa will be on each path; kill them both. Afterwards, take the
northern path to the pressure door and open it.

Inside here, kill the four Selkath. Next, go to the door to the east and, after
opening it, take the southern door. Kill the three Selkath in this room and
loot all the chests. Go back to the center room and SAVE THE GAME. Afterwards,
talk to the people on the other side of the forcefield. They will lock you in
the center room and put on pressure. You will be dead in one minute.

To get through this small obstacle, I merely bashed through the forcefield.
Once done, you will have a little chat with the scientists. Quiz them on
everything to find out more. It seems you can give the shark a poison (dark
side) or reprogram the harvestor (light side).

Take the pressure door on the other side of the two scientists to the water. In
the water, walk east, killing Firaxa along the way, until you reach the control
panel. This is where things become really light or really dark. We're dark
mafo's, so choose to poison the guardian for a quick win.

The Kolto Guardian will "calm down" after he takes a smell of the great fra-
grance and let you pass. Walk east over to the end of this area and get
the star map. After that, backtrack to the Republic Base, where you will be
captured by Selkath again. Tell them what you did and they will be in an out-
rage. From this point further, you are expelled from Manaan. They will auto-
matically bring you back to your ship.

S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sunry Murder Trial

2. Selkath Mystery

Save yourself a lot of hassle and pick up this quest BEFORE you enter the sith
base. I don't like the idea of going back into that base, either. Anyway, you
can pick up this quest in the northern part of Ahto West. Take the northeastern
hallway in the center room and follow it as it loops around into a room. Find a
Selkath named Shaelas in a corner.

He'll tell you about the "mystery" with young Selkath disappearing. After he's
done ranting, it's time to take action. Continue in the main walkthrough until
you are deep into the base. In the most northern part of the base, you will
find the training room. After entering, you'll be in a room with a lot of angry
Selkath. Since we bad people, slaughter all the Selkath in the room.

3. Swoop Races

Same ol', same ol'. This one is interesting because a green guy threatens you.
Anyway, you can find the swoop races in Ahto East - the swoop registration
building, to be exact. Inside, you'll find the usual swoop setup. Talk to the
Selkath behind the counter to get the ball rolling. It costs twenty credits to
practice so I'll suggest you do that until you feel confident enough to race.

When you win a race you'll get 300, 600, and 800 credits, in that order. For
the last race, Qweedle wants a word with you. Remember to keep things evil in
the conversation to gain dark side points; we wouldn't want anything good to
pop up on our permanent record.

4. Mercenaries

This is a very simple quest; just remember to pick it up before you go
underwater. Anyway, it's located in the same place as the mystery quest
(northern Ahto West), take away looping around the corner. The Selkath, Nilko,
wants to find out why the Republic is on a shopping spree for mercenaries. To
find out, continue in the game until you get off the submarine. The Twi'lek
will specifically say that the insane Selkath have been eating mercenaries for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks. Go back to Nilko with this
newfound information to complete the quest.

4.7 - Leviathan

Main Quest

1. Getting Freed
2. To The Bridge
3. Darth Malak

1. Getting Freed

Nice, long cutscene and some good dialogue to start us off. Anyway, it's time
to choose someone to rescue you. I'm picking Jolee, because he has the power of
the force and can downright destroy even without a lightsaber. This guide will
focus on Jolee, too, but I'm sure all the others are very similar to Jolee's

After choosing Jolee, the bad guys will drag you into the docking bridge. It is
time to play a small game of question and answer. Answer as per your alignment,
please, we wouldn't want unnecessary light or dark side points ending up on
your permanent record. Once done, Jolee will do a switcheroo on the guard to
get out of his cell.

Get ready to rumble. Open all the cells and get an unlocking device from one of
them. Next, go west and get the items in the footlocker at the end of the hall.
After, go back east and north up the hall. Kill the guard and continue north.
At the fork, opt to go west. Follow the hall until you meet up with three
guards. Show them the power of force lightning and loot their corpses

If you don't have a key by now go back to the footlocker by the cells. To the
south of it will be a door that has five sith in it. Force Lightning will own
their souls. They key should be in one of those chests. After getting it, go
out of the door, east down the hall, north up the hall, and west until you
reach a door. Open it and use the terminal to unlock the cell door.

2. To The Bridge

I, for one, think that this is a bad idea. However, it seems to be the only
feasible option, so we have to stick with it. In the storage room, get all your
stuff back from the lockers and them some with all the other storage containers
in this room. Reequip and we will be ready to rock.

Get out of the storage room and start backtracking to Jolee's cell. However,
instead of going south to the cells, continue east to reach an elevator. Choose
"Bridge" and you will be transported to the level with the bridge on it. In
this area, wipe out ALL the Dark Jedi and Battle Droids - they are tough but
the rooms hold useful items.

When you are done ransacking the place, exit to the bridge in the northeastern
corner of this area, tucked in a room. In this room, get all the stuff in the
storage containers, then proceed to the following room. In here, go through the
adjacent door and you'll be outside in your spacesuits. Go east until you reach
a door. Open it to get back inside.

Reequip your weapons and go through the door to the south. Use Force Wave as
crowd control in this room to thin it to a one-on-one battle. After the fight,
open the eastern door and follow the hallway. Peek through the door at the end
of the hall and we will be with Saul, my homie! Good dialogue!

The fight against Saul and all his friends isn't as suicidal as you might
think. Everyone in the room is vulnerable to Force Wave, so spam it every 8
seconds or so for some great crowd control. They will all be incapitated and
won't be able to attack! After killing Saul, he will tell Carth something that
makes him very mad.

3. Darth Malak

...but what is it? No time to explain, Malak is arriving! Open the docking bay
doors with the computer. Leave the Bridge the way you entered and tear through
the "backup." Go down the hall and west through the doors until you reach the
Command Deck. From here, go back to the elevator you arrived at earlier. It's
on the western side of the Command Deck.

At the elevator, select to go to the Hangar. After popping out of the elevator,
Canderous will say that everything is ready to go - we just need to arrive. Go
east down the hallway and open the door to the north the first chance you get.
Dispose of the Sith in this small barrack and loot the cylinders to get some
decent healing items. Backtrack to the hall and head east.

Through the blast doors you will find a small group of troopers and Dark Jedi.
Spamming Force Wave every 6 seconds is key to victory. Once they are gone, loot
everything in this room. If you look out the window, you will see the Ebon Hawk
waiting. So close. Take the opposite blast door (eastern one) and run down the
hall. Then we meet Dark Malak.

Oh. My. Gosh. OMG!!1! What a titantic revelation that was! It's now time to
fight Darth Malak, Lord of the Sith. Surprisingly, Darth Malak is somewhat a
pushover. Just slap him with Flurry and try to use your best stuns on him. When
he gets to half health, the loser will use Force Whirlwind and run away!

It's not over yet, however. Take the north or south doors around to the
opposite side of where Malak locked himself in. On the other side, open the
door and you'll have another "go" at Malak. Same swing, same thing. Again, he
goes down pretty easily. Stun him and Flurry away. Another cutscene and it's
time to roll. Head east through the doors and you will reach the Hangar.

As the ship leaves we have a classic dogfight with the guns. After that, it's
time to roll out of here. In the ship, Carth is on your back like a sea monkey
because you were the one that destroyed his planet. In the end, though,
everyone sides with you to kill Malak! Group hug!

4.8 - Korriban

Why did I choose Korriban last? Well, that's easy. This place has big,
ferocious animals that will make you soil your pants. Seriously, this place is
pretty tough. But, most importantly, I think, is that you cannot use Bastila
anyway for this planet, so you might as well kill two birds with one stone and
have no Bastila on one planet instead of two. Yes, I love Bastila that much.

Main Quest

1. Sith At Last!
2. The Academy
3. Prestige
4. Lightsa-STAR MAP!
5. Uthar y Yuthura

Side Quests

1. Sith Code
2. Lashowe
3. Revolting Sith
4. Double-Double-Cross
5. Kel's Doubts
6. Hermit Jorak
7. Mandolarian Weapons
8. Lost Droids
9. Ajunta Pall

M a i n Q u e s t

1. Sith At Last!

Yes, we finally get to become Sith! Hooray! Anyway, choose your best party
members and we are off. After the landing cra-- err... stuff, go down the hall
and you'll see some Sith torturing recruits. Boohoo. Go down farther and you'll
have another talk with Sith that want to hurt you. Great.

Follow the hallways to the doors that leads to the outside. It is at the end of
all the halls, near the Cantina. Outside, go down the ramp, across the bridge,
and talk to the Sith guard. He'll say you don't have a medallion so you can't
enter. Time to get one.

Go back to the Cantina and talk to Yuthura. Specifically, talk to her about
joining the Sith. Lie, and you're in. Once that is done, choose to go to the
Academy now.

2. The Academy

Talk and concur with Master Uthar about everything; in turn, you will learn
about most things. It seems you need prestige to continue on your path to
becoming a true Sith. Leave your room and try to go south; Yuthura will talk to
you about some business. Agree if you want to make things a little easier.
Besides that, learn the code and be off.

3. Prestige

Here is where getting prestige breaks off into a lot of side quests. See all
the ways to get prestige in the side quest section (below). It's a lot easier
to do quests and get dark side points than it is to get light side points, but
I guess that's the way it is in Korriban. Whenever you finish something
prestigious, go back to Master Uthar and tell him the good news. Soon, you will
have enough prestige. Go back to Uthar and everyone will sleep.

Make sure your main character has the best equipment possible. If you gave a
better lightsaber to Juhani, make sure to equip it on yourself. If you equipped
Jolee with a better robe because you felt sorry for him, pilfer that and equip
it on yourself. When you are ready, talk to the Master Uthar again. After
quizzing him, decide to go.

4. Lightsa-STAR MAP!

A couple more explanations and we're off to find the Star Map, the wonderful
Star Map of Revan! This place might be tough because it's just you, but if you
have embraced the right spells it will be a piece of cake. Walk south down the
hall and open the door. Engage the three creatures; try to use Force Wave to
get them off you. Now you have three path choices.

Choose the west path first, as it requires the least intelligence (and I'm
tired right now). Pilfer the items from the corpse and open the door. Inside,
you'll find two tarentaks that pose quite a fight. If you are on your toes, and
use crowd control abilities, they should be a lot easier. The absolute worst
thing you can do is let both of them beat up on you at the same time. Use Stun
or Kill to fight one.

Once they are in the history books, walk over to the southwestern corner of the
room and pull the lever. Open the door next to the lever and take both grenades
from the two pillars. Afterwards, return to the center path with three choices.
This time choose the eastern path. Open the door at the end and go inside. It
will automatically lock you in. Loot the corpse in this room.

Now it's time for a "fun" minigame. Use the computer terminal and it will tell
you the specifics. You have to get all the systems over to the right side. =(
Here are the directions for doing this:

Top system from left to middle.
Mid-upper system from left to right.
Top system from middle to right.
Mid-lower system from left to middle.
Top system from right to left.
Mid-upper system from right to middle.
Top system from left to middle.
Base system from left to right.
Top system from middle to right.
Mid-upper system from middle to left.
Top system from right to left.
Mid-lower system from middle to right.
Top system from left to middle.
Mid-upper system from left to right.
Top system from middle to right.

And we're done. Go through the door and pick up the sword. Now go back to the
center chamber and take the south path this time around. You are stopped by an
acid pool. Choose to throw the special cold grenade at it to freeze the pool.
Go down the newly formed path and through the door. Yay, another star map! Get
the Sith Lightsaber from the Sith Statue and try to exit.

5. Uthar y Yuthura

You'll be greeted at the pool by Uthar and Yuthura. They will have a small
conversation and it's time to show them your plan, if you have one. You can
kill both of them or just one of them, but both yields more dark side points.
They are really easy to defeat - even if you fight both of them. Just use your
crowd control and they are toast.

Once you are done with them, exit to the valley. If you killed both people,
it's time to fight your way back to the Ebon Hawk. Even in the Academy, it's
really easy with Force Wave. Once you are back to the Ebon Hawk, it's finally

1. Sith Code

Yuthura, located on the western side of the academy, will tell you the Sith
code. It's all about slicing up people and feeding your grandma the leftover
organs. Yikes. Anyway, this is one of the quests that rewards a prestige point,
if you choose to recite the code to Master Uthar afterwards. The code is
located here, for your convenience.

Peace is a lie. There is only... passion.
Through passion, I gain... strength.
Through strength, I gain... power.
Through power, I gain... victory.
Through victory... my chains are broken.

I don't know what type of chains he's talking about. Like, the ganster chains,
or the chain to my watch? Anyway, Uthar will throw you a curveball after you
recite the code, asking one more question. Here are the questions and answers:

Nothing worse than love (False)
Victory is always desirable (False)
Passion fuels the force (True)

You get a DARK SIDE POINT for reciting the code, but it's not like you also
gain a disease that will eat at your brain until one day you fall over and die.
This is a easy prestige point here, people!

2. Lashowe

Yuthura will hint this sidequest in one of your later conversations. It seems
Lashowe has found a Jedi Holocron that, thankfully, is guarded by a beast. Of
course, giving Uthar a holocron will surely boost up your prestige points by
one. Anyway, Lashowe is located on the northwestern part of the academy. Once
you find her, use your persuasion skills to allow yourself in on this once in a
lifetime opportunity. Then kiss butt and she will go ofir.

Go to the northern side of the valley to find Lashowe again. Talk to her and
fight the beast that will come thereafter. Afterwards, she'll take the holocron
and say she'll give you credit. Tell her that you want the artifact and proceed
to slice her down. We love dark side points. Bring the artifact back to Uthar.

3. Revolting Sith

To start up this quest, talk to Yuthura about the renegade sith that fled to
Shyrack Caves. They will fill you in on all the details, but it seems that
pretty much covers it; some people opposing the sith are in Shyrack Caves. You
can enter the cave in the southern part of the valley. Once inside, hit the
south wall and then follow the wall east.

Soon, you'll meet up with the renegade sith. Currently, you can only talk to
one of the three of them. Tell'em that you want to slaughter them for some
extra dark side points and do it. After they are corpses, run back to Master
Uthar and tell him the good news.

4. Double-Double-Cross

If you want to continue the path of the dark and go to the dark side, this is
your chance. Basically, you double-cross people all the way around. First of
all, double-cross Yuthura by telling Uthar about her plans. After that, Uthar
will give you a datapad and tell you to give it to Adrenas, who is located in
the northern fighting room.

After you hand off the datapad, Yuthura will be poisoned. Now it's time to get
even darker. Go back to Yuthura and tell her that Uthar knows about her plan.
Do not tell her about the poison or your snitching, please. She will give you a
poisoning device and tell you to plant it in Uthar's bed. Do just that, it's
located on the southwestern side of the academy. Now you have massive dark side
points and a couple hard-fights-turned-easy.

5. Kel's Doubts

Located on the southwestern wing of the academy you will find Kel Algwin, a
doubting sith. First of all, tell Kel that Sith is the right thing. After that,
run back to Uthar and tell him the bad news about Kel. He'll award you a
prestige point and dark side points along with it.

6. Hermit Jorak

Engage in conversation with one of the trainers near the entrance of the
valley. Talk to him/her about Jorak. They will give you the lowdown; he was a
sith master and vanished from the academy. Not much else geography on this
planet besides the caves in the valley, so he must be in one of those. He's in
the tomb of Tulak Hord, to be precise.

Make your way to the tomb, which is located in the valley of death, and get
ready for some weird stuff. Once inside, use the ancient console on the eastern
side of the cave to *gasps* open a door. Go through this door and it will time
be time to say goodnight. When you wake up, Jorak will give you the whole deal;
if you answer a question correctly (evily), he will torture Mekel. If you
answer a question incorrectly (light-like), Jorak will torture you. Great.

We're bad boys, so answer all these questions correctly. Just sing to him
everything below.

1. I use the opportunity to kill him.
2. I take the reward and leave the weak fools to their fate.
3. I keep it to myself.
4. Kill him.
5. A true Sith never dies.

He will be happy to give you the tablet for "killing" Mekel. Show Uthar the
tablet and you will receive a prestige point.

7. Mandolarian Weapons

In the academy, you should stumble upon a torture chamber on the southeastern
side. When you find it, speak with the Sith torturer and agree to take over on
the torturing. Inject a high dose of truth, small dose of anti-serum, and
another high dose of truth. Then just kill everything.

8. Lost Droids

A sith student, near the entrance to the Marko Ragnos tomb, will fill you in on
the details of the droid. Enter the cave and get the data recorder and sound
dampening stealth unit from the corpse on the ground near the entrance. After
that, use the sound dampening stealth unit and head down the cave. Soon enough,
you will meet the Rogue Droid, who will tell you what happened. Agree to switch
the power button on his killer instincts to get light side points. Yes, we're
dark, but I don't want you fighting the droid. Disable the system in this

Combat matrix
Motor function matrix
Memory matrix
Cognitive matrix
Emotional construct matrix
Creative simulation matrix

If you do this out of order, you'll lose "chances" to do it. If all chances are
depleted, the droid will attack you. After you do everything in the correct
order, activate the droid's self-destruct mechanism to get the dark side

9. Ajunta Pall

Talk to students in the academy to learn about Ajunta Pall. Afterwards, enter
the tomb, appropiately named "Tomb of Ajunta Pall." Once inside, follow the
path until you find yourself at a fork. Bash the door and kill the creatures.
Afterwards, take the item off of the severed arm on the right side of the
bridge. Go on the bridge and put a plasma grenade in it. Walk into the newly
found area.

This will lead to the last area. Take the three swords inside the sarcophagus
and try to leave. Ajunta Pall will confront you and give you a clue as to
"which sword is which." After going to the rear of the tomb, put the notched
steel sword into the sith statue. Converse which Ajunta and the spirit will
tell you to take all the swords. Don't get Ajunta mad, or you'll have to fight
a battle. Since we are light side, try to get Ajunta to return to the "high

After this, opt to leave the tomb. Shaardan, one of the sith students, will be
awaiting you outside. Just kill him.

4.9 - Unknown Worlds

w00t! We finally get to plot a course for the Star Forge system! It seems
Bastila is going to love Force Storm when she is done being tortured. Anyway,
the Ebon Hawk goes down hard and we have to find the source of the disruptor.

Main Quest
1. After The Fall
2. The Elders
3. The Temple
4. The Catacombs
5. Temple Summit

M a i n Q u e s t

1. After The Fall

Well, it's time to get rolling. Choose the party that bests suits you up to
this point - I chose Juhani and Jolee because they are both good fighters. You
might, however, want to make a blaster party. Anyway, once off the 'Hawk, head
east and some Ratakans will engage in a fight with you. They are easy to

Some aliens will come out of hiding and thank you. Afterwards, go east and then
follow the path north. Take out the ten Ratakans here (just use Force Wave a
couple times) and take the north path to North Beach. In North Beach, walk
north up the path and you'll be greeted by Ratakans and Rancors. Agree to see
"the One."

It seems the One knew you in your previous life. Quiz him about EVERYTHING to
learn that you have to kill some Elders. Leave the settlement via the southeast
path. It will lead to the beach.

2. The Elders

From North Beach, head south to Central Beach. In here, go down the small path
until you come a fork. You can either go back to the Ebon Hawk OR chart
unknown territory. Choose to southeast and follow this path to the Temple
Exterior. Exterminate the Rancors while heading south, hugging the wall as you
go along. Soon, you should reach a small path. It will lead to South Beach.

Walk west a little and a Gizka will eat it (blasted mine). Great. Walk west and
stay on the wall to avoid the mines. Passed that, kill the Rancors and go to
the settlement. In the middle you'll see four pillars. Go over to them and a
holocron will start conversing with you. Tell him that you are Revan and he
will let you enter.

Bejesus, these settlements look the same! Tell the Elders that you want to kill
them and do just that. They are pretty easy to dispose of. Anyway, it's time to
clear out this stupid settlement. These Ratakans are pathetically easy to
defeat. Make your way to the south side of the settlement (you are in the north
side) and go down the south path. Kill the Keeper and take the Ancient Tome. Go

Leave the settlement and head back to the other Ratakan Settlement. Talk to The
One and he'll snatch the Ancient Tome from you. It seems that his people can
open the barrier to get inside the temple, but you have to go inside by
yourself. Well that sucks. Run back to the Ebon Hawk and choose to fly solo.
Afterwards, go back to the Temple Exterior.

3. The Temple

The Priests will start the ritual when suddenly Jolee and Juhani will return.
Persuade or threaten to get Jolee and Juhani in your party. We will go back to
a chinless Malak, then back to the party. First, go north and follow the hall
until you have defeated the two droids on the corridors. You should now be at
the northern part of this place.

Open all the rooms up here, killing Sith along the way. In one of the rooms you
will find a Sith Master who goes down easily. In the adjacent room is an
armory, which has a bundle of good weapons in it. Once you have raided that
room, follow the halls to the south rooms and do the same for them. In one of
the south rooms you will find a computer.

Use the computer to turn off the turrets in the Obelisk room. Now that you have
that taken care of, go to the eastern side of the temple and open the door.
After killing the droids with shields (use force powers) open the adjacent door
and walk down to the Catacombs.

4. The Catacombs

Kill the droids just ahead of you. They should be pretty easy to defeat. To the
left of these droids you will find a couple footlockers and a Sapith Crystal in
a pillar. After getting these items, follow the doors until you reach the 3x3
grid puzzle. This puzzle is extremely easy.

It's so easy that they give you the solution to it in the datapad you just
picked up. The goal is simple: get all the squares to turn blue. To do this,
walk in an H formation. Walk across one line of the H, the other, and finally
go through the middle. All the squares should turn blue.

In the new room you will find the bestest computer ever. It will tell you
clearly about the Star Forge, Star Maps, and the Ratakans. It basically
explains all the puzzling stuff we've come to love. Anyway, talk to him about
everything - in one of your conversations he will open the temple door for you.
I love this guy.

Go back to the entrance of the temple. Y'know, the place that you entered to
get in. To be specific, it is in the Temple on the western side. The door that
was locked is now open. Run through it, and a couple adjacent doors, to reach
the Temple Summit.

5. Temple Summit

Pilfer all the items in this room and walk outside. Finally, you meet up with
Bastila again! She will attack you, but she is but a mere weakling. After
fighting her, join her or side with the light - you decide. This is really the
only decision in the game that changes the ending entirely! Afterwards, disable
the energy shield and disruptor in the adjacent room's computer. Once that is
complete, return to the Ebon Hawk.

If you went the dark path, you'll have a huge conversation with everyone, where
they all will join you, besides Carth and Mission. Carth will run away, and
Mission can be disposed of in the most atrocious way possible; force persuade
Zaalbar to kill Mission!

If you went the path of light, just skip the above.

In both cases, you need to slap some stabilizers on the Ebon Hawk. To get the
parts, go back to the settlement and talk to The One. Tell him that you
couldn't find more than he knew and he will, obviously, be in an outrage. Time
to kill the last of the Ratakans. In this room, he'll summon four rancors to
help, all of which are really easy. Yes, they are "easy."

Check the cages for "Ship Parts," which are the stabilizers, and jet out of
here. Kill all the Ratakans along the way - they are all easy to defeat. Back
at the ship, use the parts on the hyperdrive in the southern part of the ship
to get everything working again. Choose to go to the Star Forge (finally) on
the Galaxy Map.

4.10 - Star Forge

The long cutscene ends in the Star Forge.

Main Quest

1. Deck 1
2. Deck 2
3. Command Center
4. Darth Malak

1. Deck 1

When you enter the Star Forge an army of Dark Jedi will come out of an
elevator. Choose to fight them - they are a good warmup for what is to come and
you have other Jedi to help. Once they are dead, go south down the path, passed
a few doors, until you reach a junction. From here, you'll have another
cutscene, where Malak will summon droids to attack you.

Droid come from all sides - but they are still more than beatable. Make sure to
loot their remains for valuable items. After that, take the west path, opening
doors as you kill the droids. Turn south with the path and go east as the path
turns east. Soon, you will reach Jedi fighting Dark Jedi.

The Jedi will go down easily, and now it's your turn to fight the Dark Jedi.
Sadly, they are extremely easy to defeat. After the battle, go west and follow
this path to more Dark Jedi. Once they are gone, go through the door at the end
of the path. Another Malak cutscene - this time he's sending troops and
apprentices. Joy.

2. Deck 2

Follow the path, killing all the Dark Jedi and Heavy Troopers along the way.
You'll spend an amazing amount of time killing them, and they'll send another
wave before you're free. Run south, through the doors, which will lead to even
more bad guys. Make your way east, stopping and kill the dozens of the Sith
along the way. Don't venture too far east; cowardice Sith will come from behind
and Flank you. Whatever you do, DON'T let your party members try to fight the

Regen lost Force Points here and heal up; you'll have to kill many more Sith.
Walk east until you come to a door to your left. Open it and the adjacent door
to find four apprentices waiting. After killing them, use the computer terminal
to deactivate the turrets and (optionally) get Revan's Robe/Star Forge Robe,
but that costs twenty-five spikes.

Anyway, go back to the turrets (west), fighting all the Dark Jedi and Heavy
Troopers along the way. Use Medpacs as necessary; you will get healing items
from the remains of the Heavy Troopers. Make your way passed the turrets and
over to the door at the west. It is positioned exactly the same as the east
door. From the door, walk into the Command Center.

3. Command Center

After the cutscene, go south, killing all the troopers and Dark Jedi along the
way. Don't go inside just yet, though. Wait for a second, weaker wave to come
along and kill them as well. Afterwards, heal up and regen Force Points, then
go south until you see a doorway to your left. Go into this small hallway and
through the door thereafter.

In here, kill the trooper and Dark Jedi ahead of you, then get ready for the
flank from behind. After dispatching of the flank, continue following the hall,
until four Jedi block your path. These guys are pretty tough, but constant
spamming of spells will kill them somewhat quickly. After the fight, continue
follow the path until you come to the three Dark Jedi (if you chose dark side)
or Bastila (if you chose light side) that Malak was speaking to earlier.

Both are pretty easy to defeat; again, use the proper spells and hack away with
flurry, you'll be fine. If you want to bring Bastila back to the light side,
here is what you have to say:

"I'll never give up on you, Bastila..."
"I'm as strong in the light as I ever was..."
"Malak will never let you..."
"You're dooming yourself to..."
"Then strike me down..."
"You are no evil, Bastila..."
"Now you can see the dark side..."
"There's no need for me to..."
"You can reject the dark side..."
"I was redeemed, Bastila..."
"You did protect me..."
"Help us defeat..."
"I trust you to..."
"You won't, Bastila..."
"You could use your..."

(As taken from Prima's guide.)

Now that you have destroyed Malak's ploy, heal up and open the door south of
the forge. Any characters that were in a party with you will now leave, and
you'll be alone again. Go south until you reach an entrance to *somewhere*. Get
close to the door and Malak will arrive.

This is where the **** hits the fan. Malak will unleash the full power of the
Star Forge upon you. Six droids will attack you - each will respawn if you kill
it. It seems as if you couldn't win, but each droid generator can be shut down
with computer spikes. It takes eight computer spikes per generator, which seems
like something even more hopeless. However, the droids drop computer spikes
into spike bins each time they respawn, so you can attain an infinite amount!

With that in mind, get to killing droids! When you have killed eight, check all
the bins to get computer spikes and shut down one of the six generators. Do
this five more times and we will be finished with Malak's uber "plan." Once the
last one explodes, the door to Malak will open! It is time to finally meet
Malak face-to-face, one-on-one, mano-y-mano, Apprentice versus Master!

4. Darth Malak

Walk through the newly opened door to the Factory. Finally, a battle against
Malak! Sadly, this has to be one of the most pathetic last battles in the
history of gaming. Though it is epic because it seems Malak has twenty lives,
it is not. First of all, the game actual helped you with all that Sith Trooper
fighting - you should have at least ten healing packs by now. Those will be
very useful.

Obviously, the general strategy against Malak is simple; Flurry away at him
with Knight Speed activated. This will double your attacks, effectively
quadrupling your attacks with Flurry. This will make Malak go down FAST. If
that wasn't enough, if you ever get low on health one of those healing packs
will come in very useful. Merely pause the game and use it.

The only way Malak can kill you is if he stuns you and finishes you off. Don't
let that happen - if you ever get below a third health use a healing pack. Once
you have Malak to around a third life, he will suck life from one of the many
Jedi in this room. Now you know Malak's secret! Well, it's time to exploit it!
Use Stasis or Drain Life on each and every Jedi in this room (the ones on this
floor and the above floor) and Malak won't be able to use them!

Once all the Jedi are "dead," hack away at Malak one last time with Flurry and
Knight Speed. After a little more dialogue, Malak will finally fall! Enjoy the
final ending; it differs if you chose to the path of the light or otherwise.


5. Walkthrough Lists

These lists are from the walkthrough. They were put here to make the readers
life easier if they are looking for a certain thing.

5.1 - Quests (Light Side)

T a r i s S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Rapid Transit System
2. The Duel Ring
3. Pazaak Rules
4. Dia's Bounty
5. Largo's Bounty
6. Selven's Bounty
7. Matrik's Bounty
8. Bendak's Bounty
9. Infected Outcasts
10. Rakghoul Serum
11. Rukil's Apprentice
12. The Promise Land

1. Rapid Transit System

Once you are outside you will see three sith soldiers raiding aliens. He kills
one of the men with his blaster, and then realizes that you are behind him. He
then tells his troops to attack. Time to fight. Change who are going to attack
by pressing the right or left triggers. This will lock onto one of the sith
soldiers, instead of the sith leader. This is better, hence the other alien
will beat down the leader while you take care of the other two soldiers.
Dispatch of the two soldiers, using your jump attack to kill them. The alien
will kill the leader. The alien will then speak to you. Tell him you are glad
to help, and he will respond that he will take care of the bodies.

It is now time to level up. In skills, choose putting all your points in treat
injury. This will only be one point. Next, is feats. Choose to the flurry
technique. This is a great special attack, that will soon override your power
attack special. After you choose flurry, accept the changes. Then, loot the
bodies for some blasters. Now it is time to loot every apartment in this area.
Start going down the apartment circle until you see a low security door. Change
to Carth and use his security ability to open the door. You should see a women
inside the room. Her name is Dia. If you wish to do Dia's quest, look in the
sidequest "Dia's Bounty." Anyways, loot her apartment. There should be a bag by
the entrance of her little room. Open it to find 18 credits, a computer spike,
and a medpac. Take the items, then continue down the apartment circle.

You won't go long before a merchant stops you and talks about his shop. Be
polite, and ask everything you can to him. After this, don't buy anything. His
prices are not the best. Continue going down the apartment circle. You will see
another low security door. Change to Carth and have him open it. There will be
a Twi'lek in the room. Just go past her and to a bag on the ground. Take
everything that is inside of it, which should be 16 credits, a part, and a
medpac. From here, go down to the next door. This will be the entrance to the
upper city. Do not go through the door, instead go past it and to the next
security door.

Open this door with Carth's security skill. There will be a Ithorian in this
room. Loot the bag by the door to find some credits and parts. Follow this
apartment circle more to a little droid room. There will be nothing there, so
continue onto the next room. Again, use Carth's security skill. There will not
be anybody in this room but a footlocker at the oppposite end of the door. Open
it, take everything, and continue onto the next room. The next room will be
your apartment. Go inside there to regain all of your health. To the opposite
end will be a footlocker that has some medpacs and computer spikes. Take them,
then leave again with Carth.

From here, go down to the upper city door that is the most southern door in the
circle. Now, go to the menu and use the triggers to find a map. This map will
have "Return to Hideout" on the bottom. You will also see the X button by it.
This means that if you press X now, you will return to the hideout. Do so, and
you will complete the Rapid Transit System Quest.

2. The Duel Ring

Time for some fun! The duel ring is a place where two combatants duel it out.
What would the prize be? Money, of course! Talk to Ajuur in the Upper City
Cantina about dueling. He will hook you up with the first fight. Your name will
be... well, Ajuur thinks of a weird one that you have to choose. Once you are
ready, tell him you want to duel. Ajuur will then place you against Dead-eye

Dead-eye Duncan

Dead-eye gets his name because he acts worse then a blind man in the ring! Run
up to Duncan, dodging his blaster shots. When you get up close and personal to
him, mash away with improved flurry. This is an extra easy way to win against
Duncan. Only one flurry shot will bring him down! Boy was this a short fight.
When I did my flurry, 10 points of damage inflicted on him did it. After you
are done with the battle, go over to Ajuur to get 100 credits, chump change!

Gerlon Two-Fingers

He gets his name because of a critical accident in the ring, where he lost his
fingers! But he is still here, and he won't leave the duel ring until he loses
his hands! Gerlon is another easy one. Run up to him, avoid his blaster shots.
Once up to him, hack away with improved flurry like you did Duncan. After
inflicting 30 points on Gerlon, he will be done for. Go over to Ajuur again to
get 200 credits.


She gets her name because her blood is stone cold! She is tough, she is fierce,
and she comes to kill. Ice is no pushover, but, then again, she isn't really
tough at the proper level. Start off by running up to her and hacking away with
flurry. This is the usual choice for almost every fight, hence it's power. She
will actually survive a couple hits of flurry, so mix it up with your jump
attack if you like. Fifty points of damage will leave cooling off on the
ground. Ajuur will give you 300 credits for this one.


Marl is a nice guy, but he is getting pretty old at this. You will have to show
him that the newer generation will prevail! Start off by running over to him,
dodgin his blaster shots. Then, hack away with improved flurry like your
previous three fights. Marl will go down after 80 points of damage. Ajuur will
push over 400 credits for this victory.


"Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast!" This is always
Twitch's motto, and he just very well might be crazy. Twitch is the champion in
Taris, and you have to dethrone him. Twitch is a fast freak, and you will
actually have to do different strings of attacks to kill him. If you just mash
away with improved flurry, you will miss. Therefore, do a regular attack and
then flurry. Then repeat the proccess until 100 points of damage is taken away
from him. Then he will fall to the ground, making you the victor. Run on over
to Ajuur and get your 500 credits. Now all you have to face is Bendak
Starkiller, but he left the ring ages ago.

3. Pazaak Rules

Talk to the old Pazaak player in the Upper City Cantina. One of the other
players will forward him to you, saying that he wants to sell his deck. Talk to
him, and he will sell his deck for some credits. After the sale, ask him to
teach you Pazaak. Learn the ways of this money-making game and this quest will
be completed.

4. Dia's Bounty

Talk to Dia in the upper city apartments. She will tell you that she slashed
Holdan with her Vibroblade, and now he has a bounty on her. Light side points
will be gained if you tell her that you will try to take care of it. By take
care of it, I mean go over to Holdan and bribe him 200 credits. That's right,
go over to Holdan in the Upper City Cantina. He will tell you that he will not
take the bounty off of her unless you slip him some dough. Two hundreds will do
good. Then go over to Zax to get your 300 credits back for completing the
bounty. So you have a net-gain of 100 credits, not bad for gaining light side

5. Largo's Bounty

Largo is located in the Upper City apartments. You will have to pick a door to
get to him. Once inside, tell him that you will not kill him, and instead help
him. He will say that there is no way to help him unless you have 200 extra
credits you can give away. Give the credits to him, and he will go over to
Davik to pay him back. You will gain light side points for this. Better yet, go
to Zax and lie about Largo's bounty and you will get 300 credits. You won't
gain dark side points by doing this, and you will have a net-gain of 100

6. Selven's Bounty

Selven killed many people in her days, so it is right for you to kill her. She
is located in the Lower City apartments. You will have to pick a door to get to
her. Once you do, she will ask you to leave or you will have a sword through
your head. Tell her you will not leave, and you two will fight. She is rather
easy, just hack away with flurry. Get the remains in her body and report back
to Zax. He will give you 300 credits for you deed.

7. Matrik's Bounty

Matrik is located at the Lower City apartments. Pick the door and talk to him
to learn how he has a bounty on his head for no good reason. Tell him that you
will help him by stagin his death. He will have you go back to the equipement
shop in Upper City to get a Permacrete detonator. Go back up to the shop and
get it for a mere 50 gold. Then go back down to Matrik and he will get
everything ready. He will set everything and both of you will run out. The
bombs will then explode and his death will be stages. From here, he will thank
you and run off. Now it is time to go back to Zax and claim the bounty. Lie to
him to get it. You will gain light side points for doing this. You will also
get 250 credits.

8. Bendak's Bounty

There is no way to get Bendak's Bounty unless you want to gain dark side

9. Infected Outcasts

You will find a lot of things around this area. Namely, there are a lot of dead
bodies. If you go to the southeast corner by the sewer entrance that is locked,
there will be a sith soldier that is dead. You will find the serum in his body.
Now, go back over to the undercity town. Mission and Carth will start talking,
and soon the talking will turn into arguing. Just tell them to settle down and
do not take sides in the matter. Go back over to the cage where the healer is.
You now need to use the serum on the people that are infected.

Go inside the cage, ignoring the healer. Once inside, a couple of the people
will turn into Rakghouls. Kill them. Then go over to the two remaining infected
people. Talk to them and give the serum to them. They will be healed! And
better yet, you have enough left for the medical doctor to make the serum for
every person who gets the disease!

10. Rakghoul Serum

After you get the serum from the above quest, go over to the medical place and
talk to Zelka. Give him the serum and he will say that it is enough to make it
a full-fledged antidote. This means that anyone that gets the Rakghoul disease
can now be cured for a mere 50 credits! Refuse the reward Zelka gives you to
gain light side points.

11. Rukil's Apprentice

Rukil is the oldest man in the Undercity, and he wants you to find his
apprentice, Mayla. She will have a promise land journal. So, walk out of the
gate and go northwest. At the wall in the northwest area will be some
Rakghouls, kill them. Look in the outcast body near the pack of rakghouls to
find the promise land journal. The weird part is that if she died by the
Rakghouls she would of turned into one. Isn't that weird. Anyways, go back to
Rukil and tell him the bad news. He will then bring you to another quest for
the other two promise land journals. See below for that quest.

12. The Promise Land

Now Rukil wants you to find two more promise land journals. Both Journals are
in the sewers. The first is in the room across from where Zaalbar was held.
From the entrance, take the southwest path. The first door to your left should
have a pack of Rakghouls in it. Kill all of them, and explore the outcast body
to find one of the journals. For the second journal, from the entrance, take
the southeast path down to a circle room. Kill all the enemies and open the
door to the room to the east. Once here, there will be two rooms. One has a
some Gamorrean's and the other has some Rakghouls. Go inside the Rakghoul one,
disable the mine, and kill the Rakghouls. Then look in the other body to find
another journal. Now that you have done all of this, go back to Rukil. Hand
over the journals and he will say he now knows where the promise land is! The
whole Undercity will leave for it tonight. You will gain lightside points for
this, but no credits. -_-

D a n t o o i n e S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Mandalorian Raiders
2. Missing Companion
3. Murdered Settler
4. Dead Settler
5. Sandral/Matale Feud
6. Crystals in the Cave

1. Mandalorian Raiders

When you first walk out of the Jedi Enclave, to find the corruption in the
grove, you will come by a settler names Jon. Now, Jon is not happy with the
Jedi, for one reason and one reason only. They took his beloved family member.
By "they," I mean the Mandolorians. These Mandolorians are fierce, and pretty
damn strong. I would advise you complete all of the main quests for Dantooine
before doing this quest. You should also try to gain a level or two by
slaughtering Kath hounds. When you think you are ready, you will have to
dispatch of four Mandolorian groups. The first group is near the center of the
grove area, the second group is just west of the Matale mansion, and the third
is in the southern middle area of the Sandral grounds. All of these groups
consist of about 5 men each. Two of the men will be fit in Mandolorian armor
and be tough to defeat. The other three men will be easy to slaughter. Remember
to check the remains of the bodies, there is some valuable stuff in them.

After you slaughter the three groups, return to the center of the grove. You
will see another Mandolorian group. This group is the most fierce. There leader
is Sherruk, and he is unhappy with what you have been doing. Y'know, killing
all of his men? Anyways, you will fight him. And he will be very tough. Just
hack away with the improved flurry/attack combo until they are done for. I
would switch to Bastila so I could use her healing technique in the battle.
After the battle, check all the bodies for some valuable items. Namely, a
lightsaber that the almighty Sherruk has. After you slaughter all of these

groups, go back over to Jon by the Jedi Enclave. He will be very happy wih what
you have done, and will happily reward you. If you refuse the reward, you will
get lightside points. Of course, the reward is actually pretty good.

2. Missing Companion

A woman named Elise needs your help. She is located by a speeder, when you walk
out to the grasslands. She is to the east of Jon, if my directions suck.
Anyways, she wants you to get her companion back. Ask her a lot of questions,
and you will find out that the door was not damaged. Ask her if her companion
left without getting captured, and she will say that he is not programmed for
it. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Little miss Elise is looking for a droid.
A personal assistance droid, that is very valuable to her.

Agree to this task, and start looking for the droid. He is located in on the
east side of the Sandral grouds. The kath hounds will be on him. Run up to the
hounds and slaughter them. Then talk to the droid, C8-42. He will tell you that
the woman, Elise, tried to treat him like her dead husband. He will also say
that it was not "heathly" for her so he decided to run away. There is no
lightside option, but there are two options that will evade getting dark side
points. The first one is to agree with C8-42 and destroy him. Then go back to
Elise and tell her that you had to destroy him, she will run off crying. If you
go back to the Enclave, in one of the rooms Elise will be, with a new man in
her life. This is the happiest result, in the end. Alternatively, you can
convince the droid to go back to Elise and they will live there life again as
before. And well, that's that.

3. Murdered Settler

The alien Jedi named Bolook is located on a bride, around the west side of the
groove. He will ask for your help in a murder that happened today. Agree, and
you will be brought to two suspects. One is Handon and the other is Rickard.
Ask both of them everything that occured today at the murder. Both will say
that they did not kill him, yet they are the only suspects Talk to the protocol
droid, then speak to Bolook again.

If you answer three incorrect answers in this case, Bolook will yank you out
and you won't get experience points. Therefore, I will tell you the answers to
what you have to say to him. The order of what you do is, question both of the
suspects, talk to the protocol droid, then talk to Bolook. Keep doing this
until you are finished with the quest. You will have to question them various
times. These are the statements you need to say to Bolook:

First Answer: Rickard is lying. It was a cloudy - there was no sun glare!
Second Answer: Rickard is lying. They had a fight over business matters.
Third Answer: The blaster was Handon's. He lied about it being stolen.
Fourth Answer: It didn't belong to the victim. It's Handon's blood. He is
clutching his side.
Fifth Answer: No, they are both guilty. Handon admitted that Calder was having
as affair with his wife.

This is the best result in the case. Both men are guilty, as you get the most
experience points for doing it this way. If you have one man be guilty, you get
less, and you have to live with knowing that it could of been either. You get a
ton of experience points for doing this, and it is very well worth it. You will
not gain lightside points for having any solution, however.

4. Dead Settler

This one is easy. Once you pass all the Jedi Trials you will be aloud to leave
the Enclave. Once you do, explore the east side of the Matale grounds to find
the body of Casus, Sandral's son. He was killed by Rakghouls, though the
Sandral hard-head will not admit it. Take the datapad and go over to the
Sandral grounds and talk to the droid. Tell him that you found Casus's body,
and he will let you see Mr. Sandral. Talk to him about this incident to
complete this very simple quest.

5. Sandral/Matale Feud

This is a long arse quest, so get ready! After you pass all of the Jedi trials,
go back to Mr. Matale will barge in, stating that the Sandral's stole his son.
The masters will assign you this quest, also. Now, go on over to the Sandral
estate. Once you are there, talk to the droid. Tell him that you are here on
behalf of the Jedi counsel, and he will let you. Once you are in, Mr. Sandral
will tell you to leave. After this, Sandral's daughter will come out. Her name
is Rahasia. Be nice to her and she will eventually say that her father captured
the Sandral's boy. She will also give you the key to go inside Sandral's house
from the back.

Now, walk back out and go over to the back of the house. There will be a lot of
droids and a lot of rooms. After you are done raiding the whole house, killing
droids and looting all the footlockers, look in the rooms. One of them will
have Rahasia in it. Talk to her, and she will tell you where Shen, Matale's
son, is. Run on over to it, locating it easily by the map. One you reach the
door, bash it open. Talk to Shen and he will tell you that he won't leave hence
Rahasia will have to see her father's "wrath." He will then say that if Rahasia
would leave that he would also leave. Run on back over to Rahasia and tell her

this. She will say that she will meet him outside the front of the house.

From here, go back over to Shen and tell him this. He will then leave with you.
The game will automatically throw you to the next scene, which is of Rahasia
and Shen. After a short reunion, Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral will march on
to them to break of the reunion. They will argue a little. You will have a say
in the conversation. Try to preserve the peace factor. Then, persuade. What
will most likely happen is the two kids will run off, and the Matale and
Sandral's will be furious about you. They will say they will tell the Jedi
counsel about what happened. Don't worry, though, nothing will happen. Of
course, the really good result is when your persuasions are successful. This
will lead to the Matale/Sandral supporting there kids. This will most likely
not happen. Anyways, here is the dialogue to get the good result:

You two just need to calm down.
Both of you calm down now!
[Persuade] Shen is capable of making decisions on his own.
[Persuade] Children grow up and leave eventually.

If the persuasions are successful, you will get the good ending. Of course,
will most likely will not happen, and you will get the normal ending.

6. Crystals in the cave

Well, once you become a Jedi you will learn all about crystals, and how they
affect your lightsaber drastically. Well, here on Dantooine you might of heard
of a crystal cave from one of the Jedi counsel. He will tell you that it is
only a rumor but we can all see the twitch in his eyes... Well, maybe not, but
there is a cave with a ton of crystals in it.

So, once you find this out, run on over to the Sandral grounds. From here, go
over to the east side of the lands. At the very east point will be a cave. If
you are not at a respectable level, then please, do not go inside. If you have,
however, learned about the Star Forge and whatnot, then go inside the cave.
Once you are inside, there will be a welcoming party of kinrath spiders. These
little... er... spiders are pretty tough. So, kill them all with improved
flurry. Then, go down the cave, killing spiders as you go along.

At the end of the cave will be tons of crystals. Loot them to find crystals.
And we are not talking those crappy ones, we are talking about the good stuff.
These crystals are not only vital to attacking, but you can sell them and make
a good buck (or more!). After you loot all the crystals, bash the kinrath eggs
to find even more crystals. You should now have an arsenal of them, so go back
to the Ebon Hawk and read my lightsaber section to learn which ones to equip.

T a t o o i n e S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sharina's Husband
2. Swoop Racing
3. Nico's Agency
4. Iziz the Jawa
5. Trapped Tanis
6. Sand People History

1. Sharina's Husband

This quest becomes available when you first enter Anchorhead. It starts outside
the Hunter's Lodge, on the western side of Anchorhead. Once you arrive there,
you should see Sharina Nal just outside the door of the lodge. Talk to her and
she'll tell you what happened to her husband. To make things short, her husband
ate it and she now has a Wraid Plate, worth 500 credits, that she cannot sell
because she does not have a hunter's license.

This is where you come in; since you have a license, or will shortly, you can
sell the plate and give her the dough. Light side points, of course, will be
obtained if you buy the plate from her. If you want more light side points, you
can donate some credits to her as well as buying the plate from her. Remember,
afterwards, to sell the plate to the Hunter's Lodge.

2. Swoop Racing

Make your way to the Czerka house in Anchorhead. In here, you'll find Motta the
Hutt, who enjoys hiring new racers and taking most of the money they earn. It
doesn't matter, though, as you'll earn a bundle even with the greedy Hutt.
You'll have to partake in three races where you'll have to beat best times.
It's just like Taris, but the times are more challenging along with the course.

There's no real strategy; keep racing until you know the location of most of
the accelerator pads. They are the key to victory, as you might have already
known. It might take several times before you beat the third race, but it's
completely possible if you hit enough accelerator pads. Motta, being the slime
ball he is, doesn't actually pay you in credits. Instead, he pays you in racing
bonds, which can be sold at any non-respectable Tatooine store.

3. Nico's Agency

Motta the Hutt wants to sign Nico Senvi to a racing contract. After you get the
lowdown from Motta, walk over to Nico, located in the same room. Before you can
negotiate with Nico, you have to beat the three races that Motta the Hutt
offers, to prove to Nico that you know what you're talking about. Once done,
engage in conversation with Nico. He'll tell you, in short, that he doesn't
like the money part of the contract with Motta.

You can't really blame Nico; Swoop racing is a dangerous sport, and it's not
like Motta is doing much besides sitting on his perch. To finish things up
goody-two-shoes style, persuade Motta the Hutt to give Nico a better contract.
Go back to Nico and he'll accept the new contract with little fuss.

4. Iziz the Jawa

Iziz the Jawa is located by the gate to Dune Sea. He'll tell you some of his
fellow Jawaiians (is that the word?) are currently being held in the Sand
People camp. He wants you to get them out of there. To complete this quest,
follow the main walkthrough until you are in the camp. Then, while talking to
the chieftain, persuade him to let the Jawa's leave.

5. Trapped Tanis

Marlena, Tanis' wife, will automatically talk to you when you try to go to Dune
Sea with your hunter's license. She'll tell you to say "hi" to Tanis when you
see him out in the desert. Journey out into Dune Sea and walk southeast from
the gates. You should see four droids in the air soon enough. Walk up to them
and you'll see Tanis in the middle. Talk to him.

It seems the wife is a little mad at Tanis, so she made the droid's
automatically explode if Tanis moves or if someone hampers with the droid's
incorrectly. Okay, maybe more than a _little_ mad at Tanis, but whatever. If
you want light side points, you'll have to hamper with the droid's correctly.
It's fairly simple, but I'll list the answers here.

Droid A: Node 2 is reporting correctly. This is because two have to be
incorrect, and since the other two are reporting the same node, it has
to be the only other one.
Droid B: Seven is the missing prime number. It's a prime number...
Droid C: One-hundred-and-twenty (120) large pulses. This is, again, simple
logic. One-third of the small pulses is 100, while one-third of the
large pulses is 60. So, in this question, 100 small pulses is equal to
60 large pulses. If 100 small pulses have already been used, then that
means 200 small pulses are left over, making 120 large pulses, since
100 = 60 and 200 = 120.
Droid D: 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14

K a s h y y y k S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Eli and Matton
2. Lost Wookiee
3. Mandalorian Shadows

1. Eli and Matton

In the center of the landing port you'll find Starsky and Hu- err... Eli and
Matton. Matton's ship left one day and now he has to pay off Eli for his lack
of services. Matton works for Eli as an engineer to pay off his debt, so you
have plenty of time to get to the bottom of this.

This quest is fairly straightforward; you have to find the evidence that backs
up Eli or Matton. And you'll find that evidence, too, by looking south of
Jolee's house. A malfunctioning droid, in fact, is the key to this little
conflict. See, the droid will replay its memories to you, showing you that Eli
took Matton's ship and sold it. What a greedy little bugger, that Eli! Take the
droid's head and go back to Eli.

For light side points, tell Eli to run away. Sadly, you can't kill Eli if you
are going for the light. However, Matton can take over Eli's shop, though, if
you let him.

2. Lost Wookiee

Inside Woorwill's home, you'll find Woorwill and Jaarak. Speak with both of
them about Rorworr and they will say Rorworr disapeared in the Shadowlands, and
that they are too young to enter the Shadowlands themselves, so they don't know
what happened to him. Enter upper Shadowlands and walk over to Jolee's house.
In between his hut and the Czerka camp you'll find Rowrorr's corpse. Take the
datapad and bowcaster bolt and go back to Jaarak.

After questioning him, he'll demand you go to the Holder's house and speak with
Worrozner. Show the wookiee the evidence and he'll decide to let the courts
decide this matter. The fate of the trial rests in your hands. To get mucho
light side points, explain that Jaarak's crime was self-defense. You don't get
any money, though. :(

3. Mandalorian Shadows

When you first enter Lower Shadowlands you find a wookiee named Grrrwahr (I
think the name's trying to tell you something) that is fighting a group of
Mandalorians. After defeating the Mandalorians, heal the wookiee with your cure
spell or a medpac. Once he's all better, he'll give you the quest. It's time to
hunt us some Mandalorians. Disarm everyone in your party and walk around Lower
Shadowlands. Soon enough, Mandalorians will engage you in battle.

After defeating them, get the datapad off one of their corpses and repeat the
process again. Once you have two datapads, go to the swoop bikes located in the
southwest corner of the map and replace the missing signal device. This will
call up more Mandalorians, which you'll cut through easily. Afterwards, go back
to that Grrrwahrr guy and tell him the good news.

M a n a a n S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sunry Murder Trial
2. Selkath Mystery
3. Swoop Races
4. Mercenaries

1. Sunry Murder Trial

2. Selkath Mystery

Save yourself a lot of hassle and pick up this quest BEFORE you enter the sith
base. I don't like the idea of going back into that base, either. Anyway, you
can pick up this quest in the northern part of Ahto West. Take the northeastern
hallway in the center room and follow it as it loops around into a room. Find a
Selkath named Shaelas in a corner.

He'll tell you about the "mystery" with young Selkath disappearing. After he's
done ranting, it's time to take action. Continue in the main walkthrough until
you are deep into the base. In the most northern part of the base, you will
find the training room. After entering, you'll be in a room with a lot of angry

Since we're light side people, tell Shasa and her band of Selkath about the
sith betrayal and you will get light side points. After the talk, leave via the
right door and you find yourself in a room with a lot of doors to choose from.
Take the northeast room and dispose of the Jedi and Selkath inside. Once you
have taken out the garbage, go back to the center room and take the southeast

Lots o' unconscious Selkath in here. One of them will give you a ceremonial
pin. Coolio. Anyway, kick it back to Shasa in the southwest room and let her
see the pin as proof. You will get even more light side points for this!

3. Swoop Races

Same ol', same ol'. This one is interesting because a green guy threatens you.
Anyway, you can find the swoop races in Ahto East - the swoop registration
building, to be exact. Inside, you'll find the usual swoop setup. Talk to the
Selkath behind the counter to get the ball rolling. It costs twenty credits to
practice so I'll suggest you do that until you feel confident enough to race.

When you win a race you'll get 300, 600, and 800 credits, in that order. For
the last race, Qweedle wants a word with you. Remember to keep things light in
the conversation. And by "light," I mean good-no-killing style. You'll be
rewarded with light side points, too, for your restraint.

4. Mercenaries

This is a very simple quest; just remember to pick it up before you go
underwater. Anyway, it's located in the same place as the mystery quest
(northern Ahto West), take away looping around the corner. The Selkath, Nilko,
wants to find out why the Republic is on a shopping spree for mercenaries. To
find out, continue in the game until you get off the submarine. The Twi'lek
will specifically say that the insane Selkath have been eating mercenaries for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks. Go back to Nilko with this
newfound information to complete the quest.

K o r r i b a n S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sith Code
2. Lashowe
3. Revolting Sith
4. Double-Double-Cross
5. Kel's Doubts
6. Hermit Jorak
7. Mandolarian Weapons
8. Lost Droids
9. Ajunta Pall

1. Sith Code

Yuthura, located on the western side of the academy, will tell you the Sith
code. It's all about slicing up people and feeding your grandma the leftover
organs. Yikes. Anyway, this is one of the quests that rewards a prestige point,
if you choose to recite the code to Master Uthar afterwards. The code is
located here, for your convenience.

Peace is a lie. There is only... passion.
Through passion, I gain... strength.
Through strength, I gain... power.
Through power, I gain... victory.
Through victory... my chains are broken.

I don't know what type of chains he's talking about. Like, the ganster chains,
or the chain to my watch? Anyway, Uthar will throw you a curveball after you
recite the code, asking one more question. Here are the questions and answers:

Nothing worse than love (False)
Victory is always desirable (False)
Passion fuels the force (True)

You get a DARK SIDE POINT for reciting the code, but it's not like you also
gain a disease that will eat at your brain until one day you fall over and die.
This is a easy prestige point here, people!

2. Lashowe

Yuthura will hint this sidequest in one of your later conversations. It seems
Lashowe has found a Jedi Holocron that, thankfully, is guarded by a beast. Of
course, giving Uthar a holocron will surely boost up your prestige points by
one. Anyway, Lashowe is located on the northwestern part of the academy. Once
you find her, use your persuasion skills to allow yourself in on this once in a
lifetime opportunity. Then kiss butt and she will go off to the lair.

Go to the northern side of the valley to find Lashowe again. Talk to her and
fight the beast that will come thereafter. Afterwards, she'll take the holocron
and say she'll give you credit. But she won't, that lying ho- person. Since
we're good people, just let her take the credit. You get light side points for
it, and you don't want massive dark side points, do you?

3. Revolting Sith

To start up this quest, talk to Yuthura about the renegade sith that fled to
Shyrack Caves. They will fill you in on all the details, but it seems that
pretty much covers it; some people opposing the sith are in Shyrack Caves. You
can enter the cave in the southern part of the valley. Once inside, hit the
south wall and then follow the wall east.

Soon, you'll meet up with the renegade sith. Currently, you can only talk to
one of the three of them. Tell'em that you will help'em get out of here in one
piece. This means you have to kill the Tarentak located on the eastern part of
the cave. Once done, go back to the renegade sith and they will leave. Go back
to Uthar and lie to him to get the prestige point with no stringes attached.

4. Double-Double-Cross

If you want to forgo the path of the light and go to the dark side, this is
your chance. Basically, you double-cross people all the way around. First of
all, double-cross Yuthura by telling Uthar about her plans. After that, Uthar
will give you a datapad and tell you to give it to Adrenas, who is located in
the library.

After you hand off the datapad, Yuthura will be poisoned. Now it's time to get
even darker. Go back to Yuthura and tell her that Uthar knows about her plan.
Do not tell her about the poison or your snitching, please. She will give you a
poisoning device and tell you to plant it in Uthar's bed. Do just that, it's
located on the southwestern side of the academy. Now you have massive dark side
points and a couple hard-fights-turned-easy.

5. Kel's Doubts

Located on the southwestern wing of the academy you will find Kel Algwin, a
doubting sith. First of all, persuade Kel about the ways of the sith. Then,
it's time to tell him to run away. Just make sure to tell him not to go on a
genocide. Or kill any students, for that matter.

6. Hermit Jorak

Engage in conversation with one of the trainers near the entrance of the
valley. Talk to him/her about Jorak. They will give you the lowdown; he was a
sith master and vanished from the academy. Not much else geography on this
planet besides the caves in the valley, so he must be in one of those. He's in
the tomb of Tulak Hord, to be precise.

Make your way to the tomb, which is located in the valley of death, and get
ready for some weird stuff. Once inside, use the ancient console on the eastern
side of the cave to *gasps* open a door. Go through this door and it will time
be time to say goodnight. When you wake up, Jorak will give you the whole deal;
if you answer a question correctly (evily), he will torture Mekel. If you
answer a question incorrectly (light-like), Jorak will torture you. Great.

We're light fools, so answer three questions incorrectly. Here are the correct
answers, be sure to choose different answers then the ones provided below:

1. I use the opportunity to kill him.
2. I take the reward and leave the weak fools to their fate.
3. I keep it to myself.
4. Kill him.
5. A true Sith never dies.

After playing twenty questions, Jorak will be mad that you "passed" his little
test and will fight you. Just kill him; Mekel will help. Take the tablet from
his beaten corpse and present it to Uthar for a prestige point.

7. Mandolarian Weapons

In the academy, you should stumble upon a torture chamber on the southeastern
side. When you find it, speak with the Sith torturer and agree to take over on
the torturing. We want light side points, so persuade the prisoner into an
escape plan, and he'll tell you what to do. After you put him in a catatonic
state with your uber high computer skills, he can run away. Nice light side

8. Lost Droids

A sith student, near the entrance to the Marko Ragnos tomb, will fill you in on
the details of the droid. Enter the cave and get the data recorder and sound
dampening stealth unit from the corpse on the ground near the entrance. After
that, use the sound dampening stealth unit and head down the cave. Soon enough,
you will meet the Rogue Droid, who will tell you what happened. Agree to switch
the power button on his killer instincts to get light side points. Disable the
system in this order:

Combat matrix
Motor function matrix
Memory matrix
Cognitive matrix
Emotional construct matrix
Creative simulation matrix

If you do this out of order, you'll lose "chances" to do it. If all chances are
depleted, the droid will attack you. After you do everything in the correct
order, permanently disable the combat matrix, which will free the droid. More
light side points will be obtained for doing this. Go back to Uthar and lie to
him about the ordeal to receive a prestige point.

9. Ajunta Pall

Talk to students in the academy to learn about Ajunta Pall. Afterwards, enter
the tomb, appropiately named "Tomb of Ajunta Pall." Once inside, follow the
path until you find yourself at a fork. Bash the door and kill the creatures.
Afterwards, take the item off of the severed arm on the right side of the
bridge. Go on the bridge and put a plasma grenade in it. Walk into the newly
found area.

This will lead to the last area. Take the three swords inside the sarcophagus
and try to leave. Ajunta Pall will confront you and give you a clue as to
"which sword is which." After going to the rear of the tomb, put the notched
steel sword into the sith statue. Converse which Ajunta and the spirit will
tell you to take all the swords. Don't get Ajunta mad, or you'll have to fight
a battle. Since we are light side, try to get Ajunta to return to the "high

After this, opt to leave the tomb. Shaardan, one of the sith students, will be
awaiting you outside. I just gave him one of the fake swords and told him to go
fly a kite.

5.2 - Quests (Dark Side)

T a r i s S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Rapid Transit System
2. The Duel Ring
3. Pazaak Rules
4. Dia's Bounty
5. Largo's Bounty
6. Selven's Bounty
7. Matrik's Bounty
8. Bendak's Bounty
9. Infected Outcasts
10. Rakghoul Serum
11. Rukil's Apprentice
12. The Promise Land

1. Rapid Transit System

Once you are outside you will see three sith soldiers raiding aliens. He kills
one of the men with his blaster, and then realizes that you are behind him. He
then tells his troops to attack. Time to fight. Change who are going to attack
by pressing the right or left triggers. This will lock onto one of the sith
soldiers, instead of the sith leader. This is better, hence the other alien
will beat down the leader while you take care of the other two soldiers.
Dispatch of the two soldiers, using your jump attack to kill them. The alien
will kill the leader. The alien will then speak to you. Tell him you are glad
to help, and he will respond that he will take care of the bodies.

It is now time to level up. In skills, choose putting all your points in treat
injury. This will only be one point. Next, is feats. Choose to the flurry
technique. This is a great special attack, that will soon override your power
attack special. After you choose flurry, accept the changes. Then, loot the
bodies for some blasters. Now it is time to loot every apartment in this area.
Start going down the apartment circle until you see a low security door. Change
to Carth and use his security ability to open the door. You should see a women
inside the room. Her name is Dia. If you wish to do Dia's quest, look in the
sidequest "Dia's Bounty." Anyways, loot her apartment. There should be a bag by
the entrance of her little room. Open it to find 18 credits, a computer spike,
and a medpac. Take the items, then continue down the apartment circle.

You won't go long before a merchant stops you and talks about his shop. Be
polite, and ask everything you can to him. After this, don't buy anything. His
prices are not the best. Continue going down the apartment circle. You will see
another low security door. Change to Carth and have him open it. There will be
a Twi'lek in the room. Just go past her and to a bag on the ground. Take
everything that is inside of it, which should be 16 credits, a part, and a
medpac. From here, go down to the next door. This will be the entrance to the
upper city. Do not go through the door, instead go past it and to the next
security door.

Open this door with Carth's security skill. There will be a Ithorian in this
room. Loot the bag by the door to find some credits and parts. Follow this
apartment circle more to a little droid room. There will be nothing there, so
continue onto the next room. Again, use Carth's security skill. There will not
be anybody in this room but a footlocker at the oppposite end of the door. Open
it, take everything, and continue onto the next room. The next room will be
your apartment. Go inside there to regain all of your health. To the opposite
end will be a footlocker that has some medpacs and computer spikes. Take them,
then leave again with Carth.

From here, go down to the upper city door that is the most southern door in the
circle. Now, go to the menu and use the triggers to find a map. This map will
have "Return to Hideout" on the bottom. You will also see the X button by it.
This means that if you press X now, you will return to the hideout. Do so, and
you will complete the Rapid Transit System Quest.

2. The Duel Ring

Time for some fun! The duel ring is a place where two combatants duel it out.
What would the prize be? Money, of course! Talk to Ajuur in the Upper City
Cantina about dueling. He will hook you up with the first fight. Your name will
be... well, Ajuur thinks of a weird one that you have to choose. Once you are
ready, tell him you want to duel. Ajuur will then place you against Dead-eye

Dead-eye Duncan

Dead-eye gets his name because he acts worse then a blind man in the ring! Run
up to Duncan, dodging his blaster shots. When you get up close and personal to
him, mash away with improved flurry. This is an extra easy way to win against
Duncan. Only one flurry shot will bring him down! Boy was this a short fight.
When I did my flurry, 10 points of damage inflicted on him did it. After you
are done with the battle, go over to Ajuur to get 100 credits, chump change!

Gerlon Two-Fingers

He gets his name because of a critical accident in the ring, where he lost his
fingers! But he is still here, and he won't leave the duel ring until he loses
his hands! Gerlon is another easy one. Run up to him, avoid his blaster shots.
Once up to him, hack away with improved flurry like you did Duncan. After
inflicting 30 points on Gerlon, he will be done for. Go over to Ajuur again to
get 200 credits.


She gets her name because her blood is stone cold! She is tough, she is fierce,
and she comes to kill. Ice is no pushover, but, then again, she isn't really
tough at the proper level. Start off by running up to her and hacking away with
flurry. This is the usual choice for almost every fight, hence it's power. She
will actually survive a couple hits of flurry, so mix it up with your jump
attack if you like. Fifty points of damage will leave cooling off on the
ground. Ajuur will give you 300 credits for this one.


Marl is a nice guy, but he is getting pretty old at this. You will have to show
him that the newer generation will prevail! Start off by running over to him,
dodgin his blaster shots. Then, hack away with improved flurry like your
previous three fights. Marl will go down after 80 points of damage. Ajuur will
push over 400 credits for this victory.


"Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me, we'll have a blast!" This is always
Twitch's motto, and he just very well might be crazy. Twitch is the champion in
Taris, and you have to dethrone him. Twitch is a fast freak, and you will
actually have to do different strings of attacks to kill him. If you just mash
away with improved flurry, you will miss. Therefore, do a regular attack and
then flurry. Then repeat the proccess until 100 points of damage is taken away
from him. Then he will fall to the ground, making you the victor. Run on over
to Ajuur and get your 500 credits. Now all you have to face is Bendak
Starkiller, but he left the ring ages ago.

3. Pazaak Rules

Talk to the old Pazaak player in the Upper City Cantina. One of the other
players will forward him to you, saying that he wants to sell his deck. Talk to
him, and he will sell his deck for some credits. After the sale, ask him to
teach you Pazaak. Learn the ways of this money-making game and this quest will
be completed.

4. Dia's Bounty

Talk to Dia in the upper city apartments. She will tell you that she slashed
Holdan with her Vibroblade, and now he has a bounty on her. She is a person
that has a bounty on her head. Since you are uber dark side, kill her, and
report back to Zax to get your money. This quest is fairly simple on dark
side, but Dia actually can fight, so watch yourself.

5. Largo's Bounty

Largo is located in the Upper City apartments. You will have to pick a door to
get to him. Once inside, say that you will kill him instead of help him. You
will gain some major light side points for this. The fight with Largo really
isn't that difficult even if you just got to Taris. Largo should be an easy
kill. Just remember afterwards to get your credits from Zax.

6. Selven's Bounty

Selven killed many people in her days, so it is right for you to kill her. She
is located in the Lower City apartments. You will have to pick a door to get to
her. Once you do, she will ask you to leave or you will have a sword through
your head. Tell her you will not leave, and you two will fight. She is rather
easy, just hack away with flurry. Get the remains in her body and report back
to Zax. He will give you 300 credits for you deed.

7. Matrik's Bounty

Matrik is located at the Lower City apartments. Pick the door and talk to him
to learn how he has a bounty on his head for no good reason. Tell him that you
came to carry out the bounty, and you will be in a litle scuffle with him. The
fight itself really isn't that difficult, Matrik doesn't put up enough of a
fight. Just hack away with flurry while Carth blasts away. Then run on over
to the lower city Cantina and tell Zax about your dark side deed. He will give
you three hundred credits for the killing of Matrik.

8. Bendak's Bounty

Bendak... Starkiller. The name just flies off your tongue, doesn't it? Well,
Bendak cannot be fought until you have defeated the first five duel battles
against the duel players (see quest 2). Once you have done this, by the
entrance (going out) of the cantina will be Bendak himself. He will say that
he has seen you fight, and that he wants to battle you. Agree, and you will
have a date with one of Taris's toughest opponents.

Talk to Ajuur about this, and he will say that he needs to get things ready
with the dueling company because it is going to be a death match. He says that
this will attract a lot of people, and that your payoff will be huge. So, go
back outside and then come back in and talk to Ajuur. He will say that he is
still working on the fight. Do this a couple times and you will be ready.
Before you do this, however, listen to the comments the fellow duelists say.
They say that you are crazy to go into the ring with Bendak. Don't let this
fool you, though, Bendak isn't that tough.

Well, he might be. The fight with Bendak starkiller should take place right
before you go to Dantooine, you should be at a high level then. Equip yourself
with a vibrosword and the best armor you can find. I advise you have at least
5 advanced medpacks, as this fight will be tough. When the fight starts out,
run up to Bendak as fast as you can. Then hack away with flurry. On the second
flurry launch, you will notice that your second flurry in a row won't hit
Bendak. So, change to special attack once.

After this you will notice that you are low on health, so get out of Bendak's
sword range and heal yourself with one of the advanced medpacks. Watch out
for the grenades he throws, because he has an unlimited supply. Then go back
and do flurry and special attack again on him. Then go back and use a medpack.
Are you starting to see a pattern? Indeed you are.

If you use this pattern, Bendak shouldn't be that hard. Watch out for his
grenades and blaster shots when you go to heal, however. Bendak will be a
challenge if you are not at the right level, because he is very tough. After
the fight with Bendak, go over to Ajuur to get your money (a lot!). Talk about
a bonus, and he will give you Bendak's blaster, a very powerful blaster that
you should hold onto. Now, before you go onto the next quest, walk over to Zax
in the lower city cantina. Talk to him about your ridding of Bendak, and you
will get a 300 credit reward. Not bad.

9. Infected Outcasts

You will find a lot of things around this area. Namely, there are a lot of dead
bodies. If you go to the southeast corner by the sewer entrance that is locked,
there will be a sith soldier that is dead. You will find the serum in his body.
Now, go back over to the undercity town. Mission and Carth will start talking,
and soon the talking will turn into arguing. Just tell them to settle down and
do not take sides in the matter. Go back over to the cage where the healer is.
You now need to use the serum on the people that are infected.

...Or you could just give the serum to Zax. Yeah, that would work perfectly...

10. Rakghoul Serum

After you get the serum (see above), it is time to use it. Not, instead you
will be going over to Zax the Hutt, he is located in the Lower Level Cantina.
Once you arrive, go over to him and ask about the serum. He will say that he
will buy it from you for some money. Agree, and get 1000 credits. You will
also get some dark side points for your bad deed.

11. Rukil's Apprentice

Rukil is the oldest man in the Undercity, and he wants you to find his
apprentice, Mayla. She will have a promise land journal. So, walk out of the
gate and go northwest. At the wall in the northwest area will be some
Rakghouls, kill them. Look in the outcast body near the pack of rakghouls to
find the promise land journal. The weird part is that if she died by the
Rakghouls she would of turned into one. Isn't that weird. Anyways, go back to
Rukil and tell him the bad news. He will then bring you to another quest for
the other two promise land journals. See below for that quest.

12. The Promise Land

Now Rukil wants you to find two more promise land journals. Both Journals are
in the sewers. The first is in the room across from where Zaalbar was held.
From the entrance, take the southwest path. The first door to your left should
have a pack of Rakghouls in it. Kill all of them, and explore the outcast body
to find one of the journals. For the second journal, from the entrance, take
the southeast path down to a circle room. Kill all the enemies and open the
door to the room to the east.

Once here, there will be two rooms. One has a some Gamorrean's and the other
has some Rakghouls. Go inside the Rakghoul one, disable the mine, and kill the
Rakghouls. Then look in the other body to find another journal. Now that you
have done all of this, go back to Rukil. Or, if you wanted to be dark, you
could give them to Igear for some good credits. Yes, I like that idea, also.
Igear is the merchant in the Under City, and is located by the gates. Walk over
to him and give him the journals. He will give you 100 (yes, one hundred) for
the exchange. This is... nothing. Of course, since you are dark (Muhahaha!) you
get some much needed dark side points for it.

D a n t o o i n e S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Mandalorian Raiders
2. Missing Companion
3. Murdered Settler
4. Dead Settler
5. Sandral/Matale Feud
6. Crystals in the Cave

1. Mandalorian Raiders

When you first walk out of the Jedi Enclave, to find the corruption in the
grove, you will come by a settler names Jon. Now, Jon is not happy with the
Jedi, for one reason and one reason only. They took his beloved family member.
By "they," I mean the Mandolorians. These Mandolorians are fierce, and pretty
damn strong. I would advise you complete all of the main quests for Dantooine
before doing this quest. You should also try to gain a level or two by
slaughtering Kath hounds. When you think you are ready, you will have to
dispatch of four Mandolorian groups. The first group is near the center of the
grove area, the second group is just west of the Matale mansion, and the third
is in the southern middle area of the Sandral grounds. All of these groups
consist of about 5 men each. Two of the men will be fit in Mandolorian armor
and be tough to defeat. The other three men will be easy to slaughter. Remember
to check the remains of the bodies, there is some valuable stuff in them.

After you slaughter the three groups, return to the center of the grove. You
will see another Mandolorian group. This group is the most fierce. There leader
is Sherruk, and he is unhappy with what you have been doing. Y'know, killing
all of his men? Anyways, you will fight him. And he will be very tough. Just
hack away with the improved flurry/attack combo until they are done for. I
would switch to Bastila so I could use her healing technique in the battle.
After the battle, check all the bodies for some valuable items. Namely, a
lightsaber that the almighty Sherruk has. After you slaughter all of these
groups, go back over to Jon by the Jedi Enclave. He will be very happy wih what
you have done, and will happily reward you. If you refuse the reward, you will
get lightside points. Of course, the reward is actually pretty good.

2. Missing Companion

A woman named Elise needs your help. She is located by a speeder, when you walk
out to the grasslands. She is to the east of Jon, if my directions suck.
Anyways, she wants you to get her companion back. Ask her a lot of questions,
and you will find out that the door was not damaged. Ask her if her companion
left without getting captured, and she will say that he is not programmed for
it. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Little miss Elise is looking for a droid.
A personal assistance droid, that is very valuable to her.

Agree to this task, and start looking for the droid. He is located in on the
east side of the Sandral grouds. The kath hounds will be on him. Run up to the
hounds and slaughter them. Then talk to the droid, C8-42. He will tell you that
the woman, Elise, tried to treat him like her dead husband. He will also say
that it was not "heathly" for her so he decided to run away. There is no
lightside option, but there are two options that will evade getting dark side
points. But we are evil! We want more dark side points! Give into your hate.
Tell C8-42 that you will kill him, and tell Elise that you couldn't find him,
leaving her to an endless search to find him. You are a very evil person! Say
this, and chop up C8-42. Then go back to Elise and tell her that you haven't
found him. Now she can attend to finding the droid for the rest of her life.
Major dark side points!
3. Murdered Settler

The alien Jedi named Bolook is located on a bride, around the west side of the
groove. He will ask for your help in a murder that happened today. Agree, and
you will be brought to two suspects. One is Handon and the other is Rickard.
Ask both of them everything that occured today at the murder. Both will say
that they did not kill him, yet they are the only suspects Talk to the protocol
droid, then speak to Bolook again.

If you answer three incorrect answers in this case, Bolook will yank you out
and you won't get experience points. Therefore, I will tell you the answers to
what you have to say to him. The order of what you do is, question both of the
suspects, talk to the protocol droid, then talk to Bolook. Keep doing this
until you are finished with the quest. You will have to question them various
times. These are the statements you need to say to Bolook:

First Answer: Rickard is lying. It was a cloudy - there was no sun glare!
Second Answer: Rickard is lying. They had a fight over business matters.
Third Answer: The blaster was Handon's. He lied about it being stolen.
Fourth Answer: It didn't belong to the victim. It's Handon's blood. He is
clutching his side.
Fifth Answer: No, they are both guilty. Handon admitted that Calder was having
as affair with his wife.

This is the best result in the case. Both men are guilty, as you get the most
experience points for doing it this way. If you have one man be guilty, you get
less, and you have to live with knowing that it could of been either. You get a
ton of experience points for doing this, and it is very well worth it. You will
not gain lightside points for having any solution, however.

4. Dead Settler

This one is easy. Once you pass all the Jedi Trials you will be aloud to leave
the Enclave. Once you do, explore the east side of the Matale grounds to find
the body of Casus, Sandral's son. He was killed by Rakghouls, though the
Sandral hard-head will not admit it. Take the datapad and go over to the
Sandral grounds and talk to the droid. Tell him that you found Casus's body,
and he will let you see Mr. Sandral. Talk to him about this incident to
complete this very simple quest.

5. Sandral/Matale Feud

This is a long arse quest, so get ready! After you pass all of the Jedi trials,
go back to Mr. Matale will barge in, stating that the Sandral's stole his son.
The masters will assign you this quest, also. Now, go on over to the Sandral
estate. Once you are there, talk to the droid. Tell him that you are here on
behalf of the Jedi counsel, and he will let you. Once you are in, Mr. Sandral
will tell you to leave. After this, Sandral's daughter will come out. Her name
is Rahasia. Be nice to her and she will eventually say that her father captured
the Sandral's boy. She will also give you the key to go inside Sandral's house
from the back.

Now, walk back out and go over to the back of the house. There will be a lot of
droids and a lot of rooms. After you are done raiding the whole house, killing
droids and looting all the footlockers, look in the rooms. One of them will
have Rahasia in it. Talk to her, and she will tell you where Shen, Matale's
son, is. Run on over to it, locating it easily by the map. One you reach the
door, bash it open. Talk to Shen and he will tell you that he won't leave hence
Rahasia will have to see her father's "wrath." He will then say that if Rahasia
would leave that he would also leave. Run on back over to Rahasia and tell her
this. She will say that she will meet him outside the front of the house.

From here, go back over to Shen and tell him this. He will then leave with you.
The game will automatically throw you to the next scene, which is of Rahasia
and Shen. After a short reunion, Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral will march on
to them to break of the reunion. They will argue a little. You will have a say
in the conversation.

It is very simple to get a dark side ending. And we love these endings, don't
we? I thought so. Anyways, the ending itself is a real treat. You get the two
families to kill each other (how sad, AND EVIL!). To do this, insist violence
throughout the conversation when the two families talk to each other. If you do
this then you will get a dark side ending, with everybody killing everybody.
Don't worry about the Jedi Counsel, however, they will think that this
situation was unavoidable. More dark side points ahoy.

6. Crystals in the cave

Well, once you become a Jedi you will learn all about crystals, and how they
affect your lightsaber drastically. Well, here on Dantooine you might of heard
of a crystal cave from one of the Jedi counsel. He will tell you that it is
only a rumor but we can all see the twitch in his eyes... Well, maybe not, but
there is a cave with a ton of crystals in it.

So, once you find this out, run on over to the Sandral grounds. From here, go
over to the east side of the lands. At the very east point will be a cave. If
you are not at a respectable level, then please, do not go inside. If you have,
however, learned about the Star Forge and whatnot, then go inside the cave.
Once you are inside, there will be a welcoming party of kinrath spiders. These
little... er... spiders are pretty tough. So, kill them all with improved
flurry. Then, go down the cave, killing spiders as you go along.

At the end of the cave will be tons of crystals. Loot them to find crystals.
And we are not talking those crappy ones, we are talking about the good stuff.
These crystals are not only vital to attacking, but you can sell them and make
a good buck (or more!). After you loot all the crystals, bash the kinrath eggs
to find even more crystals. You should now have an arsenal of them, so go back
to the Ebon Hawk and read my lightsaber section to learn which ones to equip.

T a t o o i n e S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sharina's Husband
2. Swoop Racing
3. Nico's Agency
4. Iziz the Jawa
5. Trapped Tanis
6. Sand People History

1. Sharina's Husband

This quest becomes available when you first enter Anchorhead. It starts outside
the Hunter's Lodge, on the western side of Anchorhead. Once you arrive there,
you should see Sharina Nal just outside the door of the lodge. Talk to her and
she'll tell you what happened to her husband. To make things short, her husband
ate it and she now has a Wraid Plate, worth 500 credits, that she cannot sell
because she does not have a hunter's license.

This is where you come in; since you have a license, or will shortly, you can
sell the plate and give her the dough. Dark side points, of course, will be
obtained if you persuade her to give you the plate or if you use Jedi mind
tricks to get the plate. Remember, afterwards, to sell the plate to the
Hunter's Lodge.

2. Swoop Racing

Make your way to the Czerka house in Anchorhead. In here, you'll find Motta the
Hutt, who enjoys hiring new racers and taking most of the money they earn. It
doesn't matter, though, as you'll earn a bundle even with the greedy Hutt.
You'll have to partake in three races where you'll have to beat best times.
It's just like Taris, but the times are more challenging along with the course.

There's no real strategy; keep racing until you know the location of most of
the accelerator pads. They are the key to victory, as you might have already
known. It might take several times before you beat the third race, but it's
completely possible if you hit enough accelerator pads. Motta, being the slime
ball he is, doesn't actually pay you in credits. Instead, he pays you in racing
bonds, which can be sold at any non-respectable Tatooine store.

3. Nico's Agency

Motta the Hutt wants to sign Nico Senvi to a racing contract. After you get the
lowdown from Motta, walk over to Nico, located in the same room. Before you can
negotiate with Nico, you have to beat the three races that Motta the Hutt
offers, to prove to Nico that you know what you're talking about. Once done,
engage in conversation with Nico. He'll tell you, in short, that he doesn't
like the money part of the contract with Motta.

You can't really blame Nico; Swoop racing is a dangerous sport, and it's not
like Motta is doing much besides sitting on his perch. To finish things up
mafia-style, convince Nico to accept the bad contract. If you want to be even
worse, use your mind tricks to really screw Nico over.

4. Iziz the Jawa

Iziz the Jawa is located by the gate to Dune Sea. He'll tell you some of his
fellow Jawaiians (is that the word?) are currently being held in the Sand
People camp. He wants you to get them out of there. To complete this quest,
follow the main walkthrough until you are in the camp. Then, while talking to
the chieftain, persuade him to let the Jawa's leave.

5. Trapped Tanis

Marlena, Tanis' wife, will automatically talk to you when you try to go to Dune
Sea with your hunter's license. She'll tell you to say "hi" to Tanis when you
see him out in the desert. Journey out into Dune Sea and walk southeast from
the gates. You should see four droids in the air soon enough. Walk up to them
and you'll see Tanis in the middle. Talk to him.

It seems the wife is a little mad at Tanis, so she made the droid's
automatically explode if Tanis moves or if someone hampers with the droid's
incorrectly. Okay, maybe more than a _little_ mad at Tanis, but whatever. Just
let Tanis fry, we're dark, remember?

K a s h y y y k S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Eli and Matton
2. Lost Wookiee
3. Mandalorian Shadows

1. Eli and Matton

In the center of the landing port you'll find Starsky and Hu- err... Eli and
Matton. Matton's ship left one day and now he has to pay off Eli for his lack
of services. Matton works for Eli as an engineer to pay off his debt, so you
have plenty of time to get to the bottom of this.

This quest is fairly straightforward; you have to find the evidence that backs
up Eli or Matton. And you'll find that evidence, too, by looking south of
Jolee's house. A malfunctioning droid, in fact, is the key to this little
conflict. See, the droid will replay its memories to you, showing you that Eli
took Matton's ship and sold it. What a greedy little bugger, that Eli! Take the
droid's head and go back to Eli.

For dark side points, tell Matton to annihilate Eli. Y'know, destroy, kill,
slice up into a million pieces? Have him take over Eli's merchant duties, too.

2. Lost Wookiee

Inside Woorwill's home, you'll find Woorwill and Jaarak. Speak with both of
them about Rorworr and they will say Rorworr disapeared in the Shadowlands, and
that they are too young to enter the Shadowlands themselves, so they don't know
what happened to him. Enter upper Shadowlands and walk over to Jolee's house.
In between his hut and the Czerka camp you'll find Rowrorr's corpse. Take the
datapad and bowcaster bolt and go back to Jaarak.

After questioning him, he'll demand you go to the Holder's house and speak with
Worrozner. Show the wookiee the evidence and he'll decide to let the courts
decide this matter. The fate of the trial rests in your hands. To get dark side
points, state that Jaarak is a killer. You'll also get Jaarak's wealth, as

3. Mandalorian Shadows

When you first enter Lower Shadowlands you find a wookiee named Grrrwahr (I
think the name's trying to tell you something) that is fighting a group of
Mandalorians. After defeating the Mandalorians, heal the wookiee with your cure
spell or a medpac. Once he's all better, he'll give you the quest. It's time to
hunt us some Mandalorians. Disarm everyone in your party and walk around Lower
Shadowlands. Soon enough, Mandalorians will engage you in battle.

After defeating them, get the datapad off one of their corpses and repeat the
process again. Once you have two datapads, go to the swoop bikes located in the
southwest corner of the map and replace the missing signal device. This will
call up more Mandalorians, which you'll cut through easily. Afterwards, go back
to that Grrrwahrr guy and tell him the good news.

M a n a a n S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sunry Murder Trial
2. Selkath Mystery
3. Swoop Races
4. Mercenaries

1. Sunry Murder Trial

2. Selkath Mystery

Save yourself a lot of hassle and pick up this quest BEFORE you enter the sith
base. I don't like the idea of going back into that base, either. Anyway, you
can pick up this quest in the northern part of Ahto West. Take the northeastern
hallway in the center room and follow it as it loops around into a room. Find a
Selkath named Shaelas in a corner.

He'll tell you about the "mystery" with young Selkath disappearing. After he's
done ranting, it's time to take action. Continue in the main walkthrough until
you are deep into the base. In the most northern part of the base, you will
find the training room. After entering, you'll be in a room with a lot of angry
Selkath. Since we bad people, slaughter all the Selkath in the room.

3. Swoop Races

Same ol', same ol'. This one is interesting because a green guy threatens you.
Anyway, you can find the swoop races in Ahto East - the swoop registration
building, to be exact. Inside, you'll find the usual swoop setup. Talk to the
Selkath behind the counter to get the ball rolling. It costs twenty credits to
practice so I'll suggest you do that until you feel confident enough to race.

When you win a race you'll get 300, 600, and 800 credits, in that order. For
the last race, Qweedle wants a word with you. Remember to keep things evil in
the conversation to gain dark side points; we wouldn't want anything good to
pop up on our permanent record.

4. Mercenaries

This is a very simple quest; just remember to pick it up before you go
underwater. Anyway, it's located in the same place as the mystery quest
(northern Ahto West), take away looping around the corner. The Selkath, Nilko,
wants to find out why the Republic is on a shopping spree for mercenaries. To
find out, continue in the game until you get off the submarine. The Twi'lek
will specifically say that the insane Selkath have been eating mercenaries for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks. Go back to Nilko with this
newfound information to complete the quest.

K o r r i b a n S i d e Q u e s t s

1. Sith Code
2. Lashowe
3. Revolting Sith
4. Double-Double-Cross
5. Kel's Doubts
6. Hermit Jorak
7. Mandolarian Weapons
8. Lost Droids
9. Ajunta Pall

1. Sith Code

Yuthura, located on the western side of the academy, will tell you the Sith
code. It's all about slicing up people and feeding your grandma the leftover
organs. Yikes. Anyway, this is one of the quests that rewards a prestige point,
if you choose to recite the code to Master Uthar afterwards. The code is
located here, for your convenience.

Peace is a lie. There is only... passion.
Through passion, I gain... strength.
Through strength, I gain... power.
Through power, I gain... victory.
Through victory... my chains are broken.

I don't know what type of chains he's talking about. Like, the ganster chains,
or the chain to my watch? Anyway, Uthar will throw you a curveball after you
recite the code, asking one more question. Here are the questions and answers:

Nothing worse than love (False)
Victory is always desirable (False)
Passion fuels the force (True)

You get a DARK SIDE POINT for reciting the code, but it's not like you also
gain a disease that will eat at your brain until one day you fall over and die.
This is a easy prestige point here, people!

2. Lashowe

Yuthura will hint this sidequest in one of your later conversations. It seems
Lashowe has found a Jedi Holocron that, thankfully, is guarded by a beast. Of
course, giving Uthar a holocron will surely boost up your prestige points by
one. Anyway, Lashowe is located on the northwestern part of the academy. Once
you find her, use your persuasion skills to allow yourself in on this once in a
lifetime opportunity. Then kiss butt and she will go off to the lair.

Go to the northern side of the valley to find Lashowe again. Talk to her and
fight the beast that will come thereafter. Afterwards, she'll take the holocron
and say she'll give you credit. Tell her that you want the artifact and proceed
to slice her down. We love dark side points. Bring the artifact back to Uthar.

3. Revolting Sith

To start up this quest, talk to Yuthura about the renegade sith that fled to
Shyrack Caves. They will fill you in on all the details, but it seems that
pretty much covers it; some people opposing the sith are in Shyrack Caves. You
can enter the cave in the southern part of the valley. Once inside, hit the
south wall and then follow the wall east.

Soon, you'll meet up with the renegade sith. Currently, you can only talk to
one of the three of them. Tell'em that you want to slaughter them for some
extra dark side points and do it. After they are corpses, run back to Master
Uthar and tell him the good news.

4. Double-Double-Cross

If you want to continue the path of the dark and go to the dark side, this is
your chance. Basically, you double-cross people all the way around. First of
all, double-cross Yuthura by telling Uthar about her plans. After that, Uthar
will give you a datapad and tell you to give it to Adrenas, who is located in
the library.

After you hand off the datapad, Yuthura will be poisoned. Now it's time to get
even darker. Go back to Yuthura and tell her that Uthar knows about her plan.
Do not tell her about the poison or your snitching, please. She will give you a
poisoning device and tell you to plant it in Uthar's bed. Do just that, it's
located on the southwestern side of the academy. Now you have massive dark side
points and a couple hard-fights-turned-easy.

5. Kel's Doubts

Located on the southwestern wing of the academy you will find Kel Algwin, a
doubting sith. First of all, tell Kel that Sith is the right thing. After that,
run back to Uthar and tell him the bad news about Kel. He'll award you a
prestige point and dark side points along with it.

6. Hermit Jorak

Engage in conversation with one of the trainers near the entrance of the
valley. Talk to him/her about Jorak. They will give you the lowdown; he was a
sith master and vanished from the academy. Not much else geography on this
planet besides the caves in the valley, so he must be in one of those. He's in
the tomb of Tulak Hord, to be precise.

Make your way to the tomb, which is located in the valley of death, and get
ready for some weird stuff. Once inside, use the ancient console on the eastern
side of the cave to *gasps* open a door. Go through this door and it will time
be time to say goodnight. When you wake up, Jorak will give you the whole deal;
if you answer a question correctly (evily), he will torture Mekel. If you
answer a question incorrectly (light-like), Jorak will torture you. Great.

We're bad boys, so answer all these questions correctly. Just sing to him
everything below.

1. I use the opportunity to kill him.
2. I take the reward and leave the weak fools to their fate.
3. I keep it to myself.
4. Kill him.
5. A true Sith never dies.

He will be happy to give you the tablet for "killing" Mekel. Show Uthar the
tablet and you will receive a prestige point.

7. Mandolarian Weapons

In the academy, you should stumble upon a torture chamber on the southeastern
side. When you find it, speak with the Sith torturer and agree to take over on
the torturing. Inject a high dose of truth, small dose of anti-serum, and
another high dose of truth. Then just kill everything.

8. Lost Droids

A sith student, near the entrance to the Marko Ragnos tomb, will fill you in on
the details of the droid. Enter the cave and get the data recorder and sound
dampening stealth unit from the corpse on the ground near the entrance. After
that, use the sound dampening stealth unit and head down the cave. Soon enough,
you will meet the Rogue Droid, who will tell you what happened. Agree to switch
the power button on his killer instincts to get light side points. Yes, we're
dark, but I don't want you fighting the droid. Disable the system in this

Combat matrix
Motor function matrix
Memory matrix
Cognitive matrix
Emotional construct matrix
Creative simulation matrix

If you do this out of order, you'll lose "chances" to do it. If all chances are
depleted, the droid will attack you. After you do everything in the correct
order, activate the droid's self-destruct mechanism to get the dark side

9. Ajunta Pall

Talk to students in the academy to learn about Ajunta Pall. Afterwards, enter
the tomb, appropiately named "Tomb of Ajunta Pall." Once inside, follow the
path until you find yourself at a fork. Bash the door and kill the creatures.
Afterwards, take the item off of the severed arm on the right side of the
bridge. Go on the bridge and put a plasma grenade in it. Walk into the newly
found area.

This will lead to the last area. Take the three swords inside the sarcophagus
and try to leave. Ajunta Pall will confront you and give you a clue as to
"which sword is which." After going to the rear of the tomb, put the notched
steel sword into the sith statue. Converse which Ajunta and the spirit will
tell you to take all the swords. Don't get Ajunta mad, or you'll have to fight
a battle. Since we are light side, try to get Ajunta to return to the "high

After this, opt to leave the tomb. Shaardan, one of the sith students, will be
awaiting you outside. Just kill him.

5.3 - Romance Options

Here, I will list all the romance options in this game. Obviously, if you have
a male character, Bastila will be your whore. Similarly, Carth will be your
male-gigilo if you have a female character. I hope that cleared everything up.
Uh... anyway, don't get a star map until you have done the available


First Four Conversations: On Taris; ends with conversation about you're
inexperience with the Force.

Five through Seven: After the first star map; Up to: asking Bastila why you
were taken on this quest.

Eight through Ten: After second star map; Up to: Bastila talks about never
making it passed Padawan. Be nice to her.

Eleven and Twelve: After third star map; Bastila states she's still in love
with you.


First Four Conversations: On Taris; ends with conversation about Admiral Saul
and how Carth was a close friend to him.

Five and Six: After first star map; Up to asking Carth what triggered his

Seven and Eight: After second star map; Up to Carth talking about Saul destroy-
ing the planet his wife was on.

From here, search Master Uthar's room for a datapad.

Eight: After above; Carth expresses feelings on dark side.

Nine and Ten: After third star map; Up to asking Carth how he plans to get

Eleven and Twelve: After fourth star map; Carth expresses his concerns for you.

6. Appendices

Mass compilation is what you will find here.

6.1 - Quest Items

[Taken from JPaterson's Item Guide at GameFAQs.com with permission.]

"Items are listed alphabetically. They are grouped in the same was the game
groups them. Under the description of the item, I have provided the location
of it. Under the location, you'll find some notes by myself (if I added any),
which may include tips on that item or where to find it/how to acquire it. The
description for each item is taken from the in-game inventory system.

| [2.1] Quest Items |

Ajunta Pall's Blade

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 5-15
Damage Bonus: +2 Fire
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +5

Held by the Dark Jedi even before he fell to the dark side, this may be one of
the few truly personal items owned by Ajunta Pall, and remains as thoroughly
corrupted as he.


Ancient Sith Tablet

This thick stone table is covered with ancient runes of an unknown language.
It is extremely cold to the touch and has almost a sinister aura about it.


Bacca's Sword Blade

This is part of Bacca's Ceremonial Blade, damaged due to the arrogance of
Chieftain Rothrrrawr. He underestimated a creature in the Shadowlands (later
dubbed the Great Best) and lost the blade in its hide. The hilt remained in
his courty, passed to other chieftains. If both pieces could be found, the
sword might be able to be reassembled.


Bantha Fodder

This is a highly pungent mixture of local plants and fungus. Banthas
apparently find it irresistible, though it's doubtful any intelligence species
would willingly call it food.


Bek Datapad

This datapad seems to details plans the Hidden Bek had to get into the Black
Vulkar base. Of note is the following:

"We have synthesized a substance with an odor that resembles a favorite pray of
rancors. If we place the bait properly, we can lure the rancor into eating
something lethal enough to kill it."


Bowcaster Bolt Casing

This bolt casing was abandoned next to Rorworr's corpse, likely by whoever
killed him. Bowcasters and the accompanying bolt casings are very personal
items among the Wookiees, and are adorned with traditional family symbols and
other identifying marks. It is possible the owner of this one could be
identified by a knowledable Wookiee.


Casus' Diary

This is the diary of Casus Sandral, amateur archeologist. It details his
efforts to discover the source of the ancient ruins found across the surface of
Dantooine. Upon reading it, you gather that he had found some corrleation
between the ruins and something called 'Rak'.

Found on a dead settler just beyond the Matale Estate on Dantooine after you
become a Padawan.


Chemical Cannister

A cannister containing a chemical toxic to firaxan sharks.


Chieftain's Gaffi Stick

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 1-8
Damage Bonus: +4 Physical
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
On Hit: Poison, Average Weakness DC 20
Attack Modifier: +2

A variation of the traditional gaffi stick, or gaderffii, marked as a
chieftain's weapon by its slightly more ornate appearance and better


Computer Passcard

This seems to be a standard keycard for use at secure terminals. Most likely,
this one is designed to use Davik's computer system.

Onboard Davik's base, before getting in Ebon Hawk. Can only be used here.


Dantooine Map

This is a map to the area outside the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.


Dantooine Map

This is a map to the area a bit south the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.


Data Module

This is an encrypted data module retrieved from the remains of a Republic



This datapad appears to contain numerous entries of notes made by Master Uthar
of the Sith Academy. Most prominent of the recent entries is the following:

"The pupil known as Dustil has shown remarkable progress. His talent with the
Force is great. The same, however, cannot be said for the human female that he
arrived with, Selene.
She has little talent. Moreover, Dustil holds a great degree of affection for
her. This is a weakness in the body and has been slowing down his training.
Orders were sent this morning to have the girl removed from the academy and
terminated. I will tell Dustil that she was killed in the valley. He will
forget her soon enough, I think... he is too promising to lose at this



This datapad contains detailed descriptions of you and Bastila. It also has a
brief message: Bastila has escaped Taris. Whoever can find and dispose of her
and her Jedi companion will be greatly rewarded by Lord Malak himself.



This datapad contains a single short, cryptic message: The Genoharadan say to
see Hulas on Manaan. Come alone or not at all.



This datapad seems to have once belonged to an enterprising young Sith student
who had ventured into the tomb in search of Ajunta Pall's sword. One of his
entries is of particular note:

"There has got to be a way to get past this obelisk blocking the bridge! It
seems to be made of some kind of unstable material... I'm willing to bet some
kind of energy discharge will set it off. Blaster fire isn't doing the trick,
however. I'll have to try some kind of explosive. I just hope that guard
droid over there is as defunct as it looks."



The datapad appears to be the journal of a Sith archaeologist by the name of
Veren Gal. Most of it consists of uninteresting notes on the geology of the
tomb's caverns, but the final entry is as follows:

"Strangely enough, I've found traces of Therangen in the tomb. This is an
unstable black rock used as fuel by lesser races... perhaps the ancient Sith on
Korriban used it as a power source? It is a volatile and dangerous substance,
and reacts violently to fire. I will have to be careful.



This datapad appears to be the journal of a Sith who quite obviously did not
make it past this portion of his final test. Most of the journal consists of
the Sith's account of gaining enough prestige with Master Uthar to take this
test... only the final entry appears to concern the test, itself:

"It seems I need to get across the pool of acid in the central chamber if I am
to complete my test, here, but that is not going to be easy. The runes name
one Obelisk the 'Pillar of Fire'... while the other is the 'Pillar of Ice'. I
can only assume that one of the pillars leads to a way to remove the acid pool.
Fire or ice... wouldn't fire create toxic fumes? Maybe freezing the pool would
be safer. Well... I'll worry about that once I bypass the terentatek beasts.
If I can, I suppose it's now or never."



Datapad entry:
We've set up a repair station at the storage room airlock to fix the damage to
the bridge hull. Get the space suits from the armory and send a team out as
soon as possible.



These appear to be the personal notes of the Dark Jedi Master in charge of the
Sith base on Manaan. It seems that the Sith have been trying to lure
impressionable young Selkath over to the dark side.
After reading the lengthy progress reports on this topic, it seems that the
the final plan was to use these young Selkath to overthrow the current
government and install a puppet government that the Sith would dominate.



Novice Sith such as yourself cannot be trusted to remember even simple tasks,
acolyte. It is therefore prudent for your masters to explain themselves at
length, using very small words. The ancient sequencer on the lower levels can
only be activated once all the sequencer tiles on the floor have been set to
their active mode by walking on them in the correct pattern. To make all the
tiles the same color, simply walk the tiles in the pattern of an 'H'. I trust
there will not be another unfortunate 'incident' like the last time...



This data pad contains information from many genetics studies conducted by the
Rakata during their technological peak.


Data Recorder

The data recorder flashes to life:

I haven't been able to catch my poor creation as yet. We've been trying to
capture it without destroying it; the thing is too valuable. It is hard to be
so quiet as is necessary, however; it identifies targets through sound. I'm
glad we brought sound dampeners with us. Provided that idiot Ben Hu'al uses


Droid Head

Replaying the last memory of this damaged droid reveals that it and its owners
were the victims of an ambush by someone named Eli. The name "Matton" was also



This is a variant of a standard model envirosuit used to protect its occupant
from the hostile environmental conditions. In this case it has been
specifically modified to withstand tremendous undersea pressures.



This holocron has been cracked and worn by the sands and wind, but is still
marginally operational. When activated, it shows the holographic image of a
middle-aged human man and appears to have been used as a means to record his
personal thoughts over the years.



This small crystal supposedly holds holographic recordings of the ancient
Sith... information which could be incredibly valuable. There's no telling how
long the holocron has been lost in the area, nor how well it works.


Ice Breaker

This device is used by criminal elements and covert operatives to slice into
security computers. This particular breaker is configured for the computers on
the Levithan's brig deck. It won't work anywhere else.


Mandalorian Datapad

Jarg went missing in Sector B, then Reeza saw someone moving south of there.
Take a couple troops and find out who it is.
If they look suspicious: terminate.

Found on the corpse of a Mandalorian in Dantooine.


Mandalorian Datapad

Jarg, did you remember not to take the XT-model bike out today? There was
something funny with one of the intakes, and I thought it could jam.

Ha! Consider yourself lucky! If someone was dumb enough to take that thing
out he would have ploughed right into the ground within a kilometer.

Found on the corpse of a Mandalorian in Dantooine.

Map of the Eastern Dune Sea

By showing how to interpret ancient marker stones, this map can be used to find
a safe route through the Eastern Dune Sea. Only intimate local knowledge could
take the place of such a document.


Mandalorian Head

This is the head of the leader of the Mandalorian warriors who were killing the
Rakatan scouts.


Mandalorian Helmet

This is the helmet of a fierce Mandalorian warrior, taken from a group that
stalked the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk for wounded or unwary prey.


Moisture Vaporators

These devices use a pair of vaporators to condense moisture from the air,
albeit in small amounts of a long period of time. Droughts can last for
centuries on some desert world, so this may be the only means to obtain water.


Murder Recording

A recording of an older man murdering a young Sith woman.


Pass Card

This is a pass card used to grant access at security terminals.

Found in the Black Vulkar base. Only works in the Black Vulkar base.


Pazaak Cards

Description: This is a standard Pazaak side deck card, for use with a Pazaak

First bought from Uriah in Janyvar's Canteen in Lower City of Taris. May also
be found or bought at other places.

There are many different Pazaak cards available. Some of them are:

+/-1, +/-3, +1, +2, -2, +/-6, +3, +4, -4, +5, +6, -6, -3


Pazaak Deck

This is a standard Pazaak deck, complete with side deck cards.


Pazaak Side Deck

Pazaak requires both a main deck and a side deck. You can store all your side
deck cards here and bring them out when you start a game.


Permacrete Detonator

This powerful detonator is extremely complicated. Only someone trained in its
use could set an activate it.


Prison Key

This key opens the holding cell in the Sandral Estate.

Found in a footlocker in the Sandral Estate.


Promised Land Apprentice Journal

This journal details the search for the Promised Land carried out by Rukil's
apprentice. Most of the entries are mundane; howwever, the last entry is quite

"I have uncovered evidence that others have been seeking out the fabled land,
and that their treks have led them into the sewers. I have decided that I must
go as well."

On the corpse of an outcast in the Undercity of Taris.


Promised Land Journal

This journal is a record of the long and difficult search to find the Promised
Land. It contains many half completed maps and cryptic notes, all attempting
to decipher whether the legend is true or simply a child's fable. By itself
this journal does not contain enough information to solve the mystery, however
it could be a valuable piece of the puzzle.

On the corpse of two outcasts (each has one piece) in the sewers of the
Undercity on Taris.


Rahasia's Key

This key opens the rear door to the Sandral Estate.

Given to you by Rahasia during the Sandral-Matale feud on Dantooine.


Rakghoul Serum

This vial of green, bubbling liquid is the only hope of a cure for anyone
infected with the rakghoul disease.

Found on the corpse of a Sith soldier in the Undercity on Taris.


Republic Enclave Key

An access key to the outder doors of the Republic Enclave in Ahto City.


Sand People Clothing

Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

These are the intricate robes of a Sand People warrior. They seem to be in
good condition, and might allow a wearer to superficially appear to be a member
of the Sand People species.


Sharina's Wraid Plate

This is the incredibly dense bone skull plate of a Tatooine desert wraid.


Ship Parts

These ship parts appear to be similar enough to those on the Ebon Hawk that
they could be used to repair it.


Sith Armor

Defense Bonus: 2
Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

This full body armor could be used to fool people into thinking the wearer was
one of the Sith.

You first find this when you save an alien from Sith attackers in one of the
apartments outside of North Taris. It can't be bought.


Sith Base Passcard

A standard ID card for Sith troopers.

Found in the Sith Base on Taris. Can only be used here, and can't be bought.


Sith Base Passcard

A passcard use to enter the Sith Base in Ahto City.


Sith Datapad

This datapad contains coded instructions from Master Uthar to someone by the
name of Adrenas. You are not sure what the instructions detail, save that he
requires the chamberlain to go to Dreshdae ot gather the ingredients.


Sith Device

This small electronic device appears to be completely self-operating. Once
attached to a specific surface, it will begin deplpying whatever trap is
inside. Yuthura has not explained exactly what the device does... simply that
it must be placed inside Master Uthar's bed in order to function.


Sith Hangar Key

A key card to the Sith Reserved Hangar in Ahto City.


Sith Lightsaber

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Lightsaber
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 2-16
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2

This lightsaber is quite intricate in its design, the hilt covered in delicate
runes and inlaid with black markings. No doubt the purpose of the weapon is
primarily ceremonial, though it certainly seems to perform as a lightsaber


Sith Medallion

This medallion is clearly marked with the insignia of the Sith, and otherwise
consists of a shiny black onyx-like material. It is unlikely to be very
valuable, but is quite distinctive.


Sith Papers

These official looking papers identify the bearer as being on special
assignment by order of the Sith government of Taris. They also warn of the
gruesome penalties for anyone foolish enough to challenge the bearer.

Quest item, given to you by the leader of the Hidden Beks.


Sith Passcard

This is a small identification card marking you as a student within the Sith
monastery on Korriban. It will allow you to come and go as you wish.


Sith Passcard

This appears to be a high security passcard for the detention area.


Space Suit

This is a standard model space suit used to protect its wearer from the cold
vacuum of space. Because of its design, anyone wearing the suit will have to
unequip their weapons.


Slaver Contract

This datapad card contains a contract to trade weapons for slaves, and a
manifest of goods already delivered. It would seem that Rorworr had sold a
number of Wookiees previously, and intended to do so again.


Sonic Emitter

Uses: unlimited

This device emits a powerful sonic pulse useful for scaring off or stunning
various wildlife. It normally has an extremely limited range, but in an
underwater environment the signal would travel quite a distance. It has proven
quite lethal to several species of firaxan sharks.


Special Cold Grenade

This is an incredibly large and powerful version of a standard cold grenade.
When used, its blast will likely affect a large area.


Special Fire Grenade

This is an incredibly large and powerful version of a standard fire grenade.
When used, its blast will likely affect a large area.



The term "spice" has come to describe a wide variety of stimulants mined on a
number of worlds, but the highly coveted glitterstim found on Kessel is by far
the most precious.


Starboard Cell Block Key

This keycard will unlock the cells on the Levithan's starboard detention block.


Star Map: Dantooine

You have recorded the coordinates from the Star Map you found on Dantooine into
a datapad.

Given to you after finding the Star Map in the Strange Ruins on Dantooine.


Star Map: Kashyyyk

You have recorded the coordinates from the Star Map on Kashyyyk into a datapad.


Star Map: Manaan

You have recorded the coordinates from the Star Map you found on Manaan into a


Star Map: Tatooine

You have recorded the coordinates from the Star Map on Tatooine into a datapad.


Submersible Bay Key

Key to the submarine Bay in the Republic Enclave in Ahto City.


Swoop Accelerator

Though not overly large the prototype swoop accelerator is surprisingly heavy.
Without being an expert on swwp bike construction it is difficult to imagine
how this simple device could be so valuable.

Black Vulkar base. Quest item.


Swoop Bike Signal Device

This device attaches to a swoop bike, transmitting any field that has been
collected on it by the Commander.


Synthesized Odor

This appears to be a timed release device for a strange substance. The liquid
has a very pungent odor.

Undercity sewers, just before large room with rancor.


Tach Gland

This gland was cut from the corpse of a tach, a small primate. It can
suppoesdly be powdered to produce a powerful stimulant.


Taris Launch Codes

This datapad contains the codes necessary to launch a ship from the planet's
surface without being destroyed by the Sith autotargeting cannons.

Found in the Sith Governor's room in the Sith Base on Taris. Quest item.



This appears to be a small token of a personal nature. Perhaps someone who
knew this Selkath would recognize it.


The Twisted Rancor Trio

Guts and Glory: A Chronicle of the Amazing Story of The Twisted Rancor Trio
By Gilthos Uksaris (A work in progress)

The origins of what would eventually become the most famous band in the
galaxy are surprisingly humble. The brains behind the group, manager Gilthos
Uksaris, founded the Trio to earn a date with a young singer named Elinda.

The ploy worked, and Elinda became the first member of the band. Glithos
scrambled to find musicians to back her, and signed a Bith named Ujaa to be
the lead musician. Soon after that he signed Ujaa's brother, Ujii to
complete the trio.

The band struggled at first. Elinda was a fantastic singer, but Ujaa wasn't
much of a musician. When Elinda threatened to quit, Glithos fired Ujaa and
signed another Bith named Loopa.

Of course this didn't go over well with Ujaa's brother, and Ujii quit.
Fortunately, Loopa knew another musician named Fodo, who joined to replace

Led by Elinda's singing, the second incarnation of The Twisted Rancor Trio
became quite popular on their home world of Taris, eventually attracting
the attention of local legitmate businessman Davik Kang.

Davik asked Glithos to birng his group in for a command performance.
Glithos agreed, realizing this could be the band's big break.
Unfortunately, Elinda had heard certain unsubstantiated rumors about
Davik Kang and his connections to the Exchange. Fearing for her life,
she refused to go to his estate to perform.

Many felt that without Elinda's singing the band would crumble. But
Glithos came up with a brilliant plan to save the group by hiring
Elinda's sister, Ashana, as the new lead singer on the even of their
scheduled appearance at Davik's estate.

Glithos knew he was taking a risk. If Ashana couldn't perform at
Elinda's level, Davik's infamous temper could have dire consequences
for the entire band. However, if Ashana could match her sister's
performance then Davik was likely to sign the band to a big time
touring contract.

It was a risk, but The Twisted Rancor Trio was founded on "Guts and

(There are no further entries)

Found in a room in the apartment complex of Lower Taris. Is the key to a small


Viper Kinrath Body

The corpse of an exceptionally large viper kinrath, freshly killed.


Water Pump Analysis

In regards to the system in place to cycle water from the ocean to the thermal
What were you thinking?!? What made you put that airlock mechanism on the only
other path to the north side of the base?? Now everyone has to know how to
cycle the water out of one room and into the adjoining one for each of the
three rooms in sequence without accidentally flooding the room they're in! We
lost seven troopers just this week!
Next time I'm there you better show me how to do it properly! I can't afford
to lose any more of my aids while trying to get to the Selkath!"

6.2 - Equippable Items

[Taken from JPaterson's Item Guide at GameFAQs.com with permission.]

"Adrenaline Amplifier

Saves: Relfex +2

This device improves the wearer's reflxes by triggering prolonged bursts of
adrenaline. It is thought to be perfectly safe, with only a few instances of
uncontrolled muscle spasms.

In Selven's apartment in the Lower City of Taris.


Adrenaline Stimulator

Saves: All +4
Dexterity: +2

This belt endows the wearer with hyper-sensitivity to their surroundings and
dynamically improves reflexes and reaction time.


Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier

Saves: Reflex +3

This device is an improved version of the basic model, increasing effectiveness
with fewer occurences of side effects. It improves reflexes by triggering
prolonged bursts of adrenaline.


Advanced Aural Amplifier

Skills: Awareness +4
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

In a fine balancing act, this unit amplifies the faint sounds of moving
creatures, while filtering out louder background noise that might otherwise
deafen the user.


Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Immunity: Mind-Affecting, Poison

This detailed micro-computer analyzes the contents of the user's circulatory
system, as well as surges and drops in nerve transmission rates. It attempts
to stabilize the user's system, and remove undesirable elements from it.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Immunity: Mind-Affection, Poison
Saves: All +1

Similar to the Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Implant, this mask analyzes circulation
patterns through the skin, monitors breathing through chemical sensors, and
reactions through eye movements. It additionally acts as a nearly complete
environmental system, preventing toxins from ever reaching the wearer.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Advanced Combat Implant

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Blaster Pistol
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Blaster Rifle
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Heavy Weapons
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Melee Weapons
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency - Heavy Weapons
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Blaster Pistol
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Blaster Rifle
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Heavy Weapons
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Melee Weapons

The Advanced Combat Implant is an experimental technology, designed to make
computer data available to the user. Naturally, one of the first uses for this
technology was combat. This implant contains weapons specification, and
advanced usage techniques for all known weaponry in the Republic and associated
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Advanced Computer Tool

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Skills: Computer Use +4

Like the basic unit, this retractable probe allows droid access to the higher
programming functions of any computer terminal, though better interface
adapters make it more effective.


Advanced Flame Thrower

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Uses: #/10
Damage: Heat, 60pts
On Hit: Horror, 100% for 3 sec
Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect
Save: DC20 for half damage
Range: Short

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

Intended as a combat upgrade and not generally available to the public, this
droid-mounted weapon can inflict a great deal of damage over a broad area. It
is widely used by Republic forces.


Advanced Gravity Generator

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Uses: #/10
Damage: None
On Hit: Slowed, 100% for 9sec
Save: DC20 to negate slow

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

This device creates a more powerful gravity swell than the basic unit due to an
unregulated energy governor. The use of such items is discouraged because of
concern over environmental effects.


Advanced Sensory Implant

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Skills: Awareness +10
Dexterity: +2

By assisting the areas of the user's brain dedicated to sensory-interpretation,
this implant gratly heightens the user's awareness of their surroundings, as
well as spatial perception and analysis.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Advanced Shield Disruptor

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: #/10
Damage: Ion, 40pts
Range: Medium

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

Prototyped by Czerka Corporation, these extremely devastating droid and shield
nullifiers have found their way to forces on both sides of the Sith/Republic


Advanced Stabilizer Gloves

Dexterity: +3
Blaster Bolt Deflection: +5

These gloves contain an advanced fire control and trajectory analysis system
which links to held ranged weapons. This allows the user greater accuracy when
aiming their own weapons, and also gives warning when incoming fire would
likely hit the wearer.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Advanced Stealth Unit

Skills: Stealth +4

Costly to produce, this unit refinse the Stealth Mode field to better
camouflage the user. Opponents must make an Awareness check versus user
Stealth skill +4 or remain unaware of them. The user must have paid points
into the Stealth skill to use Steath Mode. Combat disrupts the field, but
mundane tasks do not.


Advanced Stun Ray

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: #/10
Damage: None
On Hit: Stun, 100% for 9 sec
Save: DC20 to negate stun
Range: Medium

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

This produce is a special order aftermarket modification of a Quellegh
Industrial stun ray. Very expensive to produce, most are in the hands of
government-sponsored elite troops.


Advanced Targeting Computer

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Blaster Pistol
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Blaster Rifle

Meant for droids that see regular combat, this targeting unit improves on the
basic model and greatly increases battlefield performance.


Arkanian Heavy Pistol

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 2-9
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +1

Arkanian designs of this kind predated mass acceptance of heavier pistols, but
2000 years later they are still superior performers.

Buy from Igear in the Undercity of Taris.


Arkanian Pistol

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-8
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +2

This is a versatile blaster variant, possibly of ancient Arkanian origin. The
Arakanians are very proud that such early efforts continue to be prized among
collectors and soldiers.


Aural Amplifier

Skills: Awareness +2
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

With this item, Durkish Corporation abandones visual detection in favor of
aural, citing that most creatures breathe, and even camouflage fields can't
blend the sound of that away.

Found in Black Vulkar base, near swoop accelerator.


Baragwin Assault Blade

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Bonus: 2-12
Damge Bonus: +2-12 Energy
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2
Special: Upgradeable, Melee

This advanced vibrosword is a miracle of miniaturization technology. Not only
does it deliver increased functionality over a normal vibrosword, it also has
capacitors which discharge upon contact with a target. Extra space within the
blade can be utilized by a varirety of common upgrade modules.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Baragwin Assault Gun
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Heavy Weapons
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-20
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

This light repeating blaster is an excellent example of the Baragwin aptitude
for weaponry. By taking and modifying an existing repating blaster design, the
Baragwin have managed to greatly increase the damage output and added
additional functionality with a variety of upgrade options.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Bacca's Ceremonial Blade

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 4-14
Damage Bonus: +4 Energy
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2
Special: Upgradeable, Melee

The great Bacca was hunting the Shadowlands ages ago when an alien ship crashed
through the forest. He saw that first contact was a warning of the destruction
outsiders could bring. Made from the debris, this sword is a reminder for his
people that trust must be given cautiously, and only to those who earned it.


Baragwin Droid Shield

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Uses: unlimited

A super-efficient version of a normal droid energy shield, the Baragwin version
has been modified and customized to be able to run off the power supply of the
droid mounting it. While the energy drain on the droid is insignificant, the
protection gained is equal, if not superior, to a normal droid energy shield.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Baragwin Flame Thrower

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: unlimited

Using an innovative technique, the Baragwin have managed to modify a normal
flame thrower to operate in such a fashion as to ignore the very atmosphere
around a charged guidance beam. The result is a flame thrower that doesn't
need an external fuel source and can be run virtually indefinitely.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Baragwin Ion-X Weapon

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Ion
Damage Points: 1-6
Damage Bonus: +1-10 Physical
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +3
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

this weapon is an experimental Baragwin design that has been extensively
modified by Suvam Tan. He has incorporated what he describes as a
'shaped-energy' delivery system into the weapon, which allows it to deliver
concussive force on impact in addition to the weapon's normal energy discharge.
Upgrades to the weapon could potentially greatly increase both its impact force
and its penetration.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Baragwin Shadow Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 7
Max Dexterity Bonus: +4
Skills: Stealth +4
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

A speciality of the Baragwin, this modifiable suit has advanced adaptive
camouflage technology that, when combined with a stealth generator, allows it
to blend in nearly seamlessly with the background when viewed from any
direction. It is generally only sold to respected governments, but a number
have found their way into more disreputable distribution channels.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Baragwin Shield Disruptor

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: unlimited

The Baragwin have tweaked and tuned a normal Shield Disruptor to be able to run
off the mounting droid's power supply, giving it unlimited charges.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Baragwin Stun Ray

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: unlimited

While not the most powerful of weapons, the Baragwin have modified a normal
Stun Ray to run at such efficiency that it can tap into the power supply of the
droid mounting it, giving it unlimited charges.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Basic Targeting Computer

Requires: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (Blaster Pistol)

Battle droids come factory ready for combat, but it is still wise to invest in
targeting computer upgrades to optimize performance at range. Cost rises with
quality, as always.

The first time you find this item will be at Janice Nall's Droid Shop in Upper


Battle Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy
Defense Bonus: 8
Max Dexterity Bonus: +1

This isn't the heaviest of armor, but it comes close. Designed for heavy
militias, it has the protection needed to keep a soldier alive during ranged
combat with massive weapons .

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Beemon Package

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Constitution: +3

Beemon's top of the line package usurps the body's natural reactions to stress
and damage, allowing the user to withstand greater amounts of punishment and
exertion than normally possible.


Bendak's Blaster

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 2-7
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +1
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

This blaster belonged to Bendak Starkiller, a duelist legendary on Taris. It
is a highly adaptable weapon, and is definitely of better quality than any
standard issue pistol.

Awarded to you after you defeat Bendak Starkiller in the death match on Taris.


Bio-Antidote Package

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Immunity: Poison

This implant maintains an ever-circulating stream of antitoxins in the user,
increasing relevant antidotes for specific poisons introduced. Side effects
include dry mouth.

The first time you find this item will be at Zelka Forn's medical facility in
Upper Taris.


Blaster Cannon

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Heavy Weapons
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-10
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2

The blaster cannon is a favorite among captains wealthy enough to hire
experienced, dangerous crews and who might need a way to take them out quick if
things go bad.


Blaster Carbine

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-8
Range: 25m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2

Created initially by Gungis X Weapons, blaster carbine rifles have become very
popular in recent years, helped by falling prices due to competition from other


Blaster Pistol

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-6
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

The most common ranged weapon in the galaxy is the basic blaster pistol, firing
a bolt of intense coherent light powered by a replacable power pack.

Many locations throughout the world, it's one of the most common weapons in the
game. The first area you'll come upon it is in the Endar Spire, just as the
game begins, in the footlocker next to where you're sleeping.


Blaster Rifle

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-8
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2

More powerful than the commonly available pistol, the blaster rifle is favored
by soldiers throughout the galaxy. Civilian ownership of these weapons is not
generally encouraged.

First found in Taris, in the backpack of a Sith Trooper immediately after
leaving the apartment. Can also be found and bought at many places.


Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 6
Max Dexterity Bonus: +4

Bonadan is an emerging industrial society financing their exploration of the
galaxy through production of small arms and armor. They favor heavy materials
offering solid defense.

The first time you find this item will be at Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium in
Upper Taris.


Bothan Chuka

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 3-3
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
On Hit: Stun 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
Attack Modifier: +2

A very effective device used by Bothan elite. Some systems consider simple
possession of one as grounds for execution as a spy. High-density discharge
cells make this item unwieldly and unusable in the off-hand.


Bothan Discord Gun

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Sonic
Damage Points: 2-7
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14
Attack Modifier: +1

This was conceived as a "last resort" weapon should espionage fail and a quick
retreat be called for. It is effective, but the Bothans would prefer that it
not be needed.


Bothan Droid Disruptor

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Ion
Damage Points: 2-7
Ion: +2-12 vs. Droid
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +1

Droids can be difficult obstacles for a spy, but these weapons take all the
guesswork out of dealing with them.


Bothan Needler

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-6
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
On Hit: Stun 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
Balanced: +2/+o vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +2

For serious espionage, this is the weapon of choice. Simple ownership can get
you arrested in some systems, or invited to dine with royalty, depending on
what it helped you learn.


Bothan Perception Visor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Skills: Awareness +3, Demolitions +2, Security +2
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

Bothans treat information like any other resource, and invest a great deal in
devices that help collect it. These Bothan visors are considered to be among
the best in the galaxy.


Bothan Quick Draw

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 2-5
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 19-20, x2
On Hit: Stun 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
Balanced: +2/+o vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +1

An unconscious opponent is a quiet opponent. THis weapon is a Bothan favorite,
designed to "create opportunities."


Bothan Sensory Visor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Immunity: Critical Hits
Skills: Awareness +4, Demolitions +4, Security +4
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

Bothans place great important on the tools of the information trade. They
would consider these items to be average quality, though their standards are
exceptionally high.


Bothan Shrieker

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Sonic
Damage Points: 2-5
Range: 17m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
On Hit: Attribute Damage Dexterity DC 14
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +1

This is an imporvement over the standard sonic pistol design that must seem
doubly shrill to the large ears of the Bothans.


Bothan Stun Stick

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 2-2
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
On Hit: Stun 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
Attack Modifier: +1

A useful tool for espionage, this weapon is more effective than the standard
stun baton, but is still available on most worlds. High-density discharge
cells make this item unwieldly and unusable in the off-hand.



Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-10
Damage Bonus: +2 Physical
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2

The bowcaster is an invention of the Wookiies of Kashyyyk. Also called a laser
crossbow, it actually uses a magnetic accelerator to hurl an explosive energy
quarrel at its target.


Breath Mask

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Immunity: Poison
Restricted: not useable Wookiees

This is standard issue gear for Republic forces and most professional soldiers,
protecting against a variety of gas-based attacks.

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Brejik's Arm Band

Dexterity: +1

Description: Brejik's gloves are designed to enhance the hand/eye coordination
of the wearer.

Found on Brejik's corpse after killing him after the swoop race on Taris. If
you want it, keep it, because it can't be bought or found anywhere else.


Brejik's Belt

Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Slashing

Brejik's arm band, when used in conjunction with his belt, generates an
effective barrier against melee attacks.

Found on Brejik's corpse after killing him after the swoop race on Taris. If
you want it, keep it, because it can't be bought or found anywhere else.


Brejik's Glove

Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Bludgenoning

Brejik's belt, when used in conjunction with his arm band, produces an
effective barrier against melee attacks.

Found on Brejik's corpse after killing him after the swoop race on Taris. If
you want it, keep it, because it can't be bought or found anywhere else.


Bronzium Light Battle Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: 8
Max Dexterity Bonus: +2

This molded armor is made of better materials than standard military issue, but
is still relatively cheap and easy to mass-produce, making it ideal for light
militias and the like.

First bought from Adum Larp on Dantooine.


Calo Nord's Battle Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy
Defense Bonus: 9
Max Dexterity Bonus: +1
Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold
Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Fire
Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Sonic
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

Commissioned by Calo Nord, this armor was based on heavily modified Mandalorian
designs. The maker was killed to appease Nord's ego, ensuring his suit would
forever be unique.


Carbonite Projector

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: 10/10
Damage: Cold, 20pts
On Hit: Paralyze, 100% for 9sec
Save: DC15 for half damage, paralyze reduced to 3sec
Range: Medium

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

The inverse of a flamethrower, this weapon uses a carbonite freezing technique
to super-cool synthetic compounds hurled at a target. This unconventional
weapon has not yet seen widespread use.


Carbonite Projector Mark II

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Uses: #/10
Damage: Cold, 40pts
On Hit: Paralyze, 100% for 15sec
Save: DC20 for half damage , paralyze reduced to 9sec
Range: Medium

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

Like the basic model, this weapon uses a carbonite freezing technique to
super-cool synthetic compounds hurled at a target, though more efficent
projectors make it far more effective.


Cardio Package

Feats Required: Implant Level 1
What it does: Constitution +1

This implant micromanages the cardiovascular system, effectively increasing the
user's constitution faster and further than hard work and exercise might.

It can be found throughout the world at many locations, or bought from stores.


Cardio Power System

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Constitution: +4

This implant increases the cadio-vascular recovery rate and pain tolerance of
the wearer, giving them almost supernatural stamina.



Saves: Fortitude +2

This belt monitors heartbeat and breathing and releases chemicals into the body
should either of these become irregular. This gives the wearer a higher
fortitude than most.

Found in many places. Can be bought as well.


Carth's Blaster

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 2-7
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

Carth's personal blaster is based on an old Arkanian design, but he has adapted
it to incorporate all of the latest modular technology available to the

It's on Carth at the beginning of the game. It can't be found or bought
anywhere, so if you want it, keep it; don't sell it.


Cassus Fett's Battle Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy
Defense Bonus: 10
Max Dexterity Bonus: +0
Damage Resistance: 10/- vs. Cold
Damage Resistance: 10/- vs. Fire
Damage Resistance: 10/- vs. Sonic
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

The armor of Cassus Fett, the most wanted man in known space. Famous for
killing the captain of a flagship Republic frigate at the Battle of Jaga's
Cluster, he is presumed dead.

First bought from Adum Larp on Dantooine.


Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 4-11
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
On Hit: Stun 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC 10
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +3
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

Cassus Fett was rarely seen without this adaptable blaster. Famous for killing
the captain of a flagship Republic frigate at the Battle of Jaga's Cluster, he
is presumed dead.


Chuundar's Bowcaster

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-12
Damage Bonus: +4 Physical
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2

Chuundar's personal weapon is a bowcaster with some unusual Czerka
modifications. Most Wookiees would likely not appreciate such outside


Cinnagaran Carbine

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-10
Damage Bonus: +1 Physical
Range: 25m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2

This blaster rifle variant is one of many fine weapons produced by the
factories of Cinnagar in their continued militarizing after the Great
Hyperspace War a thousand years ago.


Cinnagar War Suit

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Heavy
Defense Bonus: +7
Max Dexterity Bonus: +3
Damage Resistance: 15/- vs. Sonic

After the Great Hyperspace War a thousand years ago, the heirs of Empress Teta
militarized their world and industry, a legacy that produced battle armor still
sought after today.

First bought from Adum Larp on Dantooine.



These are simple garments that protect little more than the modesty of the

Many locations contain this item, and you'll first find it in the footlocker of
the Endar Spire as soon as you wake up, after the opening cinematic.


CNS Strength Enhancer

Saves: All +2
Strength: +2

An expirmental system that amplifies power signals along the length of the
central nervous system, this generator, attached to a belt, provides greater
impulses to all muscles, as well as a resistance to all sorts of perturbations
of the user's system.

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Combat Sensor

Dexterity: +2
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Blaster Pistol
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Blaster Pistol
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

The targeting software inherent in this visor uses predictive algorithms to
direct the wearer's gaze, allowing them to function more efficiently in combat.


Combat Suit

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 4
Max Dexterity Bonus: +5

Even the most frugal of mercenaries know they need at least some form of
protection from the rigors of combat, although suits of this type are
recommended for light skirmishes only.

First found onboard the Endar Spire, as well as several places throughout the
world. Can also be bought.


Composite Heavy Plating

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Defense Bonus: 13

This palting forgoes mobility in favor of sheer mass. The hugh composite
plates covering the droid do not allow the range of motion that other armor
systems may grant their user, but in terms of physical protection, this plating
is the best in the galaxy.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Computer Probe

Requires: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Skills: Computer Use +2

This retractable probe allows droid access to the higher programming functions
of any computer terminal. Better quality probes provide cleaner access,
increasing functionality.

The first time you find this item will be at Janice Nall's Droid Shop in Upper


Cyber Reaction System

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Dexterity: +3

This system supplants the user's normal nervous system, enhancing it
artificially. It allows the impulses to travel faster and farther along the
sysem, improving reaction time, while also cimproving fine motor control,
increasing accuracy.


Dark Jedi Knight Robe

Feats Required: Jedi Defense
Defense: 2
Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

Designed for those who relish personal combat, and know that power comes to
those who take it, these robes offer good protection with no hindrance to


Dark Jedi Master Robe

Feats Required: Jedi Defense
Defense Bonus: 3
Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

These robes offer superior protectionw hile still allowing full freedom of
movement. They are the robes of the true masters, those whose will and
authority go unopposed.


Davik's Visor

Bonus Feat: Improved Power Blast

Davik's visor is designed to enhance the user's ability to target and deal
damage when using blaster.

Found on Davik's corpse after you kill him, as Taris is being bombed.


Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 5
Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
Damage Resistance: Resist 25/- vs. Fire
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

Despite the unfortunate fate of Darth Bandon, this light armor remains a
desirable asset for any warrior. The silvery polish reflects a pride in
craftsmanship rarely seen today.


Davik's War Suit

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: 8
Max Dexterity Bonus: +3
Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold
Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Fire

Davik spent lavishly on his safety, and many a bounty hunter ended up dead in
the streets for underestimating both his will to live and the protective
qualities of his armor.

Found on Davik's corpse after you kill him, as Taris is being bombed.


Demolitions Sensor

Skills: Awareness +8, Demolitions +4
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

This item uses advanced processors to assist the wearer in the visual analysis
of microelectronics commonly used in demolitions. The acuity granted also
serves to improve general awareness.


Disruptor Pistol

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 1-4
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

These pistols are illegal in many planetary systems, being regarded as too
pwerful a weapon to be owned by civilians. Disruptors reduce solid matter to
its constituent molecules. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore most
types of personal energy shields.

Black Vulkar base.


Disruptor Rifle

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 1-6
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

This disruptor is even more destructive than its pistol counterpart, and is
outlawed on just as many worlds. Disruptors reduce solid matter to its
constituent molecules. Painfully. Unlike typical blasters, disruptors ignore
most types of personal energy shields.

First found in the Black Vulkar base on Taris. Can be bought and found in many
other places.


Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Lightsaber
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 2-20
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

These exotic weapons are rare, and most often associated with Jedi attracted to
the dark side of the Force, for whom reckless aggression is sometimes
considered an asset. The double-bladed lightsaber is capable of inflicting
much more damage - but is also less precise - than the single-bladed variant.

Found on Brejik's corpse after killing him after the swoop race on Taris.
Afterwards, once off Taris, they can be found all over.


Double-Bladed Sword

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 2-12
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

A difficult weapon to master, the double bladed sword has a grip in the center
with two long blades emerging from either end. The double-bladed sword is
capable of inflicting more damage - but is also less precise - than the single-
bladed variant.

The first time you find this item will be at Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium in
Upper Taris.


Dominator Gauntlets

Strength: +5

A working proto-type of huge technological advancement in power gauntlets, the
Dominators give the user unparalleled strength and power.


Droid Heavy Plating Type 1

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Defense Bonus: 9

Originally used on starship hulls, durasteel is the best protection available
for droids. This particular variant of the alloy is the standard for
mass-production heavy combat droids.

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Droid Heavy Plating Type 2

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Defense Bonus: 10

A specialized variant of heavy plating, this type of durasteel alloy is not
sold in mass quantities. More often, it is used to equip elite troops where
the initial cost of the battle droid warrants the investment.


Droid Heavy Plating Type 3
Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Defense Bonus: 11

The heaviest protection available, this type of plating is uncommon due to the
cost involved in production. It is best suited to specialized assassin or
assault droids, though such units are highly regulated.


Droid Light Plating Type 1

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Defense Bonus: 3

A thin sheet of alloy plating is a relatively inexpensive way to improve a
droid's chance of surviving combat. This model is an excellent option for
light-duty droids.

Found in the Sith Base on Taris.


Droid Light Plating Type 2

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Defense Bonus: +4

Tough more for the factory floor, plating of this type is seeing more general
use. Light but effective, this upgrade can mean the difference between repair
and replacement if a droid comes to harm.

The first time you find this item will be at Janice Nall's Droid Shop in Upper


Droid Light Plating Type 3

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Defense Bonus: 5

The strongest of the light-grade plating, this is the best protection most
individuals consider purchasing for droids not actively in a class intended for

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Droid Medium Plating Type 1

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Defense Bonus: 4

Developed by engineer Hoot Calin, this plating relies more on deflecting angles
than exotic alloys. Cost can be prohibitive, though this is the most
affordable model of the type.

The first time you find this item will be at Janice Nall's Droid Shop in Upper


Droid Medium Plating Type 2

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Defense Bonus: 5

This version of the Calin Industries plating system signlaed a company shift in
production from construction droids to military models. It now sees use on
many different worlds.


Droid Medium Plating Type 3

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Defense Bonus: 6

To solidify its place in the market, Calin industries introduced this specialty
variant of their medium plating system. Only heavy plating protects better,
though the cost is prohibitive for some.


Droid Motion Sensors Type 1
Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Skills: Awareness +2

These devices allow a droid to better detect creatures hidden by stealth
fields. This basic model is the most inexpensive of the type, and is commonly
available on many worlds.

First found in the Strange Ruins Dantooine.


Droid Motion Sensors Type 2
Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Skills: Awareness +4

This sensor package greatly enhances droid vision, increasing the likelihood of
detecting creatures hidden by stealth fields. This model is marketed mainly to
manufacturers of sentry and combat droids.


Droid Motion Sensors Type 3
Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Skills: Awareness +6

Incorporating the most sophisticated sensors available, this model of upgrade
is usually purchased for special-duty droids guarding sensitive materials or
galactic heads of state.


This sensor package greatly enhances droid vision, increasing the likelihood of
detecting creatures hidden by stealth fields. This model is marketed mainly to
manufacturers of sentry and combat droids.

Durasteel Heavy Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy Armor
Defense Bonus: 10
Max Dexterity Bonus: +0

Battle armor production is thriving on Bonadan as the Republic recovers from
war. This model's thinner skin of durasteel reduces weight, but still
restricts movement somewhat.


Echani Battle Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: +7
Max Dexterity Bonus: +3

This armor provides solid defense at the cost of some flexibility, although it
is still an Echani product and is therefore well suited to quick-moving combat.

Buy it from Igear in the Undercity of Taris.


Echani Dueling Shield

Uses: #/5
Deflection: Energy, Electrical 60pts
Duration: 200 seconds or max damage taken

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

Far more powerful than most forearm shields, when activated this unit absorbs
some of the incoming energy to provide good protection without the need for
bulky generators. The unit must still be replaced after repeated use, however.


Echani Fiber Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 5
Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

Many elite Echani duelists use armor of this type, though its adaptability has
made it popular with professional soldiers and bounty hunters alike.

Found in an apartment in Lower Taris, after solving the "Twisted Rancor Trio"


Echani Foil

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 5-15
Critical Threat: 17-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +3

These swords were crafted to honor Raskta Fenni, the best Echani duelist of her
time. Many were sold, but imperfections in the difficult lightsaber-deflecting
cortosis weaved caused few to survive.


Echani Light Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 5
Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
Damage Resistance: Resist 15/- vs. Fire

Echani prefer elegant design to brute force. The Maktites learned this when
their stores of thermal weapons were rendered ineffective by simple changes in
the Echani light armor.

Found on a dead settler just beyond the Matale Estate on Dantooine after you
become a Padawan.


Echani Ritual Brand

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 3-13
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +1

Echani Firedancers use the double bladed Ritual Brand in a dodging and slicing
pattern so graceful it looks more like a dance than combat.

The first time you find this item will be at Kebla Yurt's Equipment Emporium in
Upper Taris.


Echani Shield

Uses: #/5
Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Electrical 50pts total
Duration: 200 seconds or max damage taken

The Echani put much effort into developing a forearm shield that, once
activated, would allow a mercenary to close on a blaster-weilding enemy
relatively unscathed. This unit is discarded once its energy cells are

Found on a dead settler just beyond the Matale Estate on Dantooine after you
become a Padawan.


Echani Vibroblade

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 3-12
Damage Bonus: +2 Cold
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +2

These blades are typically used in the off hand. In addition to a cortosis
weave that deflects lightsaber sparring damage, some Echani vibroblades are
supercooled to keep them in alignment, giving them an icy sting.


Electrical Capacitance Shield

Damage Immunity: 100% vs. Electrical

This shielding device, worn around the waist, absorbs and stores electrical
energy directed at the user, which is then released slowly over a period of
time, dissipating harmlessly. The manner of release generates vibrations along
the inside edge of the shield, giving it the less than complimentary nickname,
'The Tingler'.


Energy Shield

Uses: #/5
Deflection: Energy, Electrical, 20pts
Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

When equipped and activated, these items project an energy shield around the
wearer. The small power source can burn out when repeatedly stressed,
requiring replacement of the entire unit.

The first time you find this item will be at Larrim's kiosk in Taris.

Don't bother buying this when you first come across it. You will find it, for
free, in about twenty minutes, and until then, your battles will be easy.


Energy Shield Level 1

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Uses: #/10
Deflection: Energy, 20pts
Duration: 200 seconds or max damage taken

This is a basic model energy shield universally applicable to most droids. The
power drain is significant, however, and units like this must be replaced

Found on a droid corpse in the Sandral Estate on Dantooine.


Energy Shield Level 2

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: #/10
Deflection: Energy, 30pts
Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken

Upgraded from the basic portable energy shield, these units are marketed to
companies and governments that keep large standing forces of combat droids.
The power drain is significant, however, and they must be replaced regularly.

Found in the Sith Base on Taris.


Energy Shield Level 3

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Uses: #/10
Deflection: Energy, 50pts
Duration: 200 seconds, or max damage taken

This sophisticated item is designed for top quality combat droids, and produces
superior protection for any droid with the necessary software to install it.
The power drain is significant, however, and it must be replaced regularly.


Environment Shield Level 1

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1
Uses: ##/10
Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, 20pts total
Duration: 200 seconds or max damage taken

Initially designed to resist the harsh conditions of factory floors, these
shields provide a droid with basic protection against a broad array of effects.
The power drain is significant, however, and they must be replaced regularly.

The first time you find this item will be at Janice Nall's Droid Shop in Upper


Environment Shield Level 2

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: ##/10
Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, 30pts total
Duration: 200 seconds or max damage taken

This unit is an aftermarket modification of the shielding typically found on
deep-core mining droids. It provides broad protection against many effects,
but the power drain is significant and it must be replaced regularly.


Environment Shield Level 3

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3
Uses: ##/10
Deflection: Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, 50pts total
Duration: 200 seconds or max damage taken

This variant of environmental shielding is designed for frontline combat
droids. It provides broad protection against many effects, but the power drain
is significant and it must be replaced regularly.


Environmental Bastion Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: 7
Max Dexterity Bonus: +3
Damage Immunity: 100% vs. Cold
Damage Immunity: 100% vs. Fire
Damage Immunity: 100% vs. Sonic
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

A modified environmental suit, this armor gives the wearer complete protection
from the elements as well as superior combat protection. With additional
enhancements, it can be converted into a completely contained environmental
system and shield the wearer from outside radiation as well.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Eriadu Stealth Unit

Skills: Stealth +6

This sophisticated Eriadu Stealth Mode unit expertly camouflages the user.
Opponents must make an Awareness check versus the user Stealth skill +6 or
remain unaware of them. The user must have paid points into the Stealth skill
to gain the use of Stealth Mode. Combat disrupts the field, but mundane tasks
do not.


Eriadu Strength Amplifier

Strength: +2

This device uses microbursts of repulsorlift energy to assist actions in
combat, giving the appearance that the user is stronger than normal.

Found on the corpse of a Mandalorian in Dantooine.


Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: 9
Max Dexterity Bonus: +3

Attributed to Exar Kun, this armor may well have been worn by the Dark Lord
prior to his defeat forty years ago. He was rarely without considerable, yet
flexible, poersonal armor.


Flame Thrower

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: #/10
Damage Type: Heat
Damage Points: 30
On Hit: Horror, 100% for 3sec
Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect
Save: DC15 for half damage
Range: Short

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

This droid-mounted weapon can inflict damage over a broad area. The incendiary
compounds within border on military quality, though the unit was intially
designed for industrial purposs.

Found in the Sith Military Base on Taris.


Gaffi Stick

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 1-8
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

The gaffi stick, or gaderffii, is the traditional melee weapon of the Sand
People. Crafted out of whatever salvage is at hand, they can be very effective
in close combat.


Gordulan Reaction System

Feats Required: Implant Level 3
Dexterity: +4

This implant hyper-stimulates the nervous system of the wearer, significantly
improving both reaction time and hand-eye coordination.


Gravity Generator

Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2
Uses: 10/10
Damage: None
On Hit: Slowed, 75% for 9sec
Save: DC15 to negate slow

Charges: Using this item consumes one charge. This item is automatically
discarded after all available charges are consumed. Items that have charges do
not stack in inventory.

These devices allow a droid to create localized gravity swells, the reverse
effect of a repulsorlift engine. This can seemingly increase the weight of an
enemy, slowing their movement.


Heavy Blaster

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-8
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

These resemble regular blasters in the same way Quoorian marshsuckers resemble
mosquitoes. Sure, they both do damage, but the former definitely has the edge
in kill-potential.

First found on the corpse of a Black Vulkar guard in the Lower City apartments
of Taris.


Heavy Combat Suit

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Defense Bonus: 5
Max Dexterity Bonus: +4

This version of the combat suit offers more protection than the basic model.
It is heavier overall and not quite as flexible, but many consider the tradeoff

The first time you find this item will be at Larrim's kiosk in Taris.


Heavy Exoskeleton

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: 9
Max Dexterity Bonus: +2
Constitution: +1
Strength: +2
Special: Upgradeable, Armor

A heavy and durable suit, this mechanical exoskeleton provides much greater
strength and endurance, and vastly improved armor protection to the wearer than
lighter models. With additional enhancements, this capability can be expanded
even further, rivaling some light armored vehicles for protection.
(only available as part of the Yavin Space Station download from Xbox Live)


Heavy Targetting Optics

Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Blaster Rifle
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus - Heavy Weapons
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Blaster Rifle
Bonus Feat: Weapon Specialization - Heavy Weapons

This advanced optics and targetting system, worn as a mask, attaches to a held
weapon, in this case rifles and heavy weapons, and provides targetting
information, distances, and tracking of potential targets within line of sight.


Hold Out Blaster

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-4
Range: 23m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
On Hit: Stun 25% chance, 6 seconds, DC10
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

Sometimes called a "sleeper," the hold out blaster is the preferred method of
temporarily incapacitating an enemy.


Infiltrator Gloves

Skills: Computer Use +4, Security +4
Dexterity: +1

These gloves are equipped with an advanced artificial intelligence unit that
the wearer can use to tap into nearby computer systems cables or wireless
transmission. The system also stabilizes the wearer's hands for fine detail

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Interface Band

Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Sonic
Skills: Computer Use +2, Demolitions +2, Security +2
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

This item provides a mental interface to a store of information on electronic
systems common to security, demolitions, and general computing functions.

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Interface Visor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light
Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Sonic
Skills: Computer Use +4, Demolitions +4, Security +4
Restricted: not useable by Wookiees

This visor combines mental and visual interfaces to aid in the analysys of
electronic systems common to security, demolitions, and general computing


Ion Blaster

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol
Damage Type: Ion
Damage Points: 1-4
Ion: +1-10 vs. Droid
Range: 17m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand

Unlike a typical blaster, this weapon fires a stream of energy very damaging to
electrical systems, causing havoc on the internal components of droids.

First found onboard the Endar Spire, as well as several places throughout the
world. Can also be bought.


Ion Rifle

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Ion
Damage Points: 1-6
Ion: +2-12 vs. Droid
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

Any well-stocked militia usually has stores of ion rifles in reserve. They
aren't much use against the living, but if the enemy has battle droids these
weapons become essential.

First found in the Black Vulkar base on Taris. Can be bought and found at many
other places.


Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor

Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Medium
Defense Bonus: 11
Max Dexterity Bonus: +2
Immunity: Critical Hits
Strength: +1

Jamoh Hogra was a Zabrak mercenary who feared for his life after a raid on a
Sith dreadnaught. He spent a fortune on his personal armor, only to be killed
while in the bath.


Jamoh Hogra's Carbine

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 3-10
Damage Bonus: +1-4 Physical
Range: 25m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

This was the weapon of mercenary Jamoh Hogra, and was supposed to protect him
against the many enemies he earned in his lifetime. Hogra's skill didn't match
his potential, however.


Jedi Knight Robe

Feats Required: Jedi Defense
Defense Bonus: 2
Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

Members of the Order typically wear plain or unassuming garments, but this
variant offers the additional protection needed by Jedi influencing important

Found on Nemo's corpse in the Strange Ruins on Dantooine.


Jedi Master Robe

Feats Required: Jedi Defense
Defense Bonus: 3
Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

Members of the Order typically wear plain or unassuming garments, but Jedi
Masters also know the importance of adequate protection when great challenges
must be surmounted.


Jedi Robe

Feats Required: Jedi Defense
Defense Bonus: +1
Max Dexterity Bonus: +8

Members of the Jedi Order typically wear plain or unassuming garments.

First given to you after clensing the Grove on Dantooine.


Jurgan Kalta's Assault Rifle

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 1-8
Ion: +1-6 vs. Droid
Range: 28m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +3
Special: Upgradeable, Ranged

Jurgan Kalta wanted to make a big noise in the galaxy. If it was the screams
of his enemies, all the better. This weapon was his favorite because it
shared his adapatability

Bought from Karl Karr/Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine.


Jurgan Kalta's Carbine

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Rifle
Damage Type: Energy
Damage Points: 4-11
Damage Bonus: +2 Physical
Range: 25m
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +3

The Zabrak mercenary Jurgan Kalta commissioned this rifle, a weapon he liked to
think of as "amusingly destructive".


Karakan Gauntlets

Saves: All +3
Dexterity: +1

These heavy gauntlets, created by the isolationist Karakan, are almost a
complete medical computer in themselves. They constantly monitor and adjust
the nervous impulses, blood pressure, and tension through the wearers hands.
The resulting increase in stability and overall system integrity have many


Krath Blood Blade

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 2-11
Critical Threat: 19-20,x2
Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
Attack Modifier: +1

Twisted by the dark side, this Krath weapon is as deadly as a modern
vibroblade. It was meant for assassination, and a cortosis weave that prevents
lightsaber sparring damage ensured that even Jedi must respect it.


Krath Double Sword

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Melee Weapons
Damage Type: Physical
Damage Points: 4-14
Damage Bonus: +1 Cold
Critical Threat: 20-20,x2
Attack Modifier: +2
Twisted by the dark side, the Krath favo

================================the end===========================